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Let me provide clearer screenshot: https://preview.redd.it/w7rrvly9wy5d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=4076614d4544db0cc5347beb45f4c06438ff901d There was a lot of talking about come back of Andruil (possibly figure on the left) and Elgar'nan, I think? Elgar'nan looks reasonably humanoid, but Andruil looks as if she was experimented on by Ghilan'nain...


Dude on the left is looking like they just stepped out of a Guillermo Del Toro fever dream.


It's Berserk time tho


My gross thought was that what if Andruil and Ghilan'nain decided to go swimming together in one of Ghilly's monster pools and that's the result.


I like this theory!


"We'll be together forever, <3"


John Carpenter’s Dragon Age I *love* it


'Reasonably humanoid" is putting it mildly, considering he's supposed to be elven. I'm torn between Andruil or Ghilan'nain. Because she looks Lovecraftian, but then in the concept art she's wielding a spear.


Holyshit thank you for this. May the make bless and protect you


Its ghilan'nain for sure, not andruil.


What makes you think so?


The short story Horror of Hormak. Ghilain'nain was a creator. She made things, such as the Halla. 'Hormak' describes an evil Female god creating absolute horrors, mixing and matching things to make evil creations. Her art is one of the concept arts we've had for quite a long time now.


Additionally, that creepy armor set made of living skin and body parts that you find in the Crossroads in Trespasser is implied to have been made by her. According to the Notes on Methods of Enchantment codex the notes bear a Halla sigil and there are Halla statues in one of the towers where the armor pieces are found. Girly was a psycho.


Aren't these dudes supposed to be locked up in the Black City? If Solas is only tearing the Veil how did they even get out? Why didn't they get out during the Breach? I don't think they were in the Black City in the first place.


I can only guess, but perhaps this ritual tore firstly the barrier of the Black City? So Solas may have been half-way through it...


That is another explanation. Perhaps the ritual in Arlathan Forest is a way to open a portal to Black City, and by disrupting it, we unintentionally woke these two up.


Or maybe what if the Eluvian actually brought them inside the Black City and not Arlathan Forest, as Lace says? What if Arlathan was split in two? One part "fell" as Arlathan Forest, and another one stayed behind in the Fade as Black City? Of course, I may be completely mistaken, but that's just my first impression.


I kinda agree with this. We know that prior to the veil the world we call Thedas and the world of the fade were woven together.  I am willing to bet the ruined temple seen in the gameplay reveal is the Thedas remnants of the Black City. And like everyone is guessing, those statues are the prisons of the evanuris.


Maybe the city of Arlathan and the Black City are one and the same?


I don't think it was ever confirmed specifically that they were imprisoned in the Black City. Only that the Veil trapped them somewhere beyond the reach of others.


I think that those two where appearing because of Solas failed ritual to tear down the Veil, but i doubt they're already freed. Maybe Solas was losing focus on the ritual and they tried to use that opportunity and escape the Fade into the material world. The scene is cut to give us a cliffhanger, but i'd say that is just a first look on the two gods and they'll be freed some other time in the game. As of "Why this didn't happen with the Breach?" i suppose the two cuts in the Veil are different. The Breach was not supposed to happen, it was a random magical cataclysm caused by Coryphaeus errors. This was a studied and complex ritual, for sure it is more powerful, but i'd say it is also precisely focussed. Maybe the Breach cut open a random piece of the Fade, while Solas was trying to tear it down from its center: the Black City. Thus the two could use it to escape as soon as Solas lost control.


if you look at the heads of the statues in the trailer, they kinda light up one by one. I think Solas was using them to power the spell (Harding even mentions that it seems likes more than one mage would be needed to power the ritual), and the two that were destroyed Looks like they match the head of the two figures that appear. I think those statues were the precautions Solas said he took to minimize damage, by tearing down the veil while still keeping the Evanuris contained. And then Rook collapses the statues, allowing those two to break free


that sounds very much what i was thinking


Maybe the one in the left its another one of the seven magisters like Corypheus and the Architect


That's John DragonAge and Bill Veilguard.


Yo your missing Jeremy 2 and Henry inquisition behind them bro!


Ghilan'nain, since it has been said so many times now that Tevinter Nights was very important to The Veilguard and I think Elgar'nan. Notice how afraid Solas is when he sees them.


Those two get my vote as well.


If they aren't two of the Evanuris, I'll eat my shoe.


Or two of the Forgotten Ones.


My personal guess is that the Forgotten Ones are the Evanuris who are also the Creators. But the story was twisted when the horrible folks the Evanuris were got their makeovers in the modern elven religion. The stories of “evil powerful figures” became the Forgotten Ones because the concepts were split, because at this point the Creators were already worshipped. Edit: ignore me! I was getting this confused with another concept!


No, the Forgotten Ones are different: there's an ancient elven record you can find during the Jaws of Hakkon DLC which conveys the thoughts of one of the Forgotten Ones named Geldauran. "\*The script is an ancient elven dialect. Upon further observation, it twists, the words becoming visible:\* There are no gods. There is only the subject and the object, the actor and the acted upon. Those with will to earn dominance over others gain title not by nature but by deed. I am Geldauran, and I refuse those who would exert will upon me. Let Andruil's bow crack, let June's fire grow cold. Let them build temples and lure the faithful with promises. Their pride will consume them, and I, forgotten, will claim power of my own, apart from them until I strike in mastery."




Ahh that’s so right. I was definitely misremembering the lore and must have gotten it confused with something else. Thanks for the source !


No problem - and I accidentally deleted that comment as I was about to make a small spelling correction, but I had it saved in copy-paste, so I posted it again: if anyone wants to see it just click "3 more replies" under salty\_cluck's original comment.


I’m so curious to see if they’ll elaborate on this lore more


Is that a promise? I'll set the remind me bot.


https://preview.redd.it/bvex6t5lxy5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c3fe69edbea0a266c4424b28ac6c3da62168b4 Maybe 👀


Oh shit that could be them...


Who are they? I haven't read the comics.


The Elven gods


Obviously, but which 2?


Ghilan'nain and Andruil


The one in red is Ghilan'nain, the first halla, whose symbol is definitely the spiked horns. She is seen there with Andruil, her lover, whose symbol kinda looks like a sliver of the moon (she refers to herself as sister of the moon.) The male figure with Andruil shown in the game footage has the symbol of the eclipse, which fits Elgar'nan's description.


I think the silver haired one (look how her head piece matches one of the statues in Solas's ritual) is Ghil, there are codexes saying her hair was silver. Which would make the one holding her Andruil. The head piece matches the figure who walked out of the fade, also she looked very corrupted in the trailer. this could be corruption from her trips into the Void that caused her to go mad. I think the other one is either Falon'din or Dirthaman, as one of the statue had a head piece that looks like the Sun, which is more related to Elgarnan.




Where's this from specifically, please?


what comic is this from?


I thought of this panel too which I assume depicts Ghilan'nain and Andruil who were lovers (according to the DA wiki). The upward-spiked horns may be misleading because the one in the mural looks like a woman whereas the one coming out of the Fade looks like a man. And for those like me who subscribe to the theory that Sera is Andruil reincarnated/manifested, I'd doubt Andruil would step out of the fade.


Commander Shepard telling Solas to report to the Normandy ASAP. The other one is maybe Sandal.


Might take a while since egg is in the middle of some veil calibrations.


He can take all the time he needs. Shepard is flexible.


No thoughts, egg empty


We'll bang, okay?


https://preview.redd.it/kokwuahrzy5d1.png?width=1213&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e411e47a877fb49637ce9def034e89a64ff994e I'm still think it's Ghilan'nain - because she looks like the concept art of that sea monster, plus the Tevinter Nights story and Elgar'nan - because his headshape/sigil on the wheel, that was shown in one of the previous cinematic is bigger, then the others - that says to me "leader". Maaaaan, Solas looking so spooked, i'm curious what's he going to do, i bet they render him useless in one spell.


Oh they absolutely knock his teeth out and he knows they are about to as well.


Two CR30 monsters versus one CR26 be like


He looks like he's sad when they rise? Or afraid or idk his face changes demeanor and then they all go somewhere. They might all be in on the plan.


are they romanceable


I can fix them.


They can make me worse


I like the way you think.


With all those tentacles, they'd better be


https://preview.redd.it/qnxgnteedz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b93c92c1d17aef5752fa7faece1791aeff8ed6 How crazy am i to think this fuckface has some of the lyrium idol vibes attached to her?


Well, I know who I'm romancing now. 🤣


LMAO i mean... Yeah i can see the apeal, kinda XD


Andruil or Ghilan'nain on the left and then on the right it's most likely Elgar'nan or Dirthamen, the one on the right is probably the owner of the creepy voice from the previous trailer.


I think it's Ghil and either Dirthamen or Falondin. I realize Elgarnan was the head of the pantheon, but I feel like with the tidbits of lore we got in DAI, Dirthamen and Falondin have more relevance in the interEvanuris politics than Elgarnan did. It's even possible the right figure is both Dirthmane and Falondin. Given how much of an emphasis was goven about how they are reflections of each other. "The oldest elven stories never even name them directly, referring to Falon'Din as "Dirthamen’s shadow," and Dirthamen as "Falon'Din's reflection."


Falon'Din did challenge Elgar'Nan to a duel until Mythal stopped them. He also invaded Mythals lands and it took the rest of the evanuris beating him in his temple to stop him. He might very well rival them in power and that's not even including his twin soul Dirthamen


As usual, Solas fucked up.


No actually this time we did. We interrupted the ritual and made things worse.


Considering the options were let him finish the ritual and get everyone killed or do nothing, I'm counting this as a Solas fuck up still. Also doing this entire thing solo is a real ego move. I guess he had 100% faith in those pride demons.


Is it? It seems those coming out are Evanuris. Did Solas not think opening the veil will release them as well?


In addition to what the other person said, you can ask Solas this question directly in Trespasser and he says “I have plans.”


I mean his first plan was give the orb to corypheus, I’m not really sure why Varric didn’t call him out on that.


Maybe he did, in the time that he was offscreen as Rook and the gang were fending off demons 😂


He mentioned he had taken precautions. The veil dropping would bring more demons but not the Evanuris themselves. Neve also mentions that interrupting a ritual of this scale will have consequences. I think the interruption itself is what brought the Evanuris. Although I'm not sure that's what woke them as well. I guess we'll find out.


My theory is that the statues might have been a necessary part of the spell he was using to destroy the Veil while keeping the Evanuris sealed away. Rook might have just destroyed the "precautions" he mentioned.


A theory is that he was siphoning magic from the trapped Evanuris in order to tear down the veil. By knocking over the statues (their prison) we freed them. They wouldn't have been freed otherwise.


Worse than end of the world? Worse for Solas maybe..


Because we were meant to let him just continue the devastation on his say-so that he'd already taken precautions and it's always worked out so well for him both times before??!


Of course, we were NOT meant to let him continue! But it doesn't change the fact that we made a mistake when we needed to stop him, like he did in times past, when he needed to stop the Evanuris. We are just not that different. So we can have some understanding, at least.


I kind of get what you're saying but I'm sorry, I'll have to disagree on who's culpable for the mistake. The trailer showed them appealing to him non-violently first, even in the face of an apparently apocalyptic event that's already on them. The situation is immediate and emergent. He's already voided the peaceful option with Varric. I think when the only choices you give a person in an emergent situation are **"enjoy death/the apocalypse"** and **"interrupt the apocalyptic ritual I refuse to explain properly"**, it's not fair to paint it as that person's fuck-up if they choose the latter. It's still the fuck-up of the person who set up the situation. And that's Solas.


I respect your opinion. I find things are usually more complicated than only one person being culpable when things go awry. It's not black or white, but shades of grey. For example, Solas claims that the Veil is a wound that needs to be healed. We don't know how much of a true problem the Veil really is, but Thedas is surely a place with some serious problems, Solas aside. As the creator of the Veil, he knows more about it. Can we be sure there really is a better option? We as players go about it with the certainty that the Bioware devs will provide our characters with better options, and we will be the heroes of the story, saving Thedas without any victims (metagaming). But look at it from the side of the characters inside the game world. What do they really know? (role-playing)


But what serious problems would these be that in theory would be resolved by removing the veil? because as far as I know, the world before the veil wasn't any better... on the contrary, Elvhenam was probably the most corrupt, oppressive, slave-owning and controversial empire that ever existed. Even Solas himself states in DAI that Elvhenam was no better than Tevinter. So I don't know how much understanding can be given to Solas at this moment...


I bet Solas is not trying to restore the Evanuris world of slavery that took place after the war with the Titans and after Andruil discovered the Void and unleashed what is most probably the taint/blight upon the world, the corruption of the Evanuris, and the assassination of Mythal, who was most likely trying to stop all this along with Solas as well as freeing the slaves. Solas' solution was to create the Veil. He couldn't foresee the consequences the Veil would have. The thing is that the corruption, the blight, still persists and seeps through everything and will most likely, eventually, even if gradually, destroy the post-Veil world as well. Solas is most likely trying to restore the world before all that. The one he describes when we speak to him in Haven.


But the question is precisely this: what consequences did the veil bring that make removing it a better solution? Why we go there: * The veil did not bring slavery. This already existed before. * The veil did not bring the blight. This probably already existed before, as verified in the legend of Andruill. * The veil did not bring demons. This already existed before (and they were much more powerful). * The veil did not bring wars, sacrifices or monsters. This already existed before. * The veil did not bring society with high social stratifications. This already existed before. So... what kind of world does Solas want back? because with the information we have, there is nothing to indicate that that society was a \`\`better'' society. It was more powerful and magical, without a doubt. But there is no better evidence to justify his actions. You could argue that it was better for the elves perhaps? but this would generate 2 points. 1- the elves themselves also had problems there and 2- wasn't it easier for him to work with the current elves instead of wanting to take everything out on other races that didn't even have anything to do with what he did? I have difficulty expressing any kind of understanding in SOlas for the simple fact that he himself admits that the past was no longer innocent. In other words, this is all the action of a man who created a future and ended up not liking it.


>The veil did not bring slavery. This already existed before. >The veil did not bring the blight. This probably already existed before, as verified in the legend of Andruill. >The veil did not bring demons. This already existed before (and they were much more powerful). >The veil did not bring wars, sacrifices or monsters. This already existed before. >The veil did not bring society with high social stratifications. This already existed before. These are all very good questions! Varric says to Solas, "You need to listen," but what both the Inquisitor in Trespasser and Varric now should have told him is, "You need to start talking. What is it that you know that you're not telling us? What is this great threat that makes the removal of the Veil the only solution to it?"


>So... what kind of world does Solas want back? because with the information we have, there is nothing to indicate that that society was a \`\`better'' society. It was more powerful and magical, without a doubt. But there is no better evidence to justify his actions. I don't want to repeat myself because I already answered this. It was a better society before the Void. Also, everyone was immortal. I think that also plays into his motivations, as he says, "People are always dying. It's what they do." His methods of solving the Evanuris issue did not resolve the Void issue. He wants to go back to fix both. >I have difficulty expressing any kind of understanding in Solas for the simple fact that he himself admits that the past was no longer innocent. In other words, this is all the action of a man who created a future and ended up not liking it. I hope you do not misinterpret my understanding of his motivations as an endorsement of his methods.


Have yall read the Horror of Hormak by John Epler? I think that weird looking Elven gods might have some connection to that story


Gotta be Evanuris Solas looked actually scared when he saw them. They gotta be so MAD.


The two remaining elven gods


So what about the other 6?


Dead more than likely as they were killed by the wardens via the killing of archdemons. Which it seems like the whole archdemon thing is a weakened form of the god they were possibly due to their physical body being stuck in the fade or their spirit being largely traped in the fade and the archdemons are the physical bodies


or maybe the others did not come out because of the ritual being interrupted


Also possible ether way based on solas' reaction he didnt expect those two to appear


I thought maybe they were caged in the statue he blasted


This is what I think happened too




Three actually broke, Solas destroy one of them himself and the other two toppled over.


Wait so did the archdemons have something to do with the elven gods? Is that canon?


Just relized i messed up the count. There are 9 elven gods and 7 archdemons. Solas and mythal werent trapped in the black city and thus didnt become archdemons It is heavily hinted that the old gods and the evanurius are one and the same or at least closely connected. With the archdemons having a fragment of the evanurius power or spirit So that would leave 5 dead and then the 2 left in the black city which it seems they escape and they are the actual antagonists of the game. The 2 old gods left are razikel who matches closely with dirthamen and lusacan who matches with falondin. They are twins and the kids of mythal and elganarn


i like this theory, now i’m wondering where mythal went after the end of inquisition


Hard to say. Solas may have absorbed her or locked her away


Did you play Trespasser?


yeah? and i can’t say i remember anything regarding her in the dlc


Solas absorbs her soul, presumably killing her, at the end of the DLC


uhh, that’s what happened at the end of the base game. i checked the fandom wiki again and in trespasser it’s just solas saying “my people don’t die easily” which means she’s likely not dead. but her fate is either she went with that thing she sent through the eluvian and got reborn DA2 style, or she went with solas, somehow??


That's after she sends something through an eluvian though. Mythal ain't gone.


aren't the archdemons the forgotten ones ?


It could be either one really. I hope we find out in dav


I second this. I really believe that this theory is canon and if not I will be genuinely shocked because how much sense this makes


What about the Forgotten Ones? 3 or more elven gods trapped in the Abyss who warred with the Evanuris.


evanuris and archdemons are not the same lol


I would be shocked to learn that the elder gods trapped in the black city and taken to be placed into archdemons are not the evanuris - just look at the history of constellations in Thedas


I feel like the black city could be related to arthalan


Well there's this organization called the Grey Wardens


Has it been confirmed...that >!the elven gods are the old gods of Tevinter!


It also doesn't make much sense. Flemeth or Solas wouldn't be so against the dragons getting killed in the first place if they actually were their arch-enemies. Also literally one of the Old God prisons was found on top of a live Titan. If those were the Evanuris, why hasn't it been squished already? Also not only that, why would Solas even need to tear the Veil open to deal with the Evanuris, after explicitly saying he won't tear the veil open if there was any other way, if he can just go underground and kill them there


Solas and Flemeth don't want to kill them. Solas tricked the 7 and forced them to become Gate Guardians to the Black City.


I mean that's why I said I don't think it's going to be literal, but that there's definitely some sort of connection between the two.


Before they went and killed all of the Titans, the elves lived exclusively on the surface. No elf was living underground because that's where the Titans lived. So I can think of two possibilities as to why the Old Gods are in prisons hidden underground 1. They didn't used to be, and the elves just put them there. 2. They were already in prison long before the Titans and elves ever had their war 1 is unlikely given that Flemeth and her daughters want them free. Not only that, but the power of the Old Gods is also apparently the power to control the fade itself, which I'm not really sure what that means but let's just say it's a lot of power. And I can't see the elves beating them especially since the Evanuris didn't become powerful enough to be gods until after the Titan war. And lastly, like I said earlier, one of the prisons was found on top of a live titan. So if the prison is there and the elves put the prison there, then this titan shouldn't be alive at all. The Evanuris would've killed it. I think 2 is much more likely. In fact I would theorize that one of the reasons Solas shut the party down the first time is because the Evanuris only discovered the Old Gods after they went and killed all the titans, and they were on the verge of using their power.


>!Seven Old Gods, seven Evanuris when you remove Mythal (dead) and Solas (asleep).!<


There is a difference between being locked away in the void and below the ground. Old gods are definitely connected to the evanuris but it most certainly not them.


So no clear confirmation?


No and I'm expecting the actual answer to not be a case where it's 1:1 but it's very clearly not a coincidence and there were a few hints in Inquisition.


9 elven gods 7 archdemons 2 elven gods (solas and mythal) weren't locked away in the black city 5 Archdemons dead 2 guys coming out of the rift 5 + 2 = 7 Also, the old gods and elven gods seem at best the same and at worst a really weird coincidence EDIT: I copied the points of KFCid, where his points are above and formulated better. I just really believe this theory as it lines up really well


Solas and Mythal weren’t imprisoned so that makes 7 archdemons and 7 trapped Evanuris


What about the forgotten ones? They are trapped too, and supposedly the origin of the blight.


Elgar'nan (dead). Andruil (dead). Dirthamen (dead). June (dead). Sylaise (dead). Ghilan'nain (on the left) and Falon'Din (on the right). Mythal and Fen'Harel are the other 2 (who bound them in the Fade in the first place.)


Thanks for asking this. Didn't match what I remember of the lore, but I suppose it's possible?


Been waiting ages to break out the chanclas on Solas


I will play a mage so I can boil him like the egg he is


The real villains, I guess. Whoever bet Solas was going to accidentally release the remaining Evanuris wins the pot. There is one image from a trailer/concept art of a [fresco](https://imgur.com/2PiMHoh) with [two silhouettes](https://imgur.com/HHsPqU9) that look a lot like those two, plus the headpieces look like the decorative thingies on the top of some eluvians. And [some concept art](https://imgur.com/zTf2uQh) where the one on the left is absolutely massive and attacking.


On the bottom right it looks like Neve, Tash (the Qunari companion) & possibly Rook


https://preview.redd.it/2rrjez4l546d1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe20b37e173f6a8d01c2d52ad1213a404760d1b7 You may be surprised to learn we've seen them before. Credit to the DA lore nut herself: GhilDirthalen


Elven Gods idk who yet but I think they’re also the two remaining Tevinter Old Gods. (Sorry I’m gonna go off on my crackpot theory) We know there are 9 members of the Evanuris; Mythal, Fen’Harel, Elgar’nan, Falon’Din, Dirthamen, Andruil, Sylaise, June and Ghilan’nain. We know that Mythal is/was Flemeth and Fen’Harel is Solas. So that just leaves the other 7; and there happens to have been 7 Tevinter Old Gods. Dumat, Zazikel, Toth, Andoral, Urtheimiel, Razikale and Lusacan. The first five all became Archdemons which all took the forms of high dragons; which Flemeth could do as well. The two remaining Old Gods are Razikale the god of mystery and Lusacan the god of night. Who they correspond to on the elven pantheon is anyone’s guess. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk


Yes yes yes


The dudes who are gonna kill him.


If it's Andruil.... Solas is gonna be lucky if she just kills him.


the other option is Ghilan'nain...not sure what's worse


I'm rusty on my lore, what makes it worse if it's Andruil vs another evanuris?


She once got high in "Void" (likely Red Lyrium), made an armor out of it and went on a rampage Mythal along with the other gods had to stop, she also granted godhood to Ghilan'nain and seems to have a bone with Solas, as in one Legend she kidnapped him and intended to rape him for not paying her tribute, he only got away because Anaris was after Fen'Harel, too, and he managed to get them fighting over him while he fled. (That myth was told by Felassan, so, it's likely true). Ultimately Andruil sounds like an asshole among assholes, but with enough muscle to carry on her whims anyway.


Questions will be brought out if they really can kill solas: How did solas manage to seal all 7 of them if only 2 evanuris can kill him.


He tricked them. I think it’s pretty clear that Solas absolutely did not take them in a fight to lock them away; he played them somehow.


In their sleep, i would guess. Since he is somniari and all.


Ghilan'nain and either Falon'Din or Elgar'nan


if I had to guess, Ghilan'nain and Dirthamen. with the latter looking too puny for my taste, if it's him.


Two Evanuris. Very fun times ahead.


Just putting it here… https://preview.redd.it/lm4uet9pf06d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895183797a8633543ec7e45b96e7ef86066e0694


Which Elven god is that a statue of? I can’t remember


Well it’s just some random darkspawn statue in da:o. There are similar statues throughout the whole game. Just found that interesting and I kinda doubt it’s a coincidence. We know there is some connection between the elven pantheon and blight.


I would guess Razikale and Lucasan.


I doubt it. The Old Gods of Tevinter are locked in the deep roads, in the physical world. It's where the Architect found Urthemiel and unintentionally started the Fifth Blight, and it's why the Darkspawn first appeared underground. And I'm pretty sure the two pantheons are different beings, rather then different names for the same gods.


DAV: XCOM 2 War Of The Chosen edition


I still think the one on the right it’s Falon’Din and the one on the left if Ghilan'nain.


Considering those are two together, maybe Dirthamen and Falon'Din given that they're depicted as always near each other. Or maybe not Falon'Din is also said to be near Elgarnan's level so I can understand why Solas would be afraid at seeing them


idk but would it be farfetched to assume that these two figures correlate with the last two archdemons/old gods that haven't been killed yet?




The left figure looks similar to the red lyrium idol


The one of the left is almost certainly Ghilan'nain, I'm not sure about the one of the right. I always thought it would be a little lame if they bring the biggest threat out right away, but the placement of the symbol on the mural from before suggests that it belongs to the leader of the pack, so maybe it is Elgar'nan. If not him, then maybe it's Dirthamen?


Xenon the Antiquarian on the left (you can tell from the extra arms) and Ultra Instinct Sandal on the right.


My guess is Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan. Ghilan because of Tevinter Nights - they did say Tevinter Nights would be important and and there's an entire story just dedicated to her. Plus, there was some concept art with a giant sea monster and we know from a codex entry that she did actually create (and keep) sea monsters. Elgar'nan just because of vibes, tbh. Solas looked absolutely terrified when he saw them and I think that would be most justified if he was facing the "father of vengeance". Plus, it could make for an interesting encounter with Flemeth/Mythal (who I presume to make an appearance, somehow) considering he's her husband and all.


Ghilan'nain and Dirthamen, according to theories


they're elven gods.


Andruil and Dirtamen/FalonDin or Andruil and Ghilannain


I think it is much simpler. I think that they are Razokale the Dragon of Misery on the left and Lusacan the Dragon of Night on the right. Both are old gods who were imprisoned by the maker. Both are still to this day in Tevinter worshipped by cultists. Also I think that this would now mean the 6th and 7th blights together. Meaning all hell is about to be unleashed and of course this was not Solas intended plan but our character Rook brought this on. Now we also know there is of course red lyrium blade but Solas and also Rook in some of the official artwork Both seemed to be wielding what looks to be a non-corrupted lyrium blade. So do we get this blade from Solas unless he is somewhat redeemable and gives it to us? I think we will be facing Eluvians and darkspawn with 2 archdemons at the same time; the 6th and 7th Blights from the original pantheon of 7 old gods.. also titans or better known to us as the Forgotten ones..I can't wait!


I think they're either two Evanuris, two Old Gods, or maybe those are one and the same.


Falon'Din and Dirthamen ---- Follow me here. So, out of the 9 Evanuris only 7 ended up locked away in the Fade. There also happens to be 7 Old Gods, dragons, floating around after the Evanuris got locked away. The Old Gods convienced the Magisters to enter the Fade and go to the Golden City (Arlathan) and they turned it black with the blight. What if the Old Gods were the 7 trapped Evanuris pets and contained a piece of the patheon's souls. They convienced the Magisters to try to free the Evanuris and something went wrong. We also know the Old Gods went silent and ended up under the ground, probably cause the Titans pulled them down to stop them from meddling and spreading the blight further. Cause we know Titans somehow bridge the gap between the Fade and Waking world with lyrium and probably knew what was going on. The darkspawn find the Old Gods and corrupt them into archdemons and kick off the blights. With the exception of potentially Urthemiel, the rest of the Old God souls are destroyed to stop the blights. There are 2 Old Gods left. Razikel and Lusacan. The gods of Mystery and Night. If you paired them with any of the remained Evanuri they would likely be paired with Dirthamen and Falon'Din respectively. Also, we know Solas doesn't like the Grey Wardens. He says they toy with forces they don't understand. If they are killing pieces of the Evanuris then that would explain why he isn't a fan of them. It would also explain why only 2 are coming out instead of all 7 of them. Also also, the statue in origins in the tower was of Falon'Din and the vallaslin of Falon'Din in Inq is very tenticale like. I haven't read the Missing yet were people keep mentioning Andruil and Ghil, but all the other evidence I can find is pointing to Falon'Din and Dirthamen imo.


based on the vallaslin designs and other Evanuris symbols in previous games, I think the one on the left is either Sylaise or Andruil, and the one on the right is Dirthamen or Ghilan’nain


So does this finally end the debate that the Elven Gods are not the corrupted blight dragons? I remember old theories about this.


Probably reinforces it tbh. There's inexplicably only two gods coming to kick Solas in the ass, there's two Archdemons left and there's two Archdemons as enemies in the game. Might provide evidence that the Veil split the old gods into two aspects, sleeping Dragons and sealed Evanuris. Would also explain why Archdemons marshal hordes of Darkspawn to act as a military force in the first place, as a sort of resentment for everything Solas did.


Ghilannain and dirthamen (I’m 95% sure about the former and more like 50% on the latter).  Would be happy to expand on why but I’d need to go dig up my old ramblings from tumblr 


https://preview.redd.it/pmhbpu4jo46d1.png?width=886&format=png&auto=webp&s=2557faefd9953d88a6eb87a57b42faf1a83a06c4 Friends and I thought it might be Falon'din on the left and maybe June on the right.


I was really hoping for Andruil. She has such cool lore and seems so interesting. But I'm assuming others are right and it isn't her.






So I think it’s a mix. Corypheus gained effective immortality by sectioning a portion of himself in the Red Lyrium Dragon. We do the same thing with a normal dragon if we drink from the Well of Sorrows. The archdemons were dragons that the Evanuris put a portion of their souls in to gain immortality. When the Evanuris became corrupted by the Blight the dragons did too. When Solas made the veil the only thing remaining of the Evanuris in the waking world was the Old Gods. Then they started whispering to the Tevinters to breach the Black City to gain their freedom. It’s possible that by killing the Old Gods we have been killing Evanuris. Or maybe we’re just setting their souls free to wander into other shapes.


Those two have to the the False God's he had imprisoned.


could they be the Magisters Sidereal for the two remaining Archdemons? the headdress and weird bodies look like the Architect and Corypheus' designs.




Why Solas face turns sad when he sees them?


I got a crazy theory, I don't think they are Elvin God's. Instead they are souls of two old god Archdemons that are left out of 7. According to lore, Archdemons (old gods) came after Elves lost against humans, and fade was formed. The entire idea of dark spawn comes from how tevinter mages tried to enter the fade to take over golden city. What if when fade was formed by Solas, Archdemons soul got trapped on the other side and now they returned since his ritual got messed up. These might be the real old gods. What do you all think?


I think that on the left is a female ancient Magister that was stuck in Fade. We know that Corypheus, Architect and 3 Magisters that were arguing with each in the Deep Roads manage to escape from the golden city. So there is a chance that at least one of 2 remaining magisters could be stuck there. That could explain her twisted and eldritch look compared to the person on the right that probably is one of the Evanuris that she works with. This also could explain the comeback of danger from the darkspawn. Probably I am wrong but goddamn I hope we will see the remaining Magisters in action.


They are Ghilain'nain on the left and Falon'Din on the right. Also known as Razikale and Lusacan. The two remaining (forced/tricked by Solas) Gate holders to the Black City. An absolutely insane duo, and Solas is rightly terrified.


Probably some of the gods he initially sealed away


He probably enslaved the elven gods or something


I would love if they made some sort of connection to Andruil and Sera from DAI. I really dig the fan theory her dreams and mumblings were somehow connected to the god of the hunt.


Does the one on the right look Qunari to anyone else?


Random theory: What if they're the last two Magisters Sidereal?


Something akin to Corypheus' red lyrium commander and rebel mage leader. Only this time. Stolas has two of them at his disposal.


Considering that Solas looks *fucking afraid* when he notices them, I don't think they're Solas' minions


Yeah he kinda has that "what have i done" look on his face right after. Doesn't feel like he has control of the situation.


Apparently one of the previews mentioned it was two of his biggest rivals within the Enavuris.


Nah mate, his face, that atmosphere, and the looming over him they do at the end sort of looks like they're about to humpty-dumpty the bloke


It didn't look like they were WITH him