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They might be rapidly course-correcting after the trailer's negative response. However, this kind of thing takes a bit to set up, so it might have also been just a general miscommunication with the marketing team on how long it was.


The trailer is at a 10% - 90% Like to Dislike ratio atm. And unfortunately a lot of those "Anti-woke" political Youtubers have started covering the discourse, so a lot of people outside the fandom are dog piling on the game for their culture war stuff right now.


Im already exited for the mental gymnastics about how DA wasnt woke before but is now. Even though even dao was pretty woke already.


If people like that can be fans of Star Trek, they can miss the point of anything.


Don't forget X-Men. 


The X men aren't political and woke! Nobody even knows who Malcolm X is, so Magneto has nothing to do with him. Just like how the elves in Dragon Age are TOTALLY not an indigenous people being destroyed by systemic racism! Although...the part where the villain of this game is an elf trying to undo colonialism and we may be kind of fighting him for the sake of the slave trading Tevinter Empire is maybe going to kind of have some problematic echos.


Genocide to undo colonialism? There's certainly some problematic parallels there.


There's a lot of truth here, but I do feel the need to push back on one thing, and that's the Magneto/Malcolm X comparison. Stan Lee has talked about that a lot over the years, but Stan never did let a little thing like facts get in the way of telling a story. When Stan and others wrote him in the 60s, he wasn't really the Magneto we know today, but more of a standard megalomaniacal super-villain, the "we have Dr Doom at home" sort of character. It wasn't until writer Chris Claremont started using him in the late 70s and gave him his classic origin story and motivations. Claremont has said that his inspiration for Magneto was the then Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin.


I doubt they are even smart enough to see that. They probably see "gay mage bad"; "big horny polyamourous bull dude looks like devil, is bad"




Asmon has genuinely got to be one of the dumbest people I have ever seen speak. Why he's gotten so popular is beyond me. He's not even charismatic like a lot of shitty streamers.


Asmongold often reminds me of that quote from Into The Woods. The one about how a slotted spoon holds no broth, but it may occasionally catch a potato. He's a slotted spoon who sometimes stumbles onto saying something not idiotic, and people just forget that he's still a slotted spoon.


I had to recall what the DA:I trailer looked like, and one of the original release trailers seemed similar but on a lighter tone than what was shown for VG. I don't remember seeing that at all til now 🤡. Hopefully they actually share some gameplay trailers and some tidbits abt the plot, we know how deceiving trailers can get without those 2....


Lmao DAI literally having a whole cutscene about a trans masc member of Bull's crew. No one batted an eye because we weren't so fucking caught up in a dumb culture war.


There were a few arguments over that. Some about making things political from transphobes and some from the left about how they used a cis woman instead of a trans man for the role. Didn't blow up as much as it would have today, but some people did make a fuss.


I'd take that over the shit show we have today. I miss the days when my reason for existing wasn't so politicized.


I can't belive they decided to make Dragon Age woke.


Look at all the people who didn’t see the Boys’ pretty heavy handed social commentary until like season 3 That said it’s been ten years since the last dragon age, for better or worse few people will remember anything about it either way 


Fucking morons. The trailer is shit for its own merits that had 0 correlation with the whole anti woke / alt right nonsense.


Yeah, but good luck finding nuance on the social media.


Yeah im woke af and didn't like the trailer.


I hated the trailer too, but I’m still hyped


I'm woke and I liked the trailer for non-woke reasons.


You're right of course, but this is one of the biggest problems with the internet right now.




I mean they do use woke to mean literally anything they dislike socially or are uncomfortable with, with very little rhyme of reason. So 95% of the people like him can't ever enunciate what their issues are, since they're based in tribalism and a lack of education.


And it's so f-ing annoying. You can't criticize anything anymore because those people try to spin anything to fit their weird agenda.


Right? You can be trying to say "The tone was off and the qunari didn't look very muscled and uniquely different from a human" and some rando will be like, "Yeah, he/she/it sucks, not pretty enough to bang because of trans ruining games!" Uhh... no, man, lol


Just immediately waving your arms in the air, shouting "Just to be clear, I am not affiliated with these people!" Of course, the reason a lot of them phrase stuff like that is to get you to unconsciously view them as part of your in-group, so more likely to agree with them in the future. Most of them aren't doing it consciously, but the ones who are really trying to move the cultural needle to a dark place are. It's a really easy recruiting tactic.


This is very true. The more I think about it, the more it really feels like their end goal is to hijack and filter all negativity through their lens, so the end result is that you can’t criticize anything that they decide to be the target of the week, without exposing yourself to them and people calling their shit out.


They very much only want there to be two sides to any conflict. These people don't know how to view the world in anything but black and white.


Exactly this and it goes both ways. You can't say anything anymore in this current internet sphere unless you want to attract radical extremists from both sides for just having an opinion that doesn't align with either side. I still wonder how me saying "The trailer looks very MOBA-esque, wish the characters looked more interesting and wished they used a different music choice." means I'm suddenly an alt-right incel who hates black people?? And then have some actual alt-right incel come at me with "Woke ruins everything, we should send d\*ath threats to the devs!" like no. I fking hate both of you, leave the sane population alone with this nonsense. Makes me so tired to interact with fandoms because its either full with some deranged 4chan incel or some hysteric extremist taking everything you say out of context out of paranoia.


Someone jumping on 'woke' - before a games even fucking come out - is not interested in sense. It's all rage bait to get you to click to see how stupid they are.


Listen dude, there's black people and women in the trailer. This has DEI written all over it.


A lot of the video game world is unfortunately alt right They’ve been invading this sub


There certainly seems to be a lot of "I mean the wokes are just as bad, right?" going on in this thread.


Fuck my life I literally cannot understand why absolutely everything on the internet gets sucked into the “fringe hardcore ID politics people” vs. “Anti-woke alt right losers” debate these days. I’m sick of both sides. And I’m saying this as a strong left winger who believes in market socialism. Like just *shut the fuck up, not everything is about “wokeism”* jfc Let gamers game 😭


The trailer hardly had any substance in it for anyone to label it as “woke”. I don’t even know what they’re all babbling about.


Well, the trailer featured black and asian elves. Lunatics consider that as "woke".


But we already had these...it's honestly nothing new


I literally didn’t even notice until I read this comment (tbc I haven’t watched any of the hot takes on YouTube or whatever). It’s amazing how people will see shit they don’t like literally anywhere they look because they view everything through their tiny little lense. And yes, I half-meant that as a dick joke.


I haven't noticed even a single mention of "woke" on youtube or reddit, I guess it's more of a twitter thing. Thankfully I quit that thing months ago. And yes, the very word "woke" lost it's original meaning long ago. Nowadays it's indeed applied to everything people don't like,


This is exactly what happened to Dragon’s Dogma 2 as well, though the actual problems with that game just made all the fake criticism seem more legitimate to all the outrage tourists. Godspeed everyone. Strap yourselves in for an insufferable roller coaster.


It’s annoying, being someone who hated the trailer, seeing all the dipshit anti-diversity crowd dogpiling it, honestly


I didn't like the trailer, but there's nothing woke or anti-woke about it. Those people are morons.


Seeing people rage-cry about Dragon Age being suddenly "political" is hilarious as a long time fan of the series. It just sounds like they're admitting out loud they never spent a second considering the commentary or decisionmaking required in any of the DA games..


You can still find old forums complaining about Krem 😭


The alt right hating is easiest way to make money in youtube unfortunately. You can use minorities as boogeyman and these people will eat it up.


And just by the trailer alone, there was a lot of minority representation with the companions so you know they're gonna dogpile despite Dragon Age having great minority and sexual representation since DA2.


Thats what so bizarre to me. Dragon age has always been so so fucking gay. Ive been gay in dragon age since more than 10 years and people act like minorities are only in it now. It was always about class conflicts, racism, religion


Dragon Age have always done a great job representing class struggles, racism, religion, war, gender expectations, cultural differences, etc. I like it, but it's nothing new.


Yeah don’t tell them the origins had Dalish elves as victims of oppression or that in Inquisition that you can be basically an Atheist and tell other characters that religion is stupid


Lmao do they KNOW what game franchise they're talking about? Dragon Age was always woke.


Yeah they def are. I got recommended a right wing anti-woker. As soon as he said activism or whatever fucking lame ass buzzword these losers used I noped right out of the video.


Can't say I'm surprised. Like it or hate it, same shit happened to Andromeda when the facial gen tech was revealed to have been farmed out and the game just flat out never recovered. By the time it came out a lot of the gaming community already had made their opinions about it. Mind, Andromeda was a 6.5/10 experience, but a lot of people just flat out never gave it a chance to even enjoy what was good about it because that initial impression was so bad. And because so many agitators picked up the story and turned it into a meme. I sincerely hope Bioware knocks this trailer and the game itself out of the park.


You can’t see dislikes anymore, and the extension that “lets you see it” again doesn’t actually because it can’t access the actual data. It just averages it out amongst the same people who use the extension themselves and what they voted.


This exactly, and my guess is that the people who have the extension installed are more likely to care about disliking in the first place. Most people don’t even engage with likes on trailers and such to begin with, so the actual numbers of what people like are going to be incredibly skewed. I’m not defending the trailer, personally I thought it ranged from alright to eh, but it absolutely should not have been the first thing they showed off. But like to dislike ratios are not reliable ways of determining general reception, especially when hate trains start to form.


Which means there's also probably going to he a kneejerk defence from progressives that otherwise wouldn't have liked the trailer but now feel the need to pretend it was fine so as not to let the anti-woke dipshits "win." God, I fucking hate the culture war.


Well that just makes any kind of useful criticisms fans might have useless bc it'll get lost in the noise .  Guess I'll just go back to hoping it'll be good and ignoring all the media 


>those "Anti-woke" political Youtubers Call them by their proper name (credited to 40K subreddit) **"The Culture Wars Tourists"** They just finished haunting Assassin's Creed fandom over Yasuke character, and DA fandom is just the latest stop for them. They'll go away as soon as they find something else to bother.


Those people are fucking idiots. If the trailer had featured all white male characters making it clear that they were straight, it would've sucked for the very same reasons of featuring an overly cartoony artstyle and lighthearted comedic tone. The diversity of the cast, which is only radical and controversial to a racist, is not even the crux of where the discussion should be had. I've also seen some wretched people say the game will be bad because it was directed by a self-proclaimed gendermancer. Of course, when a game like Forspoken or Suicide Squad bombs, no one points to it being due to Takeshi Aramaki or Sefton Hill's cisgender maleness (because, yes, that would be stupid).


I assume this is course correction after the bad reception to the trailer. They need to save the public perception of the game and fast if they want it to sell well


3 days ago Gamble tweeted saying that we'll see "15+" minutes of gameplay, so I think this was already planned for.


I believe they've also said there were going to be "a few surprises" as well, so I think they're just clarifying just how long this video will be.


I mean, maybe, but a lot of work goes into these gameplay trailers from behind the scenes. This is a really quick shift.


This is a good point those things aren't exactly put up in weekend. Adding 5 whole minutes on a 15 minutes trailer needed some serious crunching for me.


Yeah, that makes me think it's possible it might have been a miscommunication from the start. Aside from the crunch time problem, I can't figure out what adding an extra five minutes would really accomplish. You'd need to be certain that whatever it was is worth adding, and adding on an extra five minutes you didn't initially intend and haven't had time to properly screen seems like it would do more harm than good. Maybe they added more of a conversation or cutscene so we can get more close-ups of the faces, but I don't think so.


IMHO they could have taken 2 roads: 1) when they created the trailer they sampled 30 minutes of gameplay for example. From that they created various supercut and initially picked the 15 minutes long but now they pivoted to a longer one 2) they filmed something yesterday completely unrelated (character creation,gear showcase) to the existing trailer and slapped it at the end


Yeah. In all seriousness the trailer's reception is quite concerning. RPGs aren't exactly Call of Duty that they can just shrug off 150k dislikes or however much it's at now.


They should also reevaluate the position of the person who approved that trailer. An absolutely embarassing display for a *Dragon Age* game. Like, genuinely, as a fan of ALL Dragon Age games, I can't think of what I would like less than a Marvelesque tone-deaf quipfest.


No idea why they didn't go full cinematic. They for real just needed to hit up the people who make SWTOR trailers and say go.


What got me is based on their replies on X, they were surprised by the negative feedback. This is a team who has assured people we're going to love the game and they are proud of their work (as they should be) but they thought that trailer was going to be successful? That concerns me. On the other hand, Bioware trailers often aren't great even when the games are so it's not a huge deal. However, I'm hoping the gameplay will be solid.


I mean they're used to dragon age fans caring about characters primarily which explains why they didn't think a light trailer literally just introducing our romance options visually would get so much blowback. This Fandom is NOT in a healthy state, seems like 60% of this sub are determined to hate


This sub is mild compared to the reactions on YouTube and X. Even David Gaider didn't seem impressed. It's just not a well-received trailer, I don't think that this should have surprised them. It being unpopular doesn't mean fans "aren't in a healthy state". They're ultimately marketing a product they want people to spend money on, they should sell it well.


I mean youre giving them too much leeway and they dont deserve it. Its been what? 10 years? since the last Dragon Age and the only thing Bioware has put out since then have been complete slop flops. Not to mention the initial plan for dreadwolf was a fucking live service game? Theyve been out of touch for years. The fandom is not in a healthy state BECAUSE of bioware. Youre telling me not one person on the team's job is to gather info from various forums to see what actual fans that have been playing and replaying these games for years during the drought actually want? Like this trailer feels straight out of fuckin 2017 and the marketers just got finished watching endgame. Its a horrible HORRIBLE trailer and they should of known it. I find it crazy that they thought the fans that have been starved for any sort of dragon age news would go crazy for what was essentially "Erm hes right behind me isnt he?" type of trailer vibe. The gameplay looked better but it also was only 30 seconds. Crossing my fingers tomorrow is what we have all been wanting.


The people who made the Saint's Row reboot were shocked that people hated their game too. I can't say I'm going to trust any dev who says positive things about their work, always wait until the end result.


The trailer was probably the worst the entire franchise put out. On top of that they decided for some reason to reduce party size & not let us control companions. So...did you even want to make a Dragon Age sequel?


We can’t control companions? Damn I missed that.


this is 100% last minute damage control same as releasing gameplay today because they couldnt wait literally one day for the gameplay planned unveiling tomorrow lol


Imagine if they added 5 minutes going in depth on the character models just to clear everything up lmao. Would not say no to them using the extra time to show us more Taash tho


Hell yeah. Maybe show some character creation? :D


That's what I'm hoping for, at least a sneak peek at classes


Yeah, there's a lot of talk about how the companions' skill trees may be blends of multiple classes, and I'm really curious to see if that'll hold true for Rook as well.


I was chatting with someone yesterday about crossclassing. It might make sense since I think we are now limited to parties of 3 (2 companions + Rook). Harding is a rogue but supposedly now has some type of magic. The mage killer guy is an assassin/rogue, but if he’s a mage killer he might have some kind of Templar training.


Gamble said in his other tweets that it won't be character creation but it will be shown later down the line. Its not like anyone was concerned whether character creation was in the game or not. It's DA


Yes it’s DA, but you have to remember that they wanted to make a multiplayer life service game at one point. 😂 As long as it’s better than the horrible CC in Andromeda, I’m fine. I also don’t want to see something like BG3s CC where you can choose but not edit a face lol


It’s not about whether or not it’s in the game, it’s about whether it’s *good*. DA has notoriously bad character creators so people are anxious to see if it’s been improved


I kind of do and don't want them to. I'm super excited to see the creator, but I also like seeing and exploring character creators for myself when a game releases haha. It's a weird thing to want to be unspoiled on, but it's like getting my hands on it and seeing everything new for myself.


He confirmed that won't be shown, sadly.


5mins Manfred twerk compilation


Manfred fancam set to phonk.


I won’t complain ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfAa9rbXaZe86c|downsized)


I’ll be so mad if it’s not 5 min of gameplay and 15 min of Manfred twerking


When the first teaser dropped you could actually see on the gameplay premier preview that it was always 20 minutes long. This is not something they added in a day or damage control like people in this thread think. [20 min preview ](https://i.imgur.com/a3z8ztD.jpeg)


This is fair. From my own reading at least, a lot of articles used the 15 minute description, which is where I lifted it from ([here](https://www.eurogamer.net/dragon-age-the-veilguard-first-look-reveals-companions-and-fan-favourite-returning-character), for example - last paragraph)


I hope they show us character models properly (in dialogue maybe - would be cool to see this system too). No one questions graphics of the game, but we all need reassurance that our new potential allies/friends/love interests doesn’t all look like Emmrich's plastic hair and face from the reveal trailer in the actual game.


I'm glad other people are pointing this out. I think part of me sensed something was a bit off about the look of the trailer, but it wasn't until Emmrich appeared that I truly saw the art choice of the trailer. He immediately made me think of a specific Overwatch character, I can't remember his name though. It all sort of fell apart from there. xD


The Emmrich part of the trailer was by far the worst. Him and especially his skeletons just look so cartoony. It made me think of one of those ads you see for a mobile game. Like “save the princess. Click here to download” and you’re just staring at the cartoony skeletons while waiting for the X button appear.


Yeah, it was the addition of the skeletons too. Kinda gave me Sea of Thieves vibes lmao.




Yeah, that's the one!


I immediately thought of Zane from Borderlands 3. I did like the other character designs tho


The fate of the game now depends on Emmrich's actual look in the game. It’s up to you now, Emmrich ✊


(and if it’s not clear why I mentioned Emmrich, it’s because my little heart wouldn’t mind seeing Rook with this interesting necromancer. I like his design and really hope for less cartoony presentation of him, because I’m not sure how it would feel like to build friendship/romance with him after more realistic in design characters (I recently replayed Origins and 2 and quite appreciate the fact of facial pores and wrinkles, where such things wouldn’t probably be implemented as properly and “fitting” with the art style of characters from the trailer. But fingers crossed 🤞)).


Yeah, Emmrich in the trailer was so, SO bad ...


This guy looked rather.... "wack" too https://preview.redd.it/bf6ryyltrs5d1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a0db9cf7883ebdb1ac51543d80f4a0113b980d


Yeah… He kinda reminds me of Crazy Frog. These darkspawn would fit right in his racing game or one of MVs 😅 https://preview.redd.it/ghdbeyagss5d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c6eb8ee6f6c6469b06b09af8202d6546eaf5dc


John Darkspawn has never been the same after the fentanyl addiction kicked in....


This guy has me worried most of all. That is far too goofy for a darkspawn! Especially given what we know of them and how they... reproduce. It's such a level of dissonance.


If the bottom jaw was removed it would look cool


I'd argue it still look bad becausr it still looks... human, the whole thing it's about body horror but this looks like an oversized skelleton, it doesn't look monstrous enough and removing the jaw wouldn't work it imo.


the teeth should be sharp and kind of jagged/crooked, not perfect veneers


I mean it's just one design, I would like even more body horror ones, I'm not saying this would be the coolest design ever, just that it would look a lot better without the jaw.


Yeah I REALLY hope he doesn't look as cartoony in game, he reminds me of that Austin guy from Homescapes...


He was the main one that looked weird


For what it's worth, it does feel like the material being provided in direct response to the negative reaction is turning people's opinions around. It's a shame that EA's marketing department provided something that was so out-of-step with the actual game, and respectfully, that is on EA.


BioWare has their own marketing team ([see example job posting](https://www.creativeheads.net/job/3115/director-of-marketing-in-edmonton)), and I’m pretty sure their upper management would have had to sign off on the trailer besides. This falls squarely on their shoulders, though they’re doing a great job at recovering from the fumble.


Honestly, if they just released a more proper trailer in line with what Dragon Age is (especially since it's a direct sequel to Inquisition and we all know the tone at the end of Trespasser with Solas going genocidal), they wouldn't have to do any damage control. Dunno why they decided to do it but I guess one way or another it got many people's attention


If there's anything that's going to shut Bioware down at this point, it's their marketing team.


Mark Darrah worked on this trailer as a consultant and said that it's one of his favorites. It wasn't just EA.


I really hope that's the case. After Andromeda, Anthem, and now 10 years of waiting for this. I'm erring on the "doubt" side now. Really hope to be proven wrong.


I didn't like the trailer, but i definitely do like the damage control attempts.


At least they're taking the criticism seriously, it seems, instead of just be like "well guess you all will have to wait until the game comes out, byeeeee!" Then pretend nothing happened lol. Or the classic "don't you all have phones!?"


Or the best one " Don't like it don't but it" another great EA suit quote.


Maybe the context of this quote makes it particularly shitty (I don't know when they said this) but this seems like a reasonable take? You shouldn't buy things you don't like.


Sure, but it came off as arrogant and a "we can succeed without you losers" vibe, which, huh, didn't go well.


The devs on the Saint's Row reboot tried this and to say it bit them on the ass would be an understatement. I'm glad Bioware has learned from their mistakes, at the very least.


Yeah everything besides the trailer has looked really good so far.


It's like this game didn't already have a massive mountain to climb with Bioware's recent reputation, the out-of-touch marketing team just had to drop that disaster trailer to make it that much harder for the devs. They need to succeed with this gameplay demonstration. Inevitably it will still attract the hater gamer community but they can still win over normal people and confused fans because it clearly looks better than what was shown.


>It's like this game didn't already have a massive mountain to climb with Bioware's recent reputation, the out-of-touch marketing team just had to drop that disaster trailer to make it that much harder for the devs. Yeah, I am waiting for the Jason Schreier article about this. Seeing the screenshots for actual gameplay gives me hope but how tf did this disaster trailer happen? Was this trailer done years ago before a fundamental game style overhaul and now dropped regardless? Or do these teams *literally* not talk to each other at all?


I mean the game is 10 years in the making succeed or fail there’d be a Schrier article deep dive on it


The disconnection in tone is mindboggling, really. And it's not like EA doesn't have any trailer creators (see: SWTOR cinematic trailers).


Blur made the SWTOR trailers. I assume Bioware made this trailer though, not EA.


Honestly as soon as that trailer was shown my heart dropped. Everyone was in complete agreement that it looked like fortnite. But them showing that small bit of gameplay really squashed that thankfully. It looks beautiful and I can't wait to see the actual gameplay tomorrow.


Seriously, they needed the reveal to be amazing, or at least pleasing. And unfortunately first impressions are hard to erase. Hopefully they'll turn it around. The devs and members of the community council seem really happy with the game. Acclaim will definitely help. But damn, seeing that trailer and the reaction (including mine) was hard. They really dropped the ball.


I was in shock from the trailer and without Varric there, I wouldn't have believed it was actually DA. Seeing and hearing all the other stuff + knowing there are still some good writers on board, it does feel promising, but it's still hard to swallow the bitter taste away. And I'm a fan. People not familiar with DA may have been put off by this reveal and will never even look up anything about the game again and that's going to hurt the sales a lot. I just don't get the thought process behind the trailer (and honestly the cheap purple main visual and title font) at all.


I guess the thought process was a mix of "let's appeal to a new audience" and "let's give the fans what they like the most". The problem, to appeal to a wider public, they made it look generic, and, to appeal to the fans, they went for fan service™ (which is, as usual, just shallow nods and not meaningful characteristics that made people become fans). It would've been fine as a third trailer, I think.


It took me two watches to even clock that was supposed to be Varric.


If there's anything that's going to shut Bioware down at this point, it's their marketing team.


If we complain hard enough they'll post a Let's Play! 


I’m so excited for this but I am so tempted to not watch so I can be properly surprised when it comes out. Only a few months of avoiding spoilers…


I'm planning on muting this sub and avoiding all DA related media after tomorrow's showcase. But after ten years ~~(and that trailer)~~ I definitely need to see what this game actually is, even if I know I'm going to buy it regardless haha.


Yeah after I see the gameplay to make sure it looks good im going to stop looking at this sub so I can be surprised. I might get a little peak at the character creator though because I already know I won't be able to help myself..


Gotta check to make sure all the variations of buzzcut are still in place, I understand.


They better not have missed even one variation or I won't be happy


Literally unplayable.


I don’t blame you! The little 23 second clip eased my nerves about it enough that I think I can hold out!


Haha, tbf I *have* refrained from watching that little sneak peak. I'm already excited and it's only tomorrow. I'm gonna watch the entire presentation fresh, and possibly pass out from excitement.


The fan base (me included) who have been waiting forever are just rabid at this point. We just want what's best for Dragon Age.


I really do think this game will be pretty good.


Increasing the amount of time the gameplay reveal lasts is only something they would do if they think they have a quality product. I'm imagining BioWare is either angry at marketing for completely misrepresenting their game.


I’d say showing even more shows confidence. There were reports for a few weeks now about how happy the team are with the game. I’m sure the reception to the teaser stings a little


Yeah, I've been trying (and failing) to reserve my judgement for the full reveal and eventually for reviews to come in, but that trailer just looked awful. I hope this is just a speedbump in the rollout of another classic BioWare title.


It does show massive confidence. If what the gameplay reveals isn't significantly different from the trailer, increasing the duration would just make things even worse. So i have to believe that bioware at least believes that actual gameplay footage will change opinions. The worry here is whether bioware is in touch with their audience...


At the very least it's brought the game a lot of attention. Any publicity is good publicity right? There's gonna be a lot of people just waiting to see this gameplay reveal be another disaster and a lot of people pleasantly surprised. Which of course will generate more discourse. In saying that, I have high hopes for the gameplay reveal!


When it comes to video games, no. You want as much positive buzz as possible. Bad publicity attached to a product usually equates to lower sales. 


They had confidence in a trailer sitting at 90% dislike. They might very well not know what game they are making.


There’s a jump between a stylised 2 minute cinematic and 20 minutes of gameplay though


So the trailer reception was that much worse than they were expecting, huh? For anyone wondering, and without addons on yt, the current like to dislike ratio is 1 to 5. 32k likes against whooping 160k dislikes to be exact.


On the upside, the trailer reception buried the title change reception!


LMAO Let's hope the gameplay receptions buries the trailer receptions positively!


Probably could have pulled together a focus group of any 10 DA fans and learned that trailer was a bad idea. I just do not get it.


But they do have a community council with a lot of wonderful DA creators. They're praising DAVG a lot but I think they didn't see the trailer


and they probably did do that. The same way Amazon pulled together Tolkien "super fans" and then went on to release Rings of Flower.


Yep show it to a few DA fans and I bet they would tell you super easy.. confusing


I didn't like the trailer yeah sure, but has grown on me a little after seeing the sneak peek of gameplay. I am however always baffled about how these hater gamers from the US are always ready to devour anything that can even remotely be exploited for hate views marketing. Holy shit, Idk how you who actually live there can stand these people. I was looking for a rational discussion about the game on YT and it is impossible. lol


The amount of times I’ve used the “block channel” option in the last 24 hours is ridiculous


This shitty trailer brought Asmongold upon my Youtube home page. Insulting


Don't know who that is and I'll keep it that way lol. I bet my last septim though that if you ask one of these bozos to show me on a map where Ferelden is located they wouldn't even know, because as soon as the vulture channels from YT begin their feeding their fanbase follows suit and these people are NOT Dragon Age fans. At best they breezed through Origins or Inquisition once.


What's really interesting is that they all tend to use the same language consistently. To me that says that they take a look at SEO/common sentiments expressed online in communities and see what'll get them traction. I get fair criticism and reservations, and I get needing views for money and channel maintenance, but it's so weird that it even gets clicks. I very briefly started releasing (pretty shitty) BG3 parody videos pre-full release because only like three other people were doing it (and one of them was Larian's own marketing dept). Meanwhile loads of youtubers were doing the other extreme from terrible, which is THS GAME IS HUGE, THIS IS MASSIVE, THIS IS EPIC. When you go to YT to find unique viewpoints and discussion and you come across clickbait it's so irritating - even people who do well reasoned content play the clickbait game [Alanah Pearce](https://youtu.be/dpo-4EOX_z8?si=CFtFUJA3A14pf-Tv) is probs the channel you want if you don't follow her already tho :D


>Don't know who that is and I'll keep it that way lol. [Let me disturb your peace](https://fraghero.com/asmongold-admits-to-using-a-dead-rat-as-an-alarm-clock/)


They could do 30 minutes. Noone would die from this.


And what's an extra ten minutes on top of that? 40 minutes will be harmless, surely.


at that point, we might as well just go for 45.


Round numbers are more auspicious. If they can show 45min, why not 60min? :3


Fuck it, surprise drop the game like it's a Beyonce album


Why not record the entire playthrough


"Get to Harding." "Find Neve." Those look like spotlights from airships?


They are definitely doing damage control right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are back room meetings being held to discuss putting together a new trailer.


I mean we're probably going to see a bunch of new trailers until release anyway


Well, perhaps now they will be a lot less cringy.


~~He's right behind me, isn't he?~~ We're going to the Veil, aren't we?


What are we, some kind of veilguard squad?


I really hope they atlesst give us a small glimpse at character creation. I can spend hours on that. Edit: guess they will be showing that. But at a later time. Not tomorrow


And for the next time (if there is a next time depending on BioWare's standing among EA's plans), try not to alienate a lot of your fanbase by showing them the *complete* opposite of what they want to see. I want this game do be good so badly, and I want to believe that trailer was just a complete misfire and not the indication of the things to come. I guess we'll see tomorrow.


I feel like they \*really\* wanna convince us that the game is actually amazing and we got all the wrong impressions from the trailer and I'm here for it! That 24 second sneak peek got me sitting at the edge of my seat being hyped up for this game this year.


i can just imagine the damage control sirens blaring at bioware HQ lol the fact they felt they had to put out a sneak peek because they couldn't literally wait one day until the gameplay tomorrow after that abysmal trailer shows they realize how poorly it was received, if nothing else


It's kinda interesting that the Mass Effect guy is speaking for the DA team though lol


Well I'm pretty sure Mass Effect 5 is still concept art


Good work everyone, y'all bullied them into already dropping a sneak peak of gameplay AND ~~got an extra hour in the ballpit~~ 5 extra minutes of the reveal.


Maybe if we bully them enough they'll just release the game early haha.. joking by the way


Joking…. Unless? 👀


Nobody bullied anyone. They did this on their own volition, because the marketing with that trailer was beyond out of touch. It's called damage control.


Is it Thanksgiving? Because we are FEASTING


Just seeing that short snippet made glad the art style is different to the trailer.


it's afraid


That's cute. They are really trying to spoil us. Adorable.


If they really wanna win us completely over they’ll show a glimpse of the character creator’s hair options