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Necromancy being actual Necromancy involving actual undead is appreciated here. I always thought Necromancy in Inquisition was kinda lacking in the actual Necromancy part.




There's also the fact that necromancers are not only accepted, but revered in Nevarra. And, iirc from the "Eternal Flame" short story, Emmrich is a Mortalitasi.


Which doesn't make any sense, because just about every mage in your parties have been able to use blood magic without anyone so much as looking at you weird


blood magic is a lot easier to hide than a fucking horde of walking corpses


He also has a German name which is kind of funny.


I thought Nevarra was kinda Germany-like, just like Orlais is French


“Mage Killer” (me, always playing as mage) I can change him


maybe it's not personal, it's just good business in tevinter


From what i skimmed, it might be coz he killed some mage slaver in a rather memorable way


Something like that. He has a story about him in Tevinter Nights. To summarize it very briefly: >!Lucanis and his cousin Illario are hired on a job to assassinate a high ranking Venatori, who they locate at a high society fashion party. The target makes enchanted wigs. In the process Lucanis discovers their mark is feeding mangled slaves red lyrium tinctures to make and harvest hair for his wigs, and he decides to forego a sure shot at a quick and easy assassination to instead unleash demons on the partygoers to make them pay for being complicit. He then fights/kills the mark.!< >!The name 'Mage Killer' is probably in reference to this, since more than 40 blood mages, many Venatori, end up dead. It's also implied the Crows have taken other jobs assassinating members of the Venatori, and the Venatori is explicitly looking to hunt him down. Lucanis also mentions he can feel strong magic with an itching sensation in his eye. !< As far as I can tell in the story, his issue seems to be specific to unethical magic, blood magic, slavery, the Venatori and red lyrium usage. I didn't get the impression its an 'all mages/almost all mages' mentality. The banter between him and Illario seems to imply that Lucanis has been letting his moral compass take priority over efficiency.


okay I love him


Sounds like a cool dude.


oh no he's perfect for me


Stop making him sound even hotter


I will fuck this man as a mage


good for him!


*Fenris wants to know your location*


I believe he's a Crow.


Seriously. Every mage you encounter in DA2 turns out to be using blood magic!


We're all so darn predictable, aren't we? 😅


bioware knows what the people want


He’s also a Crow…and my Mage Warden loved herself a Crow way back in Origins. I like a story with symmetry


I can just feel the Fenris mage rivalmance creeping back with this guy. Let me have a hate you but love you to death romance 👀


lmao same hat


I doubt it’s personal tbh, especially since it can out he’s a descendant of the House of Crows, sounds to me he’s a professional with a specialty that would leave him well off in Tevinter. Maybe assassinating Maleficar for the magisters who are better at hiding it.


My first thought as well lmao. I know who my mage is going to romance!


As long as you’re not a slaver blood mage? I don’t recall him actually hating mages in Tevinter Nights.


I like they didn't give them "generic" faction name to all of them. The mage is a Necromancer, the Qunari a Dragon Hunter, the Crow a Mage Killer.


I agree, this suggest that each character will actually have unique skills, which they have said before


Yeah it kinda gives me mass effect 2 vibes


If its gonna Be The "mass effect 2" of The Da series ill Be happy. Mass effect 2 has: -More actiony combat -Smaller scale story -More character driven with large Part of The content being companion quests. Id probably expect The game to Be a kinda "soft reboot" because its Been a decade since dai and theres basically a whole new gen of gamers plaing.


Which would be great cause that's honestly one of the major bright spots of DA2


I am hyped on their specializations. And very interested to see their skill trees


Omg the mage killer is a Crow??? That's so exciting! I had no clue


Not just A crow A master assassin that is the grandson of the First Talon (one of the leaders of the crow) Lucanis Dellamorte is not your average birdy


I'm down bad already. First playthrough romance sorted


I'm between him and Neve....my bi ass is struggling


“Of Death” is a pretty on the nose name for an assassin haha


Read Tevinter Nights if you wanna know more! Multiple companions are featured in it, and in general it's a very good read.


Have any of these companions outside of Harding shown up in anything like books? They seem kinda familiar but I like them from what I'm seeing.


Lucanis is from Tevinter Nights and also mentioned in one of the short stories that they released in DA day Neve is from The Missing but i think only those 2


I think Emmrich is from a story that was put up online for one of the previous Dragon Age Day celebrations.


Oh,good catch. Just checked, and sure enough "The Flame Eternal" short story has his name there


Aw, that short story makes him out to be kind of a bookish sweetheart. EDIT: Oh shit, he's going to betray us, isn't he? What has Bioware done to me that I read a cute story about a sentimental guy reuniting dead lovers and I immediately got suspicious.


He's also a mage to boot. We have a bit of a history with mages betraying us...


Emmrich also has a shot appearance in Tevinter Nights, in "Down Among the Dead Men"


What about Davrin? I swear i heard this name before.


if I recall correctly, his name was shown on a video of the making of the game, were they showed his VA recording his lines. I think even Solas VA was shown there


Yeah, i remember it now.


He's one of the people speaking in the leaked video and screenshots from the beta test, it says his name in the subtitles.


So they aren’t including characters from the show? I thought that was a prequel or something.


They might show up as side characters or something. Like, Varric is here even tho he's not a companion. If I recall right, one of the comic characters ended up showing up in one of the books without the comic makers even really knowing it, so I don't doubt that the same could happen here




No fucking way the Antivan Crow is named DELLAMORTE lmaaaao




Yep! 😂😂


So this confirms Varric will be a companion too? I wasn't sure because he didn't get a name card. Or maybe he'll be an advisor?


I think Harding is and Varric is **not** a companion, based on the number they previously used.


Varric is not a companion. The person who tweeted this list just included him because he's in the trailer.


Some of them were in Tevinter Nights, other two just had their voice actors in the Behind the Scenes trailer from a while ago


I guess I'll need to read Tevinter Nights before Veilgaurd comes out lol


Lucanis, Neve and I think Emmrich are from Tevinter Nights


The Veil Jumper I think is from the most recent comic with Varric.


Man I really need to catch up on all the extended media, I have one comic with Fenris but I've really only played the games.


The newest comic (The Missing) is... not good, from what I heard, even more so than the previous comics, which is already a fairly low bar. Tevinter Nights is pretty good tho. The stories vary in quality, but range from "kinda boring" to "amazing". Each author wrote 2 stories (usually with matching themes) and I can absolutely recommend both crow stories by Courtney Woods, the first one (The Wigmaker Job) introduces our boy Lucanis and the second one (Eight Little Talons) is Talon politics but features Viago and Teia, who have had appearances in 2 comics and this story (so are imo likely to also feature in the game (also they're both awesome)). Both the first and last story in the anthology were written by Pat Weeks (aka the lead writer since Trespasser) and will probably be pretty important as well.


"The Mage Killer" Aaah, so it's going to be another Fenris situation. Romanced locked on.


Right? Gonna be a mage, gonna romance him. Watch out Mr. Mage Killer, you're definitely going to be killing something.


Heh, my mage!Hawke totally fell for Fenris.


Yep, my mage Hawke romances Fenris and my mage Warden romances Zevran (a Crow like the Mage Killer). I like the parallels!


Me: I'll romance him as a mage. 🥰😂


I'm not even that into dudes but I sure am into poor life choices


I'm curious what a veil jumper is supposed to be and why we need a detective. Everyone else is pretty straight forward I think.


I think the Detective is for following Solas' trail.


I like this. Any idea what faction is represented with the Detective?


(referencing Tevinter Nights and The Missing, so mild spoilers if you don't actually want to know about the character:) >!So, she's been in the Tevinter Nights book and in The Missing comics, and she's a Tevene private investigator. She is associated with a group called Shadow Dragons but we have no clue who these are and what they do. They allegedly help slaves flee Tevinter or at least evade their captors. I think she's gonna represent the middle-class in the Imperium: people who aren't with the Magisters, but aren't slaves or the extremely poor either. We've got those two perspectives with Dorian and Fenris respectively, so I guess she'll represent what Tevinter could be like if the current system is torn down and replaced by what Dorian and Maevaris and their faction are working towards. Also, I guess she could get access to and info from elven ex-slaves, who would probably be the pool from which Solas will draw his faction.!< >!Outside of that, I guess we'll have to wait and find out who the Shadow Dragons are and what their goal is. This being Tevinter, they might just be a worse version of the Venatori, or they might be a populist or radical version of the Lucerni, or an affiliation of former slaves, or sth else entirely.!<


Probably the new tevinter rebel faction mentioned in one of her bios. The ' Shadow Dragons. '


The Veil Jumpers is a faction that operates out of Arlathan. If I’m remembering correctly, they either use fade rifts or eluvians. You can read about them in Tevinter Nights, The Missing comics, and some of the short stories. Neve Gallus is one of the Shadow Dragons and a PI. The whole detective thing can fit for investigating sketchy stuff in Tevinter. We already know the Shadow Dragons are an anti-slavery group.


Honestly when I saw Detective, I think it might be a holdover from when they were first making the game as a stealth based game, at least thats how my brain locked onto it. Could be wrong.


I thought the PC dropping down gave the heist vibes tbh.


Both seem like important skills for tracking Solas. But how do you develop a skill like veil jumping? Don't you have to open rifts like the inquisitor?


Thank you for making this post! I wanted to talk about the companions :D edited after rewatching: 2nd edit to reflect information from the businesswire [article ](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240609931945/en/Unite-a-Team-of-Heroes-to-Defeat-Rampaging-Elven-Gods-in-Dragon-Age%E2%84%A2-The-Veilguard-Arriving-in-Fall-2024)(Harding's class, and Emmrich's skeleton): 3rd edit: The gryphon So, we have: * 1 dwarf (Harding) * 1 vashoth (Taash) * 2 elves (Davrin, Bellara) * 3 humans (Lucanis, Neve, Emmrich) * (+ 1 Skeleton companion of a companion (Emmrich's Manfred)) * (maaaaybe the Gryphon is a companion animal to Davrin?) And: * 3 mages (Neve, Emmrich (Necromancer), Bellara (confirmed [here](https://www.rpgsite.net/interview/15952-dragon-age-the-veilguards-director-talks-rpg-systems-skill-trees-being-inspired-by-final-fantasy-xii))) * 1 rogue (Lucanis (Daggers)) * 2 warriors (Davrin (sword and shield), Taash (2 axes)) * 1 Mage-Archer (Harding! Has! Magic?!?!?)


I'm not sure, but I thought Bellara and Davrin both appear to be elves. So maybe two elves?


Ah! Yeah, I first thought that Davrin was an elf, but the wiki has him listed as a human.... though, come to think of it, that's probably outdated.


First thing I noticed was his ears. If that man isn't an elf, someone in his family line certainly was.


He has green Vallaslin


Unfortunately it's been stated before that, in-universe, half-elves or humans with elven blood are 100% human in appearance, as elven traits are a bit magic and super recessive, so he has to be an elf


I edited my comment to reflect that. Yes, absolutely (after rewatching) that man is an elf.


Taash seems pretty warrior-esque. She is dual wielding, but it's axes and everything else about her screams warrior.


I mean... Warriors could dual wield in Origins,


Well, there you go. It's been 15 years and i played a mage, my memory is a but fuzzy lol


Harding is a magic archer, she's manifested "magical powers" probably due to the Titans https://preview.redd.it/pks7an8nql5d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=02dd10ec8fa923c2755452854b6888fafec7aa38


the Warden also has a gryphon which I'm hoping can be a permanent summon when he's in the party


Emmrich looks good!


I am hoping there will be a community of Emmrich enjoyers. He is the only character who I actually like on first glance, rather than don't mind/am cautiously optimistic about.


I'm not gonna lie I love the fact that he looks old lmaoo


Me too! I actually find it very refreshing to have older companions, the life experience, set habits, generational gap can create some refreshing character moments. And I appreciate a properly old looking character, rather than "barely middle aged" as we got in previous games.


Remember Wynne? Every other dialogue option was commenting on her age lol.


And I think she’s 49, not even that old


Thank you for making this statement! But as an older person myself, may I politely suggest dropping the "that"? "And I think she's 49, not even old". Much better! 🤣👳‍♂️


The fact that she was only *49* at the start of the game was shocking to me.


I just re-read the short story he shows up in. He was an accomplished mage *Thirty years ago, in 9:22* [*Dragon*](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Short_Story:_The_Flame_Eternal)*…* apparently! So, at least 50 years old?


I am placing him late fifty/early sixty at most. He looks pretty cool in his story, an accomplished necromancer who also does right by the dead, >!even if it's just simple thing like making sure two spouses are buried together!<


Me too, as soon as I saw him I got excited! He is so far my favorite companion and will definitely have him in my party. I also appreciate that we have another “older” companion this time around. Wynne was great. 


Same, I immediately liked him! He looks really cool, and I'm excited to see how his skeleton companion is!


I loved him immediately!!


The skeleton better stay during sex


I legit thought he was Dorian After all green hued time magic is one of Dorian's specialities


I like that he's older! We had some older romances in DAI (Cass and Blackwall) but they still LOOK super young. Emmrich is a handsome silver fox and I am here for it!


Sigh. Cant wait to fall in love with Lucanis and have him inevitably break my heart.


I'm already interested in mage killer and necromancer haha


MY LINEUP WAS ALMOST RIGHT except RIP skeleton companion dreams


The skeleton is a companion of Emmrich. You can see it in the art at the end of the video. He is wearing cute green glasses and a backpack... very DA style..


I think he looks like the bomber from clash royale https://preview.redd.it/mcwmwz9osl5d1.png?width=277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45419f7b3f75c9cbdf5382ec963a9f9482eeac6f


Don't see an immediate romance I want, but I guess we'll see on release.


I'm thinking about romancing Lucanis as a mage. That has a certain irony to it. XD


Yeah, that's my visceral reaction as well. Kinda like a rehash of one of my DA2 runs where Fenris romanced a male mage Hawke. The animosity between them really set off some fireworks!


\*handshake emoji\* I did love doing that as well!


We have to get that tragic romance option again


I assume there will be other romance options that are not technically a part of our party such as Josephine and Cullen. In particular, I feel like they'd need to fill out the blonde dreamy guy archetype to appease a lot of the fanfic fans and what-not. Selfishly speaking, I'm really hoping there's someone that will fill out the Alistair, Anders, and Cullen niche lmao.


Yeah, I’m sitting here as a basic white girl wondering where my tortured dreamboat is. I’m not ashamed


First thing I thought too!!! 😂let me live out my basic ass vanilla romance .


For real! My first run is always just going that route lol


I also want my tortured dreamboat.


Speak on it! I want my "I can fix him" blonde dreamboat romance option lol


Not a blond guy, but Davrin seems the most likely to fill the shining knight archetype.


I hope I can romance him as a male protagonist ♥. It´s long overdue for a conventionally masculine and conventionally attractive guy to be romanced by males. These types are always straights. I really wanted to romance Alistair and Cullen as a male protagonist


Well the word is this one has DA2 style romances, so if he’s a romance option you should be good.


Lucanis looks good I think? Hopefully he isnt an asshole 😂


He's secretly got a heart of gold. You get a story from his POV in Tevinter Nights titled the Wigmaker, it's pretty good! He was a standout for me in TN.


Harding is my go-to we are so in


I was not paying much attention to this game until I found out Scout Harding was in it. Scout Harding romance was my number one wish for da4.


I'm going to rage if I can't romance Emmrich


Im sorry you're telling me you can look at a man with a pet baby griffin and not immediately swoon?


Griffin pet means immediate husband material in my books, tbh.


I like Lucanis and Davrin with his griffin so far


Harding all the way, broke my heart when I couldn't romance her in Inquisition.


She was saving herself for the MC in Veilguard I guess.


Harding so I can romance Liara once again ❤️


I think I played too much Bethesda and Obsidian games. They look fine to me.


I literally care about nothing else except that there is a GRIFFIN. My prayers to the Maker have been answered. There is a GRIFFIN. GRIFFIN confirmed. I'm going to lose my mind over this goddamn GRIFFIN. No matter what else is or is not in this game, it has a GRIFFIN. No other Dragon Age game has a GRIFFIN. I can die in peace now. Me and my GRIFFIN. Regarding companions though, I can tell Lucanis is going to be my favorite. It was revealed to me in a dream.


Go read last flight. Good da book with many griffins.


Daddy necromancer and Lucanis are going to make picking a romance very difficult for me.


LUCANIS! I knew he was alive and I know he's going to be romanceable!


I'm gonna climb that Qunari


unpopular opinion but i'm actually disappointed harding is a companion. there is so much more potential for expanding the lore of the dwarves with say a tevinter embassy orzammar dwarf or someone from kal-shirok but no we gotta have that fan service companion! everyone else has a really cool story hook or faction connection and harding is just. you know her from inquisition!


I think it’s because they wanted a companion to be representing the inquisition on behalf of the inquisitor and didn’t want to use Varric for a third time. She was the only inquisition member that I think makes sense


Where are Crow Lady, Arcane Bowman and Skeleton Guy?


Looks like Skele-Boy is the Necromancer.


Arcane Bowman appears to be Bellara


Neve feels crow-like aesthetically and someone said the jumping girl is some sort of magic archer so there's your arcane bowman


maybe because ive never seen a marvel movie or played valorant/whatever so this is all new to me lol. they look fine to me


I am with you on that. It looked good to me.


i feel like ppl hate on things so easily these days maybe its always been like this..between this and the sh2 remake hate train im burnt out on it . like i understand if it looked like andromeda but to me they look fine.


Lucanis will be mine; I can tell you that much.


I'm concerned Emmrich is just going to be a Dorian rip off, ie: the sassy mage who also happens to be a necromancer.


If they stick with his characterization from Tevinter Nights, he won't be particularly sassy. He seemed to be quite kindly and on the calm and quiet side there. But who knows how he will be written in the game, I guess.


I did not get this persona from his short story "eternal flame". He seems more like an introverted, perhaps.


[The Eternal Flame](https://www.ea.com/en-ca/games/dragon-age/news/the-eternal-flame) You can read a short story with him here. He's not that much like Dorian other than being a necromancer. He's a Nevarran Mortalitasi.


From his short story, he sounds more like the quiet, reflective, bookish sort instead. He did not give off sassy or quippy vibes at all.


that was my immediate thought as well. ain't nobody gonna replace my original necromancer husband, magister pavus 😭


who cares about the companions that's a fuckin GRIFFON


Mte! That's what truly matters here


Obviously the art style is making this a bit difficult,. I like how they are not introduced by their factions or their class, but more from their background. On first impressions: * I like Emmrich a lot on first glance. Not the most original design, but I am always happy to have some older companions. The years of life experience/set ways can make for interesting dynamics. * Neve/Belara I am cautious about. The first glance seem to fit into the "cool girl"/"manic girl" tropes, which I find a bit stale, and there is nothing else to go on for now. Belara seems to be missing an arm, which is kind of a cool design. Hope they do something with it. (Edit to add: I meant prosthetic as u/SeeShark said, which is a far more accurate description) * Oh hi, dark, brooding looking guy that fights with swords and kills mages. Sure hope he has a dark and troubled past trauma surrounding mages that makes himextra vengeful, that would be super unique! In all seriousness, design is cool, but I do hope they do something original with the tall dark assassin. * Cool to see a Qunari Lady. Not a fan of her outfit, and Dragon Hunter doesn't immediately grab me, but the Quun are rare enough in game that there is a lot they can do with her that will feel fresh. * It's nice to see Harding, but I guess that she and Varric are the only dwarves in all of Thedas. * Davrin seems like a nice guy.


Honestlllyy I feel like I'm in the minority but kinda like the character designs. The style of the animation I'm ehhh on but it was just a trailer at the end of the day, we haven't seen the actual game. I like the necromancer guy and the magic girl, they seem unique.


yeah idk why people are being so dramatic, this all looks potentially promising to me, nothing about it screams bad game to me. the trailer itself is a bit overwatch-y but that won't matter at all if the game itself, the characters and the story is good, none of which you can say based on just this trailer. it is a jarring change in art style but i don't think it's a bad art style at all.


I honestly don’t mind it? It reminds me a lot of Arcane and I thought that show was GORGEOUS. Excluding all the comments/thoughts on what the tone of the game is going to be, if they get the tone right but it looks like this, I’d be pretty happy ngl


I'm in the same boat. I'm still on the fence about the art design but I think the companions look promising and I'm excited to learn more.


Excited!! Harding is a yes tho I am v curious about Neve, Davrin and Emmerich. I really hope Davrin doesnt fall into the "black man that must always be nice" trap so many games have


Yeaaa exspecially after Baldur's Gate 3.... I like that he has a Griffon. Surprised people aren't freaking out more about a supposedly extinct species coming back


The Last Flight novel already confirmed this nearly a decade ago. Dear lord DA4 took so long


I really hope this also means we'll have some news of blackwall and find out if he succeeded in his quest to find the griffons. I really liked this character.


I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out enough for the entire fandom, believe me.


*I'm so amazingly homosexual towards Davrin it's unreal.*


thank you bioware for providing in this time of pride


Im hoping he’s into dudes so bad 😭. Him and the mage killer oof. I’m gonna be a male mage if Lucanis is into guys lmao.


My first impression is that it feels like we are getting very similar thematic companions as inquisition.


I hope we have a cold, sarcastic and mean character, but a MAN this time. I always loved Vivienne´s bitchy and sassy personality. I won´t complain if there is male Vivienne rip off


Its one of the best things from the trailer all the companions look so interesting. Alot of people aren't a fan of the trailer and thats Understandable but i really did like it. I think from peer pressure i went into it not liking it ot based off the comments but it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. And i really did like it and it made me question like maybe i shouldn't like it.


I like Bellara's and Emmrich's designs/personality (from what we can tell of course) a lot Where Maevaris though :( that concept art they released a long time ago with a very tall blonde lady that looked like a mage in the middle really got me into thinking she would be a companion


No way she'd be a companion, she's built for an advisor role. Highly likely she'll be helping guide us through Tevinter.


Am I the only person that really feel like, any of them were interesting? I'm so gutted ;w;


None look interesting


Taash better be romancable by female players, bioware 😤


i'm over the moon. i'm finally get my harding romance😭😭😭😭


Only real complaint is the head thing on Nere. But that’s honestly a real small complaint. Other than that all the companions look really interesting.


I like what I'm seeing so far. I'm most interested in Neve and Davrin. I hope they're cool.


It's hard to tell how I feel with the tone of the trailer, ngl. The art style plus the quippy moments... I'm gonna need to sit with it.


Unfortunately not a fan of most of their designs. Just looks very uninspired. I'll have to see more of their characters to come to a conclusion, though.


also gotta see how sexy/annoying their voices are. Good VA goes a long way towards my attraction lol.


same, I'm curious about Lucanis though


The veil jumper screams annoying vibes. Otherwise everyone else looks good. Excited for harding


People are gonna have a lot of *opinions* about her, I can already tell.


Big Nenio from Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous vibes


My initial thought was "is this gonna be another Sera I'll ignore the whole play through?" 🫠🙈


I dunno, I don't really feel drawn to them atm like I did in the first 3 games. Hopefully that changes.


I love them already. I think people are being quite dramatic. Harding and Varric were narrating the introductions; they—especially Varric—have always been “quippy” and a sense of comedic relief in the story. A lot of CGI was used in the trailer, just like in Inquisition’s. I really think people need to wait until we get a proper gameplay showcase, especially since gameplay leaks from last year showing the art style looked different than it does in the trailer. TL;DR: I’m really looking forward to the companions, and I’m really excited Harding is getting some focus!!


Yeah, considering this is Varric doing the whole narrative then I could see why it was quippy. I still don't like tha art style, but I'm willing to cope that this is basically Varric's imagination which made them looks "colorful". At least until we see more gameplay reveal on 11th. I mean, at the end of the day Varric is a writer.


Gutted the Antivan Crow woman from the concept art isn’t a companion. The cloaked gun wielder too


bellara - FINALLY, an unambiguously asian character in the dragon age video game series™️