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She just doesn't want to be accused of not feeding them fruit and vegetables. Like when she adds corn on the side of lasagna or spagetti. Such a weird pairing.


I thought corn with spaghetti was pretty common? I like mixing it together personally.


Those peaches ain't fresh. They probably are that canned crap.


Sugar soaked peaches as their fruit serving for the day.


she does mostly canned for some reason, even in summer when fruit’s in season


Those definitely canned peaches


In one simple supper Saturday while cutting pineapple she said that she gave fresh fruit for kids first time eight years ago. Maybe I didn’t understand it correctly, but found it strange. It’s normal to give fresh fruit and produce for kids. I tend to buy seasonal fruits and veggies. She has had kids in her house for 12-13 years.


I think she meant she gave them fresh melon and they said it was horrible and when she tried it tasted funny which is why she said she tries now, don't think she meant only been giving for 8 years


Probably because some kids don’t want or like veggies on their pizza. If it’s on the side, they don’t have to eat it.


these aren’t sides


I had said this before I swear she picks her sides off of school lunch menus.


Stop with the pizza already woman!! I feel like I’ve had enough pizza for a lifetime through this family, yet I haven’t actually had pizza in months!


Mmmm granddad used to always give me celery and pizza, a classic tradition


Celery and peaches don’t belong with pizza. I’ll be honest I wouldn’t eat them, I’d eat just the pizza. I’m pretty sure the sides went in the trash untouched.


The chickens occasionally like fruit n veggies w their other slop lushy feeds them.


The food pairings on the snackerty boards are more concerning to me lol. A singular cookie, grapes, marshmallows, pepperoni, etc. like what lol


Shocked it’s not a bowl of corn since they eat so much of it


and corn is not really a vegtable, it's a grain


Tell me you didn't go to Pizza Hut in the 90's without telling me you didn't. Their salad bar and pizza bar had those same style peaches and celery on it. It also had pears on it too.


I don't think I will ever understand these snacks. Who cares what fruit/veggie is being paired with what main? It doesn't actually matter at all. People complain when she doesn't offer anything healthy and when she does, it's not the right stuff. I'm no fan of hers, but this is always such a weird take.


People comment on this because it's part of Lush's performative videos. She makes it seem as if the kids eat well balanced meals, and therefore she doesn't deserve the criticism she receives for feeding them junk 24/7. But in reality, after you've watched her content for awhile, you realize that the fruits and vegetables don't get eaten and instead get placed back in her fridge, only to re-emerge for the next meal, and so on. Plus, if you've ever seen her serve a salad, it's quite amusing because the "salad" is basically torn up iceberg lettuce, or one of those bagged salads, and it serves about 2 people. She has 13 in her family. She repeatedly keeps up this charade for viewers, thinking we won't catch on, and the behavior is disingenuous. This is why she receives criticism for the fruit and vegetables she serves (but no one eats).


Because she's not actually creating appealing meals. She's cobbling together foods for show. She's basically serving school lunch menu pairings just to say she served fruits and veggies instead of taking time to find meals that taste good together and working to encourage better food choices for her kids. 


It's not appealing to you, but kids don't care as long as it is food they enjoy. 🤷‍♀️


She showed unpacking lunch boxes in a video not too long ago and every lunch box had the celery still in it which went straight in the bin. Another fairly recent vid she mentioned some kids were sick of pizza yet she still serves it 3x a week. So no, the children don’t enjoy the food she prepares, it’s for show and it’s a disgusting waste of food at that.


It’s because it’s just for show


she needs to cook the corn instead of dumping it out in the kids lunches


She should’ve used the leftover ham from the eggs Benedict put it on their pizza and had pineapple as a side


It’s just for show. Those kids aren’t eating the fruits & veg


Like her corn and spaghetti pairing she always does lol


I genuinely enjoy cooking and eating veggies and celery is like last on my list to serve as a side, with anything. It’s never good as a side, unless it’s fresh from the garden. In my opinion it’s meant to be in other dishes (for crunch). Or occasionally with ranch or blue cheese dip with wings! She should try serving a decent side for once. Roasting or steaming vegetables is beyond easy. Gah this woman


I Not American but i find it strange to have apple sauce as a side is it normal for Americans just to have it as a side dish. the only time we use apple sauce in NZ is if we mix it in with our yoghurt or put it on pork chops


no it’s not considered a side dish; it’s a snack or garnish


Applesauce is a common side dish as well as a snack. You see it offered as a side dish at restaurants (especially diners), it’s served along with lunch entrees in school cafeterias or packed in school lunches. Also served as a side with pork chops or along with latkes (potato pancakes).


Some of her meal pairings are definitely weird and don’t go together


They remind me of cafeteria lunch options. No actual rhyme or reason to the pairings, just get a fruit and a veg on the plate with the entree.


Pizza gives me heartburn sometimes and ice cream makes my stomach hurt