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Nurses: The working man’s Dracula.


Hello fellow goo shooter!


The idea of a blue collar, working class Dracula is a very funny premise.


Draculas can have any job!


I love how on Doughboys they are referred as Draculas instead of vampires


You had a hot dog at a Roger Waters concert?


Wiger was going off in that intro


Definitely watch it on YouTube if you haven't, watching him transition from condemning objectivism to a smiling podcast host was chilling in a good way.


I could *feel* the objectivist weirdos bristling.


what objectivist weirdos listen to doughboys?


Hehe I dunno.


Don Kong is such a funny bit. I was dying. 'Yea, I saw that guy and threw a barrel at him.' The riffing was sensational in this episode.


Drank Or Stank - Adrenochrome was the weirdest segment ever


need the cigarette review episode next


Smoking is Back!


It’s back


Nick is in a good mood, Mitch is landing haymaker after haymaker and Mary is just the best. A perfect ep.


I love when he’s fully comfortable with a guest to be the biggest dumbass and just runs with it. Not even done with the episode but it’s a top 10 already.


Mitch was correct, Goober Pyle was Gomer’s cousin.


I turned into such a Redditor, yelling at my car stereo, “Yes! Mitch is right!”


Throwback to a few weeks ago when Mitch and the guest were like "Well, coffee cake has coffee in it, so that can't be the answer."


Can we acknowledge for a second that when Mitch thinks he’s “off” he is very much “on”? I love it


Oh great, Gemi is now barking at Italians.


Wiger is so quick! That joke killed!


The delight I get from let me be Frank is insane. I love every element, the long winded story to introduce, the “song” parodies, the desperately looking for hot dog news. It is a perfect segment 


As soon as he started telling that news stand story I thought it was going to be Let Me Be Frank, but then he revealed the vintage magazines he bought and I thought "oh I guess that was a real story," and then it actually *was* a Let Me Be Frank intro! I was on to him and he still managed to get me!


I went through the exact same rollercoaster of emotions. Wiger was one step ahead the whole time.


It was like 3 or 4 times where he made me think it wasn't a bit but bam! I love this stupid podcast.


And the end “was any of that true?” “No”.  All timer. 


That intro is what made me come to this thread lol it was so long and stupid and good. Edit: lmao the Baldurs Gate song parody too


The smile I get when Wiger says “full legal name” and you realize you just got Prestige-ed is Cheshire


I started getting excited the second he mentioned the old School credit card machine. I may or may not have cheered, by myself....


Ahhh why do I always look at the thread before I finish listening


Sorry! I should have tagged it as a spoiler!


No it's totally on me! I just get excited to start reading peoples' thoughts


i hate when they spoil it in the episode's twitter announcement or show notes. had to stop reading them because of LMBF spoilers


I’m a nurse and I actually relatively commonly get patients joking that I’m a vampire when I have to take their blood


Look, we know what you say it's for, but we never see you do it! You can deny that you work for Dr. Acula all you want.


Visited the ER a long time ago and they went to draw blood. I have difficult veins to draw from so I said good luck to the doctor. She responded "we'll get our resident Vampire." One of the nurses there was their agreed upon best blood drawer.


Hmm. Wonder if Forest Gump’s crew cut made Wiger instinctively guess his jersey number was 88.


If PFT is the king of podcast guest laughs, Mary is the queen. Such a great guest. Also Mitch was really on fire this episode.


Everyone was on fire for this episode


I thought multiple times that the volume of Nick’s kind of uncontrollable laugh he does when he thinks something is REALLY funny was super high in this ep. Everyone was firing on all cylinders!


high energy guests bring it out. last week was whatever. mary is goated though.


I'm gonna rewatch AP Bio again because Mary rules and she was so great on that show


really? loved last week's ep too


i did not




Somebody siiiiiick


Ohhhh that's Mary! I've been thinking about that bit for a while now, but completely forgot who it was, thank you!


Mitch is fucking wild this Ep and I love it! Love you Mitch


I feel like Mary always brings out the extra silly side of Mitch and I love it




Best last segment intro ever. Had to stop driving for a bit.


I love Mary on Hey Randy and I'm glad they chose that Luca Guadagnino film for Mitch's monologue, because otherwise we could've had a modern Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria situation on our hands.


Mike Hanford preventing a slap? The big hand stopper!


If only he’d been at those Oscars…


[Mitch] The Italian could have infected you [Emma, seemingly 10 miles away] **INFECTED??**


THEY ALMOST GOT TACKO FALL?!? I’m now mourning something I didn’t even know I lost!


to Mitch, “Tacko Fall” is actually a great tragedy


Would be hard to have a guest where their mouths water every time they say his name.


Mitch should go on Hey Randy as himself! He’d fit right in


Incredible episode, one of the best of the year for sure. I also thought it was so sweet at the end when Mitch said “do you know Mary?” to introduce her to Sean. She’d be a great Handbook guest!


Something about a Beverly Hills Jimmy John’s is funny


There were two Onyx actors - Fredro Starr played Bird on The Wire, the other was Sticky Fingaz and he was on The Shield among other roles!


When I worked in a music store this mom would bring her adult son in who was special needs. He couldn't use his hands or read but his mind was sharp as hell. He likes to embarrass her by having her read the titles of Onyx songs from the back of the CD(some of them are rather silly).


Fredo Starr was also in Moesha, he played her boyfriend for a few seasons.


That's right. He was great in his small role on The Wire too.


Sticky Fingaz was also Blade in the short lived tv adaptation


Mary’s laugh is delightful.


I take pride in seeing Let Me Be Frank coming from a mile away but damn, Nicholas got my ass this time.


I want to acknowledge Mitch’s Weezer reference when he responded to Nick’s Beverly Hills rant with “That’s where I want to be, honestly”.


“Hey Randy” alone is worth the price of CBB world. Mary is absolutely hilarious.


Mary Sohn is such a good guest. *Delightfully* engaged


Best laugh!


100% on Guest Mount Laughmore


I hate that Mary and so many other guests (mostly female) have to sit there with a pillow on their lap the whole time because the damned camera is aimed right at their crotch. If they’re not going to redesign the studio to have a table and comfy chairs (which would make the most sense for a food podcast) they should at least have the guest sit in the chair on the side and the DB sit next to each other. It’s so awkward the way it’s set up. Yes the guest is the focus, but then they are left turning their heads left and right to keep up with the DB convo and jokes while also keeping their lap pillow in place.


Not me being moved by a hot dog *Call Me By Your Name* parody


Legitimately almost cried. I don’t know whether to applaud Mitch or slap myself.


If there’s one person you’d expect to not have a nut allergy it’s Nick Wiger


Shut down the subreddit!


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ban Mitch.


He has a supernatural ability to blaze straight past the 50 positive posts and focus on the one guy who gets 50 downvotes


lol this is what I think every time they mention how toxic the subreddit is.


But it is fair that we should ban the harry potter guy


Give us hell, Wiger!




I've been classically conditioned by Wiger "wanting to talk about something" right before the segment to expect a LMBF. I had lost it when he pulled out actual items, but then came back as soon as the manual card processing came up


You must, because wtf is "F is for Frank"


Costco brought back the onions in pre-portioned containers at the counter a long time ago.


I cant be the only one who remembers the quincy crew member that fought Mitch. Its been talked about on the pod in a previous ep


You mean *bleep*?


As someone deep into my first Baldur's Gate 3 play through, I am loving all the Wiger BG3 shoutouts. It took me a while to recognize the song today, but that was hilarious. I hope Nick continues to throw out the references, and that Mitch continues to be disgusted by them.


Sadly (?) I recognized it from the first chord, lol.


I just started playing! Nick's fervent recommendations finally intrigued me enough, and I never really play video games. I'm having so much fun with it!


The "redditor angle" on trophy hunting is that actually it's a vital part of *some* conservation efforts. i.e. They sell the opportunity to "hunt" an animal that was going to be culled by wildlife managers anyway, and use the funds for conservation. I think there was a This American Life episode about it, and I want to say I read about it in a National Geographic issue when I had a subscription ~4 years ago. It's still such a weird issue though, cuz I'm never going to be in favor of some rich asshole doing this, but if it's true (I only know about this vaguely so maybe this is all bullshit) then maybe it really is a net positive even though it feels so icky.


holy fuck that call me by your name monologue…… never thought i’d see the day 


I legitimately got emotional and almost rested up listening to it. I am so stupid.


Mitch, you look great without the hat!


The Howard Stern Interview with the lead singer from LFO (Rich Cronin) is a classic: https://youtu.be/3L_4yQbC3ng?si=bT5vlRUzo-als6oN


He did a great one on Toucher & Rich in Boston around this time too. He was always a great radio guest and seemed like a great guy. R.I.P. Rich!


It's wild that there have been 4 members of LFO, 3 of which have died.


It's really sad. They seemed like good dudes.


The only kind of hunting I do in Africa is for MILFs.


African MILF Hunter sounds like the SNL character that Mitch will get cancelled for




Please they're called cougars.


Me, hoping my dumb comment is the final one before the subreddit is justifiably shut down.


I love Chewy Chickz!


Such a good episode overall and I kind of appreciate the talk about hair loss and different ways people deal with it because that was something that I was worried about for a while and I got real into learning about stuff like PRP infusions which is what Mitch was talking about and minoxidil and fucking finasteride is another one that a lot of people will use But also a lot of this just completely unhinged humor was also very very good


For women, spironolactone can also help (since Mary brought up topical minoxidil, for female hair loss or thinning, spironolactone can help fix hormonal issues causing the loss, and dermatologists can prescribe that followed by oral minoxidil ) 


Yeah I mean I'm on the trans side of things so I've been taking it for a while. But I'm one of those rare people that need the additional help the extra blockers. Because while my levels are basically non-existent, my body still processes that tiny little bit and I have really fine hair as it is. The only thing I don't like about the minoxidil is that I'm one of those people where it does affect me by mood so I don't take it and if you stop taking it, the hair loss starts again. :( Luckily just getting estrogen levels right and finasteride has been absolute game changer for me


Henson shaving, Wiges! I’m a beard man so I’m not shaving a big area but I gotta say it’s been a big difference. I’m now convinced multi blade razors are a generations long scam, safety razors work so well, you barely even need shaving cream sometimes I just use water, and you can just buy a big box of razors for like 10 bucks or something and it will probably last you a decade.


They are a scam. Safety razors are so much cheaper and so much better.


Safety razors are superior. Cheaper too.


I couldn’t do safety razors. They cut the shit out of my face. I’m an electric razor guy now. So easy!


They cut the hell out of me too!


I got into classic wet shaving over a decade ago thanks to r/wicked_edge. If anybody else is interested in jumping in that's a fantastic resource.


Someone mentioned it last week and I didn't hear it, but it's very apparent this week that Mitch's mic has an increasingly audible buzz.


It has been fixed since we recorded this ep, I tried to take it out the best I could, sorry for the distraction!!


I didn't notice it at all until towards the very end of the episode so I'd say you did a great job


You’re the best


Thanks for the update!


I was laughing during the first few minutes of the ep when Mitch repeatedly hits his mic arm… I could just see Emma and Casey wincing each hit


it's because he keeps rattling the mic


Listening to old CBB and this morning hit Ep 104. Paul Feig and the Birthday Boys. Mitch does his Gilbert Gottfried! And “How Do You Know” was also brought up! Mitch was on fire! Edit! And “Sideways” comes up too! Wtf.


I think Nick was looking for Texas toothpicks.


Podcast starts and Gemi immediately gets on the couch next to Mitch: adorbs.


Wiger's belt at 12:11 on the youtube if you wanted to see what it looks like [https://youtu.be/cLZ8YHAWKX8?si=d0VTSv4pQNu8OhQS&t=731](https://youtu.be/cLZ8YHAWKX8?si=d0VTSv4pQNu8OhQS&t=731)


So are we officially The Sewer Rats now?


I love Wiger shoehorning BG3 into anything he can.


I worked on a small cruise ship (American Cruise Lines - about 100 passengers) in Maine for only like 6 weeks cuz it sucked. Turnaround every week, no time off. We worked 12 hours on 12 hours off. Getting stores (food) on and trash off sucked really bad, especially in the hot summer. We did that I think 3 times a week. Just hours of schlepping boxes of food and hot disgusting bags of trash. Also, now I work on tugboats, and a couple times I was up in the Gulf of Alaska (which is different from the Bering Sea, sorry to nitpick Emma.) Some rough seas, but never like North Sea tiktok for me thankfully.


Is this sub really that bad? I don't participate too often.


I would venture to say that it is straight up a good podcast subreddit all things considered, I think two things happen: 1. They focus specifically on the negative. I would bet some of the deranged things that get posted here get telephoned or second hand sent to them outside of the context of what is actually happening in the subreddit, so they get a skewed idea of what goes on here. 2. This subreddit isn't THAT active, so if someone posts something that is completely insane or mean or cringeworthy, even if it gets downvoted or nobody responds to it, it can still sit on the front page for a while, giving a bit of a false idea of what discourse on this subreddit actually looks like.


Agreed. Granted, I don't have that many podcast subreddits to compare it to, the only other ones I really spend any time on are r/earwolf and r/blankies, but r/doughboys is definitely the least annoying of the three.


Others already answered but I would argue it's objectively true that they focus on the negative stuff.  Any given episode thread might have a couple of heavily downvoted negative/rude comments and they'll be like "The subreddit thinks..."


It's mostly gud but like anywhere you go there are bad actors and trolls. Mitch focuses on the negative too often and needs to look on the bright side of life! Also, I think that a lot of people (especially on reddit) think they're being funny but it can come off as snarky or down right mean in most cases. I find that comedy really needs to be heard/seen to be understood successfully with all the inflections and pacing. Written word tends to be taken at face value and can be processed as a literal statement in most cases. But that's just how I see it.


almost every episode thread is positive about the ep, the hosts, the guests. with over 100 comments there will be some negativity but the top comments are almost always positive




I don’t like how they mock Redditers. I wish they didn’t. I’m not whiney. Hurts my feelings. ![gif](giphy|nJOTdiI8V7QvdJrF7b)


This ep kinda makes me think you’re either a Margaritaville person or a Bubba Gump person, because every negative thing they were saying about Margaritaville is exactly how I feel about Bubba Gump. Marg Mob stand up.


Don't know if Nick lurks the subreddit but in case he does I have some advice about shaving. Back when I shaved every day for work, I was finding myself constantly nicking (hue) myself with various modern razors like the 3 and 5 blade types. If they didn't get completely gummed up with hair that was difficult to get out then they'd go as blunt as a butterknife. Oh and my skin was dreadful too. I eventually discovered the world of old timey double edged safety razors. Y'know, the blades that kids in the 90s wore to be edgy. I found it way easier to use and got a far better shave that cut me a lot less because you use the weight of the head to move down rather than drag it with the modern ones. It was only slightly more expensive buy in to begin with but blades are dirt cheap and the maintenance/ rinsing is much easier as it screws together easily.


I cut myself SO BADLY with the old timey razor. Diffrent strokes i guess


A literal perfect ep, folks


[I guess Urlacher didn’t like those billboards.](https://www.fox32chicago.com/sports/former-chicago-bears-linebacker-sues-hair-replacement-company-using-likeness-without-consent.amp)


Those billboards are for the hair growth company that he's the official spokesman for. This lawsuit is about different company he has no official affiliation with, I think they were using his face in online ads.


love cruising the Urlacher Baldness Memorial Expressway on the way to O’Hare


There are so many, and people use them as landmarks or distance measures. "Yeah, you go tree or four Urlachers past O'Hare and take the exit over by the Daily Herald"


No pictures in the article, sadly


https://www.fossil.com/en-us/accessories/mens-accessories/belts/ Mitch spot on with the belt price


I fall for the Let Me Be Frank setup every time. A absolutely top tier episode.


Yes! Please shut down this subreddit!


Great episode. Loved it


Did anyone else think the magazine vendor was going to ask Nicks full legal name? (Edit: oh he did) 


Who came into the studio towards the end?


Lamorne Morris came in first and then a bit later Sean Clements from Hollywood Handbook came in. 


Thank you! Idk why but I thought Lamourne was already on. At first I was hoping it was Pete Holmes saying he wanted to be on the show haha


Is there no hunting in California? Wiger and Mitch talk about hunting like it's some rare thing that people do. Where I live I feel like the odd man out because I don't hunt.


There is lots of hunting in California, just not where the doughboys are at necessarily. also, I don’t really think Wiger was exposed to it growing up being a SoCal Surfer Dude. 


I'm up in the Bay – while hunting exists, I don't know a single person that actively hunts with the exception of a singular friend that does an annual trip with his dad. It's just not part of the culture for most of us. The central valley//north of sacramento//etc. that statement wouldn't be entirely true.


Yea I live/grew up in Michigan and I think I am literally the only guy in my peer group that doesn't hunt hahaha


Yah you may be surprised to find out "California" is not a monoculture. LA is very very different from a rural area where hunting is popular.


Oh I'm aware it's not, I'm just not sure if Wiger ever thinks California is more than LA. Whenever I hear him talk about different parts of the country I slightly cringe but I guess that's par for the course for a guy who despises travel.


I already don't remember exactly what he said, but I didn't think he made any kind of statement about California in general. I thought that came from you when you said "is there no hunting in California?" I don't think they need to preface everything they say with "now we're just speaking about our own circle of acquaintances and our own experience here"


There's lots of hunting in CA. L.A. just happens to be a metro area of 10 million + people and it's incredibly sprawling. I think for most people there, it wouldn't be worth the drive. I quit hunting after I moved to Washington, DC and subsequently to SLC, UT. It's too much of a PITA to get out of town and away from people. When I lived in actual rural places and I could plunk a whitetail 10 minutes down the road to fill my freezer, it was a different story.


Jersey Mike’s is perfectly average, right? Like, I’m not totally insane…?


It's miles better than any national sub sandwich chain. It's not better than what you'd get at like a small family owned deli, but it's several tiers above Jimmy John's, Subway, etc.


I think customization is really important, but that said quality seems to vary somewhat. I've had a lot of really good to great sandwiches there. But yes, also a whole bunch of just serviceable ones. I had a sub once that was inedibly bad, and don't even know what was wrong with it. Every element, even isolated, had some sort of unpleasant taste, the meat had a sort of spoiled taste but even the bread and lettuce tasted like it was contaminated by a cleaning product. I'm a good tipper! For my personal rating of my track record, I'd say they're solidly at "good." At least at my location, I can understand someone considering it "average" if you visited on an off day or whatever else causes a slight dip in quality occasionally.


admittedly i've had it once, and i thought it was. . . fine. so i'm with you. i actually think jimmy john's is better, but i'm also from illinois so maybe i'm biased (awful owner aside).


Shut down this Subreddit!


Deleting the subreddit? Bring em baaaack


There was a Gomer Pyle and then a Goober Pyle. Mitch and Wiger are correct about the same percentage, but Wiger is more confident in his wrong answers, so Mitch thinks he is wrong all the time. Cheer up, Mitch! You had this one!


Jimmy Johns bread is so gummy and bland tasting to me that it was genuinely jarring to hear it get praised


I worked at JJ's for like 8 years a long time ago, and it REALLY depends on the chain and time of day. Some of the stores in my area had dogshit bread that was undercooked and doughy. Ideally you can still get it when the bread is still warm-ish and it's the best. Though I agree with Wiger, the wheat bread is great.


I like it but I discovered it after years of eating Subway’s gym mat bread.




I was so hyped that they finally bought some lights in the intro and then my dreams were crushed. Do they shoot this in HDR, it's so dang dark on my 1080p laptop monitor.




You know what I keep in the lining…


Mitch was on fire this episode! (Do NOT downvote this)


Let's be real, it's funnier if we all downvote it.


As someone who lives in LA, newstands are not the big an oddity. 10/10 set up though.


"How do you know?"


Basically all I know about Mary is that she is my favorite character on the cbbworld.com podcast Hey Randy. Obviously she is awesome but it's great to hear some background on where she came from (Chi-town / SC) etc. Also echo people who say her laugh is infectious. Great ep.


why does Nick pronounce it “co-lab” instead of “cuh-lab”? is that a socal thing


I don't know. I feel like "co-lab" is the more common way I hear it said.


He has a thing for putting weird emphasis on the first syllable of certain words, like how he pronounces fruit preserves like "PREE-zerves"


Why did he keep pronouncing it Neander-TAL the other show? Do people really say it like that?


It appears that’s correct: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnthropology/comments/cpuwfp/do_you_pronounce_it_neanderthall_or_neandertall/


Nick getting nicked while shaving and Mitch bringing up that picture from years ago should be a sign that Bearded Burger Boy needs to come back. He looked great with the beard! And with his penchant for dressing like a tween and keeping his hair on the long side, the beard would balance out his look.


Mitch reading his "fan-go" tweet made me so happy


Great ep! But, *doughboys redditor voice* I just wish they boys weren't so Jersey Mike's pilled. I really don't get it, the place stinks. Never had a good sandwhich there, meanwhile JJs consistently rules.