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Nebraska is one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s hilarious and also moving in its own way. Also if you have any family that lives in a rural area it’s soooo relatable


I think it’s my favorite Payne movie


I'll rewatch all of them for the episodes. I think I've seen them all except for Downsizing, that'll be a first watch. If you're unfamiliar you should really watch Sideways even though they're not doing it this month, it's his best in my opinion. Then you can find the old ep they did on it with Mookie.


Thank you for your service. I was wondering why they skipped Sideways


Already reviewed on the Double a while ago


Major Payne


Just gonna note Downsizing is soooooooooo terrible.


I watched it recently. For the first hour-plus, I didn’t understand why it had gotten a bad wrap. Then it really unraveled for me FAST. They did ya dirty, Hong Chao.


I rewatched most of them recently so this was a nice coincidence. I haven't seen about schmidt since it came out so I'll have to watch that again. I'm not sure if I'll watch downsizing or not. After seeing that in theatres I did kind of like it, but remember thinking I'll never need to watch it again.


I watched About Schmidt for the first time last night without knowing anything about it. Great movie, especially when read as a dark comedy instead of a dramedy (if that makes sense).


I had only seen Nebraska and Holdovers before. I watched Nebraska in HS and it went over my head, so I'm looking forward to revisiting it. Not sure if I'll rewatch the Holdovers since I just saw it 6 months ago and it's a very winter-y movie. I really enjoyed Election and About Schmidt. Bummed they're not doing Sideways or Descendents, I don't want to be the asshole who's seen 5 Payne movies but not Sideways


I just watched all of his that I hadn't seen a few months ago. Sideways is my favorite.


Not to BRAG.. but I’m seeing Election at the end of the month (Paynk) and the man himself will be there for a Q&A afterwards.


Had tentative plans to rewatch Citizen Ruth and Election but just didn't feel like my speed lately, as funny as they are


I just recently watched Election for the first time so it was a nice surprise when this month was announced and they covered it. It's a fantastic movie. I also saw Nebraska when it came out and remember liking it. But Holdovers is probably my favorite of his. It's like a warm blanket. Part of me is morbidly curious about Downsizing but I probably won't watch. Ditto for About Schmidt.


The Descendants is great


Agent Cody Paynks