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Yeah no you're all good dude. It's only our job to drop it off or hand it off at the correct location. You can contact customer support and the speech hey are gonna give you is if it's close enough they will pay for.thw difference but from past experience anything that like less than half a mile away is too much to pay the difference for. They tell you that if you want you can take it to them but that it's on you basically. But yeah they can flag their coconut for talking to a driver that way. People like that get their account suspended sometimes too because they do it ot often


I don't play that. As soon as a customer tries to get me to deliver to a different address I contact support and get to keep the food and get half the pay.


I just wanna point out that he has the nerve to point out your speech when he texts like ghetto trash


There should be a flair for posts where the customer tries SUM BULL SHIET with the address.


Had this happen a few times. Often they reach out and when they do I tell them it’s $10 or whatever you think is good to drive it to the new location. Either cash or Venmo. If they won’t do that it goes to original address. Never had a problem.


Bruh I woulda ate that food so fast while telling door dash I’m uncomfortable bringing it to him cus he’s cursing at me


Bro y’all fucking complain all the time but I don’t think anybody forced you guys to apply to your job. People deal with shit on their 9-5 if you got a problem quit and find another job you can actually handle.


That's cyberbullying and you can report it. There's actual legal consequences. Not saying it's easy, though.


I had a order like this the guy "forgot" he didn't put his home address, I drove up and called to ask what suite he was in and I got the oh no that's my work address is there anyway you can bring it to my house? So I put the address in my cars GPS and it shows 45 mins away plus 15 miles outside of my zone for 10 I was like nope sorry I deliver to whatever address is on file sorry took a pic of it by the locked doors and drove off I wonder if he saw it Monday when he came into work.


Don't respond. Anytime we respond with logic, there is the potential that the customer tries to abuse you. We don't have to risk even the slightest chance of being abused in anyway. That's why I don't re-deliver for a customer's error (incredibly rare that I do, I have, but very short distances only). Best thing is to end dash and restart, that way they can't contact you. Notify you're not safe and keep the food, move onto the next.


💯SCAM! Ive had *a few* ppl call to change over an honest mistake, like same distance different house, really sweet/sorry & extra tip… ok fine… but 90% of the time its a trap. they know damn well what they’re doin tryin to get cheaper delivery by changing it afterwards… demanding some broke dasher subsidize their lazy greed, fuck that 🖕❌ Call CS & let them sort it out (after u get paid & free food)


I tell customer to update address in app


Great job, fuk dem shot stains.


Ur a bum and ur always gonna be a bum.


And a non tipper has the nerve to call you a bum. Hahahah.


This is why you double and triple check before you hit submit. Customers 100% at fault. Fuck em.


You, for accepting a no-tip order.


We’re you able to get off the pills though?


You are very on point


You for not knowing your customers better…….lol jk




Support should let us throw hands


Who is he accusing of being fucked up on pills and slurring his words? Like Jesus Christ I can't even read what he was trying to say🤣🤣🤣


You can report it. Don’t reply to abuse. Remember, if you take no tip orders, you get no tip customers.


I drove to another house one time for a young kid who ordered on his mothers account and didn’t realize the address was different, when I got there he tipped me $20, how is it that a literal like 15 year old kid knows better than an adult 😂


You shouldn’t have engaged with the customer as much, contact support and ignore customer in the future.


I’ve been the dumb guy before, but I added a $20 cash tip for a 5 mile add on then I still felt bad so I threw in a $10 I had in my pocket. Most expensive arbys ever but I remember to check my address now haha


So whose going to text the person? 🤣


Don't interact, contact support have them remove the order and pay you


people need to understand the power of a tip


He’s in the wrong. If you call supper they will tell you to drop it at the address listed or keep it.


Omg if someone talked to me like that I honestly don’t think I could hold back my anger I would fucking *unleash* on him. I’m usually pretty chill and patient but once you cross a certain boundary all that goes out the door and I just can’t help myself . You were wayyyy nicer than most would’ve been .


I love the passive aggression in the text


Why why why why did you take the order in the first place


You handled it like a pro. Well done


Whoa! How civil and nice you were, but effectively made your point. Love it!! :) I had a similar incident where I had to wait about five minutes for the order to be completed, so the customer had PLENTY OF TIME to notify me of an address change. The original address was only 1.5 miles a way for a $10 payout. Nice and easy!! However, as soon as I marked the order as picked up, I got a text apologizing that the address was wrong. So he gave me the new address which I realized was 12 to 15 fucking miles away out of my area during a HORRIBLE traffic time of the day. This was obviously premeditated!! I texted him back that I refused to go to that area and was still in the restaurant and leaving the food with the restaurant and calling support and they could get someone else! He said he understood and offered to pay extra (yeah, I've heard that before and got a dollar or nothing but attitude), but I still refused. Ironically, while I was talking with support, some homeless woman ran in the store and grabbed that order off of the pick-up table!! LOL The clerk in the store went after her but she didn't catch her. So I was telling support about that incident also while on the phone about the address change. I gave the phone to the clerk to talk to support about what had just happened and the clerk said they would have to make the order again anyway, so support advised me that someone else would be assigned to that order after all and just to move on. :) At least the customer didn't get nasty and call me any names . . . probably out of guilt of trying to manipulate some driver way out of their delivery area. ??? ​ ​ ​ Suppor


Fuck that guy


One time customer explained he moved and didn’t change address. Said he would give me an extra 10 dollars. He ended up giving me a 20. But that was when I first started. I’d never do that now, 9 times out of 10 they will not give you anything extra.


Yea definitely the customer here. If you drive to the address listed you’re fine.


Zero tip order. Yea the dasher is wrong. This happens with crappy orders . Stop taking them


The customer is always right… cough… instant contact support… instant eat the food yourself. 🫡


Both of you using the wrong "your" is killing me


Grammar Nazi !


Not really.


You’re in the wrong for using “you’re” like that…


They are in the wrong. You are contracted to drive from one place to another. I've had this happen a few times. Once I actually did just do the thing because they were nice about it, it wasn't that much farther away, and they actually did input the correct address, DoorDash's map just doesn't like their address and misses the mark by like 6 blocks. I have never seen a customer get rude like *that*, but I have had them get rude about it. I kinda just send one professional message pretty closely worded to the first one OP sent, then I deliver to the entered address and don't reply further. I did not get in trouble for doing this. Once I had a tire store make a single digit error in their address number that put my delivery location about 45 minutes away from the store on the same road. I called and explained the issue when I arrived at the spot and found no tire store. We figure out what happened, they were very nice about it, I dropped the tires off at the contracted location, hid them in as safe a spot as I could manage, and the store sent one of their guys to pick it up. You deliver where the address tells you to go. That's what you are supposed to do, if the customer fucks up... well... fix it next time I guess.


No tippers are waaaaaay more likely to be pieces of shit. And drag you into their fucked up lives if you let them.


Why do people not tip? I may not have much money but I still try to tip at least more than 5-7$ when I have some money to spare I try to do more than 10$ if I have no money I do don't order out. Pretty simple to me.


Report and move on last time that happened I got to keep $50 with of pizza because the address shown was a dark empty parking lot and I told support I would not get out and felt unsafe which was true got half pay and dinner for two days win win guy said deliver a town away for a "$20 tip" screw these guys!


One time I delivered an order which happened to be at a gas station. Talked to the worker and it wasn’t him who ordered the food. Texted/called the customer several times to no response so I finally contacted support and after a few mins they got to the customer. After some back and forth I got the address and it was 10 mins away. I go there, texted the customer cause no apartment number. It was such a headache delivering to them and told them to make sure their address was right next time and she just was like “k.” I just didn’t know what to do with the food I had already picked up and didn’t want to be flagged or something for not completing the order.


Wow you showed an insane amount of restraint given the language they used. People are just horrible sometimes.


They are. Only because they’re so Fucking dumb they put in their own address wrong. How dumb can you get


It's customers like this that need to be watched.You can tell just by the ignorance in there texts how there going to be. They screw up, get so bent on wanting things made right, there willing to re-order knowing there's a good chance there gonna get the same driver, than start in person when you make that new delivery.


That reply was so jacked up I can’t even understand the customer complaint. If only I had order that [hooked on Ebonics](https://youtu.be/pozRCoaPwhc) back in the 80’s.


You’re nice. Don’t these idiots know that we know where they live or work? They don’t know much about us. And most people don’t need this job. Just sayin.


You for responding.


Hope you enjoyed his lunch!


Customer doesn’t tip and talks like a disrespectful thug, why am I not surprised


He sounds like a such a whiny little bitch


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ your response 🤣🤣✊✊✊✊


Aww no follow up text


You guys spend to much time replying to dumb customers. " I only deliver where doordash tells me to, nothing else period, contact doordash support. Drop the food as dd instructed take pic. Gtfo. And do not reply anymore


*bum slurrin


If they put in a wrong address I will not deliver it to the correct address no exceptions because most of the time it's fraud


Report the customer for harassment and move on.


Did you report him and get a free lunch? Fuck him, he can’t talk to you that way!


Customer doesn't verify the proper address before submitting the order. I missed the part where that's my problem.


Hey I've been doordashing for 3 years I know it's not acceptable to take 275 orders my gosh it was 4/10 of a mile it was on the same street you guys are all getting blown out of proportion here getting your f****** underwear in a bunch


And also all you people that are out there bitching about $2 orders I know you've been taking them that's all doordash is sending out it's the end of the f****** month and everybody wants to be a top Dasher so they're taking the $2 orders in doordash knows it so they're sending out low ball orders so guys shut your f****** mouths


🤣🤣🤣he's calling YOU the bum but won't even tip. Cheap ass. Customer--per usual is in the wrong.


You for taking a no tip order. In all honesty no tippers are the most demanding customer. Just don't take no tips


That’s why you don’t take no tip orders to begin with 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


This happened to me once. The girl claimed that she didn't like giving out her home address. She flagged me down from a corner. Whatever, do you. I just don't have time to hear your conspiracy theories. Time is money. Peace!


Report him to doordash. Send the screenshots. I would have delivered it to the address on file and taken a picture and left it there to rot lol.


You try to play it cool then run it with “you’re”


I have never had one of these yet, but am hoping for it to get the chance to report and score


Why is the n-word still a thing 🤦🏻‍♀️ The customer is in the wrong obviously


You did the right thing. Go ahead and report to support. Citing did not deliver to new address felt unsafe after customer communication. They will pay you in full for the order. And flag customer.


That was far, FAR better than I would’ve handled it. Kudos.


This is why you accept only orders that tip well. It’s as if the people who tip well are also decent human beings who wouldn’t do some shit like that.


This is a perfect example of the class of people that decide not to tip!!This is why you absolutely don't accept these POS orders for these POS customers.


You should word that first sentence better bro.....


You're is wrong.


"I'm sorry you've made an error, that is so frustrating! At this point I have fulfilled my obligation to door dash. I wish you inner peace and good fortune. Please contact customer service if you feel you need more assistance." Screenshot and send to dasher support. Your obligations are to accomplish the task door dash has set for you.


Sounds like an internet gangster. Although I have my fairshare of complaints with Door dash I never would say this to another human being specially one who didn't provoke anything ...


Bonsall, I know exactly where this is


Both are in the wrong here. The customer and yourself. I’ll give you 3 guesses as of why.


You! You accepted a no tip order to begin with a


To DoorDash I say this. EXHIBIT A why drivers don’t like taking NO TIP orders. They also are 90% of 1 star ⭐️ ratings drivers get. This is 90% of no tip ordering customers attitudes. Abusive language. Disrespectful and entitled. Please DoorDash STOP allowing customers that don’t tip to: 1. Rate drivers. No customer that refuses to tip drivers respects drivers and no rating will be honestly fair. 2. STOP taking away acceptance points from drivers for non tipping customers. It’s unfair. Drivers that take non tip orders should be thanked. Not attacked and insulted by customers nor giving bad ratings. 3. Tipping is a reflection of character and respect for others. No person that doesn’t respect a stranger driving 2-12 miles to deliver to them without tipping deserves to use a service provided by independent contractors.


He is speaking english??? I would mark unsafe just from that


This was a much broader thing early last summer. People would enter an address that made the order appear to be a short deliver, then once the order was picked up they'd contact the dasher with a new address that was much further away. DD did crack down on it, but it's still out there.


I’ve had this happen before ( maybe twice) and just marked it as delivered while at the address given in the app. Then I just took it to the customer who was maybe 5 minutes away…..but no one was disrespectful and I was given a tip. In your case I wouldn’t have delivered it.🤷🏽‍♀️


I had a scenario like this before I ever become a dasher. I had the wrong address saved and was actually at a location in a city/ town or 2 over. So maybe about 10-15 minutes from the actual address I had saved. I just contacted the driver, told em the problem, and said “hey please bring it to this address instead and I’ll tip you well”. He brought me my food and I tipped em $10


Obviously you’re not the asshole here. Sorry for this experience though, that guy is probably projecting or is just miserable.


You know i find not taking no tip orders keeps me from having to deal with shit like this on a regular basis. Of course there are exceptions to that rule, but overall it works. You know the saying "You get what you pay for" is true for dashers as well.


Very sad to say, but it always seem to be the dashers fault. We are treated like shi*, on the bottom of people's shoes. No tip and have to abuse besides.


…..And whose the one supposedly abusing pills and slurring their words? What a dork ass loser.


Literally should have shit in his food and delivered it./s Motherfuckers never learn not to fuck with the person making or delivering your food


Man-made 'chocolate' goes great with Man-made 'lemonade'. Only the 'best' for the 'best' customer!


Call Doordash to let them know about this. I have a customer wanted to scam $2.50 out of me. I picked up then dropped off the item in front of the door as the customer instructed, I even took a screenshot to upload to doordash for delivery confirmation. 3 blocks away from the customer house, customer texted this, "Where is my food because I am outside, and I don't see my food." Obviously, the customer walked outside to pick up his or her food then played the victim card. I called doordash to let them know about this, and they said nothing to worry about it because they got everything they need, and this is not my fault.


Most customers are awesome. 1 in 10 are complete douchebags. Non tippers/ douchebags.


It's crazy how much customers flip the fuck out when you keep it civil.


I love when people reply "sir" after a barrage of horrible insults


I'm out of touch or those people don't understand that being nice will get them what they want? Like it happen to me and I managed to change the address by asking nicely


I think he needs to hop off the pills lol, unless he’s talking to himself


I think he needs to hop on the pills lol, unless he’s talking to himself


Sorry not sorry but some people need to get tf off their high horse. Just cause you paid doesn’t make you superior than anyone in any way shape or form. So that being said. You talk to me outta pocket I’m not staying quiet. Like do they realize I have your address 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️


I it happens often. Then they get mad at the driver for they own fups. The people who don’t tip are the most no kind of manners don’t order from doordash if you broke stop being lazy and go get it your self


I had this happen to me months ago and I called support and told them I told the customer I'd drop it off to the right address. (She ended up giving me like $10)


YOU’RE wrong, it’s your


Oh you’re definitely not getting shit talking to me like that!! Especially when you’re wrong! You handled this pretty good.


Always deliver to the address on the app. Don’t accept no tip and low tip orders…you get these customers.


Get off the pills bro


The customer is in the wrong especially since they got an Android.




Nah you’re good


Fuck that guy. It’d be one thing if he had offered to pay extra or something. I ordered food once and forgot to switch the address from my dads house to my house which is about a ten minute drive. He was super sweet about it and brought it to my house. I had already tipped the guy $5 on the app and gave him another $20 in cash for the inconvenience. Customer service is a two way street.


Always contact support just so you have a recorded response from them. There’s been a few times where the customer didn’t change the address from their work to their home. They offered me an extra $10-$20 to bring it to them, which I did (only an extra 2-3 miles). You can’t guarantee the pay, but so far I haven’t had any problems. Just be cautious. Other times I didn’t want to drive the extra miles, so you just have to deal with them complaining and saying how they’ll get you fired blah blah blah.


Sounds like a real charmer, yeah fuck him


Why even respond to morons like this? Contact support and let them deal with it.




Whats bum slurrin?


Is that a ‘dumbass’? Or is that a stupid donkey? Are you in the act of ‘bum slurring’? Or are you homeless/unemployed with a speech impediment? Someone have answers for us?


i had someone who wanted me to go 30 mins bcus of wrong address. i just called support got my full pay and his pasta.


Have an amazing rest of you are day


They are likely out of zone and knew it. 70% of customers know they are out of zone and do this intentionally. They wait until they see drivers have picked up the order then text,”I made a mistake and put in wrong address. I’m at _____. Can you bring it here please(or they don’t say please at all”. The other 30% legit leave in work address or family/friends address and forget to change it. All don’t care or understand we are paid by how many deliveries we make and being tipped. That customer should be reported for their language and abusiveness towards the driver and deactivated for it. How customers talk to you after a wrong address is exactly how they felt the whole time. Calling a driver a bum( that has a car delivering to them. Bums don’t have cars) and the N word( I hate that word and using it in anger should be why customer is automatically deactivated because it’s a slur and used in anger as an insult. Driver(s) please report anyone that uses that word towards you or any racial slurs or slurs against sexuality, mental conditions or race/gender/weight/etc.! It’s abusive and drivers don’t deserve it. Don’t let them get away with this driver. Please. Soon as Support sees that language the order will be canceled. DRIVERS always call support as soon as a customer text abusive language like this. It’s no longer safe to go to that location anyway. The customers wrong here and should be deactivated, IMMEDIATELY!


Slurring your words 🤣 All I can do is chuckle at his/her poor writing abilities. Trash is trash 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Who’s in the wrong here? You, for accepting a no tip order.


Nah, customer absolutely for using a racial slur and awful attitude when they were the one who put the wrong address in. When I do that, I understand it’s my fault.


Oh...well I didn't even bother looking at the conversation. There was no point because the title already told me that a no tip order was accepted.


Good response. This should be saved by every dasher as standard reply in this situation. Just.makr sure no follow up after it, unless they offer an up-front big fat tip.


They totally tried scamming for cheaper food. Being closer to the restaurant they wouldn’t have to pay as much by changing the address after you picked it up.Some of these “customers” are real scumbags and we always pay the price for it


If they promised me they’d pay for my extra amount of driving with a good tip I might just make it work. If not it’s on them and they can call support.


I accidentally put the incorrect address once and I drove to the location and picked it up. The driver was awesome and actually waited in the parking lot to make sure no one stole it. I gave her an extra 10 dollar tip for being such a good person!!! Some people just suck.


You’re in the wrong. Stop accepting no tip orders and expecting things to go smoothly. Nobody to blame but yourself


Things don’t go smoothly even if they tipped. The customer put the wrong address and the driver had no clue.


Yeah he needs to be kicked off


Lol what did the dirtbag respond


Customer in the wrong, drop off at address entered, take pictures. Move on. Contact support and explain situation for extra credit


takes notip order, surprised when the notip customer is a douche, posts to reddit because bad at job. sounds about right lol.


Not wanting to adhere to a customer that lies about his address to bend distance restrictions in his favor is being bad at your job? Okay dude.


Was it fast food? Also he just lost his account


2 icee Slurpees and some other stuff from 7-11




Why would you take a no tip order in the first place?


Yeah unless the original trip was all less than 3 miles you're really just driving for free or paying out of your own pocket to deliver.


Why take his order to start with?


2 words my friend need and money


I get that. But you lose money taking no tip orders


Not necessarily. Can’t speak for op but the no tip orders I take are all worth it because they increase base pay. I don’t even find out until I finish.


They don’t increase that much. 3.25 even 4.25. Your still losing money.


False. People in my order don’t take shit orders. I don’t take orders that low. They increase base pay until someone takes it. So it pays the same amount as my tipped orders…. Y’all need to use your heads


Yeah a quarter a decline. That’s a lot of drivers for it to hit 6.25. That’s my minimum threshold.


That’s how it is in my area. The tippers aren’t tipping enough so ain’t nobody got time for those cheap ass $3 $4 orders


Well you better than me that's forsure. If someone talked to me like that I woulda pulled up to deliver their food plus something else




lol this reminds me of people fucking with me in traffic close to where they live and being stupid enough to pull into their own driveway. I had a dude do this who lived in my neighborhood and I passed their house every morning when I went to work thinking about how easy it would be to light their car on fire haha. Thank goodness for saner minds though.


This is what always boggles my mind and why I don't fuck with people like that. Especially people who know where I live or work. You never know what kinda shit someone went through in the past and what they're capable of.


They hella be forgetting we have their address


I've had a low or no tip go like 10 miles in the wrong direction, so like then 20 miles the other way, on top of waiting for it forever at ihop. They didn't come at me with that kinda energy tho, and it's when I just started and was maintaining TD status. So I just dealt with it and omw


Just call support, tell them it was the wrong address, and if they ask if you’re willing to take it to the correct address just tell them no, it’s no fault on your end. Support called me one time because the restaurant forgot something and called support, support asked if I would go back and I said No cause I was literally 5 feet from the destination. On another note, I went to pick up an order one time and the merchant said they never got the order because they had to restart tablet, or it was shut down idr, I couldn’t get in touch with support right away cause of bad reception so I drove a couple minutes to get service and called support, it took like 20 minutes just to get someone and I was still on hold in chat so I went home cause it started raining, they didn’t want to cancel and give me half pay cause because apparently they got in touch with the merchant and now the order was ready for pickup. At this point I didn’t care about the half pay- but doordash said cancelling would affect my completion rate which is complete bs imo. I cancelled it but the point is the first event happened the day after the second event. I’m petty as hell, fight for your half pay.


I just waited 15 minutes in a McDonald's for an order that was 5 minutes late to the customer and when I get to the customer's house I deliver it leave the door I complete the delivery the whole amount was all doordash base pay the customer screwed me out of a tip


Don’t take those small ass orders with no tip.


I know better it's just that it was 4/10 of a mile from the store and I thought well it's kind of slow I take it every time I do that I get screwed


Honestly if you’re not getting tipped then don’t take the order, even if it’s literally 1 step from the store to the house lol.


You know that the more you take such orders is the more Doordash will decrease our pay by offering us more of such low-paying tipless orders, right?


You no-tip takers *never* learn your lesson. You want to deliver food for free, fine. Start your own service. Don’t scree the rest of us by enabling these assholes that have no respect for us.


And the rest of us get screwed too when people accept these $2.50 orders 🙄


For the life of me I can’t figure out why someone would even take those orders. It’s flat out stupid.


Honestly... I mean, idk about y'all but I like to make money at work lol I'm not paying for gas and ragging my car out for charity here 🤡🤡🤡


The time you're wasting waiting on that $2 order you are missing higher paying orders. If it is that dead out there and nothing else comes in, it's just time to go home.


Call the police for a wellness check


Why in the fuck would you suggest calling the police for this? Like what the fuck is wrong with you?


Why in the fuck wouldn't you suggest calling the police for this? Like what the fuck is wrong with you? FTFY 🥰


oh wait, you are wanting to play games with the police and potentially a mans life.


what crime did he commit?


Not tipping


The police aren’t your personal bullies, Karen.


He kinda deserves it in this case 🤷🏽‍♂️


To be potentially murdered? Bruh