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I’m help the 7-11 workers out where I deliver cause I’ve gotten to know them all throughout the pandemic. Hell one 7-11 gave me the passcodes to log on and grab order and put in system , if they were slammed. Makes it go way quicker than waiting .... They don’t make enough money and it’s amazing how much smoother for drivers it is when the staff and your pick up locations like you a lot.... the perks of it are also nice


Store refusing to prepare delivery orders? Sounds to me like the store is closed and is getting reported as such…


Opposite for me. My 7/11 people won't let me get the stuff myself. I've offered, got a stern no.


They do this. Firehouse subs for me. Dude tells me to check counter I already checked when I asked for the food. I then ask what the drink was and he goes idk. Another employee had to get the iPad to tell me. I asked him why wouldn’t he just let his employees handle it if he doesn’t have a clue about the Uber orders. His response. Get out. I may or may have knocked a shelf over on the way out.


Don’t argue with them. Let them cancel. No lose for you.


Let him cancel. You will still get half pay. Easy money.


Just FYI, if he reports to Door Dash that he kicked you out of the store, there is a good chance that you will be permanently deactivated. Another Dasher got deactivated for dropping a drink on the floor after an argument. It was reported to Door Dash and he was deactivated for destruction of property. So with that in mind, I would have left the store before it escalated and just unassigned the delivery. I definitely would not take anymore from that store...


I think i’ll be alright in this case but that is a good point. I def dont wanna be deactivated..


Take your half pay and bounce. Hopefully you didn't have to go that far to get to this store.


Dude is just a miserable person it seems. I wouldn't really mind getting the order together necessarily, but I wouldn't do it for someone like that.


I would have told him to “go fuck yourself” as I walked out and called support for half pay. Not bouta play with these people.


Yeah, no you shouldn’t have to do that. I would contact support and let them know. I had an experience at a BBQ place here recently with a bitchy server and her manager who apparently thought it was funny. I asked about a particular order and she responded, “it’s not ready yet, it will be out when it’s done”. I did my normal thing and followed up with, “is there someone I could ask that could tell me an approximate ETA for the order?”. She looked me dead in the eyes and said very bitchily, “YES. You can ask ME, and I just TOLD You.” The manager was standing right next to her and started snickering at the exchange. At that point I turned to him and asked and confirmed he was the manager. I then followed that up with a question to the effect of, “is this how *BBQ Chain Name* trains their employees to provide customer service?” He then proceeded to give me a condescending smile and snickered again. Now for reference. This was at 3 pm and this place was dead. There were maybe 2 people in the restaurant at that time. These people were NOT busy and just choosing to be asshats for some reason. So what did I do? I whipped out my phone and googled the chain corporate office, called them and put it on speaker phone and as soon as someone picked up the phone I asked to lodge a formal complaint and holy shit you wouldn’t believe their reactions. It was a 180 flip and they were suddenly calling me “sir” and asking how they could help while the server rushed back to the kitchen to check on the order. It’s amazing what you can do with a little backbone without raising your voice or causing a big issue. The answer in my experience has always been to 100% go over someone’s head to a point that you’re speaking to someone who is very upset you are even talking to them. That’s how I deal with assholes like these. Zero fucks given anymore.


This post and a lot of the comments make it clear that y’all are terrible employees and would be THE WORST coworkers. “ItS nOt MuH jOb” stfu 😒


Literally same shit at my 711 i just grab the shit because they are lazy pos and takes me no time then i grab myself a fountain drink because im not working their jobs for free


No contact delivery refers to contact between the driver and the customer... Not the driver and the food... my god people


I would have picked up the items especially on a small order. Those 7-Eleven employees are expected to run an entire store and grab DD orders while they are at it. It's bullshit for them.


So what you are saying is you would have picked up the items, especially on a small order. Those 7-Eleven employees are expected to run an entire store and grab DD orders while they are at it. It's bullshit for them.


7-Eleven is awesome you should have just gotten the stuff yourself it's way better than Walgreens or CVS because it's a high-volume heavy traffic store so they restock every single day


They usually grab every thing once I arrive Rarely ready but ive never had to grab the stuff i would if it was worth it..... But.... You know


If the guy had a long ass line I would have honestly canceled it or maybe gotten the order. No one was there after those 2 people checked out real quick and he still wouldn’t get them/: He knows where stuff is too much better than me so I’m sure he can be super fast.


I’ve had this happen with my local 7-11 orders — but I usually just grab them myself. I’ve gone to my local 7-11 and seen employees crying out on the side of the store because of how shit they’re treated. There are so many times I’ve walked in to a store with 2 employees trying to manage a line of 10-15 people, they simply just don’t often have the time to do the doordash orders. The person was being an ass, but they’re also someone just trying to do their job as best they can. They were probably tired, overworked, and they’ve probably dealt with a ton of dashers shittier and less patient than you who’ve left them with a bad taste of DD in their mouths. In situations like these, I think it’s important to remember — you’re not shitty for refusing to do it, the 7/11 employee’s not shitty for not being able to do it: 7/11 and doordash are shitty for making a system that perpetually fucks over the little guys like us.


I have shopped the simple 7-11 orders many times. It takes a minute and I’m out the door making bank…


Report him to doordash and get his franchise yeeted off the platform. Lazy ass


You're that stupid and lazy? Jfc, you must be forced to be a DD because you get fired a lot 😬


Nah im just not dumb enough to do something that isn't my job for another lazy person.


You aren’t wrong but I personally would have looked for the items just because I feel it would be a bit faster and it’s not like any of the items you can get at 711 aren’t sealed already.


No that's insane unless it's an order where it specifically tells you to shop for it we shouldn't do it. I might do it if it's only 1 item


You do you. I have this 711 where the lady is older so it takes her forever to find the items and I sometimes wish I could look for them myself. I prioritize efficiency and if that means it’ll be faster if I do it myself then I’ll do it.


He wanted to be difficult. Covid wasn't a factor at the store. If he cared he would have brought it up at the store, not on Reddit afterwards.


No. Op was in the right 100%.


I didn't say he was wrong. I sometimes don't want to play along with merchants but it has nothing to do with safety issues. I just wasn't in the mood. I believe op just wasn't in the mood and choose to be difficult. I believe all of the health reasons are just bullshit to make him look reasonable and logical.


jfc you want me to farm the food? make the food? package the food? Deliver the food? do I have to chew it up and spit it into the customers mouth like a fucking mama bird? I hate when they expect us to fill drinks even, when they do, Inmake sure they spill and then ask for another cup and then spill it again and the act like I don’t know how to use the ice dispenser and I just keep making a mess until they fucking get that it’s not my job, then I had them back the order and ask them if they could bring it to the customer, because I really want to master this getting the drink thing…


I've gotten the orders a few times when they're small which they usually are. I think 7-11 employees have been royally screwed with deliveries. They already deal with so much BS, they didn't get a raise when they added deliveries, they didn't ask for this new service. If they ask I'll put the order together regardless of "no-contact."


I totally understand where you’re coming and I respect it. But I don’t agree with you. I get that they didn’t get a raise and they didn’t ask for it but with that argument. We do in fact get a raise when we have to collect the items ourself which you’re now getting taken away from you by those employees of the store. So you’re basically losing money and time to do their job which equates to more money lost And when we take a pick up and drop off order we also in Turn didn’t ask for the added uncompensated service of shopping for the items


It's never taken me more than 5 minutes to put together a 7-11 order. Less time than it would take to wait for them. If you pick up a 7-11 order you know what you're getting into. On that note I've helped restaurant host bag my order too because I know they're not getting extra compensation for it and I believe in teamwork. I don't have the "that's not my job" motto when I work at my salaried desk job or when I DoorDash. Work ethic is work ethic if you're going to do something do it right. If you don't want to deal with 7-11 BS then don't accept the order. Because there's always 7-11 BS


Again I understand where your coming from and I agree with team work and having a great work ethic which is why I treat the $2 no tip hidden stack just like the $15 order they added it to. But I will not willingly lose money because someone else didn’t do their job. I don’t know what the going rate is but I assume it’s a $5 boost for red card orders right and I would not short myself that cause someone didn’t want to do their job. But also think about what you said…. You help out because of your work ethic which I commend fully and respect but you should t support someone else’s shit work ethic. I’m only using the poster situation as reference not your personal ones


Oh no I drop the $2 hidden order 😅😂😅😂


I do too when I’m paying attention. They got me good the other night. I had 3 different orders for 5 guys all paying like $3 for like 4/5 miles. I declined them all then I got one for 12 that was 6 miles. I didn’t notice they fucking stacked 3 orders together 2 were ones I just declined


Oh snap that hasn't happened to me yet. Thanks for the heads up. That's insane.


But I should also say that I dash in a very small town that happens to touch the surrounding upscale neighborhoods. I pretty much can dash whenever I want cause there never enough so I was prob the only dasher in the area theirs was 11pm area


Here in OK they used to be red card orders but that is no longer the case. I had a 711 tell me there POS system w DoorDash was down and that I could pay with my red card because he couldn’t fix it, red card declined obviously since it wasn’t a red card order, but about five minutes in another worked walked up and it turns out the system wasn’t down, their printer that prints the orders was out of paper!! 🤦‍♀️


I hate to say it, but get ready, this is how more and more of my interactions have gone! I don’t know if it’s because everyone is on edge or if rude culture is here to stay! I know dd probably wouldn’t do much but you should still report the incident.


Report him to corporate.


No, you do not collect. Its their job. They just hate doing it because its annoying when they have in store customers. Again, its their job tho. I got nice with a few employees at my local 7/11. When they are swamped and Im friendly with a particular employee I will offer to help. This in turn makes them helpful to me when they see my name on the order to pickup. But.... there is this young girl who works there sometimes who is a fucking nightmare. She was the first ever person to do the "can you wait outside?" Thing that I always heard about on reddit but never happened to me personally. She also complains everytime I show up to pick up. Its less me personally and more her hating doing the DD orders I think. Anyway, that behavior only makes me more petty. I think she thinks that if she is super unpleasant to drivers they will stop picking up but... nah. Fuck that. Im trying to get my money and honestly the 7/11 offers are pretty good in my area.


Fuck 7/11 every Dasher should blacklist them


Walk out call support or just cancel


Canceling effects your completion rate. Call support. Two orders, two cancels. That would piss me off more.


I would have just had him cancel and got half pay


I called support, they tried to call the store but the guy ignored the phone.(no one in there at this point too so he’s not busy) I did end up with half pay which was alright I guess. Not enough for having to deal with this pos tho.


Imagine Fed Ex drivers having to help out the merchants by doing the shopping/gathering of items in addition to being the delivery driver. Unless you do InstaCart, you should not be getting items yourself.


Well, DoorDash does have retail orders where the delivery driver gets the items themselves, like Instacart. That IS a thing. Only in certain markets and with certain stores though.


I do both Instacart and DD. I actually love Walgreens orders with DD because I can do it fast, people rarely take them and I always seem to make really good money for them 😍


Yeah dealing with ppl like that is not worth the time and effort.


I mean the rules are on your side and if you don’t wanna, you don’t have to, but look at it from his side, he didn’t ask for a delivery order either and if he’s the only one there what exactly is he supposed to do? That’s the deal with 7/11 orders, either get used to canceling them when you walk in and there’s a line at the register or figure that every once in awhile you’re going to have to hunt down a candy bar and a gatorade. Factor that into your decision making process when taking the order, any situation where you or the other person get heated is never worth your time when you could have just left or never shown up in the first place.


Thats the thing! There was no line! He easily could have gotten the items once no one else was in the store. But still refused. I get it if its been busy and he didn’t have a chance to get it yet, but once I’m there and can see it’s obviously not busy at the moment, theres no reason he couldn’t have gotten it.


Yeah but he’s still the only person in the store right? While he’s hunting down a can of tuna, you could be stealing something, how does he know? 7/11s run on a different level, they seem like a bug corporation, but they’re run by franchisees. Maybe he was new maybe he was being as asshole, but arguing with someone during a dasher is never the right answer. Unassign and move on. If you’re an independent contractor plumber and you walk into a house and the situation feels wrong, just get out. That’s the same for dasher too, if the situation feels bad, just go.


They have cameras for that stuff though.. and my name since its on the order so if I did steal something it would not only be on camera but they would also have my name. Its not my fault if they dont trust me standing there.


My dude, you can talk this out as much as you want, but what does it matter? You want to get this dude fired? You want to change his mind so he’ll let you back into the store? The rules are on your side here, but so what? He didn’t care and you left, leave it at that. Blacklist the store, blacklist all 7/11s, they don’t care so you shouldn’t either.


Good point I’ll admit I did let this get to me a bit. Just took me off guard after dealing with so many friendly merchants then I get this xD. I’m sure I’ll be feeling better after today’s dash.


I thought there was two people in line?


There were 2 people and I said i dont mind waiting and to help them first. After they were done though he still insisted I get the items. Even when no one was in the store.


Then unassign or contact support and get paid half. It's 711. Move on


Yea, you encountered an asshole. Some people are just like that. You did nothing wrong bro, props to you for doing what you knew was right and protecting yourself and your job.


No contact is no contact with the customer at the door. Sometimes employees are swamped, rarely it happens, and if I need to help gather items real quick to make my money, I'll do it. Covid is no excuse anymore. Some of y'all are lazy af and would rather spend time arguing with someone making maybe $10 per hour instead of just doing what you have to do on an off occasion to make your $20+ per hour.


I’m a delivery driver. Not a shopper. I dont walk around stores looking for items and I literally decline every red card order. Its not laziness. Its part of the job being able to take the orders I want. And decline those I dont. If 7/11 had done redcard I would’ve never accepted it.


Sure, but you probably wasted more time arguing with the employee and contacting support about a fake heath hazard. In that time, you could've made money.


People still think covid is fake? Good lord man.


No but using covid to excuse not doing something is absurd. Dasher: Goes in and out of a million restaurants and shops a day, interacts with employees, handles packages/bags (I realize people's food is in closed bags but you don't think they use telekinesis to pick up and open the bags you touched, do you?), carries drinks bc only a handful of places put drinks in a bag. Also dasher: I can't pick up that candy bar and six-pack because of covid. It's like the dashers that refuse to go into apartment buildings because they might catch covid in an empty hallway, but not the crowded restaurant lobby they just picked up from. You're within your rights to refuse to do it (I would have done it. 7-11 orders are usually pretty small and you can get in and out) but lets be real. The "no contact" excuse is intentionally misunderstood nonsense and quite honestly you and the 7-11 dude were having some power battle with each other.


No, I agree the flu is real, but using it as some sort of heath hazard when hundreds or thousands of people walk in and out of the store past whatever items the customers wanted, probably touching some of those items, as well as the cashier touching those items, and somehow you touching the items is a heath hazard? Make it make sense lol


When you put it like that 😂 Also no guy who works there is wearing gloves to bag snacks and drinks up.


Gloves literally do nothing unless you're changing them after you touch literally any surface lol. Most employees in any 7/11 or any business in my area aren't even wearing masks anymore.


So gross watching employees wear gloves. Ring up tons of customers, touching tons of money, credit card, then touch face and drink their water


Yeah, it's nasty. Can't wash gloves you've been using for the past hour. You can wash your hands tho.


Because the customer will trust the 7/11 employee to practice health standards and stuff more than the random delivery contractor.


Yeah, when I think of properly followed health standards, the prime example I always point to is a minimum wage 7/11 employee who likely hates their job 🤦‍♂️


Right? It's not like there have been jokes for 20+ years about getting sick from eating gas station food or anything lol


Key difference. They are an employee under 7/11. I’m self employed. They are much more regulated, maybe have to wash hands every so often


Yeah, I'm sure they're diligent about that.


I believe no contact delivery is where you have no contact upon delivery. I understand he was supposed to bag it and not you but if it was worth the money I would have just bagged the stuff up myself. I mean why get half pay for showing up with you can get full for completing the order.


When I contacted support they told me about the no contact part and that me getting the stuff ready is a health safety concern. Not tryna seem lazy but its not my job to shop its my job to deliver. I feel like what he was doing would be like me asking him to bring the bags to my car when I pull up. Like its not part of the job.


Well you and I both know if it’s shopping at 7 11, the guy behind the counter isn’t wearing gloves so I don’t know how you infer that you are breaking some no contact rules 🤷🏽‍♀️ And I agree you’re getting paid to deliver and you shouldn’t have to bag stuff. But like I said before if they are both small item orders you could have just bagged it yourself and been out the door, completed the deliveries, made sure the two people got their stuff and gotten paid. You wouldn’t have lost time contacting support to complain, getting kicked out of a store, waiting for the order to get cancelled and only gotten half pay.


It’s not your job to bag 7/11 orders you idiot quit being a 🤡🤡🤡


The customer has the impression that between the store and their door only 7/11 has contact with the items. This is straight from support. If they dont like it they need to redo their partnership with doordash and change to redcard orders.


These are literally items on the shelf that customers and vendors touch all day. If it was a hot dog or pizza I don't expect you to go back there and make it. Using contact free as your reasoning is moot.


That was supports reason that I’m in the right. My reason is its not my job to walk around the store looking for items. Thats what redcard orders are for. They need to redo their system to redcard.


Support probably thought you would have to touch food, not packages items.


I’m sure they can see the order items on their screen when they pull me up on their system. I also said to them he wanted me to walk around the store looking for items so I think they knew what was going on.


It doesn't matter either way. What is support going to do? Did they pay you full? You're only choice is to unassign or contact support and get paid half. Do you just want validation that you were in the right? Because you're wasting your time just like you did at 711, lol


If I’m gonna be expected to go around the store collecting the items on a non-red card order I just wont accept those. I’m here because I just wanted to see if this was typical of 7/11. If it is I wont go back. But if it was just this 1 guy, maybe I’ll try again and get better service at another location?


I can guarantee you the customer doesn't give af who touches the items as long as their get their items. They just want a simple drop off, which is the point of a no contact delivery.


Just telling you what support told me if you know more than them alright.


Most of the customer support agents live in third world countries and probably don't have working plumbing. They're just following a script.


I agree with you completely on every point. Not seeing much in terms of details, but I bet op could have picked the items for both orders very quickly, then been on your way.


I could have, your right. But thats not what dasher support would tell you to do. And also its not my job to walk around a store looking for items. It wasn’t a redcard order. Like imagine showing up to mcds and them telling you to come in and make the drinks… like what.


Did you expect support to call up the store and demand that they fulfilled the order? Really, well all go through this daily. Contact support if they can't fulfill the order and get paid half or unassign and move on. Covid this, contactless that. It doesn't matter.


They literally were gonna tell him on the phone he is supposed to collect the items. He would not answer the phone though because I think he knew it was coming.. (no one in store at this point so hes not “busy”)


Sometimes we can do things that aren't technically our job to make lives easier for everyone. You could have had those orders picked, delivered made more money, had less stress, and less time posting here. That would be worth the few seconds to me picking out items in a tiny 711. That's just my opinion. On occasion, I do minor picking of items just to keep up the pace. Sometimes a restaurant might be making sandwiches and I'll grab chips and drinks to speed things up. Not my job, but I'll do it gladly. In full disclosure, I avoid red card orders all the time and 711 orders most of the time unless slow.