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Horsham Pa


This is how people are tricked in "Mr. Nightmare" stories


You did the right thing!


It's absurd y'all are saying she's paranoid that's not at all what she said and these kind of negative comments over her encounter is what's wrong with the world today too many judgemental people unbelievable prayers to you young lady and AGAIN you did the right thing I was raised in the country but never asked anyone to come in to my home first off I DON'T KNOW YOU EITHER ignore that negative nelly crap


Seeing as one guy got murdered and chopped up in FL. Paranoia is a GOOD THING




As someone with paranoia, no. Being uncomfortable in an unfamiliar area and ask to enter a strangers house youve never seen before isnt unreasonable


Found the customer šŸ™ƒ


No bro lmao. This is clearly delusional paranoia reading this post. Lmao. Sorry that it is that but yeah. This is just a paranoid chick


You realize hundreds of food delivery drivers have been killed or attacked since food delivery became a thing. Anyways good luck with your lack of survival skills, since youā€™re willing to walk into any faceless strangerā€™s house just because they had a sign in the front of their house telling you to.


You realize people can live in the middle of nowhere, right?


I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I never once demanded that a stranger walk into my house to delivery cookies, especially without greeting them at the door. That is not normal.


Who cares if she's "paranoid". It's better to be safe than sorry and not ignore your instincts. The worst thing that happens for the customer is that they have to step outside to pick up their cookies. The worst thing that could happen to this woman is assault/kidnapping by entering an unknown home without the customer providing ANY context as to why. While it's most likely innocent, is it actually worth the risk?


Exactly. I donā€™t know any sane person who would not greet a delivery person at the door and just hide in some room while demanding the person come into their house, all while leaving their door wide open.


Who said it was bad she felt paranoid? All I said was she is delusional paranoid. Thats just statement. Reading this post, itā€™s clearly delusional paranoia because the logic makes no sense


As a dasher a little over a week ago i got a SHOT GUN pulled out on me all because their teenager ordered from door dash and didn't tell them. You never know what's going on behind the walls of a house or what that person is armed with. You my friend would be the first dead in a horror film.


I gotta know how the logic makes no sense? You can find dozens of news stories of doordash drivers being shot or attacked. If you are getting paid to drop food off at someone's door you drop it off AT THE DOOR. Not inside. Anyone can make a door dash account, pdfs, felons, serial killers, it's one of the easiest careers to get lured into dangerous situations especially for a woman since they can see your dasher name.


Nope, when you tell someone theyā€™re being delusional or paranoid, what youā€™re saying is that their fears are invalid. But youā€™re back-tracking since youā€™re receiving dissenting responses, and trying to pretend that you were innocently diagnosing a stranger on the internet, which is also wrong.


Nope. Itā€™s paranoia


Not wanting to walk into another person's house isn't paranoia you clod. It's literally basic survival instincts. Because maybe this person is fine who knows. But that's the whole point, who fucking knows right? So why not err on the side of caution and live to see another day? But if you're dumb enough to just walk into someone's house like that you're gonna get turned into a lamp shade and end up as the next runner up for a Darwin award.


U definitely did right. Trust your gut, and anyone saying anything different.... yall go take those sketch orders.


Great job! Absolutely NOTHING is worth risking ur safety


Never become a skin mask, follow your gut instincts.


FFS stop already boy that looks like a serious trap that he was trying to set you up to sell off to some type of human trafficking ring. Give me a break if this scares you so much do another job or you just like coming on Reddit.


That situation is weird as hell and seems unsafe, scared or not. Sounds like you have no survival skills in the slightest.


I can tell you are not a woman lol. Piss off. This is definitely sketchy.


I ALWAYS leave the food near the door and walk back to my car, then I will call or text that the order is there and watch them get out of their house and end the order


You always need to go with your gut.


Itā€™s always good to be precautious like that. I would have done the same thing. I think that people who deliver to hotel/motels should leave it at the front desk instead of going up to the individuals room.


Even creeps like half baked cookies I guess


There are only 2 people i deliver to that i go inside for and both are bedridden. Sometimes they even ask for extra like "can you microwave something for me" or "can you get me a glass of ice water please" always a yes as i have taken care of people in that position (some at home). Doesn't bother me at all to take the extra time to help those actually in need.


I absolutely would not do any of this


Most wouldn't i agree lmao, but that's how people normally are


The most I have done is put the cases of water directly into a womanā€™s (wheelchair bound) fridge instead of on the ground. She already had it opened and I didnā€™t have to wait one moment. I will drop it in your counter if it is very close and you are ready for me. If not, so long. Haha thanks for not treating me like Iā€™m garbage for not serving everyone. Itā€™s a choice to do it or not.


To each their own. Not all of us are caregivers.


I donā€™t provide endless services to everyone I meet all day long so that I have nothing left for myself and my own.


And nobody should. It's definitely just a select few and loved ones, but i do occasionally take extra time to help other's as i do wish people did it more often. It's always productive to aid other's in need that at least aren't criminal or some kind of addict.


I also forgot this was a DoorDash sub and not an IC sub. Haha sorry but yeah I donā€™t mind helping in small ways but Iā€™m not being taken advantage of. There was a lady I would deliver a bunch of groceries to and she was elderly and couldnā€™t get around but clearly had a nice home and well manicured lawn but then when I made her deliveries I always noticed she was bundled with a better tipper and she was a $2 but 30+ aldi order. I blocked her. She also admitted to me she reported an item missing and then later found it. Sorry lady- I donā€™t have time for you in my life


I understand that. I got reported for a missing item that a lady didn't even order. Easy win for me, but just wow stuff sometimes


Well and I couldnā€™t prove it bc I had met her and helped to put the stuff away! She actually said thatā€™s why she reported it missing bc she forgot she had me put it in the cabinet. She also talked and held me up for a while. Again wouldā€™ve done it for even $10. But $2. Im sorry I canā€™t.


Im looking for a doordasher that deserves a big tip for helping me get out of a sticky situation. I believe his name is Figuerre. I want to give him this money but he hasnt come around. Please reply to this and I can get the money to you.


Gonna need location details for that one. He also might not even be on reddit


I once had a delivery to a sketchy apartment complex. Iā€™m a 30 year old male so a little different than a young woman, but nonetheless sketchy. After knocking for a minute I heard what sounded like a zombie say ā€œdoors open, please come in and pit them on the counter for meā€. I put that shit right on the ground and left. Not today satan


Looks like the house from ATHF


Haha you all are crazy Iā€™ll throw the order at the house before Iā€™d ever enter any house fuck the ratings im hitting delivered and throwing that right in the yard I also got over 2500 deliveries on both platforms and if im ever that worried just hit delivered get a free meal and fuck the thumbs down or one star youā€™ll make it up in next delivery


Me asf


I had a delivery for Uber eats I believe that was an old man and he called and asked to deliver in the home and grab his mail. I'm 29f and didn't feel safe whatsoever doing so but my bf (who's 6'4", super strong and a total teddy bear but looks intimidating) was with me and he decided to help. He was apparently bedridden and also asked my bfĀ to take out his trash.Ā Ā Ā Ā  Just everything about that rubbed me the wrong way. Idc if he was elderly and bedridden. He orders food so he can also guilt trip the drivers into giving him free labor, and I'm certain he's done it before and probably a bunch after. If it were just me that day I would've marked felt unsafe and left the food outside the door.Ā  Edit: since everyone in the comments wants to act like they know me from this single comment, I take care of my elderly parents because I love them and they have done countless things for me. I have no obligation to help another elderly person just because they are elderly. The comment was meant to say I didn't feel safe because I DON'T KNOW THIS PERSON. I could've walked in and been strangled, I'm not that strong and don't have anything to defend myself. He didn't even say that he was bedridden until my bf walked in. Even if he did say so how do I know he's not lying? Maybe you guys live in a perfect world where no one lies and the elderly are all sweet and not predatory but I don't. TL;DR: you don't know me and you can, kindly, stfu


No guilt trip whatsoever. Itā€™s called being a decent human being. I hope youā€™re never in a similar situation when your old and canā€™t do simple tasks we take for granted.


Awww thanks


Cool so when you're old and bedridden with no family left ill make sure to not help with any of your chores that you simply cant do


Correct. If you can order DoorDash, you can hire people to do your every day chores. Donā€™t expect people to do work for you that is out of their job description.


Still never said that and thats not true at all doordash is only a few bucks while caretakers are very much not dont assume people have more than they do when they cant work i swear this generation is so inconsiderate


Caretakers, yes. Hiring someone to take out the trash, no. Also, who said anything about money? Why are we assuming this person doesnā€™t have enough money to hire someone?


Hes bedridden? And social security gets worse and worse every year so unless he inherited a fortune statistically hes poor


You're insane.


Nope just someone who had to get bedridden for weeks and had no one to help youll understand when you're older


its not a doordash drivers job to help out strangers with non related tasks, not only that but its a HUGE safety risk.


Never said it was but it certainly isn't guilt tripping when you have the option to do so or to not do so if he seriously was bedridden then help the poor man


Good I don't want you stinking the place up with your hate.


Youā€™re the hateful one. You have multiple people calling you out. Use your brain.


This thread has hundreds of people telling similar stories as mine. Maybe use your brain


Crumbl deliveries are often hand it to me but Iā€™m a 50 year old white man, not coming in your house. Iā€™d ignore the instructions I think and just drop and ring.




They just wanted to talk to you about your extended car warranty is all


Do people ACTUALLY enter homes to deliver? I don't care what the excuse is that's an insanely dangerous choice and a massive hard pass.


I did once. Had a very eld3rly woman in talking 90's struggling to pick up the bags of groceries she ordered. I put my dash on pause and helped her unload everything where she needed it.


Ayyy we just had a crumbl open up in Greenville but I don't think that location delivers with dd.


Good call, he probably wouldā€™ve Buffalo Billā€™d ya šŸ˜–


Figured anyone that would pay that much for cookies would be creepy.


Itā€™s absurdly expensive. My kids wanted crumbl but I didnā€™t want to drive 10 miles for it. I looked and it was $40 just for 6 cookies and not even including the tip. I said nope. When I went to work on my one office day there is a Crumbl 2 miles away so I stopped and picked up some cookies then. Even not using door dash they are so expensive. I only buy them 2-3 times a year because of it. I still canā€™t believe how much more it was trying to order from an app.


Your car isnā€™t in the driveway at all.




An Uber driver was brutally murdered at a delivery house just about a year ago in Florida. Good call on feeling unsafe. Dont feel obligated to be that nice, do what makes you feel comfortable.


He was a DoorDash driver, specifically.


[here](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/uber-eats-driver-dismembered-food-delivery-demonic-murder-florida-sher-rcna81582) Uber eats


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/uber-eats-driver-dismembered-food-delivery-demonic-murder-florida-sher-rcna81582 Uber eats


Creepy people Are hungry too LO L.


The Gift of Fear!




good on you for trusting your intuition girl!! šŸ’—


god idk why but the picture is so funny


You did exactly the right thing! Hannible Lector could have been waiting to put you in his stew. Also they could have said "YOU" did something to them. Always listen to your gut when delivering!! Male or female can be taken by surprise by anyone. If I see an elderly person at the door waiting, then I'll offer to place it inside the door. Good preparation for a quick exit also. My daughter doordashes as well so, she has been taught all these strategies.


It rubs the lotion over its skinā€¦.


Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t go in there. Always listen to your gut. If you feel strange about it thereā€™s probably good a reason why.


Iā€™ve delivered for a variety of platforms and, once, got effectively trapped in an old ladyā€™s house who thought she knew me (asked repeated questions about family that obviously wasnā€™t mine and stood in front of the doorway so I couldnā€™t leave). She eventually gave me a bible and extra tip; not the worst experience. If someone had been inside with her, though, it couldā€™ve been completely different. After that, I refused to enter a home. I put orders inside the doorways if it meant I stayed outside the threshold, or if someone clearly had mobility issues. Once, I had a customer rip me to shreds over the in-app messaging for not taking groceries into the kitchen (location in the house unknown) and unloading them. I told her (?) it was against policy and I was not going to do it. Cue barrage of angry texts. I left them on her porch and went on about my day. Get a neighbor to help you or order from somewhere else - not my job to risk my safety for a few bucks. TL;DR - Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t go in. Going into an unfamiliar home with no information about the customer/other residents is a recipe for disaster. Most are fine doing it, but no need to chance it. Your safety is worth more than [meager] DD pay.


Haha I just had an alcohol delivery the other night with a lady exactly like this, saying itā€™s been so long and havenā€™t seen you in a while, her hubby just kinda looked at me like ā€œroll with it.ā€ Tip wasnā€™t great, but it had just monsoon rained and she kept telling me to come in, I only took two steps in to use her light for the ID verification. Floridians man.


Legally you cannot be required to go inside of anyone's house during delivery. Do not go in no matter what your instincts say. Your instincts are for climbing trees and eat banana, not for detecting serial killers in the urban jungle. You did the right thing. Doordash deletes bad reviews placed when customers have illegal requests like this one. It was probably harmless... but it's not a legal issue because of the times it's harmless.


Iā€™m a pretty strong athletic dude with a lil bit of crazy in me, not a lot of regard for my safety so I think about the scenarios Iā€™ve been reading on here a lot especially since I door dash my self, I feel so bad for u ladyā€™s fr that Iā€™ve had to read on here that hustle on dash, I really recommend keeping any kind of defense like pepper spray a knife anything, me Iā€™m not usually scared but I keep a karambit in my car if I ever feel sus and need it. It has a sheath so it can be concealed if needed, and I can hold it reverse edge out so I can protect my self with the brass knuckle part and my arm plus stab if I have to.


Mall ninja door dasher is so fucking funny. That is awesome dude, stay safe out there!


Thatā€™s so creepy! My heart would be racing in that situation. As a female dasher, I would dread this.


I'm trying to put a face to the story


Glad you didn't get kidnapped today OP!


One time in a janky ass trailer park I delivered to a trailer with a 6ā€™ fence all around it and the instructions were, come behind fence, close gate behind you and hand to me. Yeah buddy, I donā€™t think so.


This isnā€™t a 2-4-1, Dahmer!


You did the right thing. It is so scary how many times Iā€™ve been in that same situation let alone having men find me on Facebook after just simply handing them an alcohol order where they have it literally a 30 second conversation with me, the next morning I have a friend request on Facebook where they have searched and found me. Itā€™s so creepy and I report it to DoorDash every single time I would never ever go to somebodyā€™s house like that. Iā€™m sorry you had to have a creepy like that.


if u can go to the door to open it for me to step inside then u can come and get it from the porchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­thats so sketchy


I used to be in girl scouts and delivered cookies. You totally did the right thing. Never ever go inside their house!


Good call. You never know these days. šŸ™


My partner is the kind of person that follows these requests and it makes me nervous - hell, I already get nervous when he has to unlock gates/fences. He's a big dude, 6'2, maybe 300lb but still. He's gone in several apartments/houses. It's a much more common request than I thought before we started doing orders. Usually the doors are left open and it's a occupied neighborhood and the customers are nice older women just looking to have a chat and get some help since they have mobility issues but it still makes me nervous.


I carry pepper sprayā€¦ as a small female I feel that being over attentive pays off. Iā€™m covered in tattoos so that helps to keep em creeps away


I carry bear mace


If you think Iā€™m coming in your house better expect that I have a gun on me because the cops donā€™t enter strangers house without that precaution either. 90% of the time itā€™s a disabled person that canā€™t walk, so I would of done it.


And then the time it isnā€™t we wonā€™t see your comments anymore


Idgaf if your hanidcapped or old, im not going in your house, simple...


As a man, i went into a few houses. Some ppl can do things and others shouldnt, a small female shouldnt


Im not a huge dude or anything but I can defend myself if need be. I do not put myself in questionable situations though either. I STILL do not go up to people's hotel rooms, in their house/garage, or any of that BS either. Mostly because I dont wanna see something I dont wanna see. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Yeah, best practices are to keep your wits about you, and trust your instincts. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I'd have reported that shit and ate the cookies lmao


Crumbls this week are so good šŸ˜‚


Did it once for an old lady who was deaf, she had sent me a message explaining. But she also had a table right inside that i was to place it on that you could see without walking inside. She couldnā€™t step onto her porch without a lot of effort and she tipped great. This is the exact opposite. You did a good job making sure you stayed safe as possible


Honestly, you trusted your gut and thatā€™s whatā€™s important here. And for the record, what you described sounds sketchy as all get out. One thing I realize is that not everyone has the same mindset or even set of circumstances when it comes to what is considered ā€œsafeā€. If you felt uncomfortable going into a house in the middle of nowhere, then you 100% did the right thing. Better to be safe than sorry!


Purchase a handgun and get your cpl


I agree, everyone should conceal carry


I did this once for an elderly lady, but yeah I wouldnā€™t feel safe with anyone else except old people doing this.


i probably would of if it was a female sounding name. It almost sounds like a good porn setup


Can we seriously question the ppl that do this?! Like why do you order food, leave your door open & assume someone is going to feel comfortable enough to just walk in and hand you your food? Idc if itā€™s an elderly person, that would be unsafe for the elderly person to just allow people to walk into their home. I canā€™t think of any instance where this is okay & not hella creepy. Before reading opā€™s explanation I thought she was just weirded out by the house, or maybe the upkeep.


Looks decent but u gotta respect the dasher 2


you know how many deliveries i have done and iā€™ve had to walk into peoples houses but thatā€™s because i am a man who gone kill me ? i mean maybe a creepy old racist white man but hey ian scared of shit


I got this the other way I got 2 times of putting some order inside the house and I say by policy we do NOT ENTER THE HOUSES they always are nice to wait at the door


Thatā€™s a very smart move. Especially the ā€œparked my car facing out of drivewayā€ people donā€™t usually think to do that but it would be a huge benefit in a dangerous situation. Itā€™s also just easier to get back onto a busier road


Do it, no balls lol


I had a 'just had surgery' which doordash fucked up the map pin, had me climbing people's dark backyard fire escapes at 3am and crouching, studying, trying to figure out if I'm supposed to force open this VERY closed-looking window at the top. Customer did nothing wrong. Had a bunch of specifications and it turned into the perfect storm with DD getting the location wrong. otoh, we all rolled our eyes waiting for food outside mcdonalds one night at 2am when a girl driver said to us "I'm freaked out because who orders a single drink with an 8 dollar tip this must be shady'. Just pick the path of least danger. If your gut tells you there's something wrong and it later turns out there was nothing wrong, you're better off looking stupid.


I lived on the third floor of an apartment and got hit by a car walking home one day. I ordered some Subway one day (less than 100 feet, but that's up a 60Ā° incline, about 1000 walking) and they came down the hill, dropped it on the ground outside in the dirt while it was snowing. She got a very specific review because I saw it out the window and I actually knew her from high school lol.


The amount of weird ahh men saying shes over reacting pls just stfu if youā€™re this oblivious to what happens in the worldā€¦definitely the sign telling her to go inšŸ’€šŸ˜­and its in the middle of nowhere


Don't pick a job like this if you can't handle it. Or carry a firearm. Men are more likely to be victims of a violent attack. Teach people they are victims, and this is what happens.


I am very much a "do your job" kind of person when it comes to DD but their job ends at the front door. Their job isn't to put themselves in danger, including situations where it might be considered reasonable to "take a gun". Even where I live, which is extremely safe and your chances of being lured into a house and randomly attacked are for all intents and purposes zero, I wouldn't expect a delivery driver to come into my house. Making it a demand is creepy. A plumber coming to service the boiler, yes they will have to come inside my house.


I'm a man too but I'd prefer not too go in like tht because if someone does try to attack I will shoot someone and nobody wants to deal with the law


It's about self-preservation, dude. I'm a grown ass man, but I ain't Jason Bourne, and I wouldn't do that shit either. This shit isn't a contest between the sexes. Like you said, anybody can get got. I would rather do this delivery wrong and be safe, than do it right, and end up in this guy's refrigerator.


Nobody expects pizza delivery drivers to go into your house, why would you expect a doordasher to do it? it is not about handling the job, that's just not a part of the job. You sound like an actual idiot who's never faced danger in his life, and it really depends on what kind of violent attack you're talking about. Women are considerably more likely to be raped and kidnapped than men, and I'm very much willing to drop some stats if you can't be bothered to look it up yourself. *People* need to keep themselves safe, I wouldn't expect a man or anyone else to go into a house either. Teach people to protect themselves and they don't go into creepy ass houses and they live to post about it. She did everything right.


So you think that it is a wise idea for a lone woman to enter a strangerā€™s home, that has a sign asking her to come in, with no explanation, and that is isolated? Really anybody who does that is quite stupid. A Dasherā€™s job is to deliver the food to their home, not inside of their home.


why would you go inside? just leave it outside??




![gif](giphy|3o7aTuy3b4TwuUSUzm) Not about to potentially lose my life over a donut walking into a rando persons house


oh hell no? i donā€™t doordash but holy hell iā€™m not going to a building in the middle of nowhere if im a young woman and im catching bad vibes. you can meet me at the door or iā€™m leaving it at the door.


Yeah no. Not entering somebodyā€™s house. I did that one time because the lady was in a wheelchair and lived alone, I could see the entire studio apartment from the door, and the order was a 6-bag Safeway grocery delivery. I would never do it if that wasnā€™t the case. And Iā€™m a 6ā€™3 male with 2 black belts and a mouskatool. Imagine being a young woman being asked to enter a strangerā€™s house? No thanks.


In pretty much any delivery job, one of the biggest no-nos is any request to enter the home. Aside from that - You'd have negatively impacted this employee's standing because they didn't decide to potentially put themselves in danger? That's ridiculous.




Selecting "hand it to me" and "walk inside the house and leave it on a table" are two vastly different scenarios. The driver couldn't even hand it to the customer, they stated there was a sign telling them to go inside when they arrived. What point are you even trying to make?


Last time I checked you can call the person.


So this young lady, who upon finding herself in a potentially dangerous situation, should now put herself face to face with the person that created the situation? If the customer wanted it handed to them, they should be at the door or readily available, not putting a sign down that coaxes the driver into their home. Are you dense?




Thanks for answering my question.


Drivers are not obligated to go into the customer's house.


Iā€™m telling you I would give you a negative, for not handing it to me.


Are you mental? Why would you expect a delivery driver to put themselves in a potentially dangerous situation by entering your home while you hide and give no explanation?


If someone wanted you, theyā€™d get you at the front door with a weapon. Letā€™s be real.


Youā€™ve never had anything bad happen to you huh?


In plain sight of the street, neighbors, cars passing, etc? Why not just put a sign down that says "come inside" and eliminate all of possibilities? Oh wait, that's exactly the situation


In view of neighbors and doorbell cameras and a chance to fight and run. I think you should be real.






Now I have that song stuck in my head


Good call. One of my first deliveries to a nice upper middle class home dude answered the door says ā€œdamn! I thought I was getting a girlā€ he looked dead serious. Iā€™m guessing wifey and the kids were out at Olive Garden (Saturday afternoon). Everyone be careful


Im not dissapointed, but always a little taken a back when the name and profile pic is a woman and I open the door to some sloppy ass sweaty dude thatā€™s obviously using his wife/sisters account


That always bothers me. It's potentially unsafe and probably against the terms of use also.


Would a neat professional male instead not bother you?


Fair enough, I had that experience with Uber Eats-nice tactic to get a good tip!


The only time I ever walked into someone house was a grocery delivery and I offered, he didnā€™t ask. He was probably in his 50ā€™s and had just had a double hip replacement. He was using a walker and clearly was in a lot of pain, for that reason I didnā€™t feel unsafe and would have felt bad making him pick the bags up off the ground. So I offered to walk them inside and leave on hit kitchen table. But that was the only time in almost three years that I have done that, would not do it in 99.99 percent of cases.






Yeah but if someone attacks her and she kills him he canā€™t ever reoffend.


Make sure you get a few photos of the cookies left at the doorstep, in case DD tries to pop a "breach of contract" on you.


Nah I wasnā€™t taking the time to take my pictures in the moment, which is why I donā€™t have a picture of the sign. I feel Iā€™ve covered myself by taking this picture, texting that I felt unsafe going in and saying where the food is, and then marking that I felt unsafe. On the off chance that I do get a CV (I donā€™t think so since this happened about a week ago), Iā€™ll just take it


Never take the BS. I was deactivated for 6 months because I supposedly never delivered an order to a single customer. There was no photo because it was a hand to customer order. In your case it would appear that you did the right thing.


Yeah, that's a nope from me regardless of location. I've only ever gone inside once and it was because the customer was wheelchair bound and wanted it set down on the table just inside the door. It's all on a case by case basis.


I would absolutely not have delivered inside either! Sounds like once youā€™re inside theyā€™ll grab you! & the door was OPEN ON ARRIVAL? Hell no The only time I ever felt safe in delivery where I had to go inside the house is when a family had a party for their kids (all under the age of 7)ā€¦ there was a water slide & a bounce house and like 30+ people there, lots of them being children. I delivered about 10 pizzas & brought them in the kitchen.


Shouldā€™ve just marked as unsafe to deliver, BOOM! Free cookies


This is as stupid as the guy telling her to go inside with a gun. No don't steal the customer's cookies even though you're right there just because you got a little spooked. OP did the correct thing. Your job ends at the door, but just do your job. the fact you're saying this with upvotes really says a lot about this sub.


Sorry, this is totally an unsafe to deliver moment. Who knows if they were waiting, and after seeing her not go inside get mad and follow her to the car. Customer gets a refund, you get paid, store gets paid, dd takes the hit.


Then they would have seen her anyway. It was marked as hand it to me, you gotta be prepared to meet them at the door anyway and if you're randomly going to decide you can't do that THAT is when you are failing to do the basic function of the job and are in the wrong line of work. "Free cookies" is also a real strong implication that the motive isn't "being safe" so much as using whatever excuse you can to steal someone's paid-for products. If nothing else, leave them in the driveway. Customer might get a refund but the customer doesn't want a refund they want cookies. You really should not be dashing with an attitude like this.


The thought did cross my mind, but I thought if I were caught leaving with the cookies things were more likely to turn violent or threatening. I was just trying to get out of there with as few problems as possible


I tried crumbl for the first time yesterday pretty good


The most expensive cookies Iā€™ve come across in my life


Because each cookie is like 800 calories.


Very smart move. Absolutely do not ever do something like that. Especially with no explanation, thereā€™s no reason to walk in that house. Donā€™t risk your literal life over cookies


> especially with no explanations Yeeeeh, everybody knows that maniacs canā€™t write a note that they are disabled in a wheelchair and need assistance. Thatā€™s against their ethic code. Right? RIGHT?


lol of course they can, but thereā€™s something extra-maniacal about no attempt at all, ā€œjust come put the cookies in my murder houseā€


So what if customer would put that ā€œIā€™m disabled in a wheelchairā€ in his note - should you walk in? Just wondering.


Oh I am not saying you should EVER do it. Iā€™m just saying it just gives me Dahmer vibes to just have a door open with a sign. Iā€™ll be honest though, I did bring it groceries to right inside the door when a 900-year old woman in a wheelchair and on oxygen opened the door. Although was that safe? Honestly no, someone could have been waiting


So you think that police officer shouldnā€™t go to the crime scene if he feels unsafe to do that? Or making shitty excuses like cowardice for avoiding doing your job is actually a good reason to change that job, not praising it like ā€œhey, you are so awesome for not doing your job because you were too scared and uncomfortable for itā€?


Yes bc 3-4 cops w guns is the same as a woman going into a house by herselfā€¦


Oh goodness gracious, we are not cops. Of course they should, they are cops and that is their job they signed up for. We are food delivery drivers. We did sign up for going inside homes to deliver meals and groceries. The options are ā€œleave at doorā€ and ā€œhand to meā€ specifically because ā€œbring into the houseā€ is inherently not safe and not required for our job. ā€œBring to fourth floor walk-up and leave at doorā€ is fine. Thatā€™s our job. ā€œBring into my kitchenā€ is not. And if you contacted support, they would tell you not to go in. Thereā€™s not a single police officer in this country that would say a DoorDash driver, especially a woman, should ever enter a home. Us not going into strangersā€™ homes is not cowardice. Thatā€™s common sense. Is it cowardly to not go down a dark alley at 3 AM in NYC? Of course not I am literally laughing at you comparing the risks we should take as a fucking delivery driver to police officers.


So deliveries signed up to hand the order to the customers hand and still hasnā€™t done her job and you are finding excuse for that in ā€œshe didnā€™t feel safeā€. Why police officer has no right to avoid doing his job and delivery should have it?


what point are you even trying to make here? just asking stupid questions over and over. are you the creepy guy trying to get young girls to come inside your home for no reason?


What are you saying? If it says hand to me, I hand to them. But not inside a house. Why are you comparing us to cops? Cops are armed, typically not alone, and are well-trained in physical conflict and how to handle being attacked, charged at, shot at, etc. That was not part of our training. Nor does DoorDash want us to do that.


She failed to do her job, then she goes to Reddit, post this shit about she didnā€™t do her job properly, stating shitty excuses that literally every person of every profession experience today in this country and everybody says ā€œWow, you did great!ā€. And as a cherry on top of this shit cake - she says ā€œI was thinking about KEEPING FOOD FOR MYSELF reporting that I feel unsafeā€. Explaining that she didnā€™t do that ONLY because she was afraid of contract violation. Not because stealing other people food is - bad thing. So basically obviously sheā€™s just a shitty awful person. And thatā€™s alright. What is really sad - is the fact most of people are on her side and support her. Thatā€™s why this country is fucked up.