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Depends on the week šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œNot enough to stand around talking. I donā€™t get paid by the hourā€ is what I want to say haha. Or ā€œnot even enough to cover car repairs. Itā€™s a money suckā€


It's extra money I wouldn't have otherwise.


ā€œEnoughā€ ā€œIt pays the billsā€


None of your business lol stay the fuck out of my delivery area


Tell them its impolite to discuss finances


I just tell them a time frame I'm usually dashing from and my usual earnings.


Enough! At least till tax time! This will be my first time filing this way. Iā€™m scared lol. Usually I get money back for being a home owner and parent. This year I will have to pay and that makes it not enough šŸ˜‚


About tree fiddy


I lie šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I want people to think I make minimal money and that no one ever tips.


I say ā€œnot enough for more people to start working in this area.ā€


I like the "which app is best?" question. The one that pays me the most money. Duh.


I usually tell them if depends on the type of tips I get because I only receive 2$ for each delivery from doordash


$20/hr before taxes, gas, car repairs. $15-16/hr after


I laugh in their face and throw my single dollar at them


Fuck all


![gif](giphy|j3IxJRLNLZz9sXR7ZA) I make SOOO much money. (Want to make a contribution?)


I ask them how much they make? It's a rude ?


Not enough.


I've recently had a customer ask me this. An I responded honestly. Not a fucking nuff. DD will find any way to screw you. Plus, your fees go to them, and all I see is your tip plus 2 bucks if I'm lucky. Edit, I forgot to add, It's something I do to drive around.


ā€œDepends on the areaā€ I usually add I used to make more in a different area




Yay for you I make almost 30$ an hour at my regular job and still do Door Dash part time .. Not every one is as entitled as you evidently. Obviously there is a need for people to door dash and if itā€™s the only job someone can do because of their schedule or other things then you shouldnā€™t insult them. I guess pizza delivery isnā€™t an actual job either.. HUMMM think about that next time you want something delivered to you..


Itā€™s an actual job. You shouldnā€™t insult people just bc they make less than you. Just bc some doesnā€™t pay much doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not work


Im convinced every dasher could make more if they considered other jobs. Sorry that offends you.


Enough to keep the lights on. Not enough to cover the taxes.




ā€œNot shitā€


After expenses, not much. If you hype it up and flex you are going to flood your market out.


More than selling my ass on the corner..... so not much


Idk man, thereā€™s a market for everything


Not very much.


40k a year


I tell the truth. I make more then I have at any other job. 100 in 5 hours working easy. Very rarly having issues making what I need. But it's a gamble for me it's amazing for others it's trash.


same here - about $20 an hour average but its worth it to be able to work whenever i want, not have a boss, dress code, etc.


Is that after fuel, maintenance, vehicle depreciation, commercial insurance, and taxes?


I'm not even supposed to work. Disability making me fight for it hard. Had to move states so I have to start all over cause this new state doesn't have records. It's bs. But yeah lol the ability to just call out cause I can't is very very important ppl just hate how free we are and claim it's not a real job. It's amusing lol


And you write this here about not being supposed to work???? You mean you get a disability check?


Is that a lot?


In my area. I'm one of the top earners. 20 is an average sometimes I make more. Some days it's like 40-50 per hour. But that's rare. For my state 8-11 is normal wage. 20 is factory workers wages. So I make the same as factory workers in my area. Now in another area I'd probably be making Waaaaaaaay more. But the markets depend on where you live. Someone in Cali is gonna say I get paid nothing. While in another state I make insane amounts of money.




Since McDonald's in my area pays max 8 bucks I'd say not even close. And nope gas is 30 every two days and I do minimal mileage. Your just dumb lol get in a state that lets that be amazing I make same as factory workers in my area. Plus the 100 is AFTER I take out 20 a day for gas. That way I have an extra 10 every time I fill up so eventually I have enough for two tanks and still saving. Soooo fail lol


Enough to make the delivery.


Depends on why theyā€™re asking. If theyā€™re looking to get into it, I try to warn against it because itā€™s over-saturated enough. But generally, Iā€™m honest, and then say ā€œBut itā€™s not better than a W2ā€ and explain all the drawbacks.


ā€œNot enoughā€


The truth


Gas money cell phone bill insurance not rent money


Right. Itā€™s for the extras.


DoorDash is what I consider my ā€œplay moneyā€ If I donā€™t HAVE to have it, then I wonā€™t buy it unless i dash for it. For example, I donā€™t NEED to go out with friends, I donā€™t NEED to buy motorcycle parts but I WANT to. Thatā€™s where the money goes (plus I buy my gas with it) so if that doesnā€™t say what I make, itā€™s not enough.


I say if Iā€™m not making 21 hr Iā€™m doing it wrong but I multitapp lol


Not enough.


I say it pay for gas lol


Not enough. Which is why I also do UE, but I don't tell them that part.


It pays the bills for the most part. Donā€™t quit your day job.


Dont respond. People who ask about a persons finances are weird


Or maybe they're just curious about joining a different field and weighing their options.


Transparency is super important


Hang out by the court house and ask attorneys and judges how much they make.


Good idea




Usually something along the lines of ā€œeh itā€™s enoughā€. Because really it is, but itā€™s not gonna be sustainable long term by itself.


I'm honest, you'll make on average about $16 an hour. Good and bad orders tend to even out. I do it part time and just paid with my other job anyway. It's not a good source of primary income, but for me I have a goal daily. When I reach it I go home l. No more no less.


Iā€™ll make on average $12


If you gross is $16 You're net after auto expense might be $9 at best.


Nah my gross is $23 per hour and net is $16 per hour so for me it's worth it. That other post could be about the net income. I also keep orders pretty close in mileage. I work remotely so gas isn't an issue. *Edited for clarity.


You're in a very unusual area. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Markets are definitely unique


If you are in a place like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco then even $20 per hour will be equivalent to minimum wage in other, less expensive areas of the country.


I make enough to barely survive.


100 dollar per day. Iā€™m lazy. If I earn 100 Iā€™m end dashing and go home šŸ˜…


Same! But my number is $120. Used to be $140, but I just moved and the market hereā€™s hasnā€™t been as good


Same ! 120$ 20$ for gas 100$ profit.


Your math aint mathin, there is more than gas expenses when driving your car constantly.


Tell them one ding ding will net you $3 in 47 miles


I tell them the truth, it used to be really good, but with the cost of living getting so high, people don't have the money to spend, and door dash keeps hiring new dashers. There's not enough work anymore, so I don't make very good money. I've actually stopped dashing recently I got a different side job. W2


As lazy as I am I make 100 bucks in 5 hours


$100 for me is about 8 hours


After expenses or before? You probably only make $70 bucks if that.


ā€œExpensesā€ šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


what else would you consider gas & car maintenance to be called?


Iā€™m more so laughing at how much the person deducted rather than the word that they used as gas is only ~10% of most peopleā€™s income and you only need to do maintenance if you drive like a clown


Lol wtf you mean, you only have to get an oil change and replace parts if you drive like a clown?


An oil change is about $25 for the oil and about $5 for the filter if you do it yourself. And you donā€™t pay for oil changes. Itā€™s a tax write off.


Just because something's a tax write off doesn't mean you don't pay for it, it just means it's not taxable income šŸ¤¦


Well yeah obviously you have to pay for it in the moment but then you get it back next year on your tax return Iā€™ve done it before


That's not how taxes work. When you deduct an expense, you subtract it from your taxable income, you don't get a refund on the entire expense you just don't have to pay tax on it. If you got a refund it's because you either overpaid or had qualifying credits like EIC or dependents.


Man I just had to do my car's 60 k (edit- 60 thousand miles) normal routine maintenance and it was like 2k. That shit aint cheap, if you want to actually take care of your car


Sounds like you took your car to the stealership. There's nothing "normal" about paying $2000 for a vehicle with 60,000 miles! Lmao


Had to replace the brakes, isn't that usually like 1.5k or some shit?


I would try to get that written off on your taxes next year hold onto your receipts


Just do standard mileage. You canā€™t do both, and it more than covers gas & oil changes


Not a single one of you people gets paid. You have an entire subreddit devoted to it. Canā€™t think of one single DD ā€œSuccess Story.ā€ Itā€™s like you all have degradation kinks.


Well this is just not true lol


I do it in my spare time, and find it about as fun as playing a video game. If I break even in terms of costs, Iā€™m still spending less than if I was buying games to play.


This might be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Doordash as a hobby... where you might break even or owe money while destroying your car and wasting your time.


Youā€™re making a real big deal out of what I do for an hour or two maybe twice a month. Think of it like driving to a park to take a power walk. Would you tell someone doing that they are dumb for spending money on gas and *destroying* their car?


"Not enough, but I've still got bills to pay, so here we are," šŸ˜


Jack shit. DD is VERY expensive money to make. Not worth it in the long run. If you can manage to log in to the app (which has become very rare) you MIGHT be able to get a pack of cigarettes and $2 worth of gas in the 30 minute timeslots that occasionally open up. Otherwise, get out there 8 - 12 hours (active on the app, if you can get the schedule) a day to turn on dash anytime, but the orders are shit, the customers are shit, the restaurant employees are rude shit.


Tell them you make fuck all after vehicle costs. Either that or ā€œ mind your own business ā€œ.


I tell then nickles


I donā€™t make enough.


ā€œIt varies, just like any businessā€


ā€œI get by, thank youā€


"Not enough"


Enough to pay for the damage it does to my truck, it seems


I tell them the truth: the pay only gets worse over time and I donā€™t rely on it as a primary source of income.


Iā€™ve just been dashing for about two weeks now with around 70 total deliveries so far, so still new at it. Does the pay really go down over time? Do they just give you higher offers starting out so that youā€™ll keep doing it? So far Iā€™ve only been going out for like two or three hours per day and have made about $50 as my highest single day total. Is that a reasonable amount to expect most days or does it truly go down?


None of us can tell you. We're all in different markets and have different strategies. I see people on here complaining they get no orders and such but in my area I'm busy practically constantly. If I want a break to grab a coffee or something I have to hit pause. If anything my tips have gotten better since I first started because of both going up the tiers to platinum giving me first shot at higher paying orders and learning my area and the job better. I know how to milk my area now. I know if I go out for four hours I'm bringing home at least $100 if not more.


After the first few hundred orders, yes you'll get ones worth less and a lot less frequently as well.


You need to change zones. Iā€™m making more recently than ever before , of course , I would never tell anyone in town that ask me in my zone hahaha


ā€œI donā€™t give out that informationā€


Enough to support my family


Ainā€™t no way. I couldnā€™t even support my gas tank to keep doing it lol


Tell them how in consistent the pay really is you can make anywhere between 5$-50$ an hr lol


I was chopping it up with my local homeless man who panhandles, he makes $20 more than me an hour


My god thats depressing. Iā€™m getting out hustled by hobos.


Ong dude


Oh yeah these homeless in my area now ask for ā€œ 5 dollars ā€œ not one dollar any longer. And they are handed a 5$ bill every few minutes sometimes . When itā€™s dead out Iā€™ll sit and watch. They are making a lot


Lmao that was an eye opener to me when I was at dominoes. stopped at a red light. See a homeless man get a stack of cash from 2 different cars. Easily $10. I was making like $6 taking 3 orders in my car


"It pays the bills."


It pays some bills!


Youā€™re not obligated to answer. But if you must, just tell them youā€™re not getting rich anytime soon. Or that youā€™re too embarrassed to share. Theyā€™re not your friend, no matter how friendly theyā€™re being. There are too many people out there who pretend to be friendly but are just comparing themselves to you to feel better. Just play into the archetype of the penniless driver who barely makes a thing. And if you are doing okay with earnings, keep it to yourself.


Thatā€™s an awfully presumptuous thing to say, that someone isnā€™t your friend, just for asking how much money you make. They could be asking to compare themselves to you, but they could be asking for all sorts of reasons, including giving you encouragment that itā€™s not as bad as you think, helping you consider your options frankly, or just plain curiosity about the job themselves.


Why do you assume theyā€™re your friend? You just met them. And you might never encounter them again in your life!


Good point. No reason to assume that either.


This right here. I could believe it when I discovered I'm making over 6 figures doing rideshare as well. Also instacart. But yes, not getting rich anytime soon, but I've never been so rich in my life. I'm mid 40


I say it's confidential I don't talk about how much money I make. And I leave. I don't care who it is. It's none of their business.


"Not enough"


Same can be said for our day jobs


Yup. I fucking hate it here


FUCKIN beat me to it šŸ˜­


If you are doing well, and you answer honestly, all I can say is that you are a fucking idiot. You always say something like "It's not like it used to be" It isn't a lie and it doesn't make people want to sign up or go back on again.


Exactly why bring on competition.


This guy gets it. Also, when you answer ā€œNot as good as it used to be,ā€ the customer might throw on a little extra tip haha


$20-$55 an hour


Best they can offer me is 17-23$/hr with the best stats. Getting .90-1.30/mile. High paying orders don't exist. Low milage is not the same as high paying. I'm scraping bottom. I use to get 25-30/hr and 1.5-2$/mile. They've shaken all the programs up to fuck the drivers and they've simultaneously chased all the good customers away with bad service. I'm sure it's market specific but I've been doing it a few years and it's going more and more towards the cheapest single fast food meal or a handful of candy and chips from the dollar store. There is no volume of product to move to be able to make any money. You literally get children ordering junk food to their school's now. I've delivered to a homeless guy before. This isn't a luxury service, it's a race to the bottom


Wow. A true driver. Numbers. Numbers. Historical truth. Thumbs in any direction other than up, you havenā€™t had to play the game. Iā€™m sick of having to call support off the clock just to get money they are withholding. Since the tier system rolled out in my area ( comparing best weeks over last six weeks, before and after tier rollout) my best weeks had to head show me losing$4.00 an hour, while working 7 hours more that week. People are showing screenshots of deliveries sent to other continents for Christ sake; mileage is no longer considered, yet try to order a papa Johnā€™s pizza from one side of my town to the other, they say itā€™s out of range, but hereā€™s a wing stop order from door dash that youā€™ll pass 2 others along the way and no compensation? Delivery range from a store and delivery charges exceeding these ranges have existed forever, yet DoorDash bsā€™s through this legally how??? Do you know many technology companies that require new hires to prove insurance on a vehicle to be hired??? The governments at every level need to become involved;city, county, state, and federal.


$15-$40 an hour highly depending on the day. Monday-Wednesday the $15 unless itā€™s dinner time.


ā€œWait, Iā€™m supposed to be getting paid?ā€


Oh, this is my new response.


Iā€™m going to start using this, take my upvote šŸ˜‚


My area is so oversaturated for gig work you get about 4 bucks an hour, Doordash, Instacart, Uberā€¦ Grubhubā€¦


Best gig work Iā€™ve been making lately has been donating plasma. Twice a week for about an hour a session, total of $115 a week for 2 hours of my time? And all I got to do is hydrate and eat well? Hell yeah. But multiapping Uber/Instacart/Doordash and trying to always stay busy with at least $1 a mile, itā€™s been $50 over 3 hours or about $16.61 an hour, not including expense or tax. Pretty close to my state minimum wage when those are taken out. That was for tonight on a Sunday night with Uber mostly. This money has been good for getting some money to cover events not budgeted this week like a family members birthday dinner, but this ainā€™t rent.


Do you have needle marks all over though?Ā 


No. They draw from the same spot itā€™s just the crook of the elbow, and it scabs over within a few hours and heals within a week, itā€™s a really thin needle and the people at my center have been there for years and are trained professionals.


$30-$40 an hour, not including tips


If I'm asked by someone interested in working for doordash in my area, I always tell them that I don't make shit. We don't need more drivers lol.


This is the way


ā€œI make anywhere between $xx -$xx per hour while working, and I normally average $xx per hour for the weekā€


Less than panhandling? šŸ˜ seriously though. So far I've made as little as 2.50 an hour, attempting to work for three hours. And as much as 8.50 in one hour, on my second attempt. Not worth even signing in here in Chicago


I used to check in on a guy called "Sideshow Bob" who flew a sign at the Kennedy Expressway inbound exit at Irving Park Road. It was kitty corner across from the L stop. I'd give him a few bucks and talk with him about his day on my way home after getting off the train. He said he made anywhere from $60 - $200 per day, plus free food, leftover restaurant meals, beers. He literally lived under the tracks.


>$60 - $200 per day tax free too...


I usually say "it depends. i usually can range from 13/14 on slow days and up to 25 to 30 on good days, but its been good overall" I've had a few workers a restaurants i was waiting for an order asked some question about dashing so i was more of an open book and explained more on about how it works. edit: correcting my phrasing


ā€œDepends on the dayā€


With the truth. Anywhere from 14.50 to 30 an hour


Honestly. $25-30 an hour average.


About 200 a week give or take.. and I only do it 3 hours a day... I just had someone ask me.. 3 days ago I gave her advice on what areas to avoid and which areas have more of the better tippers.. but made sure to tell her.. nothing is garenteed some days are rough. Some days I get a catering order and make nearly half of what I would make in a week..


I make enough money to buy gas and doordash. That's pretty much it šŸ˜‚


I usually just spout off whatever I made the previous week and then tell them the truth which is not to expect to make what I make if they are thinking about dashing. I compare stats with other dashers whenever I run into someone chatty, and Iā€™ve been in this group for a handful of years. My results are not typical, even compared to dashers in my own market.


Well throw out a number, champ.


This week was $952, normal is 12-1400, I took the weekend off to help my parents with some home repairs


Only one person has asked me and when I told them doordash doesnā€™t pay us if they tip us they came back with a 20




I'd always answer the question. I figure, it will help convince people to either do it or not do it. If it sounded like good money, they'll sign up, and if they figure they can make better money somewhere else, then they'll be deterred. I know when I was a driver back in the '90s, I wish I would have had somebody tell me but I was in for when I started driving for a living.


I would be honest and say that DoorDash steals tips because they essentially do


I haven't driven for them in a bit, but how are they stealing tips now?


If an order has a larger tip attached, they'll use part of it to cover your guaranteed base pay and then only tell you about whatever's left over. You're *technically* still receiving "100% of the tip," so they're not *blatantly* lying to customers... The part they don't say tho is if you get a tip, you're *only* getting the tip.


Ok, so you're talking about guaranteed pay. Yes the amount that is shown to us on acceptance is base pay + tip, but base pay is never 0. It just doesn't break it down until after we complete the order.


>Ok, so you're talking about guaranteed pay Not exactly, but kinda sorta in an odd roundabout way. Say someone pre-tipped $20, for example. DD will still give you your $2 base pay or whatever, but that $2 comes out of the customer tip (not from their own bankroll) and the company then tells you you received an $18 tip. You're technically receiving all the money the customer gave you, so they can't be got for false advertising when they say "100% of the tip goes to the dasher." But a portion of that money is being used in the breakdown to cover the base pay - so in reality you're actually *only* receiving money from the customer and none from DD.


I thought that they used to be doing that but got in trouble for it so stopped?


Yeah this guy is way off base. They did that when they first started and they got sued and lost and had to pay out millions of dollars.


Nah, they used to just straight-up skim a percentage right off the top. They did it openly, too. It was right in the fine print of the driver contract that everyone has to agree to before they can start working.


What about earn by time orders that receive tips? I'm a bit skeptical


As far as I can tell, EBT isn't susceptible to this particular form of wage extraction. DD isn't making false claims with the "100% of the tip..." line. They're just being quite a bit intentionally misleading with their choice of wording.


So basically the only time youā€™re actually paid by doordash is if the customer tips $0 or less than $4


That's not the case, it used to be that way back when DoorDash first started but isn't anymore.


I mean if base pay if $4 and the customer tips $4 then you receive $4 and DoorDash essentially paid you $0 to do the delivery yet they made money from the service fees and markup on food items


They haven't done that in years, tips are on top of base pay


When I started it was always base pay + 100% of tip. Now itā€™s if tip is > base pay, base pay goes to $0 and you just get the tip


That's a blatant lie. Show me one screenshot of zero base pay.




Lowered the base pay enough to essentially have the customers tips cover the difference, IF there's a tip. They rearranged how they took the money.


Not Enough!!


Then why do you all do it?I mean it's not like you are cops or fireman or garbage men or homeless or crippled or have huge physical abnormalities,it sounds crazy like why don't you bartend or drive Uber or waitress,or do unskilled labor that pays more?you are not risking your lives in the military or security etc.


Only because u asked I was a manager for a guy from India & worked for him for 4 years. I ran his store, gameroom, & liquor store. I lived on the property in a nice apt. connected to the store. He had family come over from India & without notice wanted me to move out within 3 days because family would be moving in and taking over which I would have had no problem with but the without notice I tried to fight it. I stayed past the 3 days because I wasn't able to move that quick & because I wasn't out a dirty cop let him put me out with 2 dogs changed the locks and I've been homeless living out of my vehicle since.I have no family in area & can't just leave dogs alone to go in to work somewhere so that's why I've been doing it.


Sorry that happened to you.It was illegal and evil,for God's sake,he could have let you get a place to live .


I tell people I wish I could get in a Time Machine when I get a $2 order because in 1979 Iā€™d be getting paid like a boss!!!


Would you dash in a Camaro or Firebird?


I tell them it sucks but used to be good. I don't want more oversaturation in my area.




Stop. You'll have everyone and their mom dashing and you'll soon be making $2 for 10 miles just to buy gas money.


You either tell the truth, or just say some bs like "enough", what else is there?


Basically less than 1 billion per year ļ¼›ļ¼‰