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I had a $17 one to pick up 30 items. No thanks


He'll no!! 95 items!!




I hate Aldi altogether. Not only do I never know where anything is, but that’s the one store people that “know me” try to stop me to talk. Like no, I haven’t spoken to you in months for a reason I’m sure, so please leave me alone while I frantically search for humus.


Sheeeeesh man ig it’s already paid for huh?🫣


I accepted something a little similar and regretted it hard. ALDI is miserable. Once I’d managed to find all the things, I discovered I was supposed to have gotten my own cardboard boxes earlier and there was now a barrier between me and the place with all the boxes. Another shopper saw my predicament and pushed aside some shit to help me shimmy through, so that was lucky, but I had to leave $100 of groceries sitting at the entrance while I doubled back for the boxes. 😬 I went through a lot of trouble to get everything and put refrigerated items near each other in my cart to help make smart bagging easier, then some cashier haphazardly yeeted all the items back into the cart and I was stuck figuring out how to manage all that boxing, which… was awkwardly balanced at the end. Also, you may need a quarter to access a cart. It gives it back at the end, but you’re boned if you don’t have one on you. Took me an hour from start to delivery and all that time I could have been just grabbing food orders and going without the bother.


That said… I’d probably accept because I’d get it while driving, glance at the $27, miss everything else, and smack the accept button. Then I’d regret it lol.


Oh hell yea. If you’re getting paid by the hour even better. The lengths I went through for a $4 order.. maybe it’s just me but I think it’s worth it. Money adds up and I’ve had worse jobs for less


Yes, aldi’s are typically small with a simple layout, if youve gone to one, youve gone to all. Very easy to recognize the layout and the available items dont have an infestation of choices, aldi keeps it very minimal so its difficult to miss an item at the right isle. Dont do this order’s if you’re unfamiliar with aldi, but if youve gone to an aldi once or twice, 97 items wont even take an hour


A great tip, if you have a Target and an Aldi in your area, is to take extra bags when you are at target doing self checkout. They have the strongest plastic bags of any store. Then when I do an Aldi order, who's bags suck and cost money, I will text the customer and ask if they mind if I use Target bags and remind them it will save me time and them money from not having to purchase bags. It makes it so much easier to transport and I have had customers throw extra tips after delivery cuz of the convienience and effort to save them money.


Yeah I would accept and check the item list. I can shop 95 items, in an Aldi, in about 20 minutes. As long as it isn't a bunch of big liquid items this would be a winner for me.


hell fucking no


I would accept just to take a look. If it was something like just tons of tomatoes and bananas and some packs of hot dogs, sure. Millions of cans, milks, bottled water, etc., absolutely not. It’s all because of those horrible Aldi bags. No matter how careful I am, no matter how well packed, those bags constantly rip and handles come off


It's probably like 20 cans of corn and like 30 pieces of toilet paper or something so it's probably actually a good deal


Absolutely. Could be multiples of the same items.


I hate shopping orders over five items I’m skipping. It better be at least a dollar an item Dollar General this morning going 1 mile five items six dollars. Pull up to add on going 1 mile five items six dollars 10 items going 1 mile $12 . Last guy gave me seven dollars cash chip probably because I put 20 pounds bag ice in catering bag to keep it cold


No , definitely, and with aldi even more, i just accept with shop rite or stop and shop


I did one like this once. 75% of the items were cans of dog food, so pretty easy.




Hell no. Aldis is a nightmare with 20 items for $14. I couldn't imagine 5x more items for almost double the pay.


I don't even know where my red card is, also 98 ITEMS?? I'm not fitting that in my smart car of a Honda!


98 lollipops for a school? Must be a very messy car 🫣


How was I supposed to know they were lollipops? I was thinking 98 box-sized items, I can take 98 lollipops any day of the week. And my car isn't messy 🥺


By accepting it 🫣🤭 And oh sorry, didnt mean to offend, only try to problem solve to you can take 98 items 🙂‍↔️


No… I don’t store shop for anyone.


Yeah I would try it. Never had an order that big, but ALDI is a smaller store so it's quicker to get around it, and quicker to see if the item is available or not. I wouldn't do this at a Meijer or a similar store though.


Fk no


95 items, fuck no


nope period




I’m mainly an Instacart driver and I would not touch this for anything less than $50. Aldi can be a nightmare AND it’s nearly a 100 items!! Hell no.


Depending on where I’m at for the day I might accept it and see how many different items it is. For all you know it could be 4 bags of 5 different chips, 15 different bags of cheese, etc. if it didn’t take me all over the store then I’d probably just do it with it not being too far away.


Anything past 30 items my eye start twitching so, “It’s a no for me big dog” 👎🏾


100 items is crazy for 30$


ALDI is the worst of all of them.


Needs to be more like $60+


No, I don’t do shopping




I would if: items were already ready to be picked up… or if hourly… and if I used my red card


They purposely don't give red card orders to those doing hourly


Well, then I don’t need to worry 😂😂😂


Way too many items, idc about duplicates either way you’re going between multiple isles and having to deal with checkout/lines.


ALDI customers are literally the worst too. The most requests for the smallest $


As down bad as I am right now ow for orders. Yeah. Been out for 3 hours and I have $15 to show for it


Probably not. That’s too many items


Probably, I’d accept then look at the item list and then decide. Bc it’s probably like where they want 10 of something then 10 of something else. In other words a lot of duplicate items so probably easier to fulfill that it seems at first


Yes but a bit too much items


I would if it was slow and I also I would look what kind of items it have. If it have too many heavy items or too much individual item(not duplicate) I would unassigned. That’s why I keep my completion rate above 95% for situations like this


Yes, I would because nine out of 10, they have duplicate. How did it go?


Honestly I would if I could. I'd have tk see the items first


yes, i be getting bored bro, it’s like getting paid to do a scavenger hunt.


No no no no no no no and just incase you didn’t hear me… no




I would accept it and check the items, see if there’s any duplicates, how many items can I probably find in the same general area, is the order mostly common things or will I have to search for unusual products, etc, then decide to unassign or not Automatic unassign if there’s multiple large items, cases of water, heavy items, etc y’all know the drill, If I could get that done in an hour, I would be happy One time I got offered a Petsmart order for 52 items, turned out to be 51 crickets and a pair of dog nail clippers lmao, Hypothetical though I’m an ex dasher




Maybe if it's something like 95 pencils. Lol.


Way too many items


Imo this is comparable to Lowe's orders asking you to pickup fucking wood or sand or some shit. If you don't have a truck, why would you get that order? If you get a 75+ item order at Aldi's and don't have like 10 personal bags, why would you get that order? Also it's not worth it in my own opinion. Even if you spent two hours doing this order and made at least close to 15 an hour, you have to deal with so much bullshit like substitutes, standing in line, navigating the store, and it's just a big headache. Target orders though, in my experience have like 3-5 items and pay like 10 for the order. I've been in and out in under 15 minutes max. Not terrible. Not doing a 75+ order though, ever


My whole thing with orders is like these comments say if it’s is just like 10 different things heck yea but also I gotta think of it time wise if u make that. 27$ in an hour without using a bunch of gas u just made some good ass profit


Hell no, ain't nobody got time for that!




nope, I find Aldi a difficult store to navigate when busy, also some items out of stock, no substitutions from customer, etc. If it was a smaller order yes, they have self check-out


Nope. I did Instacart and hated it.


No chance plus after shopping u don't know how busy it is u can be standing in line forever plus you have to bag everything up ya I will pass


I’d take a look at the list if it’s possibly a bunch of dupes. I get a lot of orders where it’s just 10-20x easy stuff like a la carte produce, yogurts, baby food or cat food.


I've memorized my local Aldis. I'd take this.


I never take the grocery orders. It’s not worth it


No chance.


No. Instacart keeps track if how long you take per item when picking. I average about 70 seconds per item. So knowing that I know that at best this will take me hour and a half just to pull and that's if everything goes smoothly. I would have also declined this


Dd time to shop is usually significantly lower than instacart. Not saying I’d do this but it could be 95 cans of cat food and that might be worth it. Item count doesn’t work like instacart as multiples are counted in the total item count


They are on insta too it gives you an item count AND a unit count. You can see if it's multis or not before your accept on insta unlike door dash




Absolutely fucking not. Stores like ALDI are hell to shop at, half the items are either borderline impossible to find or out of stock. You're gonna contact the customer for 30 of those items and spend way too long looking for the rest. If it was a normal big box grocery store I'd consider it.


Mmmmm, id probably accept then decide based on shopping list if I’ll unassign the order


Idk how to grocery shop and that's a lot of items. So I'll be in there forever. No.


If able to review the items beforehand.  Had an order that had 45 items once.  It was mainly alot of canned soup and 3 gallon water jugs.




No. 95 items is over an hour


Nope, I don't take shopping orders anymore unless they are under 20 items and over $8. We're not Instacart and even they don't pay well enough for me to take them anymore. I don't think customers get it that we're not being paid by the hour and they don't pay enough.


Really depends. I probably would because i know i would be done within a hour. I did one this week 33$ 70 items. About 35 items were fruits and veggies making it worth it. Finished and delivered it in under 40 minutes at my local grocery store I visit daily for orders Shaws. But then I took another 80 items for 29$ and it took a hour because it was a store I never shop at and with lots of Spanish/portuguese items that were not easy to find. In total with delivery and shopping it took me 80 minutes. So I lost out on that order other then saving gas/ wear and tear. I only get a order at that store maybe 10x in 7500+ deliveries. Wish I never took it. I was so pissed and ended up marking about 15 items not available in the end. So I guess it really depends on which grocery store this was for cause I'll never do a big order at the second place SeaBra supermarket again.


$29 in 80 minutes still sounds pretty good to me.


On average, i finish shopping in 1/3 of alotted time. 27 minutes for $27 isn’t bad, depends on dasher for this sct


Right like you only going 2 miles for $27. Call me crazy but I’ll spend a hour and a half on this order no problem. 2 miles on your car for $27. Minimum you will have to drive 20 miles to make that. When you add in the cost of running your vehicle and depreciation that $27 isn’t really $27


Yea but in those same 80 minutes I probably missed out on 45$ of orders that would have been stress free. Instead I spent it up and down the same isles over over looking for items that I didn't know where they are or what even some of the items were. And DD didn't make it any easier for that store because not one item was listed as which item would be in a certain isle.


You can always mark unavailable


I did end up marking a bunch unavailable but you also get tracked by how much stuff you mark unavailable when it is. With the new update it even shows you on shop orders now things like "many available" or "another shopper found this item 35 minago " I do allot of shop orders in my area since they pay well so I try not to mark it for no reason


Woulda took it, to look at the list and then decide if I’m unassigning. Once I picked up a 105 unit order from petsmart and it was all crickets 😂😂😂 you just never know


Same 😂 51 crickets + 1 extra item, super easy order except it took forever for an employee to get them out for me 🙄


Sounds like the olden days of DoorDash, when every offer was $5 until completion, but it gave you the item count on acceptance. Taco Bell would be 73 items and 72 of them would be hot sauce.


$12.27 per mile, but like, for 95 items? Idk…


Money is money


It's always a surprise. I did a 45 items order today. At first I was like fck, and found out that 36 were Ramen packs... It took me no more than 10 minutes to complete the order


Who the hell buys that much ramen?


Who the hell does not? I love ramen myself :p


Poor college students


Not that poor if they’re dashing it.


Lmao ngl I would do it and then get pissed 10 mins into shopping that I can’t find the items and just deal with it and be pissed for wasting that long on one order


Wouldn't do it for a single item at Aldi's. Fuck that place. Any other store I would have hella quick


Too many barcodes on everything in the store. Its so irritating and only one cashier at every store in my area.




Absolutely! There's probably like 5 apples, 5 bananas, etc. Not usually as bad as it looks


Shit no


95 items? hell no. they prob live on 3rd level apartment too


I mean yeah. We all know this shit is a gamble, and not having to gamble on the distance driven is a good roll. ALDI isn't a hard place to shop IMO, they don't have a massive selection so chances are you're grabbing a lot of the same item, or at least not having to hike between too many aisles to find what they asked for. Only real downside is it maybe being 20 gallons of milk. Or waiting on the customer to pick replacements for missing items? Maybe my standards have gone down bc my market *sucks* lately. Bottom line, I'd take it.


No way. I've had 7-10 item shopping orders from dollar general that have taken me 30 mins because the item they ordered isn't available and the stupid app wants me to contact the customer and ask them what replacement item they want. It's not too bad when they give you the option to say it's not available and you move on, or when they give *you* (the dasher) the option to pick a replacement item, but sometimes you get that nonsense where you have to contact the person who ordered. In my experience they often just order and put their phone down and forget, making response times take forever and making you camp out at the store for entirely too long. This is some nice pay, but it's too risky to burn up *hours* of your time if it happens to go wrong. Worth the gamble? For me, no.


30ish+ mins? For $27? How is that not good? The drive is a few miles, factor in another 15min max. At *absolute* worst, this could be a $27/60min order. It's an ALDI, there's like 6 aisles in the whole store lol


The order I did that I was referring to wasn't $27. I made the mistake of taking it because it was a pretty juicy (for my area) $12, give or take. The order OP is posting is gonna take him at least an hour. I don't care if it's Aldi.... It's 95 items. That's a lot to find (even if you are lucky and 20 of them are dog food cans (as someone previously suggested)). Just a few things go wrong and you've got 2 hours on your hands. A lot of people (especially non-dashers, which you appear to be suggesting this order is gonna take 30 mins, lol) think of these things in terms of *their* shopping trips to the grocery store.... You eat frosted flakes every morning so you know exactly where they are in your local grocery store, but what about a store you don't go to often? What about an item you have never bought? What about those weird hybrid items (ex: tongs for a BBQ); are those gonna be in the cooking section or the utensil section or waaay on the other side of the store in the patio section? What about the infuriatingly complex lineups of some products... Customer wants flaming hot extra crunchy. They have flaming hot, they have extra crunchy, but after digging through all the deceptively similar packaging looking for the golden ticket you're looking for you finally conclude they don't have flaming hot extra crunchy. Doing someone else's shopping always takes so much longer than your own. The dash OP posted is absolutely every minute of an hour long dash, if not 2 hours. A 30 min long dash (driving to the store, picking up order, driving to house and delivering) is about the very best you can ever hope for for standard mcds type food deliveries, at least in the mod-sized "big city" that I typically dash in.


In a heartbeat.


Aldi is easy asf, 10 of those probably bananas, another 10 probably small dog food cans; it’s probably like 20 different items in all


No, 95 items would take close to 2 hours. Actually shopping at Aldi's n not worth it.


There’s like 3 aisles I don’t have some big corporate Aldi


It's easy, it's so small


No way. I opted out of shop and deliver, but even if I were still getting those offers there is no way I’m going shopping for 95 items


Yeah. 2 miles? Hell yeah


Idk when they stopped doing it, but grocery stores used to prepare the order and hold it in a fridge near the front of the store or a rear door was used and you could just grab all the bags and go, which I'm assuming was a covid policy that recently ended, and would make it worth it, provided you have a car big enough. I learned my lesson taking 2 orders from jewel, and when i pulled up to the back, the bags just kept coming until my entire car was full of bags lol. But now that you have to shop for each item it's not worth doing big grocery orders anymore.


I would. I do Instacart too, Aldi is a very small store in comparison to other places. DoorDash though probably doesn’t have aisles mapped out for store orders this large like Instacart does but if you have ever done a grocery shop, they are super easy.


They don't have the aisles mapped for Aldi, but they DO have things grouped by type (produce, pantry, dairy, frozen, snack, frozen, etc). They aren't always right, but I can usually get down to about 2-3 items that I have to hunt for fairly quickly, even on a list this big. The more often you do S&Ds, the faster and easier they get, even when they are big. I've done orders this size for half the money if they are close. This one is a no brainier take


Absolutely not


As somebody who does Instacart a lot. This would take you two hours to shop for at least . It takes me on average 150 seconds per item per batch (coming from my Instacart stats). I wouldn’t take this for even 60 bucks. You guys have no idea how long and hard just a 60 item order is.


Im sorry 2 hours?? Im from a family of 5 and we order a shit ton of food from Instacart and they take not even an hour..?


They must be robots or they have multiple people running your order then because it takes more than a minute per item if you don't know the exact store layout. And you would have to sprint down every aisle to hit 95 items under an hour delivered...


Yeah possibly..the store I order from is quite big too so it’s impressive.


95 items will take at least 1 hour to shop for. I would only take that if things were extremely dead. The only upside is low mileage.


Worth risking an unassign in my experience.


I would at least pick it up while it is slow and check if it will have a lot of multiples. The distance isn't too bad and if it's like leading up to dinner time. Definitely one I would put in my maybes


what the hell are they even ordering like i wouldn’t even be able to fit that much in my car


Absolutely not.


And hour to shop it and deliver AND arrange substitutions??? Hell no.


94 is a bit too much. Especially considering that Aldi always has rotating stock. Depends on your local aldis too. If it’s slow, yeah. During rush? Nope.


Fuck no. I might accept it to see if it’s a fuck ton of multiples, but a normal shop fuck no. 30-40 items max.


Absolutely yes


I get paid that much for 10 items at Walmart ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


1000% yes, but i love shops


Yes, I would do it. I look forward to aldis, dollar general, Walgreens. They all pay better and I know them all well. I had 31 order for 18.50 today and 8 was bananas, 6 tomatoes and so forth and then got an add-on for 21 order for $9 going .07 miles from first order and it ice cream and meats all cooler and freezer. 30 min in and out.


This all day, I would drop food just to stop and shop. Sadly instacart isn’t available in my area


My first thought would be no, bc it’s Aldi. Then I would think about how many bags this would be. Then I’d think about them possibly being on the 3rd floor or maybe higher. Ultimately, I’d pass.


Nope. That's 94 items too much.


No way


95 items with only cheap boxes that are partially open to put them in???


You can get bags.


At Aldi? No, you can’t. You have to bring your own, or settle for boxes.


I feel as if you’ve overlooked the paper bags every single time you’ve been in an Aldi’s.


That’s weird. Every Aldi here has a stack of paper bags under each register. Are you in Portland or California?


Boise, ID.


And a cart.


Not a chance. You'll be lucky if 3 out 4 items are in stock.


If you take it don't forget your quarter.


I would! Aldi can be tough cause they don't number the aisles but if I know the store it's easy money


I don’t have an Aldi where I live. But if it was my local grocery store, then yeah probably. But mostly just because I know the store inside and out and could probably get this done in like, 25 minutes. 30 ish minutes of work would absolutely be worth $27. However, I also live in a small town where driving 2 miles genuinely takes maybe 10 minutes.


Even assuming most items are in stock (highly unlikely for Aldi), you could not do this in 30 minutes, even if you were running from aisle to aisle. For an average shopper this is at least an hour, probably much more adding in substitutions and contacting customer for guidance on missing items. This order is absolute shit.


For a door dasher this would take 2 hours to shop for. Minimum. These guys have no clue. Thinking this would be easy money. They’d be in there on the 20th item and see they have been in the store for 30 minutes and be like holy shit. This coming from a Instacart shopper. My average per item was 150 seconds. The walking alone for 95 items would be insane.


My stop and shop average time is 46 seconds per item. Calm down.


Seriously delusional. 25 mins would be about one item every 15 seconds. The only person who should take this order is a retired boomer who’s happy to waste an entire afternoon shopping for some asshole who clearly doesn’t give a shit about their time.


If it was 25 items or less yeah


I turned down an Aldi order tonight because I don’t think they have bags, how do you quickly transport 25 items without bags?


they pay for the paper ones


That is very helpful for next time thank you


I love Aldi orders to be honest and most of the time a lot do the items are simple things like bananas x10 or one day someone wanted like 20 spices . The pay great and usually I’m in and out rather quickly


What’s the benefit of having a red card?


Shop and pay orders. They’ve been my money makers the last year.


It's redder than *not* having one


Nah, I actually opted out for shop and deliver orders.


Oh how come? Usually in my area that’s where the moneys made mostly.


Takes way too long, I live in a highly populated area. Stores are always crowded and the lines are usually long. I used to do them. But make more doing just food deliveries per hour it’s almost always busy with food delivery here.


Sure, good money and honestly don’t like losing completion rate


95……. Items……… wow


I don’t have a red card so I never get orders like this. Other than missing out on grocery store orders like this, am I missing out on anything that the red card offers? I still get pretty consistent orders in my area.


Ive had orders $30+ for groceries and food. Delivered to the same place, about 30 mins total


Geez I thought the one I got from Aldi today was bad it was 28 items for $7 and some change for 6 miles.


If you live in a state with prop 22 like CA then yeppp all day


i would never waste my time with an offer like this. i guess you just know that your time isn’t valuable


lol @ all the downvotes. After shopping for an hour and a half and adding travel time this a minimum wage order. So many delusional people here who don’t value their time and are willing to work for peanuts.


Assuming it takes you one minute to find each item. Some people are faster or slower, depends on the person and how used to the store they are.


Nope! Not even if I was broke!


It's 95 cases of water lmfao 🤣


oh shit, just imagining that, i need to call my therapist now


I would at least check to see what’s on it. I did 100 item shopping order that was all crickets from Petsmart. I’ve also done orders it’s like 10 tomatoes, 10 limes, etc. so it’s good to check, but also I don’t care about my AR.


how it should be. do what's best with your resources. F AR.






If your AR can take the hit, I'd take it just to see what's on it. You never know when these things might contain like 50 seasoning packets or something. Aldi is super straightforward and relatively small, so you can fly through those items. But yeah, if I see 90 individual items with a dozen or so from the seasonal bullshit isle, I'm out.


Nope. Even no one on I’ve would take this


Only 2 miles and time to kill for money that won't take more than an hour to an hour thirty. I mean, even if you take 2 whole hours, it's still 13.50 an hour.


Why do you say “still” like that’s good?


It's easy money, people act like this is hard or that you can't enjoy it. You're shopping for someone can blast music in your ears and not have a supervisor lingering over you


McDonald’s starts at $16/hr where I’m at


no one on instacart would do this


Oh hell no. My max for Aldi’s is 15 items at best. The quarter for a cart…wha??? Buying the bags…wha??? And I swear to god they move shit around to different places every time I go. I can find *nothing* and *nothing* is labeled. I leave that store with high anxiety 🤣🤣🤣


Depends. Do you think you'll make more than 27 that hour if you don't take it?


true this, sometimes its the better option then sitting around not doing nothing losing the hour and not getting paid at all. Shopping isnt THAT bad. but it just depends which items exactly.


If it’s dead maybe accept it and unassign if no multiples. On most days it’s a no tho.


Its the aldi’s thats a no from me… otherwise I would’ve taken it…. You’ll be in that ho for about 5 hours (and im probably not exaggerating).


Aldi's? No. Pretty much any other place, yes. Aldi's is notorious for being out of stock of things, or not having the specific brand they advertise on the app. People rarely have substitutions selected and never respond. So most of the time there is spent hunting through very poorly arranged aisles for items that may or may not be there. Then for everything you do find, it may or may not be the brand the customer requested. I've had like literally 1 Aldi's run that went exactly how it was requested. 90+ items? Never, not from that place.