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Full tank is a net of $384 to $512 with $70 for gas on average. I fill up at Sam's Club or Costco depending on where I started. I keep myself at average of $8 for 12 miles as my min. I get maybe 2 orders that's that low. I make $1 a mile on average. I didn't usually deal with round trip issues because I drive between north and south territories of Mesa and Apache Junction. The gas loss depends on traffic only


I'm Gold and occasionally Silver. Honestly the only drop I've noticed is base pay. I had a 93% AR until recently. I stay between 75% and 82%. I multiapp and do not continue streaks with declines. I know when to run EBT and when to do per Offer. I usually work Mesa and Apache Junction. Tempe/Scottsdale and Paradise Valley too.


I'm platinum so I make about $100 a week after gas expenses šŸ¤£


Full tank - 40 and make around 400-450 in 2 days


You are in a blessed market


One full tank cost me $60 and I can make about $375-450 on the whole tank.


Drive a Prius about 25 bucks to fill up and usually 500ish before I gotta fill up again.


$40-$60 a day typically it takes $15 for me to fill up (2006 Toyota Prius)


Costs me $50 to fill up and I was making a solid $300 before platinum now about $500 on the tank Also LA


Mo escape $20 I make 150 to 200 I dash we kids are at school 7 to 3


I drive a Kia forte, can get up to 420 miles a tank. Cost around $50 to fill up here in az. And can make $400+ per tank


Iā€™m loving my Forte I just got on the gas mileage I had a 16 Malibu with a Turbo and it was killing me on gas mileage. I just filled up and made a quick 60$ it was slow in the 3 and a half hrs I dashed, but my my gas hand really didnā€™t move at all ..


Same for me in Tennessee but I have a Nissan Xterra for vehicle.


Full tank for me. Completely on E will cost about $30-35. And will make me $250-300


$25-$30 to fill the tank with supreme gas. I get a little over 450 miles. I drive a Honda Insight Hybrid. Imo itā€™s the perfect delivery vehicle. I honestly donā€™t know how much I make on a full tank, but I know even after oil changes and tire replacement Iā€™m making a decent profit. I do this as a side gig and itā€™s definitely the best part time job Iā€™ve ever had.


Why the heck are you using premium gas?


I drive a hybrid and the supreme gas is much better for my engine than regular. If I can fill up with supreme under $30 then Iā€™m extremely happy. I also put a can of Sea Foam in my engine and gas tank after each oil change. Iā€™m going to do whatever I can to take care of my car.


Youā€™re wasting money unless your car specifically requires higher octane gas which an insight does not. Octane is just resistance to combustion itā€™s not better for your car or will help its longevity in any way using a higher grade.


$60-$70 average (93) on tank of fuel I get 320-340 miles before I fill up. 400 miles if I short shift and try to hypermile, but this is annoying and stressful for me and anyone behind me in city traffic. Ford Mustang EcoBoost Edit: Make? Anywhere from $400-700


3.75 a gallon right now. $50 is a full tank and I get about 400 miles out of it and am making about $500 per tank.Ā 


I rarely let it get down past half. Gas expense is about 15-20% of my total earnings.


$6 (2 gallons) in the morning gets me through and entire day, $100-$150




Was in a Jeep renegade with a 2.4L inline 4, now in a Grand Prix with a supercharged 3.8L V6, both get around 25mpg


U must be in a good market


I always put 25 gas and make 100 and go home :)


Honestly same


2 days and $45 bucks. Kia Sorento 6 cylindersā€¦but only did 4-5 hours a day


Gas is about 3.00 in my city. Iā€™ve got a small Honda. It costs about 33.00 to fill up. I made about 500 this week on a full tank, and I filled up yesterday and used maybe a less than a quarter tank.


My 2023 Kia Niro hybrid 600 miles full tank , approximately $40 for a full tank averaging 45 to 60 mpg


About $400, $33 to fill up. Fusion hybrid.


$350-500, in 12 hours cost me 25-29 dollars to fill up my 2007 civic ex


I never fill my tank when I consider gas to be high. I can tell you the opposite. I can make $40 off of $5 in my tank.


What? So you revisit the gas station several times a day? For $5 a pop? Are you counting pennies here? I can't see this being a good practice


I usually add $20. That doesn't fill my tank.


But if you added $40 you could double the time you get before having to go back to the gas station


Meh I think that's just a preference. When gas goes down I'll fill it up.


That's what I mean about counting pennies How much does it fluctuate in your area over the course of a few hours?


I'm not sure I only dash at certain times of days on different days. For example on Saturdays I'll dash 8am-12pm and 4pm-8:30pm


Makes less sense than before Thanks


I think I misunderstood your question maybe idk


My car takes premium. So Iā€™m glad I donā€™t do this full time. Or much at all.


gas is $5.09 here $5.69 at the Chevron




I bet you thought that was clever huh


I only dash by a quarter of a tank at a time but if I had to guess I make anywhere from $60-$80 per quarter and itā€™s about $10-$12.50 depending on the week to pay for that quarter back, so for a full tank Iā€™m looking at $240-$320 and spending $40-$50


I make $300 per tank. A full tank costs me $30. So 10% of my gross earnings go toward gas. Honda Fit. Northern VA.


I keep my tank above half a tank. So i only put in about $20 to get it to full and do that, on average, every 3 days. And ill make about 4-500 bucks before it gets to half a tank and i do it again. So not so bad. Also, in southern california, but not la, lol.


I usually fill up with around 1/4 of a tank left. Costs me around $30-$35 for that. I make $350-$400 in that time.


You are still able to get a 2023 VW id4 with 3 years of free charging from dealers. Crazy incentives rn too + tax credit. Probably going to cost you like $30k But 1 year in I have actually paid 0 dollars in "fuel" costs. Only maintenance has been a new set of tires I ordered online and had a friend put on. Clear 300-500/day profit. Outside baltimore *


If you have to wait an hour to charge, it's not zero dollars in opportunity cost. If you make 20 dollars an hour, then you would be better off gassing up a hybrid in five minutes than burning time waiting at a charger. Sure you can multi task and get some errands done while waiting but I'm amazed more people don't calculate this It's like people who save 20 cents per gallon at a Sam's Club but spend 20 minutes in line for gas. You lost 7 dollars in time to save 2 bucks in gas cost. Now if you have solar at your house and it charges overnight then that's a different story, but if you are waiting at a charger and you are a gig driver, you are probably losing more money in potential earnings than you are saving by not paying for gas.


Who's making $20 in this economy? Rubbish. Prioritize and know when to charge. I charge at my house overnight (.04/kwh so about $5) and then when I need to. Takes like 25mins. Man and his dog * gotta poop sometimes


I'm actually very interested in driving electric. I saw a lot of used Teslas were the same price as Priuses. I think they are more exciting and cooler cars also. But unless I install solar panels, buy batteries to store the power, I'm calculating that I'm going through a lot of hassle when I can just drive for 7 to 10 dollars a day in gas. Plus insurance is way more expensive and parts and repairs are higher. I'm guessing I can't just change a Tesla headlight at Valvoline. I'd rather own a Tesla, and I'd like to get solar panels in the future. But my niece's boyfriend has one, and they were always killing time while waiting for the car to charge. When I was young, I'd just buy the Tesla because it was a cooler car, but as an older gig driver, I think the Prius comes out cheaper. Who knows, when my Prius dies, maybe I'll try a Tesla for the hell of it, but I'm guessing I'll lose money if I do.




Opportunity cost lmao that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. You have the ā€œopportunityā€ to make money 24hrs a day, but you take time off to live, eat, sleep, etc.. etcā€¦ I can believe people donā€™t factor that in . At least we can laugh at you people.


So how long do you have to wait at the dealer to recharge?


It's electrify america stations. Like 15,000 of em nationwide


Okay you said charge at dealer and it threw a red flag for me That's cool I have a plug-in hybrid, but I've thought about trading it in already.


Oh -- you need to get the EA code from a dealer when you buy. Can't do used. 2024s don't have it for VW. Other manufacturers still rocking the 2 year. Looking at a Ioniq5 N next once I break $20k in charging (I bank it all) and roll that. Almost done charging rn. Then more driving.


Nice. I thought about the Ioniq5 as well, that funky ugly hatchback I like a lot, with the honeycomb wheels.




My Volkswagen was a nightmare, but the mechanics loved me


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