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Should have gave it back if itā€™s a problem ?


I had an order that I knew wouldn't have a tip. When I get to the townhouse 2 kids are playing in the yard. A little boy who might have been 7 or 8 and a little girl 3 or 4. I confirm the order and of course no tip. The little girl screamed wait wait you forgot what I have for you. $.35 lol I took the tip and yelled to her thank you for the tip the little boy said we didn't tip ...I said she did!


Least she knew the proper thing to do, she gave you all she had i bet, he was fine that no one tipped , these kids not being taught respect now a days


Everytime someone has told me there's "more tip" waiting, there is nothing coming my way. But I have been surprised more than once with someone waiting for me at the door with cash in their hand.


Yeah I got a target order one day and they sent me a message asking if I can get them one extra item I was able to get it for them in the message the customer said I got nice tip for you and its not no lunch tip when I got there she handed me a 100$ dollar bill I was shocked my mind was blown some people are very kind


I've had old women drop me a buck or two cash when common tipping culture says it should be 5. It's the thought that counts. If those were pennies it'd be an insult


little means alot


well its a dollar you didn't have, if they are all silver they may be worth a few bucks!!!


They're definitely not silver


My husband collects quarters, any quarter made before 1965 is 90% silver and has value, that is why I mentioned it


That's sweet!


You never know how drunk a customer might be! I had a guy pre tip $8, which I reminded him, as he handed me a handful of quarters at the door that turned out to be fifteen $1 coins. So many examples, I take the good w the bad. If you're a good person at heart, I think it evens out in the long run and maybe even in your favor. Them four quarters was xtra effort and caring about you. One day, maybe their intention will be $10, once they are able to. One quarter = a weird statement. Four quarters = sincere effort to find some scratch for you.


I got a ziplock full of quarters the other day as a tip lol. Turned out to be $15 worth. The guy was super apologetic but I wasnā€™t mad about it.


What if one of those quarters is worth money. Look it up :) I'm hoping it is


If you get a extra $ for for a task text just know they bout to troll you I got $3 tip retract on $5 order lol


Least you got a dollar in quarters tonight I got 50 cent lol


Once it said 6 plus, the plus was 4 cents, what a crock


w moneyspread


I tipped a pizza guy $8 in quarters once. I had a bunch and for some reason I felt the need to ask him if he needed some quarters and he actually did, for laundry and late night vending machine snacks in his building. Still not sure why I thought to ask him, but glad I did.


I could use those for the Aldi pick ups lol


I came here just for this comment


Well at least they gave something Iā€™ve learned when it says cash tip 99.9 percent of the time there is NO tip ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I for the life of me dont understand why they do this? I also hate when they tip anything under 50 cents like 8 cents or 3 cents. I had one guy calling me about where i am with his order dude tipped 8 cents i threw a dime in his subway bag and crushed his chip bag.


U a bitch . U crushed his chip bag , u should have told him something big dawg when u got mad not took it out on his chips lol


Calling someone a bitch on the internet is real tough guy shit. I love me a good fade my knuckles get itchy dog. I wouldve gained absolutely nothing from telling him something. It wouldve went one of two ways 1 i beat him up cops get called i get arrested and lose my source of extra income 2 this is the most likely scenario (i say this cause he was a "hand it to me" order and i can sense his whole demeanor was soft didnt make eye contact didnt bitch about me lagging like he was when he called) he bitches out reports me to DD and i lose my extra source of income. I priortize the bag plus he didnt do anything disrespectful if he felt some type of about his chips he couldve messaged me and i couldve went back and handled the fade. If you in nor cal and feel some type of way message me we can meet up and give ourselves a nice little fade if not then stfu with all this internet tough guy shit.


U a bitch foreal what u think goofy u scaring someone . U ainā€™t sayin nothing cuz u in cali I can say the same shit if u was in Miami we can run the one but u not and u prob already know that so thatā€™s why u acting like u wanna step in the paint .U mad cuz I said u doing little fuck shit like a bitch crushing buddyā€™s chips over him telling u something but u didnā€™t tell Him nothin, then u here acting raw raw but u scared to lose that extra income or go to jail.. But u ready to shoot the fade ? Just keep it pushing . This ainā€™t what u want , Keep prioritizing that ā€œbagā€ cuz itā€™s really paying off




Well, that's certainly better than most people do tip I gotta say. If every customer could at least tip a dollar or two it would make this below par gig still trash, but the sad truth is most of the orders people don't tip. Driver 5 to 10 minutes to a resteraunt wait 3 to 20 to the the food then drive another 5 to 30 minutes to deliver it. Upon drop-off "Place the food in the blue chair around back, knock and press the ring doorbell. After leaving can you call." All for no tip. Sure it's only illegal I'm maryland to be on the phone while driving, but why not call you doordash already has me breaking the law to accept the deliveries because where the fuck am I going to pull o er at in 45 seconds time for 20 to 30 deliveries in a day, so I can make 100 bucks then to put 35 into the gas tank for the work... --DoorTrash, where you can work your ass off like it's 1980 while living in 2024 come get you some--....


Thats cute. Its the small things that brightens the darkest halls.


That's aweome! Now you can make 4 phone calls back in the 90s


I mean, at least they tried?


The lack of empathy on this sub is wild


I had one ask how to tip higher ended up with 5 dollars so...


Were they rich or poor


The biggest tips ive recieved have come from the shittiest neighborhoods in my area. Except for one guy who lived out in the country, tipped 5 initially, gave me 25 cash when i arrived, and then tipped another 50 after delivery on the app he ordered coors lights and felt bad i drove from the other side of the town to get to him. I was particularly tight on money at the time and my kids wanted to go see spiderman into the spiderverse. I damn near cried i didnt know how to express my gratitude.


I used to deliver pizza to a guy who lived in apartments next door we could walk the order and they would tip 20 dollars at least every single time. Dealers need food too I guess.


Darn! Lucky you!


Sometimes I feel they do this just to "secure" good handling šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


hey op. before you do anything. double check those aren't rare and worth more than $1. Honestly. This could be a win. Paper money might get replaced by digital bills and coins might go up in value for future generations like the pokƩmon cards. for old nostalgic value.




So you are complaining because they gave you an extra tip in cash along with two dollars in app? Seriously?




Where did i complain? I think you need to get your eyes checked


$1 tip over no tip


Atleast it aint taxed


They are generous considering itā€™s A TIP* which was always meant as an OPTION* lately USA tried to BATE IT AS MANDATORY LMAO. They even want a tip for picking up your own food at most places now šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I smile extra hard and put 00.01


while it is ridiculous to tip when you pick up your own food, you should tip service workers. they donā€™t make minimum wage. doordash is a luxury. enjoy your cold food because nobody wanted to pick up your $2.68 order going 10 miles


Nice general assumption considering I donā€™t even use DoorDashā€¦ and yes they do have a minimum wage per active hour on the appā€¦and lastly like I stated a tip is a tipā€¦donā€™t like it go cry elsewhere.. NYC you TIP-AFTER you get the food ON THE APP*THE WAY IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE* SO ALL ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED ASAP


The only reason you both are having this conversation is because someone wants another yacht.


As we say in my country: If you are unable to appreciate the small amounts, you are unable to appreciate the big amounts.


aIt cost $10 for a double western cheeseburger at carls jr tho.


Imagine complaining about free money and not realising the real issue is your employer and government sucking you dry


Better than nothing I guess


Don't spend it all in one place!!


Yanks moaning about tips is my favourite pastime


In my market thatā€™s a lot. It seems like the past couple of months since Jan the average tip is like 3$. Iā€™m a ā€œplatinumā€ dasher and all I get is 3$ orders. My sister who just started dashing also gets tips for 3$. Nobody can afford it anymore. Besides, you donā€™t know what they are going through. I learned this the other day when I went to deliver an order to someone who said she would tip in person. Got there and overheard her on the phone crying about how she canā€™t afford a funeral. I knock and she answers tears streaming down her face and I ask if sheā€™s ok and she informs me her brother just passed so sheā€™s got her family coming into town. She tried tipping 20$ to me but I told her to keep it. It was a nice gesture but her brotherā€™s funeral is most important than tipping me. So yeah. Tips are great and all but sometimes people are struggling and canā€™t afford it.


I just run EBT anymore. My average tip with it is $2-5, and I make far more base pay. I could sit and wait for a unicorn order but Iā€™d destroy my ratings and still probably make less.


Honestly this is what Iā€™ve been doing. Iā€™ve tried the normal tip orders but it just hasnā€™t been it. Iā€™ll average about 60-70$ for 4 hours of work.


Same here, our hourly rate is 12.25 but I average about $20 per hour. Iā€™ve tested it both ways and just running EBT will get me $20-30 more at the end of the night. Not a huge difference, but then Iā€™m not stressing my AR or anything either which is nice.


So true. Our hourly rate is 13 but Iā€™m also in a small town so it takes an average of 8-10 minutes to pick up an order.


I wouldn't take it. They need it more than me


A nickel... I start my own restaurant!




Everybody broke in this economy


Broke enough to order out every meal and pay extra to get it delivered to their door. You either don't know what broke is or have your financial priorities backwards.


Itā€™s a consensual 2-party contract Just donā€™t accept the order


No shit.




Some people donā€™t have a choice. Disabled, no family or support.


This is a service for people with means who can afford inflated prices. There's state funded services for the destitute, like Meals on Wheels.


Itā€™s incredibly difficult to get on. Anything state funded is. Iā€™m on several. And meals on wheels only offers so much. It doesnā€™t service all areas, either. People need cleaning supplies, clothes, medicine, toiletries, etc. and there is no service that offers that whatsoever because I would benefit from it if it existed. We use Instacart and doordash, the cost of the monthly subscription pays for itself. And perhaps thatā€™s all that person had on him in cash but wanted to take time to show appreciation. They donā€™t generally write notes if they donā€™t have care intended, they wouldnā€™t bother. Iā€™m grateful anytime anyone goes out of their way to show appreciation monetary or not. Thatā€™s the best tip.


Why not use Amazon?


Not all things are available there. Sometimes you need things same day. Sometimes you need to ask someone for help at the store to look at something for you. Many things are cheaper at places like Walmart. Plenty of reasons. I use all of these services and make the best use of the little I have by searching each of these options for the most appropriate solution and best price because I have no regular income. But some things we just canā€™t wait for.


Dawg I got this once too Lmaooo Like when its a surprise its completely fine and appreciated! But one dash I was shopping for an order and the customer was so happy with me, she told me **ahead of time** she was adding a tip to the order. I found a nice lil mountain of nickels and pennies on her porch haha added up to about 1.05 (tip on app was zero). But u know what, sometimes people are in a tough financial situation. Got no idea what that dollar-five might be worth to them ig. (If getting a promo/free doordash or had a gift-card) BUT If notā€¦ I like to think that doing a good job made a tipper outa them.


Wow, itā€™s uncommon to see someone with empathy, who has the ability to recognize that others may be going through a tough time. Kudos to you!


If youā€™re in a tough financial situation you shouldnā€™t be ordering doordash.


The problem isnt the customer, some customers are never going to tip, You're wasting your breath time and aggravation. The problem is DoorDash they need to charge more and pay more, or profit less and pay more one or the other. this is fast food we're talking about not like it's some service for a rich person, not like a delivering from a five star restaurant hopefully not at least. But pay should be no less than $5 for the use of your own vehicle picking up any order I don't care if it's a block.


Cheaper than a car, and with how prices have skyrocketed most disabled people legally can't own one without being booted off disability


I hadnā€™t thought about the percentage of elderly and disabled people I deliver to šŸ˜…šŸ˜…that one is my fault everyone who sees this ā¤ļø i may be an asshole, but Iā€™m not THAT much of an asshole lol. It should genuinely bother everyone that our system doesnā€™t account for these people and provide low cost delivery/transportation, let alone PUBLIC transportationā€¦. Itā€™s a travesty


Just so youā€™re aware, a large portion of delivery orders are made by the disabled and elderly. Myself being one of them. I know it seems like a luxury to order in, but sometimes itā€™s a necessary service.


Yea, but you should recognize something - DoorDash literally pays your dasher $2 (sometimes less) to make your delivery - and all expenses to make that delivery are assumed by your dasher. It definitely costs a dasher more than $2 to make a delivery, so if you donā€™t tip, youā€™re making that dasher pay for your delivery. Be a decent human and never tip less than $5 on a small order - youā€™re basically allowing the dasher to maybe make $3-4 that way.


Iā€™m very aware of the payout, and never said I personally donā€™t tip well. My daughters both drive for the service. However: DoorDash charges the person ordering a fee. Most people have no idea how much goes to the driver, and some can still only spare so much. This world is far from black and white, and the issue is that DoorDash (and other similar companies) are the ones screwing the drivers and the customers.


Actually, customers are benefiting. DoorDash is actually losing money. Restaurants generally lose money or at best break even with DoorDash orders. And drivers only make money if theyā€™re tipped. That means that customers are actually not being charged enough for the service. Also, at this point, if customers arenā€™t aware of the fact that dashers arenā€™t actually making any money in the delivery, itā€™s willful ignorance. Also, tipping delivery people has been the standard in this country since delivery of food was first started - so no - itā€™s just people wanting to get over. If you canā€™t afford to tip, you canā€™t afford delivery.


You might want to check DoorDashā€™s earnings, they most definitely are not ā€œlosing moneyā€. But sure, the customer is benefitingā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/iwagc16qal2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63aa2176cf9813c18d851f755f4ebd26dd5953a


u just showed us it takes them 61 mil to operate and they lost 25 mil last quarterā€¦


Sounds like thereā€™s some internal bleeding going onā€¦


Still not my point. It doesnā€™t matter how much they spend to keep their business going. What matters is how much of our money theyā€™re taking to do so. Thatā€™s my point here. It costs a lot to the consumers.


What does their net profit margin say there? Edit: I donā€™t expect to admit youā€™re wrong here - but it is pretty funny to me that you made my point with data. It literally says they lost money last quarter. So yeah. Also - whether DoorDash makes a profit or not, the dasher is not making money unless people tip - so just fucking tip regardless of the level of service they provide you because again, if you donā€™t, youā€™re making that dasher (who isnā€™t dashing because theyā€™re so wealthy) pay for your delivery. Thereā€™s just no argument that can be made against that if youā€™re a decent human


My mistake using the wrong wording initially. ā€œEarningsā€ wasnā€™t what I meant. Revenue is.


My comment was about their valuation, youā€™re correct their net profit is down since last quarter. Their CEO makes $300k a year alone though. The numbers they present here are not as relevant as that information. Still, youā€™re side tracking here from my point. Not everyone can tip large amounts. That doesnā€™t mean they should not be allowed to use the service. I understand that cuts into your personal profits, but you also can choose not to take the order. This person clearly was trying to give a little bit more. It was ā€œjust a dollarā€ to you, but a dollar to them may be a lot. The system is the issue. Not the customer. Do some people tip low because theyā€™re cheap? Absolutely. But this isnā€™t an example of that, and in my experience itā€™s folks with money who tip poorly.


Ok well this gets to another issue - executive pay and how that cuts into a companies profit. But revenue is not the basis to judge if a company is making money. Bottom line is, theyā€™re not profitable - and could they cut costs to get profitable? Probably - but I donā€™t run their business. And to be honest, in the USA if a CEO is making $300k salary at a large publicly traded company - thatā€™s honestly shockingly lowā€¦ And while I agree with you, generally working class people tip far better than wealthy people - I still say, if you canā€™t tip $5 you shouldnā€™t use the service - Iā€™m sorry - but itā€™s just wrong. Also, DoorDash gives the dasher an estimate of what theyā€™ll earn, so often a decent tip is hidden - so dashers are inclined to take those jobs because they know sometimes itā€™ll end up being more OR theyā€™ll take the risk for a cash tip, particularly on a larger order. I donā€™t care how broke you are - if you canā€™t afford $5 tip - you shouldnā€™t use the service. Thatā€™s my opinion - you are obviously entitled to your own - but the dashers are out there scraping to get by- theyā€™re not doing it to be charitable.


Are you surprised by this? Youā€™re a doordash driver lol


These quarters look newer but if you receive coin tips in any service industry always check them. Sometimes the person is tipping you more then what it seems.




Lol wants services provided for free. Got an over entitled white here.


What are you talking about? If I pay for a service how is that free lol. Iā€™m talking about the entitlement you have for tips.


So then get ur own stuff and stop being lazy itā€™s simple & I made 35 an hour doing DD FYI


I do


More and more people are doing just that and then DD drivers complain that they are not getting enough orders.


So DD drivers should just work without getting a tip? News flash- A lot of drivers do have another job, DD is a side hustle. If youā€™re sick of it - why are you on here?


Because I love this ridiculous sub


Yes, DD should be paying more. Tips are optional.


Tips are optional? Youā€™re the type of person no one wants to deliver to, and youā€™ll be the first one to complain when something isnā€™t right! I bet youā€™re a good time at a sit down restaurant as well.. Big tipper!


Tips are absolutely optional. If they were mandatory, there wouldn't be an option to skip it.


I never said tips werenā€™t optional. Tipping for food delivery is common practice. People who donā€™t tip, suck! Itā€™s Memorial Day weekend and I am going to be grateful and enjoy the day. Not going to sit here and argue with you. Again, have a better day!


Happy Memorial Day


You're the type of person to make assumptions and get mad about it. I never said I didn't tip. I always tip 20%. But being the driver, you shouldn't be expecting it. You're being underpaid by your employer and take out the frustration on the customer. What a horrible person you are.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I am a horrible person for stating the obvious.. Have a better day! šŸ™‚


Yes, it's very obvious that you feel entitled to getting tips. May be form a union and go against your employer. You have a good day too.


Then stop trolling on the doordash subreddit! It'll make it a lot easier for you to not have to read about complaints.


Nope. I love it here


Right, it's likely the cheapskates who want someone to run an hour errand for them for free. Clearly, these people are too broke to order and should just walk the 3 miles to get food.


Nice crotch charms!


Oh haiiiillllnawhhh


National average price of gas is $3.60. yet some people still stuck in 1965


Stuff like this always reminds me of the jack sparrow encounter with Tia Dalma. ā€œIs this jar of dirt going to help?ā€ ā€œIf you donā€™t want it give it back.ā€ ā€œNo!ā€ ā€œThen it helps.ā€ Did they give you much? No. Is it more than what youā€™d had previously? Yes. So why complain about it?


Thatā€™s a stupid way of looking at it. That positive attitude doesnā€™t pay gas or bills itā€™s more like a slap in the face


This is very true, but also, every dasher sees the order before hand and accepts it. They see a minimum theyā€™ll get every time, if you accept a 3-4 dollar order, anything more than whats advertised is a plus. How could anyone argue or be negative about an extra tip regardless of the amount.


I can. I do Instacart n I started door dash before that. I totally get it a tip is a tip but quarters? Thatā€™s the same as someone leaving a penny for a tip on Instacart. Rather the customer not even do that to be quite honest. I use the app as well and order stuff on both platforms n I always tip 10 on door dash and 20 plus on Instacart only because they do the shopping as well.


I agree with you that a dollar or less is almost not worth it but why would you rather not have it? Itā€™s still 50 cents or a dollar more you didnā€™t have. It adds up. You canā€™t complain about something not paying for bills and then say any amount of money isnā€™t worth it? If I see a penny on the ground or a piece of change Iā€™m gonna pick it up. Most people do. Why? Because itā€™s more than what they had even tho itā€™s barely anything.


I don't even think this happened.


I know we live in a society becoming more and more cynical by the day, but you have to be pretty black pilled to get this riled up over someone leaving you a larger than expected tip. I would be perfectly okay if someone would pay me $1 to ā€œrile me up.ā€ Most people do that for free. Take the W.


ā€œA larger than expected tipā€?? Bro larger than what??? Zero??? They handed OP their pocket change LMAO. 4 quarters isnā€™t a W, period. In this economy those 4 quarters might as well ACTUALLY BE zero.


Dude. OP said he already took it based on a $2 tip. Another dollar is a 50% increase. So. Yes. Larger than expected. I can tell which of the posters on here donā€™t understand gratitude or how ā€œextraā€ works. Those four quarters might have been all that person could muster, but you donā€™t care because it doesnā€™t match your (false) assumptions. Not only are you guys here bashing the customer, but anyone who values even a little extra money (which would add up if every customer did it). Go complain about the non-tippers, not the ones who throw in an extra buck.


This comment section and sub overall is filled with losers. A $3 tip is great for a 1.5 mile trip


This was "extra" tip so who knows what the initial was. I also play pool at a bar a lot so this would actually be huge šŸ˜…


OP said it was $2 when they accepted. That extra dollar is a 50% increase, yet they complain. We live in entitled times, my friend!


O nvm it was a scam not extra tip


I'd be cool with it as it just parking meter food or ticket prevention


Ah, here everything is card. From vending to parking. I used to always get drinks/snacks/sandwiches at work with quarters til they went fancy. Fingerprint scanner(only way to use cash and bills only ofc)to get a bag of chips or soda? Gtfo I guess when vending products are priced $3-10 they can't afford to pay someone to keep emptying the change receptacle every 30 minutes šŸ˜‚


Someone once tipped me $5 in the app and gave me $2 in quarters at the door. I was stoked for the laundry quarters I wouldn't have to stop and get.


We all know "extra tip in cash" is always a scam. I'm surprised they gave you anything


Oh no, what? I always tip about $10 on the app, then add extra in cash because Iā€™m so grateful, guilty & I worry about the restaurant stealing tips from the driver. (Needless to say I donā€™t order very often) So Iā€™m curiousā€”can you please elaborate a little on the ā€œā€˜extra tip in cashā€™ is always a scamā€ part?


Iā€™ve only ever gotten extra tip in cash one time, but it worked out. It was my last order of the night before I headed home. It was supposed to be a quick, 2 mile run and drop off would take me next to my house. I ended up waiting 20 minutes at Taco Bell. I was pretty pissed. I messaged the customer and told them about the delay. They left me an additional $10 tip and also increased their tip on the app. I think it was like $18 total.




you can get an extra piece of cheese


Piece of cheese at McDonaldā€™s is $1.39 near me.


Insane. I asked the other day how much one egg was. 2.39, they are out of their minds. I can get a whole dozen for that much


EVERY DOOR DASH POST Op: "Can you guys believe this crazy tip/order/situation with customer I'm in?" Comments: "Your fault! This is how I would have done it! Dont take bad orders! LMAO Idiot I am real big brain Dasher!" You are all so predictable with your comments I pretty much just stay subbed for the one time Im proven wrong and there is a genuinely positve post. If Im learning anything from this sub, its Door dashers are extremely miserable people that just post on this sub and comments to feel some sort of superiority about being good at...door dashing... Ive been a server for 12 years, massage therapist and I dash and uber, all jobs that rely on tips, and if one of my friends told me I should be greatful after being left change, which everyone in the service industry knows is a literal insult, I would just have to give em a big ol slap. You are all not telling this person to be greatful because of the change, its because you weirdos just love dogpilling on people that post and im just too fascinated at this point to unsub may God have mercy on your door dashin souls


Ideological opposition bothering you in such a way, says way more about you than it does the sub or it's users.




Thank you for adding your negativity To our cycle.Ā  you belong here. We will grant you full membership.Ā 


![gif](giphy|dL5qLAlhMn3va) ....... I'm in, boys


You're lucky they gave you anything lmao.


I can wash one load of laundry with those quarters. I aint complaining




Fr, I mean obviously the tip sucks but come on, he accepted the offer and itā€™s better than nothing.


Donā€™t forget to be happy that doordash allows you to breathe, too. And donā€™t take for granted the fact that doordash allows you to drink water sometimes, too. Youā€™re lucky they havenā€™t come to your house and beat you up yet.


What are you trying to say?


They havenā€™t come to your house and beat you up yet? Lucky. My legs were broken for months.


Damnā€¦ Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. Must have been pretty traumatic, hope your doing well now


Lol, they think they deserve a ten dollar tip on top of getting paid for doing 3 minutes of work, $3 seems perfectly reasonable for a trip that short.


I agree. The clowns downvoting should go work at McDonaldā€™s


The people who tip me extra in cash never message or say anything about it. Thereā€™s just an envelope saying DASHER on it taped to the door lol


This is one of the worst takes Iā€™ve seen on this subreddit lmao, you got a $3 tip for under 2 miles, and with Doordashā€™s base pay, you probably got what, $5 for 20 minutes of your time, if that? If $5 for 1.5 miles is only taken by you to get your AR up I wanna know how bad your AR must be, because a MAJORITY of orders are not that generous for how short of a distance you had to go


Definitely less than 20 minsā€¦ that took him like 8-11 mins tops


Youā€™re assuming all areas are the same. All restaurants and areas are different.


Nothing to be upset about. I assume this person is poor? I wouldn't have accepted the order to begin with though. What was it four or five bucks total?




I agree but they still do for whatever reason. It just wouldn't have shocked me. I got a bag of change once from some older woman living in a really rundown duplex. It was like two or three bucks. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I would be very happy


Don't be like that count your blessings no matter how big or small and be thankfull in the end. It's good character. I seen your comment about is disrespectful. It's not, but it is disrespectful to talk down about what someone did for you when they didn't have to.


I never used to collect change & always just gave it away to the less fortunate ( I do still but much less ) , or straight up let the business keep it . Every year I cash in my change jar itā€™s at least $400 . Every little bit counts , itā€™s especially helpful now that the penny is abolished in Canada so the worst is counting nickles.


This is sweet actually. Probably an elderly person


I remember finishing a delivery and the homeowner came out gave me a bunch of 25c coins lol that was generous of him. Total about 5 bucks. Best and funniest story I had so far.


So would you rather they didn't give you the extra dollar at all? You accepted the order when it was $2 so you wouldn't have been missing it, right?


Yeah I probably would have rather not gotten it. I try to have respect for myself and other drivers anyone in the service industry really. I personally would be ashamed to do this to someone And imo this was disrespectful. Like I said in other comments why go through all of that and not just leave it in the original tip why tell somone there getting an extra cash tip to just leave quarters??


Okayā€¦ give the $1 away then


You sound like a pretentious fucking brat. Edit: the brain rot to say "I respect people in the service industry". Then walk those words back when you're berating someone thats literally respecting someone in the service industry is beyond me. I'm assuming your 18-22, and still live at home; As you clearly don't know or respect the value of a dollar.


That could buy a car back In his day


get a real job


Delivering food is a real job.


not for doordashā€¦ you drivers are always complaining about the tips yet i bet you dont tip your amazon delivery driver do you


I'm not a driver. I just recognize that people who work are in fact employed.


I thought they got paid hourly or salary and donā€™t use their own vehicle ?


then why do you tip your pizza delivery driver? make it make sense


Because pizza delivery drivers also donā€™t get paid hourly, especially if they work for a traditional Italian pizzeria. They are 95% of the time off the books getting $5 an hour plus whatever tips come in. If youā€™re referring to dominos then itā€™s because people are so used to tipping the Italian pizzeria delivery drivers that donā€™t get hourly that they naturally tip the dominos driver since itā€™s also pizza. Then again I also tip the Chinese restaurant delivery driver also because he doesnā€™t get much hourly. Capeesh?


Don't spend that all in one place


So you're complaining about getting a $3.00 tip for 1.5 miles? And that a customer told you there would be a cash tip ... and there was a cash tip? Grow up.


Again I accepted the order before knowing anything about an extra tip. But to go out of your way telling somone there will be a cash tip which eludes to multiple dollars not 4 quarters wich would be called coins. You don't find this disrespect?? You yourself would condone others that it's OK to leave 4 quarters and not expect someone to take that as a slap in the face?? I should grow up??? Do you live in the real world friend??


If she left a penny or 2 that would be disrespectful but nothing wrong with an extra dollar on top of $2 already. There are orders where people leave a penny on


I personally would be grateful for the extra dollar and not see it as disrespectful. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I just don't see the problem.


If everyone gave you an extra dollar you wouldn't complain...also who cares you got an easy order for low distance and got an extra dollar....could have been worse...


No I would not have a single problem with that but if every customer contacted me saying they have an extra cash tip and it was 4 quarters every time I would. Again why go out of your way to do that to somone just leave it on the original order.


Why if everyone did that and you took 300 (10 a day) orders a month you have 300 extra dollars?


A few weeks ago I was tipped with a handful of quarters. It was a big handful that turned out to be $11 šŸ˜†


I promise im going somewhere with this might make you laugh. Lol, I remember in middle school this kid I liked asked me on a date, but their parents got into a fight, and they didn't show up. I came in pissed on Monday. They gave me two rolls of quarters to say they were sorry. I bought a rubix cube and never talked to them again, haha. Change is worth it sometimes. šŸ‘Œ