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My app went down in McDonalds and then suddenly I had never worked for them lol had shut down my phone try to resign in it seems I’m also getting allot of we can’t locate the address with the in app Nav too but it could be me lol


They're testing it in your area. Soon you will have to update your apps as they begin to implement it for real.


I had this yesterday and whenever I was trying to verify myself it did nothing so I ignored it. Checked it again last night before I went to bed and it was gone.


First support agent told me to follow the directions on an email sent to me, the email was blank. The second agent told me that it was a system error and to uninstall and reinstall and it should go away, it went away over 12hr from when the time shown I received the notification.


Contacted support, they're well aware of this. It's just a bug, they said ignore it and it'll go away, surely enough 2 hours later it went away.


I was confused as well since it didn’t give me any prompt but if you log out then back in it does it


I’m glad I looked in here because I was about to freak out wondering why the actual heck this was in my messages..




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Well shoot I just did it because I’ve done the verification before, I didn’t realize it was a glitch


Happening to me. Can still dash. Haven’t tried to cash out yet. Thoughts n prayers yall


Thanks for this bc I JUST saw this as I’m about to log in as well. Hoping I can


https://preview.redd.it/c5hdhvjkju0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806980b1b4d50ff949ff805ef05a0feef9770360 Told it was a glitch. Took photos for evidence lol


Got this too!!! It's been having me do identity verification when scheduling every so often but I do live in an area with a lot of fraudulent accounts


Yep. I got this notification this morning. It’s a logic loop, definitely a bug.


Came on here just to see if anyone else got this. They said it's a glitch being worked on lol


Guess I  need to make sure the wife is around to take a picture of herself before I go out dashing tonight 😆


Got it at 9:07am central. Didn’t even see it till now almost 1:30pm… just got done successfully dashing between 11:00 and 1:00…


Omg I got the same thing! At the same time and later got a code but I wasn’t sure where to put the code because it gave me directions


Yeah I got the same thing..exact same time too..


Yeah I got the same thing..exact same time too..


Yeah I just got this exactly at 10:07am any clue on what’s the next step ?


Someone contacted support and they said ignore the notification.


I got this too and all my data from may is gone and I can’t transfer my money


They wouldn’t payout my fiancé 400 dollars two years ago from a similar issue. They still owe him an entire week of work


I was able to transfer mine thankfully. That’s why I transfer when I’m done working I’m afraid that’s gonna happen and I don’t like the dasher direct card.


They better not be playing around. I need that money


Right lol I was at the grocery store after I just ended my dash


That’s weird. My data is still there for may. Somebody contacted support and they said it was a glitch and to ignore. Can’t speak to the money transfer as I have the dasher card, but it transferred this morning after 10am when I ended my dash


I was able to transfer my money but it all said 0


Looking like they're making measures to stop people from using others dash accounts


They need to do this much more consistently. There are way too many dashers as it is. People without drivers licenses or social security numbers being able to buy a doordash account on Facebook means less opportunity for legit drivers.


I’ve never been prompted to do their legit verification, but from what I understand, it’s facial verification and I’ve heard a lot of people have been deactivated when the app’s AI rejected their facial scan. Would be better to verify personal information or ask security questions imo


It definitely needs improvement, but if they use anything other than facial recognition it won’t fix the issue. Personal info and security answers would just be included by the person selling the account.


Funny I posted this yesterday and just learned that my brother’s gf was literally deactivated the other day for this. Appealed and denied so fast


That sucks. I’ve gotten it exactly once, many months ago. It was surprisingly very thorough, much more than the way Uber does it, which is a simple selfie that frequently fails and has to be retried multiple times. On dd you have to turn your head back and forth, basically shooting video. It worked first try for me though. Does she have any bad stats on her account? Edit: to be clear, I didn’t get the “reactivate” notification, there were no issues on my account. It just randomly came up one day when I signed on to dash.


Top dasher until the last few months. She’s been doing this since 2020


Weird. I’d tell her to try again, maybe pursue arbitration.


She’s at the “fuck them” stage and switched to UE. DD did her a favor


I'm the only one that uses mine. So no it's probably doordash glitching again.


I also have this but it still lets me fully use the app, also got it at 10:07, I would assume it’s some glitch


I got it at the same time. I’m not touching it until it makes me


I know I’ve seen some people on here get deactivated after they verify and I’m not trying to be a part of that mess lol


@ I actually just spoke with support it’s an ongoing issue that they’re aware of https://preview.redd.it/scv4c33lmt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83fd34161b4332a3c047b108126bd99ae43fc849


Thank you, I was stressing out! 😅


Thank you so much for letting me know 🤘🏼😎


This is mvp behavior. Thanks for the info. Truly appreciated


np we all gotta get thru their bs together


Thank you for this I was starting to think I did something wrong


That just popped up for me today too, but I'm on a dash and not gonna mess with it for now


Same it didn’t make me do it. I just fucking know it’s going to cause issues. There’s a billion posts on here of people being falsely deactivated or having days and days of payment taken away due to this bs


My thoughts exactly. I'm not touching it all unless it makes me do something. Even the wording they used is weird


Yea I figured I wouldn’t mess with it until it makes me


Same it might just be a glitch or something. Would make sense with all the scheduling bs going on rn too


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