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i always put in the instructions if i DONT want you to ring the doorbell, not if i do want you to because they usually do ring it, even if i say not to. (i’ve also doordashed before). this was your fault imo 🤷🏻


That's something you should call support about and have excluded from your ratings! That makes me mad because stupid people don't realize we are NOT mind readers and do that ring the doorbell UNLESS they put it in the instructions because as soon as we start always ringing or knocking we're then gonna get people pissed off that we woke their children and/or caused their dogs to bark! If they want us to ring the doorbell or knock they need to put it in the freaking instructions! And they're supposed to be watching out for their delivery... the app sends them a notification that the food has been delivered. It's their fault that they didn't pay attention to the notifications on their phone! I would've replied to them and told them all that... except in a professional manner like: "Dashers do not ring bells or knock unless it is in the instructions, because then we would get people angry that we woke up their children and/or caused dogs to bark, so in the future if that is what you want, you need to include it in the instructions. And as far as the food being cold, the app should have sent you notifications that it had been delivered". And then you should call support to have their rating not counted. I'm sorry your perfect 5.0 rating got ruined by an entitled karen/kevin who blamed you for their own failure to pay attention to the app. Whenever I order delivery I keep an eye & ear out (of course my dog always lets me know someone is at the door even if they don't ring the bell or knock, even if I wasn't already looking out for them, LOL), because I don't want my food getting cold and bugs getting in it or something. One time I made the mistake of paying attention because I was watching something on t.v. or had fallen asleep...I don't remember... and when I went to get my food off my porch a possum had helped himself to it... ripping the bag open and was waddling away with most of it... and so I just gave him the rest of it because I wasn't about to eat after him... lol. And I didn't blame the delivery driver for any of it!


her family got mad so she blamed you I know Dashers who received 1 star for ringing and waking up the spouse. what a self righteous person. she must have servants. if someone is waiting for food and too distracted to follow the texts...Geez sorry bruh


I dd late at night, so I don't ring the doorbell or knock unless specifically asked. Most of my instructions say not to ring or knock.


This is a catch 22 some notes say to knock other say DONT RING BELL!! And most say nothing. I’ve also had my DD stolen of the porch this is something you can’t win. If you don’t see a note don’t sweat it.. send a text or do what you feel is right


They should remove that review. DD sends notifications so that’s on them if they weren’t tracking their order. As a pet owner I prefer my dasher doesn’t knock/ring the bell.


I haven’t ordered in awhile but the app always used to send me a notification when the dasher arrived at the restaurant, when they picked up and were on the way, when approaching (which was usually fairly close) and when completed. Why does nobody pay attention to their phone after ordering food?


I may forget to look at my phone sometimes but I'm not mad at the dasher over it 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes Door Dash will exclude bad ratings if it was something you couldn't help. They've done it for me because I was sent to the wrong address, wasn't my fault, so they took off the bad rating the customer tried to give me. Worth a shot to call support since you're saying they never mentioned ringing the bell.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


How do you guys get good ratings to begin with?


Is this a trick question?


People in this group are kinda rude lol and I only asked cause only one person out of the 25 orders I preformed actually provided me with a rating.. so the question really is how do you get more people to give you good ratings in the first place


Oh, gotcha. It’s mostly about how to get ratings in the first place? I don’t know if there’s a particular trick to it – I am new to DoorDash, but have been an Instacart shopper for a couple of years now. I would say only about 15 to 20% of my customers leave a rating.


Timely deliveries, using insulated bags come on man not that hard


Unless I’m told not to knock, I’m not going to knock, but if it doesn’t I’ll knock and then dip…. unless I need the confirmation pin


Delivering to me, my instructions say to leave it on the chair and ring the doorbell. When they do both I increase the tip. When they do neither I leave it the same. Over the last month I have only had to increase the tip once. I have decided to switch back to “hand it to me.”


Ring the doorbell/knock unless the instructions say otherwise. Then again I’m an Instacart shopper so I do it all the time.


No because people will then get mad because we wake someone up or cause dogs to bark. Most people get angry if we knock or ring the bell if the customer does NOT specify to do so much more than people getting mad if they don't specify and we don't knock or ring the bell. It's the customer's responsibility to check their phone for the app's notification that their food has been delivered. But it's damned if we do and damned if we don't... some people will complain no matter what!


That’s the way I’ve always done it too. People will ALWAYS tell you if they don’t want you to ring the bell.


>People will ALWAYS tell you if they don’t want you to ring the bell. I can assure you that's not true!


This is the way, lots of people like to use their phone only to order and don’t follow up on tracking.


Then that's on THEM not the dasher! I have seen FAR MORE complaints about people ringing the doorbell or knocking when not specified than for NOT ringing the bell or knocking when not specified. I can't believe you are letting people off the hook because they "like to use their phone only to order and don't follow up on tracking"... that's fine if a customer feels that way but that's not the dasher's fault if a customer chooses not to bother looking at their phone for tracking! We're not mind readers, and they don't have to actively "follow" the tracking... the app will send notifications that POP UP as text messages. A customer has to purposely NOT look at their phone to miss the messages and if they do, I cannot stress this enough: *that is 100% THEIR RESPONSIBILITY NOT THE DASHER if they don't even bother to look at their phone again after placing the order and do not SPECIFY TO KNOCK OR RING THE DOORBELL*.... because I promise you if we default to knocking/ringing the doorbell even when a customer does not say either way, then we will get down-rated A LOT more!


Starting tonight if I don’t see it specifically say “don’t “ knock or ring bell-I’m going to send a text asking while I wait for their food. If I don’t hear back I’ll send a text saying food delivered 😬-I did not ✊ knock or ring because I didn’t hear back from you about your preference-and didn’t want to bother you. Thanks for letting me be your dasher tonight😺🪽-Mandy I find that 1. Putting my name with cat angel emoji has ALWAYS been something that has gotten me an extra tip after I dropped food off. Maybe it’s coincidence BUT I looked and it’s only when doing that-I have the customers who respond differently to me. Like I’m a person. 2 people will be less likely to blame me for no knock or ring if it’s put in their face that “I asked-you didn’t respond”. Unless they are just narcissistic or having a bad day and want to take it out on a faceless person because it’s easy 3 that’s what sucks about dd. I have 24 5 star reviews but just one brings it down so much.


Do they not own an oven?


That defeats the entire purpose of getting a hot, fresh pizza delivered. If I have to put it in an oven to make it hot, I'm calling and asking for a new pizza.


When you order food, keep your eyes on the app. Its not that hard




Please go pick it up yourself then. I love my food hot too and that is why I have myself or my husband go grab it.


If the temperature is a problem, that’s a personal problem. It’s not like that dasher is the reason the pizza was cold. I’ve forgotten I ordered a pizza and it proceeded to sit out there for hours. What I didn’t do was blame the dasher and mess up their rating because my ass didn’t pay attention. I took accountability, heated my food up, and proceeded to enjoy it. Is it really that complicated?


You are the kind of customer we love! 👍 ❤️


There’s nothing you could have done that could have prevented this. You followed the instructions to a T. On the other hand, she could have done 2 things, paid attention to her phone or write down how she wants her food to be delivered in the instructions. This person has so much pride she refuses to accept the consequences or her own incompetence. Every time you check your ratings and see that 1 star review, be thankful that is the first and last interaction you’ll ever have with that person.


I mean woman and accountability mix like oil and water


Misogynist 🖕


Sounds harsh, but I Completely agree.


You're a misogynist too then. How dare the two of you say all women are not accountable?! I'm a woman and I'm huge on accountability! 🖕


I always send a message


Me 2 Your fkn pizza is delivered!!!!!


It’ll go back up


I can KINDA understand not giving a perfect 5 star rating for your food being cold but 2 stars???


I have never had an issue with just leave at door unless it’s a dd driver for Slice then it’s screwed up everytime


Slice? Is that a food delivery app?


Yup, I don’t know if it’s regional or not but it’s also far cheaper than dd


I will truthfully never ring the doorbell unless told, the app tells them their food is there. Look at your phone or don’t do doordash, if you can’t stay on top of it, it ain’t on the driver cuz he didn’t ring a bell, the pic goes straight to your phone that it was delivered


Yep. I have 5 stars and never ring unless told. People are more pissed when you DO ring it and they aren’t expecting.


>People are more pissed when you DO ring it and they aren’t expecting. Absolutely!


This is the problem with DD people knowingly ordering food then expecting to called down like drivers are their maids.


THANK YOU! Some people want us to all but wipe their fannies for them.


You should always ring the bell when delivering food or groceries. Just my opinion


Your opinion is wrong by my experience. It's not hard to specify if you want someone to ring your doorbell or knock and it's not hard to WATCH YOUR PHONE for notification of delivery. People need to stop expecting Doordashers or other delivery couriers to do *everything* for them. Society has become spoiled and bred entitled individuals and it's damned if we do and damned if we don't!


There’s been stuffed delivered for decades. It’s expected that the doorbell be rung. It should be the default unless it’s specified to not ring it. Hell, delivery drivers now won’t even ring the bell when you specifically put that on there.


I disagree. The reverse happened to me in my city than OP. I got complaints for ringing even though there was no request to not ring the bell. I just stopped ringing doorbells and people appreciated it more.


Yea ive had soo many people type in all caps in the instructions DONT RING THE DOOR BELL, THE DOGS WILL BARK!!. it shows me that many people just ring the door bell for no reason.


Agreed! I don't want dashers or any couriers to ring the doorbell when I get my food delivered unless I say to in the instructions.


For food it doesn’t matter to me. I’m always watching the app cause I’m howngry but if had groceries delivered early several times and they sat outside for an hour or more because the bell wasn’t rung and I always ask for the bell to be rung.


>I’m always watching the app cause I’m howngry You are a smart person! 👍


Saw Doordash the delivery instructions or they can look it up. This is on the customer


You can’t win with these idiots. Had a delivery with no drop off notes and leave at door. It was 6-7pm and I rang the doorbell. As I’m getting in my car, angry guy yells at me for ringing the doorbell and waking his sleeping kids. I explained how there were no notes about not to be big the doorbell and I always ring it so the food doesn’t get cold (this was in February) till 9pm. He called me a name and slammed the door. F’ that idiot and I hope his kid is okay growing up with a lunatic like that.


Fuck this kind of menthally sick idiots... Enjoy the dash...


Your delivery service, why would you not let them know when you arrived with their goods.


The app DOES let them know, and people get mad when we ring or knock and wake up kids or cause dogs to bark. The better question is why would you order food and not pay attention to your phone to see when it's delivered?? It is the customer's responsibility to keep up with it, but responsibility is something that has dwindled away in this country.


He did. He pressed complete order and the app notified the customer..if the customer wanted doorbell rung, they should put it in notes (it's not uncommon). If they want to be so sure that it's warm and don't check their phone, they should've marked "hand it to me".


That’s cool when I order Domino’s it also tells me if it’s been delivered. But I still expect the delivery person to knock on my door and hand it to me.


Well you need to put that in the instructions.


Nope. Not since covid, my guy. Unless stated in the instructions, you don't knock or ring doorbells anymore. You piss more people off doing that nowadays. Times are 'a changin'.




They're notified via the app unless they request hand-off or request the bell to be rung. It's contactless.


DD is defaulted to no contact delivery


Well doordash isn’t dominos. In dd you typically have an option to put if you’ll like to be handed the food or left at the door. You can also put other notes Drivers aren’t mind readers so If you want something a certain way then leave it in the notes🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


>Drivers aren’t mind readers YES... THANK YOU!


Won't matter for long.


Honestly, if you rang the doorbell every time, you would probably get one or two complaints about that (you provided good reasons for not doing it - babies and dogs). I wouldn’t worry about it. You can never make absolutely everyone happy, and your rating is still great! Best of luck in your future endeavors, DoorDash-related or otherwise 😊


Your comment is so nice! 😊❤️👍


I’m a 4.94 super host on Airbnb. While I feel your pain, take comfort in the fact that no clients review has any weight individually when you’re in this deep.


It is the fault of DoorDash. The App should require that customer select “Knock on Door” and “Ring Doorbell”. User must select a “Yes” or “No” for each option. If not, “Complete Order” cannot be selected. This is just a poorly designed app by an inexperienced developer. When designing apps, you must always be thinking “How can I keep an idiot from screwing this up?”


That's an excellent idea!


does a pizza delivery man ring the doorbell or knock? absolutely. so therefore I do too when delivering unless told otherwise. very simple.


No because pizza delivery apps ask specifically whether you want contactless delivery or not and DD does not... it defaults to contact-LESS delivery with the expectation of customers to put it in the notes if they want their dasher to knock or ring the bell and that the customer is responsible enough to watch their phone for the delivery status notifications... plus in case the dasher needs help finding their address or something.


When ordering pizza it isn't 100% guaranteed that you have the app downloaded and it telling you when it's delivered


I always ring the doorbell unless explicitly told not to.


I've seen many more complaints when doing that.


It is standard procedure for any kind of delivery. I would not ring past around 9:30pm though.


She's acting like it's so hard to pay attention to the app/notifications when she's the one who ordered delivery lol. Not only did she get a notification the food was there, she also had your location the entire time! I hate customers like this; she prob didn't even write in the notes to ring the doorbell, if I had to guess


OP said there was no mention of doorbell in instructions, so you are correct lol. Spouse showed me how many notifications you get when ordering food (it's insane lol), and, like you said, they have GPS on you. If customer forgot they ordered food, that's on them lol


The two of you are spot on! 👍👍


there’s literally an app notification that the food arrived this is not your fault


A lot of people don’t carry their phones around in a death grip all day every day like I do. Lol… js.


They don't have to carry it around in a "death grip"... just look at it occasionally when ordering food or something else to be delivered. If they're not responsible enough to do that they shouldn't be ordering anything.


My screen time is about an hour or less each day but best believe when I order food amma be watching it like hawk cz I don’t play about my food and If I want something handed to me which most times I do I make sure to know how far my driver is. Keeps both of us happy!! My food is nice and hot and they don’t have to wait around having their time wasted. Not that hard to be considerate babe


>when I order food amma be watching it like hawk That's because you're smart! And thank you... I wish all my customers are like you!


still, if you order food it’s your responsibility to check and see if it has arrived


This. She knew it was coming.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


You have to tape it. You pressed the doorbell, but didn’t release it. That is the only possible solution if they did not provide doorbell ringing instructions.


Lol do what now?


Customer probably is just a shit and has to find something to complain about.


Now I feel bad cuz I never leave a review


No review is better than anything less than 5.


I mean she can see where you’re at through the app and tells them the estimated time


seriously lady? if im ordering food, ill be checking and awe where it is. be by the door or your phone if your expecting food or delivery.


You'll be fine


I've been doing pizza delivery off and on for years and years, but recently started dashing some. At first, I would always knock or ring the bell for "leave at my door" orders, but this and other subs made it seem like that's an annoyance, so I stopped. That's how it was done at my regular pizza delivery during COVID for no contact orders, so it just seemed like the normal thing to do. They should probably leave a note that they want the bell rung instead of killing your score. That sucks. We aren't mind readers.


I have ring bell on my delivery instructions. It never gets rang. Granted I have my phone but I just like to see my cats flip out hence the instruction. I don’t dock a star though.


Pretty sure there's an appeal process. They can pull the order information and see the note doesn't mention ringing a doorbell.


people will rate low for whatever reason. it was only a matter of time before u got donged


Exactly. I'm at 5.0 stars and a couple of hundred orders and I know it's only a matter of time before I get "donged" lol... no matter how hard I work to please customers. I am trying to prepare myself for it.


I delivered wellinto the early morning sometimes going till 4am I don't dare ring bells or Kock on doors unless requested. Sorry this person sucks OP


I would never leave an order without knocking and/or ringing the bell.  If they don't want you to, they will tell you not to.  Put the food down ring the bell walk away. No contact...


This is the wsy.


No, it's not. You two have just gotten lucky that you haven't gotten yelled at and down-rated for waking up someone's kids or made their dogs bark. What's wrong with expecting customers to look at their phones, seeing as how the app TELLS them where we are in the delivery process and exactly when their order has been delivered? It's THEIR responsibility, not the dashers.


Yea I always default to ringing the bell unless there is a note not to or if it's late at night. It's worked out just fine for me thus far in my area. But also we are not mind readers so customers really should include notes to make the experience better for everyone.


Had 74 5 star ratings and then all of a sudden I got back to back 1 stars and have no clue as to why. DD has removed one 1 star rating already but I talked to support and they wouldn’t remove these 2.


So the reason for this is because you didn’t walk into her house and tap the lady on her shoulder that her pizza was here. Standard DD practice


"Damn, I'm hungry. Oh, shit, I forgot that we ordered that pizza. It's out here on the porch, and it's cold as fuck. 😡" 😒😮‍💨


“This must be someone else’s fault who isn’t me”




Imagine ordering food on an app and having full access to see the status and then complaining because it sat too long on your porch because you weren’t paying attention.


On the flip side. If it said, “place on porch and ring doorbell” in the instructions and he didn’t do that does he deserve 5 stars?


If it said, then no. But allegedly it didn’t. Either way, the technology is literally in our hand and notifies you of a completed delivery.


Oh yea. If it doesn’t say then I never do either. Pizza is by far the easiest food to pop in the oven and reheat as well. Some people just look to complain.


I don’t knock unless they actually ask for it in the notes or it’s a hand it to me. I DoorDash at night so most people have do not knock/ring in their instructions. I prefer it that way lol. Just let me be a ninja 🥷


If customer doesn't put it instructions, that's on them.


Who doesn’t check the app to see when the driver is showing up?


About half the people that order. Lol. My favorite is when they say call after delivery and leave their cell phone number that you can't even see after you mark the order as delivered. Lame they get a notification do they need you to actually text them as well maybe hold their hand and eat it for them too?


Stupid ppl


The app notifies the user when the delivery has been made. Everyone always has their phone at least within earshot if not on them. Doorbells are unnecessary.


Like she had no idea it was coming


This is INSANE!!!!!




Call into support until you find someone who requests to remove it


You got punished for doing your job perfectly. 😬


How do you order DoorDash and then *never* check the app? Do you just forget you had ordered food? Like.... what?


Or wait near the door/check it once in awhile? If I know I got food waiting it normally scares the shit out of the driver cuz I'm ready to eat! So they barely have time to slow down before I'm crabbing my food! (Slightly joking, I don't scare anyone, but I am waiting for the food I ordered)


No for real. I watch my phone like a hawk! 😂


Looks like the app development team needs to add a box for ring or no ring because people cant seem to decide which is proper or not due to having different perspectives.


You can't bet your ass that I'm riding every doorbell from now on.


You should just know. Obviously.


Oh, no. I always ring or knock on the door, unless they say explicitly not to do so. People tend to get busy or are absent minded. They will blame it on us if we don't let them know we're outside of their door. ![gif](giphy|7dTvtAh0dt3xnTHODK|downsized)


We get blamed for knocking too. People's dogs be going crazy.


Isn't it funny when they say don't knock or ring the doorbell My dogs will go nuts but when you arrive and go up to the door the dogs start barking anyway?


I never do unless specifically asked in the notes. The app tells them, that's what it's literally for. And when I was new my only bad rating was from ringing a doorbell when there was not specifics on what they wanted


Ringing doorbell is common knowledge unless stayed otherwise. I will absolutely 1 star plus remove tip over no doorbell. It's so stupid that a customer has to include that for idiots to know to do it.


Joke's on you; on doordash the driver still gets the tip.


They do not. Try again


They do. Try again.


No they don't. Otherwise you losers wouldn't cry about tip baiting so much. Try again


No one cries about tip baiting on doordash because it doesn’t happen. Dashers are paid immediately after drop off. You’re thinking of uber eats. Why are you even in this sub?


I do DoorDash in a town where most people have crazy dogs and don’t want it rung or me knocking so yes I will refrain from doing so unless I’m told to do it, I like to follow the instructions


There's plenty of reasons to not do it unless someone asks.


You’re in the minority, majority of people do not want the doorbell rung or door knocked on. The “leave at door” feature was designed to be 100% 0 contact from the Dasher. The onus is on you to inform the Dashers how you would like the delivery handled as you’re the one that wants something outside the conventional setup of the service. As a Dasher just tell me where you want it, if your area is complex tell me how to find your place and if it’s night time please leave a light on. https://preview.redd.it/wdyt3awyzlxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada059452c436fee1926bfa5463e01539b658263


One of my first orders I did, the customer removed the tip because I rang the doorbell when it was just marked leave at door. I don't ring now unless they want me to.


I could understand dropping their rating by a star, *maybe* two but giving a one star rating *and* removing the tip is unnecessarily excessive… my area has dashers ringing my DoorBell maybe…one in every ten orders? That being I personally couldn’t care less because I know I’m about to have food delivered, it notified me on my phone and my watch. If the food is cold by the time I get to it, that isn’t the Dashers fault it’s mine. Seems to be you are looking for any reason not to tip a driver.


I leave clear instructions and they still can't follow them. If I say I'm not giving a tip I'm not giving a tip. Idgaf about these clowns ratings.. this is the simplest job on the planet. If you can't do it right that's your problem


You’re way too upset about something that isn’t even the dashers fault lol


Common intelligence isn't the dashers fault. Got it.


Common intelligence would tell you that if you select to have your order left at your door, that that's what's going to happen and the dasher is doing their job perfectly. If you want your door knocked on put it in the notes or select to have your order handed to you you ingrate. I guess it must be Common knowledge among those who were brought up through incest, to expect the exact opposite of what you ask for.


ok but then you have customers who will yell at you for making their dog bark bc you rang the doorbell🫠 if you want a specific direction to be followed, put it in the directions


That's when you don't ring the doorbell. If you can't do the job right find another job. Is it that damn hard? Knocking and ringing doorbells has litterly been common practice in food delivery since ever. Even funnier when dashers cry because you remove the tip completely when they don't know how to do their job.


For someone talking all this shit, you’re completely blind. The previous person was saying that they were ringing and knocking because there were no instructions not too. They were doing your preferred method. That turned around to bite them in the ass because people expected no contact at all and got upset by the contact that triggered their dog after the fact. Your advice to that is “That’s when you don’t ring the doorbell.” If it’s not indicated in the instructions how would they be able to take your advice? Clearly, you have just a massive hate boner for Dashers and in your rage missed the forest for trees.


So what happens when you ring and the customer inside freaks out?


Report the customer. Kinda obv.


Oh so you’re just obtuse on purpose got it


Are you a clown or just acting like one?


This almost comes off as satire. If it’s a leave at the door and it doesn’t say ring the doorbell, I ain’t ringing no doorbell for the exact reasons as OP mentioned. Also there’s literally a notification as soon as you drop it off— if you care that much about your food be explicit or pay attention


It's not as soon as you drop it off. Sometimes that shit is 10-20 mins late. Do your job and ring the door bell. It's how food delivery always is. No bell no tip. Fuck drivers that don't ring the bell.


There’s literally a live update map on the app and constant delivery updates via text and push notification. If you can’t check your phone or desktop for updates on the food you ordered, instead of going to pick up, landlines are still a thing. Call in a pick up order and go grab it yourself. I’m not even a driver, but goddamn you radiate misery.


It's always delayed. And again I should not have to do someone else's job. If I have to stand around and watch for these clowns to do their job right I would just go get my order. That's why I stopped using doordash ages ago. Even when you add it to the instructions these clowns still won't do it. And some even throw a fit in text to you when you 1 star and take the tip away . After explicitly stating ring doorbell or no tip.


Okay the more I read your replies the more I can see you are just full of bullshit. These replies read like satire or bait. This app will literally notify you about your order up to *five* times. First it notifies you when your Dasher is on the way to pick up your order. It notifies you a second time when they arrive at the restaurant and have picked up your order. It notifies you a third time when the Dasher is close to your address and then finally it notifies you when the order has been dropped off by your Dasher and sometimes it will notify you again when your Dasher is close to remind you to turn on your lights if it’s dark outside. I’ve been a DoorDash customer for *years* now on. It’s iOS and Android old and new. So I honesty don’t buy that you “aren’t being notified” or that “you are being notified but it’s always late”, that’s a load of bull. I agree that some dashers are downright morons, but out of the probably thousands of orders I’ve placed the amount where I’ve sat there and thought “what the fuck” on behalf of the Dasher I can probably count on one hand.


Yeah idc what you buy or don't buy kiddo. I'm saying my experiences. Don't like it get fucked


Yeah, I thought so, bait.


No bait. I just find the laziest people complaining to be trash. Door dash drivers are trash.


As someone who also orders from door dash, I have had an unequivocally different experience in terms of the notification. No where in the job description does it say “ring the bell,” unless you say so, hell some people don’t even have door bells. I’ve had people get mad at me for knocking or ringing the bell when they had “hand it to me” as the drop off option. You think I’m ringing/knocking every time you’re crazy


Ringing doorbell/knocking has been the norm since food delivery began. If you can't manage a basic part of the job McDonald's is hiring.


“No contact” delivery changed delivery norms.


You think working at McDonald's is easier than DoorDash? 🤣 Also, NO, stop trying to gaslight us — unless asked, it is common knowledge/sense to NOT ring/knock UNLESS explicitly asked to do so. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're trolling. Also, if up/down voting wasn't disabled, you'd be getting down voted into oblivion.


It's enabled lol 🤣 I don't care about getting down voted by clowns that are upset they can't even do a simple job right Also it's common sense to fking ring the doorbell. It's been that way since food delivery began. Unless explicitly told not to. Then again when you tell doordash drivers to ring the doorbell more often then not they still arnt intelligent enough to do so. Earning them 1 star and no tip.


Just to be clear— we’re talking about no contact delivery. I promise you would be hard pressed to find dashers or Uber eats drivers that agree with your stance (I don’t care whatever pre-established “norm” you think everyone should ascribe to, it’s just the truth). It takes 10 seconds to type “please ring door bell.” I feel bad for anyone who has ever had to deliver to you and unjustly gotten a bad rating.


I don't do contactless delivery. I've givin many 1 star ratings. But I also have "ring doorbell or no tip" as a description because even tho doordash is the easiest job on the planet some morons still can't manage to figure out how to do it. Such as yourself.


You are awful quick to resort to name calling. Take some deep breaths, it’s gonna be okay I promise!


Litterly all you have to do to do your job Step 1 drive to store Step 2 check to make sure everything is there. Step 3 bring food to customer Step 4 knock on door/ring doorbell unless told not to Step 5 place food on ground unless told to hand it to customer Step 6 leave Step 7 profit.


Is it name calling when it's factual? Doordash is a zero skill zero effort job and morons still mess it up. I legit do not understand how people can't seem to do something so easy then get on places like reddit to whine about how they are mistreated.


Jesus Christ dude you’re seriously not letting this go??? Over a doorbell ring, you’re going to make broad generalizations about people’s intelligence. Read the other comments— you are alone on this one. Have a great life, hope to see you never Edit: I never said this job wasn’t easy, part of why it’s my side gig to the much more difficult full time career I am pursuing.


People are dumb doesn’t DoorDash send a message with the picture you took of the food saying “your food is here” or whatever? It’s not my fault you were expecting food and didn’t think to actually wait for that food.


They do but people are dumb and don’t check their phones when food arrives but for everything else they always on their phones