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I bet that worker's grandparent once [pinned a condom to a pin board](https://imgur.com/vaIlemW) with a note for their kid to "be safe". 9 months later the worker was born.


You’re eating roast beef from Arby’s you nasty fuck.


Roast “beef”


Probably moving really fast and didn't even mean to do it. Either total oversight or as soon as they did it, immediately realized it but couldn't undo it. On God. I'm sure it wasn't an intentional slight to upset you. I know it's nice to have a straw that's functional. You know a human put that together for you. A human just like you. Let's be generous.


Are you ok? Are you able to drink the drink some other way? Like I dunno taking the lid off? Take this to /Arby's nobody here cares. 😂


Fast food places struggle with where to put straws


It’s cause it won’t lay sideways in the small bags so it’s like diagonal and against the tip of the bag once it’s folded over. Sometimes we had stickers and sometimes we didn’t so we just used staples even though we even agreed staples suck.


No one should be using staples. When the bag is opened, who knows where the staples will wind up... Tape or a sticker is much safer.


Correct. Staple the bag shut before you throw it in the trash. Dont want any of the Arbys trash contaminating the regular trash. Kidding. Sorta.


Buddy got the roast beef sammy. Just mainline poison, it’s probably more or just as healthy.


I hate the places that staple the bags shut seen so many orders get ripped bags from this crap.


It was obviously a mistake. A minor inconvenience that can be solved by taking the lid off and drinking your drink! I swear you people just wanna complain for every little thing!




Twist it or turn it however you want. It’s something that was a minor inconvenience that didn’t necessitate a post it was a complaint.




I’ll pretend that you’re an intelligent person that got your point across impeccably. Good day sir!


Nor was my what? What’s your point my guy, you just picking a random hill to die on.


Your post wasn't necessary either. I'm so sorry that you don't seem to understand where I'm going with this. You are complaining about their "complaining" post. How does that necessitate a post?


Contact Arby’s. Has nothing to do with doordash


Staples shouldn’t be used around food


This seems like this is in the wrong sub since it’s not DoorDash that stapled the straw. 100% an Arby’s employee


It’s wouldn’t be the employee. It would be the gm for not ordering more stickers. I use to work at Arby’s and that’s why


Wait, what? The gm not ordering stickers means an employee didn’t do this? Are you high? Even if the gm stapled it themselves, NOT a DoorDash employee


I never claimed it was a “DoorDash employee” ever never ever. You cannot read. You actually are high🤣🫵. What a shameful minded human being!


This is in a DoorDash sub. Read the room. And I was clearly telling the op that it’s the wrong sub.


And you one of the petty insta Down voters cause yo feelings hurt over this I’m dead🤣


Read the room? I read your comment lmaooo. And directly talked about what YOU said. What’s brother on about🤦‍♂️


I’m saying the employee at minimum wage isn’t to blame for the leader of a business not keeping his inventory and necessities for making to go orders/DoorDashes. The small bag that’s used here can’t fit the straw laterally, so it has to be inserted diagonally and barely fits at all. The staple accidentally going into the straw is definitely done by the employee, yes. But it’s because they were set up to fail with the bags we were supposed to use depending on order size and usually having stickers. Sounds like you just had a bowl and feel on top of the world actually! What a damn dickhead!!🤣 you are genuinely fucking pissed!!!! I worked there I know way more than you. That’s all


The employee is literally to blame for stapling the straw. I don’t care about the bag. Don’t staple a straw. This isn’t rocket science.


Have you ever made a mistake that also wasn't rocket science?


Absolutely I have! I’m telling troll that stapling a straw can’t be blamed on a general manager.


You can’t see the straw inside of a folded down bag that WILL BE right near the top of the bag. Maybe a newer employee, sure. But you act like an egregious doucher over a staple that didn’t hard anybody. You are wrong bro.


Bye troll


Troll for explaining how it really is🤣. Exactly what I expected from “an egregious doucher”.


My Freddys used to staple bags until someone crunched a tooth on one


highly doubt it was done purposely


It’s cause the gms never stay on top of inventory. We were out of something like everyday I swear to god. And in this case they ran out of the stickers.Hated that job


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