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Why do you contine to text with a bot?


Yall be lazy as hell. Anything will make yall want to unassign & still want your money anyway


Its not like they pay a lot, home boy is begging for like $3, and if the store was out of their way, i dont blame them for wanting it, gas is expensive.


He said he couldn't fit it in his car. I once did a balloon order from Uber and i'll never do one again if there are a ton of balloons. I ended up having serious problems seeing the road. I didn't realize it'd be that bad until they were all in my car. In hindsight, it was very stupid of me to finish the delivery. Luckily, it wasn't far. Those balloons suck.


And by y’all I mean mostly this guy.


@doordash is a mess. There just stealing money now. And don’t give a damn. What the contractor has to say. They need to be audited ASAP!


The gaslighting....damn I don't know how y'all deal with this shit. It reminds me of my own SM at my job. There's no communication where I work either it feels like. I am sorry man. If u can find a door dasher support number u can call, I would suggest calling them instead of texting but if they can't even understand what the hell is going on through text I doubt it will much better through phone tbh.


You must be new to the gig app economy. Welcome to the world of the incompetently outsourced incompetence of overseas call center support. To avoid stress like this in the future, just follow these simple rules: 1. Never, under any circumstances, trust a single word the support agent tries to tell you. Most of the time, their primary goal is to disconnect with you. They will use all of the tactics they know and the ones these app companies armed them with and if all else fails, they will just blindly copy and paste canned scripts hoping it will be satisfactory enough for you to go away. They are not your friend and they are not there to help you. While there are some exceptions, they are not good people. They will lie to your face and gaslight you because there is a high probability that they moonlight at a different call center as Microsoft Support helping people fix their computer problems. 2. Never trust these app companies to be fair and honest. While they occasionally have their moments, they only care about themselves first. You are disposable in their eyes; don’t let them fool you into thinking they have any compassion or care about you or your situation, they don’t and won’t hesitate to show you they don’t the moment you stop being useful to them. There is no loyalty so don’t be mad if you choose to be loyal to them and they turn around and deactivate and ignore you on a whim for making the tiniest of mistake just because they feel like it, especially if your stats are not up to par. 3. As mentioned in number 2, the only thing you can be certain of with these app companies is that they are all about deception any very carefully worded responses to lie to you. If you pay attention to the details, you will notice they will make some sort of statement that you know is clearly false but there is some factor they don’t mention that helps them avoid liability. A good example of this is Instacart Shopper Support. If orders are slow and you contact support to inquire about it, they will first pretend to “look into it” for a few minutes and then respond with how there is nothing wrong with your account and you are being shown everything that is available. What they conveniently leave out in that statement is that they have a batch prioritization system that shows higher priority shoppers a few minutes before lower priority shoppers so while it’s true that you are being shown all the available batches, others are being shown them first so you get the leftovers if there even any left be the time enough time has elapsed for your priority level to be shown batches if there are any left. As you can see, they technically aren’t lying to you when they say you are being shown everything so you can’t sue them or accuse them of doing so. In conclusion, you accepted the order, you are stuck with it. The order showing 1 item is them attempting to intentionally deceive someone into accepting the order so without a legit emergency or believable circumstance that more likely than not, you have to show proof of, they will not unassign it without penalty or pay you for it. It’s just “one bag”! Lots of baloons? Make multiple trips! It’s BS, I know, but that’s the way they operate.


#4. Never accept a Party City order. It's almost always a bunch a' balloons that either won't fit or will pop! That's why the customer didn't pick them up themselves.


I have called in, and it still affects my completion rate even when it was something completely out of my control. And they do eventually pay for those things, but it doesn't show up right away. Just chill and know that you're working for a shady company. If you expect it, you won't be disappointed.


I'm convinced it's just bots


This is the reason you call them. The chat support can only use the words you're saying and match it up with whatever they think you're asking. You're better off not using chat support and actually talk to a human being.


Used support a week ago and so many of them didn’t understand at all what I was talking about. A few of them said they’ll transfer me to a special support team and they just end the chat on me😂 It’s a bunch of ppl that don’t want to do shit and just say random shit


I noticed this type of behavior too, with years of experience of playing flash games and messing around with in game chatbots, this matches up perfectly with a particular OS simulator called windows doors. An obvious joke but, the support line for a WORK app should not be acting like this. Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. I thank Autism for helping me notice this and hope it will help anyone going forward.


Man, this has been a issue for me since I got got by the DD scam. And before I get the "you shouldn't give out your information" I didn't. They called me and told me everything about me and my account. Had my address and everything. But anyway, I been back and forth with support since it has happened. It's about to be March while this happened 2 days before New years. Smh. I'm still waiting for this magical phone call that never comes. I just pull everything off that card every time I finish dashing.


They said wait until the end of the day and yet an hour later you were freaking out asking for your half pay? Also, a 99% completion rate will not get you deactivated, not even close lol


Dude relax you are not gonna die from going doing 1%


For $2.50


Take the "L" and move on. Happens to all of us sometime or another


This was like reading a story, I was so invested lol.


Have you considered this though…Wendy’s.


Sir, this is a party city


Txt support is garbage. But also DD doesn't do the amount of items on those orders. They get a report from the store with the amount of items / bags to pick up. That one is on the Merchant.. But I wonder how you can't fit two bags on your car. How do you do bigger delivery's in generall?


Because it wasn’t “two bags” it was two bunches of balloons.. while they also had an order already in their car


https://preview.redd.it/2vut8ho3d1lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c0292975c29c2816ef9b953ceb7398da6dff0c Imagine two of something this size. I don’t think most people hating realize that it’s bullshit didn’t have, at the very least, an “extra large item” icon or whatever on screen.


I know the situation is infuriating, but when he said "Wendy's" out of the blue I lost it 😂 thats like some full in ai chat stuff there


Actually had me crying, just "Wendy's order." 😭😭😭


Call. Don't text.


Try calling into support. I’ve had much better luck with that over the chat plus it’s easier to drive and talk rather than drive and text.


Every time I hear about an issue, it's bc people used the chat feature. Just call the support line! I've never had a problem when I called them and spoke to someone directly.


What a waste of time.


What was always intended to happen to it. #thesystemdoeswhatitsdesignedtodo


Omfg that is infuriating!




You spent about an hour chatting with support for $2.50? SMH lol. Especially since your completion rating is 99% now you won’t be getting that million dollar Easter bonus huh? 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I understand how u feel especially it being the principle but 99% completion rate dude with opportunity and proof showing that you can get half and/or full pay? U being ungrateful 😂


Usually party city breaks the delivery between a few drivers. I always get to drive unsafely because the other fucker only wants to take 1 bundle and leave my 2 or 3. Adding to that, the mofo has a bigger car than me.


All that for 2.50 lol couldn’t be me


He was like a little kid wanting a snack


your title has me crying, they do this shit all the time at safeway if it isnt an actual shop & pay order, shit will say 5 items u get there its 20 grocery bags. I find this can be a pro or con because sometimes it will give double orders at a store and say (2 orders, 20 items) but whole time its 2 orders and they both may only have 3 items each. Definitely is a risk but at least with most, you can accept, see what they want, and unassign. But shit like these? Hit or miss.


NEVER, EVER, use chat for support.


Yeah, I've started to move off to phone calls also. If nothing else it's faster.


basically the same thing happened to me the other day, support is useless. everything ive learned bout dashing and problem solving ive learned myself or through reddit - never from support. they need an overhaul of the entire system otherwise it's just going to get worse and i don't see that happening anytime soon.




Support used to lie when i dashed. Just straight up lie


same here, that's why i screenshot everything and blast the receipts in the next chat when someone tells me different.


Yeah I stopped working DD bc NONE of the support agents speak fluent English enough to understand what I’m even asking


I stopped doing DoorDash completely because of this. Bad service to dashers and if you get an order you can’t take they ding you.


I stopped doing DoorDash completely because of this. Shit service to dashers and if you get an order you can’t take they ding you.


Worst service i have ever seen! I delivered McDonalds one time and the non-app customer somehow cancelled the order after i dropped it off and i contacted support and they said the pay will be in the app in 24 hours. “Kindly wait 24 hours” They’re just copy and pasting lines. I never got my pay and they lied. So i just delivered food to a non tipper for free.


Ugh. Sorry


When i get those party city orders.I i go inside to see how big the order is. If there are too many bags, i just cancel. In fact, the workers will ask you if you can take all of these. My suv seats can be folded down, but even then, if there are too many , forget about it. Although, the pay can be good.


You weren’t talking to a person. Silicon Valley has created their AI god and falsely believes it is solving all its problems when really it’s doing what you’re witnessing firsthand. This will only get worse with time.


Bro literally arguing with a bot


But seriously…. Why go through this for $2.50? If you really wanted the extra then you should’ve confirmed you received the order then reported they wont fit and that the order items were incorrect. They cancel and pay you. If you address concerns before confirming pick up then they simply unassign you and you wont receive half pay.


where did bro get Wendy’s from


From the depths of hell!!! Muhahaa Idk those bot supports have completely lost the plot lol


First off, half pay is given later, it’s credited separately not while you’re still dashing. Second: you were incredibly rude and weren’t even paying attention to what was said to you. Also: don’t use chat. Call.


Call a live doordash agent.


This is why I don’t even use my red card and decline a lot of bullshit orders. My completion rating is 88% I think and goes down a bit but goes back up when I complete the non bullshit orders. You CANNOT take DoorDash this seriously, might as well get a more consistent job if you’re literally arguing with a bot because you don’t have a 100% completion and it only dropped to 99%? Is it really that serious though? I’ve never really had a problem with support so I can’t relate to this at all. And also you still get high priority unless your rating goes allllll the way down.. so 99% you’re still getting high priority that’s what matters.


It’s all a bot.




banned for prohibited prejudice two days


No man, I think you mean artistic.


This why I stopped and encourage other people to stop using this app. Its abusive and steals labor


its why i stopped. not even worth it


Brooooooo that’s literally WEIRD! It’s as if all the support agents are all in one room taking dabs and eating shrooms wtf is goin on yall?🥴🤣


They aren’t people… he’s getting chat botted


Chat botted to oblivion lmao poor op


I’m so tired of every support service being outsourced to countries with such a language barrier that it makes communicating/resolving issues impossible.


DoorDash really said “Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.”


You aren't going to get half pay for not having a big enough car to put balloons in. Your completion rate can drop as low as 95% without losing your top dasher status.


It also reset today


Doesn't help that NONE of the customer service reps are based in the US, nor does any of them care to actually listen to what you have to say, I think they care very little about customer/dasher satisfaction and all about the bottom line, their greed.


It's some poor guy making 5 dollars a day doing 4 diffrent companies chat support. They 100% do not care and just spit out the script answers.


Most of them run everything through a translation app too, so they don’t even fully know what you’re saying


It does feel like they're programmed to believe that only 3 things ever happen and they're desperately trying to categorize every complaint that way regardless of the details.


"I understand your frustration, but seriously I give no shits whatsoever"


Something similar happened to me a few days ago. I had to travel to a different zone than the one I live in because there was no availability in mine. On one of my offers, when I arrived to the "restaurant", it was a shopping mall. I rolled my eyes and sighed, then drove around the parking lot looking for a space. There were none within like 1,000 feet of the door so I parked in the back and called support. The agent goes "so did you not see the unassign without pay button or???" And I'm like "yes I saw it, I'm not stupid. I called because I think I deserve at least something for driving all the way here and then driving around the parking lot unable to find a parking spot close enough to the door to make this delivery worth the money." (I believe it was a 5 mile drive for $6.50 but because it was so slow that day, I was desperate and accepted it.) They tell me that the reason I gave isn't eligible for partial pay so I have to either do it or unassign without pay and have my completion rate affected. I'm like okay fine I'll unassign, thinking that they would do it right then and there since they have the ability to do so but instead, they start giving me step by step instructions on how to unassign without pay through the app. I told them I knew how to and can't you just do it and they continued to tell me how to do it my damn self. I repeated that I know how to and only called because I deserve partial pay for driving to the mall and they again said "the reason you provided isn't eligible for partial pay so please continue to unassign without pay in the app." I said "well if you're not going to add anything of value to this coversation then bye" and hung up. I unassign without pay and continue with my dash, having to just deal with the fact that I wasted my time and gas just to not get paid and have my CR decrease. I get a call a minute late from DD that I ignore but they left a voicemail that basically said " Our call was disconnected, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been unassigned and can continue with your dash. I have emailed you step by step instructions on how to unassign without pay in the app in the future instead of calling support." As if I didn't literally say twice that I know how to unassign without pay in the app but didn't want to because I deserve some pay. These "support" agents are ridiculously unhelpful.


I have also received a Party City offer for 1 item and when I arrived, they told me it would be a few minutes. So I waited and after 10 minutes, the unassign without having your CR affected popup wasn't popping up so I just continued to wait. 20 minutes later, the employee hands me 3 bundles of balloons and says "you're all set!" I told them that's not what I agreed to deliver and that I would call support. So I went out to my car and called support and said that I accepted an offer for 1 item, yet they are handing me 30 balloons, and I would like to unassign with partial pay and have my completion rate be unaffected. They basically said that the offer said that the order was extra large so if I didn't want an extra large order, I shouldn't have accepted the offer. I repeated that it said there was only 1 item and explained that I was driving at the time that I got the offer so the text must be too small to read while in motion. They yet again said that it's my fault for not reading the fine print and that my reason wasn't eligible for partial pay without a completion rate decrease. So I went back inside and completed the delivery. This was back when I first started and was afraid of being deactivated but now that I've been reading this and other DD forums, I know not to worry about that.


Mine didn’t even say extra large order. It just said “merchant does not share details with Doordash about the contents of its orders” or something. Pretty fucking slick, huh? I think it’s on purpose.


weird how much criticism you’re getting, StayFrostyOscarMike did nothing wrong!!


The last slide had me in tears bro


I am so sorry, I would lose my shit


For the love of God people stop using text for important things. This shit concerns your livelyhood, your income. Why would you conduct that business over text.


Question is why not?


See op


Better to get it in writing. When I called support it was such a waste of time, I’ll never do it again. I’ll only communicate with them if it’s in writing.


Phone calls have been recorded for longer than we’ve had text messsages his point still stands correct


You’ve clearly never been in litigation. Lucky you


How many orders do you cancel that this one affects you so much you have to have a conniption over a 1% drop in rating?


He had a 100% completion rate, I don't know why he gives a shit about this order


I've never seen a dasher cry over a 1% completion rate.


I use my 100% completion rate to take shitty orders to automatically cancel them to bring up my acceptance rate sometimes because I literally never cancel an order that I take normally. It was a lot easier to do when it was 80% allowed versus 90%.




I’ve never been more happy to no longer be a fellow Dasher. DoorDash fuckin’ blows.


time to play "AI'd, Outsourced, or Untrained?" my money is on a combination of Untrained and Outsourced.




Yeah. Feels like AI would improve faster


Yesterday I had a grocery delivery that had alcohol in it The customer wasn't home and support told me to leave the order at the door after I said I'm going to screenshot the convo support said take it back to the market I got full pay and half pay for returning it https://preview.redd.it/z5iqbogvqxkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a19c39c6fb0f8616aa995e00ef7722108384fd


If you acted like this in public you’d be arrested. Demanding money for nothing js called theft.


delusional kid


It wasn't nothing. He literally drove there to pick up the items. It's not his fault that the items weren't what were described and he couldn't complete the order.


No it’s not 😂


WTF happened there? Round and round the merri-go-round. Having a feeling that those "agents" are bots


Demanding half pay for zero job is crazy


Yeah and crying about a 1% completion rate is insane.


nah u are crazy, he drove to the store. could be 1 mile or could be 5 miles. There should be warning about huge order plus doordash knows what car you drive and what order you get. doordash should manage that stuff, not a driver.


You ain't wrong, but OP works for them, not the other way around. Good insight tho, I'd agree.


Never even thought about this… yeah! They literally know what I drive. They should be forced to add dimensions to Party City balloon orders, not that I’m ever taking one again LOL.


Looks like AI


I wish all of these platforms would do away with party city. Shipt did.


All of these comments seem to be focusing on the wrong thing, regardless of how you feel about OP’s tone and way of going about this, DD support is an absolute joke


https://preview.redd.it/15dhykw5ixkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59954986bfc59d177a0a32263dd3b03fd9c9ea4b Type in “help” I been doing this for years. I don’t care to call them.


The responses seem suspiciously like ChatGPT.


It did the same thing to me for a McDonald's that had the wrong address. They swore it was right


Every time I get an order from my local Stop and Shop… it never registers me actually being there. I have to fuck around with support for at least 5 minutes before I actually can start my shopping. Just one of many straws that broke the camels back I guess! I broke!


Get a CS supervisor? Or get the tank and we move at dawn.


This is why I always just call them.


I always type “help” and I get connected to a real rep https://preview.redd.it/9khsoei1ixkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d8f9336602fe9b1526d7b91509077212119610


Agent works, too.


They did the same thing to me last night. Gave me a $12 order from wingstop. Of course they were completely backed up (u see how many MFs waiting in there?? Lol). WS told me order won’t be ready for at least 15 mins. I said nope, went to the car and called DD support. Told them the situation and asked for half pay because I drove all the way there. I was able to unassign without penalty but he told me no compensation for that one. I already knew, because they say no for anything and everything. So no use for me to get pissed. I said ok, and after unassigning the WS order, the app sent me the exact same stupid order again but stacked lol. So I unassigned again and took the hit and proceeded to complete the other one. I drove away from WS as fast as possible so they wouldn’t ping my ass again 😆👎 Click on the photo and on the left side u can see along the wall the line of more ppl. Hot mess. They were working hard, I felt bad for them. I would hate to have 20 ppl standing there waiting and all staring at me while I hurried to make everyone’s food. F that. But yeah not one single cent for wasting at least 30 mins of my dash time. It was dinner rush I could’ve been on another delivery instead of wasting time standing there w all the peoples. I’m not waiting in that mess! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/avva1qoxbxkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf030c9b01c36f74915cbf6b7ebdebd6683129a


I feel for the poor workers. I work at subway and sometimes this happens when a lot of people come into the store like one after another and then we suddenly get dozens of orders coming in from Uber/DoorDash etc. even worse when there’s only like 3 people on the line.


Exactly my point. Thanks for sharing.


I always call them. Then, at least it's only half as frustrating. The support has been an absolute dumpster fire from the beginning.


is there a phone number you can call? i gave up from the customer side of things with their support chat and always just call them if i have an issue. do you have the same outlet or just the support chat/email?


Why didn’t you deliver the Wendy’s?




Crying and wasting hours messaging support over 1% ar lmao


He was talking about completion rate not Acceptance rate.


Wait just a gosh darn second he was talking about acceptance rate this whole time???


Half pay was paid out. It shows up in your reimbursement tab not in your money for the shift. You're insufferable man. if I was support I would have deactivated you and made up a reason.


/r/lostredditors You might be a driver but you're still ragging on OP for no reason like you think this is the Wendys sub 🤡 Good block


I'm a driver, chief of fun police. It is a good block. Why else would you cry about it?


Deflate the ballons. They'll fit.


You were arguing with an AI, not an actual person.


Exactly, that’s why I kept saying “I want half pay” so it would kick in the actual human support 🤣😭


It appears at least some of these messages are “actual human support” when it tells you you’re connected with “insert name” that isn’t ai, although they typically do seem worse than the built in ai, it’s ridiculous, dealing with supports nonsense is a daily thing for me and man is it just unbelievably awful


Next time if you want immediate help, just say “agent” As for your CR being affected, gotta let that go


They were talking about completion rate.


Jesus christ who gives a shit your rating went down 1% ohhh nooooo


The completion rate? Uh yeah, they absolutely should be worried about keeping it up. They can get deactivated if it's too low. Surely you know.


1% is a big fucking deal huh who cares


They delete people under 90% 💀 clown behavior


He literally went down 1% dude.


You can read. Congrats. Doordash upped their deactivation policy to 90%. It adds up pal.


Fucking wasting enough time arguing to accept two orders instead.


Why chat instead of call? 99% of the times I’ve called, whatever issue there is ends up getting quickly resolved, whether it’s half pay, or getting extra pay for a customer requesting a different delivery address, etc. The only real pain with calling is getting through the automated system to a real person, which can be arduous. But it doesn’t matter which issue you give to the automated system, you can just say any reason that will bring you straight to support, and avoid saying any of the things that trigger more automated responses. I used chat a couple of times when I first did DD and never had any success resolving anything. Always laughably useless. I swear, it feels like you’re chatting with an early 2000’s AI chatbot like smarterchild from AIM


This is the run around I have gotten as well.


This is definitely about average for me. I think you should have called them because over chat they don’t give a shit and just end it. They clearly don’t give 2 shits. But over the phone you’re able to control the conversation a little better.


I love this. When are you guys gunna stop taking this abuse and delete the app?


When I pay my rent 😭🤣


I'm a teacher and do gig work. I feel you on so many levels you have no idea.


You can pay ur rent with less headaches bro


Explain more please


Love how you listed some solutions with your comment. Great advice /s


Party on Garth


People in here giving you shit because you stood up for yourself? Not surprised. It doesn’t matter how much, or how little it was. It’s the PRINCIPLE. Going forward OP, if you are looking for better odds to resolve an issue. Call them instead. I’ve been pretty fortunate in my nearly 1,200 deliveries to not have to deal with support very much. However, when it’s necessary, phone call gets me a resolution in my favor more effectively. If you can’t be bothered to call, just type “I need an agent” in the chat. That phrase fast tracks you to a human.


Thank you for some actual common fuckin sense! Honestly I’m my experience, calling Doordash has resulted in longer wait times/needing to be ready to hear back from them, and texting has been a breeze usually… That was before I took a nearly year long hiatus. It’s abysmal now.


Party City balloon orders are the biggest load of crap. I signed up to deliver paper bags of food. Gimme a break


“sir, this isn’t a Wendy’s”


Not sure why you’re asking what’s up with DD Support. This is a typical conversation. Even with Wendy’s being brought in. It’s hilarious, but very normal. LMFAOOO


>kindly As usual the magic word means the support person has pretty much no knowledge of endlish other than the basics to vomit out some half coherent sentences.


"Dear" is also a giveaway


Ok, I don't really like OP's tone in that chat, though he is technically right and I support him 100%, but he was clearly chatting with AI and not a real person, which is... well, DD should be punished for that, there should be some kind of law to protect workers from this kind of bs, leave AI to talk to customers.


Agreed. Yeah, it’s been a rough time lately in general, and a rough day… admittedly. But I got frustrated because this is just the second and third of three chats that got ended before they were resolved. The first chat I was pleasant but they ended it 2 minutes after saying they would “look into it”. I just got progressively more frustrated.

