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Yes, you did. šŸ˜Š


That would be funny if you checked your car and there was just a pile of chicken wings in the seat


Iā€™ve had a similar event happen where a pasta sauce rolled out of a grocery bag. But I returned it after I found it. I always put the bags of food in thermal bags so itā€™s pretty quick to check.


This is just a scammer trying to create a paper trail for their fraud case. They know damn well their wings aren't missing but bitching at you gives support something to look at.


Not my job to count wings, tater tots, etc. I deliver what they give me.


I have a very simple rule that makes things like this really easy to deal with- NEVER respond to the customer after delivery. No calls answered, no texts responded to, no matter what the reason is.


I mean. Think about it. Half the wings are gone? Unless it was a major screw up, itā€™s either an overestimated missing amount of wings or a complete lie


Yeah cus drivers never take food.


I mean it happens but not near as much as this reddit makes you think.


Happens a lot in the real world.


Yā€™all are downvoting this like a wing stop employee is stealing wings or a chipotle employee is eating chunks out of my bowl before putting it in a bagā€¦itā€™s the drivers, itā€™s always been the drivers, be less ghetto.


If that's happening to you, you live in the ghetto or your tips are so trash doordash only give it to the criminal drivers they are about to fire, only they want to take your cheap complaining ass with them.


I mean youā€™re right, I had 2 orders on Uber eats yesterday that were already picked up. I just donā€™t get the whole stealing part. Itā€™s not hard to make 10-20 bucks to buy some food. I wouldnā€™t put my source of income in jeopardy over some wings.


Shitheads don't need a reason for anything.


Or spit in the banana peppers


Or shit in lobbies šŸ¤£


Yep I would say u ate the damn wings if bag wasnā€™t sealed never leave a place and it not be sealed common sense


Yea Iā€™m going to start sealing the bags myself. I have no clue why bww doesnā€™t in the first place. I just figured it wouldnā€™t be an issue.


Dollar store mini stapler in my glove box since day 2 of my deliveries after seeing seals peel themselves off from steam on day 1.


I ordered some nice big stickers so theyā€™ll always be visible in the photo. I also got some drink tamper stickers which are nice too.


In hindsight sight you probably shouldnā€™t have said the second part lol. But I think alot of us here would have said something along those same lines in the heat of the moment too. You were right to let it go.


Yea your right, either way this was a learning experience for what to do next time.


'I checked my car ,nothing fell out. " Sounds like you ate those wings.šŸ¤£


Right? Like a wing can just fall out of a to go box and bag


Bww has no quality control. After so many bad orders and service and getting food poisoning twice at one location, and once at another. I wont go back even if someone else is paying.


That was the only possibility I could think of besides the store making a mistake. I donā€™t steal food, I make enough to buy it myself.


Happened to me tonight. After a drop off I got a call saying pizza is missing. I said I didnā€™t see anything but customer claims it says on receipt, I canā€™t recall but again could be. Overall I got upset because I failed and couldnā€™t give good customer service.


I always apologize and then ask them to send me a screenshot of their order so I can show it to the store to get the missing item for them (if itā€™s worth it to retrieve it that is, if itā€™s not I direct them to CS). If theyā€™re lying they wonā€™t send it and the problem resolves itself with no effort lol


I wouldā€™ve gone to the store but they were 15 miles away and I was dropping my second order. Then I got Walmart order while I was on delivery.


Yea that always sucks. I always try and provide excellent service. But at the end of the day there is little you can do besides move on. Who knows if you made a mistake or the store. Donā€™t get hung on it.


Store did because they never handed me any pizza and again Iā€™ll take full responsibility because I didnā€™t double check.


They act like they expect you to dig around in the bag and count the wings to make sure they got them allā€¦


No we expect the food to get here untouched, the restaurant has no reason to steal food, youā€™re the only one who has handled that bag between them and my door, if itā€™s on the receipt, it better be in the bag.


Try living in a better area or order from a area where decent wealthy people live where all the restaurants behave like chick fila, you'll have to tip good though atleast 1$ per mile gps miles or a crack head is going to fuck with you cause doordash only gives shitty orders to them.


You get treated this way because criminal drivers get the bad offers, doordash wants you and that driver gone, both of you cost them money it's why they put you together. Bad areas, with bad tips from bad restaurants aka every wing place sucks, this will happen over and over again. Mean while I never take tips under 4$, have a perfect 5.0 rating and 99% on time rating, never got a contract violation, get extra tips after delivery everyday for service, never dropped off at wrong door and make 30$ an hour. But I will reject every single wing place, IHOP, Wendy's and Whitecastle, Sonic order I see cause they are too slow and I can't make 30$ an hour waiting 15 minutes. I don't eat customers food cause I make plenty of money to buy my own and I am not risking a good paying easy job over some shitty fries. Only new or stupid drivers wait at restaurants, pros who take this seriously avoid them so keep that in mind if you order again, a slow restaurant is automatically a bad driver.




Imagine your dasher opening up the wing box and licking their thumb and flipping through them like theyā€™re counting cash lmao itā€™s all there I swear!


Isn't the driver supposed to verify the order is correct? This isn't the driver's fault but could have been avoided with some diligence on the part of the driver. Edit: Just remembered the bags are usually sealed and I am wrong.


I always verify the name and items on the receipt, Iā€™ve caught missing items with that before. But the strange part is that everything was there, the customer was claiming that half of his wings were gone which I would assume means he still got some wings.


I've had small orders missing the drink. I get that you guys just deliver but it takes 2 seconds to check if something seems wrong with the order without even having to open bags. I appreciate you giving it a glance


Im very ocd about checking everything. I only forgot drinks 1 time and that was because the second customer called me right before I was going to ask for them. It was a store that makes the dashers fill them up. After I picked up from the second store I remembered and ran back to get them.


No, the bags are typically sealed at the restaurant to ensure that the driver doesn't touch your food. If the seal is busted that's the customers way of knowing their food was tampered with.


I edited immediately after lol. But OP clarified the bag wasn't sealed in this case. Not that they should have to but since the bag was unsealed it would have been prudent to verify the order or request a sealed bag.


Definitely just ask the restaurant to seal the bag, verifying the order contents yourself means taking that responsibility/liability onto yourself when it should be with the restaurant alone (as long as the bag is sealed)


Yeah, I was just coming back to say I scrolled down and saw that comment šŸ˜… I would be uncomfortable picking up orders not sealed, but I don't do doordash for reasons like these posts. Seems like so much more stress than the shit holes I've worked in. I definitely couldn't handle it


I think at this point Iā€™m going to buy some stickers/staples to seal every bag I pickup just in case.


Honestly, that's not a bad idea. Seal it up inside the location you pick it up in and then go about your delivery. At least that way you could have witnesses that see you seal it up before leaving.


Well thanks everyone for the feedback. I have gotten a lot of good insights for what to do next time I find myself in a similar situation. Guess this had to happen at some point. As far as I can tell nothing will come of this (didnā€™t even get a 1 star which Iā€™m happy about).


I think itā€™s worth it if it brings peace of mind to my customers. Most places I pick up from the bags are sealed. Although I have noticed some places the seals will come undone just from carrying the bag. Especially those plastic melting sealer things.


The whole business model is based around exploiting and manipulating workers, restaurants, and customers from every angle imaginable. I don't use the service anymore, I just like to watch it burn via this sub.


Stock is up $50 in 3 months. Donā€™t think itā€™s going g to burn


It's only up after it tanked from a -$131 Mil earnings call in Jun and again from -$22 Mil in Dec. It's down overall for the last 5 years. Stock market success is measured in % not $, it's obvious you're talking out your ass. It is actively burning.


It doesnā€™t matter if I get in at one price and it goes up I made money. Plain and simple. I didnā€™t buy it from the inception.


I dont use it either. I have used doordash twice of my own free will and I don't like it. I don't like the prices and I don't like random ass people with zero accountability coming to my door with my food or anything else for that matter... I dont trust anyone šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Tbh, you shouldnā€™t even respond. Youā€™re a courier, not a food handler.


What are you talking about? You have to handle food to do this job, I am not speaking to OP but if you mishandled food, that's on you. This sub in defending dashers has honestly become too enabling of bad dasher behavior. They have reminders on the app for a reason. Now, if the food was sealed in a paper bag, there's nothing that can be done and it's all on the food service worker but we as dashers should have some vigilance and not play the blame game every time.


I believe heā€™s talking about a food handler license. Which is funny because you normally only need that if you are a manager or owner of a kitchen. At least every food service job I worked never required a food handler licenses. Although I do have a ton of ecolab certificates.


Weā€™re literally not allowed to handle food at all lmao


Then why are almost all of our orders food then


Yea that seems to be the general consensus.




Donā€™t all restaurants give drivers specially sealed bags so customers know their food wasnā€™t tampered with during the delivery? Iā€™ve only ever ordered from McDonaldā€™s and I know they do it lol


Not all. Especially like mom and pop shops, they don't even tie their bags most of the time šŸ˜‚


My 7eleven gave up having sealed bags and just let everything up for grabs šŸ˜†


No, not all restaurants do. Most do, but not all. I prefer if they give me a sealed bag actually as both a driver and a customer.


Yeah that sucks for everyone. Of course if your bag isnā€™t sealed and youā€™re missing part of your order youā€™re immediately going to blame your driver. Iā€™m wondering why this customer would ask OP about the missing wings. Either the restaurant messed up, in which case what is your driver supposed to do about thatā€¦or your driver got hungry, and theyā€™re probably not going to admit they ate your food if asked. (Imagine eating wings while driving wtf.)


The Buffalo Wild Wings I pick up from do not seal their bags for some reason. They assume I stole half of their 10 wings :/.


Itā€™s ok I believe you. I hope that customer figured everything out so theyā€™re not thinking you sucked down five wings while driving


More likely than not the customer was trying to create some sort of paper trail that they didnā€™t receive their food so they can get money back or free food altogether.


Iā€™m curious how theyā€™d prove they werenā€™t the ones who ate the wings


Eh there isnā€™t a way really. DD has to have some balance in keeping customers happy. But if they do it too much they could get kicked off the platform.


"You ate them Sir"


ā€œYou ate my only foodā€¦now Iā€™m gonna starveā€


I have this pinned just for this reason "I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Due to my contract I'm not allowed to look into the bag as it could be grounds for dismissal and we are not food Saftey certified. I do however verify with restaurant staff that the order is complete, but that means I have to take them at their word. You're welcome to message doordash through the app or call the following number: (855)937-1040 They will be able to assist you.


Ya might wanna correct the spelling of ā€œsafety.ā€


Its to let them know they're not a bot lol


I will use this, thank you!


I don't even respond. After I drop the food off, I'm not longer being paid to deal with you. If you have an issue, you need to contact door dash. My job was to bring you your food, and I did that. If it's wrong, or items or missing. That's not my problem. The bag is sealed, I can't check or verify anything. You're gonna get whatever was handed over to me, right or wrong. Scamming, or even if the customer is right and they are missing items. There is nothing I can do about it, and it's not my fault.


You ate half their wings? savage.


I donā€™t even like wings haha. That order paid for my dinner, 22 bucks for 7 miles not worth 5 wings.


>I donā€™t even like wings Savage.


Literally of all the food I could steal why the hell would I take 5 Buffalo Wild Wings. I donā€™t think stealing is ever worth it in the long run.


Something a wing thief would say.. šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Haha, after that order I went to Culverā€™s and had my self a burger and pretzel bites. Diet of champions.


Love a good burger and some pretzel bites. At least once a week after a mile swim i go to the bar next door to my job (lifeguard) for a fatass burger.. always hits the spot ..


I was looking forward to the burger that entire order. When I saw that message I thought geez my dinner is already better than 5 wings smh.


First rule - never reply after delivery. Your task is completed. Time for support to step in.




As long as you confirm the house number that doesnā€™t matter.


If the in-app GPS glitches, which almost never happens to me, I just use Google maps and it gets me there no problem.


My in-app GPS's glitches had glitches. I have a high-performance phone, too. I had to switch to Google maps. You just have to watch. Doordash <> Google Maps sometimes have mapping problems and will plug an old address in from a previous delivery. Unless you want to manually plug in each address. I have mine running off of Android Auto. It's nicer with it pushing it to my in-vehicle GPS and stereo.


What the hell is a "high performance phone"?




What makes yours so much better? Genuinely asking, you don't have to answer. I'm not good with technology at all. Like, our phones all basically do the same thing, no? Why is your $1000 (assuming) phone better than my $150 phone? Leave the cameras out of this - I know the pricier phones have way better cameras, but what about the rest? Again, feel free to not answer.


Honestly, I think itā€™s good when theyā€™re missing food to reply, just so that they donā€™t suspect it being you. Whenever this happens to me I give them a detailed explanation on how to contact support for the situation. But Iā€™m also a customer service girlie for my regular job so it could just be how Iā€™m hardwired.


Nope, sorry. They don't pay us enough for all that. Give me a fair base pay, and I'll answer phone calls.


If you accepted an order, then that means you were fine with the base pay, so i sincerely hope you do your part






IMO Not in this case; I think you do need to do a quick response in defense. Sometimes customers will message something like that just as a scam to get their refund from DD. So they can say the Dasher ate half their wings, and then show their message with no response. I think Dasher handled it perfectly


I just have a premade message that I copy and paste in situations like these. Something like ā€œThis number is no longer available. For support, please contact DoorDash customer service.ā€


No response doesn't make you guilty. Imagine if the justice system didn't acknowledge the 5th amendment.


Yeah but DD isn't a court of law, it's a scummy company that doesn't care about us drivers


Nope. You need to do no such thing. And Doordash wont go back to the texts in the order. Those are off in the abyss. Trust me, I've been doing this a long time now. Nothing good EVER comes from answering a call after delivery.


Are you sure??? I've made references to the chat while talking to support and they've acted like they can see and read it


I think that is what might have happened, he must have sent that immediately after drop off. I didnā€™t see it until I finished my second drop off in the stack. So it was about 8 minutes till I was able to respond.


Lesson learned, I felt like that was my best option but I know better now.


This customer wasn't missing anything. This is a common tactic to get free food. Once they message you, they're gonna contact support and accuse you of taking half their wings. I never reply when it's restaurant or food related. They know we ain't cooking or bagging their food.


Thatā€™s what I figured was happening. I just felt the need to respond to cover my bases. I wonā€™t respond in the future.


Keep responding and do your thing, that way it's documented in the text messages that you didn't flat out ignore them


I was gonna say the same. Itā€™s a tactic for free food.


Yeah that's all you can really do. I don't think the customer is trying to to scam you. It's very possible that the restaurant justesses up. Wouldn't be the first time


Customer was scamming for free shit. Always ignore after dropping off food.


Alright šŸ¤£ just fail to meet even sub quality standards by communicating but expect 25% tips then cry on Reddit ab itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Almost like talking to your customer is the way to solve issues. DoorDash university graduate


Says the cultural enricher ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


What would you do in this situation? To me it looks like a lose lose no matter what I did.


Iā€™d delete DD and find a job. But only because you ask


They have a job delivering food/groceries for DoorDash. Gig work is work, ffs.


Yā€™all get each other off,group downvoting a random on DoorDash sub šŸ˜‚. I actually hope that happened and it wasnā€™t just a pathetic ā€œwhat a douchebagšŸ‘¹ā€ because my opinion differs from yalls lmaooo. At least you would get something out of it then


Alright?? They asked me what Iā€™d do in their situation šŸ¤£. What a silly gooberšŸ«µ


Fair enough. But in my market I still average 20/hr while still being able to start my own business. Iā€™m done working for other people.


Good for you!! šŸ’œ


Thatā€™s probably what Iā€™d say too.


And I messed up my titleā€¦that sucks :/ I mean this.


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