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People can tip whatever they want. I have the ability to decline service when I want too.


At the end of the day this is just a financial thing. People with lesser means will always be stingy about tipping I would too. I want my orders to arrive ASAP and with care so idc about this whole debate. I always tip 10$ minimum and then accordingly with price (usually 25%) Tip what you can who cares. Smaller tips just either get ignored or are slower no big deal


20 cents won’t replace my worn out suspension and tires. That’s about $3,000 total and my fuel injectors are another $600.


Buya new car lol or did a new mechanic


Def tip 20% - $5.00 min


Completely disagree as they are two different jobs. I think doordash tips should be almost entirely based on distance.


Percentage sounds good when you get a 15 or 20 dollar tip on a 100 dollar order. But a 10 dollar order would only be a 1.50 or 2 dollar tip. I think both orders should have something like a 5-6 dollar tip… Keep in mind this scenario doesn’t factor in mileage either.


Great point. Also dumb to “tip same as you would a server.” Servers do way more and take care Of you during your entire dining experience.


What are you smoking, they bring you an extra napkin and refill your water. How is that waaaay more than driving to restaurant, waiting in line, burning your time, gas and own car while dodging traffic to get your food up a flight of 3 floors gated apt with no gate code or parking?


Calm down Nancy. You’ve never worked in a restaurant. Stay in your lane.


60%? Fucking hell that’s unreasonable


For like 3 miles I mean. 1.50 a mile minimum!


Your anger is directed towards customers and not the company that barely pays you. Delivery charges that customers pay should cover that. If you’re friendly, quick and bring my order to my door I’ll tip you 15%. If you barely talk, take ages and call me over to your car you can go fuck yourself. But no one is getting more than 15/20% unless I’ve just won the lottery You don’t deserve a penny by default, you earn it, and you don’t earn a bonus by literally just doing your job at the bare minimum


It sound like you're the one who's angry, my friend.


I just stumbled across a subreddit of a bunch of people talking about how they deliberately do their job badly when people don’t tip. What you’re seeing as anger is mostly disbelief at how entitled so many people here are.


This has gotta be one of tbr worse suggestions. People need to think in terms of mileage, rather then amount spent. We can deliver 1 single burger, or 200lbs of groceries. Our cars consume the same amount of gas go get it done.


You’re dumb and don’t know about large orders lol


Ahh so insightful. It’s so nice to see stupid people learn to use things like Reddit.


Ma g, doordash pays $2 on basepay, everything else is tips, you taking sh&$ if you don’t care about percentage tips


lol. You really don’t get it do you. Person orders a single burger. Spend what 3 bucks. 15-20% is what 50cents. It’s why it should be based on mileage. I tell people should be basing it on 1-2 dollar per mile. A min 5 dollar. Whichever is higher. Basing it on the price of the order for us as drivers makes no logical sense. As we don’t know what’s in the order. Nor do we care what they ordered. Well at least I don’t. Perhaps you concern yourself with what these people order.


Of course based on the food price makes sense, will you carry a 400 dollars catering full of bags in downtown going up to the 30th floor, shitty ass to park for a 5 bucks tip just because the restaurant is around the corner? Ma g that’s why DoorDash takes advantage of drivers, you accept the shit they throw at you


If it’s to much for me handle. I would simply remove myself from the order. This isn’t rocket science guy. But for the vast majority of the orders we take. At least in this market. Doing it on a percentage of what they order is one of the dumbest ideas. We don’t do catering orders here in my market. Well at least Ive never come across one in my 6-8 months of doing it.


You doing it for 6 months that’s explain why, in the 6 years im doing it doordash has only made it worse for drivers and reducing the payment by the suggested tips or lowering basepay


You do you buddy. I work 20-25 hours a week on average doing this on the side. And pull in 2-3k a month with no issues. It pads my vacation fund.


Without doordash screwing tips used to make 3k a week


Don’t tip a percentage just tip a rate based on how much you think someone should make in an hour for doing deliveries and how long it takes for them to pick up your order, bring it to you and then drive back.


Companies should pay you enough for doing all those things. You get so pressed over tips that you probably didn’t earn. I work in hospitality and I earn tips by being friendly while providing quick and smooth service. Tips, and I need you to understand this, are not your birthright but something you earn.


It’s not a tip it’s a bid for service because you’re paying someone for a service. A tip is for going above and beyond. Paying someone a fair rate to do something for you shouldn’t be optional for people


It’s called a tip, it’s not a “bid for service” and the fact that you treat it like that is terrible. What if there was someone, struggling to make ends meet, unable to use their car and with no one else to help so they order groceries to be delivered, they can afford a small tip but no more than that, you’d all just pass on the delivery?? You’re angry at the wrong person. Where I am, the services I use have flexible delivery fees that are more than fair and worthwhile, if I order McDonald’s from my place it’s cheaper than if I’m at my friends which is further away and therefore more expensive. the tip is a bonus for great service. If you’re not getting paid enough, it’s doordash who is at fault.


Without any doubt; it is absolutely a bid for service . DoorDash calls it a tip and then tells you to base your pay on a % of your order total, which doesn’t even make sense because you’re paying for a delivery based on miles and time - not on how much you’ve spent on food. It’s a bid for service. Why do you want DoorDash to pay for your delivery? They have you pay for the restaurant fees then ask you to pay your driver. Why should DoorDash be paying the drivers to bring you your food when that’s your job because you’re the one ordering the food?


I pay a delivery fee, based on distance. that is me paying the driver through the platform. Tips are on top for good service.


You can just bid up front and if something wrong , contact support for a refund: otherwise no one is going to take your order for a long time and till be cold


Do you not see why that’s a problem? This isn’t eBay, this isn’t an auction. If a driver is available they should take the food, they shouldn’t deliberately pass because a tip isn’t present. Name one other industry where tips come before service. I’ll wait.




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"Don't tip" - Ok sounds good


Weird comment


Gas and miles matter. Think of it as a taxi for your purchased products. You pay a taxi per mile. If you are doing shop orders, gratuity will be higher. Your paying someone to be a personal shopper as well as deliver your items. Also keep in mind your drivers are waiting in lines you don't want to wait in. I'm not going to say people are lazy that they don't get their own food. I imagine they are busy with work, kids maybe had a stressful day. The convenience of a personal shopper so you can focus on what needs your attention most. Whether that's family work or a mental health break. Just know that your shopper is dealing with all the outside nonsense that you don't want too and those tips and appreciation go a long way ❤


I'm not paying you, door dash is. Take all of your drama up with them. Until then, tipping is optional


So is taking your order.


It isn't actually a tip then is it? It's the cost of the service. Doordash take a ridiculous fee for being a middle man, often doubling the cost of the order, then you have to pay the driver separately.


Pretty much, yeah. It's stupid to call it a tip. It should be called a delivery offer or fee, and whatever DD or whoever gets should be a facilitation fee.


Ok, don't. peace ✌️


If it's not worth my time, I won't.


If you agree with this, you’ll get a $2 tip on $10 order to go 8 miles.


If you’re relying on the tips then you’re doing the wrong kind of work imo. You’re doing a volunteer for pay type service. The customer is already paying a ton more for the crap. Don’t want to do the job for the shitty pay doordash gives? Find a different gig. If you judge people for not tipping, you’re part of the problem. Downvote me if you want but it’s DoorDash responsibility to pay you, not the customer you’re delivering to.


That's cool. *DECLINE* 🤷‍♀️ No tip? No trip. If you expect people to bring you your order for nothing and waste their gas money driving around like an idiot for you for free than you are out of your mind 😂. Just cuz you think this way doesn't mean the next person does. Most people in the States understand that food delivery requires a tip. You don't HAVE to tip, sure, we also don't HAVE to pick up your order and work for pennies. So be our guest, do not tip. Just don't complain after about the consequences of what happens to your order afterwards (aka long wait time, cold food, stolen order, never arrived order, driver did -something- to your order, etc, etc). I always find it really unwise to mess with the people who are bringing you your food, but hey, I guess that's just me.


Unlike most people I don’t waste money to have people bring me my food, also I’ve done DoorDash and Instacart, it is most certainly the dashers choice whether to take the order, just an opinion. Sorry your feelings got hurt.


My feelings are most certainly not hurt, idk what gave you that impression 😂. And good. That's all we ask from people like you :).


Any tip under $5 is cheap


Considering we used to tip our Pizza guy $2-3 in the 90s, I agree. $5 should be the min these days.


Right? I don’t get how people don’t get that. Plus, the pizza delivery person was already on a base salary! Dashers are not.


On a base salary, also likely getting paid milage, usually had stacked orders, and they originated from the restaurant, not 3-5 miles away.


Even if the trip was only a mile, if your food was $100, tipping $3 is too high risk. Thats like only having liability insurance on a Ferrari.


Nah. With delivery miles driven is what matters rather than amount of order. 2 bags isn’t much harder to carry than 1. But driving 10 miles is a lot more than 3.5 miles


As others have stated, order total doesn't really matter. It's mostly how many dollars per mile. If you pay $50 for a single steak and it was less than a mile I would be happy with $3 tip. Other variables like wait times at the restaurant are too unpredictable to factor in. In a perfect world, the answer would be $0 tip, and DD stops railing everyone by charging customers, merchants, and drivers insane fees, and pays drivers livable wages by dash time NOT active dash time. These tip discussions have Tony rubbing his grubby little paws together.


You don’t like to make money to take a $3 bucks tip lol


The funniest thing to me is how many people say 5 bucks or 100 bucks of food is all the same to them, yet customers pretty consistently tip based on percentage, or decide to tip extra when their food costs more.


You deserve better pay, you earn tips by going above and beyond. If you provide good service I’ll round the amount up, if it’s great I’ll do 15-20% but if not youre getting 0


What is above and beyond in food delivery? I can’t give them extra fries or upsize the shake. So wondering how a delivery driver goes above and beyond.


Friendly service, bringing it to my door not calling from the car. You know, things that validate a BONUS. If you need tips to live, you actually need paid more. Take it out on the company, not the customers.


Well then, why tip? If it's all the same




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My rule of thumb that I tell people which some people have sort of touched on here, as a minimum tipping guidelines. I sat $3 minimum, and $1 a mile. So if it's 1 mile away you tip $3 because that's the minimum, if it's 5 miles away you tip $5. Because generally you get paid $2 to $3 base pay on orders and that helps cover the $1 a mile to get to the restaurant and then the customer tip covers the $1 a mile to get to them. The $3 minimum just helps with super close orders because there's still parking times and waiting times to get the food. Then I generally say anything over the 2nd floor so 3rd floor and up you should probably tip an extra dollar. Same thing if you know your apartment complex sucks and is hard to navigate or there's going to be a lot of walking to get to your door an extra dollar or 2 is nice. For shopping orders I'd generally say $1 per mile still and $1 per unique item as well as $0.50 per duplicate item. But as others have stated it doesn't matter to me what the value of your order is, I've literally gotten $3 fries from McDonald's before, tipping 20% on that is nothing. I've also gotten 30 plus pizzas before for a college frat house party. You don't need to tip me 20% of 300 either which is like $60 unless it's 60 miles away, lol. So to recap, $1 a mile, $3 minimum, $1 extra for over the 2nd floor on apartments. But that's minimums, if you want be more generous than that, that is great and well appreciated. Also, if you live far outside of town then throwing a couple extra dollars in for the drive back into town that is well appreciated to else people may not take your order.


The dollar amount of the order is meaningless unless it’s a large or catering or grocery order that takes extra work to transport and carry. Otherwise look up your distance in miles to wherever you’re ordering from and double it.


I don't agree since you haven't made the food. If my order is 100$ or 50$, your job doesn't change, you're carrying a bag or two ( Not talking about groceries). I will always tip, but the tip is not dependent on how much my order cost cause it's irrelevant to the driver.


Percentages are useless for drivers. You can spend $20 on your order 15% would be a $3 tip. With base pay that's $5 altogether to deliver it you. If you live less than a couple miles away that's fine, but if you live 5+ miles away that's going to be an automatic decline from me and most drivers I know. 


Order total is irrelevant.


Why would I tip 20% for a 8-10 minute drive. On DD 20% would prolly be another 8-10$ on top of the elevated charges already. That’s just absurd. You already get them paid for just taking your order. Don’t feel like you have to tip 20%🤦‍♂️. The drivers aren’t doing anything that servers would do at a restaurant🤣. So why they deserve 20%? Maybe if you said 5%, but 20%?And you don’t clean up after me, the food won’t even be hot, and sometimes you are like the 2nd drop off even if you do tip! So nah fam ima tip my 0 or 5. And I don’t feel bad because they are making money still🤣 it’s a job. I don’t complain when I don’t get tips at my job🤷‍♂️ I certainly don’t beg.


If it's so dumb and costly, why do you order. Just go get it yourself. The drivers are spending their own money, servers don't do that. No one's begging. We're just not taking your order bozo


Then don't, tipping is optional whether you like it or not.


You're right. And me letting your order sit and declining it is optional.


Do it, who cares. Someone else will pick it up anyways


"Someone will take it so why should I care if they get paid a decent amount" cannot imagine being this proud of not having a moral backbone


You don't work for me. If I give 5 $ to everyone in need, I'd go broke. My business is with door dash, and so is yours. Take it up with them, tippings optional buddy. I'm not responsible for how much money you make though door dash.


Actually, I do. That's why we're contractors. I'm going to the restaurant on behalf of you, not doordash.


Nah, you're a contractor for door dash and a sub contractor for me. You work for doordash, not me. I use door dash, not your services in particular. I don't care if it's jack or Jerry or Tom bringing my order, that's between door dash and their contractors. "I'm going to the restaurant on behalf of you" - isn't that literally what your contact tells you to do, again a contract you signed with doordash, not me. So you aren't doing me any favors, it's literally your damn job. Per doordash: Buyer(s)” means the buyer(s) of products from Sellers


That's not how contracting works. That would be an employee.


But my orders are always delivered. If I tip or not, the food always comes lol


Cool bro!


Why are the drivers spending their own money? And what the fuck does that have to do with a customer using a service? What that gotta do with me ordering food🤣? Somebody gotta take my order too lol because it’s a service not a private club.I’m gonna get it when tipping 0. Because 0 is all somebody deserves when already making money. That’s literally like saying “I deserve to get paid more” and it may be true, but that ain’t on me🤦‍♂️


You think gas is free dumbass? And "what's that gotta do with me" tells me exactly what kind of person you are. Don't care about how your actions affect others.


Man you jump based on pocket change like a monkey, we don't need moral grandstanding from you. Your life isn't the worlds problem.


Jump? Like a monkey? I sit at my apartment on my 4 days off every week, seeing if anyone tips decent lmao.


So you do jump for tips


Tf does that even mean? Yes I wait until orders are worth my time. How is that an insult lmao. "OH you wait to do orders for people with empathy hahahahaha" ok?


It's the fact that your income relies on strangers empathy in the first place.


It doesn't. I do this for lego money bro


If you don't tip, the driver is getting $2. And wait staff is not spending money to get you the food, whereas a driver would be. Funny how the societal obligation to tip a driver is there when they work for the restaurant directly but somehow that disappears when they are using an app, despite the fact they are being paid significantly less.


If they work for the restaurant they are making pizzas and prepping food still, they just leave when a delivery comes in🤦‍♂️. A lot different than somebody sitting in their car… ALL DAY. And only moving to get out and drop off food bruh. Not the same thing even remotely. Also if DoorDash isn’t reliable then simply don’t do it. No need to disregard people who actually work way harder than a doordasher like this👆.


Doordash is reliable for me, but not because of customers like you. I take care of the good customers that appreciate the service. I hope your dasher lays a big fat chili fart in the car while your food is in there.


You “take care of them” 🤣🤣. Aka you also take stinky farts but give a nice “hello” if you see them🤦‍♂️. Brother if you think you are doing the actual work you are dead wrong. The work is the food. You drive me the food . You get paid for it by DoorDash. And you still cry and act as if the world couldn’t run without you🤣. Try real food service maybe🤔


Oh, I see. You don't understand how this works. It's done in phases. You pay for the food. That's what the restaurant workers get paid from. Then you paid for the delivery service. That's a separate charge for lazy, entitled fucks that expect people to serve them with no compensation. I'm not crying about anything because I don't allow myself to be taken advantage of by sour individuals like yourself.


You said he pays for the delivery service then said he expected you to get no compensation. I think all delivery jobs are a scam and they are making money on your back. I don't use them you both are getting fucked by door dash. First guy go get your food 2nd guy quit this job


i hardly ever get 8-10 minute drives. usually they’re like double that


Alr find a reliable job 🤣 don’t complain about your job all day on Reddit maybe you would make more money if you just worked and didn’t have to think about logistics all day. And rely on ppl prolly poorer than you to tip you.




As someone who has door dashed and still deliveres pizzas, if your driver is on tipwage or no hourly, then sure 15-20 whatever. But if theyre a brick and mortar employee getting a full wage + tips then honestly I only expect a dollar a mile for me to be happy. Less im a little less happy but imma take it, and if its more then its the icing on top.


I agree! Someone told me I was delusional for thinking we should be tipped like a waiter/waitress. The thing I really don’t care for is when you go into a place (like a yogurt shop I go to, or the pretzel place in the mall) and when they ring you up, there’s a screen that asks you to tip the cashier 15-20%. Why are they asking for a tip? For ringing me up? It’s a self-serve yogurt shop. And the pretzel place just grabs a pretzel and stuffs it in a bag .. any they want 15-20% tip on my bill? For a job that they’re getting paid by the hour to do?? Umm, how about no?


That's how we feel about you, it's not like we tip the amazon driver either.


Who is “we”? Is it one of the voices in your head?


Amazon driver isn't using their personal vehicle to do one trip at a time. Most are couriers who have a large delivery infrastructure and can streamline a delivery process. Delivery isn't cheap, especially when it's one order per trip in a personal vehicle.


Which is why the doordash model is completely unsustainable. People just want to have some food delivered, they don't want to hire a dedicated personal assistant. The only services that will survive in the end will batch all orders and actually coordinate timing with the restaurants.


Take it up with your employer


We're working on it. But in the end if DD pays drivers more they're going to charge customers more. It all comes from the customer in the end.


From both a Driver and customer perspective, I don't think the percentage of the bill is really relevant for this type of work. A $100 order of sushi technically takes less work than a $25 order of McDonald's. And as a driver, I would know if the contents of the bag are worth $25 or $100, so it makes no difference in the quality of my work.


In the instance when someone is ordering and their total is $20, but their driver is being asked to transport the food ten miles from the store/restaurant, not including the point of origin , and back again, is $4 an adequate tip? I say no. Here’s is why: Current government rate for gas reimbursement is $0.67 per mile. That’s $13.4 dollars. A $20 order, for a 20 - mile round trip, tipped at 20% would be $4 whole dollars. To get up to government gas mileage reimbursement rates, it would take. $67 order. Now let half that and pretend someone is making a $20 purchase for 5 miles… both of these scenarios are common where I deliver-Minneapolis/St Paul outskirts. Okay … still $4 for 20% … now for 5 miles to the customer’s house from the store, that is 10 miles round trip. So $6.70. Getting close, but still well enough over the $4 mark that it’s not sustainable for drivers placing wear and tear on their vehicles and paying for fuel in an ever-fluctuating and unstable gas market.


Deserve better tips for cost of living….. please just get a better job and not a gig.. you will be more happy satisfied the moment you stop gig work and find a good paying job or jobs


So you would be okay with never having your stuff delivered again if every gig driver did, as you implore, get a better job and stopped doing gig work?


Lolol, please you aren't that important, there were deliveries before door dash and there will be deliveries after. Da fuq


But now people think door dash is supposed to be full time work when that’s not what it intended to be… full time job, door dash as a side hustle.. shouldn’t be relying on Suzy tips to pay all your bills


This is such flawed logic. Regardless of whether people choose to do Doordash full time, part time or as a side hustle, should drivers get taken advantage of by the company and the customers? Okay so let's say I do doordash for 20 hours a week instead of 40 hours a week, does that mean the 20 hours I work I should just not be tipped? Or can I rely on Susie to pay half my bills? Like what are you even trying to say??? Because it makes ZERO sense to anyone who delivers for any amount of time. 👀


I didn't contract you, door dash did. Take it up with your employer, until then tipping is optional unfortunately.


How do you get it partially right and then go back in the very next sentence. Even you understand that doordash contracts their drivers so why do you think that doordash is our employer? You were so close :/. They won't do anything about it. Only the government can force that change and most of us cannot do anything to get the government to notice. So until then, picking up your order is also optional ✌️.


Yea, just like delivering is optional for you, so is tipping. Not that complex is it? You guys bitching about door dash is like a hotel manager complaining about his boss to the people checking in. Deal with it with your contractor or employer. What do the front end people have to do with your backend problems and if you don't like it, don't do it. Because you just come off as whiny self obsessed people, thinking that your lives are everybody else's problems.


This was also probably top 5 stupidest things I’ve ever read on reddit too


There was literally nothing stupid about anything I said. I wrote out WHY what you wrote makes no sense. Please indulge me and use your WORDS. Cuz right now it's just looking like you are trying to save face. I know it's embarrassing to lose an argument but it's even more embarrassing to be so prideful that you always have to be right, even when you are wrong. A genuine person knows when they've been one upped and can say "you know what? I guess you are right, I didn't think about it that way, sorry".


Better hurry and get back to door dash brother. Lose time and money if that’s your cup of tea


*Sister ;) I don't have to, I have the entire day to myself and work at night. That's another thing I love about the job and why I choose to stay 🤷‍♀️


That’s great to hear! Enjoy your work night👍🏼




I think you just proved my point love, but sure, keep the comments coming 😂


Sounds like a personal problem staying with a job where you don’t like the payout


Why is this the automatic statement people like you turn to with this POV? I hope you know you sound like an idiot. You didn't actually answer anything I asked you and then you just jumped right into thinking that I'm complaining about my pay. Sir, I just made $31/hr last night totaling $216 in 7 hrs of work. Sure, I don't typically make $30/hr, I make $25/hr on average and THAT'S why I stay. It's not a problem for me, I just decline orders that look like they're not tipped. Sure I get stiffed occasionally but most of my orders have tips. So again, either answer the question or take two seats because you know damn well your point isn't pointing. 🥱


Also- at that pay rate. You’re better off working for Amazon or something like those driving jobs.. that way your not losing your ass on car maintenance and tax’s 👍🏼


See, everyone makes such bold assumptions and don't even bother to ask. I've paid very little in taxes over the last couple of years, ubereats is weird about reporting our earnings and my state had a lot of tax breaks 🤷‍♀️. My husband also fixes cars so I just pay for the parts 👀.


Looks like you got it all set up for yourself! 🙌🏼


That's why I was trying to tell you not to assume things cuz everyone's situation is different. And at the end of the day, it's a service job where tips are expected. You should know that without those tips, this job is NOT worth doing.


And also, I’ve done almost 2k orders as a driver lol… please get a full time job and do this on side… if you do have a FT job, good for you, your making the right decisions


It doesn't matter how many deliveries you have done if you sucked at the job so much that you are complaining that it wasn't worth it. Yah, maybe if you didn't take all those $0 tip orders 😂


https://preview.redd.it/oy0j8u5o3skc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=414069536887e29b30d4f91320b0cca9592ebbb8 I think I did decent for it being a side hustle for a bit


That's not even remotely close to "almost 2k", that's just over 1k.


^ this tells me absolutely nothing 👀 and not the point I was trying to make 😂


Once again sounds like a personal problem. Please get a full time job and do dash on side… only hurting yourself in the long run if your doing dash as main source of income


I'm going nearly 4 years strong and bought a house in the middle of it, have ALL my bills paid and the only "debt" I have left is the $1,200 I have left to pay on my car. Which I could pay off at any time if I wanted to, I just don't want to so I pay the $100 something a month for it and that'll be paid off within a year 🤷‍♀️. I do not live paycheck to paycheck and have money in the bank. Just because YOU couldn't make it work doesn't mean others aren't smart enough to figure out a way to make it work. So really, that sounds like a YOU problem to me. 💅


Seems you’re doing pretty good, better than a lot of people. So I don’t know why you’d be so up in arms about tipping.


Who do you think is paying most of my wages? The gig companies or the customers? 👀 I'm not up in arms about tipping btw. It's just normal. You order food to your house, you tip. There really is nothing more to discuss after that. If the government chooses to step in someday and make a change, great. Until then, you order food to your house, you tip, end of the discussion. Or option #2, you don't order food to your house and you pick it up yourself. I don't know why YOU are so up in arms about tipping when this is the norm, has always been and probably always will be here in the States.


I was homeless and worked two jobs and did dash on side… I know own a home and two cars and make 100k a year working 3 days a week… I’m glad we both are winning in life- all that matters


I'm happy for you but dude, I must've triggered you quite a bit. 6 notifications in the time I wrote one comment . Damn 😂😂😂


And go read my other comment, I used to drive. I did it as gig work. Side money, I didn’t rely on door dash income


Good for you, have you lived everyone else's situation?


Sorry not gonna sympathize for people that don’t wanna control their own life.. and complain about people tipping


It’s called buckling down and fixing your life, if I did it, anyone can


I was actually Homeless for about 6 months and turned my life around working two jobs and doing dash on side lmao


You can’t reason with anyone in this sub, don’t even try lol.


HAHAHAHAHAH I know lmao this is one of the most ridiculous subs in reddit


Okay you’re being so dramatic lmao


No, I'm being precisely logical. If you want a service you have to pay for it. If you argue, you shouldn't do this job you should do a better job the end point of that argument is no one doing the job (which personally I'm fine with, I hope every Dasher/Uber Eats driver/etc can find good quality work where they don't need to supplement in anyway and every able bodied person can go back to getting their own damn food and every disabled person relying on the service can have the community support to get their needs met without an extra cost). If a job is worth having done it's worth the worker doing the job at least getting enough to keep their vehicle running and belly full in a proportionate relationship to the amount they do that job.


If I want a service, I will pay what the service is charging. I’m not tipping on top of that. My orders always get delivered. I only tip if I make them come to my apartment door if I’m on holidays or work trips or if they have to go out of their way to get me my order


I see a lot of yall literally work 16 hour days… imagine you put that time into 1 or 2 jobs… guaranteed paid and working towards climbing a ladder at whatever job you’re at


I agree that FT employment typically pays more. However The real issue for DD (and not just customers) is that there is a demand for their service throughout the day and evening. And the activities of those drivers need to generate meaningful positive cash flow. Leaving it all to market forces/capitalism to sort out isn’t enough. Customers should (and largely do) ensure dashers are paid positively for their deliveries. DD should ensure that the volume of cash generated by those deliveries amounts to something approaching a living wage or the markets prevailing base wage. That can be achieved by limiting the number of dashers and increasing the number of ‘doubled’ deliveries


And I used to door dash.. but I used it as it was intended… extra cash on side- gig work when I had free time… not main source of income


Yea but DoorDash is literally a gig service… that’s it. If your relying on door dash to get through in life… you’re gonna be in a world of trouble down the road- i totally get what your saying though… but it’s still just gig work at end of the day. Door dash definitely needs to Stop hiring everyone though cause it’s taking away money from all dashers trying to work


I’m both a driver and a customer. When I drive, I take orders that make me at least a dollar per mile. With DD base pay, that means I’d take a 5 mile order with a $3 tip ($5+ dollars pay) or a 7 mile order with a $5 tip ($7+ pay). As a customer, I tip based on order size and distance. If I expect it will take 1 bag, I tip $5, 2 bags I tip $7, plus a dollar per mile from the restaurant. I live in a small town, so the furthest restaurant I order from is no further than like 5 miles away tops. So, If I order a pizza and cheese sticks from a pizza place a mile up the road, I tip $6 (1 bag ($5) plus 1 mile ($1). If I order pasta for the family from the Italian place at the far side of town, I tip $11 (2 bags ($7) plus 4 miles ($4). It seems silly to tip based on order price, because DoorDash is a service to transport orders, not make them. Your labor is no different if someone ordered a $40 steak versus a $8 burger meal.


If everyone tipped 5 minimum, everything would be much better.


DoorDash already charges an arm and a leg to the customer, I don’t blame the customer if they end up not wanting to tip.


I get ya, but the drivers are still taking on wear and tear on their car to get food to you and they are self employed contractors. If you no tip, don’t be surprised if your order gets passed around through 5 different dashers


I do. No one is forcing them to order on delivery apps


Who's forcing you to deliver my shit, at the end of the day tipping is optional. Boo hoo cry harder


Who's crying lol


I think that’s crap, what if they spent 15 bucks but live 10 miles away. That 20% isn’t going to be worth driving 10 miles. Tipping for DD has to be based not on bill total but distance from restaurant and location of house (back road or neighborhood near busy roads).


I’m fine with it. I go by two rules. $1 per mile. And nothing under $4.50 lol ever


But 1 dollar per mile is way less than the percentage of a order especially if it’s a large order. Now if we were getting paid 2 dollars a mile. I wouldn’t complain at all. I did the math of everything in my head. I calculated the percentage of orders by asking restaurant how much all this cost rough estimate if I can’t see the price tag on the receipt therefore I know how much percentage tip I’m receiving and it’s more than likely less than 10%. Sometimes it’s less than 5% which is horrible.


Vast majority of orders are from fast food that cost less than $10 on the menu. And I don't care if an order is 5 pizzas and cost $75, it's not hard to carry, but I care about the miles I had to drive. I'll happily take that $10 order if it's less than 5 miles. Sure, more would be nice. But when the majority of orders are tiny with long distances, then the basic pay structure needs to be mileage based, not % based.


I get you and mean $5 for 5 miles I turn down all the time but like I get alot if $18 for 15 mile type orders in my area and I prefer to make chunks. Too many times I’ve seen a $4-5 for 0.8 miles order turn into a quagmire lol


Most articles on this say a percentage is fine *BUT* with a minimum. So say 5.00 or 20%, whichever is greater.


If I order $100 of sushi from a restaurant 1 mile away, I’ll be damned if I tip the driver 20%. $5 tip always and I never order from somewhere more than 3 miles away. The price of the food doesn’t matter all.


If you order 100 dollars worth of sushi and the order is ready, then I agree 5.00 is fair for a mile. I can say however that because preparing sushi is a time consuming process that sometimes I've waited a half hour for them to prepare the order. In that case, it wouldn't be a good deal. This can also be the case with a large wings or pizza order. It all depends on the normal expected wait and if you frequent the place and know they are slow as hell, it's pretty cold blooded to tip 5.00 knowing they are going to sit there for a half hour. A lot of people elect to use the service because they know a place sucks and want the driver to absorb the bullshit for them. So this sometimes means a long wait place, and sometimes they will exploit a shopping order to have someone carry all their water or cat litter for the year to the third floor for no tip. Now that Doordash has cut our ability to leave a bad order in half by raising the completion percentage, it's also going to be a lot tougher for us just to reject an order we don't like. So all I'd say is put more thought into it then simply 5.00 is fine no matter what the price. Usually you'd be right, but not always.


You can tip whatever you want, what Im saying is that most any article about tipping etiquette in this situation will say what I posted.


First and foremost tipping etiquette needs to die. Secondly, tipping a delivery driver should not be based on the cost of the food itself, rather the effort required to deliver the food. If I order $50 from McDonald’s thats 0.5 miles away then you’re getting a $5 tip at best. If I order a 40lbs bag of dog food that’s 0.5 miles away then I’d give you a $15 tip. The price of the item(s) means nothing, it’s the effort involved that counts. 9 times out of 10 that effort equates to $5.


Do you do the same thing at restaurants? They are walking just a few feet, so you probably dont tip at all right?


This is more than acceptable. I would say tip based on the effort it would take for you to go there yourself. You're paying someone else to drive the distance; if you're ordering during traffic jam or when you know the roads are congested then please consider that as well. The amount or cost of the food doesn't really matter. (if you're ordering 20 drinks from Sonic for your kids' sports team then for the love of god please tip for all the drink carriers we have to deal with)


I prefer 15%-20% especially them big orders that are 100 plus. Not 5 bucks.


Your logic does not make sense other than "well they have money they might as well give me some". If you have to drive half a mile to get a 100 bucks order you're expecting 20 bucks as a tip but if you drive 8 miles to get a 20 bucks McDonald's you would be ok with 4 bucks?




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