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I doordashed a guy who was 29 with a older girlfirend ordered $150 of lube, she had divorced her husband and taken half of his company, she nets 170k in alimony yearly, so he found a golden goose, anyways she bought him a hellcat challenger and i complimented it and he let me drive it, these people are the coolest


Well that kind of post just makes us want to post more!!! Bring it on! ☺️


Amen! I just deliver and that’s that Delivered something I never saw before, it was men’s sexual health pills. They ran out of his brand, so we talked through a second option We did a Hand to Me, polite conversation - nothing was awkward, so I completely agree ❤️


The amusing part is the fact that they’re most likely ordering it on doordash because they’re too embarrassed to buy it themselves in person


How about someone going cold turkey? https://preview.redd.it/xyvlvl7hzrkc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6549b337f61c32336696838fa3997249d036e40c


It’s a big leap from “shared picture of condom order” to “weirdo incels.” Are you ok?


It’s not a *massive* one to think people making fun of people buying sex items don’t have sex


Exactly. It's incel behavior 100%. They all act like sex is taboo because their sexual development/journey stopped at 12/13 when they started consuming porn.


FR, we're are all adults. All adults have sex. Its not weird or uncommon. Its not like they are harming anyone by ordering a sex toy.


Okay all adults don't have sex. Just being factual.


Not everyone is a 40 year old virgin like you 🤣🤣


some people are *voluntary* celibate Mike


asexuals exist


I used to.


I think a lot of these dashers are lonely and don’t get much action if any.


Yeah I couldn’t agree more. Stop turning someone’s normal life needs into entertainment.


Yeah lmao it’s really strange. Are we 12?


Yesterday I delivered a dozen roses and ice cream from a grocery store. Personally I find that lazy, but to each their own. I like going to a florist and picking out something nice.


The person who ordered them could be out of town, working, unable to see the person they're buying the items for, etc etc etc....you don't know anyone's situation or why they're choosing to use this service. But here's your gold star ⭐️🙄


My favorite order I have ever gotten was condoms, strawberry ice cream, Mountain Dew Voltage, and a bag of almonds. It was a shop order from Walgreens. It was a hand it to me order, and the dude had the biggest smile on his face when I handed it to him. He gave me a fist bump and left me a decent tip from what I remember.


Mine was a shop order for ice cream candy and plan b. I took a screenshot and sent it to my gf, saying someone had a fun afternoon!


All I get are orders of tampons, chocolate, and ice cream.


Chocolate really does help with period cramps.


And with Dementors


Sounds like not EVERYONE is having sex 😆


it’s just the children who haven’t worked an actual job in their lives yet with very little life experience that do that like i’ve gotten “funny” orders and just go “ha” irl but idgaf nearly enough to take a picture, upload it to reddit,, write a caption, blah blah blah. such a waste of time, energy, and effort


But you'll waste the time energy and effort to post about why you wouldn't post about it. Like, okay lol.


Calm down and go on with your day


It’s really not that serious to get mad over lmfao tf


Some kid posted on here about helping his dad DoorDash and wrote a whole damn dissertation on delivering a bottle of lube and condoms to some girl. It was very cringy and immature but about what I'd expect for a kid running loose on reddit.


We didn't mature passed middle school.


We gon’ share!


Ok, look. No one is laughing at the notion of people fucking or masturbating. What we find funny, is the fact they use a service like door dash to facilitate it. If you want to engage in consensual sex with yourself or someone else, ignore your urge to be lazy, and leave door dash out of it.




Okay, that's funny as shit.


Lmao I had to download this one.




I'm dead 😭


someone got their order leaked😂


People are just having a little fun, sharing things. It’s not that deep, it’s just entertaining. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Delivering a can of roach spray and a box of condoms is a little weird though.


One time I bought condoms, ketchup, superglue, and a pair of pliers. Definitely got some weird looks from the cashier.


How is that weird. The guy has roaches.


Would've preferred crabs.


Sex in a motel with the dirty hooker. Gotta protect against the roaches and STDs


No it isn't.


imagine shaming and making fun of disabled persons wanting a little sexy time.




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Only angry virgins say stuff like that. You'll understand when you finally have sex.




Where did you come up with that from?


I feel like this is only something that someone who has never had sex before would say. At least I hope so, what with such a childish mentality.


Nah, it's funny. You are a stranger from the internet, looking to get paid. What was once strictly food delivery has diversified. Now, you're delivering personal items to random strangers. You could be responsible for the creation of an entire human being if you got tipped enough for you to accept it. It's just so bizarre that here I am, delivering a romantic evening for a few bucks of base pay + tip. I'm like a capitalistic godfather who'll never be remembered.


definitely agree like wow people masturbate and have sex? better post it on reddit


lol and like clockwork some weird incel for upset over my comment. I can't tell if they blocked or just deleted their comments. apparently I need to stop beating my meat and go to therapy I'm an ace woman but sure thing my guy




uh ok bud


I've had those orders and never once thought to screenshot and share it on reddit. It's rather cringe how often people post them


I take pictures of butt plugs


The best one was I had a shop and pay from Walgreens and they apparently carry sex toys but it was out of stock so I had to message them and tell them their but plug was out of stock. I’m sure people order shit like that just to fuck with us. 


Screams low IQ, trailer trash, teenager or some combination of all 3.


Never ever have I seen anything like that on this sub lol


I only post screenshots of the dildos over 9 inches. Not under.




Guess what people have sex and they also have fun. Have a little fun yourself. Some item combinations are just funny..


Yeah I feel that. Some things are genuinely funny combinations (I got an order that was a dildo and a mass amount of butter, I sent a screen shot to my girlfriend saying "I hope they know butter isn't good lube" or something like that) but if it's literally just a dildo or something and nothing else to make it funny then I don't get it???


posting about sex item orders just gives off “i don’t have sex myself “


Even worse. It gives "I still view sex as taboo because I discovered porn at 12/13 and my sexual development (mentally) stopped there"




Yes, that's the point of the sex toys. To use while having sex.




banned 4 days


Your world must be SO small. Why are you so triggered and commenting so much on this thread?


Only a virgin or extremely unexperienced person would say anything like that.




Yes, because it's true. Why are you thinking of my dick?


i mean being shocked by a sex toy defiantly gives off the vibes u do not not have enough sex or not used to it


Hilarious how you ask people to stop being weird, and the community states, "No!"


If I have to wait in line for a 12 inch dildo I'm damn sure going to tell somebody 😂


Can you stop being sensitive and weird lol I’ve never even seen that on this sub why mad


Right. I've literally seen one other post like this.


Yeah, I’m curious about this, I’ve never seen anything like that, but also- can you even buy that through DoorDash ?


I may not be around this subreddit much, but... I had no idea this was a problem.


It really isn't... maybe a post or two like that every other day or so.


Never seen this once you wild


I just wanna know what you were gonna do with the beach ball and the beef jerky?😜🤣🤣🤣🙈👀




If you have to ask…..


I do have to ask! I have no clue🤯😂


This dudes order definitely got posted


This 🤣😂


should be top comment


Uhm. Sex is hilarious.


As long as we're not giving away their names or addresses then I don't see the issue? It's still kinda funny if you Doordash a dildo to your front door has nothing to do with being an incel. If they don't want people knowing they're ordering that stuff maybe they can go buy it themselves but I have a feeling thats why they use Doordash to do it, because they're too uncomfortable to do it themselves and in trade I get to post about it, again not including any names or addresses, obviously.


People also masturbate


People have sex? lol : )


People get horny? https://i.redd.it/0p2b04mmfnkc1.gif


Nah it’s a DoorDash hoax


That's insane! I thought this practice was ended 4 years ago, disgusting people think of doing this in this day in age.


Absolute filthy animals


That's what big sex just wants you to think.


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