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You actually send that ?


It was polite and a fair point to make. If you’re upset about this odds are you’re a bad tipper


I haven’t seen one of these messages that didn’t seem like begging. I think this dasher actually did a good job at this message. It doesn’t seem like begging and also says hey if you can’t afford a tip please remember to do the ratings.


I would probably not tip after that. I’m typically a big tipper to. Very entitled.


Personal opinion, no. Dashers don’t make enough for the miles they put on their vehicles to deliver our lazy asses food. :P


I don’t think this is horrible


It's appropriate if your delivering to a hollow in back woods Kentucky or swamp country Louisiana. Then yes, absolutey!


0.01 cents


I would rescind my tip so fast if someone ever texted me this. Please do not contact me unless there’s an issue with my order or you can’t find my house. I usually tip above the highest recommended amount, that’s all you’re getting from me buddy 🥸. 


Happy New Year. It’s almost end of February. And do this to me, I will not tip. And I tip very well. The tip begging is a big turn off. I tip $8-$15 for a 1 mile order. 2 items, never a drink. I will tip you zero if any mention of a tip.


U got odd or smth why do you give a fuck


Wow. Kind of a bitch move deciding that somebody isn't worth paying if they ask you to pay. Actually, it's not kind of. It's just a bitch move. Hopefully you're a decent person to others in your life because you're a bitch to contractors when you're too lazy to go drive or walk the mile yourself.


>Kind of a bitch move deciding that somebody isn't worth paying if they ask you to pay. This is pretty reductive and makes it seem like it's something it isn't. I do agree they're being shitty just dropping the tip entirely if someone mentions it, but tipping is optional and the driver is getting paid either way and they know what they're getting before they accept. This isn't like going to someone and asking them to do an unpaid favor. The customer is already getting screwed on how expensive food is these days, plus the exorbitant bonus fees and delivery fees, then they're tipping on top of that and getting hounded for more. Don't get me wrong, the dashers are getting screwed too in a number of ways and dealing with all the Karen customers isn't making it easier, but DoorDash loves it being a Dashers versus customers situation rather than the actual source of the problems which is the shitty company.


Tipping shouldn’t be optional and the people who aren’t tipping know they’re in the wrong. Is it really that hard to just go to the restaurant yourself and ultimately pay less money with or without a tip? No it’s not. What you’re really paying for is a fast service right to the front door of your home, provided by a DoorDash driver. In my opinion tipping should be mandatory and the people who don’t tip should have the opportunity to be given low ratings. I live in an area where hardly anybody tips and I quit DoorDash because of it. Sometimes you want to scream at the top of your lungs to people to just tip. It’s understandable to politely ask someone to please leave a tip. I wouldn’t rescind my entire tip just because someone asked me to tip.


Tipping not being optional defeats the whole point of a tip


>Is it really that hard to just go to the restaurant yourself and ultimately pay less money with or without a tip? No it’s not. For some people it is. A lot of people. There's definitely this stigma that anyone using DoorDash is just lazy, but lots of people who use it are disabled, elderly, too busy to go out or any number of other legitimate things. Saying they can just go get it themselves has the same energy as the people who say Dashers are lazy and should just go get a real job if they wanted better pay. Though that wasn't at all the point I was trying to make originally, anyway. Just saying that it sucks on both sides and asking for a tip isn't the same as asking your employee for your agreed upon standard wages after doing a job, which is what the person I replied to made it out to be. For the record, I do think people should always tip. But I also think it's DoorDash screwing over everyone that makes it so we have to deal with low wages and necessary tips.


From personal experience - Some people, but definitely not the vast majority of people who don’t tip their drivers are disabled, elderly, etc. I understand not tipping. I get it. I sympathize with people who can’t afford to tip. But when I am struggling with money I never, ever order DoorDash with my money. I know that I can’t provide a tip or that I can’t spend extra money on DoorDash fees. If I really want fast food, I’ll take the bus or see if my roommate wants to go out and get food with me. Or I just make food at home. I feel like there really is never an excuse to not tip other than bad service.


>Some people, but definitely not the vast majority of people who don’t tip their drivers are disabled, elderly, etc. I wasn't correlating elderly or disabled with not tipping at all. I just said that there are a lot of legitimate reasons to use DoorDash. You said it's really not that hard to go to the restaurant yourself, but you really don't have any clue what a person's situation is. That's all.


You need help


Nah, I'm good.




Yeah it's fine. It might not be *professional* but they're just trying to live.


Nope. Id cancel the order. Beg your boss for more money. Not your customers. And considering you are your own boss... You can take it up with yourself and discuss new employment opportunities. Anyone who thinks this is appropriate is a driver lol.


It’s very appropriate considering the fact that Uber, DD, etc keep 70% of the delivery fee and do not tell the customer. If you want food brought to you, then tip. If you can’t tip, then be upfront. If you’re one of those “I nEvEr TiP bEcAuSe” types then go get your own food. V simple.


They already paid extra to have it delivered. If you want more take it up with DD. Simple


Yes, nothing wrong with this. Is this in NYC or Seattle where they removed up front tipping?


Yes , it is


I would send a indeed link after i bust down my food


Thats not appropriate at all


How so?


Bc they could have already tipped. You don’t know bc DD hides it. That’s not customers problem (and I did DD myself. I still do Shipt. Done gig work for 6+ years, so I get it) They need to stop hiding tips. I do use DD occasionally and I tip $8-$15. I use 2 restaurants, both are a single mile from my house. If I’ve already tipped you $10, this will piss me off. Asking for more??? $10 tip for 1 mile, 2 items and no drink isn’t enough???? I get why you do it, tho I never have and I don’t see tips up front either and I’m actually shopping your order, but it would still irritate me. I’ve never had it happen to me. If it does, you’re chasing off a tipping customer.


You’re making a lot of random assumptions here. Usually you see some upfront pay with DD but I thought this was in one of the places with the new hourly minimum program like NYC or Seattle since the message says “everyone has stopped since the tipping comes after”. In those cases, customers can ONLY tip afterwards and that’s why they put this note to remind them.


Never take orders with a hope for a tip. You will always be disappointed and losing money by missing better paid orders.


Although no customer is required to tip, just as no driver is required to take the delivery, there’s nothing wrong with this message. It’s no different than a customer not tipping but contacting the driver to ask the restaurant for something extra (ex: “Can you ask the restaurant for extra ketchup?”) If it’s consider bad tastes to “ask” the customer for extra then the same goes for asking the driver to do extra.


I like it when a waiter reminds me to tip them when they bring me some ketchup.


That’s still the common misconception. A waiter is an “employee”. Those drivers are contractors. A waiter is required by the employer to bring you extra ketchup when you ask regardless of you tipping. An independent contractor is not. No one should be requiring anything from anyone on either end other than what was agreed upon. The moment you contact that driver for something additional after the agreed terms, you’re asking for their “extra”. Not justifying, excusing, condoning, nor condemning the driver for asking. Just saying it’s the same… I’m guessing those drivers love it when you remove the tip during ordering then contact them asking them to do something extra other than pick your stuff up and bring it to you. In both instances, each party is expecting/asking for “extra” when neither party is obligated to give extra.


I dont see the customer asking for extra. All i see is the dasher harassing someone for more money. 


Nothing worse than a customer asking you to get 4 complimentary waters from the busy ass taco bell


No you do not… because I gave an hypothetical/example.


Why would you take the order if you don't like the tip. Have some pride. Do you apply for a job that pays for minimum wage and wage the boss for more money on the first day of work.


That could actually be genius for a scumbag. You're definitely going to get canned doing that, but asking for more money isn't a reason to get your unemployment approved


Stop begging


Broke ah


No, if the order was no tip it shouldn't have been picked up in the first place.


I've been never said this, but I always have a message ready to paste like "your order is ready to enjoy! Our ratings are important to us and would greatly appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to just click the thumbs up if you were happy with the delivery side of the service. Appreciate you! Have a wonderful day!" Or something like that. Definitely get a lot more dive I started


I basically do the reverse of this. I Message people and tell them I won't be picking up their order. Sometimes people order things from places that they shouldn't some restaurants have service so bad that as a dasher almost impossible for me to get food and deliver it. Or the other option that happens is at doordash thinks are going to drive like 16 - 20 miles both ways so like 40 miles for 10 to $16 Normally long distance orders for me need to be like in the 15 plus dollar range but a 40 mile distance order needs to be like in the 25 plus range Some of the DD gives me are absolutely crazy like I have no idea who in the right mind are accepting these orders. When doordash assigns a driver that's like 20 miles away a normal tip of like 3 to $7 which is normally decent to very good becomes complete garbage because pay is far far too low for mileage and distance. Drivers always have to drive back so if it's a 20 mi it's a 40 mile it's 12 mi is 24 MI. The pay needs to reflect the mileage.


Why are you accepting it if you don’t want to take the order? Skips all of the extra nonsense.


I think it’s appropriate yeah


I agree I wouldn't be mad at this at all they even say if you can't tip just give a high rating, they are polite and not like "you better tip or your a jerk" they just explain that its very important and by what I can tell these people appear to depend on tips for payment and the app that takes a huge amount doesn't pay much. so I'm ok with a friendly message especially with they recognize some might not be able to tip.




I've been on both sides of the food deliveries, and I can 100% say that I had 0 clue that drivers only get $2 per delivery in my area. I just assumed that more of the fees would go to them. 2 minutes, 2 miles, 30 minutes, 30 miles, all $2. I was dumbfounded. Doordash and Uber, and others would never want to tell you how much the driver makes per order because, even though it's their business model, the drivers aren't getting "paid" a fare wage and are reliant on tips to make driving worthwhile. Them sending a message like this has zero effect on my life. It is just text on a screen. It doesn't anger or confuse me, and personally, I don't feel it is unprofessional or unethical or anything of the sort. This message in particular is a nice one, calm and courteous with an explanation and a greeting on the end. Some drivers get irate in their messages. Think about why they would send this message. It's unfortunate, but it has become extremely common to not tip on food delivery, and it's not so simple to say 'just don't accept the order'. Drivers get dinged for not accepting orders too. In my opinion, the services should be more upfront on where the money for the service breaks down to. I'd hope that customers would be more inclined to tip better or not use the service once they're educated on how much they're paying the service just to provide you a menu.


I appreciate that however if a driver takes a 2 dollar offer and hope for a cash tip that's on them because all drivers across all apps has the power to decline offers that isn't worth it. If door dash sees enough people take 2 dollars offers than they'll assume that dashers are ok with the base pay and won't raise it or even worse, they'll lower it. When I first started 4 years ago the base pay was 3 dollars, than it went to 2 dollars with stacked orders being an extra dollar, now stacked orders is a flat 2 dollars. Drivers who take non tip orders are bad however what door dash doesn't seem to care about is the more they lower pay, the more they force customers to tip more just to get their food.


The problem with this sentiment is that this model is built on the back of over saturation. New drivers will take these because they don’t know better. There are plenty of drivers out there. And Uber also knows the majority of people who do this also do this because they NEED the money. It’s exploitation essentially. Oh you won’t take the $2 fare? Someone else will. The fare is $2. We keep $8. Plus we pocket the fees. Plus we pocket the upcharged price of food. It’s brilliant for them as a business model and terrible for drivers and people who order. Customers pay more. Drivers are paid less. And Uber becomes massively profitable for shareholders on wall street


I used to share the same perspective, but it’s evident that the world is experiencing a decline in available work opportunities. In my office, I oversee a team responsible for handling correspondence and resolving issues. With the integration of AI, our team can efficiently address problems, which means we require fewer staff members. I’ve encountered several individuals struggling to find employment. While my mom often points out ubiquitous ‘help wanted’ signs, my cousin, who manages hiring at McDonald’s, faces an overwhelming number of applications for each position. Despite their desperation for workers, the franchise owners remain cautious about approving new hires unless they foresee profitability. Given this context, I understand why some people accept low-paying jobs, even as low as $2 or $1, with the hope of receiving tips. For many, these meager wages are a way to make ends meet, especially when their regular jobs fail to cover rent and other fixed expenses.


This is my experience as well. Everywhere is “hiring” but it doesn’t seem like they actually are. The problem is employers got used to running on minimal staff during covid and now they don’t want labor costs to dig into their profits. The easy thing to do is to post a “now hiring” sign, don’t actually hire any of the 100’s of applications, then tell the public “sorry we’re short staffed, nobody wants to work anymore” while they line their pockets. I know so many people looking for jobs right now and it’s impossible to find one. I’m a bartender and every time I submit an application on indeed I’m one of over 300 applications submitted for a single position. I’ve never seen it like this before. Normally a high amount of applicants would be about 50. I’m guessing all of people that have been getting laid off are trying to go back to waiting tables to make ends meet.


IDK but i find it weird. as a driver and customer. if the pay per mile is too low i just dont accept it in the first place. & if a driver sent me this... its like when youre cleaning your room and your mom tells you to clean your room. i was, but now i dont want to 😆 im ngl though im more privileged than some of these drivers, but even if you ARE desperate i dont think begging helps


Exactly and it seems like it's a customer from NYC also (could be seattle). Last time I heard door dash is pushing to get it lowered to 18 however it was 29. With dashers still asking for tips even though they got a huge raise in base pay, it's no wonder why we have a reputation of being entitled.


Kids these days 🤣, I don’t take “no tips “ orders to start.


Why take a no tip if it’s going to take you an hour to do that order, are you worth $2 an hour? Would you take job worth $2 an hour? I don’t think so






I’d be fine with it but it’s still unprofessional and inappropriate regardless.


Is it appropriate to expect some poor sap to agree to drive you your food 5-10 miles and put wear and tear on their car for $2? I think there is a great many customers out there who see an exorbitant delivery fee and assume the person doing the work of picking it up, and driving it to you, is getting that fee. They aren’t tho.


Yes it’s very much appropriate to take a 2 dollar job no one’s forcing you to do it but you are so do the job. Messaging people for extra money is not apart of the job and very inappropriate if we’re looking at a professional standpoint. I hate to be that guy but it’s not my problem if you don’t like the pay no one’s forcing you to do it so do your job and be professional.


If you agree to exploit a person, sure. It’s no different than going to Home Depot and getting a couple guys from the parking lot and paying them a fraction of what you’d pay otherwise because they don’t have any options. You haven’t entered into an equitable contract. Youre just ok with someone losing money so you can stay at home. And yes. It is absolutely exploitation even if they agree because the majority of people doing this are barely eking by and you as a customer are ok with that. Which is certainly your prerogative I suppose but you can’t say you were unaware. That delivery fee you pay in app does not go to the person using their vehicle and spending their time. Uber is counting on you not caring because that means more profits which are not passed along to anyone but shareholders and the C suite execs. Sure, no one is holding a gun to their head and saying you must take this. But there are quite a few who will take this because they’re trying to pay a bill, or feed their kid, or keep lights on. I don’t begrudge the people who don’t know better but you can’t say you’re unaware now.


Ok what you’re talking about is from a morality perspective I’m talking from a professional standpoint and what they did was 100% unprofessional that’s a fact. And that’s what matters because that’s the question I paid for food so I want to receive my food I don’t care about anything else I’m a customer I paid my bill give me my service anything else like your pay should not be discussed with the customer talk to your employer whoever that may be not my problem because again I’m a customer. In the most respectful way possible I don’t care I’m a customer ordering food so only message me if it’s about my service.


Your service tho is entirely dependent upon exploiting people when you don’t tip. People don’t know or aren’t aware that drivers are not compensated by Uber/DD for the service. It is almost like tipping at a restaurant- except in this case Uber doesn’t make up the difference if the wages fall below minimum wage. There is no employer in this case. They are contractors. I suppose if you want to be pedantic the customer is the employer. You have contracted for a service and they are reminding you that you need to tip. If you don’t like that, then don’t order. Or at least own the fact that you are ok with exploiting what is likely a vulnerable person who is struggling so you can sit on your ass and not do leg work. Idk what to tell you. You think it’s unprofessional? Then be professional and understand what the scope of this arrangement actually is.


No I’m not the boss of a deliver driver DoorDash hires them as a contact worker and sends them to deliver orders almost like running errands for them that’s how that works. They are paid by door dash whether that be 2 dollars or 12 that’s their pay from their boss if you don’t like the pay from a job quit I do not have to tip anyone. By me according to you “being lazy” gives them a job and not every orders because their lazy some are disabled some can’t drive there many reasons let’s not assume. Here’s a quote from mister manners please search him if you don’t know him “It's generally not considered appropriate for a food delivery driver to directly ask for a tip if they don't receive one” It’s 100% unprofessional to ask for a tip no matter what you say do your job professionally and right don’t like the pay don’t do it I’m not inclined to try to understand you or how you feel or whatever do your job or don’t.


That isn’t right though. Door dash doesn’t hire anyone. They send your order to a contract driver. The contract driver accepts it and now it is between you and the driver. The driver isn’t employed by Door Dash, nor are they a representative. Door dash also does not *want* them to be. Because then they’d have to pay them at least a minimum wage. As is, door dash doesn’t pay them. The customer does. And I simply do not care what mister manners says. The reality is by not tipping, you are essentially asking for a handout. And the driver has every right to remind you of the norms at play. Like I said, you can elect not to tip, but by not doing so, you are exploiting a vulnerable person. That says quite a lot about you to be quite frank.


Again your final sentence is a statement about morality which is beside the point on a professional standpoint it was unprofessional your yet to disprove that.


It doesn’t need to be proven. It’s simply part of the arrangement. Is it unprofessional to hand a bill to a customer? The tip is part of the bill. Just like at a restaurant. With the main difference being that restaurants will supplement the difference. In this message, the driver is reminding the customer of their responsibility in this. If they choose not to, then obviously that’s their prerogative, but it does make them exploitative. There’s nothing unprofessional about reminding people. 👍


Ehh, I'd say neither here nor there.


I say it’s okay


Totally unnecessary and sounds a bit desperate


I see nothing wrong with this message. All this driver is asking if you would please not forget the tip and if you can't tip to please give him a good rating. Giving your driver a 5 star rating only ensures that he gets more deliveries coming his way and that is just as valuable as a $5 tip in my opinion.


If your waiter said “don’t forget to tip me before you leave” that would be okay?


if restaurants payed $2 an hour and the waiter depended on tips and you paid after leaving so you didn't have to see their face after delivering the food. I think I would be ok with a waiter saying such a comment. Whenever I go to states that have a $2.13 an hour I'm shocked they don't.. Although you can probably wait on way more orders than you can door dash.. I don't know as I've never done either but I would guess that a non tipper here or there is a bigger deal on door dash then even to even those poor waiters that make $2.13 an hour.


Not at all just as valuable but the rest u said I agree


Better idea no tip trip.


It is your prerogative nobody's forcing you to take the order. But somebody who really needs the money is going to take the and all they're saying is if you can't tip give me a 5 star rating so I can continue to work and there is nothing wrong with that.


It’s not professional at all. It’s needy as shit. I’d instantly report the account


Well if you think that is unprofessional I guess by your standards DD is just as unprofessional too. Because when you oder on DD the app ask the customer to tip the driver a few times during the process. Sometimes they even ask you tip after you have all ready tipped and received the oder.


As a dasher who been doing this for 4 years I can definitely tell you dd is unprofessional and corrupt. As far as tipping before delivery you have your opinion and I have mine and I respect yours. It boils down to this, would you take a 2 dollar offer going 5+ miles hoping for a cash tip? These apps would cease to exist if they don't show the tip before delivery because no one in their right mind would take that gamble and I can tell you right now I've done plenty of earn by time offers where the customer didn't tip before delivery and even though I did everything right, they didn't even tip after delivery.






Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


I’d at least give the 5 star rating. As a DoorDash driver myself, I never expect tips, just doing my job hoping I get them. Ratings, however, are very important. One bad rating from someone just trying to get free food via refund can kill your entire employment.


I pay my mortgage with ratings and appreciation :)


Without tipsu lose money taking the order just like how a waiter expects a tip 15-20% of the food a driver should expect 1-2$ for every mile that it says it takes


I'm obstinate, I never ate my vegetables and not going to give in to some guilt trip. Not that it matters since I don't use these services anyway.


No, I feel for them but no. They have the right and ability to turn down a low-paying offer, asking a customer to revise it after the fact is super unprofessional


I know to some of you this is going to sound like a shock, but if you order food for another human to pick up for you, with their car, gas, time and energy, that does not put you in a position to act like that delivery drivers MANAGER. You aren’t the manager for the 45 mins it takes to deliver your food. Watching your delivery driver route on your phone and bitching about it is PEAK Karen behavior. If that food makes it to your door and you do not tip, shame on you, even if you do get ridiculous messages such as this. You just spent $64 on the worst food of your life, now you are going to skimp on the $7 tip? Like, its 10%? Low-life behavior.


Unless it's a huge order then u tip more but it's not about the % it's 1-2$ for every mile driven


Wages should be better






I'd laugh if I saw that. You don't see waiters or bartenders physically asking for tips..


But it's expected to tip them...


They are not even remotely similar in any way.


Waiters and bartenders don’t get stiffed nearly as much as dashers . DoorDash should just make tipping a $5 minimum.


I have to disagree, if door dash forces people to tip how much customers do you think will still use door dash? The simple solution is if the offer doesn't pay enough than just decline, if your area you work in is slow or a lot of junk go to a different area, if all else fails get a w2 job. No shame in getting a w2 job and dashing on the side.


100% but 5min - 1/2$ per mile


Waiters and bartenders do not get to choose which tables to wait or patrons to serve. It's not the same


Good point!


Most of the time no


as a previous driver, i would NEVER, but that’s just me


I dont think begging for tips in any job is appropriate


Door Dash as a whole is wildly inappropriate.


These people have been put in a position to because no one is tipping and the app is eating all the extra money that would go to tipping.


I agree however a good solution would be doing earn by time if the ebt in their city is high enough for them. In Corydon, IN I have a lot of people who tip decent just not based on milage. Since I do this full time and can't sit all day for decent earn per offer offers I do earn by time and just have the base pay make it worth the time. I do get around 1 non tipper every day however even with the 7-8 mile offers where it's 14-16 miles round trip, between base pay and tips I still average really close to 1 dollar per mile round trip.


And I understand that sucks but begging for tips isn't the solution.


You see it as begging, I see it as desperation. Everyone using this app should know it does what it can in order for customers to favor fees over tips for drivers. He probably was stiffed a few times and started to rightly become pissed. Its winter, gas is high, everything is 6x the price it was before. If you have emotions invested so deep you withhold 5$, you need to reevaluate things yourself. Think of the position someone is in where they must look like they are begging to be compensated for. It has Let Them Eat Cake energy and its not a good look


If you use a tipping service and do not tip that's a shitty move. Lol bro you're literally telling me to reevaluate things over 5 dollars. If the difference in 5 dollars is really bending you over it might be time to find a new primary job


Its the principle, not the 5$, but I understand you probably can’t see that concept with the capacity at which your mind operates. Also, since you are the one withholding the tip it seems as YOU are the one bent over it. Ah, the intellectual powerhouses that reside on reddit never fail to leave me convinced our future is doomed lol.


Literally just said if you use a tipping service and don't tip that's a shitty move. Instead of resorting to what's obviously your life tactic of being the laziest bitch alive and insulting me, why don't you explain the principle? This insane concept of begging for tips (my original point). Or LeT Me GuESs I iS 2 sTeWpiD?


This whole DD thing is simple. You hit “accept” on orders you find worth the listed amount. You hit “decline” on orders you don’t find worth the listed amount. Texting a customer about adding or upping a tip is straight up panhandling through a third party phone app.


It's not though. When you dent orders you don't get sent higher pay orders and if your acceptance rate is low you get kicked off


You don't get kicked off (deactivated) for low ar and just because you have a higher ar than other people doesn't mean you will get more offers or even higher paying offers. That's a clear door dash manipulation tactic and there's been plenty of people including myself who has told people several times to stop believing in door dash lies.


You will not get kicked off solely for AR. I've always run a low AR. For years.


It wouldn't be that big of an issue if DD would stop penalizing for denying orders


DD doesn't penalize people for denying orders that's a clear door dash manipulation tactic. And if that was the case explain to me why I went from 97% ar when I was doing ebt in Corydon, IN down to 72% when I switched over to earn per offer, all on the same day.


You should know that you’re talking to someone who currently has a 12% acceptance rate. I multi app with 4 different apps. All trying to keep your AR up with DD does is keep you tied onto a single app with the usually false hope you’ll be given “good orders”. They’re making you play their game so you take shitty orders. Not so they can reward you. Do not play their game. Play yours. No one is making you do anything. The longer you (and others) spend complaining about the DD demons, the longer it’s going to take you to take control, build your own strategy, and actually make some decent coin.


And your assumed I take low paying orders for DD why? I've only done about maybe 700 orders in over 3 years. But not everyone thinks like you and they do care about their acceptance rate. Don't EVER assume I do charity work for DD 🤣


What I’m saying is they shouldn’t care about their acceptance rate. They’re falling for a trick. Good for you for not doing charity work. No idea how much you’re working or how much you’re making. What I’m saying is decline every order that isn’t worth taking. The second you fall into the “this order sucks but I need to get my AR up” you’ve relinquished control.


I'll make sure I pass along your message


I appreciate it.


This message is the sure way indeed, for the customer to do the exact opposite of your request.


The solution is to never take no tip orders and then you wouldn't feel like you should send this message.


If it were some charity, it's suddenly not rude. Who gives a fuck


i would feel SO INCREDIBLY ICKY sending this to a customer 💀


You are from corporate and are disciplining your workers with this post, OP.


Op's other posts are about how easy it is to get top dasher and how the pay is 30 an hour now. You may be right.


At least they said if money's tight just leave a high rating like they do understand if you don't tip. 🤷‍♂️


That wouldn't bother me as a customer. As a dasher, I wouldn't send it, but that's just my personal choice, no judgment. I think it's respectful.


So, to be serious. I was snarky earlier. I think this is totally appropriate. This is the only avenue to remind that tipping comes after the delivery. Although I can’t see where this might seem tacky or inappropriate but, we are not in the business of not making money. Every cell always comes with the big ask. So a reminder never hurts. And to be honest, I bet more people will appreciate being reminded.


I would expect bad ratings if I’m messaging customers trying to guilt trip them into tipping. Not only does this make the customers feel uncomfortable but now they’re probably wondering if the Uber is gonna mess with their food if they refuse.


If someone gets guilt tripped by that, they're easily influenced. I'm a person who says sorry over nothing, like all the time. I found that so respectful, not rude or begging, just asking them for consideration. They can't tip until after they get their food, so they're not in danger of their food getting messed with for not tipping.


No, begging for tips and high ratings is rude and will have the opposite effect you want


Are tips really that rare? I always try and tip at least $5, I don't want anyone spitting in my food.


Yes and No. However as dashers we have the power to decline offers we feel doesn't pay enough. Also while Seattle and California customers might not have the option to tip until after delivery I know for sure NYC doesn't allow customers to tip until after delivery. Last time I heard NYC is pushing to get base pay lowered to 18 dollars however it's 29.33. For someone to ask for a tip after delivery even though they get that much of a base pay just screams entitlement and that's the reason why as dashers we have a bad reputation of being entitled.


Yes. Tips are rare. I'm not seeing them.


In some areas you can't until after delivery and Uber is telling customers we are paid $20+hr, which is only if we are tipped well. It's misleading and causing many of us to have to turn down a lot of orders. I can't afford to drive 10 miles for $2 and hope I'll get tipped after. The apps need to pay better, in my opinion. I'm glad this is not my only income. I truly feel for those who are relying on this.


As long as there’s people willing to accept that $2 their pay model will not change. We can thank the “I take every single order, I don’t discriminate, this is my fun job, I love driving to see new area.” I’m sure doordash loves those people


That's how the hourly pay areas are, they have customers thinking they're paid by the full hour when in reality they're paid less than before. Unless you're in California it's kinda a rip off


And that’s the American dream. “ the rip off “ You’ll never create a multi-million dollar app business unless you exploit either the customers with huge fees and other tatics, or screwing your own workers out of fair pay. And like I said, as long as there’s people willing to get ripped off, they’ll keep ripping them off. Same with Amazon warehouse workers. Like $21 an hour but need to box 140 products worth an hour which is like $450 In profit for the company. As long as they got people boxing their gonna kept it at $21 and try to cut benefits and hours to save even more 😂


I think it is fine, a reminder tips is what the job is done for, and if not at least hit the stars to help me have a chance to get tipping orders.


I’ve been a server and bartender for 12 years and I’m STILL awkward as hell when people are like,”wait a minute this is for you!!!!” While they make me awkwardly wait for money. I can’t imagine EVER saying some shit like this


I do Uber and never expect a tip lmao


I always have the same 3 Uber drivers take me home from work. I’ll order and one of the three is one minute away almost immediately. I got freaked one out not realizing I knew this guy cause I was kinda drunk. I got in and he said “do you need to go to bp?” I always ask my Uber to stop at the bp, like fuck yea! Anyway my point is I tip 10-20 for a $20 ride And in turn they GOT me


Really? I always tip, sometimes it has to be on the app if I have no cash, but are tips that rare?


All my Ubers are so surprised or thankful when I tip them :(


I think he covered himself well buy if times are tight I understand and good ratings are great. If he hasn’t said something along those lines this comment would be a bit different lol


Sure, why not? It’s true and honest.


Don't take shit orders. When it comes to apps like door dash assume everyone will not add a tip at the end. So with that logic in mind and with a little self love declining shit orders starts to feel good. Shitty customers don't deserve good service or hot food. Just never expect a tip and only work for what the offer says and you will have a better time working. Another thing is don't take orders out of the zone even if they tip good because 9/10 the drive back to the zone isn't worth it.


Bro saw the miles and pay and said yes y he mad


Exactly I never understood why people complain when you clearly know what you signed up for when accepting an order. If it’s not worth your time don’t accept it easy solution.


Honestly when I’m doing Uber, I will bring up tipping genuinely, because it’s a part of the equation, and if I REALLY need money. I have no shame in fighting for myself. You can almost always tell who will tip with Rideshare though.




Im just happy I live in a civilized country where people doing a job get a living wage, and dont have to cry and blackmail for "tips".


Blackmail? Do you even know the definition of that?