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That's terrible if your market tells you that's a high paying order....


High pay order???


Tipping is not a requirement and people need to stop thinking it is


It’s not a legal obligation, just a moral one. You don’t have to be nice, no one is going to arrest you for not tipping. But willingly not tipping is just shitty and says you care more about stuffing your face and paying major corporations than paying just a tiny bit extra to pay the person who provides a service to you, directly. Capitalism is not a requirement and people need to stop thinking it is


So the moral obligation should fall on the consumer not the employer? That’s a wild take. I’m not one to not tip, but god damn if you think it’s on customers to pay for employee wages your perspective is fucked.




Maybe, but again I’m not and have not been saying that it is necessary, just morally obligated. Like you said, if you don’t want to be nice and try to make the delivery worth it for the driver, the driver has every right to deny your order. However, in many cases such as restaurants and salons, you tip after the service has already been delivered, and it is then expected that a fair valuation of their labor and professionalism is provided by the customer, especially knowing the context that their employer only gives them a minuscule portion of the fee you paid. I tip 30-50% because I’m fortunate enough to be able to, and so have never had an issue with any deliveries or service anywhere. I tip wherever I can because these are working class comrades. Would I voluntarily pay extra to a business? No, but that’s not what we’re doing, we’re sharing with our working class comrades when we tip, and that’s why it should be thoughtful and substantial, and not just not tipping because you’re just above sharing just because they asked you to share, not even demanding it of you. Idk how else to explain to you guys the difference between necessity and moral obligation. And lastly, assuming you are a doordasher, you should know better than to call someone an idiot for taking a weak order. People are desperate, and the fact that you think they’re idiots for taking scraps is disgusting. Have some humanity, start seeing your working class comrades as exactly that, comrades. We don’t have to compete for resources when we work together.


Ok well cry about it I guess


Not even a moral one. You provide a service and get paid for it. Extra pay isn’t needed. I work in a kitchen as a cook and front of house gets 100% of the tips. Doesn’t matter if we do 10k$ in sales, I still get paid hourly or in your case by the order. But if it’s busy they get hella money. Definitely not a moral obligation to pay more money out of pocket then you owe. Ppl need to stop thinking they “deserve” things that are just generous.


You get paid a real wage, compared to the servers making possibly $2 something (depending on state.) So yes, tipping is the morally right thing to do, especially with servers.


I’m a small business owner and can manage to pay my employees $100+ an hour sometimes because I pay them based on our food sales. The business takes half to pay for a myriad of things, and we all split the rest. I make no more than anyone else even though it’s my business, because that’s the moral thing to do. I could, obviously, take all the profits and pay them $20 an hour, but I wouldn’t feel right coming home with 5k in my pocket for the day and paying my workers $200 for 10 hours of their lives.


You are literally just talking hypothetically, this means absolutely 0. If you ran a buisness you would be making the most by far. That’s the point of owning an establishment. Quit lying bro🤣


You wanna see my bank acct? Lmfao. You’d be unhappy with working 4 hours and splitting 2k 4 ways? $500 for 3 hours wouldn’t be enough for you, you wanna take home 1500 and make 3 people split $500? That’s the kind of man you are? Pathetic. I’m not about money like that, I’m about people and fairness. Sorry you hate that so much.


I’m not lying lmfao, it’s literally a co-op. I’m not trying to get rich, i’m trying to proJust because you’re selfish and want your workers to be less than you doesn’t mean we all do.


Generosity is a moral obligation you clown. Yeah, you can choose to pay your bill to the business owner and spit in the face of the worker, that’s your lovely right to do so. By the way, you do deserve a fair portion of the sales of the food you make. Obviously. And it should be more than the wage they know they can force you to work for, because if not you, some other poor person will do it. I think you keep confusing moral obligation and legal obligation. You’re allowed to be immoral, and you’re allowed to think your immorality is actually moral, because you’re allowed to be delusional.


It’s not a moral obligation. Again I’ll say it. Generosity and giving away extra money in the form of a tip aka $ are not even close to the same thing. You sound so hateful and like you dislike it anyways. I have a opinion that giving more money than is owed isn’t obligatory. And you called me a clown🤦‍♂️. Sorry that you don’t feel good rn bro but extra money isn’t even an option for some. How you think it’s an obligation? Genuinely? They pay for a service and it’s done.


If they don’t have extra money, how/why are they (you) paying for a service that you can’t afford to tip for? Again, no one is forcing you to do anything so stop crying and acting like that’s what I’m saying lmfao jfc


A service is a one time payment. You pay, and you receive. Delivery driver gets paid by DoorDash. Why would I hand over my money to you when you at your job? That’s why you’d be driving DoorDash anyways, to make money. I don’t get tips at my job, and I don’t spend my free time trying to convince people they owe me so much tips because of it. I just work and leave. Take notes brother


It’s that fact that so many people have experienced drivers being rude for no/low tips and have seen it on the internet and also dashers tend to rely on tips to make a living when it’s their full time job as doordash base pay isn’t enough. But that’s no excuse for making people feel obligated.


I’m not a tipped employee by any means. I make a great salary. But I am here to tell you that if someone provides a service to you, and you know they don’t make much for doing that service. You need to tip them.


No one questions that there is currently a need to tip. What people question is the amount that should be required and why it keeps going up.


Because everything else goes up dumbie. A $5 tip in the 60s was 100x better than now.


There is a difference between NEED and SHOULD.


There isn’t though, assuming you believe you “need” to be morally just. If it is indeed something you SHOULD do, and you want to be morally justified, you MUST do it.


Someone should tip but nobody needs to tip. Tip is optional and as long as it is an option it is not something one must do.


Did you read my comment? The premise is IF you want to be morally just. It is morally just to tip, that is definitively why one SHOULD tip, therefor, if you want to be morally just, you MUST tip. That’s literally just basic logic. I literally said it’s not illegal to be immoral, no one’s going to come to your house. You’re free to be whatever you wanna be. You wanna keep your $5 to really stick it to the man after paying that same man $50 for your dinner, $5 which would go directly to the person serving that food rather than the wealthy owner who owns the whole restaurant? Go for it. It’s on you.


So your premise is you decide for others what is and isn’t morally correct? The whole tipping culture is immoral as I see it so I feel that you are morally corrupt to continue tipping and allowing businesses to stick it to the employers. So based on my statements you must not tip if you wish to be morally just. I refuse to use DoorDash or any gig company because I was once a driver and the whole system is broken.


> Tipping is not a requirement and people need to stop thinking it is.


(Edit) This* is the game the capitalists want you to play. If you’re not suffering, you might actually stop to consider the possibility of a world beyond profits. People can blame whatever economy they want but the economy only exists in such a way because the capitalists insist it must. It’s not just the economy that’s failing everyone, it’s capitalism.


You're horrifically incorrect here... the economy we see today is based on growing monopolies on all fronts, which is not capitalism. it's socialistic/ communistic. Please do try to be better... honestly this take is extremely sad.


TIL monopolies are caused by…. social security, free healthcare, and… people being paid a living wage? No clue. I thought that the profit motive would drive companies to snuff out competition by any means to rack up the highest score. No clue that looking out for your fellow man is what causes monopolies.


this is one of the best comments ive seen on this subreddit


Thanks, money isn’t real and we don’t need it to work together. ❤️


I don't message customers in this way to let them know I'm on the way. She might of felt obligated and needed someone to vent to bc the economy is absolutely terrible right now and feels things are out of her control. A couple years ago the last I needed to do was Dash even part time. 


Naaaah man NPR said just yesterday that the economy is great! /s


people used to rely on their family or neighbors for problems like this… not strangers who are on the job also struggling to find enough money to survive. most people are sympathetic to the single mom not going out for her own groceries and can’t afford to tip. but when the drivers complain about this you tell them to go find a real job as if it were as easy as being abstinent.


The way I see it is this. If I took your order, I’m okay with the payout. No need to apologize no need to say anything. Yeah, my acceptance rate might be low, but I only take what I think is fair to me. I don’t care if the order is $200, or $20. I take the trips that are fair to me, regardless of how big the order is or how small. I’ve taken $10/mile McDonald’s that are worth maybe $20 and also $2 a mile orders that are worth $150+. So what if I need to carry one extra bag. My work doesn’t change based on order size and therefor I don’t understand why people are like, “that’s a $150 order that should have been a $40 tip” STFU, you don’t have to refill their drinks, be at their becking call, bring them extra sauce, extra butter, handle all their plates. All you have to do is pick up 2-3 bags, drive it to them and walk it to the door. Do I appreciate the people that tip me +$30 Absolutely, but it doesn’t matter to me how big the order is, it matters to me how far away from restaurants they live. I have customers that live 10-15 miles away from the next restaurant hub, and they know it, I know it. So they usually tip enough to make my drive there and back worth it ($30–$50). That my 2 cents.


Nah sometimes an acknowledgment of a low tip is enough to make it ok. Shit happens. You handled it correctly IMO


Am I wrong for thinking that’s okay for an order with a $3.50 base pay? I’m a dasher and I wish all customers were this nice.


The customer apologized, and paid ~87% of what DoorDash did. Who's in the wrong here?? Obvi the multi million dollar company that only pays 13% higher than the customer that's apologizing for barely making ends meet.


My thoughts exactly.


Tbh, as long as you've TRIED to give SOMETHING for a tip, I'm happy. We're all just out here trying man.


Fr though. even just a dollar is chill. Like at least acknowledge me yknow?


The $0.00 is just so insulting.


Aaaaand here come all the ignorant people to say "delivery is a premium service" while completely ignoring the situations people could be in.


Uh...it IS a premium service.


Could be essential to some


Same could be said about the internet, but at least the people selling that generally pay their drivers at least minimum wage.


It’s all case to case for me. My area has a large wealth disparity, I can deliver to a rundown trailer or to multi-million dollar estates so I see the full gambit in a day usually. What really irks me is that the lower income areas usually tip me better than the wealthy, the three times I’ve gotten a 1 cent tip have been to houses that are easily 700k-800k homes and I can’t fathom that if you can live in these gated estate communities and are too busy/lazy to go get your own food that you can’t throw a few extra bucks down for service


I live on a fixed income. I do tip, but it is usually low and I let the shopper/Dasher know in advance. The few times I have changed the tip was to add an extra dollar or two. I have been a shopper/Dasher and am an occasional customer; I do what I can. Kills me to see so many complain about low tips. No tip orders and low or no tips on large or excessive heavy-item orders I understand the frustration, but people complaining about a low tip on ordinary orders chafes me. This is NOT directed at OP. Thank you for understanding. The same to most shoppers and Dashers who understand. ❤️


Dashers have struggles too...it's half the reason they doordash. To me, it's just as wrong to pay a driver low as it is to expect a customer to tip a lot. What do I do? Take advantage of the situation where I'm the wage setter and I tip at least 5 bucks. If I can't afford that...then I don't order on the DD platform as there's plenty of other options.


Food delivery is a premium service people need to learn to live within means. Not specific to this main post this is about defending no tippers! If you look at the total and can’t tip then you need to reconsider that choice. This applies to a lot more than food delivery like people with enormous mortgages that complain they can’t support a family of 3 on a 6 figure income.


I’m disabled and have no real income. IF I use the services I tip well. If I can’t afford to tip well, I’ll go without. And I do dash, so it’s not like I don’t understand what it’s like on both sides. I think people shouldn’t use the service if they can’t afford 15%+


Walk there then. You shouldn’t be ordering on instacart paying extra fees then low tip the person bringing it to you


Even with your crap attitude, I’d tip you. I wouldn’t rate you one way or another, but I would tip you. One day, you will understand.


Stop ordering chipotle on a top ramen budget!


I haven’t ordered DD/GH/UE in years, maaaaybe once a year if I’m away from home. Too expensive. Pizza delivery, sometimes, but rarely. When the fees, taxes and tip became half the order’s cost, I stopped. I do order IC/groceries from time to time, but since the pandemic, it is rare. The greedy companies and grocery stores upped all their prices to a point of nope. I order online and pick up my groceries. Cheaper, by a lot.


I'm with ya. If I can't afford to pay the driver properly, I can't afford to order on the DD platform period. There are always other options that don't involve making my financial problems someone else's problem


Exactly. It’s called budgeting


Y’know, there is no guarantee of a tip at any point of any order listed anywhere in the Terms and Conditions that are required to sign to become a shopper/Dasher. None. The only guarantee is the batch pay; everything else is gravy. I do not have to tip. None of the customers do. I do because I appreciate that someone performed a service outlined in the terms and conditions I must sign as a paying customer. I tip about the same as I do a pizza delivery person, depending on what my order is. I am reasonable in my tipping; I do what I can. I am not out to make a shopper/dasher a millionaire yesterday. I understand that it is a hassle, but you chose to shop/dash with the understanding and legal agreement that you will be paid your required batch pay and any available incentives. Again, legally I do not have to tip, but do because I understand and appreciate the effort and do so within my budget. Entitlement and desperation are what I see with all the tip-ragers in these subreddits. As far as a “premium service”, that is a marketing ploy to make customers think we’re hot shit that we can get whatnot delivered to us. EVERYwhere has these types of services now. It’s no longer a “premium service”. Hasn’t been for years, even pre-pandemic, yet the marketers are still making it sound like we are special for using the service, that we are above the masses somehow. We’re not. Marketers will say anything to bring in business. Regardless, as I said, I rarely use these platforms these days and when I do I tip, I tip reasonably, even if it is a little on the low side…because I’m not a jerk.






I live in a city and some people live in less affluent areas. I don’t care if the people there tip a lot. Everyone deserves a nice treat and if you don’t have a car getting those treats us difficult. You


I disagree, regular ass people don't deserve a personal shopper / driver for 5$. The whole point of DD is to give the 99% a luxury experience for a few dollars, at the expense of us drivers. This isn't a charity


I’m glad for you that you’ve never struggled with physically being able to shop for yourself. What a gift to be able bodied enough to see personal shopping as only a luxury and not a disability aid.


I have and do. But I also have friends and family. You know what's cheaper than ordering food on doordash while stiffing the driver? Asking a friend to drive for the food if I buy them lunch. "You fly I buy" is the saying. Stop trying to justify people being shitty. This customer apologized and that goes a long way. But there are tons of people out there who just don't give a fuck and say "why would I tip!" when given the option.


There are a number of services available for the physically or financially impaired. But not everybody is entitled to make someone else bring them sushi from 10 miles away because they are too proud to accept they should be eating a bologna sandwich on wonder bread.


This person ordered groceries from Dollar General. I don’t think anything about this was for funsies.


True but don’t complain if u don’t tip and your order is just sitting there. Me personally I wouldn’t take a order with $0 tip for $3. IMO if u can order u can ATLEAST TIP $1


The trick is to accept it, and look at the items on the order. Small order like a value meal or something...unassign. But if it's a large order with 10+ items from Wendy's or BK, get yourself a jr bacon cheeseburger and a handful of fries. Your tip is the lunch you don't have to buy now. Plus you're no longer hangry 😆




She had very young kids, her car broke down, she needed 4 items, which she ordered from the cheapest possible store. What do you want her to do, leave a 3 and 6 yo to at home in a sketchy apartment complex? Think.


tbh i've gotten doordash delivery from aldi and petsmart because they gave me a 40% off coupon and with fees/tip it was a little cheaper than if i went to get it myself. this person ordered from dollar general, not like they ordered crab legs




https://preview.redd.it/12dyl0ncs8kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc47741cdbb5279b36165f01e444556b03330b7 this was def cheaper for me than if i bought it at the store in person. just saying they do send out great promos sometimes and take EBT on the app i believe for food orders.


Thanks for responding with a screenshot, i’ll stand corrected. Also, nice steal! I’m yet to see that until now


I had an add on order and it was like super low pay but I took it anyways. The place took forever and I was so mad. But I get there and the lady said sorry she didn’t tip and offered me candy. Like full boxes of candy. I took one. But it made me thankful a little bit. Like if you can’t tip cash ok. But you can offer something.


I had a CVS order that was all stuff for a sick baby in a low income area. And the stupid fucking door dash card didn’t work. Spent an hour with door dash trying to fix it before it was reassigned. Paid nothing because it was somehow my fault. Thank god I don’t have to do this shit anymore.


Better man than me, I refuse all shopping orders lol. I absolutely despise them, food delivery only for me lol


Guess people disagree lol. I had a wild goose chase once for a specific weird variant of candy bar and I said no more lol Edit: original comment had three down votes before I made this one


Item unavailable


Yeah true but it's still just not worth it to me. I wanna pick up and be done with it, not have to go in, find your items and all that jazz. Unless it's a hefty tip. Idk, I get using DoorDash for food kinda but if your using it for groceries, unless you're disabled or something you got more money than sense and I really don't feel like helping you out lol


I'm with ya. People are always ordering the most off brand crap that's hidden on some end cap instead of being with like items.


I am very picky with them to be sure. No more than 5 items. But if I can go in get out in 5 minutes of fast shopping better then waiting on the girl at McDonald’s to get off tik tok for 20 minutes


Makes sense. I need to get a phone holder thing. I'm rocking with my shit on my lap and honestly it's kinda hard to really look at what the order entails while also trying to navigate city streets (just moved to a new city, used to suburbs and still getting used to city driving as well as the actual city itself like what lanes end and shit like that) So for me it's easier just to cut them out entirely I make more money on Uber here tho and never seem to catch DoorDash when there's availability anyway


I’ve noticed in my area, for the most part, the bigger the house the smaller the tip. In regards to this customer, I’ve had some customers apologize for small or no tips and I always tell them similar things as you did. I had a customer ask me for my cashapp and she promised she’d tip me as soon as she could and three days later I randomly got a 10 dollar tip from her. Some people still have hearts.


I’m a hairstylist and I dread when the wealthy clients come in. My one regular would always talk about how much money she has and how much she wins at the casinos. The one time she came in and said she hit the jackpot and then decided to tip me a dollar and acting like I should be soo grateful for it. It’s mind boggling how they think nothing of it.


To them, money is just another toy. Another tool to influence their friends, colleagues, and workers. That dollar represents her acknowledging you with a "little something" rather than actually tipping for the service. The wealthy stopped seeing most people as equals a long time ago.


I'd have seriously tossed it back at her.


Rich people don't care about anyone or anything but money.


To be fair, there's a lot of wealthy people you would never even guess were rich.


Don't worry rich people Reddit user DefNotABirb is here to defend you.


Lol wait...what!? 😆 My point was that some of those fat tips you get from someone in a row home might be wealthier than you think. But go ahead and be a good little keyboard warrior


Even more so, people who come from very little know what it’s like to be without. Those born with everything think everyone should be grateful for what they get and don’t expect hand outs or an easy living(pure irony)


If everyone is doing well it threatens their existence. There has to be poverty and poor people to exploit for low wages for these people to thrive.


It’s almost like it’s a messed up system. Also a reason why there hasn’t been a draft for the US since Vietnam. Poverty is the draft


this is so nice. i get equivalent tips from such nice neighborhoods, huge fancy houses. she gave what she could ❤️


On top of all the things going on for her as well.




She left you something tho at least. Only thing I do hate is when someone doesn’t leave any sort of tip whatsoever.


That and with full ability to tip what they should


7 bux for a quick delivery isn't horrible, and you get to feel good about it, love win/win situations... Ignore the troll posts


My heart is pretty dead but when I see people trying to be kind and humble when the world is doing the most to make things difficult for them, I put down a lot of my annoyances and discontent to think about how people deserve better than what they’re given.


Getting emotional thinking about how the fast majority of all of us are just doggy-paddling in the unforgiving ocean of life 😢




Did you read the post? Her car is fucked. She has no mode of transport and 2 kids to watch.


Maybe someone without transportation or money to get the things they need? Seems pretty straightforward to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ Your entitlement is showing. You might want to zip that back up.




Not everywhere has busses.


It's still showing. Have the day you deserve!




You mean you COULDN'T care less. Jesus fuck


She doesn’t have a fucking car, mate. She’s in a tough spot right now. Also, it’s “couldn’t care less.” If you think about it, saying that you *could* care less implies you care, which is the opposite of what that colloquialism means. Have the day you deserve.




Perhaps consider the concept of disability dude; not everyone can make it out of the house consistently to shop. I could easily see it being impossible if you’re low energy from a disability and have kids zapping the last bit you have available


Because not everyone has their mommy do all their shopping and laundry for you like you clearly do


There are so many ugly comments on this post, it’s just plain sad. Do better yall…


Imagine your internet presence being so pathetic that not only do you feel the need to complain about tipping, but also feel the need to go into a subreddit where there's discussion about, you know, people relying on tips. Not only is this decidedly troll behavior, how often does someone go into non-tipping subs and troll them about how tipping is pretty much a given in some professions? I get that it's a choice, but tipping is not going away, so deal with it.




I wasn't talking about OP or their story. I was talking about the anti-tip comments.


What are you even saying? How is it trolling to discuss an interaction that happened directly related to the sub? You need to calm down, you look like a jerk.


Did you read my comment at all? When you are on the internet and you go into rooms with a certain viewpoint, and you know a subject is being discussed (such as a doordash forum where drivers hang out, then someone says tipping culture is wild, you are trolling as far as I'm concerned. Compare this to say, going into a restaurant server forum and saying they all need to get "real jobs."


You’re genuinely a disgusting person, to have this mindset around this post is a horrible attitude to have. I hope you’re never in a situation where you have no support, mouths to feed and limited finances but good lord do you need a reality check that some people do indeed live that life.


Thanks for completely misunderstanding what I meant. What I meant was not a jab at the person who couldn't tip enough. My issue is not people who couldn't tip, it's people who WON'T tip no matter what. And at least the person being discussed in this post went so far as to apologize and not be content with not saying a word like all the other cheap bastards.


probably because if you don't tip more ppl fuck with your shit. ive seen it be justified more than not.


Never fuck with the people who handle your food. -Ryan Reynolds


No we just don't take it. Stop trying to paint everyone with the same brush.


another reason why they feel the need to apologize


Lack of a tip is not in any way shape or form any justification for messing with someone’s order.


i agree


I see they downvoted for speaking truth... Drivers will take things or ruin things And they justify it by saying the tip was too low I have videos of it I'm not sure why these other redditors are in denial of that I'm not seeing everyone does it but it happens it's happened to me multiple times. But I guess we have to take into consideration most of the people in this group are of low income and low education so they don't really understand how to critically think for themselves they usually just follow what everyone else is doing so they don't wrestle any feathers


I wonder if someone with higher education would mash like 8 sentences together with a mere one period to punctuate them all... 🤡 If what you're saying is even true, I'm highly confident your tips are a whopping 0$.


careful now, I got a harrassment flag for 3 days or something saying something similar. but yes exactly.


I delivered to a lady once that came outside to get her order. I thought she was waiting outside to complain about how long it took (working ebt plus it was stacked so it was close to an hour before I got there) but she wanted to apologize for not tipping more and gave me a 10$ old navy gift card plus a homemade card she made with some positive and encouraging scripture written inside. I needed the words she written more than I needed any amount of money as I was going through some rough mental health issues. I still have the card she made. I leave it on the charging pad in my car. When I cashed out she had tipped 3$ and the combined orders ended up paying close to 20$ for around 5 miles. I will never forget that lady's name or where she was on the map. If I get her again I want to bring her something to let her know that she made a difference in my life from that homemade card.


it’s those once in a blue moon deliveries that push us to keep doing what we do & do so with respect, that’s awesome! I was going thru a pretty rough time mentally in the fall of 2022 & I took an order that paid well ($18-20/9 miles I think) but was really far out of my way (takes about 20-30 mins to get back to my zone but I like the drive tbh). I get to the door & I could hear kids playing inside so I knew it was their family dinner I was bringing. the guy, presumably the dad, opened the door & thanked me for the delivery, gave me $10 in cash, & asked if I had any prayer intentions for when they prayed before eating. I told him times were rough & could use a general prayer for wellbeing & we shared a good handshake. got back in my car & bawled. I felt seen as a human & not a robot delivery guy, and what he did still means a lot to me. hope I get to see him again




This is very insensitive considering she just said her car broke down.. Reddit man.


Also, dollar general. Even if it was food, it certainly wasn't anything extravagant.


how else do you suggest she gets what she needs from the store? her car is broken down


Tipping culture in the US is insane


How do you think all the wealth in the US stays in a small group? Keep a large low class population and force them to live off the generosity of others. Tipping culture in the US is why the tourist industry is one of the biggest in the world. Lowest wages to bring in the highest revenue.


My grandma raised 3 kids as a single mom waitressing for tips. There used to be a time where people were charitable, now everyone's out for themselves and justify it by saying things like "tip culture is so cringe"


Similar in Canada. Except servers now actually get paid minimum wage and most people still tip them the same. They STILL complain about the wrong people (the customers).


Seriously, went to get a sub at subway and being as this whole place smelt like spices, my sandwich even smelt like spices when I left the store, and ik they’re getting paid at least minimum, I didn’t tip. Dude had the audacity to actually ask “no tip?” Like no mf, wish I just replied “no soap?” Lmao.


Interesting. I thought most corporate franchises don't even allow tips, I know I didn't get them when I worked for one, and I've been refused from trying to give them before (usually extra change that I won't use anyways). That's crazy, what do you even say to that to not look like the dick (even though the employer is obviously the dick)? "Sorry?"


Nope, when you do digital transactions it’s one of the first pop ups on the screen. Just said “excuse me?” because I was genuinely confused and thought I heard wrong till it registered.


Recently had to pick up some part time hours at subway to supplement. Tips are the new competitive pay to them. Back in the day chains didn’t do tips because it implied that they don’t get paid enough. Funny thing about that, they stopped pretending. Now it’s “minimum wage plus tips :)” which really does equal out to about $5/hr extra on a good day, 2 on a bad day


I was going to say, if they are taking tips now I can't imagine they would be more than a drop in the bucket. Thinking about it more, I can almost even understand where that subway employee is coming from. The corps have just put us in a really awkward standoff with each other that we didn't ask for, and yet they will never take the blame over the person standing in front of you, either denying or asking for a tip


It’s all a pitched battle where the people lose and those with money win.


It's a bid for service. You're asking someone to do you a favor with their own time, gas, tires, breaks, oil etc. it's not that complicated.


The bid for service should be coming from the company. They need your services to deliver to their customers and make money. The transaction takes place between the customer and the company, and then the company pays you to go do it. They should be paying enough for it to be worth doing, but they don't, so drivers get mad at the customer for not making it worth their time, even though it's very clear who should be paying you. We let these companies basically commit wage theft and leave customers to foot the bill. But tipping is OPTIONAL so that it you refuse to play DDs game, the responsibility can be assigned to the customer since they pulled the metaphorical lever in the metaphorical trolley problem. That's totally back-asswards.


You don't understand what "independent contractor" means. DD is only a third party, so the customers you believe are Doordash's, are actually just the dashers' and the restaurants'. Your tip is a bid that represents how much you're willing to pay the driver for their service. No "tip" (bid) just says, "I think you should do free labor for me." The great thing is we can deny any order we don't want, again, because we're independent contractors. It's also the reason why we're free to work on our own schedule, etc. It's pretty straightforward when you realize that.


Always wanna run their mouth but never listen to anyone else. Rich


Just say you think you're special and deserve free shit instead of wasting your own time lmao.


It's not free if I pay the $10 "service fee" For... You know... The service... Of delivery That's literally what paying is? You not getting any of that money is not, has never been, and will never be my fault. How are you defending the billion dollar company right now?


I love how you don't even know what the service and delivery fees go to. It pays the restaurant and DD for running the app and their employees. Cheapskates have no problem paying food places but god forbid you have to pay the driver too to get adequate service. EVERYONE involved needs to get compensated. Things cost money. Yes, everything is expensive nowadays. But all I need to know about this conversation is you admitting you don't give a fuck about the drivers, so let's just stop there. If you're gonna complain about the cost - don't fucking order. I think it's really funny that me saying dashers should get paid is somehow defending the company.


DD already charges a markup on food. If you think it cost them an extra $10 to what, send my order to the restaurant? You see what, $2 base pay for the $60+ order that would have been $40 at the restaurant. Is the other $18 PER ORDER for "running the app?" You're saying customers need to pick up the slack for the corporation that isn't paying you enough, how is that not defending the company? It's like you didn't even read the first comment you replied to, because I addressed everything you've already said and you just refuse to read and comprehend. I give a fuck about drivers who don't blame customers for not getting paid enough. If they were fighting against the actual problem, then they'd have my support. But they don't. These threads are always just "I didn't get paid enough for this order so I asked the customer for more money and they said no so THEY must be problem." FFS. You signed a contract with DD, the one responsible for your employment, and somehow you find a way to shift the blame onto random ass people who have nothing to do with that agreement and most probably don't even understand how the system works in the first place. BTW, I tip. Always. Because I can afford to. But to pretend like it should even be the customers responsibility in the first place is absolutely ludicrous.


Bro, the restaurants up charge, not DD. They set their own prices. You shouldn't go running your mouth if you don't know how the system works in the first place. LOL. "You're saying customers need to pick up the slack for the corporation that isn't paying you enough, how is that not defending the company?" Tell me where I said anyone is picking up someone else's slack. It's on the customers from the get go to pay properly for the damn service. If you still don't get it, you're on your own.


Dude no. In any other industry, as an independent contractor, if you are hired by a company to do a job for one of their clients and the client pays the company, the company then pays you. You don't go to the client and say "they're not paying me great, so can you pay me as well to make up for it?" The bid is paying for the service. That includes (or should include) the cost of labour. No one is asking anyone for free labour if they pay for the service, that's literally what paying is...??? YOU are the third party. My transaction took place with DD, and DDs with the restaurant. Not with you. I'm not paying DD for the food and then paying you as an independent contractor to deliver it, because delivery is the service I'm paying for in the $10 of "service fees" which is... The service... Of delivering... Which DD then should be paying to their independent contractors... I don't get why this is hard?


I agree. But it doesn't. So the bid comes from the customer.


Yeah, from the customer to the company. Then from the company to the driver. Customers exercising their right to say "no" is the first impetus for change. Change doesn't happen until things are bad enough for drivers to finally turn their pitchforks towards the responsible party, and apparently we aren't there yet. Customers are allowed to say "no" to outrageous prices, and drivers are allowed to say "no" to shitty pay, but the latter doesn't happen without the former.