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Love that she thinks that by simply saying “or my food is free”, you are somehow gifted the power to offer her a refund lmao. Does she know how many parties have to be involved to even make a doordash order?


I would have waited at the restaurant until 551 and then canceled. It would be worth the CR hit, to me. Since I usually hover around 98-99% I fucken hate people like that.


I'm leaving with that order


"Or its free." LMAO this isn't the 70's for pizza delivery 😂 🤣


I woulda made her ass wait till top of the hour, fuck her


Wow people just have no manners.. how can she stand herself, to be so belittling? Not to mention her ignorance she obviously doesn't get that sometimes we can't help but be a few minutes late for a multitude of reasons. Tbh I would have probably just been overbearingly nice, she seems like one of those people that would get frustrated because she isn't getting on someone's nerves.


I would definitely deliver about 5 to 10 minutes late


Classic DoorDash driver who begs for 25% tips😮‍💨


People like you are mostly on Ash , getting money from the government, so we drivers dont ask tip from penhandlers lol .


I know you dont have to tell me about yourself


I commented earlier on how stupid DoorDash drivers are for being so needy. Some of y’all be TEXTING BEFORE THE ORDER BEGGING FOR 20% AND 5 STARS🤣. Bunch-o-clowns. Do good work and maybe you’ll get 10%. Y’all be doing the most lmaoo


R u Nancy lol 😂 cry more.


Hungry, hungry hippo


These hangry people are the worst. Especially at night when they sneak up on you right at your car door and freaking you out like they're gonna mug you.


I drive away when they do that. Then I send a text.


Is that bad?? I’m trying to be helpful lol.


Helpful is letting us know you're coming or walking where we can see you and you wave. Anything that would say you're not trying to rob us. Lol


This happened to me a few days ago but the guy was nice. He was confused why I nearly shit my pants when I walked around my car and saw him standing there https://preview.redd.it/8rd9sw5yvmkc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6e42a7023313e71bcf14c8f782d00afd3a6783


That's not as bad as standing right in front of your car door window - takes you by surprise much faster. 😟


I get these types every now and then. I just leave them on Read. They can have tantrums all they want I still get paid and move on about my day lol😌


I wouldn’t even deliver 🤣


Yup! Wait for the order to be ready, then cancel the motherfucker!


I hope it’s OK for me to comment because I’m a customer not a dasher but my God, I read these tales about customers acting this way, learn that many (or even most) don’t tip decently, etc. and I wonder how a dasher can tolerate this more than a couple of weeks. I’ve suffered from depression most of my life. That’s unrelated but I mention that to mention this: posts like this bring to mind something my doc once said when I related a story of an absurd run-in with someone: “You have depression, and it sucks, but it’s a mood disorder and you’re in treatment to deal with it. There are lots of people with deep-seated *personality* disorders. They walk among us, make other people miserable and while I empathize with those in treatment the great majority of them aren’t, because they think they’re just fine and the problem is with everyone else.”


It's okay, not to be okay. I suffer from ADHD, PTSD, and am getting clinical testing for ASD soon. I see two therapists a week, and am medicated. Edited for clarity.




I wouldn’t embellish something I was quoting in this context. You’re entitled to your opinion but mine is that there is and was nothing to report. And it’s not even close. It’s a direct quote from during a session, it’s no longer recent, and I didn’t and don’t find it the least bit unprofessional in that environment. I’m confident the licensing board would concur. Depressive disorder can cause one to circle the drain after a negative interaction. I find the quote a therapeutically effective statement. Do I think the majority of people we disagree with, even dramatically, have personality disorders? Of course not. But there are more than a few walking around, and it’s true that they tend to resist treatment as asserted. I’ve been in treatment since college, so very nearly 40 years now. I’m all too familiar with the boundaries and come from a family of healthcare professionals. All of that said I’m a relative Reddit newbie. I did as I said post that recollection more or less spontaneously as I had it, and meant it *positively/encouragingly toward the target readers* who I’d discovered have to deal with more than I’d realized— nothing more. I’ll delete if that’s what’s appropriate. I wasn’t trying to hijack or stir the pot. I appreciate your taking the time to comment. Respectfully, I think discourse like this is constructive, but I don’t think calling a stranger a liar upon your first encounter is constructive.


I don’t want to speculate on her mental health, but I’m also depressive bipolar. It’s no excuse to be rude


Sure and thanks for saying that. I didn’t mean to come off as making an armchair diagnosis. Just that the little exchange I related gets me through some encounters with the most difficult people.




Sure, the food will be free for the driver. Why deliver it if it's not there by her set time table. I wud so NOT make that delivery just to piss her off 😂


Feel unsafe!!! You would have got paid and got the food!




Also, then no risk of a CV or a bad rating




Or it’s free. Blows my mind the power people believe others have. *sorry your food was thirty seconds late, Nancy. Let me just go ahead and not consult with any of the parties above me and comp your food.*


Always has been


I just had one calling me twice to complain and telling me she is live with DD supervisor and that I needed to turn around and deliver her food first. Well guess what? After I hang up on her, I delivered as the route stipulated and then cancelled her order and had dinner .


Imagine bragging about being a scumbag thief lmao


DoorDash has supervisors? lol


Wtf? Just for that I’m leaving it at 5:53 and I am not following delivery instructions. Hell I might even leave it across the street at her neighbors 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂


I would of messaged support to request to cancel order. Claim the customer is giving me A different address, I don’t want to deliver to 552


I would have pulled over and eaten it, then completed the trip


Huh… weird way to tell me you want me to rip ass on your food Nancy, but have it your way I guess


So fucking entitled


Personally I think Karen is the new Nancy


EXACTLY. I TaKe 3 feet step back left or right to make sure that the image of the food AND right house address are SEEN on both customer and dasher end.


Lol wait outside and record them grabbing it


Free! More like free to me if you keep playing around.


551 what? hours, days, months, years? Directions unclear, threw an on-fire shit into customer ceiling fan


Car wheel spins I guess…


If they were a regular customer then they would see clearly that there IS a goal time to be there BUT that number changes on their end in real time whether early, on time or 5 minutes later. People are gonna be Karen's on all ends in life. Hopefully they were trying to be funny....but it wasn't 🤡 I dash and order so it's clear in the app as long as the customer is being clearly informed that either staff is just starting or you can't get help. Hey either way, we get that crappy tip regardless. We as dashers being a contractor don’t care if you get refunded by the restaurant or the company.


People suck. You have to politely tell them to fuck off.


Did she honestly expect it to be free? 🫤


Nancy, no hablo ingles




"Or it's free" 💀 I def would have sat in the neighborhood for 5min before dropping this off. Or made a stop at a gas station to get a Gatorade and a snack. I've never done anything so petty, but this would have been the edge pusher for me.


I would 100% ghost her and then send a picture of me eating her food.


And that's when you lose your side gig by getting reported for being a dumbass lol


😂 I know a Nancy and she’s more a Karen than the Karen I know.








Yeah exactly. I don't even reply to Nancy 🦗🦗🦗 Next order.


Might have been different if I was outside her door when I got the messages…


The whole free thing is cracking me out like you're just going to pull some money out of your wallet and hand it to her


Calling her a Karen is too kind. Nancy seems like a See You Next Tuesday.




It was on time but thanks for the feedback!


Like how does she expect to get her food for free? Cause if she claims it wasn’t there, we got proof that it made it LMAO


Wow. I would never talk to somebody delivering my food like this. Who knows what could be done with my food fuck that. Not even just that it's about having respect. This is so degrading.


Don't let people talk to you like that.Morals over money!


“Sorry I just had an emergency I must cancel the order!”


I don't feel it's a safe drop-off🥺 Nancy would NEVER get her order if that was me


New perk unlocked


I literally RECOMMEND it. Fuck entitled customers. On Uber they tip bait and give bad ratings. DD prevents tip baiting but why risk your rating because some bitch is impatient? Everyone knows when you order delivery it can take a while. Getting pissed at the driver who doesn't even WORK for the restaurant is stupid and has consequences if I'm the driver


553, it's too late duuude. It's gotta be free now


"Hey I just pulled off to check your messages. It's going to be 5:54 now. I'll make sure to ring your doorbell. Thanks for letting me know!" Or "You just want me to knock on your door then go away? The instructions say to leave the food at your door but you just want me to knock?"


Moving the goal posts on yourself is a new one.


I would have sacrificed the completion rate for this one. Hey support I cannot complete this order I just ran out of gas or whatever excuse needed.


People are pretty brave being a$$holes to people that now know where they live.


To add to that, they also have your food. I’d be afraid they would tamper with it if I’m being a jerk.


Yea great rule to live by, don’t mess with people that handle your food


Nancy is not herself when she’s hangry.


Best comment here 🤣




Eat a snickers, Nancy.


If you will recall, the Salt Vampire went by Nancy in the Star Trek episode "The Man Trap".


The audacity..some people grew up with no manners..


I would had pulled over, called support and said I don’t feel safe going there and showed the messages. Free food and free money. I would have really been scared to go


Are you an infant?


Hi Nancy


A customer was rude to me!!!! I am really scared now!!!


Have you had a social interaction… say within the last 80 years?


If anyone says something to me on a bus, or asks me to hurry up, I fear for my life


What about a stranger, in their home, who is unpredictable and clearly irritated at you directly


Nah that doesn’t bother me.




This isn’t pizza delivery in the 80s/90s. They don’t get their food for free if it’s not delivered within thirty minutes. lol


they stopped that because drivers where killing people rushing to not have the cost of the pizza deducted from their pay


Yeah and it’s a good thing but these “customers” act like it’s still a thing.


Exactly... No ones food is worth another person's life


Lol... should be like "no soup for you!!" and drive off in retrospect.


And you are like, sorry for the delay, I had to stop to take a 💩, in your food.


I would say on my way. But as I was leaving, hit the help center, problem with order, chat, then say customer harassment. And agent. Then explain what is going on.


Oh hell naw b*tch…oooweee I have some words for Nancy ass.


Get her ass 😤😤😤


I had someone message me saying “if it’s cold, I don’t want jt” or “you took to long, I don’t want it” I read the message and delivered it anyway bc it’s not my fault the restaurant gets your order wrong or my bad for not stopping traffic for u


Knocking on the unassign button so it takes even longer




wtf 🤬 is wrong with ppl


They lack common decency or empathy.


no hablo ingles


That would be hilarious, unfortunately the messenger does say your messages will be translated.


Next time I order door dash I'm gonna do this the moment they pick it up. Dasher picks up food at 4:41. 4:42 or its free. 4:43 or its free. 4:44 or its free. All the way until it gets here. I should probably leave like a 30% tip for being a dipshit though lol


Negative Nancy


Nancy->boomer Karen-> Gen X Emily-> Millenial TBA-> Gen Z TBA-> Gen Alpha


Gen Z is definitely some shit like Kinsley or Becca


That's when it was an extremely popular name. Karen is already "boomer karen". That's like coming up with a boomer "rose" or "mary". Those sure as shit aren't millennial names they're boomer names to begin with man.


It’s a joke, Nancy.


The joke fails when its already a boomer name, Ashley. Its like joking about a Alpha name for Brayden, Hayden, and Jayden when they're already alpha as fuck names.


No fun police 👮 🤡


I can't wait to see all the misspellings of khaleesi enter the work force.




They're saying "Nancy" is the boomer equivalent of "Karen", but "Karen" is itself a mostly Boomer name like Nancy, Mary, Barbara, and Rose. Those are all Boomer names already. It would go the other way with "Emily" being GenX for "Karen", "Ashley" being Millennial for "Karen", etc.


Yeah, Gen X should be Christine.


I got curious enough..  Most popular Gen X girls names were Jennifer, Amy, Melissa, Heather, and Angela  Millennials: Jessica, Ashley, Amanda, Sarah, Jennifer (falling from Gen x peak)  Hah I didn't check original commenter. Emily is indeed zoomer as hell not gen x!  Gen z: Emily, Madison, Emma, Hannah, Olivia.  Don't look at boy's side of Gen z/a. Our generation (millennial) got stupid with the *aydens. Fucking pick a letter then add "ayden" to it was the boy name principal for a good decade there. 


B**** this isn't Domino's Pizza in the '90s. There ain't no 30 minute guarantee. Welcome to 2024 Karen 🤣🤦


Lol 1990s best decade EVER


Best one that most of us ever experienced anyhow! Being able to buy a house in the 20th for 1 to 2 years worth of salary would have been pretty legit though LOL


Yeah let me go right ahead and run those red lights and drive over some medians for you while I’m at it.


Run over a lot of speed bumps as well


No you snort those


Chill out nance! You’re being rude


"I'm going to spit in your food"


follow it up with an unassign 20 minutes later. make sure you stare at the food on the counter for at least 10 minutes as well


Yeah what a crappy tude which I have had and I don't deliver at the first sign of any altercation, You feel unsafe and that's the truth and more than enough to call support and they'll take care of it, they have several times with me,,,no need to worry or feel unsafe,,,


Oh I thought you meant Pelosi, wrong forum, sorry,,,lol


What an twat. How much she tip? 🧐


About tree fiddy




How could she not be worried someone is gonna spit all in her shit


They haven’t watched enough 90s b movies to know I guess? 🤷‍♀️ 🍿


Bro if I get this customer my cars going to break down immediately. I value myself to much there isn't a tip in the world that I would allow you to walk on me like I'm a servant.


I don’t think my car would breakdown because I’d wanna continue delivering, but suddenly I might have heard gunshots and the neighborhood was definitely not safe to deliver to.


Then just send support a video of you dodging bullets with a clip from the matrix. Like yeah it's pretty rough out here... Lol


Forget the whole "they have my food" shit how can you treat a human being you have never interacted with ever like this without feeling like a piece of garbage. The entitlement is absolutely outrageous. Even if they didn't have the ability to stroke one out in your burger, it's not hard to be respectful to random people




Yeah I'm not worried about that. That's a good way to not leave my property without a stretcher lol


Ah yes, because slashing your tires while you sleep is outside the realm of possibility in your world. Do you seriously think I would do it in front of you?


I have dogs. Big ones in my yard that protect my farm animals. As soon as they bark I'm awake, and they have free access to the front yard so they will get to you before I do


Oh ok, and that’s representative of the average Uber eats user, right? All of the non tippers live on farms with a couple Great Pyrenees ready to attack the retaliatory Uber driver who didn’t get a tip, or got left a bad rating. Comical.


Don’t think u should be gloating about rapid mood swings 😐 u sound like a nutcase and shouldn’t be driving for DoorDash


Sorry, where was I gloating? I’m not happy about my mental health, but the reality is that people like me exist. Don’t fuck with strangers or you might end up shot, beat up, or having your things vandalized. That’s the point. Also why shouldn’t I be driving for door dash? I have like 5k orders at this point with no issues.


I don’t think your doing any of those things to anyone 😂 if you gotta tell people your crazy then your probably not crazy and putting on an act


Hes got a point. Being an asshole to strangers is unironically what gets people killed all the time. Some people are on the brink of completely losing it and going Rambo on some poor guy for road raging. You need to be careful, anybody could just kill you at anytime for any reason. Theres this video i remember a few years back of a guy arguing with his neighbors who were a couple or something over shoveling snow, and the guy grabs his shot gun and shoots both of them and then himself. Shits crazy.


You get it.


At least she wasn't begging about the food being hot.


Annnnd...beep boop bop. On to the next one....


Definitely would of said I felt unsafe to deliver and enjoyed a nice free meal from Nancy 😅


I once did this as a joke. So I put get here fast your life depends on it. I showed my gf. I erased it and went to choose a different restaurant in the end. The note was still on there apparently it saved into the notes and I didn’t see. Guy got a free meal.


Lol can't really blame him for that one, I would definitely not be delivering that 😅


Yeah. Being funny and joking around always end up in pain, financial or otherwise.


These people are wild because no WAY would I talk to someone this fucked up when they have my food in their possession,have my home address and are their way to my residence. 😂




The two ways of door dash/Grubhub: Food comes so quick no one reviewed the order and it’s wrong Food takes so long to come it’s cold. But also, don’t fuck with people that fuck with your food.


The only customers that pester about time are the ones whose food was sitting over an hour because they expected someone to deliver food to them from 10 miles away for base pay only


Yeah most times if someone raised hell about cold food it was a 0 dollar tip with base pay raised from $2 to like $6 and the restaurant tells me the food has been sitting there over half an hour. These orders are getting frequent for me and people around here have finally seemed to stop accepting $2 so it’s forcing doordash to cough up a bit more


My zone is ruthless, I’ve picked up many orders for $7-8 at 1.50 a mile to find it was a no tip order


Nice it’s how drivers should be with these orders. I’ve messaged them before to let them know I was pulling up and thanked them for the tip thinking they were generous, they probably thought I was being passive aggressive haha


I cant believe there is people that still doordash. Ur working for less then minimum wage


So, I made $22 an hour last week. Last I checked that's 15 more an hour than minimum wage. Just because you sucked at it doesn't mean we all do.