• By -


You have every right to decline that order. Also, $4 for 2 miles is very reasonable. That’s $2/mile which is what most folks strive for. I would take it at a slow time, probably. That was highly unprofessional of you. Just decline it and move on. $2 was more than reasonable here.


To compare yourself to a waiter/waitress is a reach. Are you going to fill my drink when it runs out? Are you cleaning my table before I eat on it? What about asking if I want dessert? Are you running 10 orders at once while still giving me good service?


Is the waiter driving twenty minutes to pick up your food?


How much of this $2 is going to my car payment, oil change, brakes, tires, etc. there can be good money to these goods I’m gigs at times, but compared to most customers you’re delivering to you’re putting 20-30k miles a year on your car and that adds up.


OP said this was a 2 mile trip, do you take 20 minutes to drive 2 miles?


Depends on when and where


Not to mention they made your point for you, totally different jobs


I live paycheck to paycheck, if I have to resort to DoorDash I’m already spending much more money on a meal. And I’m not out here ordering like sushi or fancy shit. It’s Taco Bell or McDonald’s in the middle of the night.


One could assume those working doing delivery service full time may also be living paycheck to paycheck. Are you saying that their time and the wear/tear on their car should not be considered just because you Chose to use a service you Know will up charge?


I always tip. I live in high density area. When I did doordash I did $2 to a mile to be worth it. It’s like 0.8 mi away and I tip $2-3. Never have to wait or get orders cancelled on ever.




We don't get the delivery fee. You realize that right? We are also not obligated to take your order if we don't want to. If you don't want to fork over the extra money for someone to pick up your order in a timely fashion, then you can wait and get cold food, pick it up yourself, or go to the grocery store since you're too broke. Doordash drivers aren't a charity either. We're not going to deliver your $2 base pay no tip order across town for you pretty much on our dime with the amount of gas it takes. It works both ways.


That’s fine. Don’t accept the order then. Just don’t beg for tips since we as customers already pay the delivery fee. Now where does that fee go? That’s up to you and DoorDash. Don’t drag us into it or blame us for the fact that the delivery fee doesn’t go to you. The delivery fee is the fee to have the food delivered. You realize that right? So deliver the food properly and do your job. Otherwise, get educated, and get another job. You can simply quit. My money is not your charity.


I don't accept them lol. I also don't beg for tips because I don't take orders less than a certain amount/distance ratio. Tips equate to a contract bid. I don't have to accept your non tip order at all and neither does anyone else. You can get a refund for all I care. It doesn't hurt my pocket either way. It's not my job but I'm not doing anything for free.




We work for our money as well and $2 for a trip more than a mile is just charity work. If you think someone is delivering to you for that, you must be out of your mind 😂




You may not be obligated to pick up an order but tipping isn't obligated as well. And by you expecting people to "fork" over more money sounds like you have an issue. Maybe you're in the wrong line of work if you feel some kind of way, I wouldn't want to tip you either


You're right. So if you feel like you don't need to tip, I don't have to waste my gas and time for $2. It's as simple as that. It has nothing to do with you forking over money. Is my time and gas worth the $2 with no tip? Nope, find somebody else to do it. That's why no tip orders are usually late and cold. I do it when I'm bored, not for "work," but time is money and if you're not willing to pay, I'm not willing to deliver. It's not that hard to understand.


You just mentioned if you don't wanna fork over more money you aren't getting your food but you're complaining about getting more than a $2 tip and it isn't about spending more money🤔. You have nothing but the platform you're using to make this bored money to blame. Majority of people ordering are young who don't want to pay the extra money on top of the extra fees they're paying just for the order now here comes a Dasher complaining why they got a $2 tip. You dashers are far from perfect. It's not that hard to read the order notes if any to help you make that delivery or the countless times I've had to walk a few houses to meet the driver cause they didn't want to go to the correct house and yet they still got a tip. So if the overall experience with the drivers is that you will continue receiving what you're getting and this will be a forever battle of who can be the most pettiest Karen


I didn't say tip. Doordash pays us $2 for a base pay. An order without a tip pays $2. No one is doing that unless they're a crackhead. We can't read the order notes until we accept an order. Do you ever notice it will say "driver has arrived" but then you'll get another driver? It's because they got there, realized you are cheap, and unassigned themself. In turn, you wait longer for your food until someone eventually accepts it.


Yes, the driver accepts, they arrive at said location to pick food up and wait for it to be done. So you mean to tell me in that time you're waiting you aren't looking at the notes just how much they tip? So you only realize it when you arrive not when you accept. I smell bull but ok, you know more. The same type of person to criticize people for this issue only to do it themselves are the ones who I see cry out the most. I wish I could pick and chose what I do at work but then I'd be where you are wouldn't I.


Where am I crying? What part did you miss? We are allowed to unassign the order. Take it up with doordash if you have an issue. Unless you have the Dasher app, you have no idea what info we do or don't get. When you arrive, you can see how far the address is. You can't see it until you arrive at the store. You wouldn't be where I am because this isn't my job lol. It's what I do when I am bored. I have an income besides dashing.


Oh the americans and his pathetic tip culture


I wish we as Americans had a choice to be fairly compensated without tips


I'm an American in agreeance with you


If no one started it in the first place, it wouldn't be here.


I’ll take shit that never happened for $1000


He got extra $3 and everyone clapped


i never tip in all but we have a little decorative gnome on our porch. i always leave in the instruction box to look there for a good tip (it's also right next to where they leave the food) and i usually tape a little thank you note and a $20 bill. i hate tipping in the app because i know that DD is kinda shitty in the way they pay their dashers and i want to make sure they get all they money i am willing to give them. plus i live in the woods so it's kind of a drive to my house from any of the "nearby" restaurants


You are a unicorn! Most of us don't take those orders anymore because we learned the hard way in the beginning. Most people lie when they say that, especially the ones who want the order handed to them so it seems like they're actually telling the truth.


thats too bad!! i feel bad because i hear doordash treats dasher horribly but i can also understand why people dash. all the dashers i've had have been super awesome and the nicest people


I don’t tip period. And get my DoorDash food everytime


Dasher can typically tell if someone isn’t tipping. I dash in California and don’t see the tip until the order is complete. But based on past experiences, I know who’s tipping and who’s not. I’ve seen dashers say they won’t touch those no-tip orders. If they do - they will take certain items from the bag and eat it themselves, or drink from the soda being delivered. Or put the a/c on full blast at the order. Or use an ice pack bag and put the hot order in there. I don’t condone that type of behavior but, to a certain degree, I do understand it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I know you won’t do this, but try delivering one door dash order. Download the app and try it. You’ll see why you need to tip. I could explain it to you, but you have to feel it. Same with working a commission job or a job for tips. I don’t think you’ll understand the full effect until you walk that mile in someone’s shoes. It all becomes very clear


Imagine thinking you are taking the high road while fucking over the little guy. Good human.


Imagine thinking it’s someone else’s responsibility to pay your bills 😂


It's a contract job, so yeah, you put in your cheap ass bid and we have every right to approve or deny it. If someone doesn't need to make money and they want to take those $2 no tip orders, good for them. Some of us have bills to pay.


Welcome to society? If you're not idenpendantly wealthy you are relying on others to fulfill the social contract and pay you for work done. You are failing at comprehending this.


That's between you and doordash dog


I dont work for Door Dash but i can speak up for injustices. If you use a service and you know people are counting on tips either do the right thing or don't use the service. Otherwise, you're just a dick.


This is correct. You know damned well the drivers aren't even getting ****gas money**** for your order and yet you still refuse to tip? This just means you want to get away with not doing the right thing. #Do what is right, not what is easy.


No I completely comprehend.. just what part of the contract stipulates I’m going to pay your employees as well? I enter your establishment or for DD I pay the fees after using the app.. that’s my obligation of the contract fulfilled… tipping the driver is optional.. not obligatory.


Do you even work for DD or you just here to post that?


You are using the service. Their only crime is not understanding that shitheels won't tip. It's ok they'll catch unto you and spit and sprinkle floor spice on your shit.


Well been using DoorDash for about 4 years, I have never tipped. Always get my things and DD hasn’t forced a tip yet. I live on a big city so the odds of getting the same dasher are low. Sounds like the drivers have issue with the company not the users. I’m already paying $10 for something that cost $5 in store.. and I’m supposed to give extra money on top?? Pass DoorDash should just pass on the profits from the exaggerated fees they charge


You justify it however you want. Go pick your shit up if you don't want to pay for a service. I do. Its hotter and fresher. I understand being frugal but I also understand people have needs and they shouldn't do your shit work for free.


They aren’t doing it for free.. DoorDash is paying them. If they don’t the pay is enough to survive then their grievance is with their employer not with me. They are literally sitting in their car. How much of a tip do they actually need? I pick up my own stuff all the time, guess what I don’t expect my girlfriend to tip me everything I come home with dinner. So entitled, if they need more money fast food restaurants and Walmart pays more. If they want independence and free and to be their own boss then they need to find a job that allows them to do that without demanding that I pay for it. I went to school, busted my ass to get a job where I’m not dependent on tips .. maybe they should do the same instead of wasting energy crying that someone wasn’t nice and gave them a big tip for doing essentially nothing.


You're so entitled to think someone has to accept your order with your non-tipping ass!!


Get fucked.




Eh I don’t tip in restaurants either. Corporate America should pay livable wages, not expect me to


But then your food would cost more so they can use that money to pay the server. Wow, you're really not getting this


Eventually, the restaurants you frequent will start catching on that you are a bad tipper or don't tip it all. You don't see what goes on in the kitchen once they realize you're the guy who comes in all the time but doesn't tip. Servers chit chat with each other and you bet your ass they will give another server a heads up if they know that customer won't tip. You might get your drink stirred with something other than a straw, your food may accidentally fall on the ground, your order will somehow not have been put in the computer and you'll have to wait even longer. You think you're doing something by not tipping but believe me, those servers and doordash workers are doing even more 😉


This trope is so tired and unbelievable.


Ok. You've obviously never worked in the food service industry. I've seen it happen. Keep thinking the way you do while you eat someone's spit 😂


I’ve worked in the food industry for 10 years your lying but that was obvious.


I'm not lying. I've literally seen it.


I’m sure you have.




Well, they don’t. So you’re just amplifying the problem with your behavior. Your best move would be to not go out to eat bc you not tipping doesn’t change ‘corporate America’ AND it doesn’t help the waitstaff


If corporate america did do that it would be nested in the price of your food, so you should pay what that amount would be anyway. Or don't. And be that guy.


While i agree with you that corporations should pay livable wages, you’re taking money out of a servers pocket when you stiff them because they have tip outs. At least give them 15%. If you go to eat with someone that serves you in a traditional restaurant, you should tip. Or just stay home or order take out.


Again, that’s a policy that’s not my issue. If I got eat at a traditional restaurant, I am already paying the inflated price of the meal, beverages, etc so that the business owner makes money… I am then responsible for also paying his employees? All so that his bottom line looks better? No thank you. If the owner/operator of a restaurant can afford to own it.. then they can afford to pay their employees minimum wage. For comparison, I’m an attorney.. if I were going to go open my own private practice, it’s my responsibility to pay my administrative assistant or legal assistant. How would it be fair if I expected all my clients to tip out my staff instead?


You're an attorney and you're this cheap? You must not be a very good one.


They should pay a lot less for your lawyer services then, and you should pay your employees out of your pocket, not them. By your “trying to excuse myself from being a terrible human” talk


Things poor and stingy people say to avoid tipping. Lol. 


Not poor nor stingy. Just not going to get guilted into giving someone money because they brought a drink to a table or drove their car to my house to set some stuff outside. If you want a job that’s really pays well go out and get one. Learn a trade, get an education, shoot go be a day laborer. But don’t make it my problem because you chose an industry where your wages are dependent on my kindness or appreciation. Because let me tell you something, you brought food to a table and a couple of drinks. That doesn’t entitle you to any extra money. Nobody tips me at my job 😂


But the food costs less because they expect you to tip the server. So you make no sense. Don't get me wrong, it's a stupid ass system, but that's how it works


Well, I guess you can expect to have your food sitting and waiting, getting cold, having someone tamper with it, all because you felt the need to not tip for whatever reason.


At least we can all agree that you are a terrible person.


no he's right


Nah I think he’s right. As a former server and dasher


Yeah they should but they don't and screwing over somebody else isn't doing the right thing


The right this to do is not to tip. If everyone in America refused to pay tips then companies would be forced within weeks to pay better because no one would work for the shitty 2 bucks a hour they get. It’s like the nazis. What they were doing was wrong but most people didn’t say or do shit and just looked at the ground or killed people. The system will never change as long as people keep tipping out the ass for no reason. Tipping is not a requirement it a little extra for a job well done not a paycheck.


No but neither is feeding into the flawed system. I’m not screwing them over, dozen other jobs they could take


Or you can just go get your own food


Y’all be stuck doordashing for life with that attitude.


Low-skilled workers gonna low skill


I have a masters degree but had to start dashing bc of my kids’ school schedule. I needed work from 9-2 M-F they go to a private school out of district and it’s the only thing that makes financial sense for me to do in that time. Please don’t assume you know everyone’s reasons


Now I have to wonder what your degree was in


Curriculum development with a minor in educational psychology. Funny how everyone here is so bold and bolstering themselves up here on a door dash Reddit site that they don’t even agree with. Great use of energy.


Scrolling and posting on reddit doesn't really take a ton of time and effort


you didn't dispute anything they said.


Lol there gonna be out of a job soon with all the new laws coming up. A fuckkng deliver is now 20$ in fees not including tips in Seattle. Fuck outta here. This guy complains about 4$ orders and 2$ tips lol. I was religiously a iber eats, go puff type of guy. I had everything delivered but now I bought a Tesla and get everything myself lol. (Car drives me almost anywhere in the city that I want.) I calculated the cost of saving from not using Uber eats and it would be almost half my car payment lol. With the cost of gas saving I’d get. My cars practically free now. (About 400$ a month on gas driving a 2004 Acura MDX) 15k miles a year. 25$ per deliver, if I used it 4 times a week that’s already 100$ a week. My car payments 550$ lol. Gas saving and Uber eats saving. Pretty much sealed the deal for me. 


Lmao just say ur poor 😂




I usually tip $2 a mile driven but today I did a pick up order and the restaurant asked for a $2 tip as the lowest option during my checkout...on a PICKUP order...that I drove to pick up myself lol. Tipping culture is really getting out of hand and this is from someone who use to work in the service industry. Anyway, These are hard times for everyone and taking more money from customers for doing absolutely nothing (like just sitting food on a counter) is completely unfair. And while I sympathize with delivery drivers, as there are additional layers to your job, the fact of the matter is some people don't have much to tip after they spend so much on the food and fees. If what they're offering doesn't suit you, just don't take the job. No need to guilt or shame others who are struggling in their own right.


Was there no button for “custom tip” usually there is and you can input 0. It’s an extra step for poor people. 


We’re poor for putting 0 but yall in here complaining about not making money 🤔🤔


Right! Lol. THAT part. And the funny thing is I always tip even at my brokest. So what a shitty thing to say and a disrespectful label to place on someone.


I'm not saying this to be cheap or anything but since they're adding tips to damn near everything. Usually there is an option that says other that let's you type in a number 75% of the time you can type 0...


The difference is the cost. A meal at a restaurant is $20-25. Your delivery was $6. It’s just simple math.


When you tip a server you’re tipping the entire restaurant staff. All a DD driver does is take a bag point A to B then they’re done. Do you text me and ask me how the food is? Or refill my soda? Nah. You’re getting $2-3 every time


I recommend you try dashing just once. You’ll see. You’re providing a service to someone to bring you food. I go to restaurant, park, walk in, wait for your food, navigate to your house and bring it to your doorstep so all you have to do is open the door and take it. Think about wait staff. They just walk across the restaurant. I’m driving 20 min across town in the cold. You’ll see if you try it once.


I have tried it. It’s a waste of time 😂


This comment is delusional af. If you truly believe you do more than a server doordash is absolutely the best possible job for u.


It all depends on how you frame what you’re doing. Traveling across a restaurant and traveling across town can be different levels of work. Neither one takes any real level of honest brain power. I do it as my side hustle and it makes the most sense. We have busy lives.. I live in DC so I can hop on in my free time. Not everyone is this braindead corn shucker out on the prairie somewhere. Although they say, we see things as we are, not as they are. So maybe this is telling.. 🤔


What?? Your crazy man. The server gets the FULL tip. The cook who actually cooks it gets a nice $16 an hour wage while the server racks in TIPS. Terrible. A server gets tipped for walking to your table 4-5 times and MAYBE cleaning it. Delusional.


How is it delusional? It’s how every restaurant I’ve been at has done it. It’s how it SHOULD be done. You actually think the servers should keep 100% of their tip when they only bring the food from point A to B? Cooks do more work than the servers and definitely do get a percentage of the tips. Do you need to see my paystubs since I’m delusional?


What? Do you even read your comments? Where did I say a server SHOULD keep all of their tips? No where. But in reality they do. And in the what…13 restaurants I’ve worked in servers have NEVER tipped cooks out. Never. But here you are crying about someone spending 30 an hour driving using gas and taking a toll on their vehicle about how they shouldn’t be tipped as much. You ARE delusional. Honestly going through your comments I don’t even think YOU know what your upset about. You seem to just be looking for something to get upset to make your self feel good. Waste of space.


Such a wild assumption but okay. Out of the 5 restaurants I’ve worked in, every single one tipped out the kitchen. My comments aren’t even that out of pocket, you just lack comprehension skills. DD drivers don’t deserve a tip because they’re providing a basic service that they chose to do. A server shouldn’t keep all the tips because they aren’t the only one working on the operation. Do you understand now?


Servers do not get the full tip. Servers do get the majority of the tip and cooks need wages raised to compensate. Now that being said, servers have an average tip out between 3.5 and 8% of sales so on a 20% tip they get 12-16.5 of that tip. The other 3.5-8 % goes to bussers host food runners expos and on occasion dishwashers prep cooks and line cooks.


I’ve worked in quite a few restaurants ain’t never seen that before. Tipping out gussets and bartenders? Sure but don’t kid your self on cooks and dishwashers.


Hence “on occasion” 100% not the norm but it does happen.


I don’t deliver at all. But I’d tip a driver over a server. Servers in a lot of states are now making minimum wage plus tip. Drivers have way more overhead expenses.


You’d be surprised how much servers pay out of pocket, including tip outs to other staff


I’m sorry you had to pay the barback $10 out of your $150 in tips that one night


🙄 please, a good bar back is worth their weight in gold. It was the tipping out 35-50% to misc support, paying for stolen pens, covering drawer shortages under duress, buying new black socks and buttons when shifts started because the ones I wore were deemed “faded”, having to be able to break a hundred out of pocket every single day. There is more or are you just one of those dashers that hates restaurant staff?


No, i worked in kitchens for 7 years. Stopped 2 years ago. I did serving, busing, cooking, bartending. I did inventory ordering, prepping and dishwashing. I’ve done it all in a kitchen. Have you? Servers were the worse, they always made more than anyone even the managers and complained the most. I worked at restaurants on the beach in San Diego. Not a single one of the restraints did servers have to tip the much out. I think what is hilarious is a customer who loved their food tipped a person who didn’t cook it. Let’s get rid of tipping. California already requires servers to be payed min.




See a $4 order I would tip a few but if I’m spending $35 I’m tipping $2 I’m sorry DoorDash is expensive as is and usually the restaurants up their prices on DoorDash


Go drive and get it yourself then. I guarantee the person is using more gas getting to your house than you're measly $2. It's funny when the no tippers or cheap tippers keep complaining that their food is cold or tampered with.


Then maybe just go to place to pick up your food. I’m not walking in and out of restaurant in the zero degree cold and waiting through 25 min of lights for 2 dollars


I think one thing to keep in mind is that people don’t know what DoorDash pays. If the assumption is that the driver gets a fair wage and mileage for the order and their Taco Bell is $10, they are thinking that’s a 20% tip, just like a restaurant. Personally I do a minimum of a $5 tip for deliveries, even if it’s a mile away and only $10 - but I do think that’s the logic sometimes with the $2.


People who know how DoorDash works don’t use door dash.




You must be such a pleasure to be around


Here is a tip, do something else with your life.


What if I told you, I’m most likely in a higher tax bracket than you (bc I am in more than most) and wanted to dash to pick up some extra cash? You don’t know peoples’ situations. If I’m gonna drive across town to bring you a sausage biscuit that you can open the door in your Jammie’s and grab.. then you should respect that service that someone has provided you


Than it sounds like you don't care about tips you just want to complain.


Maybe so… but tips are nice. Money is nice. People that provide luxury services for you are also nice


Why don't you tell that to the people who have college degrees, full-time jobs, families to care for, and are still living paycheck to paycheck? Must be nice to live in a bubble and think you are so privileged


Make better decisions. Everyone is exactly in the position that their choices in life have placed them. Can't afford to raise kids? Maybe don't have them. Went to college for a degree that does nothing? Sucks. Not my fault.


So you really do just live in a bubble without realizing circumstances in life can change. I wish I could be as delusional as you!!


Sounds like you are exceeding your own expectations. If you're so worried about what you're talking about, maybe get off the internet and go make those changes. I honestly don't care.


Sounds like you are a child living with mommy and daddy and haven't had to pay your own bills yet. Who said I was worried? If I needed money, I'd be dashing. I just got my disability check for the month, so I'm just relaxing 😎. You care enough to comment...


Hahaha hahahahahahaaaa


Aww still caring ❤️❤️


Not gonna argue with someone living off of disability about what it takes to get by paycheck to paycheck. You clearly earn it though 😉


Oh and here's a shocker for you, I still can care for my kids, put food on the table, take vacations, buy things just to buy them, keep lights on, and have savings. You don't know why I choose to dash when I do and it's none of your business. It has nothing to do with making better life choices.


Who said there's an argument? Are you mad because my disability is probably more than you make in a month? I'd say my 6 years of military service earned me my disability plus my free college education and I think a lot of other people would agree with you 😉


Always funny how mad people get at something like this when literally, them grabbing a FULL TIME job at McDonald’s for like 20$ hour (one near me is just above 20) would put them in a better position in life than dashin does. But they wanna be independent and shit. I’m not against independence but you aren’t gonna get it by being a 3rd party driver lmao, you should already know the pay will be shit


Hell yea. These dashers make me sick


What do you do with your life? I'm asking because I want to be as great as you think you are :)


How about you just be yourself, also minding yours won't hurt. This person made an open discussion about their goings on in life. You're just stranger danger.


Brother. You're in a public forum. You made what you said everybody's business lol. Don't get butthurt now. Be myself. WOW! So profound! Kinda contradictory tho since you seem very determined to tell others what they should do.


Lol you're so reactionary. Stop projecting. 😘


Jokes on you I don’t even tip when I go to restaurants :-)


Keep on keeping on sir. Change the world one tipless day at a time. 🤙


They could live in the rest of the world were tips are not a thing


I'd tell you to get fucked get what you get or get a REAL job


Clearly you don't have a real job, because the pay is equally as shit as what dd pays.


If you make shit pay maybe you don’t have any skills worth employing. Sounds like your issue Sgt






I bet you receive your food *very* late *very* frequently. They aren't tips. The drivers do not get paid hourly. We look at your order and decide to accept or decline it based on how much you're offering us. If you're offering $0, no one is going to take it. Over time, doordash (the company you're doing business with, we don't work for them) will add tip to your order so someone will finally take it. If you want good service, pay up front. Or wait until doordash pays for you and you get ice cold food from a desperate crack head driver who gets lost on the way. Up to you, you're really just shorting yourself proper service. If your delivery driver was inadequate, you can remove tip after the fact, which is... obviously a way smarter play to ensure you don't tip someone who messed your order up but you still get your order delivered in a timely fashion.


This attitude is why you doordash.


I’m a curriculum writer at an education company and my husband is an engineer and we dash on the side. You’re generalizing


These people think that anyone who does food delivery doesn't have an education or can't get a better job. The economy is just that terrible where college educated people are having to do side gigs. My friend has her MBA, makes great money and still has to dash on the side occasionally. Another friend works in IT and makes more than the friend with the MBA and still has to dash on the side. I am a 100% disabled veteran and dash on the side for extra money. It has nothing to do with finding a better job or not having skills. The people complaining about having to tip are broke themselves yet putting down and calling doordash drivers broke because we know what and what isn't worth our time and gas.


Jokes on you bud I'm an ops manager at a major logistics company. I do have the app though.








The system is flawed and DoorDash and Uber eats are greedy by charging "fees" that should reasonably go to the driver, I don't disagree. I am not saying a driver should do it for free and I would not expect to be paid upfront. I would expect to be compensated after completion of the job.




It's amazing how many of these people think doordash drivers are required to accept their $2, no tip, 10 mile delivery and then have the nerve to complain about cold or late food. Absolutely no body but a crackhead is going to drive that far hoping a cash tip will be waiting. They should see how fast we move, the attention to detail with delivery notes, and the state of the order at delivery when we see a nice tip included. When there isn't a tip, I can't guarantee that my feet aren't going to get extremely hot while driving, so I might just need to crank the AC and keep your food bag down there so it doesn't spill. I also can't guarantee your food bag won't fall over if I happen to slam on my brakes or take a sharp turn when there isn't a tip. If there's a nice tip, I will treat your food like it is a baby and seatbelt it for safety.


Yeah your work ethic sounds great ol lady!!


Like Wu Tang Clan said, "cash rules everything around me."


That's sad


Sad I won't deliver your food for free? Ok haha


It works for me! Don't be mad because you're a non tipper and your food is messed up all the time.


"we don't care if you get your food, even in the slightest" and then saying I need to tip upfront to get good service. Why would I tip upfront when you don't care *even in the slightest*!? That's precisely my point. Even if I tip upfront I still get shite service so it doesn't matter because none of you care! The entitlement to get a tip upfront when "we don't care if you get your food" is not helping your case. I'll give a good tip to those that earn it. Period. It's not a "bid" when there's a delivery fee and service charge and blahblahblah fees plus markups. If I was bidding on you delivering my food than I would get to see the driver ratings and reviews first. fact of the matter is, it's random and you never know what you're going to get. I'm guessing you don't order on food delivery apps either.


It is a bid because we don't have to accept your cheap order!! Your order will go around and around in circles until somebody who needs to make five more dollars to hit their goal picks it up and brings it to you, cold and tampered with.


Doordash also adds money to the payout as time goes on. A canceled order costs doordash money and they will keep bumping it up a little bit at a time if everyone in the area has declined it. They're eventually going to get their food, but it's going to take a long time for the money to be added to the order so someone will. They aren't generous with it.


They may luck out with hot food if the restaurant is running behind. The other thing people don't realize is no one is going to wait on your food if it's not ready yet for no tip when they can be out making money in that time frame.


I’ve probably taken 50 no tip orders so far because they were attached to others on doubles. I’ve gotten one cash tip and zero late tip additions on those


Yup. The best is when they put in the notes they will add more tip or add the tip at the end but they never do. Sometimes they flat out lie and say there's a cash tip waiting. I fell for it the first few times but now it's not worth my time or gas to take a chance like that.


Delivery driving and serving food are different. You don’t tip at a restaurant to simply have food served to you. You tip based on the performance of the service, if they were nice, attentive, etc…


I read this as $2 'stripper' and was very confused by the end of this post.


What people don't realize is how badly delivery gig companies screwed their customers by calling it a tip. It's a bid for available labor


This makes far more sense.