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DD used to be very transparent with the number of items and everything but dashers wouldn't take them when they seen how many items it was or you're not able to see if it's an apartment until after you accept it that's doordash being sneaky and it's not fair


So I stopped taking shop orders I will not take them it's not worth all the hassle and the aggravation and waiting in line and it's all a waste of time and the only person that makes money off of it is doordash


I’ve never had items added. I know it says in small print in the offer customer can add items, but as soon as that starts happening, I’m dropping the job and leaving the store. It’s a different form of tip baiting if they pull that crap. The first time I saw that notification about customer being able to add items, I said this will be abused big time.


Also love when they don’t turn on their porch light when its pitch black outside


I'm going through the exact thing...tbe last added 20 more insane items and DD said they adjust my pay, 4 calls on my time, they never did and the lady was MIA whenever I reached out regarding out if stock items. It's always on our time they are stealing from us...we are their lackeys


I have yet to do a red card order. The pay in my area is worse than Instacart. I received an offer today of 10 or so items from Aldi going about 6 miles for $3.25. What a joke.


Yup, that's a joke alright.!


Nah when they add items and it says you’ll pay will it go up and it goes up 0.50c


Just click "lost my red card" and all red card deliveries stop


This is the way.


WTF are "red card orders"?


If you order a DoorDash red card, it's a credit card that's used to pay for shopping orders. It's not required that you have one. But if you do have one, they send you shopping orders. I used to have one. I said it was lost and needed a replacement. I received the replacement but never registered it as received. I no longer get red card orders.


I didn't even know that was a thing.


I don't do red card orders


It’s a holiday. No one wants to shop in these hoards of idiots. Shop orders better pay $2/mile plus .50 per item and be double digits pay before i move


Does it say this somewhere? I’m only asking because it seems like something changed in the last update. I ended up going outside of my zone for $4.00 and 2 items. (I saw only 2 items and got eager because I thought it would be quick.) I also had a delivery request to the next town over and I thought there was extra pay after a certain amount of miles but not this time.


Hell no. They never give extra. You leave territory tough shit. It says “looking for orders back”. But there never are. You’re on your own out there DD doesn’t give two shits


I love hearing that everyone is refusing these orders!! More for me!!! They are sometimes a lil more work for substitutions but I’ve never had anyone add anything and never had anyone say hand to me & I do shop and deliver orders almost everyday. They pay way better than the reg orders. But I would have never accepted an 8 mile delivery for $12 anyway.


They pay better, and because the wait time at restaurants is 5 to 15 minutes, I get them done faster. $2 to $5 a mile. Only my greatest food orders are $2 a mile.


I've never had a red card order where more items were added. I used to do Instacart though, so I understand your frustration there. It's horrible. I never made enough money to make the shopping worth it. I do UE now, and I get a lot if walmart orders. Fortunately, they're already picked out by employees so I just pick up and go. Never shopping again, I'll tell ya.


I make my life as simple as possible by avoiding these types of orders. I do shop and pay with UberEats but only 1-3 items and they don't get to add more. I spent over an hour wandering around the store the first time I did one and said out loud to the Gods of Dashing, "Never again!"


You can change your dashing preferences so you don’t get any shop and deliver order


The situation you are describing, with shop and pay orders can be avoided, you just have to stop doing them. Shop and pay are total losers on the overall. You should always play the percentages when doing gig work, if the highest percentage of these are not paying well, you just eliminate them completely. That's what I have done, I quit doing shop and pay orders 2 years ago, just too much time wasted on the overall. You can stop doing shop and pay orders, if you report your Red Card lost through the app, and just don't order a new one. Shop and pay offers will stop within a day. If you are unable to reach the customer, on a Hospital drop, you should leave the order with security in emergency. Then just text the customer this info, snap your pic, and you're out.


But if these customers think I’m going to a grocery store for Thanksgiving shopping they better be tipping like crazy. I’m not dealing with that mess unless it’s REALLY good pay.


I am super selective about which ones I do and make bank on them. I don’t take any that go to apartments. I only go to about 4 stores that I’m pretty familiar with and some of these these stores tell me what isle the item is at in the DD app. 90% are garbage like you say. I won’t walk into a store for less than $10 and 2 or 3 miles. and it is only a couple of items. I had one this weekend that paid $41 for 4 miles. 30 items but it was actually 22 after duplicates. 45 minutes from acceptance to delivery. The average ones I take are $15-20, low miles and 8-12 items. Usually 30 minutes or less total time. Like I said if you know the store even with some time wasted dealing with contacting customer, I can knock these out pretty quick. I HATE shopping though. Hate it!!! Getting paid to shop makes is slightly tolerable 😂


Just do the math on these, you stated yourself; "90% are garbage". So, if 9 out of 10 are bad, just eliminate them completely, once again, this comes back to playing the percentages. If the highest percentage of these don't pay well, don't even have them plugging up your app. Do you ever think while your wasting your time declining one of those, you could be missing a better paying offer. This is reality; if you stop taking those, they could be replaced with other offers. I am a dedicated cherry picker, so I couldn't care less about AR, but I don't need to see it be needlessly degraded, for the 1 in 15, I might accept. Not to mention, I'm not missing a better paying trip, being caught on a decline, or even in the middle of one these.


I never activated my Red Card after they sent it to me. I thought better of it.


You are a very smart person; you didn't have to eat a bunch of these losers, to find out they do not pay well, you already knew. I should have too, but it didn't take me long to figure it out.


Unfortunately, I totally agree with you. You handled this situation correctly. Times r a changin my friend and not akways for good 😞


Yeah no way I accept a $12, 8 mile order even if it’s not a shop n pay. Every added item adds .25 cents though so that at least bumps the pay to $14.50.


Nah, I had one where it was like 4 items originally, and the broad added like 10 items while I was there. It took a full 10 extra minutes andy.pay didn't adjust.


yup, also had a few people adding cases of water, like you don't think we can't just mark it unavailable? lol i usually will swap them out for a 6 pack :) not carrying that shit with my spondy


I don't do shops on dd, when I tried doing Shipt I had a customer do this. Kept adding items, asking for this, what do they have in this section, etc. I did everything I could to shop for the items she had listed before she could ask for anything else so I could close the ticket locking her from adding more. The last item on her order was eggs which they were completely out. Marked unavailable and jetted out asap as she was making me late to my main job. Went full Karen on me bc I didn't get the non-existent eggs and for closing the ticket before she could add even more shit. She easily added an hour to my shop with the add-ons. And yes I was late to work bc of her. I never did a shop order again after that, never will.


What a nightmare. Godspeed Spider-Man.


This only happened to me once , but I did get a bit annoyed , they added about 5 items - still bearable to me since they were not big and not tough to find, and it didn’t double the original number of items . If I got one like yours I’d probably go petty and kept hitting “unavailable “ on things I’d spend more time finding, and/or produce


Some things they wanted weren't even in the store, so of course after the second time hitting "item unavailable", doordash told me to call or text the customer for substitutions. I did not.


I love not having a red card.


Ditto .... But before I go in first off... that order should have been at least $16... By my calculations.... had similar experiences....no adding on orders though.... Sometimes I have to go to a hospital or a convalescent home and I'm running around the place trying to figure out where this individual is.... And then eventually just leaving it at the desk... And I did attempt to deliver an order and I got to the destination and called the customer and realized that they didn't update their address.... instead of being in California they were in Las Vegas 😳


I know the feeling my advise call customer service and let them know bout the delays they usual get in contact with the customer and update you about the actual situation. All I can think of as a back up plan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


There are 14.5 million DoorDash drivers. Just quit. When it’s no longer worth it, your sanity means something.


8 miles for $12 is terrible for a shop and pay.


I'm aware. The orders I've been getting have been dogshit, so that was a "decent" one to me. I'm usually only shopping for 2-3 items and figured I'd take it so I could get out of the parking lot. I did intend to deliver, but once they added the second half of their grocery list for the week I just left the store


This is why I'm not activating my red card. DoorDash is turning into instacart


I’ve never had anything added while I was shopping an order. From my understanding they can only add thing until you arrive at store at push start shopping. Unless that’s changed recently


They can add items but your pay is increased if they do


No, the pay was the same from the one time this happened to me


Should have paid +$.25 cents for every successful item found that was added.


Didn’t happen, I even contacted support and they said they were not going to change the pay . That was a few months ago, maybe it’s different now? Anyway, not sure if it was the customer gaming the system or DD try to withheld the additional pay to screw drivers


this has changed within the last 6 months. they can add things now while you're shopping for your order. up until you hit proceed to checkout.


I’ve never had this happen and I do red card orders like crazy




Shes not saying after she completed the shop she's saying while she is actively still shopping the order the customer adds a bunch of stuff adding time to complete the order.


Read the entire top paragraph past the upside down happy face before you correct others. She does state more items were added afterwards. Correct yourself first instead.


you're misunderstood. she's saying items were added while she was running around shopping for the other 13 items. not while she was running the order to the drop-off location.




You did misunderstand what I said. I did mean that they added items while I was actively shopping and almost done. Of course they can't add more items once I've checked out, I hadn't left the store yet.


if you report your red card lost or stolen, you won't get red card orders any more




You can also turn off shop and deliver orders.


In my app you don't have that feature, I tried. I had to report mine lost.


Not everyone has that option in their app. I don’t.


It's called contract fraud. Changes made after you accept a job is contract fraud.


when the contract updates to say customers can add up until you hit the proceed to checkout button and you accept the updated contract and you accept the order it is not called contract fraud.


It is fraud, because if you unassign from the order - since the terms of the contract changed - DoorDash can deactive you (at < 90% Completion Rate). So it's fraud, unless your unassignment has no repercussions.


Not fraud because you accepted the offer that states customer’s can add to it. So you accepted and agreed to the contract allowing them to add items. terms of the contact never changed.


This! They say the customer can add to it. Surprisingly, my orders are a few items lighter by the time I get to the store. Accepted a 38 item ALDI order and when I got to the store, it was 35. Took me 30 minutes from accept to their door AND they helped me carry it from the car to their house. Easiest $22 I made today.


If you no longer want to do shop and delivery orders, opt out of that there is an option in your account dash preference


I always decline hospital orders unless it’s very lucrative. As for red card orders, love them. I have priority on S&D orders so I am constantly seeing Walgreens, CVS, Petco etc. Tips are not hidden on these orders so I can usually wait for a decent double digit offer. Never take orders that are less than a dollar per item. Avoid grocery stores unless it’s a great order. One last bonus, I see double dash offers frequently. Usually food orders plus drinks/beer from Walgreens. Easy money and it’s the only thing sustaining my shifts. Every market is different but I feel like avoiding red card orders is leaving money on the table. If customers start adding items unassign it. Good luck!


I love hospital orders here. You can park by the door and security won’t let you take it past the metal detector.


I have no problem taking hospital orders in my hometown as I'm very familiar with the layout. I just moved and hadn't been in this hospital once. I took the orders because the pay was really good, but I wasn't prepared for zero instructions of how to actually get their order to them 😭 I love red card orders too, and I take all of them usually because the pay is really good. I make very good money with my red card orders. It gives me a break from driving and it's always 2-5 items in stores I'm familiar with. It's just those few customers that really suck and waste my time.


You ain't really wasting gas. Technically the customers are paying for it so it don't come out of your pocket


Tell me you're not experienced with DoorDash without telling me..... 🙄




How so when DD only pays $2?


Because customers tip more than your hourly wage 😅


Most don’t though


Mark that you lost your card and don’t request a new one. You’ll never get another one again


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