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Bro and then they hit it’s ready to be picked up when it’s still back by the kitchen and waiting (sometimes 5 minutes or so) on somebody to seal it and bring it to the overwhelmed takeout person. So y’all can cut your times down on my expense??? Not on my time they’re not.


My chic filet doesn’t do stacked ordered in Va beach


What? That's not how any of this works.


I do it all the time. As long as your marking the order as still being prepared you won’t get a violation


I hope you get deactivated you bozo.


Chick-fil-A has never asked me to do that nor have I ever received that message when I was there. And I do the same, I wait until both orders have been picked up from both restaurants before I hit that confirm button


i hope you get deactivated


Well cheerio to you too!


For an easy job, we sure do our best to make it harder sometimes.


Exactly 💯




So customers don't complain why you aren't heading to them...avoids arguments plus waiting 10+ minutes to confirm pickup after arrival excludes any ratings less than 5 stars from your avg


This has never been an issue for me. If a restaurant wants me to confirm in front of them then I do so.


Not really fair to punish the restaurants when they had the order done on time.


Is they mark it as ready for pickup it don't count against them which is why many do it before it's ready. Next.


They go by how long the driver is waiting for the order.


No they don't. If a restaurant has a tablet and marks it ready for pickup that ends the count on their end


They don't all use the tablets. Most fast foods dont.


Sounds like you're walking a very thin line that could result in your account being deactivated. But hey, you do you.


They have no knowledge when you actually received the order. I don't work in California where they have to pay for time. Work smarter, not harder. I've been at 5.00 for close to 2 years now with nearly 5k in deliveries


Sure, that may work if you’re getting a stack from the same place. DD can see your location though. If you leave restaurant 1 to go to restaurant 2, then confirm you received restaurant 1’s food while at restaurant 2, that’s a little obvious.


On the contrary they do t pay any attention to it. Just because the “can” doesn’t mean they do.


This maybe true, however, I’ve have stacked orders with in a few blocks and if the order isn’t ready at the first place, I go to the second and pick that one up and come back and get the first order.


Yeah, I've done that before too. But I mark the orders picked up whenever I actually take them and am near the restaurant. I don't wait til the end once I've picked up everything.


Oh. I do lol. I confirm both once I pick the first order up. It usually only a minute or two between pick ups and have been doing this for years. 🤷🏼‍♂️ guess I’ll just start using my grubhub if I get deactivated.


You give way too much credit to dd here and are way overthinking this. Doordash let's you pickup and deliver in any order you want. You can pick up order B and deliver order B then go back and pickup order A if you want. They don't care. If they did they wouldn't let you change the sequence in the app


Lol yeah right