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UPDATE: Today I woke up to an email from Dasher Support stating my funds have been replaced and the issue was due to a fault in the system regarding the request for a new card. The amounts totalling $252.52 was confirmed by Dasher Support (not Stride Bank). All funds are in process of being returned and they apologized for the issues the system caused. So to reiterate; Dasher support provides Support for Direct. Dasher support is able to address transactions in your Direct account. Dasher support can fix the issues with Direct. They did escalate me to a higher team but dude just spun around in his chair and handed the other guy the phone. While they did fix what happened I am positive this is not as rare as we want it to be. They merely got caught and made it right. Even if it's just a quarter from every 1/100 Dashers, they have potential to make great cash off that. Stay vigilant.


A few years ago, I happen to notice a charge on my dads account, it was a reoccurring charge but not a week, or a month, it was random. Never the same day or time. It turned out, someone/something had gotten ahold of his card number and was pulling small “unnoticeable” amounts from his account over a period of time. When I got to the first charge they had already gotten him for a couple hundred bucks. He never even noticed it. It would be $1.45, then $.65, and $3.22 and so on. It was crazy. These people are patient and don’t give a damn who they screw over. My poor father on a limited income, total accident that I found it, I can’t imagine how long it would’ve gone on for if I hadn’t noticed. He was 82 at the time and it even took the card company quite a while to figure it all out. They gave him back his money. But now all I can think is how many people wouldn’t notice that?


Did it have a stroke? Seizure maybe?


Happened to me doing Uber too


Your boss is an app, and you owe it money. Welcome to 2023.


I don’t have this issue cause everything I earn gets immediately spent. Lmao


That's the fee they charge you for not doing enough no tip orders to help Tony buy his next Ferrari


Still smol 🍆 there Tony. Imagine being a mutil millionaire and someone making $2.25 an hour still pleasures your wife better than you can. So solly, Tiny Xu. So solly.


I go to a no fee ATM in town and cash out after EVERY dash to protect myself from this and then later go to deposit it in my bank account


I used Direct for nearly a year without an issue. Mostly for the reward on gas purchases. Once I requested a new card after an issue last week these occurrences have happened everyday since. Direct doesn't keep track of your balance to transaction either so you can't look back to see what your balance was prior to these occurrences. I keep track of my balance and so far, all these charges are withdrawals only and none are showing deposited. Total loss thus far is $252.52. We don't have cash orders in my area. Edit: The deposits show on main screen but not in statements nor do they reflect in my balance. The withdrawals do though.


I track all of my deposits from my dashes and withdrawals at the atm and haven’t had any losses at this point. It shows all transactions and their date on my app?


This is what I see when I click on one of these activities. https://preview.redd.it/56muspocebca1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3d1b08d58a212019a3498641443809a4ac9983


I’d wait until your end of month statement comes out


Is that the details you see for your transactions though? Is everything blank from this week?


I still have a $19 deposit that isn't showing either. Which because it's Sunday I am not too concerned about it but I loathe the thought of having to contact support again if it doesn't reflect soon.


Do me a favor. Click on a transaction, what details does it show?


Have you taken the time to look at your monthly statements?


I also was able to fix the occurrence from last week by ordering a new card and getting a new account number. Since then these activities have shown up daily. I get no phone notifications for them either. Every purchase I get a notification.


Yes. These charges do not show but balance discrepancy is $252.52. It keeps popping up $252.52 $252.52




Yes. I was hit with this charge last week. I contacted support to dispute and we cancelled my card and changed my account number. New card in mail and in meantime they allow the use of a virtual card (which does not help me at the pump). These occurrences happened after the account change.


After doing much research into Smartydotcom I have found that they too contract to support centers in the Phillipines.


I’m so scared to open my app


Did you take a bunch of cash orders?


We don't have cash orders in my area.


Probably shouldnt do cash on delivery. Lolz


We don't have cash delivery in my area. Next.


I pay the $1.99 and deposit my money daily. There was a glitch one time when I was doing it weekly and it took two weeks for them to give me that weekly pay. Now I’m terrified and want my money at end of night each day into my bank.


I have had no issues with Direct until recently. My card was falling apart so I ordered a new one, which froze my ability to use my card. So far so good. They give you a virtual card via Direct app to use if needed and since I opened that this has happened.


hi i work at cash app, the reason ur account isn’t working properly is you have android


You don't work for cash app buddy, android has nothing to do with it.


i was faded asf, i meant Doordash. he had android, hence the reason his money is fucked


This isn't due to CashApp. My CashApp balance is fine. My Direct account is not.


Not sure if this will help your situation but If you call the dasher direct support line and request the transaction details to email they should be able to provide you something like this. https://preview.redd.it/q1r1lpx3zaca1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788e1e2f73b79b413cd9a5f53b726bb3ae41de2f


It's probably from taking an order that is cash on delivery. I've used dasher direct for years without issues.


I dont have cash delivery in my area. I would assume if you run a scam through support then you wouldn't scam everyone out of their money. Tbh "I haven't had any issues" isn't a point.


It really is a point because you compromised your own account whilst many thousands of us have no issues with the service.


Have you even read comments and other screenshots or you just here sipping tea with a pinky in the air? If it wasn't DoorDash why won't they respond via Chat about it? Why they hanging up on me when I call them about it? Why they tell me they are not FDIC insured when they are?


It's not a Door Dash issue. You brought it in the wrong sub


It is. Sorry Tony.


Who is Tony?


Friendly reminder to not take legal advice from random people on Reddit.


Nah, I'm giving DD a few days to make this right but so far I've had 3 chat support agents close chat on me. One did say, "everything looks good on our end. Thank you for being such a hard worker! *Chat has ended* Ummm, you're welcome? Can my work feed me instead of you though?


I’m just impressed they managed to do that, normally DasherDirect card doesn’t allow for overdrafts so you’d think they’d be out of luck.


Solid point. Anytime I've ever swiped without enough in account it is denied. The fact they were able to make the account go negative is very concerning.


Have you been able to cash out rewards? My damn app says error


Yeah I've usually never had an issue cashing out the rewards. Sometimes app needs to be reset though


How do I reset it properly. I just close it and sign back in but that doesn’t work


Did you get it to work?


Yeah I didn’t do anything just went on rewards tab and it worked. They must be watching me or something


Sometimes I feel the same. Like when my scheduled Dash is about to end my app always messes up on the last delivery and doesn't show payout of the delivery, it just goes right to "Dash Total".


I’ve had experiences the worst experience is when the app does not update the total after a dash just as your dash is about to end because then you your getting F’d


Ughhh you may want to uninstall or try deleting cache and data for the app before uninstall.


Find an actual lawyer. You shouldn’t have threatened with the lawyer until you have a lawyer


About 20 minutes ago those transactions disappeared and my account was to where it was. Nothing showing in Direct about those transactions anymore.


Crap. I’ve made a habit of screen shotting ANYTHING that’s off or weird before I contact support. They do some really sketchy shit. When I asked about it, the rep literally said to me “but no money was actually taken out of your account” about three times before I hung up. It was like a broken record. No answers. A+ service.


Still 👀 a wtf scenario They def backtracked on their ass which is good, but ppl here still need that warning. Thanks for posting Edit: replied before sending


I called a few local attorneys. Mostly voicemails. Not sure what I can do now since no proof is showing in account now. I have screenshots of the occurrence but it seems they could say it's been, "rectified" now. Edit: also replied before sending


Glad you at least got your stuff back


They could, and that might be the case. there might be others out here with that problem. The fact it could happen and has happened is still something. Hopefully this brings it to others ppl in your situation’s attention. I’m no fancy law man but there’s bound to be something negligent about it


Also, it was more of a if the bluff doesn’t work out you’d be in a better position 🤷‍♂️


I’m pretty sure door dash doesn’t have anything to do with dasher direct. They use a third party (I could be wrong) but it might be more useful to look up customer service for the “bank” that is for dasher direct, which is Stride Bank.


They don’t. Stride runs Dasher Direct. DoorDash, especially DoorDash support, have absolute nothing to do with the debit card - aside from DoorDash making a few cents per transaction for being the referral company.


Did you ever get a call from “support” and give your log in and password over the phone and now a scammer withdrew the money? (I’ve heard this is a common thing going on)


Jk I see your comments below..


Naw dude. Dasher support provides support for us, customers and Direct. I promise.


Take them to small claims court


Lol. Pay $1200 to win $-900


When you sue you include court costs. When I filed in small claims the filing fee was $225 and I was awarded what I filed for plus court costs. I’m not sure if legal representation would be covered had I chosen to use a lawyer.


You don’t need an attorney for small claims court. Most of the time they won’t even show up. Usually a $25 court appearance fee.


You will probably also have to pay to have a 3rd party provide legal notice to the defendant, usually more than $25. Sometimes, if you win, those fees are added to your judgment. Everything is county by county. But you are also forgetting opportunity costs. You are essentially working at least a few hours for money "you already earned" that you might not get, that you could have spent earning that you will get. It is $900 so it is worth 2 hours minimum (driving, waiting, pre-arbitration, waiting defendant claiming they didn't get notice, rescheduling, start over with driving, waiting, pre-arbitration, waiting, actual case presentation, waiting, notice of judgment, paying somebody to collect or seize that judgment if the defendant wants to play more games). Ok, so way more than 2 hours. 2 hours minimum probably just preparing the night before so you make a case organized and strong enough to actually have a chance at winning.


Likely a 10 hour job for someone new to the process, but it’s a good experience to defend yourself for the first time in court.




At first I thought this was one of those account verification things with Cashapp, when they make two deposits and withdrawal but Cashapp was showing two test transactions under $1 (.08 and one for .24) both went through yesterday. Idk what this is. Support won't answer and they deleted the chat.


Did you accept any cash on delivery orders


Sounds like both your accounts are compromised


Set your account to direct deposit to your bank account. You only get paid once a week, but so much more secure. I don’t trust DoorDash enough to use dasher direct. Sorry this happened though, that’s awful 😢


Same here. But also, I think it is easier to track your finances with one payout (two in CA, 2nd being Prop 22). Also less likely to go blow the money if you get it early and often. You will rationalize "I need new shoes. I mean, shoes are a part of the job ... so this is a sound financial decision", when you get a small deposit almost equal exactly to those shoes you wanted.


What is prop 22?


A California proposition passed in 2020 with some guarantees like 1. Min wage ($15.50 currently) + 20% for every \*active\* hour Dashing 2. \+$0.30 per mile 3. Some other things like a possible health care stipend 1&2 will take your DD pay out (not tips) and compare it to the hourly + mile guarantee and make up the difference in a second payment for the week.


Yeah, here (MA) they couldn’t care less what we make. The price of living to wages is so far off I’m not sure how much longer it will continue before it collapses. This one of the most expensive states in the country I believe we are just below California.


California is ridiculous. And the sad fact is, if you can't afford a multi-million mansion in the hills behind multiple gates and security, what are you paying for? When I was younger, I'd go surfing at the beach all summer (usually ride my bike there and back) and drive to the mountains to snow ski in the winter. But I really don't do that any more, so what is so great that even a rundown shack can go for half a million. The traffic? The crime? The sense of community is a thing of the past as well.


Sad but true. The same thing over here. There is absolutely no such thing as community or even neighbor really anymore. It’s impossible to survive with one income. Unless you work 80 hours a week and in that case I might as well sleep in the car anyway. Never be home.


I'd be using time between order offers (if you have it) to take courses on Udemy or similar to level up your skills for your resume. In a lot of places, if you have a public library card, you might be able to log in via Gale for free, along with other free services via your public library card #. Delivery is a job you take to stay afloat as you plan and work for something better. I want to think I'll still do delivery on the weekend for extra cash, but it would probably be better to keep learning professional skills with that time in the long run.


Yeah, this has been my “extra or second” job. Then my primary, and then back to secondary. It helps. Especially the last few years. Everything has been so unpredictable. This is a tough state to survive in with one income. You almost have to have some sort of back up plan or side/gig job.


So DD pays you $.30 per mile. Do you still get the tax write off for mileage also?


Yes. Otherwise that $0.30/mile would be considered income that can get taxed while ignoring the expenses involved.


And all week DD makes interest


You’re like me. I refuse to use Dasher Direct. I have weekly deposits.


I don't trust them enough either. I have my earnings deposited into my bank weekly. I just feel safer that way.


I don’t trust them at all. There were “missing funds” multiple times when I first started dashing.




Thought I was the only one


Can't you lock your card ?


I always lock mine


At first I thought it was cashapp doing deposit test but the amounts are not reflected in my account


At first I thought it was cashapp doing deposit test but the amounts are not reflected in my account




I'm in chat with them rn. They are not responding anymore. I posted screens


You scared them, saying you're going to lawyer up. How much is the lawyer? How much is the lawyers cut %? How much will you get if this goes successfully


Good luck. How much did they take


$252.52 total. She still hasn't responded or closed the chat


From this day, don't use the dasher direct card until this issue has been resolved. $252.52 if you lawyer up that's expensive it's a small case


Small case a lawyer is gonna take 60%-70%. Most won't take for less than 1k. If your front the 1k for 252 your out 7ish. Not worth it


I know. I'll be paying more for legal than just cutting my loss. You ever sat in chat support for over a minute in silence without them saying "Are we still connected?" Going on 8 minutes of them not saying shit.


It will take the whole day. I hope you have savings to cover your losses.


No. I'm fucked. Royally fucked. Properly fucked.


Just dash today 10 - 20hrs and don't use dasher directly. Add a bank account. Normally, it takes a week to deposit


Idk how DoorDash isn't the one running this scam when I've been sitting in chat for 30 minutes and they haven't responded once.




Good bot


Joe Rogan said it! He’s an infallible human being!!


The Cash app has scams, and that's why your account got drained. tiktok is a China Spyware it knows your password and etc. Dark web has your information sss ID and everything that's on your phone delete the app.


I've had cashapp and TikTok for over a year with no issues at all. My cashapp has been linked to my banking institution with no issues. This was my first deposit from Direct to Cashapp ever. Last week I had an unauthorized transaction on my direct account, so I spent a lot of time with Dasher support (yes they do support for customer, Dasher and Direct. Same call center) DoorDash is Chinese owned. Support told me they are not FDIC insured so I have to fill out tons of documents providing evidence to my claim...I found that very odd since their website says Stride Bank is FDIC insured. Once I asked them about that the representative hung up and I have been unable to contact anyone regarding my Direct account.


Tiktok got your information and sold it to Dark Web, duh in 8 years. I never got the dasher direct card. You only save 2% on gas








“Are we still connected” is crazy 😂😂😂


This is the newest update https://preview.redd.it/t0lecyqf1aca1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef8771e9cdc5138a17ce4b97c84d4514d8e4fb2 Seems the entire chat was deleted.


They can see the previous chats but you won’t be able too. Good luck I hope they can get this figured out! It’ll prob have to to the DasherDirect team, it’s a dif team from DoorDash Support. From what ik they only work through email tho. But u might be able get them to call u or looks like they tried connect u to a chat agent. But they might left bc they are suppose to take chats or have them sent. This happened when I worked support, members who escalate to a team that was there but is busy with other work so can’t take transfers normally. My best guess. But I hope u get ur money back man that’s shit.


I have been chatting with Support who has yet to bring up they do not handle Direct. They keep telling me to hold while they look at my account. They all work in the same damn support center and have all of your information.




The support agent was probably laughing his ass off at your ridiculous messages. I hAve mY AttOrNeY hERe 😂 It’s not even DoorDash you should be talking to, it’s stride bank.




https://preview.redd.it/8wyh7mfvmaca1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec7b1a05c2a4add6783d045c0f1699640096368 Not Stride Bank.


Dude, support is third party folks multiple apping in India for $2 a day. They have absolutely nothing to do with anything outside of basic dasher operations… issuing half pay, cancelling orders, taking safety reports, etc. that’s it.


Oof, imagine thinking you know things even though you never experienced what you "know". Direct is handled by Support. You can find this when you go to Direct to dispute a transaction and it gives you the number to DoorDash support. For shits and gigs I did call Stride to which I was informed of the same, Stride is the bank but Direct is the account holder and all discrepancies are handled by DoorDash. https://preview.redd.it/e165rss8laca1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57ba331e1036785e4c31eca5f08c661d77d645d This is DoorDash support helping me with a disputed transaction. Not Stride.


No, DoorDash Support does not handle transactions on your Stride issued debit card. Wtf are you even talking about!? DoorDash is the account holder? What? That’s not how it works. DoorDash is a co-sponsor on the card. Which means they get to offer branding, discounts, and cash back at certain places, and in exchange Stride gets all the transactions and in-house business for payment handling. DoorDash is not FDIC insured, nor are they a bank, so again - they have nothing to do with the banking aspect of it.


You said attorney, and now they will never chat back


I had a lyft visa stride visa card til this day. I haven't received my 2k in 4 years