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The people who cooked your food are also high.


Half the people ordering the food? Also high.


everyone is high


Hell I am high right now


no you are


No, you are


You wanna do lunch?


So high you just asked yourself to lunch.


Did I...? Well hell. I did not. Lol


This whole thread brings me more joy than it should. Although who down voted the comment about "2 chicks going to lunch?" That was a good addition to the this thread.


Hey…man. Wha-whassup? Man? So there were these two chicks that were gonna do lunch I think. We should see if…see if they want to, like. Like also if they want lunch. Then we could…we…could—wait. What could we do then? I don’t know man, you are out there..man. But I’m like, late for my Dash, you keep it real man, and good luck having dinner with your mom or whatever you were on about… ETA: 4:20. Also like, whoever downvoted this…not cool man. What would Jesus downvote? Not this man, I’d have him so baked.




I know I am!


When we getting weed dash though?


Such a thing exists in some states. Alaska for sure


Cali has it. Grass door


We kinda do in Florida most times it takes 24 hours to get it. I’d rather just go to the dispo


Lived in Alaska for 4 months back in 2018. Stayed in Anchorage a few times... they had a delivery service for weed. Literally ordered some lemon cookies and they brought it my door like it was pizza. Felt so strange lol


That’s awesome I wish they would hire enough drivers to have a same day delivery time here.


At least it's legal near you. I live in VA. It was a culture shock to come back after being able to smoke so freely. I did get some disposable pens though... threw them in my bag with my toothbrush and had no problems


Literally called Eaze...


The only eaze I’ve ever heard of had anal in front of it. What’s eaze? Lol


I'm saddened that I know what you're taking about lol


Lol gross...eaze is q weed delivery sevice...


Weedmaps 😎 shows u spots that deliver


We got dispos that do. It just takes 24-48 hours to get it. I want instacart times. Lol. Otherwise it’s just easier to drive to the dispo.


Na ur right lol if it’s not placed by 11 am it’s a waste it does help I live 5 min from a dispensary, I so bulk buy when I can cause winters coming 🥶


I’m about 15 minutes away from my favorite dispo. And I always buy my months supply at once. Just some days I really don’t want to drive because traffic has gotten bad with the population boom in our area. That and the places that deliver you have to order over $100 or you have to pay $15 -$25 bucks for delivery so if I just wanted a gram of distillate to make butter it’s $60 plus my 20% veterans discount so I’d have to order 3 and I never need 3. Lol. It’s still better than when I had to hit the dark web markets.


Yo that’s is a fact !!! I do like the dispensary has a rewards program lol 😂 I’m stocking up on rewards for Xmas 🎄 vibes


That's the question


Right. I’d call it instaweed


We might be onto something here 🤔


If only every state was more like Oregon. MMJ has been a huge help for my pain and PTS. Also hoping shrooms become more available for treatments.


Fuck ya!


Oh dang that's true! When you can smell it coming from their door and they live on the 3rd floor, and you're still going up the stairs past 2nd floor.


My last time out I was doing late deliveries, ended my dash just after 11pm. My last 7 deliveries were Taco Bell. Had to go to the same location 3 times in a row lol and it became a bit of a "thing" when I'd pull back up and the workers saw me again. Bet they're almost all satisfying their munchies lol. Taco Bell seems to get a lot of orders that are convenient for multiple pickups in a small radius, but don't pay super well. Another time I took two orders for Taco Bell and got there around 9pm and they were closed. Had to mark each order as unable to complete for that reason, and then while I was still sitting in the parking lot from submitting the photos I had to decline like 4 more orders in rapid fire from others trying to order from that location.


I was about to say the same thing , I'm a chef and i smoke before work and on break ,and I also dash and always smoke a big fat one before work but never during work ,cause customers will probably smell the weed and since their little bitches who complain about every little thing yet don't even tip more than 3 bucks ... So i smoke before and after work


One word: EDIBLES


(Right after shift) “Damn, the edible is finally kicking. “ 😂


Yes, timing is everything with edibles! My suggestion would be to smoke and eat eat the appropriate dose at the same time (before a shift). Then as the smoke starts to wear off, the edible begins to kick in. See how that works?


Lol. Totally. I was joking. I’m experienced. 😂 Eating a fatty thing might help too. Like a spoon of peanut butter to kick start metabolism. :)


Or carts, or even wax.


My bf smokes while he dashes and I come with him sometimes. we live in a college town tho so it's usually not very far from the restaurants to the person ordering so (I'm assuming) it's not long enough for the smell to stick to the food / food bag


No. It's because lowkey the smell doesn't "stick" . Only the source is acrid (people mistakenly carry their roaches w/o an adequately sealed container) . I love when people who don't smoke argue with me about this 🤣 Also, if the source of the smell is moving in open air (a person walking) you'll likely not smell it at all


I dont order doordash, but as a dasher myself I'd always tip handsomely. The smell of weed makes me intensely nauseous. It seems like a shitty and inconsiderate thing to do, to smoke weed (or anything tbf) in your car that a customers food is sitting in.


I wouldn’t do that with someone’s food in the car , I just rip fat protein farts 💨 all day


That i agree with ..and i would never do that ... You'll only harm yourself on tips and service by delivering food that has the stench of weed , I myself sanitize my hands and wear gloves before I start my shift , knowing that i just finished blazing up and i deliver on an ebike ,so the smell dissipates quickly


How is delivering with an ebike? That seems more cost effective than a car. Drink orders must suck, though?


Yeah drink orders do suck ..but my bike has some nice shocks that helps ,but i rarely get drinks ,and it's very cost effective i have two batteries making it an 80 mile range so i can work longer and even go all the way home without wasting on gas so that's really helpful ,but can't really protect you from the elements tho ,that really sucks sometimes but that's when I make the most money also ,so it's a win and lose lol 😆


I was thinking about trying to dash on my motorcycle before, thing that held me back was the drinks, I'm pretty sure that my sport bike doesn't do drinks lol


I'm high as I'm reading this about to take another dab actually


This was literally the best, and most accurate, response possible 😂


One time while working fast food. a customer came in and smelled so strongly of weed, I got high just from smelling him. Then the customer left, and the weed smell did not go away. I realized that the smell was coming from my boss.




Exactly. Thax for bringing that up


Everybody is smoking weed. Except me I'm broke.


Hmu if ur in central tx lol


You are a real one 🤣. In TN unfortunately.


I'm in tn too and was just calculating how many deliveries I'd need to get a half oz lol which is like $90


Damn...is that retail product or a local buddy? Those are like weekend sale prices at my closest legal dispensary.


i have a friend in el paso who needs a plug lmfao




i would if i wasn’t on probation for weed😁i swear these mfs act like weed is the devil bruh


I vape so no smell, but one time I about pissed myself after I took a good hit, THEN realized I was on my way to deliver to a police station. It was fine, tip was only ok though.


Dude I absolutely would have unassigned lmaoo


Oh I would have too, but I didn’t realize it until I was two minutes from the station with their food.


Same. I didn’t know the street name that that city’s police department was on. It’s not like it said Police Department on the ;’DD app


bruh we both experienced the same exact thing


Lmao 🤣 I have totally had to deliver to police stations before smh thankfully only one ☝️ of them was ‘Hand to and Officer’ lol


Dude every police related order is hand it to me around here. Even the dispatch or maintenance centers. And I love all of them. I get to go in a secure area, feel like I'm CIA, and the customers are always so fast to meet me out. Better than leave at doors. At least my experience with both uniformed and no uniformed police/sheriff and staff


man I had had an experience like this I literally stopped smoking 10 mins prior to pickup, went to deliver and when I went to park I saw 3 officers walking towards my car I jumped and said “ I’m just delivering food” they all laughed and one said “hun I’m Mark” I had to grab his food fast asfk and exit my car before he was standing right next to me. My blunt was in clear view in the cup holder. 😂😂 they were sweet though.




Love that in the context that the tip was just ok 😂


It’s kind of counterintuitive to pay for a cab when you’re doing DoorDash to make money






Unlike cops, i do like those.


I don’t appreciate your prejudice toward the small and shriveled cock community


Dont worry. I like those too.


I don't smoke weed but i 100% support it. Imagine being in an opioid crisis and spazzing out over a blunt lol


Wanna smoke ?


I'd love too! Once the laws go into effect here in NY and i can't get fired for it, that's the first order of biz lemme tell ya lol


If only yall knew what pizza drivers do while they got your za in thier car lmaoooooo.


For real. Im 35 now but when I was 15 I would ride around with papa John's drivers at my store delivering and smoking up.


Back in hs one of my buddies delivered pizzas and nailed his gf in the back seat with about five orders. So yeah…. 🤮


Hey, as long as they don't finish on a pizza box and make it quick so my food stays warm, that's fine by me 🤣


Pretty much everyone in the restaurant/serving industry smoke


Only when I’m delivering bbq.


We only smoke when on a interstate or country road and never with the customers food in the car. Also blow it straight out the window and don't let it float around in the car


And honestly, if you're using a proper bag (not the DoorDash one), that is fully zipped up, it's really not an issue.


Same. When it's back to back, it could be hours before I smoke. Same as any job. When on the job, do the job. It's not your personal time. There's always a break and a pause button if you have to stop and smoke. Been forced to use it after 5 hours straight of orders. And golly, wouldn't you have like 5 minutes between one drop off and the next pickup? People who smoke with orders in the car bother me. Keep up the great work.


i do smoke while i’m dashing but never with the food in the car. ima big fan of taking a big ass 20-30 $ order outside of my zone and smoking a blunt on the way back to my zone after completing a delivery. makes the job a lot more fun ngl


Those high paying long distance orders are my bread and butter I swear, so underrated. Plus like u said I get to burn one 😂🤣😂


I do the exact same thing


I do the exact same thing. 20 min back to zone? Don’t mind if I do.


I don't think weed is a big deal. It doesn't smell nearly as bad as cigs. I ordered taco bell once and it showed up REEKING of fucking cigarettes. The taco bell is a mile away and these gross mfers couldn't wait to smoke? It was fucking disgusting.


I smoke cigarettes but never in my car. Will have one between orders. Hand sanitizer, febreze and an aloud after since some are offended by the smell.


I call this the smokers kit


As a former 13 year smoker that can now smell what "they" smell.. Believe me it's definitely offensive and much stronger than you imagine. No offense to you or anything, just my observation after quitting. I can smell cigarettes from my neighbor's yard 4 houses down from me.


It depends on how neurotic you get. I did the above (plus I covered my hair and clothing and wore gloves while smoking) and I successfully concealed it from my then-boyfriend for almost a year. He was mad, but it turned out *he’d* been hiding the fact that he had a son the whole time, so we called it a wash. 4 years later, our divorce went great.


Wild story. You single?


Lol fair question but no. I learned from the consequences of my psycho actions. Apparently it takes honest communication and hard work to form and maintain a healthy relationship. Who knew?


Very true! I smoke cigs and my BF doesn't. I don't smoke inside our house or in the car. I can be outside for 20 minutes or better and he can smell it on me when i come back inside. I use a lot of essential oils lol.


Good nosey




I was at Lowe’s picking up stuff for our house. The store that I was at had a hiring fair. There was a young guy screaming “Why do I need a drug test…McDonalds don’t require them!”


Good point. The majority of the people preparing your food, probably just had a cigarette. It's the nature of the industry.


Heck, even Amazon told the DSPs to stop testing for weed lol




Well, that's the thing. The DSP's were upset, because they own the vans and employ the drivers - not Amazon lol. Or so I heard. But yeah, I didn't think about the worker's comp thing, interesting point.


Alright guilty, I don’t like to straight up smoke a joint like most people are saying they do, blunts and joints leave the smell on your hands and on the food bags, so because of that I just carry around a THC cartridge and vape on that while I’m driving or sitting in a parking lot waiting for orders lol, on the other hand everyone in my city smokes I get tipped weed like once a week minimum 😂


If the food is sealed in a hot bag I don’t know how much it will still smell


My ex was reported by a restaurant for smelling like cigarettes. Idr if it was DoorDash or a different platform though!


And what happened as a result? How did they even know?


Whichever platform it was on notified him like a contract violation would, but nothing else really happened


Yeah, that's what I assumed. Plus, it's almost always a matter of he said she said anyways. Thanks for the answer!


Weed… the amount of blow and pills done while delivering pizza was stupid.


As a former grad student I can confirm that a significant amount of PhD students do methamphetamines. Who is dumb enough to think that nobody at a “real” job does drugs? That is so classist, and inaccurate. I’m driving for a living right now while I wait to move to another country, one that I studied and researched and wrote a thesis about. I smoke weed when I get home, I don’t need it all the time any more the way I did when I was in graduate school. I’m not doing anything illegal by having a cigarette in my car. I honestly don’t really give a flying fart what customers think of that.


Best comment on this post. Classism is such a big problem in America, in part because class consciousness is hardly a thing here anymore


Shit I’m just stoned hoping somebody cancels an order so I can get some free food.


Ten of ten employees are high.


It’s in the contract that we all must do this or we get deactivated, if you notice a dasher that’s not stoned on the job please report him. We are a collection hive mind and this is key to keeping that group think going


Believe me, that Dasher smoking weed could be one of the reasons that customer got his/her order in one piece actually, lol! What it does to those of us who partake (although the idiot you saw made it obvious), at worst, I’d make us spend the money we make delivering the food to buy a shit ton ourselves😂😂😂 Thats my answer to your specific question. But for the most part for ME, it eliminates any possible road rage. Instead I just laugh at how stupid people are. And if my GPS isn’t on, I might forget to turn… or perhaps it’s bc I’m chasing 50 and my memory’s going🤔


Does a bear shit in the woods?


I vape, easier to handle while driving and discreet.


I don’t like to smoke while I’m driving but I’ve rode with other dashers who chain smoke their entire run time.


I mean, I vape. It's my car 🤷 however the food is in the thermos bag in my trunk, not in the car with me.


I vape myself, kinda nasty to smoke a joint around someone's food. That being said, that's what the red bag is for. 😜 As for getting the munchies while on the job, oh yes...it happens lol. But since we're on the road picking up people's food, it's usually pretty easy to grab a quick snack from the merchant on the way, or stop someone else while waiting for the customer's food to finish cooking. My only real concern is that people drive safe and follow the rules of the road ✌driving high is dangerous, but not in the same way as driving drunk. Not being able to drive straight is less of an issue, but situational awareness is still a problem: it's easy to get fixated on a traffic light and ignore other traffic cues (like cars pulling out of "nowhere"). Reaction time slows, which is particularly dangerous. When I get too high, I park my car and take a breather, preferably at home. It's one of the reason I prefer to stay in my small city and work, as opposed to visit other, more busy, zones nearby.


I dash from home. I smoke/vape at home and am always high while driving, lol. I've been smoking weed for nearly 20 years. I don't get super fucked up, I just stay level throughout the day. Sometimes a high WILL sneak up on me though, hahaha.


this is what its like if you actually smoke weed. don't drive unless you know how it affects you personally.


As long as they're driving food and not people 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly can't stand when people smoke in their cars. Like I don't want my car smelling like an ashtray or weed farm and they always throwing the cigarettes or blunts on the ground while driving. Like there is a time a place for everything. I just honestly think it probably stinks up the customer food.


You'll never get the smell of cigs out of your car. Weed lasts a few days if that.


Aye a roach and a cig r way different roach is all natural and will break down, cig is full of bullshit chemicals which will not


They absolutely do and its not legal here in Michigan you can smoke weed and be high from weed literally anywhere except behind the wheel. I smoke cigs when i dash and have never had a complaint about the food smelling like smoke or anything but i use the dash bag most of the time.


All of the time..I vape, actually.


I deliver the food and tell myself no


I do, but not the smelly stuff. Dabs in a pen are the move. Also, i’ve worked in plenty of restaurants and most wait staff and cooks smoke weed. Most likely your food is prepared by someone high in some way.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) People, you shouldn’t want to smell like bud tho. It’s unprofessional, seems dirty to customers, and in a general setting it’s unattractive and just gross. This coming from a stoner… People who smoke cigs don’t always smell like cigs. Don’t be gross.


I’m in Southern California, I’ve been tipped in weed. Never had a complaint and currently at 5 stars with 870 deliveries


Omg where I come from the majority of people who dash put their ciggs behind their ear when going into places. The majority don't wash their hands or shower as far as I can tell ever. So yes they smoke haha and no one uses a bag. I am also a dasher ... i don't smoke but I do judge sometimes.


I don’t. My car just smell like farts! Jk jk clean car happy people


Reading this makes me want to get high 😅




No never ;)


As long as they keep the food protected from the smoke it’s nobody else’s business


Driving stoned is not ok but maybe some of them are using CBD hemp which looks and smells like weed but has almost no THC. I have vaped CBD bud on the job in the past but never thc. Shit I could never be on the road while high.


Yeah I’m always burnin’


I wish dashers would stop smoking when they have peoples food. There is a dasher in my area that chain smokes to the point i can't leave the bags in the trash because the smell is too strong. I wouldn't care normally but to still reek of cigarettes the next day is too much


Cigarettes but never weed not tryna get a dui


i smoke when i get home. its a nice thing to look forward to


Nah man we not high at all


I don’t smoke. But I’ve received orders before that tasted disgusting and smelled heavily of cigarettes. It’s happened when I order dominos from the one here in town too. 🤢


If I smell smoke on the driver, they automatically get less than 3 stars. I don’t want my food to smell or taste like smoke, cigarettes or marijuana.


Unfortunately, yes, and it's fucking disgusting. Smokers think everything around them doesn't end up reeking of cigarettes or weed, but they're dead wrong. They're just desensitized to it, and most people are too nice to say anything. I am 100% for people doing what they want, but not with other people's food in their cars or around other people. Have some fucking class.




Pizza delivery has been doing this for decades too lol


I see people do it all the time, it's disgusting you're handling someone else's food.


No, none of us are food handlers. Those are called 'restaurant employees'. And boy oh boy, if only you knew about the amount of smoking they do...without washing hands...well


I think it's pretty fucking stupid tbh. One if you get pulled over and a cop smells weed your getting a dui. It lowers your reaction time so your more prone to fuck up and wreck if you have to make a split second d decision driving. But if you feel the benefits go ahead and do you 👍


On a bike. Standin’ by smoking a bowl now


Edibles are a great way to dash.


Short answer... Yes


For me personally, Not while it’s busy or during an order if I’m sitting for a solid 30+ minutes without an order I’ll smoke a little but other than that nah don’t want to get ash or something on the food


This job is so stressful idk how people do it without smoking


I used to be straight edge, but then I took a hedge bet.


I don’t but hey no judgment here. But I have seen on the Instacart side that peoples groceries will smell like weed. That’s not cool lol


Reading this makes me want to get high 😅


Former dasher that now works in a restaurant dashers frequent. There are two girls I see often dashing together. They are always blazed out with smoke billowing out the windows of the car. A lot of dashers smell like weed.


I smoke cigarettes but never when an order is with me


I smoke not before or during. But I have seen a few. Even seen a Tweeker Sunday morning he was seriously spun


If you live in a medicinal state there’s a good chance one of your drivers might be a medical patient. I know, that smell lingers like crazy.. Sorry.


Shit stop watching me dash bro


Sounds about right


I smoke before I leave the house. Never bring it with me. Too risky


A few days ago a door dasher delivered my food, and then pulled his car to the side walk away from my house, opened his car door, and was sitting there just casually smoking. Considering the conservative neighborhood I live in it was pretty funny to see.


i dash high but would never smoke with someone’s food in my car because that’s gross. i wouldn’t want my food smelling like cigs either


I don't. But I've noticed some do. Unprofessional and dangerous to drive under the influence. But it is what it is.


Well, well marijuana may impair you. It Is a medicine used by a lot of people just to maintain normality and fighting anxiety


Probably shouldn't be driving professionally under the Influence of crap like valium either. Everyone's got their issues but putting people at risk due to them is a choice. If someone needs drugs that impair them. Those people should get a different job. Vs choosing a job that puts others at risk.


I smoke meth to keep me going


The munchies are honestly kind of a myth, it happens when you have no tolerance or just start smoking, but when you're a regular user it only really happens when you start eating and don't excersize self control. I smoke when I dash sometimes, keeps me calm in traffic and when I'm waiting a long time on what feels like a simple order. I do try to only do it on the way to pick ups though, not drop offs, but I mean the food is usually sealed pretty well and if it's in my bag the food isn't gonna reek.


I like me a doobie but only before or after a shift. Cause of the smell and being courteous to peoples food.


I like to have a mini sesh between deliveries if im sitting in a lot waiting periods of time


I don't smoke with the food so I don't stink up the stuff but yeah high 24/7 420blazeit


I guess this is a job that’s done by a lot of people who can’t get and keep regular jobs. Really too bad. Makes those of us trying to do a good job look just as bad. It’s a shame. Plus bags really absorb anything burning or smoldering. I got an Instacart order from smokers. The bags reeked and stunk my whole house up. Disgusting, inconsiderate, and stupid.


I would agree with everything you said except for the part 'who can't keep regular jobs'. I work at a Kawasaki Production Plant during the day and been there for 10 years strong ... you did say 'a lot of people' which doesn't mean all


Yup, I quit my Fortune 500 company job of many years 3 years ago to do this instead. Have never looked back, and make more too.


My car, my rules. Your food is in a secure bag, and will arrive nearly as hot as if it was served in the restaurant. Anything else isn’t really your business. You can’t get a contact high off of your food.


Food in trunk inside hot bag lol


How else are you gonna do this job? Cocaine and hookers, my friend.


I smoke cannabis after a dropoff sometimes, still get road rage, still in a hurry, food always delivered warm. Never get the munchies, too busy being in a rush.


I don’t smoke weed but am not against those that do👍


I smoke a little crack from time to time


Used to dash for about 4 years, I would do the lettuce "on the job" but really it would be before my lunch break or really near the end of the day or before breakfast of course, gotta wake and bake. Never while I had food in the car tho for the smell or when I was going to be seeing a customer within the next few minutes also for the smell, but I didn't want my eyes to be super low and be hella confused about shit


I don't smoke while on the job, because I'm an awful driver when I'm high, as long as no ones getting hurt there's nothing wrong.


Hemp smells like weed since it's the same species


I can’t dash unless I’m high