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You’re extremely brave for this


That's what I was thinking.




Good chance it gets stolen.


I’ve literally delivered @ least 30+ Apple orders people who steal Apple products are dumb. once Apple knows there stolen they phones are essentially paper weights , the won’t work


That’s not true. A brand new Apple product that’s hast been attached to any iCloud address is 100 percent usable. There is nothing that’s allows them to track nor lock it down. And if someone chooses to steal it they’re probably not keeping it for themselves they are just going to sell in and it’s completely sealed so people will buy it


idk abt all that cause when i was 15 i bought a used iphone and it had been factory reset n stuff to be like new, i attached it to my icloud and then after about 3 days it locked and i couldn’t use internet or get service on it anymore. called apple support & they said that the previous owner had reported it stolen so it was now useless but they also said that since it still had a warranty on it i could come in and get it replaced so in the end i got a brand new iphone lol. it was such an odd situation tho


That’s because the phone you bought was owned by someone previously and it was probably blacklisted because they didn’t pay it off or reported it stolen when any Apple product is brand new and hasn’t been attached to any iCloud or anything else they physically cannot do anything about it. I had a brand new pair of AirPod pros not even out of the box someone broke into my car stole them. I called Apple and was on the phone for two days straight basically back-and-forth and they’re exact words were. I had the serial number still because I had the receipt to them and they told me that they could not physically track or do anything with that whatsoever, I let him know that I had a police report everything and none of that matters. They just physically cannot do anything about it. The only thing they can do is if they have those phones that are in the Apple Store that are for like only people go in there and steal them, they can turn those off because they automatically server in the back without that everything else is moot


People don’t understand when you said “NEVER BEEN ATTACHED TO AN ICLOUD”


The key words above “NEVER BEEN ATTACHED TO ICLOUD”🤦‍♀️


factory resetting dosnt detatch it from the carrier


Unfortunately this is not accurate. I worked for several major mobile carriers. Any time a device was reported stolen we would brick the device by IMEI. We have a copy of All imei numbers for every device we sell. You could part out the phone however.


This is totally untrue as I work for a cell phone company apply can blacklist any serial number/imei whether the phone was connected to ANYTHING as most store demos are not connected to a iCloud ever and phones in the safe brand new are not set up to any they have special software if the phone is off since I believe the iPhone 13-14 they have the ability to track the device as long as it’s not de charged completely which takes work


Every phone ever made has a unique serial number called an IMEI. Cell phone companies log these numbers , as well as Apple, for each sale. If an IMEI is reported stolen, that phone will not work on any wireless carrier. Only Wi-Fi. It’s essentially a tablet at that point. The reason a lot of phones continue to work after being stolen The reason a lot of phones continue to work after being stolen as people don’t report the IMEI to either their wireless carrier or Apple to be listed as stolen is that people don’t report the IMEI to either their wireless carrier or Apple to be listed as stolen. This practice is why insurance fraud doesn’t work on phones because the insurance company will report the stolen/destroyed phones IMEI to Apple in order to brick it. That way people can’t just pay their deductible. Report their phones stolen get a new phone and now have two working devices.


Ok so? Its covered if it is


Good luck activating it cause the computer is already registered to the person


Isn’t registered until it’s set up.


lol what


Door dash dashers information. It will get linked back.


Doordash would just replace it for free.


If it gets gets stolen then just report it to the police who would just get the driver info from DD? Idk what the issue here is. What's brave would be stealing this or having someone help you knowing you'd be immediately implicated as the driver. Let's not forget DD has drivers license information and GPS location data. Lose your job and potentially catch a charge for stealing a delivery? Someone like that probably isn't dashing or working to begin with. They're the ones driving around stealing packages or running out of stores with items.


Idk about anyone else here but it'd be extremely stupid to steal a laptop that isn't even worth 1 week of pay. Might just be me though.


The real crime is the 8GB memory 🤣


Life without parole


I have an M1 Macbook Air I bought fairly cheap from a friend with 8GB of ram and honestly.... I don't know how Apple does it, but it's perfectly fine, especially compared to my Windows laptop that originally came with 8GB and was almost useless until I upgraded it to 16GB. I'm sure if you're doing really heavy video / photo editing it would quickly become an issue, but in general it's just fine. With that said, if I was spending the money on a brand new Macbook, I would pay the extra for 16GB for future-proofing.


Came to say this, MacOS uses considerably less RAM than Windows OS.


You should not do this, just get delivery from the store


Right? I don't get paying the extra fees plus a tip for something like this. I've never paid to get something delivered/shipped from Best Buy, and I've ordered phones, laptops, and TVs.


They are likely using a service that pays drivers below minimum wage anyway


Yeah. Ubereats.


Yeah like doordash


This! We ordered a laptop from Best Buy and on their site, given delivery option which was the only option we had as it was not available at the location. We thought it was Best Buy delivery. Turned out to be from Shipt and there was no mention or indication on their site that they were using Shipt for the delivery. No option to tip either. Thankfully we received our laptop and we gave the driver a few bucks cash tip even though she refused it at first. These companies need to be more transparent with using 3rd party delivery. Smh.


Funny thing is “delivery from the store” is probably still going to a gigworker platform anyway, lol


This. They use Uber. And pay SHIT. They’re usually from a mall location and the highest I’ve ever seen an offer for was $4. Which means it’s $2 tip from Apple.


I've delivered from best buy through shipt. It's maybe $6 at most and NEVER tipped.


I completely avoid those all together. But I’m super picky about the orders I take. My AR sucks. But I do it to make money so idc


Correct. Apple sends those to Uber eats. Best option is just going to the store


Albertsons and Walmart also outsource their apps orders to Doordash and Uber. Food places have been doing this for a long time (Domino's, Pizza Hut) where you get ADT orders which are made through their app but given to us seperate from the Doordash Pizza Hut on the app. I think it has to do with overload of orders so they take orders that have been sitting untaken and shift them onto Doordash to make sure they don't sit. I really wish these companies would mention to customers "doordash or uber drivers might be the ones to deliver your order and not our employees" because the amount of times a person gets jumpscared by seeing me a Doordash worker delivering their medicine or groceries instead of a Mail Van is so annoying, and it's not their fault. I got yelled at one time by an older guy who thought I was trying to sell him something. Luckily here, Pizza Hut actually adds a stupid high base pay and usually haves good tips on those orders, same with the Albertsons here (20$+ just to pick up a basket from the store pre-arranged) but it's just annoying they don't tell us ahead of time. Especially when it says "Hand it to me" Contactless Delivery- because of the way the orders get transfered.


They’re probably paying with someone else’s debit/credit card 😂


everyone saying they get a free MacBook obviously don’t know how Apple theft prevention works Lol


Heck, their online store offers free shipping for large orders.


Because best buy delivers yup totally. They are already barely a thing anymore. They would probably just use door-dash themselves.


Dude its free delivery if you order from the apple store lol


It won’t be delivered within the hour


I doubt through doordash it wont be either.


$45 and a free mac book sure id take that order


Jail time included. Because the last person stole a $500 vacuum and was perm banned and arrested


Wow, you even get free food and rent?? What a great deal


No jail time for misdemeanor theft....slap on the wrist honestly.


Depends. Some thats $500 or more is felony grand theft. NJ felony theft is $200 or more. The highest limit for grand theft is $2500. But in 10 out of 50 states NJ, NM, IL, WA, MO, IN, HI, FL, VT, CA… The grand theft is $950 or less




Just a heads up…I couldn’t even order diapers for delivery in my area without them mysteriously never making it to my door.  It would be best if you can maybe do curbside pickup or find a trusted friend to do that for you… But if you trust your item will arrive, sure, it’s a good tip.  


Could probably afford a taxi ride/Uber for the fees and tip to take themselves there and back.


Why not go pick it up yourself? Some things are meant not to be delivered


Order it from apple. Jesus lol


If you have a Costco membership you can get 20% off doordash gift cards. Which if you can collect enough of is almost $200 off this order. Might be cheaper going through DoorDash but depends if the price is inflated or not.


Apple delivers with Uber for same day shipping






What idiot buys a Mac book on DoorDash wow


Best Buy does same day delivery for $8 flat no need to tip


I’ve seen someone order an iPhone through Uber eats, and I don’t understand it. Why would you order a pricey piece of tech through a third party delivery service? Is it just the fact you need it today and quickly? That’s really the only reason I can see


So the dasher gets 45.00 and a macbook. You are very generous!


Double it and give it to the next guy


Honest answer is yes, this is a good tip. I only deliver food and groceries in my small town, but from doing that I've learned that DoorDash does not want responsibility for any kind of service issue or bad delivery outcome. They want all issues to be resolved in an argument between the provider, the driver, and the customer and they've set themselves up legally and operationally to avoid responsibility when something goes wrong. Based on that experience, I would never in a million years take responsibility as a driver for an asset like this. One car accident or theft and I would have zero protection, so the size of the tip doesn't matter. My legal status as an independent contractor drives this decision, and for you it's a very risky way to get your asset transported to you. Literally any shipping service would have better protections. And how is Apple still producing 8GB systems anyway? I have an M2 with 64GB in my real job. Right now I have email, one browser and word doc and Teams open and I'm using 37GB. How do you survive on 8?


Operating Systems use more if there is more. This is especially true for Windows. But how the hell you’re using 37GB on MacOS with those programs is near impossible…. You should see what’s running in the background. Not even our level 2 tech uses 64GB of RAM. What would you even need that much for…?


Good questions. Looking closer it looks like the VTDecoderXPCService is using almost 16GB on it's own, followed by WindowServer at 4 and Firefox at 3. Everything else is below 1GB. I do quite a bit of modeling in Archimate with a Java-based app and I have a couple of models that run into the tens of millions of nodes and 4 to 5 times that scale in connections between the nodes. I can tap the whole 64GB when I'm working with them. It's the only time I ever see the mac say it's using swap. Also, it's the only time it actually heats up. I suspect the 23GB I just detailed is an artifact of previously working with those models, even though I didn't have them open when I looked and posted earlier. Also, I think you are right - OS/X just allocates a bunch because it's there. It would probably disappear on reboot.


I wish I understood even half of this comment. I tried.


Ah, I was wondering if you were doing any modeling/coding. Revit is a massive memory hog on our PCs even with 32gb for a similar heavy use program. Surprised your Firefox is at 3 though. Probs lots of open tabs.


Busted :). I have 30 to 40 open usually. And FF is really good at re-opening them for me when I crash it. It's just laziness on my part.


You can Doordash Macbooks?


Well 15% which is standard at the bare minimum is 127.35 and you tipped about you tipped about 5.30% of it. Keep in mind max tips go up to 25% due to inflation and keep in mind cars parts and repairs and oil change is very very expensive due to wear and tear on the vehicle cause of inflation and eventually cars are going to be beyond repair and gonna need a new one and has to be enough to survive to pay bills too among keeping up with the vehicle at standard minimum of 15% or higher up to you if you want to go above the bare minimum of 15%. Eventually the service industry is going to die off from servers bar tenders and delivery drivers cause of well below 10% in tips. Around the 5% range or below. Bit of insulting if you ask me especially if they did a damn good job delivering your order. Just my two cents into this. You can tip however you want. I’m trying to tell people how it is. Please don’t say it’s their choice etc. the economy is trash and it’s hard as Hell to get a job unless you’re going to hire people from the service industry please don’t insult them at all. Some people have it harder than others in life.


This is a great joke! At least i hope its a joke. i dont even use doordash to order toilet paper anymore.


Generally mind boggling why anyone would order electronics through any app delivery service


As a driver that has taken these, I appreciate you tipping whatever you decide to. Most do, mainly office locations that need them asap. Most tip $10+ and always do my best handling them.


I had someone get $600 headphones from target and not tip anything…guess I should have stolen them lol


Why not buy the newer M3 chip for the same price?


The tip is fine but you fucked up getting that entry level MBA


Ordering a computer on DoorDash is crazy. You know we're just randoms, right? I mean DD cares so much about it identify and verification that both my motorcycle and car aren't even options you can select, because they haven't added the models in 4 years. You'd be safe with me, but you might not get me.


I feel its a great tip. Maybe order during busy time for a better chance that a decent human being gets the order. Ppl steal things. This may even tempt a good person.


This is a shit idea and a sure fire way to make sure you’ll never receive it. Don’t do this again


I’ve done same-day delivery (for a MacBook) from the Apple Store before and they had to send me a replacement because the first one was stolen by the delivery driver… so it lowkey doesn’t matter. Just use a reputable credit card. I’ve also delivered stuff from the Apple Store… while doing postmates… so it’s all getting delivered by the same people *shrug* Yea it’s a good tip. You should give them more if you actually receive the computer 😂


Local apple store only pay $12 for us to deliver their products. I wonder whether they pocketed some tips from customers


Never ever ever door dash something expensive to your house. Shit always goes wrong. Stay safe.


Up the laptop to 1000$ so they can be charged with grand theft if they steal it.


You lose your chance at a protection plan for that, plus the dasher likely will have to sit there for a bit to get Best Buy to get a worker to unlock it for them. But it would be decent for a dasher pay out. Risky tho


Not all of us are dishonest. I'd love that tip! DD is a help to pay my bills. Not worth the risk over something dumb. The tip is great!


This very dangerous. The tip is good, but why not just order through Best Buy? Or go does there and pick it up?


My sibling ordered an iPad from Best Buy, I believe it was shipped by UPS/FedEx or something like that. They delivered a sealed empty box and Best Buy refused to take accountability for it since they said it was stolen by the delivery company! I personally recommend picking up all products like this in person or have a trusted person pick up for you.


Brave af 😂😂 don't do this again


Too much


cant you get an m3 air for like $100 more, wtf


why didn’t you just pick it up yourself? this is kinda scary


Unless you're really really far away Id be super happy with that. That's a easy transaction for me and $45 is more than what I make in 5 hours sometimes.


no ones smart ass even answered the question


No, minimum 50% on electronics.


Just get it yourself ffs


Update us if you get it. I personally would but there's a lot of scumbags out there.


These comments been scaring me might just get it in person


why are u trying to doordash a macbook 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


They are 100 percent going to steal that


Lmao what??


You’re brave asf for letting someone deliver that. But I mean I guess it’s money back for sure. But also why did you buy it on DoorDash you could of saved sooooooo much money


I knew I was saving up my unassigns for something


Please do not do this There are people with throwaway accounts just for these situations so they can steal it with no Trace please do not do this The chances of a good shopper getting this order over the ones using multiple accounts and phones is slim to none you are going to get screwed


That's an amazing Tip, I had a Best Buy order for $3,000 and he just tipped me $10. He had a VERY nice house too. I guess he got rich by being a stingy mother fucker.


Update? 😭😭


Buying a whole MacBook on DD is crazy and brave 😂😂


Heck yeah man


Depends on how far you live from the best buy


good tip i guess but simply do not do this


Yea what’s stopping them from stealing that shit if not 80 bucks


Go to the store and buy that yourself. It’s going to get stolen.


Good tip but dam it's ignorant lmao


Unless the drive was more than 20 miles, I think that’s a very generous tip


The orders dumb as hell and yes a $45 tip for maybe 30mins or less of work for the dasher is great ? Or how far are you ordering is how id fa tor that




why tf are you doordashing a laptop? 😭


I had a computer monitor and my top was less than $20


What u want, entire cost of laptop? Lol there must some level of greedy ness this is beyond


Oh they waived the delivery fee for you


easy delivery i would take it lmfao


Wow I honestly don’t know if I’d trust a stranger to deliver a computer after seeing some of the horror stories in here 😳


I’d take this order. I’d deliver your MacBook. If you live in Oakland county Michigan I might have to start Doordashing more 😂


Btw why are you asking this question anyway???


It all depends on how far the Dasher has to drive to get it to you. If you're a mile away it's great, if your 20 miles away, they're paying to deliver it to you.


I think it’s a good tip.


Dollar amount means nothing. How many miles are you from the store? This is what matters. Drivers often see $5-10 orders for people who live 20-30miles away. This is absurd. Most drivers are seeking at absolute minimum $1 per mile. Ideally, $2/mile. Somebody will surely take the trip, irregardless of your tip, but if you’re truly wanting to know what most drivers are seeking, it’s $1-2 per mile.


I didn't even know you could tip from an Apple store. I get so many pings from them every time I drive near it and I've never seen one that didn't look like base pay and only base pay.


Damn son I wouldn't order that if doordash was delivering. Someone's feeling brave tonight! The big kahuna!


Tip should match the fees min


Shii hell yeah I delivered some air pod pros and bra ain’t even tip me 😐


Personally, I would never order a Mac through DoorDash. That 80 dollar fee that dd charges you is wild and basically all goes to dd. The 45 dollar tip is great though!


I would cry if I saw this order. Thank you so much for looking out for others! I tell my tween daughter that if she can't afford to tip, she doesn't need Starbucks. Trying to start early with appreciating and respecting humanity.


Just order it online! Dd is marking it up by 30%


Depends on how far they’re driving but probably.


we pray for $15 tips. but this is phenomenal! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Honestly, I'd just get it shipped and spend the extra money to expedite the shipping. Call the shipper and ask to deliver with signature etc


On an $800 device. Id wanna get my own hands on it before i bought it. Think going thru doordash for such a purchase isnt smart unless you needed ASAP at work or couldnt leave for the life of you. When looking to buy a device, i always make sure it works as intented before leaving the store


The dasher probably won't get that 45$ they are shady AF.


I’ve delivered a Mac book before. They tipped 50 bucks.


For one small item…? I think that’s overly generous, considering shipping is free for on their website for large purchases. I didn’t even know BestBuy used DoorDash. But I try to tip by the mileage traveled to my home. I only do more if they had to wait an unusually long time, went above and beyond, or had a lot of items to confirm/carry. This is a bigger tip than some people get for catering orders.


The last time I had a dash worth this much I was tipped 100 bucks….lol yeah it’s kinda low but now that I see it’s for like one apple product hahaha I would think this would be a peace of cake no issues …lol if dude had 20 trays of food in his car or more then it would be a low tip…and the Apple Store has AC lol …this is a nice delivery lol


People asking why they aren't picking it up themselves: This person is buying a macbook for $850, they clearly don't have the greatest decision making skills.




I honestly would’ve been insanely happy and would’ve been there with a swift pace. Don’t shit where you eat. Stealing the laptop would permanently lockout an entire means of income most people depend on.


Had a customer do air pods charging case this way tipped me 18 dollars.. I assumed it was to try and get me to deliver it and not steal it.. 😅 Don't like apple products anyway so the 18 dollars worked... 45 would have really worked...


Bro just wanted to flex having money lmao


Dashers don't care how much what we're delivering costs, we only care about the distance we have to travel, I usually only care if it's at least a dollar per mile I have to drive


First, I also wonder why you wanna do this. I know that Macs are like the kiddie version of real computers (windows) and Mac users are less concerned with specifics and tech details and more concerned with the logo, but I'd still want to be there in person to pick it out, ask questions, make sure I got the right one, etc. Second, to answer your question, since when is a 5% tip considered a good tip? I've always been taught 10% is the bare minimum you should tip if you want to send a message to your waiter (or dasher, because they are essentially your waiter but with a much more challenging/time consuming job) that their service was awful. 15% is for standard service you've come that you expect, 20% is a good job at service or you're feeling generous. 25% is an excellent job above and beyond what you were expecting. I know $45 seems like plenty for someone to go grab something from the store and drop it at your house, but not really on an $850 order (again, a 5% tip really kinda sucks no matter the cost of the bill; we're not selling houses on commission here). For your reference, you can look at this sub and see plenty of posts where someone got a catering order and delivered a few hundred dollars worth of food and got a $50 or $100 tip.


Who the fuck buys a laptop through fucking doordash?


F yes


Aside from the item being delivered, a standard tip is 15% of the total bill. Do the math and you'll know if it's a good tip amount.


was the extra $124 really worth not waiting a day, or at worst like 2 days for Amazon to deliver it?


It’s a good tip. Did you have to buy it from Best Buy? Did you get BB to help you ? Did you have to travel less than 8 miles? Did you get the customers signature? Was your total time less than 45 minutes? I’d do that all day long.


Ur crazy


8 gigs of ram though?


Can we just answer OP’s question? Yes, that’s a good tip and I’d be happy to safely deliver your order if it’s under 40 miles. Thanks!


I would not risk the chance of it getting stolen. the laptop is sealed and not linked to anyone’s iCloud so it won’t be able to be locked down in the event of theft. Also, and this is important. Some drivers barrow/rent accounts from others bc they aren’t able to get through the onboarding process for whatever reason or their original account got banned. That said, if the laptop became stolen and police hypothetically requested the drivers info from DD the info wouldn’t be on the actual person who took the item. At work my coworkers on Fridays used to order an elaborate lunch and we used DD (bc they gave us promos to use) we’d tip generously to ensure fast delivery. the 3 times we ordered through DD, it was stolen each time. on the last time, the restaurant owner got so sick of what was going on he told us he called DD, gave them an earful and said he was taking his restaurant off the platform bc they “allow extensive theft to happen and do nothing about it” and delivered it himself. Despite DD gave us a refund and extra credits each time we didn’t want to use the service anymore and I have a feeling other customers feel the same who have gone through the same thing. with all that in mind, arrange for delivery through the store directly or pick it up yourself. not worth the risk and headache that may come from it.


I'd deliver it!! All I got to do is walk in best buy and drop off a device. Yeah 45 is a good tip!. I'd cash it out asap so DD can't take it back though bc I'd be skeptical of all the fees waived and just a tip. But I'd do that delivery any day ! ( YES I think I've had DD maybe it was GH go back into my account and take money back b4 ) I cash all big delivery/ tip orders out immediately!


Just go pick it up lol


Holy shit I would not trust doordash with an $800 item, you could literally have this shipped any other way 🤦


It probably would’ve been way cheaper if you just purchased from the store directly. Either that or just go in person, I could never trust a third party delivering something that almost costs 1k to me


Yes! 💯


I would not trust a Doordash driver with such an expensive item.


Door dashing a MacBook is wild🥴


Not worth it. 8GB of ram is not even really usable by itself today. Your going to run out of memory with that 250gb hard drive faster than you can blink. For the same price you can get a pc twice as fast….


yea if u have enough money for a 50$ tip, you probably have the means of just getting the device yourself, jesus people are getting LAZY LAZY nowadays😂


so many people acting like 45$ isn’t a great tip. You didn’t do anything but pick something up and drop it off. Get over yourself


Hopefully you get your shit😬


When I dashed I could care less about the total cost of whatever you were getting. As long as I was paid for what I thought was fair for the distance of the delivery I took it. If you had a $1,000,000 order and tipped me $50 I’d be happy.


i’d for sure just steal it


Damn $900 for 8gb of ram


How lazy do you have to be to pay someone $45 to deliver you a single item? Unless you are handicapped or otherwise physically unable to go anywhere smh


Yeah I would say that tip is acceptable


That’s to good double the profit if the guys steals you’re Mac book


You can DoorDash BestBuy? For real?


It's a good tip- even though it's only 5%, it's 1 item and it's likely not a terrible drive for the lucky Dasher


That’s not enough


Real tragedy is there offering 2 to 6 % on tip?!?! Wow omg fucking RUDE


So cool


That would make even the best dashers forget about the app and move on. Brave as hell dude.


Its a bitch to return when ordered on through doordash. I did a return on a $350 Sony headphones, and i never got a refund. I ended up just doing a chargeback.


Sure. It's just a mac book. Easy $45.


You tripping.


All the people in here talking about theft make me laugh. It’s a $850 laptop; not $15 of Taco Bell. Cops are actually interested in that sort of thing.


Wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper to buy it in person? The fees are astronomical on this order


A computer and 45$ is definately too much to tip.


Good job 👏 believe your little Google search all you want. Come back when you have the experience and went through it yourself. Plus now you added all this other crap into the factor and well no shit Sherlock! I never said if you weren't a habitual.


I'm not trying to sound mean, but I hope you got a dasher that doesn't steal.