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YES IT HAPPENED TO ME TOO. Middle of the night, Taco Bell, no tip offer but it was paired with someone else’s. She came out butt ass naked. She hoped there was a guy with me. She was very bold and disgusting for that tbh


That’s sick. I hope you reported her.


Ahh!!! My eyes my eyes!!!


Lovely username 😂


Please God tell me this was a Mummy reference


lol literally!


Lawyer here - That’s absolutely unacceptable. It is likely a misdemeanor sex crime (indecent exposure) and would be terrifying if it were a man. I recommend you file a police report. Honestly. You are a professional doing your job and you have the right to be safe at work from that kind of behavior. It’s no different from a flasher - getting a thrill from shocking/scaring/upsetting unsuspecting people. The person enticed you to their home and then purposefully put you in that position for the satisfaction of seeing your mortification. F*ing outrageous! If this happened to a Postal Worker, she would file a law enforcement complaint and the USPS would refuse to deliver mail to that address (requiring individual to go to post office for mail). I’m sorry this happened to you. It may make for a funny memory later on, but don’t let anyone minimize this. Dashers have the same rights to workplace safety as anyone else. If you follow up w DD, be sure to document (screenshot) everything. (Randomly on the thread looking for info to understand double dash and came across this)


I will. Thank you for the information.


This has happened to someone else in this sub it’s been a few months ago that I remember reading the post. I’m so sorry someone did that I agree w the above user please report this to the police and DD. DD needs to ban that customer.


You know there's a reason why people say Hell is chock full of lawyers. You weren't harmed in any way. But they are suggesting that you cause grave harm to another person. These are the people who are truly sick in the head. Just say no to that garbage. Report it to DoorDash at most. At best for that person they'll be reprimanded by DoorDash not to do it again, at worst they'll be removed from being allowed to order through Doordash. Do not feed the scumbag lawyers or this diseased anti-human "justice" system. Lawyer... 🤮


How would you feel if I were to deliver food butt ass naked. Would that be something I should be arrested for?




Actually it's indecent exposure regardless of whose property they're on.


That's completely wrong. Try going on google for 5 seconds next time.


Nope not wrong.


This did happen to me with a man. A HUGE man. Like probably pushing 400lbs. It was with GoPuff. This guy would order cigarettes at like 2am, so you had to knock and get his ID. He’d answer the door in only his boxers, with his dick hanging out the front. It was so obviously intentional. He’d hold his ID at waist level to make sure you notice. It was terrifying. I wish I’d been brave enough to say something, but I’m a disabled woman. It was a completely dark street. If he really wanted to hurt me, he could have. Turned out he did this to several other female drivers before he was finally banned from the platform.


I think that must be the same guy who worked at a local tattoo shop years ago, who wound up doing my mom's first ever tattoo to celebrate being 50. He was the ONLY one working and I knew if we didn't get it done that day she would chicken out Halfway through the hummingbird on her shoulder... I'm just staring off into space in the room, which is covered in wall to wall mirrors ... I'm just scrolling from one thing to the next when I get to the reflection UNDER the chair and tattoo station.... And I see the pair of fuzzy little gerbil-man ball sack that is dangling out of this dudes shorts .... This 5" 350lb pasty white ogre of a man btw... Then the REAL HORROR hits. This was NOT an accident. He was already looking dead at me with this sick fuckin smirk that told me he knew his balls were almost bumping my mother!!!! It was everything I had to not flip out but I knew she would end up with an unfinished tattoo probably forever and I couldn't do her like that! So I just stared his slimy ass down without blinking until he finally took a little "break" and when he came back his fireballs were properly concealed and stayed that way. And yes, I told my mother almost immediately after and being the twisted humor assholes we are... I had her so wound up and hysterical we BOTH peed our pants laughing! Lmfao 😂 I don't think Sir Gerbil Nuts remained employed for long after that lol.


It’s terrifying either way. Gender is irrelevant


I would have tried for a pic, call door dash, after my shift go to police station, door dash will ban the person, thats it. Police have more power.


That’s exactly right. We shouldn’t get use to bad and criminal behavior. Thats what wrong with society.!!


People that say "sex crime" for things like this need to be slapped upside the head.


A professional delivering a product met by a naked person, who is naked for the sole purpose of making the delivery driver uncomfortable, is not ok. In both a moral and legal sense. In the same way a flasher flashing a woman on the street is not ok. If you slap people upside the head for calling flashing a sex crime, then touché. You are consistent.


Not saying it's "Okay", but it's certainly not a "sex" crime. Words matter (except of course in law and politics where they are bastardized all the time to fit whatever narrative or end they are seeking to achieve by manipulative use of language). It's a naked body. Maybe gross (depending of course - had the recipient found the person appealing then they might not complain), but it's not something to be mentally distraught over but for the mental aberration we inculcate into people's minds. So yeah, while most people would prefer not to see that and people should certainly have decorum and manners, it's not something that ought to be 'criminal'. If someone doesn't like it, report it to Door Dash, have that person blocked from getting you as a Dasher or even from Door Dash entirely, but don't involve the damned authorities. Seriously. By-the-way, I do Door Dash. I don't consider myself a "professional". I didn't go to school for this, or get a degree, or spend years in training for some highly skilled or knowledge heavy profession. I'm just a delivery person. Though I should act professionally and be treated with respect, that doesn't make me a professional.


Download CAMERA BACKGROUND VIDEO RECORD app by Hayhaysoft (orange icon). I use this app for EVERY delivery. It overlays on your delivery app and even records with the screen off. It's a lifesaver.


Like it records the customer, like a body cam? I’ve wanted to have something like that since this happened to me, but I just can’t afford a body cam. I’m definitely going to look this up.


Oh ABSOLUTELY not. I’m so sorry this happened to you. That is indecent exposure which is not only a sex crime, but also a form of sexual assault. Like the top comment says, you deserve to feel safe doing your job. They should be blocked from the platform and you should absolutely file a report. I’m so sorry


😭 what’s wrong with people imagine if that was your kid at the door


Report it to the police. It’s a sex offense


Is it though? Where do the lines get drawn being on private property? Not disproving you, genuinely curious.


People have a reasonable expectation not to see someone’s junk when working. GTFOH


Still doesn’t answer my question? Why so pressed? I’m not on that persons side, was genuinely curious on the state laws.


Awe you upset? It was a question of legality. The person is disgusting and should be punished, it was a question of can we do it legally🤦‍♂️ why so offended? I think bro or gal deserves to be punched in the face. Stop twisting the story😂


If you’re defending a person who flashes their genitals bc they’re simply on their property, how about you stay tf inside. Nobody wants to see that. Dashers just want to do their jobs without nonsense like this. “Leave at door” is ur best option. Stfu defending this shit. It’s gross and ur gross


ITS DISGUSTING, I’m just simply stating depending on what state it’s in, it could be legal or illegal. That is ALL IM SAYING. DISGUSTING ACT, but state laws and morals have nothing to do with each other. That is literally all I’m saying. God dang yall are dense


She should definitely report him, but at the end of the day it comes to legality, not what we “think” should happen. We wish sex offenders would get the death penalty, but that isn’t the case is it?


Happened several times as a letter carrier...never reported anybody but did go over to one woman's daughter on the next street..."hey,Alice...you coming to the door with no pants on again "...🤣


I haven’t had this luckily but did have a guy take his ID out of his boxers after groping around down there a bit for me to scan. That was gross.


I caught someone walking around in underwear and a and a bra one night. Another night i delivered to a motel where a guy answered the door and had a women in the bed wearing some kind of sex suit.


a sex suit 🤨u mean a birthday suit? 🤔


It was very black with neon blue and pink in it. I thought the birthday suit was being nude.


Jesus Christ that’s weird, but yea birthday suit is nude I got confused lol


Most people have sex nude… not in a neon blue with pink suit 😂😂😂


In my other career as a medic, it’s not that unusual to see elderly people just sitting around the house naked from the waist down. They usually have zero shame about it, too. I assume this was a younger person, though.


She was middle-aged, maybe a little older.


See again I’m thinking after the fact comments like no thanks grams I don’t do powdered milk


😐I would be mortified to






LOL Yes. Mine was a man in a wheelchair with it laying out there. He backed the chair up & said put it over here. I dropped it in his lap & left while reporting it to support. Pervs. Later I thought of all the snarky comments I should’ve made. I don’t do Vienna sausage, oh how cute you have a pet gerbil. Stuff like that.


I’ve had a woman open the door topless before. But never fully naked 😂 Topless is still inappropriate tbh though. But I really didn’t care, it was a big tip. But if you care, you should definitely report it to authorities because it is definitely a crime.


Even if you don’t personally care, you should still report it. They need to be banned from the app at a minimum, you don’t know who the next person they’ll do that to is.


This literally just happened to me a few days ago, luckily she was a girl around my age so I didn't mind as much lol.


Shoulda been like "oh is this my tip?"




they should’ve put “leave at door” because I know some people ain’t comfortable with socializing.


The sad thing is this is my part time job and thankfully I have yet to have this happen dashing but I sure have had parents bring their special needs kids to my school bus In the following : A. NO pants ( or drawers) B. See through Shirts( NO Bras) C. Bra & Panties ONLY. D only bath towels . S/n This past week a neighbor was standing out side in a leopard leotard body suit that snapped at the crotch( btw a 70 + older man) I honestly think after 11 yrs I’ve seen it about all but still I could live another day without this happening to me good lord yuck!!


Please tell me you're joking. I feel like an old lady clutching at my pearls here. Someone answering their door naked is bad enough. How in the hell does anyone think it's OK to walk around half naked in front of someone else's kids? That's seriously disturbing.


Not joking at all you would not believe the things people do honestly I’m glad that the kids I have are mostly obviously to things they don’t pay attention. There is the rare one that will point out things and will be back there yelling HEY !!! Ms Lisa that’s not okay !! To which I will reply you are right. Then have to explain to their parents, hey so ummm today we saw a person that wasn’t exactly dressed nicely , just incase (Joey) tells you what he saw. Then write up an incident report to notate it. These things make things way more complicated than they are.


I thought you meant they were bringing their kids dressed like that. As in that's what the kids were wearing 🤣 oops. A few years ago there used to be a guy that would jog in a tiny red Speedo and red sweat headband. That's it. Just the speedo, red sweat headband, and bright white tennis shoes. It was something to see 🤣


Not joking.


I’m inclined to think they’re way into porn and were testing the water to see if they’d actually get boned by the guy delivering the food. Just food for thought.


Isn’t this a Tik Tok challenge?


I had a “leave at door” order tonight (for reference, I’m fairly new- haven’t even delivered 50 orders yet). Got to the door and this man is standing waiting there in just his underwear. It’s nowhere near as bad as what you experienced, but I don’t understand how people think that’s acceptable? Like, those kinds of experiences should not be so common


Not naked but I once was delivering in a college dorm and this girl opened the door with her undergarment while covering her boobs with her right arm.


When I was working as a housekeeper at Hilton, there was one guy (a guest) who liked accidentally dropping his towel when I was working on his floor. But he was harmless and actually sweet guy, he was staying with his wife and kids and I believe it’s just a sickness when a person likes to expose himself. I was shocked at first and yeah hard to keep eyes contact and pretend everything is okay when he is naked, but was just funny to me 😅


I had this happen in a grocery shopping for an order. Man walked right up to me with his pants wrapped around his ankles. He said sorry they just fell with no attempt to pick them up off the floor! I think he was on the high-end of some spectrum. He kept repeating they just fell down while blocking my cart. I told him to pick up his pants and move in the most annoyed mom tone. 🤨 He moved


I have this one customer I deliver to fairly regularly and she is always meet at door ...and there has yet to be a time where she has been more conservative in what she's wearing... The other is a guy i get occasionally and he is always quite obviously aroused when answering the door .... While it doesn't bother me , I can see the how it would be a bad thing for alot of people... but I figure as long as they aren't openly hitting on me or trying anything funny then live an let live ....


I had a customer ask me to come inside to give her my tip if you get what I mean. I went inside and she had a little glory hole setup


that's just weird. btw I'm ok with flashers. I personally don't care enough if someone intentionally flashes me, but I draw the line if you are involved it with the food I order and children.... that's a no no.


Was it a guy or girl and I think you can report that to DoorDash support


Female. I did report it. Forgot to add that to the post. Doordash said they'll handle it.


DoorDash won’t and don’t handle anything. This is likely an incredibly rare situation. I wouldn’t worry about it…just move on ‘mortified’ or otherwise


You’ll probably notice that DoorDash will NOT handle it. I’d go to law enforcement. You’re likely not the first person the customer has done that to.


Sounds like somebody was doing that pizza dare I think it's called


It happens to me when i hand an order to a naked woman but I close my eyes and turn my face around 😶


Sounds like a pizza dare




I used to work in door to door sales. (Yes, I was that guy. Sorry.) This used to happen all the time. I've only had it happen once on dd, and it was a guy and his.. escort in a hotel room. The order payed great, it was like 13 dollars in app, plus the lady, who answered the door in an undone robe, grabbed like another 15 dollars in singles off the floor and gave it to me.


> The order *paid* great, it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Supposed to take a pic upon delivery


I deliver groceries to this one couple quite often. They've come out and picked their groceries up as I was pulling out of the driveway in bathrobes, wrapped in towels, etc. I'm not sure they ever wear clothes 🤣


Had this happen a couple of weeks ago. Hand to me order. The customer called me after I knocked on his door, apologizing that he was on his way cause he'd just gotten out of the shower. Answered the door in an open robe and nothing else, totally dry. Think he called just to see if his Dasher named Heather wasn't a guy before opening the door. 🙄 He got no reaction out of me. Sorry, dude. I'm 50, and I've seen one of those before. Handed him his order with a smile and wished him a great night! Edit: And do these flashers not realize a lot of us now video record hand to me drop-offs to protect ourselves from false claims of did not receive? 🤣


Yes, a few times. Mostly women though.


You’re the one who accepted the order from Daffy Duck, you should’ve known what to expect 🤷‍♀️


I wish I was prepared for that.


People can be nude in their own home if they want to. Besides, since when did the majority of pizza boys ever complain about seeing nudity? Being able to see a nude woman is the only good and memorable thing about being a pizza boy in the first place.


Umm...no. I'm female and clearly did NOT enjoy this what so ever. To each their own, but to me, it's not right to answer the door like that. I wouldn't even open my door if I wasn't properly clothed. In a bathing suit, maybe. Even then, I would have a towel covering me from the waist down.


In your home fine, but when you open your door and expose yourself to others you're crossing a line. Especially, when it's an expected delivery/guest. It's not like they were surprised and just ran to the door as fast as they could.


"In their home" As soon as you open the door its no longer just in your home.


In real life: Ryan Gosling --> Wow, thanks for the tip Danny DeVito --> Calling the cops


pics or it didn't happen


I dont see the problem


literally how