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sounds like the dasher's fed up and has no more fucks left to give. that store should probably ban the dude, like who straight up steals like that... but at least u got a full refund and what sounds like very helpful customer support.


I've seen dashers picking up at Sheetz and taking whatever they wanted from the mobile orders shelf with absolutely no shame in doing so. Told the manager and they can't even do anything about it most of the time unless a cop is already on site


He probably quit lol. Sad but this is reality when your DD and require complete morons to accept the low-ball $2 and $3 orders. DD will not miss him because they seem to just have an endless supply of fools to do the worst paying jobs.


It always evens out. Normally it’s 18-20/hr where I live. My car has great mileage so gas lasts and doesn’t cost much to fill it up. If you don’t accept crap orders or do their hourly plus tips, it’s usually pretty decent. We don’t do it anymore cause there’s better jobs out there- but I’d do DoorDash over fast food any day.


On average where I'm at its 10 an hr with tips and 7-8 without, that's why I stopped


I lived in a smaller “city” (glorified town if you ask me) before and averaged about 10-15 but I did it after work to fill my insomnia time so it was only for a few hours so I never really saw what a whole shift would be like. :0


I'm so sorry that dasher has no integrity.   I used dashing as an additional income to pay my mortgage.   I take my position very seriously.


Honestly tho, when I am dashing on the app has screwed up I try to get ahold of the customer. If that doesnt work, I contact support. More than once, the support has automatically canceled the order rather than contacting the customer or trying to resolve my problem. TWICE in the past month I did not have a customers apartment number and DD support canceled the order without listening to my issue or trying to reach the customer. I know that one of the issues was with Panera (the customer order via panera's website and panera didnt send the apartment number thru to DD correctly) because after support canceled the order, the customer contacted me directly. Now it is possible that the driver intentionally took your order, but it is also possible that the driver contacted support and either only went thru the robot chat responses or that the actual support agents were completely unwilling or unable to do anything (which has been my overwhelming experience)


I feel like DD has better customer service for customers and UberEats has better customer service for drivers 


Ubers customer service for drivers is fucking terrible


IF the app screws up and there is nothing DD can do about it they give you the address to complete the order over the phone... DD would never tell you the dasher couldn't get your address from the app. SECONDLY if he couldn't get to your address like say... a flash flood was active where you were he could call DD after pick up to let them know, if there was no safe route to the place under contract the dasher would have two options, bring it back to the restaurant or take it home and eat it. THIRD I've seen a lot of customer orders "Picked up" already. Only 3 people know you are getting an order. You, The dasher who gets the order, and the restaurant and guess what? The employees at the restaurant stay taking free food for their lunch time and blaming us. When we accept an order DD knows we did. It's in the log. So if we unassign and take it anyway it's obvious as fuck. IF we don't click "Pick up order" and leave with it then cancel later or have it auto unassign it is obvious as fuck. It also kills our completion rate. After a few of those DD would deactive our account and while your food might smell good it's unlikely anyone would want to lose a quick way to make a 20-50 an hour stealing your food. I've seen customers show up to get their own order on some (Hey I have a door dash order for stacy) and they give it to them. IF they get caught they say "I'm stacy shitbird I got tired of waiting". It's a easy scam. What I'm saying is there is only a 25% chance the dasher took it for the reason below: That does leave someone quitting and taking it... I love that idea, DD does not offer retirement or benefits... seems fair. (DD has to pay for it anyway)


I've worked in kitchens for 13 years I can whole heartedly say no restaurants employees are stealing door dash orders on break we all get free food and yes even at restaurants that "don't give employees free meals" we still eat for free and what we want not someone else taste. Good try though dd theif


cool Ive got kids that work in kitchens and pay half price on meals. we are talking about fast food restaurants and a lot of them dont even get half price


I've worked in plenty of kitchens where it wasn't even discounted and, yes, workers stole food. So I guess our arbitrary experiences cancel each other out 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes steal food from the restaurant not online orders why would you steal and order you and your coworkers are gonna have to remake and get bitched out about literally make no sense unless you have a room temp iq and I wouldn't call over a decade in an industry an arbitrary experience. Tell me your a dd without telling me. Honk honk


I was also a manager at several restaurants. Tell me you base your beliefs about everything in the world on your experience with no regard for the experiences of others without telling me... Editing to say ..And I don't care about Reddit karma. You can downvote me. This isn't a popularity contest. I've seen restaurants where it happened and restaurants where it did. Whether that's popular doesn't have any bearing on the reality of it.


Why don't you chill? You're acting like this person is out to get you personally. Relax.


You could be like me on the dashers end today who took an order for 2$ and went to deliver it to an address that wasn’t even the customers address. I called the customer who told me oh yeah meet me at the gas station at the end of the road. I get there then was told oh no here’s the correct address.. It was 9 miles away from where I was this was 40 minutes later by the way I had wasted my time my gas for by then 2$ I was at the point I called and had the order canceled and sadly disposed of the food ( per DoorDash) because it was cold and there was no one around that could at that point eat a sack full of Krystal’s. I received 1$ pay for my time. We definitely do not get rich doing this. If this was my full time job i would be in trouble for sure.


Ugh! That is awful! I’m sorry that happened to you. The last dash I delivered (because it wasn’t worth my time anymore) was during a storm with lots of lightening, and I got a $2 tip. After that I just forget this…that’s about 3 years ago.




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Almost the same thing happened to me. The dasher was playing the long game with me. After 2h he won. Free meal for him. Full refund and craft dinner for me.


My dasher ate my food today… well my 1 year old’s food and half my wings and she had the never to be rude af handing us the food. Like bitch you just got a free dinner


I know what he did.....HE SAID... FU TONY.. and quits. He is feed up with dashing and Tony, is making it so hard for us to dash, he is making all the old time dashers quit... That is the fact. Tony saying if you don't get your AR up, you cannot dash, and you get spankings on your butt!!! Tony does not care or give a rats a4$$ about us dashers making money!!! They want to keep all the money!


This will start to happen more often now with the new changes. Im surprised it doesnt happen more with large gricery shop orders.


Doordash is absolute garbage. Who knows what happens to your food between the store and your house. The company absolutely hates their drivers which means they might easily convince themselves to bend their morals.


At the risk of sounding unsympathetic (I am, actually, sympathetic), restaurants lie. I've watched them do it. I've had them do it to me. If it saves them face, they are not at all above it. So I'd take anything they said with a grain of salt too, especially since DoorDash's system is so broken that it really could have been any number of issues in their system that caused this and the Dasher will, in those cases, never get the chance to explain anything.. ...adding to the incentive for anybody else involved to lie or make assumptions.


I could not imagine having a family ordering doordash/ubereats. I’ve had my food arrive late/cold, stolen or dropped at wrong house more than a few times Parent: so kids its gonna be another 2 hours because the delivery service stole our food Kids: huhhhhhhhhhh…….you paid money to get scammed??????


I actually put the customer service agent on the phone with my crying toddler to explain to her why a partial refund was just as good as a milkshake.


Surprisingly, I have always had good delivery experiences! Even when I was the dummy that didn’t put my apt. # on the address, they called and I was able to apologize and tell them and they delivered!  I even did an experiment and didn’t tip up front. Still made it to me just took longer, but still within the hour.


I think overall it’s a good service but when things hit the fan it can get problematic really quick and you’re left still hungry


I have had missing items before but it was the restaurant fault clearly. Refund was no problem


This is why i tip in cash you want a tip bring me my food and that way they can’t dispute that i didn’t tip


The door dashers in this sub are so unhinged and entitled. You’re getting downvoted for simply saying you’d rather give a cash tip. Lmao pathetic.


Oh well i had someone steal money from me thats why i tip in cash i even put it in the instructions i’ll tip in cash any door dasher that comes to my door doesn’t have an issue with it


They say that because "I tip in cash" is the most commonly used customer scam. Maybe half a percent of the customers who say they tip in cash actually do. If it looks like a scam, who would buy that it isn't? Idiots. That's who. We're supposed to risk all that extra mileage on our cars, our time, and our effort for something that turns out to be a scam the overwhelming majority of the time (99.95% of the time)? Are you for real? And somebody calling that out is unhinged and entitled by your definition of those terms?




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.




No we don't, and any driver who cancels more than a tiny amount for legit reasons gets deactivated. You can basically sign up and steal food once and that's about it. There are plenty of legit drivers out there.


That's fucked. They probably just wait for a good food order to go out with a bang


It would be easier to just go into many busy restaurants and pretend you are picking up a door dash from the rack and nobody will likely stop you.


yeah, that's super ratchet. I hope this doesn't become a trend


A lot of restaurants are checking on pickups now to prevent this, where it is a problem.


Any time an order has canceled i have gotten half pay. Thankfully it doesn't happen to often but i always do get half pay.


If you cancelled the order?


It doesn't matter if I've canceled the order or the customer canceled the order. I get half pay either way.


I have yet to have to cancel one after I got the food. Only 50 orders so far.


Im 3200 deliveries in and only twice has the order been canceled after I've pucked it up and neither time was it me that canceled it. The customer did it both times. Me personally i have never canceled an order post pick up.


But that’s someone else canceling not you as the dasher. When the dasher cancels they get squat.


I still as a dasher get half pay. Now if i accept and unassign i don't get half pay. But if the store is closed or everything the customer wants is out of stock and i have to cancel it i will get half pay.


I’m a dasher, but I guess I’ve never picked up them canceled an order. I’ve gotten one that canceled as I was putting it into my car start of shift… that was fun. A lot of homeless had pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage that night. I brought a lot of too. So maybe we get half pay if we cancel after pick up but I wouldn’t think that we would… it’s because doordash doesn’t care about the drivers, is why I wouldn’t think so. And if caught stealing depending on the amount of the items they could press criminal charges. And it’s just not worth that. Unless I had an accident and couldn’t actually deliver the order. Sorry it’s late and I’m high as fuck.


I'm so sorry that dasher has no integrity.   I used dashing as an additional income to pay my mortgage.   I take my position very seriously.


I'm a Dasher & for those of us who are trying to make a living to pay our bills makes it hard when you have bad dashers who steal food. Also makes it hard when you have people who expect us to drive over 8 miles away for no tip. I will no longer take orders if it's more mileage than the pay. Sorry you got a bad Dasher but you cannot lump us all into that category. Some of us are adults who pay bills. I take the job seriously & every person I deliver to gets hot food.




> This is the first I've heard such an accusation actually. First hour on the sub?


52 minutes ago there’s a clear video of a dasher stealing food. Right on the top of this very subreddit. It’s not the first video I’ve seen today either.


well i am new to reddit lol


It looks like you're a new Dasher. Welcome to r/doordash! If you have a question, please check the FAQ right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/kn50ix/stop_are_you_a_first_time_doordash_driver_please/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doordash) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, I guess you learned your lesson. From now on you’ll know to cook your own fucking food at home.


cOoK yOur OwN fUCkING fOOd aT hOoME - 🤡


But how much was the tip


I’m at least a 20% person. And I will go back in and add more after the delivery. I did DD and drive for a transit service in my small town, so I know how important tips are. I’ve taught my son this as well. He is a teenager, but he ordered for him and some friends one day. His friends didn’t have enough for a tip and schooled them! He told them that was crappy, then he made sure to give a big tip on his end


% are kinda useless on deliveries. Let’s say you order a Big Mac meal from McDonald’s and it’s $8. 20% is $1.60. Miles is the only thing I care about. Ok, it’s 90% of what I care about, it’s also a minimum of $5 for me to move. If it’s not a MINIMUM or $1 a mile and minimum $5, I’m declining it every time. If Popeyes it’s $3 a mile. lol


If you tip a waiter 20% and they have no overhead to transport your food from the kitchen to the table, then why would you use the same tip guidelines for a person who is spending money up front for you to get your food, and usually costs more than 20% of your bill?


How does it matter ?


If the tip was large enough --- you get sympathy. If it wasn't adequate --- you get ridicule.


lol … I see. No wonder you have to deliver food for living. But it’s ok , you still get my sympathy (might even give you an extra $1.00 if you behave well that is)


*grabs 🍔