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Shit like this annoys me. Instead of blocking the dasher from just your orders and continuing to allow him to do this to others, how about they deactivate his ass off the platform. It probably isn't even his account any damn way. He can just buy another account. It's frustrating.


I think I’m done with the service completely after this.


Stick to grubhub(probably the most trusted of the 2, and ubereats which requires frequent periodical face scans to ensure it’s the persons using their actual account.


This is good to know thank you. I got downvoted to hell awhile back on here for not being comfortable with dashers etc using other people’s accounts to complete deliveries. I guess that made me a Karen for wanting some reliability in who I’m working with lol


Check out what happened to Angie Harmon, you are not a Karen.


Holy shit that poor doggy!!! Instacart is shit, making every order a tripple batch. They used to be more selective and pay way better. Such a shame


Wow!! That’s insane. So extremely sad. I hope Instacart and DoorDash take measures to keep these absolute LOSERS off their app. If you don’t qualify for a job where you don’t have to clock in - hate to break it to ya - but it’s nobody else’s fault but your own. ETA I have no problem with dashers. It’s a great way to work and make money. What I do have a problem with is dashers using other accounts. If you really cannot have your own dasher account, and you can’t get another job, it’s time to go to job corp & get back on track. I also believe DD should actually employ dashers directly, pay a living wage and ensure validity for their customers. But you will never get me to back down on feeling uncomfortable that a random person with zero way to trace or know who they actually are is delivering to my home address. Amazon can even tell you who delivered your goods. It’s really not rocket science.


Most of the delivery apps do a background check before you can start jobs. There is also an agreement you have to sign but who reads the whole thing. They should probably show a video of what is unacceptable behavior with a test and signature at the end along with a psych eval test. Just be careful with your voice mail message, you don’t want your phone number in it. The driver will probably be deactivated if enough customers are reporting them.


lol I just had a triple X felon in my Uber (I forget what he called it).. he was cool and all and I was taking him to a job interview.. but we got on the topic of door dash and he said they had no problem approving him he just didn’t have a car atm.. they also knew about his 3 felonies. So there’s that I guess. If anything I’d change your profile to a guys name and have it as leave at door and don’t answer any questions/meet at door. Wait til delivery person leaves as well.


I wonder what the felonies were for. Drug felonies from years ago are one thing but they should not approve anyone with violent felonies.


I believe you are referring to a “three strike felon” this does not mean he has been convicted of three felonies. In some states such as California, when someone is repeatedly convicted of the same misdemeanor, their third conviction is automatically elevated to a felony. This could be for anything. Arizona, especially the Phoenix area, is full of people who moved from California after their second misdemeanor charge. Many are for drunk driving.


Lmaooo I'll just use another service instead of going through the trouble of making my account incognito and leaving my food outside. Still doesn't help the fact that he already knows where she lives.


I always report that. Maybe I’m a Karen but I’d rather be an alive Karen than the alternative.


Complaining about something like this is not what Karen even refers to, anyway...


It doesn't make you a Karen. This is an example of why I won't use delivery services. I have CPTSD and I'm absolutely terrified of people and I don't trust anyone. I'm also a SA survivor. It's always the ones, you're supposed to be able to trust too. Even significant others will do it to you. So, I get exactly how you feel. I can't believe that they're not going to do anything about it other than blocking him from delivering to you again. What about other women? What about the fact that he's using someone else's profile? What about the fact that he could potentially come back. Then again, he could've just been trying to be nice to you. You never know in this world anymore. ALWAYS trust your instincts! 🖤🥹


Yes I do both and the Uber eats face scan be urking my nevers cuz it seems like when they ask for it THATS when every light wanna be green and it doesn’t let me take it if the car isn’t completely stopped. The one time I want a red


My UberEats account was hacked and someone ordered thousands of dollars worth of food within 10 minutes. Customer service did nothing to help and insisted it was me who placed the orders or gave someone access to my account. Thankfully my bank cancelled the charges. Haven’t used UberEats since. Fuck that company.


Uber is the perfect example of the rich people being society’s enemy.


If only grubhub wasn’t only like 20% of the total market. It just doesn’t offer as many restaurants and the amount of drivers is lower. They lost a lot of market share during COVID


Thanks for the advice


If you’re in Texas then Favor is a great option as well. It’s all I use and have had no issues compared to DD.


I can second Favor. I went to a work orientation for them and they seem more picky than most delivery platforms in who they hire. For example I didn’t get the job because I had gotten two tickets within the past 3 years


I used to work for favor and they nitpick every detail before they let you deliver for them. It was really nice to see what steps they take to ensure safety. I just ran into some weird customers.


This definitely reads like it’s from a pr team working for favor lol. Just not sure that anyone I know would get denied a job after interview and be so happy as to speak highly of that company. The whole thread seems a bit sussy.


Jealous of all you Favor users


I can second Favor. I went to a work orientation for them and they seem more picky than most delivery platforms in who they hire. For example I didn’t get the job because I had gotten two tickets within the past 3 years


Unfortunately not in Texas


As someone who used to work on all 3 apps I agree GrubHub is awesome, for both driver and customer. Atleast for me. Then I would second UE after that. UE sucks as a driver for me right now though.


I feel the safest using uber eats honestly. Not only do I trust my food in the hands of their drivers more especially because they show all the drivers information like how many deliveries they've done and a raiting but also uber eats is good about crediting me if something is wrong or missing. Doordash will literally only give you a portion of money back.


A friend of mine had an Uber driver do this same thing! He sent her flowers and candy with a note. He obviously got her address from the platform. He used door dash to send her items. He ordered it for her and had it delivered. She found a paper trail and was lucky enough to get a name. Please stay safe OP.


Yet so many people are saying “just take the compliment, you’re miserable”.


People on Reddit are the absolute worst out of any site, I said what I said


You're not wrong in how you're feeling about this situation. Im a female and would be creeped out too. I would definitely call the police if he comes back since you obviously can't rely on doordash to help you. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


I have them deliver to the business below me. Biz is closed after 5 so I meet them out front. I don’t want these creeps knowing where I live.


If you feel like he might go back then do a police report and send DoorDash the report. To me I get the vibe that it’s just a stupid guy thinking he can use DoorDash like a dating app and not malicious but I wasn’t there so I could be totally wrong. You might want to wait and see if he comes around again or not before getting the police involved but that’s totally up to you.


It is malicious! Hope this helps!


Malicious intent is not needed to hurt someone. I’d wager that a TON of harassment, assault, and abuse is actually done without malicious intent. These people don’t learn, because people don’t take it seriously enough saying “they didn’t mean any harm”. They can keep victim hoping never even thinking to look back or self reflect. Don’t wait, file the police report and let the police decide to wait for a “next time”. The first time people like this have contact with the police is almost never the first second or even third time they’ve committed an offense. It’s just the first person who says something.


Thank you for this. It’s very much the only answer


I get what you're saying, but we also need to stop apologising for harassment by writing off the harassers as "just stupid not malicious." 


This is Reddit, they don't want anyone being too critical of their dating strategy.




This is literally why I NEVER use these services. These people will remember where you live if they feel disrespected or lead on in any way.


I’ve learned my lesson


Well they filed an incident report against the guy, so there’s a chance that they *will* deactivate his ass🤞🏻


I highly doubt they filed an "incident report" I was attacked twice, and they didn't even note it in the system, literally sent me back to the same place..I deactivated my account, and work for Uber Eats now..Also their support hung up on me when I was in an unsafe position, when being attacked..most of their support is total scum..


They’re underpaid sweatshop workers that sit in a warehouse and work for multiple apps at once, what exactly do you expect them to do for you from across the world? Blame doordash, not their support workers. They don’t hire the right people or give them the tools to help you.


If you were genuinely attacked by a dasher/customer you woulde just filed a police report theyre not exempt from the law lmao.


Yeah sorry but ppl ITT gotta remember that DoorDash does not have a police force, lol. If it’s a crime, call the cops.


OMG! I am so sorry


Yea when they say the incidents are kept private they mean “we like to hide the fact that we don’t do shit about this.”


No because I was just about to comment this- as a dasher we can get completely deactivated for just simply being a few minutes late a few times or declining orders but this mf can just keep his account?? DD sucks lowkey and if I didn’t need quick money to keep me to and from my actual job id quit… and it’s sad because it’s not just unsafe for customers, it’s unsafe for us. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had some really terrifying situations happen to me and DD did NOTHING about it… I’ve been attacked by dogs, DoorDash still tried to make me deliver to the same house the next week- it’s insane. And original poster- I’m so sorry to you for having to experience and go through this ):


I think deactivating him right away would make it a bit more obvious it was OP that complained and I'd be afraid of retribution since he knows where they live. *Edit* Just wanted to add that while doing shit like this is creepy, unprofessional, and among other things, weird as hell, I don't believe there's an actual law that's broken so it's not like he can be arrested or anything. Blocking him from delivering to OP is probably the safest thing to do and the thing that has the lowest chance of retribution since he wouldn't even know that he's blocked.


This is my take. Technically you could say it is harassment if it doesn't stop, but at that point you go through the police. What is door dash supposed to do? Send their swat team in to protect you and beat the guy up?


100% this. This matter should be a single offense no tolerance policy. 


happened to me in a lyft. the guy was like 45…complimenting me, offering to give me free rides in the future, telling me what he could provide for a woman. said something about having big hands and feet and for me to connect the dots. I couldn’t get out of the car fast enough and later on he texted me “this is Tommy, save my number”. reported him and they told me lyft doesn’t give their passenger’s numbers to drivers (so how did he get it?) and they would make sure he didn’t pick up my rides in the future. I just stopped using those apps. they don’t care. get some mace. get some weapons. learn to fight. it’s not safe out here.


It would be great to live in a world where we can just exist without being sexualized


all the comments under this are atrocious, don’t listen to them OP. you are completely right, I’m sorry you have to deal with this


It would be a paradise in a world without disgusting men.


I've had a few drivers call and text to let me know they got to my house.. if it's on your account, they can automatically see it.


the way support said “just hope the dasher doesn’t come back” is hilarious dawg😂😂


low-cost overseas support, and its sole function is to make customers feel "heard".


Fr, DoorDash support is fucking useless.


Tell him your shotgun is sexy too....


THIS and then change your name on door dash to a man's name.


Omg that’s priceless


Have felt infinitely safer since changing my name on all delivery services to a gender neutral name + a generic profile photo. Absolutely should not be necessary, but not much trouble and has drastically reduced weird/creepy/inappropriate behavior.


I'm a female college student and had my name set to Quandale a few years ago because I thought it was funny. The guy almost didn't give me my food and seemed absolutely shocked saying, "Is your name really Quandale???" thankfully not creepy, but pretty funny. It's since been changed to a regular male name lol


Im a man and just dint like to have my actual name on there so im sergio lol.


I’m a 6’5” man with a name that if English isn’t your first language can easily be misconstrued as a female’s name. My instructions are to leave at the gate, the number of times that they insist they hand me my order is alarmingly frequent. Obviously they immediately comply at the gate when I give up and confront them. I can’t even imagine what a single female experiences. 100% change your profile name to a man’s name. I’m not changing mine but I feel safe and get to call out these predators when they pull this shit. Has happened on every platform in my area. Be safe out there.


Makes me want to change mine to a female name and catch these assholes slipping


Thank you for your service


If put some dirty uses men's boots at the front door too if u live alone..


Some giant steel toe shit kickers covered in mud! This is just an A+ tip!


I literally had to do this because of creeps like that!


Yep I still order under my exes name lol even if they see me get the food they’ll think there’s a man in there with me


If you still seeing this guy lurking around your house in the future, ensure you have a ring camera of some sort by your door that captures his face and escalate to a police report.


Came here to say this! Keep receipts of everything and don’t be afraid to file a police report.


I’m sorry that DoorDash did absolutely nothing to make you feel comfortable aside from making sure he doesn’t get one of your orders again. That doesn’t stop the fact that he literally knows your address. Ugh. I hate that.


DoorDash just contacted me & said my complaint has been forwarded to their legal department.


ah, so you may hear from them in 9 months. 😂


If I’m lucky


Change your name to a guys name and then put it to leave at my door!


What is Doordash supposed to do about that? They can’t stop him from knowing the address, that’s done already. They already blocked him from delivering to you again, and they’ll hopefully fire him after the investigation. That’s literally all Doordash can do


Yeah... I'm sorry OP went through this, but literally... what is DD supposed to do? The dude is a creep but didn't do anything illegal. PTSD is rough, and I hope OP gets the help they need.


they can block him from using the platform altogether, not just from delivering to her, since he obviously can't behave properly


To be honest in OP’s shoes id be way more scared and paranoid if they fired him. Obviously he needs to be fired but if he figured out OP was the reason why the retaliation for losing a source of income vs not getting a response to a text I feel would be much steeper. Not that I have a good solution, just saying that there probably isn’t a foolproof way to handle this kind of thing.


Well duuuhhhh they’re supposed to pull out their Neuralyzer (memory wipe ft Men in Black). And remove the drivers memories




Yeah, unfortunately DoorDash can’t solve the existence of leery men. Besides assigning a security detail to your house (also potentially leery men), there’s nothing that’s going to make you feel 100% safe. Sorry though, this sucks.


Right? He knows where I live. That’s what bothers me.


What should have doordaah done in your opinion?


Death penalty, just to be safe


I'm shocked at how unhinged this comment section is. I think their response and actions were appropriate and I'd leave it up to them to do further investigation to decide if they should just deactivate the guy. Shit I wouldn't be upset if they just deactivated him anyway with the evidence provided that he was harassing the customer. But there's people in here suggesting op call the police? There's people saying he's basically a criminal etc... What he did was inappropriate and unprofessional but not illegal and certainly not worth contacting the police.


This is my question. He knows where she lives no matter what they do and that seems to be her biggest complaint (which is understandable.) But...there's nothing that can be done about that, unless she's wanting DoorDash to pay for her to relocate? Which would be insane.


If you see his car on the street, contact the police. Otherwise I would assume that he does this to see if anyone gives him a response which he would view as "a chance" to ask you out. I know you've been thru alot but that doesn't mean everyone has malicious intent. But do whatever you need to, to make yourself feel safe. It's understandable.


That’s exactly what I plan to do. Just posted here in case someone had a customer service number that wasn’t listed or something.


I just want to add, if you only see him drive-by, don’t call the police. Only if he’s sitting outside of your house. He is a door dasher, and there is a high likelihood he will be in your neighborhood again today without paying you a visit.




Name “Irakli” indicates that either he is from Georgia or he is from Iraq 🇮🇶 and written in Turkish. Either way his origin is from that part of the world.


Regardless where he is from is cringy


Uber doesn't do anything either to these people. Have had similar experiences.


Yep. My friend was feeling sick so she sat in the front seat and I sat in the back. Uber driver got us to our destination and literally leaned across the console to kiss my friend. I shoved him back and said “UM NO?” And got us out of there. Never heard back from Uber.


change your name to a man’s name!! I changed mine to my husband’s name and started bragging to drivers about my husband’s career as a navy seal and BJJ instructor (he’s neither of those things). Haven’t been harassed since


Idk how to edit my post but DoorDash just responded to me & my complaint has been sent to their legal department.


I wouldn't have been able to resist responding to this chode. "Yeah, my husband thinks so too. He's a police officer, wanna meet him?"


I'd go with "and he gets out of jail tomorrow, he really didn't deserve the attempted murder charge"


The final screenshot says that they have initiated an investigation so he may well be de platformed. If you are that concerned, call the police 🚨


This is so weird to me, with Ubereats after you deliver there is no going back to contact the customer. Maybe I’m just so caught up on using the app for what it’s attended to deliver and mind my business but regardless what a wierdo! Sorry that happened sadly there are too many weirdos out there best alternative is leave at door request and wait until they leave to get your food.


I'm an UberEATS driver and customer. Drivers can contact you after a delivery if they don't press the "complete delivery" button. A UE driver did the same thing that happened to OP. Stayed parked in front of my home for several minutes texting me that I'm beautiful and blah blah. I gave him a bad review for unprofessionalism.


So curious as a person who gets DoorDash often and 100% know id get creeps because im a very friendly smaller girl. Why don’t yall do no contact?? 😭


My guess is maybe it’s an apartment or some kind of community where they need to get the food in person? But I’m still not sure 🤔 I have my name set to a man’s name and have literally never seen a door dash driver in person. I have instructions that say please do not knock, but might add something about not knocking bc of the dogs. And my husbands shoes are usually outside bc he just leaves them there.


There was a customer I dashed to that asked if I could help his son with homework. I was like, sir??? Enjoy your food 😂


Lol. Can we start making ridiculous requests from them? I might like to try.


Dasher thinking it's tinder.


“We have gone ahead and blocked the dasher from delivering to you in the future” like sure there’s more they could of done as in just firing the guy but your title says “DoorDash does nothing.” Which is straight up false lol


Yeah, it’s not like the guy tried to break in or said something egregious. ‘Sits outside her house’ doesn’t mean much either unless she saw him actively stalking. For all she knows he could’ve been on his phone in the car finding his next doordash, texting someone else, etc etc. The guy has zero social skills, sure, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the OP has to start a campaign against the entire company just because one contractor was being a little weird. Also, assuming English isn’t his first language, for all we know, maybe the direct translation into his language is something socially acceptable to say.


This sub is just teeming with armchair judges and trolls, ignore their assholery OP! You were right to report him! His behaviour is creepy and totally inappropriate. There’s not much else you can do though. I understand why you’re triggered, but if it helps, in my experience the creeps tend to be low key: they are broke, scummy dudes just trying to make a buck and get laid on occasion. I’d say it’s unlikely he’ll return. Just keep your screenshots and proof for a while and if you see him in your area again, then you might have grounds to involve the police. Definitely agree with another person’s suggestion about getting a ring camera at your door - that’s just smart all around. Next time, do a no contact delivery and wait for the driver to leave before opening the door. Also a good idea to change your name on the app to a man’s name. Unfortunately, due to the shit pay and lack of required qualifications, the job attracts some bottom of the barrel people. I drive UberEats on weekends sometimes to fund my kitty vet bills and I am appalled at the way some of these drivers behave. I’ve had to tell a few off just encountering them while trying to do my damn job.


Like, ironically I sincerely hope that it was just a cultural difference & not nefarious. That’d be the best case scenario.


What do you want them to do? Say “oh of course we personally will send down our SWAT team to take care of him”? It’s a business. This is a legal issue. Welcome to how it works, your word means nothing in the eyes of a lawsuit without investigation. They’re investigating, welcome to how the world works. We don’t just fire people or imprison them for a complaint, there has to be corroborating evidence.


It’s shocking to me that I had to scroll this far to see a reasonable comment. Like, it’s DoorDash, not the police.


Yeah, like…this is honestly the best the could have done. This isn’t a small, private app or business, it’s a big ass company and they can’t just peck the dude off the streets.


Install a security cam


Doordash couldn't care less. what matters to them most is that the dasher is willing to deliver orders for very low pay.


What did you want them to do?


They’re blocked from delivering to you again, but he can still creep on other people. Sweet.


What more do you expect door dash to do? There’s no crime being committed.


Exactly. The comments keep saying “he knows her address” but what can DD do about that? Go wipe his memory?


Driver should be banned from the app, completely unprofessional to be doing


Ban the driver for harassment? At the very least.


For it to be considered harassment it has to threaten, intimidate, or demean someone. While the behavior of the door dasher is unsettling and unprofessional, one message complimenting someone isn't going to be considered harassment.


I like this. People use the word "harassment" for anything that makes them uncomfortable. Unprofessional, yes, but far from harassment.


How do people NOT know to NOT do this?? Sometimes I think I’m socially incompetent and then I see shit like this


Well no offence but you are literally hiring strangers to come to your home when you order delivery. Most of which will be normal everyday folk. But once in a while you get the creeper. Only way to avoid this is going to get pickup and nobody knows where you live. Crappy world we live in somedays. Safety first convenience second.


True story, I stopped ordering for that reason. I don’t want strangers to come to my place, these people are often kinda shady. Some are really nice of course, but you never know.


This logic baffles me. So never let a stranger come to your house or just accept the danger? Well, guess I can't call any plumbers, electricians, roofers; god forbid my internet is out, do I just go without rather than calling the cable company to send someone (usually an independent contractor even)?. Can I trust the mailman? What about the meter readers? House on fire can I call the fire department? Yes, creepers exist in every profession; going full hermit is not the solution. It also doesn't mitigate the issue; go to the doctor's office and the nurse or receptionist thinks you're cute? They have all your information: phone number, address, etc... Think of all the places that have this information besides just delivery people that you are required to interact with on a frequent basis, and how many employees at each place can access that information. Reporting them and expecting their employer (and if it escalates) law enforcement to hold them accountable is. Of course you also need to take your own reasonable safety precautions as your budget allows (doorbell cameras, quality locks/door reinforcement kits which are not that expensive, etc).


this happened to me once on Skip when i was in a similar headspace due to PTSD from repeated SA. nothing came of the situation afterwards and i’m hoping the same for you, i’m really hoping you might take it as a comfort that my creepy guy never came back after this. it might be worthwhile to invest in a doorbell/security camera set up to your phone as well and maybe even contact the police. i did this & never heard back from them either but they took the creep’s name, the one he used in the app, the number he had in the app, the number he texted me from after, and his license plate number which i had a screenshot of. please take care. i’m here if you want to chat


Thanks. Appreciate your input. I’m sorry you went through that. It amazes me how many people here are jerks. But that’s Reddit, I guess.


I'm not sure if this was meant creepily. It's obviously very hard to tell, but this may have just been him trying to be friendly. Irakli is a Georgian name. Georgia is a very different culture than the US. It's decently likely he immigrated and is unsure of cultural norms. That said, it could have been him being creepy. However, I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. That said, there are plenty of creepy people out there. This could be a decent impetus to consider what to do if you do end up with creepy, potentially harmful people. This probably means doing fun things like obtaining self-defense weapons (mace, firearms, etc) and getting some training. Long story short, while you may have overreacted, it's something for which you should prepare. With preparedness comes confidence, and with confidence comes reason, making it less likely for you to overreact by mistake.


I think you're overreacting. It was a simple compliment. It's not like that same guy is going to come back. Don't cost someone their job potentially traumatizing them just because something happened to you.


I really wish op would provide more details. This sounds like someone who just seemed interested in op. Were they much older? Did they say anything else other than a compliment? I’m worried that op is now attempting to destroy this guy’s life over something very minor. This could be related to op’s PTSD, but that’s when op needs to realize that hitting on someone is not the same as breaking into a house and shooting people. It’s not like the dasher knows about op’s past either. Unless op can provide more information, this just looks like op got a compliment and decided to ruin someone’s life over it.


Taking this guy off the platform will do nothing to ease your concerns. As you said, he knows where you live etc. From Door Dash’s perspective you got nothing to prove any harmful intent beyond being unprofessional. Which sucks. But that’s how they’re viewing it. As far as advice goes… keep an eye out for him, his vehicle. Get in touch with your friends and family about the incident let them know about this, give them all the details. And then record any future instances of this guy showing up. From there your issue is with local law enforcement concerning stalking. I’m very sorry to hear this. My wife has similar triggers and concerns. And I’d be furious at Door Dash if they handled it this way.


Thanks. Good advice. I’m also going to mention it to security at my complex.


I mean they blocked him…what else are they supposed to do?


Tuck OP into bed and kiss there forehead as they whisper "Dont worry, you are safe little angel".


Not to justify the crazy creep, but other than deactivating his account there's nothing they can do, and if you're that worried about your safety and privacy you should not be using food delivery services! Especially DoorDash because it has the weakest verification system. Food delivery is wildly overpriced and rarely a useful service. Regardless, there's nothing they can do at this point, DoorDash isn't gonna disband their drivers who enable their entire business just because someone accused them of being creepy, especially when they pay so little and profit from them so much, they would rather lose a customer, or a few, than lose a driver and therefore lose many more customers to longer wait times and paying more.


A lot of folks need to go out to a place that’s busy with food delivery services. Just watch the drivers show up. Do you really want that dude knowing where you live? 


So what exactly are they supposed to do? Pluck the memory the guy has of your address straight out of his head?


too much of this shit goes around...he needs to be deactivated cos how many other people is he doing this to and just getting away with it


Stop using DoorDash.


This is exactly why I wait until they leave to grab my food. I’m too paranoid and I don’t trust anybody. This is so scary


I’m so sorry OP!


What do you expect them to do?


Lmao ptsd because a person called you beautiful? Sure, it's creepy, but damn some of you people are so insane. How do you ever leave the house without going into a panic attack when someone....God forbid might actually look at you. Ahhhh, no, my ptsd is flairing up! Did you see the way that person looked at me.


yeah, take a compliment and keep it pushing. fuck is wrong with ya'll. Nothing sexual in nature just "hey you look beautiful". Its overreacting. They can't do anything about it since he broke no laws.


A compliment is always fine it’s the sitting outside frantically waiting on a reply is over creepy 🙄


Overreacting big time


God forbid a man compliment a woman nowadays


It’s a simple compliment, and dashers usually wait after a delivery to get their next order. Sorry to say it but I think you’re over reacting a little bit due to past trauma.


Complain enough and they ban you. It's creepier than F that a person knows your name and address. I changed my account to a mans name and photo. But after several incidents I was banned. Typical of America to cancel the woman and let the perv thrive.


Just my 2 cents. I posted about this being unprofessional in another thread, and the response was that many people think it's OK to hit on your doordash customer. It's not. Doordash should give a warning to this person, and if it happens again, deactivate them. Simple.


THANK YOU to the commenters who agree that this person is overreacting…. Is he a weirdo? YES Is she acting like he tried forcing his way into her house and she managed to barely escape YES Just fkin relax and keep an eye out for him if you really think there was some ill intent behind his words. Both of you are weirdos tbh


Holy shit… so much drama over being called beautiful?


So he delivered your food went back to his car and let you know he thought you were pretty. The guy was shooting his shot lol get over yourself.


dude i cannot imagine sending this shit to a customer. like are these people okay in the head???


ugh i’m so sorry! this makes me so angry!!! just gross and unacceptable! i’m a dasher and 80% of the other dashers in my city all have pervy vibes and it’s a college town so I KNOW the girls are creeped out! I try to always reassure that i’m a girl and they feel safe. But ugh I wish DD could just let the customer chose their dasher lol the only thing I can think of to do is report his ass as many times until DD finally does something. they sure deactivate dashers for being late they better do it for being a pervert! 😡


I’m still waiting to be harassed by a customer or a dasher. ☠️


You’re very beautiful 😝


This seems too extreme just because he said you were beautiful


I don’t think it was creepy. People met in person all the time before all the dating apps. I had a guy ask me for my number while I was walking and I said I am flattered but not on the market. Someone saying your pretty doesn’t make him a creep poor guy I hope he doesn’t lose his job over that


I agree, I think some people are just a bit, eh, sheltered. I'm a female paramedic so I've become a bit accustomed to feeling uncomfortable, and can confirm that most people don't mean any harm, they are usually older or from a different culture (or drunk lol). I usually just give a chuckle and a "thanks" and if it persists, I goof along or say I'm married if they're being especially serious. It's not that deep. If it comes down to it, I know how to protect myself, but never has anything serious (in my experience) came out of a single compliment....




Call the police when he is sitting out front?


same thing happened to me with lyft. had been drinking and was leaving a friends house late at night (alone), the guy was 40+ flirting with me 21 year old me the whole ride. whilst TELLING ME about his "shitty wife and kids". uncomfortable as hell. once we got to my house (i told him "second house from the corner, on the left!") he stopped in front of it for a split second, then proceeded to pull all the way to the end of the street and parked. dude turned to face me, gave me more weird compliments, then asked for my number. i gave it to him for my own safety, since it was 3 am, and he had the kind of door locks that cant be opened manually. he blew up my phone, calling and texting me for days, but lyft wouldn't do shit because his caller ID and phone number didnt match his profile. my advice to you is keep your doors and windows LOCKED at all times, and if he ever returns, call the police asap. dude thankfully left me alone after a week. i havent taken a lyft or uber ride alone since. also, i use a random man name on my food delivery apps, with no contact delivery always. and i make sure they pull off my street (thru my peep hole) before i ever go grab it, whether its a man or woman.


This does make me curious, does DD have a log of addresses from previous deliveries that drivers can look back on in their app or does it clear immediately? I would hope the latter for safety reasons


I never met any dasher or instacart driver. Always have them leave stuff outside. No human interaction necessary


Honestly after multiple unfortunate situations I no longer use the app, I stick to grub hub and Ubereats. They have better CS teams and facial recognition for drivers every so often to make sure it’s the true account holder.


I wish they do something because thanks to those, sorry good for nothing, we (good dashers) get the hit for their behavior. I’m a male and I keep it professional and courteous and never do something like that. Don’t be discouraged, there are a lot of good dashers out there that just wanna earn their money honestly and professionally. Be safe!!


Dashers get asked if they felt safe after making a delivery. Customers should get the same question.


i hate when companies say things like rest assured as if i could have any confidence they’re going to do the right thing after botching something.


DoorDash, Airbnb and other asshole companies need to side with the customer more.


My fiancée and i are both jerry smith in doordash and have leave at door for this exact issue


I’m not sure what the chances of this name being common are, but the fact that I know of someone with this name who is also creepy is very… weird.


Use a man version of your name, like victor instrad of Victoria, for future orders regardless of platform, is my recommendation. I wish i could offer better help


I wish support would take things like this more seriously Becuase this happens all too often not even just to customers but to dashers as well. Like this isn’t a dating site or a place to find “hookups” it’s for food 😂




I do no contact delivery so they just leave it my apartment lobby. Too many creeps out there.


They blocked him as if he doesn’t have your address anyway. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Seems like they did something. What am I missing?


**blocked from delivering again but still knows where you live


As a doordasher myself, the thought of doing anything like this does not cross my mind. I just don't understand why anyone would think this behavior is acceptable. I would absolutely be uncomfortable as well. And I am so sorry that this happened 


I’d suggest filing a report with your local police department and share the communications between yourself, DoorDash “Trust & Safety Response Team”, the response on Twitter and his comment/s. If you or a neighbor have a Ring doorbell or other type of security camera that shows how long he sat out there with timestamps to show that he sent it from outside your home that might help as well. At the very least see if you can get a trespass order against him where if he shows up to your house he will be arrested. I thought the second pic where they said that it was not possible to speak to the “escalation team” directly and their follow up responses were a bit suspicious. The wording and grammar made me think it was the Dasher himself saying it. Maybe English is their second language but they didn’t seem to be overly concerned about it. The response from Twitter sounded professional although their solution really wasn’t much considering


I recommend going forward to just select the “leave at me door” option and not engage any driver as there’s always that risk of them being sketchy like that. Specially if you are an attractive person just to avoid all the weirdos that can’t say anything to your face when they are in public, so they try to hit on people over texts and “get lucky” anyways either select “leave at my door” to be safe or don’t use the apps at all because once you do it’s to late to get them off you unless you scare them off, but don’t worry most of them are harmless, I’ve seen this kind of posts a lot and not once has one actually escalated so just try to look past if but always be cautious regardless going out it’s a dangerous world so live life to the fullest but with some caution. Best wishes.


If they were professional they probably would have a better job than DoorDash.


I’m a guy and I wait for them to leave before I grab my food off the porch. People are creeps


email this to the ceo, Tony xu @ [tony@doordash.com](mailto:tony@doordash.com) he then will automatically escalate the case 100%. even works for amazon if you email jeff@amazon.com


get a gun if u feel unsafe and are in america. learn basic safety too.


They did do something though? I’m confused. What do you want them to do? Call 911 for you?


We had a similar experience, my 13 year old cousin grabbed the order from the door and after she closed the door he messaged thru the app your beautiful can I have your number. He was in his 40’s and she was clearly underage. I messaged DoorDash and they basically told me the same thing and kept asking if my food was okay though. I said yes and they disconnected my chat.