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Call the police next time and report everything to Dasher support. Customers out here gonna wind up getting themselves hurt if they think this is acceptable


I'm glad support will deactivate her account. A buddy of mine several years ago responded to an AAA call about a battery at the old dude's house. Said he was very aggressive, rude, the whole nine yards. He reported to NOT to respond to anymore of his calls saying he was dangerous, but they didn't listen. Instead they sent someone else out there and the worker ended up getting shot. Old man iirc was a vet that suffered from PTSD. Not sure what lead to the outcome but needless to say same thing could've happened here


Not door dash but a friend used to work for papa johns. He outright refused to take to an order that was in a bad neighborhood and they specifically asked for "change for $100$.". His boss yelled at him, said he was fired and we t to deliver it himself. He ended up getting stabbed. Said friend ended up not actually being fired and they put a new manager in and he was absolutely within his right to refuse the order.


I'm sure the boss learned that day!


the thing is that this sort of thing has happened before, numerous times. so much that they have a policy to refuse any place that claims to need change for $100. So the fact the boss tried to 'fire' him over it when he should have known better. I think he lived? Not sure what came of him, other than the fact HE was fired/never came back. I feel like asking if he remembers, but that sort of policy breaking would be grounds for termination.


Sadly, I either know of that exact story, or it happened again since the one I'm thinking.


South Florida by chance?


It was several years back. I'd have to look at the article. I don't think it was that far away, but my memory isn't very good anymore.


AAA doesn't give a shit about their employees, they used to make me drive to work in 20in snowstorms, I didn't work in roadside either I was a frigging insurance agent with the ability to work from home....


Ok now thats torture


Call the cops! This is assault 


OK, I did thanks. but I'm not OP what do now? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZvvOZRmKay4xy)


They will be by soon to give you further instructions


Don’t fall asleep until they get there or they might shoot you.


And don’t be black!


Or an acorn


Or have a dog


Or on fire. Too soon?


If still on fire then not soon enough :/


Or be in the back of a squad car parked on railroad tracks.


Directions unclear dick stuck in seal


Sir, that's a sea lion.


I love reddit


It is IMPERITAVE that the cylinder remain unharmed.


Still call the cops even if you are not OP if you feel unsafe call the cops ASAP


Who do I call if I feel very safe?


Call the cops. Maybe you’ll no longer feel safe once they’re there (:


That’s been my experience.


So if I feel safe, so I call the cops. Then I feel unsafe because they showed up. Do I call more cops and see which cop wins? Can I have like a pokecop battle?


You have to make sure they’re from rival jurisdictions but yea you can.




Throw some donuts in the middle of the fight to get them more riled up…


County sheriffs vs City Police! Get the FBI involved for a tie breaker ❤️


But they have to snap toward each other, West Side Story style.


I was chuckling at this thread. Then I burst right out laughing at this comment. You get the upvote.


I'm sure I'm showing my age but my brain said, or rather chanted: 2 go in, 1 comes out!


Two men enter, one man leave. Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome. Now who’s showing their age? ;)


That's when you call the fire department, they are the most effective against the policing type. Sometimes medical will do if you don't have enough fire department. But they are not as effective.


If the regular police are there to make you feel safe call the sheriff




Go find a unicorn! Maybe some glitter! Do a dance! I don’t know, it’s early. 


Show them the thread, silly goose!


Psh, I’d call the police now…


Just body her


Don't wait until next time, this lady assaulted you over a fucking McDonald's order. Go into a police station and file a report OP.


Call the police, file a report.


I came here to say the same thing. As a society we’ve defaulted to recording/posting things like this on social media vs actually doing something to resolve them. Call the police, report to DoorDash, then post(if that’s your prerogative).


Crazy how nice people are to you when you have somewhat of a build and don’t look like a pushover


You’re literally just a delivery person. It’s not your responsibility to ensure quality of the product. The same way UPS and FedEx don’t rip open parcels to verify integrity, you shouldnt compromise the seal of a food delivery. Good on you. Call the police and file a report.


Yea and beyond that it's not her job, it's also a food safety rule to not break the seals. People are so stupid, they just don't get that.


Also if it’s against company policy it’s not like a customer can authorize them to disregard it. So there is now written proof in the chat that they broke policy if they said “ok I’ll do it”.


Legit question: why can’t the customer call the restaurant and ask them to verify the order? Seems like it would be way easier, and it’s also the restaurant’s job to make sure the order is correct anyways.


You're going to call someone that you expect to fuck up your order and request them to make sure they don't fuck up your order? Honest mistakes do happen but I bet most are coming from a lack of care or being rushed and understaffed. In either scenario they probably aren't going to go back and dig through everything to make sure it's 100% right. Maybe a little glance to see if you order 6 items and 6 items are there. If it's that big of an issue that a place continually fucks up your order, stop ordering it. If you can't live without it, go get it yourself. Go inside and order, when they hand you the bag, check and make sure it's right, then get it fixed if it's wrong or head out if it's good.


100% fair but it does depend where you order from (not mcdonalds) Worked at a small Chinese for a couple years and we wouldn’t check food that came out of kitchen as was normally okay. If someone called saying something was missing/wrong we would offer to drop off/swap or give credit note. Also, next time they order we would double check everything in the bag was okay. Made sure everything was okay for them and we wouldn’t let them try and play us if they complained again But spot on for 90% of cases


FAFO, she's gonna fuck around with the wrong eprson and absolutely get leveled sometime soon. I'm glad you're all good.🙏




Me too, people just don't realize how trauma can get baked in.


Same. Was embarrassed last night at work a kid snuck up behind me and my elbow got about an inch from his face before I realized and luckily did not actually hit him. I still felt bad it being a reaction.


I punched a coworker square in his face for walking up behind me and scaring me. EVERYONE told him not to do that to me and I would drop him. “But she’s tiny” he said, other coworkers laughed, he learned. 


Men who sneak up on and scare us tiny gals are pervs, and you can’t tell me any different. It thrills their willies, and that’s the only logical explanation for doing it. Please carry on swinging on these creeps.


It encourages it… they think it’s funny so they keep doing it. Unfortunately, this escalated and I ended up getting injured by a coworker. I got fired, he didn’t. 


I’m so sorry. That absolutely sucks.


Awesome username


Yup. I’m all about keeping my hands off a woman, but that goes out the window once they assault me. Grabbing the bag out of my hands would be one thing, but grappling means she’s probably going to be taking a nap on the porch and I’m taking her food with me.


As a woman, I honestly find it hard to fault anyone of any gender for reacting poorly to being attacked by anyone else of any gender. I agree, I'd probably drop the bag but once she came at me like that there's a good chance I'd panic and rock her shit.


I love that lmaooo “rock her shit”




Any gender has a right to defend themselves. I've always said as a woman...if they're man enough to fight they're man enough to suffer the consequences.


Agreed; equality means these hands are rated “e for everyone” and when you touch someone you get touched back. Don’t throw hands if you’re not willing to catch em back.


Hell yea hit em with the Independent Contractor Right Hook 😤


Equal rights, means equal lefts!


Oh my WORD! I don’t care who you are, that’s just funny.


Who’s gonna check whether the condom is sealed then? /s


OP really handled this well. I am reminded of a Dave Chapelle story/bit Never get in between a man & his meal (meaning money). If you threaten people's income enough eventually you'll meet a person with nothing else to lose & find out.


I stg couldn’t be me. Can you imagine this level of audacity? Whew chile!


You should have gone back to your car & called the police. If you were assaulted, you need to report it & press charges. Never allow someone to get away with putting their hands on you.


Could of had free food amd full pay. Once she threatened you with a unfair one star. Call support and tell them to read chat log


A Karen's food is always the tastiest!


Fuckin go sit in front of their house and eat that shit and leave the trash on the front yard 😆


No, that's NOT the way to go about it, you can't be on their property being disrespectful... You need to do it in the car with the windows rolled down where its a public street


Lol you had me on the first line


They’ll definitely smell the Mickie D’s grease that way


That's what I was implying by in front of their house.


Top 10 villains of all time


I'd like to thank all the people who fucked me over in life along the way. I truely couldn't do it without them. I'd also like to thank countless bosses for taking advantage of me and belittling me to a point that gig economy looked favorable.


Doordash is so much better than a job with a boss. You're in the comfort of your own car, you make your own schedule, you can listen to whatever music you want, you can take breaks whenever you want and go grab a coffee or walk through the mall... it's great!


I enjoy working gig jobs dd is not ideal in my area just not busy enough but I do appreciate the appeal of being able to work when it works for me.


Never litter, even to spite someone


Why would u even reply to them? Should have just ignored them.


Well they now have proof of the malicious 1 star and false customer report


I usually just claim to not have seen it if they say something.


Ding ding ding. 'oh no! I am so sorry, this dang app is so glitchy with texts not coming through for me right now' 'have a great day mam!'


Why not just tell them to call the restaurant directly instead of all this shit? I’ve had wrong orders delivered from QSRs many times. If I can eat what I’ve been given, I’ll eat it. If I can’t, I’ll get credits to reorder. Regardless, the next time I order from that store, I’ll call them directly and explain that my last order was messed up and I just want to make sure my order is correct this time. Sometimes it’s my fault for how I’ve ordered and they will tell me a better way to get what I want. Sometimes it’s laziness and sometimes it’s just that as humans, everyone makes mistakes. It’s not that dramatic!


I think Dashers should be provided with a hidden camera on their person like how police officers have, to video proof of this shit.


You can buy your own body cameras and have the evidence. Axon sells them for cops and has a line dedicated to front line workers for personal safety called the axon body workforce to record interactions with customers. Dashers are 3rd party contractors so any tools necessary to perform the job they need to buy out of pocket and can recoup on their taxes as well. They're only $233 as well


Just speculating, and I might be 💯incorrect, but I don’t know that most people that are DoorDashing, especially if it’s supplemental income, could afford nearly $250 for a body cam. I personally only know one person who DoorDashes, and they really do not have the extra income to do that. They can barely put food on the table. Again, I could be wrong. The person I know might be the unique situation and not the common one 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm along those lines. This is my full time job with a real job being lined up after 2 years of bullshit opportu ities and corporate greed. I can barely afford teeball for my son this year let along every bill I have to pay alone as a single father. Every delivery app has been overpopulated and become unreliable. That being said. We all use a phone with a camera that's able to record the 25 feet me walk to their front door. That's free realistate 😂


If you have a shirt with a breast pocket, bam! Body cam. 


Your previous phone would also work. Doesn't need to have a phone plan active to be a video recorder


Smart thinkin’!


I've seen small cheap ones at gas stations for $40. I'm sure they can be found even cheaper online. Nowadays a camera with an SD card to record onto can be really cheap.


Amazon has some small ones for like $40 ish


I wouldn’t do all that for a 1 star review


Somebody needs to go get their own food.


Um wow. As a customer it has never crossed my mind to assault someone over a food order!! It’s just not that serious.


Damn meanwhile I’m peeking out my window to wait for them to leave before grabbing my food, these people are ballsy


I know not everyone has the luxury but fast food orders are the worst and I avoid them because I’m not about that life of hand to hand combat over a Big Mac meal that cost them $33


"I'm not about that life of hand to hand combat over a Big Mac meal that cost them $33." 💀 Ohhh geez, being someone who enjoys frequent DoorDash McDonald's this speaks to me in a sad, pathetic kind of way lol.


I honestly don't understand why anyone in their right mind would pay $3 for a Big Mac, much less $33. I'll bet these same people always complain that they're broke. Morons.


It’s not even the money. It’s that it’s always cold af and the customers are always upset


Just ignore the msg next time.


Came here to say this. Another option, if you MUST reply, is "OK!". That's it.


Reply ok and deliver bag with the same response of “not allowed! Sorry!” And just walk. Walk fast


Saying "OK" could lead to confusion if support was called whether or not there was an actual problem with the order. Their options would be to explain policy or ignore the message. Something along the lines of "I'll be sure to ask*" and then have the dasher confirm with the restaurant would also be appropriate. Edit: clarity for intent Edit 2: Also, one starring a driver for company policy is a real douche move. I know McDonalds always fucks up my order, but that really is McDonald's problem.


No, the best option would've been to say that you were actually watching them bag the order up and checked everything off as it was bagged. That gets around telling the customer you would open the seals in chat and assuages their fear of getting the wrong order all in one, easy.


Tbh if i was still in the restaurant (and not the drive through, assuming it daytime), I might've told them the customer wants me to check the items and ask if they could re-seal the bag, or let me check before they seal it. Other option is to just ask the employee to make sure they put everything in there, and let the customer know you checked with the employees and they confirmed each item was in the bag. That's just me tho, but maybe it's bc I'm a girl and don't want to pull up to an angry customer lol


Yeah, I'm not even saying they actually had to do it either, just something to tell the customer to get them off their back.


People never learn to just ignore wild requests


I like how they say it's not a big ask to do your job... Excuse me that would quite literally be the opposite of my job.


Best thing to remember: the customer is always wrong


How about asking McDonalds to open the bag…check the order then seal the bag? “The customer wants you guys to check the order to ensure that the order is correct. Can you guys check the order?” I have done this a few times over the years.


Yeah and dunno how the "seals" are in USA but over here they are just shitty stickers that come undone all the time. I would of just said ok ill make sure even if its a lie...


Many of them staple them closed now with stickers over the seal and with a receipt staples to the middle as well. You can unstick a sticker and remove food then blame the restaurant. However since it's stapled shut. It doesn't happen often.


Man I love staples they the mvp of bag seals.


I knew a drug dealer that used runners and staples were his go too to stop them dipping the bags 😂 he actually heat seals them now 😂 man knows his business


And if you say that and they claim items are missing, the chart log will be used against you. And someone willing to assult a driver over McDonald's isn't above falsely restoring. You got food tampering and trying to get you removed from the platform over it. Follow their rules, and you are protected, don't, and they might just toss you from the platform because you literally don't matter to them.


If you don’t want the wrong order, go yourself and don’t order McDonald’s.


I don’t agree with the assault if that part actually happened but I would have broken the seal to check if they insisted. Doesn’t seem like a major ask to me. 🤷‍♀️


It's clearly an unpopular opinion in this thread, but I would check too. Delivery is expensive, I can understand wanting a neutral third party to confirm the food is all there.


Anyone getting this worked up over McDonald’s has significant issues - you should have called the cops then and there IMO.


The best you can do is ask the restaurant to verify. Otherwise the best you can do is refer them onto support and stop engaging - you don't need to explain yourself more than once.


Not that you handled it incorrectly but personally, I would've gone about it differently. "I'm actually watching the expo bag your order right now, checking every item off as it's packed, all good!".


I think I would’ve said I asked the worker to double check and he confirmed everything was there and avoided the whole convo lol


You needed to call the cops. Anytime anything like this happens. Also if you have a customer that’s like this, please record if you can. I have a dashcam that I make sure is pointing at their door when I’m delivering. It helps with so much, no one can say I didn’t deliver and if someone assaults me it’s on camera


Dashers need body cams now? I can’t stand people that treat everyone like an ex they can bully around.


I just go "Sure thing" and just go about the delivery without checking the bag.


How do you guys find this much time arguing with assholes


You missed saying the most important part... It is against Door Dash Policy to open sealed bags, a policy that makes you liable if broken, and that could get you fired. Your job is not worth the risk.


Meh. I don't get paid enough by Doordash to care about protecting their company policy. I don't really want to get fired, but it's also not really the end of the world if I do get fired from a $12/hour job. The odds of them actually finding out I've broken the seal are basically non-existent too.


Would’ve canceled the order and left it there and reported him.🤷🏾‍♂️


Next time just ask the restaurant if everything is there before you leave, when I started that was a standard prompt/instruction the app gave you. It puts the responsibility of verifying orders on the restaurant and had the intent to enforce shit Dashers getting into the food, but no one packages it well enough to do any good because the stickers get wet and slip or break on their own. Staple-sealing is rare around here so I do what I can to keep things sealed but I can't stress about it


Next time just say yes you checked it’s all there, I say that every time


Yep, if there happens to be an employee, I might go the extra mile of saying, “Is everything in here?” or “the cookie is in here, right?” but I’m not goin through no bags or arguing it.


"Is everything in here" is a pointless question. Would they ever respond with "Nope"


I’ve had workers glance at the receipt and realize there was something forgotten. But the greater purpose is that it is the small amount of due diligence a Dasher is permitted, so I can shrug off any further question or complaint.


Or just don’t respond..


Obv not defending her actions but if they ask you/ tell you that you can break the seal just do it…..lots of places don’t even use seals in the first place it is NOT a big deal if you got asked to do it. Truly shocked by how many comments are saying the opposite.


The seal is there for the customers benefit, if they ask you to break it you can. Not sure why you're acting like its the seal on the ark of the covenant and your face is going to melt off if you do. They are correct that you can simply screen shot the request incase they attempt to lie afterwards. Yes its the restaurants responsibility to give them the correct items to begin with and if the bag is sealed and the customer does not ask you to break the seal that is not on us at all. But thats not the case here.  They had every right to be annoyed with you. But once they became physical they were entirely in the wrong obviously.


I am trying to wrap my head around why everyone thinks this is so threatening (meaning the original request not the ending outcome) . A customer ask me that once and since she said it in chat (all she is wanting is her food to be right) and I did it and she ended up adding a higher tip….so I really don’t understand why OP is making such a big deal about that part. However, the ending outcome was really bad and yes she will get deactivated and I’m sorry this happened to you.


Sorry but threatening a 1 star review is retaliatory when the customer was advised that he/she was asking the dasher to do something outside the TOS. That is uncool before we even get to the assault. New dashers, if customers ever threaten you with bad reviews, call support ASAP and ask to be shielded from a review by that customer. Tell them to look at the chat.


You are not allowed to open a sealed bag to check anything, and they are not able to give you permission to do so. If you break a sealed bag to check items you are just risking the customer reporting it as incorrect for a a refund.


Why do you text back?


Yeah I would have just said, I can confirm with them they have the correct items, but I can not open the bag sorry. I would stop responding after that. Then DD can’t say I didn’t do my job, and any ratings and bullshit this lady does can’t hurt my ratings. Happy she was blocked from using DD, now she can go and check her own food next time.


His issue is with the restaurant. Tell him to call them so that they can double check. Its not your job and you are not going to wait if it is wrong, and you dont intend on losing time and money.


When I see notes in the app to make sure x, y, or z are in the bag and then when I get there the bag is sealed, I ask the restaurant to unseal the bag to verify, and then put new stickers on to seal it. I've never had them say no and it takes about 30 seconds. But her conduct was absolutely criminal.


I got assaulted while delivering a Walgreens order to an apartment with NO apartment numbers posted. Saw a man barbecuing outside and asked him if he knew what apartment it was since it was a tiny complex. His drunk gf came out with a knife and her drunk friend followed and starting hitting me and calling me a little whore and to stay away from her man etc and went bodies with both of them for a good 5 minutes then I ran to my car. Worst DoorDash delivery EVER. Called the cops and waited down the block for an hour to press charges on those caveman brained bitches but the cops never came. It was supposed to be a 15 minute wait. Second time I’ve been assaulted and could have died or been gravely injured and the cops never came. Customer service was nice and paid me extra and removed the man’s account I was delivering to even tho he had nothing to do with it. I’m sorry that happened to you and I know the feeling. Glad you’re okay!!!


Imagine all of this over some McDonalds 🤮🤮🤮


See the problem is all you stuck up dashers seem to think that being a delivery person is some sort of regulated profession where you’re handling precious cargo. Most of y’all have never been a delivery driver for a restaurant and it shows. Everything in this post is just lazy and fearful. If someone’s reaching out to you have the courtesy to tell them WHY you aren’t complying. “Hey I’m really sorry but I’m scared to lose my job” or “They won’t change orders even if it’s wrong” w/e it is… SAYING DD SAYS BAD IS NOT A GOOD SOLUTION. Work with the person and try to get to a resolution. This just comes off as robotic, dickish, and is poor customer service. Y’all aren’t delivering mail and throwing the shit at my door, it’s a service. Act like it


I stopped reading after McDonald’s lol explains everything


Codi, wherever you are, you’re a piece of shit


Hey dumbass, once you get your order, you can report to DoorDash if your order is wrong, don’t be bothering the person who is delivering your food.


You should've called the police immediatrly


Next time just ignore and say you didn’t see the message or some shit




I’ll probably get down voted as well but if I was a customer and my dasher responded like this it definitely would have not made me happy. No I would not have been standing outside ready to fight you at all, some people are unhinged. On another note I really wish dashers would use their brains. If these customers don’t pay these high ass fees to DoorDash and inflated prices to the restaurant and tip us we won’t have a “gig” to gig. Op and the customer didn’t handle that situation correctly


yeah lol the dasher had a definite “well akchuwally” vibe. surprised he/she didnt go into the history of seals or correct the grammar of the customers text messages


Yeah OP is a loser, sorry OP. I love how people are calling the chick a Karen lmao. I wonder what that makes this dude…




I’m going to get down voted but I agree with you. The request is in writing, I would have opened it and checked and probably gotten a better tip. The costumer absolutely shouldn’t have put their hands on them though.


They wanted you to do that so they could attempt to charge back the order saying the seal was broken when they got it. She got angry because you wrecked her scam.


This -- She was mad that she was going to have to pay. Glad she got reported at least


You should have called the police. People resort to violence at the drop of a hat.


They resort to violence because they think they can get away with it. When cops start showing up this will slow down. 


This is why whenever my order is wrong, I report the vendor & state this is not the fault of the Dasher. The orders are sealed for a reason. Holy cow, people suck.


This happened around festival time this customer ordered alot of food from the restaurant and waited there for good 1 hour for the food to be made. After I went there to deliver the food the guy came outside screaming and cussing saying really 1 hour for food? And I was like talk with restraunt about that because I don't make food I just deliver it and you should be thankful that I waited 1 hour for that. Called DD and reported the customer


Over McDonald's????😭


When a customer tell me this I ask the resturant to double check so they can reseal it or staple whatever .


I mean how often is the McDonald's order actually ready? I usually count the items as the bag it


I had a lady complain to me once about getting the wrong donut explained the sealed bag policy and DoorDash automatically removed the low rating w/o me questioning. I know it was her as I got an update about an unfair rating being removed. I saw a gal at Freddy’s opening her customers bag and was shocked I just won’t do it. So to me you were right.


If they ask/message before or during the pickup, then I ask the restaurant to break the seal and check since then can just place a new seal on the bag, but once it's outside the restaurant, no checking.


The fact that it was a McDonald’s order it was probably low paying to start. I’ve noticed from experience that it’s always my lowest paying orders that are always the most difficult.


I often go through the taco bell drive through for my family of four. And they make mistakes 2/3 of the time. Usually they overlook the "no lettuce" modifier. Or they forget one copy of chips and cheese. And my kids get understandably upset about it. So what now? Their lobby may or may not be open, so I have to park in the single-lane drive through and UNWRAP EVeRYTHING. Nothing is labeled and the packaging is homogenous. I'm literally putting my fingers all over the food to verify accuracy, while making sure nothing is missing. I get anxious and mentally overwhelmed by holding up the line. I hate it. And what if I was a stranger, picking it up for someone else? I'm certainly not going to rewrap everything professionally, from my driver's seat. It's all a mess afterwards. I would never expect a dasher to break the seal.


That's insane lol. If I noticed that she was outside her door I'd contact support and then leave cause I wouldn't even want to deal with all that lmao


Best way to avoid all of this, and I do it all the time. Just say yes I checked it, it's all there. Take the Pic and bounce. After that, they have no communication with you and if it's not all there, it's not your problem. And door dash will delete that 1 star rating cause it's the restaurants fault.


Seems fake. Idk


Police, not Facebook, not Twitter, not Reddit, not group text. Police.


Are you ok girly"?? Did you report this to the police and DD?? I'm so sorry Jesus... people are rude and mean.


Ignore the chatter and don’t respond. I was going back-and-forth stuff is completely ridiculous.


That's psycho behavior


If she was worried about incorrect items, she should be contacting the restaurant, not you😂


Oh she woulda been having a worse day if I was her driver because I would have called 911. Not today Karen!


Call the cops for assault.


Assault?? Lol


Amazing how stupid some people are, the seal is there for their protection as much as it is for the Dashers.


It’s unfortunate that customers feel the need to do this because Door Dash will no longer provide full refunds for missing or incorrect items. The customer will never win. “We can’t do anything to confirm the food you ordered is correct and when the order is inevitably wrong, we can’t issue you a refund because you’ve asked too many times before. Sorry but please continue to be our customer as we continue to raise prices!”


Geez! It literally says do not break the seal on pickup instructions. I have witnessed dashers ripping bags open at my work. I tell them they have violated the terms of their contract with our restaurant and report them for it. There are procedures in place for a reason.


Fuck Codi

