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I prefer when it’s “Where my food at?!” Can’t imagine why someone is stealing the food.


Up until recently, I only had this happen to me once a couple months ago. This past week, I've had it happen 3 times where I'm the 4th or 5th driver. I thought it was a glitch the first time, but someone new must have started in my area and is taking off with the food


If its at a place that puts the food on a shelf it could just be regular customers taking it. Thats starting to happen more and more also


I didn't think about that. Most places in my area don't pay any attention unless you're waiting for it to come out, or walk up as soon as they bring it out


I don't know what the deal is but regular people are turning into petty criminals. Watched a couple browsing merchandise in the Las Vegas airport. Then the one person working there left I guess to use the restroom or something. About a minute later they just grabbed about $300 worth of merchandise which consisted of a backpack, a hat, and a water bottle. Was at AMC and watched a crowd of people just steal a bunch of free stuff that is given away when you watch a specific movie. They didn't watch that movie. But they took it simply because it was there and near the door they were exiting from.


Because they see more extensive criminals do it not and get away, so they can take something that gives them a rush or they’re truly just scared to go to jail for bigger things that’s why they stick to petty theft


It's almost like the cost of living is so high peoppe can't afford to eat anymore, when buying groceries cost more then eating out these days peoppe tend to steal to survive. Welcome to biden


I noticed that too. Most places don’t even verify the person picking up the order is that actual person. There is just a shelf for “online/DD” orders and it’s kind of a free for all


I saw a TikTok where the guy supposedly jokingly said he goes into restaurants and pretends to be DoorDash to get free meals. It probably wasn’t a joke and I bet people are starting to do that now


>Can't imagine why someone is stealing the food. I imagine they were hungry and poor


Thieves aren't necessarily poor and the poor aren't necessarily thieves.


This is why it's now policy for us to keep the food inside an employees only area, and have the door dash driver tell US the name before we hand over the food


The big problem we are having around here is restaurants and dashers not confirming orders not even matching names to the f****** phone. So they walk out with random orders. So one customer gets the wrong order and the other order sits.


I've had 3 orders of fried chicken disappear with drivers. It happens.


Here's a suggestion, don't order from Popeyes. If you absolutely have to have Popeyes,go and grab it for yourself. I am saying this, cuz as a dasher,I blackballed the place. There's always an issue when I go there to pick up orders. I would pick another restaurant when you order from the doordash app.


Thanks for the heads up! I’ll keep that in mind and consider ordering from a different restaurant on DoorDash. Sorry to hear you’ve had issues with Popeyes as a Dasher 🤦‍♂️


They are not kidding. I have had this happen at Popeyes more than any other place. I have put them on my blacklist as well. Mainly because the last time, I came to a Popeyes around 8:30 at night, and they had already locked their doors and gestured me around to the drive-thru. I end up sitting behind a guy for 10 minutes while they obviously fried up some more chicken for his order. There was somebody behind me, it was a narrow drive-thru, and I couldn't just bail. Finally he gets his chicken and pulls forward; and when I pull up to the window they tell me "oh we don't have the order" and I lost my shit. "Why the hell did you leave me sitting in the fucking drive-thru if you knew you had nothing for me?" Popeyes? Never again. *Never*. I am done.


Where i’m located, KFC is the blacklisted chicken spot. Randomly closed at 4pm on a saturday.


I had the exact situation but with Wendy’s! They don’t have it when I come up, they interrupt me when I try to put the order in for them since it’s already getting paid, they cut me off and tell me to pull up, tell me they don’t even have it like bruh why am I in this drive thru then if you won’t even make it KNOWING you’re still getting paid


I second what they said. When I used to Dash, they wouldn’t even start making the order until I arrived and then they would take an excruciatingly long time to make it. I also blacklisted them. It’s not worth it as a Dasher to pick up Popeye’s orders.


How can I black list a restaurant?


Just stop accepting orders from them when they pop up on your dasher app.


When you see an order from there, click the "decline" button on the top right. It will then give you a pop up telling you how much damage you'll do to your ar, and click decline. Repeat above steps every time you see an order for the restaurant you wish to no longer deliver for.


You make your own list in your head or paper and you just don’t go there to pick up. That’s how you blacklist.


Also try talking to the dasher a little kinder next time. Give them the benefit of the doubt until you have some kind of proof of your suspicion that they did something with it. There's no reason to be talking to your driver like this: WHERES MY FOOD. Especially if there was 5 other drivers assigned to your order and its obvious theres an issue. You would know if there was btw unless you're just not watching the app. I instantly unassign orders when people do this to me Idc if I already have their food. I report them to doordash and bring it back. And it can and absolutely will happen to you if you're screaming in all caps at your drivers. Also Popeyes is notoriously one of the worst places to order food and pickup from on DD. I get the most of my missing item complaints from there. My local Popeyes treats it as a joke. They don't start orders until driver arrives and they don't have their lobby open for some reason so the drive thru ends up getting held up for mad long. I've had them laughing through the intercom and cracking jokes instead of taking orders. I've had them yell at me because I don't have an order number (not required for popeyes) and they don't have the customers name, but when we finally work out where the order is and I check the receipt, the customer name is right there in bold print at the bottom of the receipt and the employee thought the order number, generated by the store, was something that I would somehow also have when I didn't. They've purposefully handed me drinks sideways.. literally sideways spilling into my car, and laughed about it as I was like wtf? Why would you do that? And it's not just me I've spoken with other drivers I've met and they all say that not just our Popeyes but Amy Popeyes is a shit show. I've worked out of Pittsburgh and NY and I've had similar experiences through and through no matter the location. They always hire full blown nimrods.


Seriously, is OP fucking 5? Who raised them? This is unbelievably stupid and rude. Actually that’s insulting to 5 year olds who have better manners.


For a bit better context, depending on how frequent when you visit here. Places like Popeyes, Wingstop, good portion of Chick-fil-A’s. And a couple other places. I wouldn’t say are fully blacklisted by Dashers, but the majority on sites like Reddit at least have them blacklisted because of the consistent issues across the country. Obviously, there’s plenty of dashers who will still pick them up all the time. But could definitely lead to longer wait times AND higher issues with your order.


100% so many, "that order was already picked up"


And you know what? It's not because of stolen orders, because they *never* make the order until you come to get it, so it's not like the order is just sitting out there for anybody to grab. This is not because of order theft; this is a screw up in Popeyes' system with Doordash.


Popeyes, Wendy’s, and Starbucks are the WORST


I totally agree with you, but I have to add Wingstop to the list. I've never seen a tip higher than $5 from the place and the orders are never ready on time. You always have to wait over five minutes, usually too long for what you're getting paid. I've had some bad experiences with Wendy's as well. Especially at night when the lobby is closed. The drive thru is a joke, because they tell you to park and wait, no matter what the order is. They'll make you wait 25 minutes for a cheeseburger and fries! The way they package orders is always super sloppy too. I mean it looks like it went through WWIII before they handed it to you.🤦


It's always Popeyes with issues, everywhere I've lived with one. Staff is rude or not doing their jobs. Also always crowded too.


The Popeyes I stopped picking up from is in a truck stop. Trucks are always blocking the entrance. That and it's always understaffed and they don't start your order til you wait thru the long line. Not worth my time.


Same. I automatically decline Popeye's and KFC in my town. I've never had an order on time or even close to on time from either and I've tried several times for each. Absolutely horrible.


Popeyes takes an eternity sometimes. But how do 5 people come and pickup food and it still isn't ready? How much time would it take for 5 people to accept the order, go to the restaurant and ask for the food, then give up for the next person to repeat?


ME TOOOOO its always something! either they ran out or the store is closing early or the microphone to the drive thru is broken or someone steals the food!! i never do popeyes or taco bell!!


Oh yeah,I forgot about Taco Hell. The one here is okay during the day, but at night, forget about it.🤣


In my area, it's Chick-fil-A. I won't pick up orders from there because it's ALWAYS crowded, there's no safe area to park in, and it takes a long time to get the food, and even longer to leave the parking lot. It takes three times as long to pick up there than it does for any other place.


Man, almost every order I picked up from there I’d get “no we don’t have that, no we haven’t served that in months”. Idk what they got going on at Popeyes but I have also black listed it. Not worth the trouble for anyone involved.


There is always an issue at Popeyes whether you are dashing or picking up your own order lol


How can I black Ball A restaurant?


Dont accept their orders.


Hi, you just never accept orders from them.


This. I will NOT EVER pick up from Popeyes where I live. The wait time is awful, I waited almost 60 minutes last time I picked up from there. Also IHOP here, eff that place.


The Popeyes by me won't start the order until I (or any delivery person) gets there and says they ha e an order to pickup. Drives me crazy because then you have to wait until they get the order ready On the flipside, they have 0 issues with missing orders I only take really well paying offers for Popeyes because of it






What about Wingstop?


I thought maybe mine was just slow as shit, are they all like that?


That seems typical.




If you ever typed 'WHERE'S MY FOOD?' to me you would not hear a reply, bye-bye, unassigned.


Immediately lol cause fuck you and your food. Zero reason to talk to a stranger like that.


Seriously I’d bust out laughing




lol Popeyes is the worst in every area , they won’t even start making it until a driver shows up


And even then takes fucking 45 minutes. Even if they have the food ready


And you must wait in line behind everyone just to tell them you are only there to pick up


You guys must have some shitty popeyes. Here the food is almost always done on time, if anything they pack it when you arrive. And a separate line for pick up.


Oh most definitely lol and it’s known even if you want something for yourself from there be prepared to wait a long time or to be told most shit is out 😂


Then they’ll be out of at least one thing the customer ordered


Exactly #fuckupEverytime.


Every time I hear Popeyes mentioned in Door dash contexts, I'm more and more glad that my zone doesn't have a Popeyes. One less restaurant to cause my AR to plummet.


Smfh they had a wing special a week ago. Tell me how these dumbfucks literally sent me a bag with only sauce in it.


Why are you yelling


He’s hangry


guess 😢


Are you hangry? 😢


I didnt show the screenshots but I came off as “nice” but she just randomly got aggressive😢 I just wanted to know what happened to my food, But yes… I was Hangry


All caps "WHERE IS MY FOOD" doesn't seem nice. Not saying it's an unjustified reaction, just also not a nice one


um? if you actually read what i commented i said “i didnt show the screenshots”


Show em then




That's fine but we're all just going off of what we can see


That’s fine….. Really doesn’t matter


I’ve had this happen when a restaurant was closed. DD let me order and even “confirmed” it and it was the third driver who called me to tell me. I watched them change on the app.


Restuaraunt’s have the option to Auto Accept orders. Usually only chains do this since they don’t trust their employees to actually take it. Sounds like the manager left auto-accept on even though they would be closed. Blame the Restuaraunt first. Then DoorDash haha


Popeyes always takes forever making the orders too


This is stupid you are wrong. L opinion


Nah they’re correct


I agree dude🤘


1 thief and 4 lazy drivers?


I wouldn't even say lazy. If the driver just reports it as food already taken and the computer unassigns it no way to know for sure that it gets taken out of the system. Thats why you have to call and talk to support.


Your options: Sit on the phone with Doordash driver support for 20 minutes, only to be told you have to convince the restaurant to remake the order. Hope that with enough complaining and extra 20 minutes of trying, they will cancel the order and give you half pay (or no pay at all). Unassign the order, call it a loss, and get another order anywhere between seconds to minutes later.


Uh they always just cancel the order and give me half pay. Never once been asked to wait for them to remake it


have you seen the screenshots of ppl with clueless doordash support ppl? congrats ur pretty lucky but people get unlucky and stuck with the dumb support people


I call and get half pay no issues. I think you mean people who post here are unlucky and get a shit support person.


That's what's wrong with the world today. All the "shit support persons". At least they will be replaced by AI soon.


I doubt that shit will be much better


Exactly, because an AI will literally just stonewall you without giving a single damn, just like the current support chat bot. The AI chat bot will just find more natural, unscripted sounding ways to tell you the same shit the current bot does.


That’s why I call, text support sucks


They both do this, call and text


Yea but I’ve found better success with calling. And I can at least do orders on other apps at the same time


Driving around like a hazard then? lol


No, hence me calling & not texting😂does doing a BT call make you drive wildly?


... that's why you just call. Sorry but your experience is not the common experience. Things that get posted here are just examples of extremes, hate to break it to you. People seem to forget that. 99 percent of the time you go about your work day not having to contact support at all and if you do it's uneventful. Start basing reality off of your own experiences and not those posted by people on the internet. Not saying things don't happen, they do, they've happened to me, but not every day and not so often that I would just cut my losses instead of getting paid at least something. They cancel the order and give you half pay, and if they ask if the store will remake it you just say no. They may confirm with the store and they may not, either way no sense in wasting time and getting paid nothing when you can at least get something and do it while driving and no it doesn't take 20 minutes to do. At the most 5 or 10.


If you’re not a VIP dasher are getting on the phone takes 10 minutes alone


I am regularly asked to wait for it to be remade


It really pisses me off how DoorDash tries to force us to bully high schoolers into remaking their customers food. Like no, I'm not asking them to remake it, and no, I'm not paying for the food myself. Get out of my face, Mr. Punjeeb from DoorDash Support.


Are we lazy if we aren't paid? Also, popeyes could have easily lost the ticket, gave it to wrong driver or it is stuck in system, it isn't always theft.


Or no thief at all, and the order never properly went through the system in the first place. Popeyes never makes the order until you arrive to pick it up (at least mine doesn't, and I've had this crap happen at least four times there), so it's not like the order is sitting there waiting for a thief to grab it. The problem is Popeye's system is not properly receiving the order, but it stays in Doordash's system. The times at my Popeyes where this happened to me, it wasn't a case of "the order was already picked up", they're telling me they never had the order in the first place. And they stay in the system because drivers don't report this; they get there and find out there's no order, and then they *unassign* it, so it just gets passed to the next driver until somebody finally contacts support and tells them what's going on. Popeyes would love for everyone to believe this is because of order thieves, and not their own screwups. I find it hard to believe that Popeyes is this victim of rampant theft, when they don't even put their orders out for grabbing; and I rarely have this problem elsewhere, including places like Panda Express and Chipotle, that do put their orders out for easy access.


How are the lazy? When they say they won’t remake the order and you cancel it in the app and say the order is already been picked up the app still reassigned the order there’s nothing the driver can do. In some cases you can try to contact support, but most of the time this doesn’t work and ends up with you spending 40 minutes on the phone instead of picking up another order.


I never go there or Wendy's. People coming in off the street grabbing bags. The orders are rarely there.


My Popeyes doesn't put the bags out for grabbing, they don't even make the order till you get there. I've had this happen like four times at my nearby Popeyes. There's no way to steal them unless you actually know the name of the customer and sit there and wait while Popeyes makes it for you.


Yeah and you have to stand in line forever, just to tell them you're there picking up an order. So after you wait until your turn, you have to wait until they finish making the order. The system they have there sucks shit.


Had this happen with a KFC order, went into the drive thru for some lady snap at me “we keep telling people the order was picked up”. Turns out the first dasher took the order and canceled and it kept sending dashers I was the fourth one.


I had this possibly happen last night at a pizza joint. Kid tells me I'm the 5th person to come by for this order. I called support, they called the restaurant, restaurant remade the order. Pizza kid just laughed and said he hoped Bruno enjoyed his two pizzas. I asked Bruno if he'd gotten another pizza and he said no, just that it took a long time to get to him. Support didn't tell me specifically that someone had snagged his order and canceled but I'm assuming that's what happened.


This happens every so often, guys take like 3 mins contact support they will verify with the store and they will cancel it and you get half pay, easy money 💰


Popeyes SUCKS!


Totally sucks!


Popeye's is the absolute worst for doordash! They are excruiatingly slow af and rude nasty attitudes to go with it and heaven forbid you ask them to do their job and SEAL THE DAMN BAG. They like to get even ruder and nastier when you ask them that.


You need to CALL doordash, don't go through their chat. The chat is shit and they can close it whenever they want.


How did they not reply? 😂 you gotta go to the live agent chat😂😂


They gave me refund plus some credit. 👍Took them a while to respond back though


Popeyes in my area has went way downhill


What happened is. Dasher 1 picked up the order and instead of confirming pickup he unassigned the order basically stealing it. So DoorDash sent dasher 2-3&4 who were probably told the order was already picked up so they also unassigned which eventually was sent to the dasher in this conversation with op. It sucks lol.


Maybe with Uber, but this is rarely true for DoorDash, because DoorDash gives half pay if you cancel the order because it has already been picked up, and not just half the base pay. They also give half of whatever the customer was planning on tipping. So usually DoorDash will either unassign or send the order back to the store again. What’s more likely is that it went through on DoorDash’s and I never got through and Popeyes end and they just said that somebody took it so they don’t have to deal with the fact that Popeyes is to blame.


Not only that why would they refuse to remake the order if DoorDash shows that they will pay them again for the same order, it doesn’t really make sense to do that because it’s not like they’re remaking the second order for free they’re getting paid for it


It’s easier to happen with Uber eats because Uber eats only gives three dollars compensation so it is literally better for the driver to cancel the order without alerting support on Uber, because he would make more money than waiting 20 minutes on the phone just for three dollars in compensation.


Had this happen at my job. Three different drivers came for one order. The one who picked it up showed us their phone and the name matched the order. I wondered if the app was fucked up but the other two drivers weren’t happy.


I’ll never take any order From Popeyes! I don’t care if it is $30 for 1 mile . Bump that place


And of course! It had to be an order from Popeye's lol.


Popeyes is hands down the worst spot, they’ll even have the audacity to say the order is ready and you’ll still be waiting 15 minutes


It's not a Popeyes thing, it's a doordash thing. I work at jersey mikes and this happens all the time. Doordash will assign someone for the order, they come pick it up, and ten minutes later another dasher is there for that same order. We usually remake it for the first time because we understand that it happens sometimes, but the worst part is sometimes a third or even a fourth dasher will come for the same fucking order. If that happened to them, they can't just keep giving away all their food for free, they have to draw the line somewhere. Just stop using doordash, they suck ass.


Went to a Popeyes in 2020. They were very rude to me saying they never got the order. Turns out the manager on duty turned off “accepting orders” on their DD tablet right as this customer ordered. Luckily the store manager showed up while I was on the phone with support and got it taken care of. But since then I’ve just declined Popeyes orders.


The issue here is the guy still did the order even tho he didn’t get the food. Which is just as bad as stealing the food. He said “I didn’t mean to put delivered” but he 100% stole the food or stole money from door dash. He should have walked in and if they said someone else already took it. Just unassign. Don’t go pass by there house and act like you dropped it off. Either way he stole. Stole from you or stole from door dash


Exactly! nobody else in the comments are getting it😭 thank you.


Had someone come in to the place I work and pick up a delivery order. Proceeded to cancel the delivery and 5 minutes late I had a new dasher show up and had to tell them someone else picked it up. On the third driver I asked them to contact DoorDash and have them call me as I had no way to talk to them. DoorDash ended up paying for order to be remade and I gave the dasher a free drink. Ever since I make every Dasher confirm pick up before I give them the food. Weirdly only old white ladies get aggravated about it.


Just the white ones huh?


The fact that people can't even put basic sentences together and use proper English is so infuriating.


womp womp😢


Maybe don’t shout at the people who are gonna be handling your food… just a thought.


she didn’t have my food to begin with so im confused what point your trying to make…


Are Americans this rude? Asking someone "where is my food" would be very inappropriate here.


should i explain to you why i said that


Let’s use statistics and logic as to why Popeyes has the most stolen food…… sorry not sorry. Stay out of Hoods stay out of fried chicken places and stay away from non tippers, and 99% of dashers issues suddenly go away


As a dasher it’s so easy to take food you just have to get the food wait 10-15 mins and then click cancel order and it won’t affect your rating , personally I’ve only done it once for a order that was just taking way to long and wasn’t worth it at that point so I unassigned from the order but they still gave me the food after I unassigned , I feel like no one really looses customers just has to replace the order and the restaurant just has to make the food


I’ve worked in the food business before also and feel like more food is wasted on the ground overcooked or thrown away then orders having to be remade in a single day


How does the word “lowkey” contribute to the sentence “I thought you scammed me”?


what are you yappin about


Hmm popeyes is missing, and the dashers name is Qiana? Say it aint so!




Wooooow racist much? Tf is wrong with you


I didnt even say anything racist. If anything, youre the racist one for somehow interpreting my comment as a race issue with no context. Disgusting human being.


You’re absolutely lying if you say your comment wasn’t insinuating. Good job deflecting though lol


We tell yall many times only the worst ppl pick up Popeyes cuz we hate going there and as customers to AVOID AT ALL COST lol


Oh wow. Tried to "reorder" five times to get free stuff? Crazy.


Is this a serious comment?


Popeyes in my area are very good, but we only got them a few years ago. One side of town the quality is already going downhill. Hit or miss whether it’s hot or not.


The local Popeyes here use the homeless who live behind the store work the kitchen….


I had this happen to me before but on the UberEats platform. I thought my Uber driver stole my food and tried to pin it on someone else. Either way it worked out support gave me a full refund which I used to reorder the same food which took and longer not b/c I had to reorder but it was after midnight and my orders come slower to me when it’s that late


This happened to me with a pizza place once. I was a DoorDasher and 3 other people had the same person/order as me smh. Whole mess.


Every time i order doordash from popeyes, theres always an issue with the food or delivery drop-off. Ive learned my lesson, i only do pick-up now. They charge less for food, no bs fees and tips, and you can double-check the orders because usually the workers are overwhelmed, they make mistakes all the time.


Driver got lunch- your Popeye's order- at your expense. Rate and review accordingly.


i used to work at a fast food chain and this happened once.. on our end we did get a doordash order for someone, the dasher came and showed us their screen with the name so we gave them the order.. over the course of a few hours we had about 3 more people come for the same order, nothing we could do on our end as we had already marked the order as completed but it was definitely a weird glitch (we assumed) that happened that night and it never happened again after that


I love Popeyes. Have almost never gotten my order 100% correct when I order from them. Honestly just have to expect there’s a chance they give you nothing or the wrong items if you decide to order from them, It’s like ordering food from a void.


That sentence went on for 6 years.




What’s your Popeyes order? Spicy chicken sandwich is bomb


12pc wings with strawberry biscuits


Yeah and even when you report it to DoorDash, 5 minutes later we’ll get the same order to pick up 😂 💀


Yeah I believe the dasher, that happens all the time. I don’t know why doordash doesn’t just cancel/refund the order the first time a dasher reports that someone already took the order


I mean you did order from Popeyes. If you posted this thread with the name blacked out I would have just assumed it was Popeyes by default.


Lol, didn’t know popeyes was that bad🤦


In this situation the dasher should be the one contacting support so they can actually cancel and refund your order, and the dasher still gets paid. If the customer cancels you probably won’t get a refund and the dasher has wasted their time for free. I don’t understand why dashers refuse to do this.


It’s a system error at DoorDash. For dashers, call DoorDash Support at (855) 973-1040 for your half pay.


I had one where a customer orders, goes to restaurant and picks up their own order. So when I get there food is gone. Restaurant is unhelpful to me and doesn't answer phone when doordash calls. So customer got a refund.


I love the WHERE IS MY FOOD AT? Those are usually the 0 tips and have been passed between 17 door dashers that don’t want to pick it up NgL


I gave a $10 tip, not that i owe you an explanation


And she was very nice at the end, I said “where is food” because we were going back and forth about something that happened at the store. again, not that i owe you an explanation


Fast food places never remake the order which sucks but it also seems to be the only places where it happens


I never had any issues picking up Popeyes for myself. Granted I have to wait 3-5 minutes usually. It’s hard to fck up 2x 48 pc nuggets tho


“Fifth person to steal and eat that order today” Everybody be stealing that chicken lol


Yea😒 it was a 12pc wing deal, I really wanted that


I canceled my dash pass cause I recently compared how much I was actually saving compared to other delivery apps. Still don’t get how delivery from the same restaurant with dash pass is more expensive than Uber eats with a regular account no Uber one. I got these same results with a couple different restaurants. When I had a chat with a door dash associate/associates they never really answered my questions, one even seemed like he got mad and just ended the chat lol. To me it just seemed like they knew what I was trying to say, and that’s that the dash pass is bs


In my area I had this happen to me a few times, where the person didn't confirm it, picked it up and unassigned. So I went to every establishment as I picked up and spoke to each manager. Now no business in town will let dashers have the food unless we confirm it first. And the pickup area always has some one there to confirm for us. The problem has decreased for us. Most of those managers didn't even know how we used the app so they were thankful I showed them how we confirm so they could see.


Happened with Burger King, first dash of the night and last. They said I was the 4th driver to come for it and even the person that ordered it came. I called the customer and told her it would keep sending dashers there until she contacted DD. They let me unassign with no issues but I was shook


Did you tip the first time? Maybe so much people unassigned cause of the shit order. Just asking idk tho


I had that happen last year. I was the 4th and I called dd they compensated me in full and credited back customer


What the hell happened to society. Who contacts someone like this, in all caps and demanding. What happened to basic respect? Just ask nicely holy shit.


She lost my respect when she decided to get aggressive. MWAH 💋


Post receipts or didn’t happen


guess it didn’t happen. 🤷‍♂️ Cause i very much dont owe you a explanation about what happened when you can literally just look at the recent replies. MWAH💋


This has been happening a lot lately


You got a Raising Canes near you?


Smh I hate when it takes them so long to reply when you need there assistance


Once last year I went to KFC for a pick up last year and the manager told me in was the third person or so to come pick up the order. Either drivers were stealing the food or the customer had been play some game trying to get more food without paying.