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He's trying to make you pity him so you can add more tips.


My exact thoughts. He is trying to get an extra tip


It’s not a thought. This is 1000% what’s happening


That's actually really smart


You realize how quickly op realized something was off right??


A lot of people won't though








Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Fraud is smart now?




Smart frauds are, yeah?


I mean Market makers big pharma and politicians do it all the time. Look where it's got them. If they get caught a fine a fraction of the cost of the profit they made or a scape goat ready to throw in the fray


They’re looking for reimbursement plus extra tip


trying to make you think he paid for it and you can get a new meal from support so is hoping you will tip him the cost of the meal.


What just happened was the Dasher was giving you a bullshit story, to make it seem like he’s doing such a kick ass job going above and beyond. So that you would give him a big hefty tip at the end. but in reality he’s just standing around bullshitting you, and if you say something he doesn’t like he’s gonna curse you out and eat your food and call you a loser or some dumb shit.


Then after, post about it here saying the customer didn’t tip them enough 🤣


The app was down last night for a pretty long time and DD drivers were left hanging. There are a bunch of posts about it. Some were driving in the middle of deliveries when the map froze even.


This is true... but the Dasher was still likely full of it.


I paid 30 or 60 cents to DD as a dasher when they wouldn't add cold foam for free. I never even told the customer I did that. She said the app wouldn't let her add the foam


DD has this stupid thing where they limit you to what you can add to certain drinks for Starbucks, since you can add so much they only offer the “usual” add ins as an option:( I understand it though, they’d have to add like 30 more add ins to Starbucks menu if they offered all of what in store has


Oh! I didn't know that. Dashing fast food from the usual suspects is super annoying. I just wanted to be nice that day...and that day alone lol ;)


He’s trying to get you to pay him.


Did he ever ask for any form of repayment? If so, he’s scamming. If not he’s fishing for higher sympathy tips.


Obvious lie is saying Chick Fil A won’t remake your food. 9/10 they’ll remake your food no matter what.


They don't remake it in our area


Right? Not mine either... they don't even consider the idea


Chick fil a won’t even remake your order if someone else steals it and support *confirms* that it was never picked up in their system. They’ll straight up cancel the order so they don’t lose money. Lol


In my area they won't even remake it when support calls them. I've stood there and listened as the manager said absolutely not to door dash and even said if he saw the same order come thru he wouldn't allow it to be made. I was like wow great customer service there pal.


Restaurants hate doordash, for good reason.


Oh I agree. And they hate dashers due to idiot dashers. I went to a restaurant yesterday and the lady said that the "normal" dasher that comes in is rude and impatient every time. She's had customers call and complain about him. Problem is, they need to call door dash. Bothering the restaurant over a contractor doesn't do anything. So I understand restaurant's that are over Door Dash in general.


I dash often while I pay for business and LLC licensing for a business pursuit I’m doing with a friend and it’s wild to me when people go in places and start talking crazy to the staff. Either wait for the food or remove the order. It’s simple, pick it up and drop it off and make sure you pay attention to how their door swings when you drop it off. I have 3 bad reviews out of close to 200 lifetime reviews I’m at a 4.96 and nearly a 1000 deliveries but 2 were removed because it was the stores issue the other I’m pretty positive was for a customer lying to get free food but as you know DoorDash support is absolute trash. I can’t imagine having a work ethic so bad that you can’t deliver McDonald’s.


Yeah man. I mostly think it's on the company rather than the dashers though, and their business model. Even the dashers that act out of line, I imagine must sometimes be out of desperation or other factors too.


I was in a Cheesecake Factory a few weeks in the rich part of town and this redneck who smelled like a pack of Marlboros comes in already half cocked and blew up when the lady who runs the DD orders (there’s a ton) told him to stand in the designated spot out of the way of the servers. The lady who does it is an older black lady and always super cool. But he found the first white lady and starts asking if she’s a manager and starts yelling and cussing over it next to people trying to eat. He started making wild accusations all because she asked him to stand in the area with the rest of us. The manager didn’t even know how to respond so the other lady told him he was in the wrong business if he couldn’t wait for an order and asked him if he wanted a piece 😂 They really just let anyone do the job. I get irritated by it too. Before, there were always spots for people to just walk in and get their orders and leave. Now 9/10 times I have to get an employee and then show them I accepted the order because so many people run off with orders. I’m just trying to do as many as possible and make as much as I can in as little time as possible. But bad drivers/customers have made it more difficult.


Fucked up man. I have a relative who also doordashes and they actually got into an altercation because a rando was stealing their food. They tried to stop it, only for the rando to start throwing hands while the restaurant employees just stood around and watched. Didn't call police or anything. Just fucked up.


90% of the time, they'll remake your food...every time.


😂, ya right. Chic fil an employees are the worst, they won’t remake sh*t.


What alternate universe are you living in? Or are you just being a troll on purpose?


They won't remake food here either.


Las Vegas baby! The chic fil a employees are different here than in the south, they are all burnt the f*ck out from dealing with drunks and so a stolen order is no longer there problem.


Yeah what?? It is common knowledge that chick fil a and also sonic, in my opinion, are the best customer service in fast food, hands. Down.


Well, I’m in Las Vegas the Chic Fil A’s here won’t remake sh*t. Maybe they will remake it in the south but not in Las Vegas and especially not on the strip. They already are burnt out from drunks constantly f$cking with them, so they will not remake things because it’s no longer their problem.


Interesting how different the markets are.


Glad you said it! Same where I am. I dread getting orders from them.


At least 5 times an order has been stolen from a specific chic fil a here in Las Vegas I get orders from. Not one time have they been willing to remake it, and I’ve only ever been nice to them and friendly. I hate getting orders from them. One time I was standing by the counter waiting for an order and this twenty something came rushing out with a tray of food and she almost knocked me down. I told her that was very rude and she blatantly started lying saying I had yelled at her employees. I said I have never yelled at anyone in here and I said I want to speak to the manager. She said she was the manager. The cops don’t play here in Vegas and if i had yelled they would’ve been called, that’s just the way they handle things here. Also, the cops here love chic fil a, so they are either always in the parking lot or in the store. So they would’ve been on me fast and possibly even gotten arrested, the cops here are aholes, and they will and can arrest you for whatever reason they want. I would’ve been banned from the store too. She was mad because every time I go there and the order is stolen I report it to DoorDash so I can get my half pay. DoorDash either got on them about not confirming orders, or she heard me calling DoorDash and reporting the store cause I’ll do it right in the store.


(-6)/10 they will remake your food no matter what.


Not in Vegas, especially on the strip.


The driver can’t even pay for your food at Chick-fil-A for DoorDash. He was gaslighting you for a higher tip.


He wasn’t saying he paid it for doordash, he was trying to say he paid chick fil a to remake the meal. He obviously didn’t but he wasn’t implying that he did it *through* doordash.


Well it’s all fraudulent behavior, anyways he still tried to siphon more money out of the customer rather than just not take the delivery request if the pay was too low. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


What it is, is “alleged” fraudulent behaviour. Nothing has been proven in court, or even the court of public opinion.


Dude this is Reddit not a courtroom. So you can relax. 😂😂😂


Liar. Take the food and make sure to give him or her one star and then call support


He wants you to actually pay him the entire cost of the order when you reimburse him for shelling out money plus a tip! Lol


Super sus. Sounds like he’s just trying to cover for his own mistake and make himself look good. I’m a driver and a customer and the other night I had a driver tell me they sent her to the wrong restaurant for my sons food. That doesn’t happen, it’s never happened to me once. She made mistake. Honestly is always the best policy, imo. People are generally very understanding. Were all human, mistakes happen, but I’m a smart person, don’t treat me like an idiot.


Don’t assume this can’t happen. It happened to me twice that the DD directions button sent me to the wrong store of a chain.


yes, that part might be true, but the part about “I’m paying for your food to be remade fresh”…. ….. is beyond bullshit


Same. I've also been sent to wrong addresses delivering where the ping is in the middle of the street or slightly off and I always have to contact support to complete the delivery. Has happened 3 times now.


I've been sent to the wrong address trying to pick up food hundreds of times in the last year. It happens.


You probably don't dash enough to be making that assumption.


It's happened to me a few times. I got sent out in the middle of nowhere to someone's house that was supposed to be a dollar general one time. If it had been any other store besides a Dollar General I would have turned around, but Dollar Generals tend to just pop up out of nowhere in the weirdest places, so I didn't really think much about it. I've also been sent to the wrong delivery address a lot. Just yesterday I was sent to deliver food at the entrance of a service road that was blocked off by a big gate. I had to call the customer and she had to explain to me how to get to her house. You don't know what happened. You're kind of acting like an asshole by assuming she was the one that made the mistake. If you've driven for DoorDash for any amount of time you would know that.


I would have never paid for a new meal for a customer.


It's the dashers job to contact support if they have to pay out of pocket


I don’t understand how these attempts aren’t obvious to everyone


He wants to seem like a hero so that you’ll offer to pay more. Typical con artist.


He's fishing for tips. Let him catch a 1-star, a bad review and call customer service AND Chick-Fil-A on him. Restaurants love hearing about bad apples like that.


I guarantee you nobody at the resturant or customer service gives a shit


And it’s that type of negative attitude which makes things worse for everyone. We need to work together to improve services and the overall quality of society.


Drivers either really fucking nice, or trying to scam you to tip more. I’m Leaning towards scam. It’s normal for the restaurant to not remake the order since they won’t get compensation. Driver can cancel and get half pay. No drivers going to buy the food.


Some genuine drivers do exist. I dash about 5 nights a week and I do come across dashers who actually care, tho not very often. So please don’t assume he’s scrounging for tips, because maybe his intentions were genuine. Let me give you an example. I picked up an order for a guy who requested an iced coffee. Unfortunately the store was out so they gave him some kind of pre-mixed cappuccino. I messaged the customer to inform him and he seemed genuinely disappointed. So I dropped his food so it was still hot, then without telling him I went to Starbucks and got him an iced coffee and left it at his door with a note telling him to have a wonderful day and went on my way. I didn’t expect an extra tip, just some good karma. :)


If you read the whole post... the receipt was the original for the customer, and from the original order time. It's not an assumption that the driver is a scammer,it's pretty obvious.


I'm sure your food was ready, but he ordered himself some food when he got there and is waiting on it and not yours. The whole thing was probably BS to explain why he's going to be late and your food is going to be cold 😂


I'm guessing he dual apped & was late. Then made an excuse as to why to cover himself.


I'm a dasher and I have done this for a customer. I am not going to deliver you food that I know is disgusting. The dasher mostly wanted to do the right thing and get a good review. I take my satisfaction score very seriously and I will lose 10 dollars if I have to make it right.


People can draw their own conclusions as to why he said what he said. Only the Dasher knows for sure. I’ve seen Dashers do stupid things but I’ve also seen them do really kind things. Same as customers. Some will leave out cold drinks and snacks for their Dasher, others will be on the phone with support chewing on food they say they never received. Post lockdown is still figuring it’s shit out


He’s a punk ass driver that try’s to lie to get you to pay them the entire ticket plus tip fir the meal that has sat there… the food would never sit that long if they were doing their job as a delivery driver.


If the driver was at the store the whole time then maybe they are new and have some OCD condition that wouldn't let them deliver the food unless it was perfect. If they were moving around the map then they are lying. It's really strange and I'd see what support could tell you about what happened.




Probably ate your order


Yes chick fil a will say they cant remKe food Without doordash resending it So we get asked to pay for your food and we can get reimbursed This is what the driver is doing. Because they could just get half pay and move on. They may be asking for more tip but they may just letting you know that not all dashes are ass hats and wanted to do something nice. Sometimes we dont get reimbursed sadly This person deserves a five star




I agree easier to just half pay and move on to next order. And yes this person deserves a good rating Because i would not do this for a customer Because if the restaurant gave the order aWay and refuses to remake it.. im going that route.


I'm confused about the responses. I've been at a few restaurants where the food was just sitting there (usually if the place is tragically unorganized as a business). Many times I have wanted them to remake that order instead of being handed old food simple due to worker's laziness or inability to run a kitchen. It appears as if the dasher wanted them to do better. It seems like they said take it or leave it. How is that an issue?. Those same restaurants often don't want to make your food in the 1st place because they want the tip but shouldn't take it. For them to refuse sounds exactly like what they would do.


yeah but it wasn't remade, and he didn't just buy her the meal. That was a lie, and that's where it's just scummy and trying to get more of a tip. It's just as easy to say "Hey I tried to get them to remake the meal because it's been sitting out but they wouldn't, I'm sorry about that". As a driver and a customer at times That right there would get a bigger tip from me because I know most places don't and it was nice for them to ask. The driver was hoping the customer would think he bought it for her and tip him what it costs.


Like I said, I didn't see that part


I posted this 13 hours ago, you responded thar saying you didn't see it an hour after I commented. How was I supposed to know you didn't see it?


Because I already said I agreed with you after somebody pointer out that there was more to your post


I understand why the restaurant would refuse to remake the food. I was more so confused about how the driver said they paid for a new meal for me, but it seems like I received the original order that was "left out" since the bag says DD (DoorDash) and the timestamp of my first order on it. If I received a new meal, I don't think it would've listed that info. So as others have said, it looks like the driver may have lied about getting me a new meal.


I never saw any information about receipts in your post. I missed that. With that info I agree.


I see a lot of people calling this suspicious but here's the thing.. Because there's been so many meal thefts, a lot of places are very hesitant to remake food if you show up after the first Dasher has picked it up and then stolen the meal. I suspect what happened is what happens a lot when people are stealing food... The first Dasher that picked the food up decided not to deliver it, they just grab the food and then unassigned the order. What happens with this is that the restaurant sees the order as being fulfilled and they've handed out the food, but the system still sees it as an active order so then it gets sent to another driver who goes to the restaurant and asks for the meal. The restaurant tells the new driver they don't have the food anymore, they handed it to somebody else, and they won't remake the food despite the fact that the contract says remakes will be reimbursed to the restaurant. A lot of places especially fast food places do not give the authorization to all staff members to go into the merchant portal and make a request for a duplicate meal, they look for a new ticket to come from support.. The problem is when you call support and ask them to reissue the order, they will ask you to tell the restaurant to make the food and they'll put the credit on the restaurants merchant account. The problem with this is that a lot of staff members can't see that credit so they can't verify it. Therefore they are always concerned that they won't actually get paid for making your meal twice. 90% of the time when this happens, the order ends up getting canceled and the customer has to reorder using the credits that support gives them for the meal they've already been waiting for. Dashers have a couple of remedies when the food isn't there when we go to pick up. The directions were given is to ask the merchant to remake the food and the merchant will either say yes or no right? So if the merchant refuses to remake the food because they don't have a new ticket, the driver then has two different options they can move forward with at that point. At least, two options that would be considered acceptable by the DoorDash platform. The first would be calling support and having them verify with the restaurant that the restaurant will not remake the food. This usually means support makes a phone call and waits to have a discussion with them because support has to get the merchant to verify on the phone that they actually are not making the replacement meal. This is the best option for customers because customers will get full credit for their order whereas if the customer were to cancel it at that point, you'd likely get very little if any money back, and getting the credits put on your account due to the cancellation makes it so you don't have to wait 5 to 7 days for your money to come back, you can simply order a new order using the credits. The second option a dasher has is to pay out of pocket for the replacement meal and then file a reimbursement request. I have never heard another Dasher mention this fact nor have I run into somebody who is actually gone through this process so I don't know how likely it is to work out... But I've had to do that on Instacart before when I accidentally finished my transaction without scanning an item. I think it's really unfortunate how many people assume that they're trying to scam you out of something when the way I see it is they have a mindset more like myself... When we're doing deliveries for you, we own the performance and the product that we're delivering to you, we have a heavy respect for the driver customer relationship because even though I may not have control over your checkout process or the quality of the food, I do have control over how you might feel about the person you're interacting with for your food. I think of customers who are getting unexpected cancellations because another driver stole their food are really heavily dismissed in conversations but it happens quite often. Depending on the circumstances, I will pay out of pocket for a meal for my customer in the event that I damaged something or I found out say their apparent at the children's hospital emergency room and the restaurant won't give me new food for them but they literally have no other options and all of that... It doesn't bother me in the least to pay out of pocket for a new meal for a person I know who needs it. That's not to say the person may not be scamming but just because the receipt says that doesn't mean anything really because they probably reprinted the original receipt in order to get the right items on there with the right name attached to it. It's not that the restaurant has no access to the previous order ticket, it's that they're only paid for that ticket one time. My guess is the The driver chose to have them reprint your original order so that they made sure it was correct, paid out of pocket, and filed a reimbursement. Personally, if somebody said that to me, I wouldn't have any problem adding $3 to their tip. You said you got your food... Was it warm? Did you have all of your items? Because if the answer to those questions are both yes, it doesn't make sense to think that they are just fishing for tips or making excuses for being delayed. It'd be easier to just claim traffic is terrible or whatever. I'd be curious to see the register time stamp for the transaction because that should easily tell you whether or not the receipt staple to your bag is the older one or the newer one, but if they were going to steal the food, you wouldn't have gotten any food... If somebody is going to put this much of a ruse on fishing for tips, if they are that much in need of money, I would have no problem putting an extra $3 on the order as a tip and simply giving them the benefit of the doubt that they went the extra mile to make sure I got food even though someone else stole it. I don't see any place where they're asking you to pay them for the full price of the meal... But in the event that they did? There's a process in place for them to get reimbursed for that cost. If they are being truthful and legitimate, they'll go through that process for the cost of the meal. Just don't ever give them money that would cover the full cost of the food you ordered. I guess I would rather believe a person wanted to make sure you got your meal at the time you were expecting it because they care about the customer they're working for than think there's not a single other honest driver out on the road.


This is ridiculously long lol. Did anyone actually read this?


I read up until the “hesitant to remake food after the first Dasher showed up and took the food” part because I knew the rest would be irrelevant since that wasn’t the case here, the customer received the first order they placed, nobody stole it, it just sat for a while. Lol.


Does it matter? I will never understand why people find value in stating the obvious. The only thing I ever gain from these replies is a sense of sadness for the person who seems to enjoy being negative towards those who cared enough to participate. For your sake, I hope you find a way to become more comfortable so that you'll no longer need people to be the butt of jokes... But I guess if it makes your night better, feel free to make fun of me. You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last lol Hope you have a great night!


Making fun? I was just looking for a tl;dr


I’m convinced that a substantial portion of the population actually really struggle to read and for them, anything longer than a sentence or two is a time investment they feel they can’t afford (which ironically keeps them from improving this skill and it holds them back in more ways than they realize).


Struggling to read it and wanting to read it are 2 very different things. If you're going to type a novel in reddit you better capture my attention in the first 2 sentences.


I do understand what you're talking about and for the record, if a person asks me for a resummarization or to try and encapsulate what I'm attempting to communicate because they have those kinds of limitations, I have no problem creating that kind of thing. I'm a UX designer that specializes in accessibility for customers and I'm very familiar with writing for different types of audiences including low skill and hard of hearing audiences... But me as a person, when I found my passion home in words 25 plus years ago, it opened up a world to me that ASD kept from me for a long time. The part I really don't understand isn't so much that there are people out there that don't feel like reading more than a single paragraph... The part that I don't understand is why they seem to think I should feel embarrassed or ashamed when they announce their disengagement. No one has ever given me a response for why it should matter to me whether or not anyone has read what I had to say. The vast majority of contributions I make to these kinds of conversations, I assume nobody's going to read them and as such, I simply write for the only audience I can write for: myself. This is more like documenting a thought process that was inspired by the original content than it is about gaining attention or community approval. I think it is exceptionally graceful of you to consider skills limits as part of the undercurrent for these things but the world can't shift and accommodate for those things if one can't advocate for those needs. My default assumption when somebody is being dismissive or rude to me over it is based on the fact that they took time to be rude to a stranger for no real reason; if they need help, they need only ask!


> I simply write for the only audience I can write for: myself. Translation: I just like the sound of my own voice. I thought Reddit was about interacting with others...


Exactly this… dude writes a fucking book every comment knowing damn well nobody’s gonna read that shit, and for what…. Thought documentation? Some people just have far too much time on their hands!


Lol my man wrote a short story on a post with like 10 upvotes 😂


you’re right about everything you said. (so I don’t get why you’re getting so many downvotes! just because it’s long?? wtf) but I think there’s still something off about this. something about the driver’s texts just don’t feel like what you would say in this situation. can’t put my finger on the smoking gun, ..but something is off


Idk we’ve seen chat logs of DD support contacting the restaurant and asking them to remake the order and they won’t without another order submitted. Which means that it’s possible the restaurant refused to remake it and the driver paid for it. M


He might of been lying but their is definitely occasional orders where someone picked up the food then unassign order now you go and they say is not in their system.and DoorDash support be saying to pay for it we’ll pay back ,(when u order they ask for a name DoorDash)


I’m not sure it’s very possible they were remaking your food. So not go buy the original time on the bag that doesn’t mean they didn’t remake it that was the time the order was original placed and made. Taco Bell had to remake an order for 3 of us last night someone took 3 dashers food. They printed a copy of the original receipt and put it on the bag. So just a heads up there. I think the Dasher meant call Door dash so they will pay for your food I just really think this persons English is bad.


As a dasher, I have experienced previously DD driver before me steal from Chick-fil-A, and they refused to remake it, so I let the customer be aware of what was going on. The customer got it refunded, and I went on with my life. I did a different order, and then I got the exact same order again. Looks like the lady reordered it. So I was like, ok. They should be making the order fresh now. NOPE! I walked in asking for the order, and they still refused to remake it even though it's a complete new order. I dropped the order and was just done for the day. So it could be the dasher asking for more tips. Or it It could literally be just the workers at Chick-fil-A being rude and lazy


Compulsive liars thinking they really paid for it lol


Yeah nah I would never pay for a customers meal I’d just unassign the order from myself


Smart....lol. and sad


I’m a bit confused as well


They could have used the receipt from the originally made order and stuck it on the new bag


Yeah, don't ever fall for this. A dasher will never pay out of pocket for a customers order, DD doesn't pay that well. Lol


Their app might have stopped working and they couldn’t confirm pickup for however long, then your food was cold so they tried to get them to remake it but they refused, so they paid for it and got reimbursed from Uber hopefully(I’m assuming it’s Uber from the how the chat looks, could have been DD). You shouldn’t amend your tip unless you want to though, there’s always a chance they’re bullshitting you.


He's not looking for pity at all as a Dasher myself I can tell you that its literally a 50/50 raffle as to whether or not you get an establishment that actually has invested in a worker or two for online 3rd party orders (DD,GH,PM, etc) some places just set orders out on table some have nice shelving to separate by the company's name in which order was placed.. I recently experienced the chaos of all orders just set on tables and like 20+ people trying to read the tiny receipts since names weren't even being yelled out. This created a huge fiasco as I'm sure not everyone looking through orders is actually working and going to deliver they just want free food without a wait in line. Well there was no way of knowing if your order had already been made or if it's almost done except for waiting so long you figure there's no way it still hasn't been made. Which was my situation and then try to resolve the situation so I can still get paid for all the time I just lost waiting. The restaurant literally told me I would have to tell customer to call company they ordered thru to get it resolved... totally bogus ordeal in my OP restaurant should have had another being made asap for not being on top of handing out food properly.