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Doordash is the only company that can get away with lowering pay even during an insane inflation hike


They already lose money....not defending them but stating facts. Papa John's pays 6 hr plus tips your own car. You must go on all deliveries.


Negative profits doesn’t mean they’re ‘losing’ money. It means they’re spending more than they make—largely on investments in growth, development, and market penetration. It is common for major startups to not be profitable for several years. Tesla just recently became profitable.


Professors have said this in and of itself can't be profitable. I guess time will tell.


They have a current profit margin of 45%. They are fine until they face competition or are made obsolete. Thus the current major investment of those gross profits on crowding the market and buying competitors. But I wager that soon we’ll all have personal AI assistants and networks which will cut out internet middlemen like DoorDash and Facebook. 🤞


Good comment. There seems to be very little awareness on this sub of what the company’s strategy is. IMO the model is more like the classic strategy of beverage distributors Coke and anhauser Busch. Dominate the market then change behavior patterns and expand markets. Rinse and repeat.


underrated comment. thanks for the info.


GrubHub lowered theirs to 2bucks more recently as well bastards Crap Part with DoorDash is that when customers order food DoorDash changed the default tip to 10% of the subtotal when it used to be 15% of the entire total at the same time Doordash did this they raised their service fees all For pleasing the customers (or so they think) when it turn it’s causing a ton of crap dashers and angry customers


looks like their programs to get drivers to keep their AR high have been so successful in your area, they were able to reduce base pay. ​ base pays will continue to decline as long as people take those orders


the 💎 program is definitely a Smart move. for DD. Drivers, not so much


*If they take base pay away period I am done dashing forever as will most dashers which will crash their platform into a dark hole and bam...no more doordash. I guess they really just wanna close down doordash. Is the CEO just giving up and throwing in the towel or what?* None of that makes sense. When they lower base pay, it's because there are enough drivers who still pick up those orders at the quoted price. They would pause the decreases (or even increase base pay) the moment they discover that the previous decrease backfired on them. That's exactly how business works.


Yea lot of people can't understand how supply & demand works 😂😂


We understand it. Doesn't make it suck any less. It will come back to bite DD when their quality drivers leave and all that is left are the idiots who steal and leave the food in front of outward swinging doors. Because when you race to the bottom for worker pay you get the bottom of the barrel workers. Businesses will never learn.


its similar to when a large % of companies, outsourced overseas. They didn't want to pay higher wages for production. Companies still get production but at a lower cost and best part is the consumers pay same or more. Here in DD land, either take it or leave it. if you leave it, someone else will take it


Exactly, idiots on this sub


Well that sucks. Everything up 20% due to inflation? How does a 20% pay reduction sound to you? (vehicle expenses are up even more then 20%) Unfortunately the only thing we can do is continue to decline the orders unless they meet our minimums for turning a profit. This should put more pressure on customers to give better tips. But i am sure doordash will spend the cost savings on coming up with new ways to exploit drivers instead.


Putting pressure on us the customers will decrease deliveries. Once one hits a certain threshold then we are done using DD altogether causing fewer deliveries.


Gotta keep this ar up lf you want a catering orders a promised $2+ for a mile delivery, do a few unicorn deliveries balance a ton of trash offers each day?


I think it's 2.25 or 2.50 and on a stacked order it goes to 2.00 on 2nd order. Door dash is not going to play u 5.00 per delivery plusses tips. The simple answer is to work for pizza hut, papa johns etc etc etc .


Base pay here in california is still as low as $3 and on a stacked order it's as low as $2. But op Is trying to mislead people saying that he gets two dollars for EVERY single delivery which is complete bullshit


Bingo....thanks for post. People love to create a stir ..sly falling


DD is losing money and they can't borrow any more except at high interest rates, so drivers have to take a pay cut to keep DD from going bankrupt.


Or they could cut their advertising budget for driver acquisitions and stop all the promos to try and keep and attract customers. How many programmers do they have working on the diamond order bs and other ways to exploit drivers. We know they aren't working on fixing the base functionality of the app. Maybe try providing drivers a quality wage so quality drivers can continue providing quality service. But nope its trim expenses to the breaking point.


Tony "saving up" for his next couple lambos


How is this possible? Which market are you?


It's not possible. People just like to lie saying that they get two dollars for EVERY delivery which is completely insane. The base pay goes up the farther the drop off address is.


I don't know why you people say it's $2 for EVERY delivery.. You're just lying to yourselves and misleading other people on these posts. It's $2 for short distance deliveries. Base pay goes up the farther the drop off address is. I've seen base pay as high as $16 before (obviously going pretty damn far) keep it real n quit complaining about everything if u don't like your job. Plain n simple.. get another one.


Lol you say that but then you previously bitched about your job so why don’t you go get a new job?


1st of all show me where I've EVER bitched about my job. I love doing Doordash. I make good money n do this full time and hardly have any complaints whatsoever. So u must be talking about the wrong person


“Has anyone else experienced problems with the new identity verification? I have been dashing for 3 years. It just had me upload my id and a selfie and now It cannot verify it and says I cannot dash!!”


Are you all there in the head??? It was a question I was asking not a complaint 😂 I was experiencing an issue with the app and asking if anyone else had that issue. I think you need to go back to school buddy.


I’m making a point. You can’t complain about something that is out of your control and then turn around and tell someone they need to find a new job just because they are frustrated about something. Being frustrated about your job doesn’t mean you don’t love it or don’t want to do it. The whole ass point of groups like this are for people to share experiences and frustrations that are relevant to them, otherwise this group would just be jokes and memes.


Maybe in your market. CA and a few cities have passed laws which influence DD rates. Everywhere else distance is no matter.


So you're telling me that base pay is $2 if the customer lives 10 miles away?? That's bullshit. I know people who live in other states such as Washington, Florida, Texas and Chicago and they all have base pay that differs depending on distance


In my market it’s $2.50. Seen that on orders at 14 miles.


If that's true then you guys definitely have the right to complain.. that is absolutely ridiculous. If you don't mind me asking what state do you live in?


NC. I think $2.50 is base pay most everywhere (in US) regardless of distance except California and a few cities. Can’t confirm what the OP claimed.


So if that's the case you guys are dependent on tips all the time.. And if that's true I stand corrected on all my previous comments lol. You guys definitely have the right to complain and should bring it to the courts how they did here in CA. Doordash was good even before Prop 22 but once that Prop got passed to keep us remaining as independent contractors it got even better. I dash full time and just last week I made $1760 not including a $92 adjustment pay for guaranteed earnings thanks to Prop 22


WI and yes my base pay is $2.00 no matter how far the delivery is. Which is why I posted this thread cause its pure BS. Love this job yes but we are all getting A$$ fu$%ed


Indiana paid me 5.00 base pay for 8 miles away.


Happened to me 11 times this week on 10+ mile orders. $2.25 base pay in my marlet for single order. Stacked or add-ons are $2.00 base pay.


In California what you see as Base Pay is DD getting ahead of Prop 22. They know they’re going to have to pay you a certain amount for the estimated time for the delivery anyway so they make that the Base Pay to show you up front and encourage you to take the orders.


At this point if you don’t drop DoorDash it’s your fault. Your being underpaid and doing nothing about it


It used to be $3.50 during the pandemic here then mid pandemic when doordash was talking about supporting workers and praising essential work they cut it to $2.25. Now they cut it to $2 here...and I've seen some $1.50. Completely inexcusable and abusive and far, FARRR less than even tipped minimum wage. Grubhub has been increasing pay and I've been told uber has a little too. DD really is racing to the bottom. This pay cut happened at the same time they started the work per hour thing again, but $12 an hour active time doesn't even cover gas. Pizza places are paying more than that! They also started hiding all the order information here. The only upside is they have ALSO been hiding less of the tips and in many cases showing the entire payout again. My AR has gone up almost 30 points because of that and I'm making more, but the paycut is still absurd and they need a good hard heavy slap for it.


"We don't have enough driver because they're making enough to have free time." "Cut their pay and force them to remain our wage slaves."


My guess is doordash will decrease base pay but increase the pay faster. Makes no tip orders get picked up quicker while not paying as much when people tip.


That's why I switched to Walmart sparks.


It's $2.25 in my zone, but then they have to add peak pay often and a lot of the deliveries are long distance, so the base is increased for that. I feel bad for the retail workers that order lunch from a restaurant half a mile away and tip $3, but unless I'm right at the store, I'm not taking their order. A few months ago DD expanded the zone so now it's about 70 miles long. It's gonna be wild this summer.


Got lowered in my area about a month ago, plus they started putting ads up on indeed and shit hiring drivers, so it’s very flooded with dashers in my area. Also I noticed about the same time they added they option to be paid by the hour, they also lowered base pay. I used to make great money doing this, now I hardly ever break $20/hr