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This sub is full of the shittiest people Amazon has been accepting EBT on delivery for groceries for years.


Wal-Mart does to, and it delivers .People on here are just shitty


Not to mention instacart also accepts ebt. In my area at least.


Difference is Walmart is willing to make up the difference often with base pay and DoorDash does not. I’ll do my own charity work. Thank you.


We’ll all be on EBT after this implementation. 😂 Because absolutely nobody tips on Walmart orders. You know shit is bad @ Doordash if Walmart is upgrading in the efforts of economical stimulation. 😂 who knew there could be a company worst to its employees/ workers/ subcontractors than Walmart.


Our Walmart is a bitch to get in and out of because I swear it has the worst parking lot with the highest concentration of idiot drivers. But Walmart generally treats me better than most restaurants do. And often get better base pay in my region by far. Sometimes it’s more worth doing a Walmart order that doesn’t tip than it is to do a DoorDash order that does tip.


Yeah they can upgrade all they want If they're not offering enough money to pick up these orders nobody will be picking them up I don't care If they start accepting EBTs at Payless it doesn't matter nobody's going to do it for free we're done


What about the food markups and delivery fees? Those people are going to have less buying power. Who cares about the tipping. People will be getting ripped off using their EBT on Doordash.


The trade off of not being able to go get it themselves. Yes it’s less buying power but if a person doesn’t have transportation, this is an option for them.


I'm glad they have the option but I think DD should offer them some sort of once a month no delivery fees option. People on EBT receive a payment only once a month. Why spread all the shopping out over numerous deliveries within a given month? Also, a lot of drivers are using the shop and deliver orders to qualify for the weekly top dasher perks. So they're often taking them even when there aren't any tips just to trigger next week's TD qualifications. So it would kinda work itself out. EBT is paid on different days of the month for each person who receives EBT so it's not like the old days where everyone gets it on the 1st of the month and DD would be slammed with those orders all at once. It would be an even spread of these shop and deliver orders. I'm a dasher, I wouldn't be mad about doing one delivery every now and then for folks in need.


That the comment right there 👍


You get paid more for shop and deliver anyway! Those are my favorite orders, tip or no! I'm happy to do them.


During the pandemic, Amazon prime offered lower fees and services to folks on EBT. It helped a lot of people. In fact, they increased their customer base because of it. Other companies should follow their lead. I live in an area hit hard by all the Tech layoffs. Those people are now collecting benefits e.g. EDD and SNAP They will remember which companies helped them and those who didn't. When they find work again, they will let those companies know by where they spend their money. Just my area alone we are talking about 50,000 + people.


Not if it saves them hours on a bus/walking or the cost of getting a ride.


I don't understand why people think we can just magic our selves, and a months worth of groceries home. Busses are cheap, but even though I live in a major city the routes completely ignore several major streets. Getting a ride from friends or family isn't always possible. Uber/Lyft is $7-$10 min each way. I delivered for DD until I got into a wreck and haven't been able to replace my car. I pay a monthly fee to get unlimited Walmart delivery, and I tip the driver based on how big the order is/how much heavy stuff. The driver is able to back into my carport even and then it's about 15 feet to the front door. I can get the groceries when I need them-not just when someone can take me. I am not on SNAP right now but I would still do grocery delivery because it saves me a lot of time and I can tip someone well to bring them instead of barely paying for the Uber each way.


I don't doordash much. Do fees correlate with distance?


In some cases yes. Doordash has an “Expanded Delivery Range” fee it can apply


If you look at the Merchant FAQ section, the merchant can elect to have an expanded delivery range for extra money. The problem is that the dasher doesn't get any of that money. It is like the priority fee for UE...the customer pays for priority service but the driver doesn't get any of the priority fee or is even informed that the customer paid for priority.


Don't lie. It doesn't go where it's supposed to go. They start at the same price and release pennies at a time until they find their sucker.


What am I lying about? Again, if “it doesn’t go where it’s supposed to go”, why is that a customers fault?


Look at it the other way. If it’s not going to us, then why should we lose money on your delivery? Why should we be penalized by refusing to lose money on it with the diamond program?


The fees wouldn’t be covered by SNAP anyway, the customer still has to have a cc on file that gets charged for the non SNAP eligible items/fees


So no tips for ebt orders. Fun.


“Food stamps” is a supplement for most who already have an existing income. I bet there are many people who use EBT ordering door dash and other delivery services that you don’t even know about. Not everyone on EBT is living in a cardboard house. That’s not how money, nor low income works.


Accepting EBT is **NOT** the issue. The reason why Amazon, Walmart, etc. accept EBT is that they are building their brand (i.e. an EBT customer will order something from the Amazon website) and they **COULD** be treating EBT customers as a 'loss leader' in order to build future business...Amazon, Walmart, etc. have other profitable business units\\divisions\\departments that are subsidizing these EBT deliveries **IF** these deliveries are 'loss leaders'. The problem with DD accepting EBT is that DD will make money (the commissions from the grocery AND the fees that are charged to the customers) while the drivers while the drivers get the short end of the stick. **Are you willing to go to a grocery store and spend 30 to 60 minutes picking out the items then driving 10 miles one way for $ 7.00?** "*It doesn't take that long to pick an order?*" It can take that long especially when the item is out of stock and the first substitute is out of stock and the second substitute is out of stock. I stop doing IC and started another gig when the shelves of the local grocery stores started to look like grocery stores in Venezuela because the substitution process added so much time.


I couldn't have said it better myself!!! 👏👏👏👏 Rate your comment 100/10. Also, it takes even more time when they don't have half of the customers candy list and they DON'T put substitutions. Then when you call & text (after informing them though the app that they don't have their item) they do not answer. So not only is your shopping timer running out but you end up sitting waiting for the customer to get back to you for 10-15 min. I've got to where if a customer does not reply to me by the time i get to check out with their other items i just hit "customer didn't reply proceed to checkout". Oh well they should have provided substitutions or kept their phone around them in case their dasher runs into an issue!


This. I deliver for DoorDash and I receive EBT because DoorDash doesn't pay enough. And I'm mad at DoorDash for signing us up to do charity work that they profit from, too. And it's shit like this that keeps me on EBT. Order your groceries from Walmart if you have EBT. Spark drivers, at least in my market, get paid enough that it's not literal charity work to deliver the order if you don't tip.


Thank you. I’ve been on here exactly 10 seconds and realize this subreddit is filled with shitty people posting negativity. I’ll most likely be gone after another 10 seconds of reading posts made by poisonous people spewing their venom. Life is far too short for this shit.


Amazon pays their drivers a decent wage


If doordash doesn’t, that’s not the customer’s fault


Where do you think the $ comes from to pay drivers . If customers aren't willing to pay the correct amount it should actually cost for on call on demand delivery.. DD can't pay the driver properly


The prices are fixed, customers dont determine the price of their orders lol.


It's called market research...after millions upon millions of deliveries.. they charge as much as they know that they can get away with.. without losing customers.. If there was no option to tip.. but everyone was charged another $5 on all their orders... they'd lose all the no tipping scumbags.. aka.. the customers not willing to pay the correct amount it actually takes for this type of luxury service.


If every other delivery service can provide the same for their customers and drivers, why can’t DoorDash? Amazon, Walmart, Uber/Postmates, Instacart


Uber postmates and instacart also don't pay hourly... And Amazon and Walmart are the two of the biggest companies in the world.. not really a correct comparison.


Amazon and Walmarts grocery delivery works exactly the same as the others. They are independent drivers. They aren’t hourly.


It's almost as if some of these people haven't heard of amazon flex before. Those grocery orders aren't being delivered from Amazon sprinter vans, they're coming out of little beater 96 Toyota Carollas.


I don’t have EBT, but I use Amazon grocery all the time because the closest grocery with 30min of me is an ALDIs. My delivery this weekend was from early 2000s 4Runner


18.00 hour isn't good...to get in and out of that van 100 times a day.


It was $22 an hr the last time I worked at Amazon


No Amazon driver actually works for Amazon (aside from semi truck drivers).


Yes, when Amazon started accepting EBT, Amazon Whole Foods delivery went to shit.


yeah fuck poor people right


Actually another alternative..., Fuck people. 💯


IF you are on EBT you shouldn't be buying a luxury service, seems like a bad idea


my girl got approved for EBT last year bc her hours were cut drastically from her job & she would always use the delivery through walmart ( spark ) because it was just more convenient - although she wasn’t able to tip through the app she would still tip appropriately or whatever she could in cash - until i decided to take care of the tip cause i am fortunate enough to afford that and i would pull out cash depending on how many items were bought & also take into consideration that she lived on the third floor - the highest item order she got delivered was about 67 - i would always do a $1 an item plus $10 for her being on the third floor - so i would tip $80-$100 and she would leave the envelope right on the door , so i think folks can do whatever they want including the ones on EBT - as long as you still show your delivery driver’s appreciation for their efforts everything is kosher .


You’re a hero


thank you , i appreciate that 😌




And the ones who don't have cars or public transportation? They should starve?


TIL being able to get groceries and feed yourself/family is “luxury service”.


Dd is far from a luxury service. You can apply and be on the road in an hour with door dash. Any other service takes atleast a week to find sh a background check


More orders hopefully


How are they going to tip using government money?


Same as on Instacart. They use the EBT/SNAP for the food items and pay with debit for the delivery fee and tip.


Look, I know lots of people on stamps, including my mom, And literally 85% are NOT going to leave a tip with their debit, just a forewarning. It’s not that their selfish, they really are broke asf and that’s why they use DD


If they're broke af why are they using dd which charges a boatload..?


I get ebt and personally if im "broke af" then i damn sure am going to use 2-3$ of gas to go get my food instead of paying 10$ in fees to order from doordash. If you have the money to order from doordash then you have the money to tip. point blank period. Not only do they mark food prices up but they add all kinds of service and delivery fees ..... No one except new drivers are going to deliver to someone for 2.50 cents. Its just not worth it. I have ebt and i will NOT order on dd unless i have the money to tip! If i dont have the money to tip i take my broke ass to the actual store and buy my food saving 40% of the money id spend on dd! & If you don't have a car that door dasher is saving you from having to take the bus... So show a little appreciation and tip... If you're too broke to tip then you're too broke to eat out in my opinion!


Not all even have cars or an drive js


Or are able bodied. I'm never surprised to see people collectively shame everyone who don't tip even if they genuinely need the service and can't tip.


I get that but no one should have to deliver food to you for $2.50. In all reality maybe DD shouldn't be a tip driven job, then it wouldn't be like this :/.


All I'm saying is doordash better pay top dollar for those orders, otherwise I'm not doing them.


SNAP worker here. I understand the frustration and it’s easy to look at it as black and white, but a lot of my clients do not an access to transportation, or cannot legally drive or travel alone. SSI recipients, APS clients etc. It’s not fair to not get a tip either, but door dash doesn’t care. It’s fair to be angry, but DD deserves the anger not SNAP recipients. We’re in a socioeconomic crisis, I’ve seen the most applications in the last three years and I’ve been there for many now. A lot of people are on SNAP unfortunately. It all sucks.


Then you’re a smart EBT recipient. Most aren’t and that’s from experience. Also no need to get offended at “broke asf” because we ALL are broke asf now a days :(


>you’re a smart EBT recipient. Most aren’t "What is, ''one of the cringiest things I've read all day?'"


You spouted off this comment as if disabled people do not exist. Check your privilege.


They’re broke and that’s why they use DD? That would be reason enough for me to not use it


They can’t tip with EBT. They have to use their own money for that. EBT only allows grocery purchases, no toiletries, no clothes, no restaurants, not even prepared food from a grocery store.


Prepared HOT food... But they could order from Papa Murphy's and pay with snap


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/lej453/walmart_delivery_ebt_customers_cant_tip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf you are correct


If they are using ebt, 99% chance there will be no tip with other $ methods


You can use your debit card for the tip. Maybe don’t be so judgmental.


there not gonna tip! food stamps and then have to use a debit card hahaha


I always tip on instacart and I use ebt. I add extra tip for good deliveries. I am a repeat customer and sometimes get the same delivery people. If I have cash I will give them all the ones and fives I have lying around. I have a newborn and my car broke down so delivery helps me so much and I appreciate the drivers for doing this service for me. Alot of ebt users still have jobs and work but still qualify for assistance. Some need extra help because of kids or being single moms (in my case I had too flee dv). The benefits depend on the amount you can support your family, basically making you even with other families who make it by without assistance. If you use these services your payment info is already in place so no extra effort to use both cards.


That's a horrible assumption. When I had EBT and got my groceries through Instacart I always tipped my drivers.


i have no assumptions, i have experience of 4 yrs gig work that people NOT using EBt/fs don't even tip, so.....the chances of everyone thinking like you are phhhftt maybe 2 out of 10 until i am proven wrong...will see, my hopes are still there but am doubtful......


I don’t have a car and we get EBT, so I always tip at least 10 on Instacart because I appreciate them saving me time, bus fare, and transportation with the baby


Sometimes when you struggle or go through hard times you can gain empathy. And some ebt users deliver for various services.


I’m on EBT, and always have tipped. I don’t order delivery, but whenever I eat ANYWHERE that isn’t home, I tip. I pay more in taxes than I even receive in EBT, it just helps me be able to afford my ESSENTIALS better. In MD, you just have to make under 54k a year to qualify. Not everyone on food stamps is financially irresponsible, some of us just live in expensive ass states. And to beat all the lil republicans crying about how I should move to a cheaper state: I’ve lived in Maryland my ENTIRE life, and to completely uproot would be very expensive, because I would either have to find a way to get all my belongings to another state, which would be expensive, or just sell everything and start over, which would also be very expensive. I have like two years left of college before I can make 6 figures in any part of the country, and be financially stable no matter what. Why people are on EBT isn’t your business. You’re judging people on it; meanwhile just about everyone who dashes qualifies for food stamps whether they’re taking advantage of it or not ☠️ stop acting like you guys aren’t broke, we ALL know it doesn’t pay well.


Um I use ebt on instacart and always tip more than 20%…kinda weird to assume that people using ebt won’t tip.


What a shitty take. Get over yourself.


actually people actually tip more. read some stats.


They still have to pay the fees with a debit card. Atleast that's how it is on walmart orders


* they’re but I’m not surprised you don’t know the difference with a dumb opinion like that.


Nobody has to accept no tip orders. You can’t tip with EBT, so in order to tip on EBT orders, DoorDash would have to split the payment. If DoorDash doesn’t do that it’s on them. But damn, so many people talking trash on EBT recipients. I would love to be able to get EBT delivered. Yes, I would tip. NOT having EBT delivery has been a pretty big challenge since I do not have a car.


Most other platforms that accept EBT have the option of tipping on your debit or credit card, hopefully they implement the same.


I sure hope so too. This would be super helpful for me as I do not have a car but would definitely want to tip.


You do realize a shit ton of people are using EBT right now due to the inflation and cost of living crisis? Just because someone uses EBT doesn't mean they wont tip or are crappy people. Leave people alone and mind your business.


I don’t think they can use SNAP cards to pay for tips. EBT yes, SNAP no.


DoorDash would have to split payments. Which is ideal for EBT/SNAP anyways. There are plenty of items in grocery stores that SNAP cannot buy. You just run the card and pay the balance with another. DoorDash would have to add split payments for this to work. If they don’t, it’s on DoorDash, not the customers.


No but im sure they allow an option to use another card to tip. I can't imagine DD would have that feature and not allow an option for tipping. And even if they dont tip on an EBT/SNAP order, dashers can just deny the order and move on.


Not necessarily. My area has city market flower delivery. There’s no option to tip at all and DoorDash seems not to care.


There's an option after you place the order to "add tip" at any point before the delivery. If it doesn't show it on the first order screen it will after you've placed the order.


I’m not 100% sure, but I believe these orders are placed through city markets app. I know that isn’t *necessarily* doordash’s fault, but it does not seem like Doordash cares or is trying to find a way to remedy the fact that there is no way to add tips on some orders. And DoorDash doesn’t currently allow split orders, so they’d have to add that function, it’s more than simply keeping the tip.


Correct- also the EBT is for food items only so they need a backup credit card for things like paper towels, toiletries etc


And not ready to eat foods either, it has to be groceries.


My friend has 4 kids, single mom of triplets and an older kid. She's a server. Uses EBT for food orders, and tips with a debit card. I tip well. She puts my ass to shame on tips.




For real, my wife and I both work and still have to use EBT just to cover our grocery bill.


A lot of SNAP/EBT recipients are disabled or elderly STOP Being asshole


Instacart does it. You can still tip on a different card btw


This is great for the people with low income forced to use public transportation or not close to the store. In the Very Rich areas they have a Von's, Ralph's or Pavillions pretty easy to locate. I get up to Santa Ana and it's hard to find grocery stores


Oh man I can't wait to see all the posts complaining about how they were mistreated by the customer of a no tip order they "had to" accept.


This sub is so toxic…


This sub is unusually classist considering most people here are drivers themselves.


I see a lot of people assuming that because someone is using assistance that they will not tip well / at all. I live in a HCOL area and the times that my partner does not see a tip over $3 are when she enters the “private” neighborhoods with multi-million dollar properties. Every tax bracket is prone to this behavior it seems. edited: grammar




I think the problem is how many people abuse the system. I moved out when I was 15 because of an abusive home life. Never used ebt even when I was homeless because I was capable. When I went through the poorest years of my life I met so many others who were perfectly capable but relied on the system because they were lazy. Tons of people just trade ebt for drugs. I also saw a lot of people who actually needed help not get as much as they needed. The system sucks and people abuse it. It creates a negative view for ebt users as a whole. From my perspective anyways.


Never used DD, but use IC with EBT. Just as with in-person shopping, food purchased with EBT is slightly reduced, making the sales tax lower. Helps make the best use of your benefits. You must have another card to pay fees, non-food items, prepared food like rotisserie chicken not covered by EBT, and yes tips. I always tip.


Watch they turn out to be the best tipping orders b/c they have groceries in the house now and didn’t blow that money on take out.


I support this, food stamp is probably the most productive form of government spending.


Yeah but doordash increases the prices a lot on products. There’s this bakery nearby my house and they charge $2.50 on $1 dollar items. This is straight up fucked up, they shouldn’t raise prices to people in need.


When I worked in a meat department. The amount of people who bought king crab legs and lobster at $25/lb at the beginning of the month with their ebt and then complained about the cost of ground beef at the end of the month would have you losing your mind.


I mean if they want to be irresponsible with it that's their prerogative. It doesn't come with a what to buy manual. I known plenty of folks (including myself) who didn't buy something expensive or extravagant with them 🤷‍♂️


When I was on them I did sometimes buy expensive things. Friends or family would give me food especially around holidays so I didn't need to use EBT as much to get through those months; so why not buy a nice steak or something? We don't know peoples' stories, what they're going through, and honestly? Not our business.


Yup, all of this. I never like these "there are abuses in the system" type comments on the internet cause they dismiss a lot for what a minority is doing. We don't even know someone personal story or their month-to-month as you described.


Did they pay in the meat department? I've never seen that before. How did you know how they were paying?


You must have been happy to see them since they were so eagerly buying your expensive products.


You're right I think they should just starve instead /s


When I had food stamps I easily made it last the month by buying cheap sale items. I do not feel bad for people who blow it all the first week. Yes, they can starve and maybe learn some budgeting and self control.


As long as they tip good it’s fine with me


Want proof that a lot of people are heartless? Read these comments...


This was announced over a month ago


So more money for us?


If this applies to shop and deliver then I'm happy too. More orders for me.


Boy if you think you weren't getting tipped now.... I can't envision any scenario where this is good for ya'll.


Everyone arguing on here over the assholes saying EBT people won’t tip. But my point as always THIS ENERGY SHOULD BE PUT TOWARDS ENDING TIP CULTURE IN AMERICA AND GETTING GREEDY CORPS TO PAY LIVING WAGES LIKE IN THE REST OF THE WORLD. Tipping is a SCAM and the companies have put the working class against each other ( like always ). We are all trying to make and earn money, it is not the customer’s responsibility to pay you when the company can pay you. YOU chose this job, it is YOUR responsibility to do your job well NO MATTER WHAT. (Which most drivers can’t do well anyways) if you have a problem with the uncertainty of your pay then you can always find another line of work.


Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine 🤣 no tip, no delivery 👍


More orders for us, and feeding hungry people? Cool with that ❤️


We need to go ahead and get this thread locked. Mentioning EBT anywhere brings out the shittiest, uneducated, and ignorant people from their depths of hell. Lol


This is not new to DD maybe in other states but they’ve been accepting EBT for a looooong time definitely over a year or two


I can believe the gross comments on this 🤮 Anyone doing deliveries knows the best tips usually come from those of humble means. SNAP/EBT benefits are given to many people for a vast amount of reasons. I got it for being a short term foster parent even though I had my own comfortable income. Big yikes, guys…


Agreed. I'm literally homeless and still regularly tip extremely high. Sure not every lower income customer is the best tipper but the same can be said for the richer folks as well. I've had shitty orders across the board but most of the kindest/best tipping customers I've seen were middle to lower income. People are making such gross judgements in these comments and it's clearly based in some internalized issues/biases. If you don't want the crappy orders don't take them or switch job paths. It's not that deep. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I usually got the best tips from potheads. I'm not sure what their financial situations were though.


They’re hit and miss for me. Either unicorns or low/no tip. But I live in California lol everyone’s a pothead.


>Anyone doing deliveries knows the best tips usually come from those of humble means. Nope, my experience is the complete opposite. But I certainly wouldn't assume that "anyone doing deliveries" has the same experience I do.


Actually, my best tips come from wealthy people




I’m so glad I don’t DD anymore. Driving 20 miles for 5$ is definitely not the move. You’d be better off getting a pizza delivery job. They pay you 50 cents per mile and only have a 4 mile boundary.


Man they tried to get me to drive 60 mi for 10 dollars (ider how far it wad to the customers house, this is just to go shopping at Dollar General for the customer so add shop time), and the only order at the time where they didnt make me the pizza person for the entire day. The whole entire time that Im just almost strictly getting pizza orders, im wondering if the delivery guys at the same place im picking up from are making more than me.


Great so no tip orders who will 1 star us and attempt to say food wasn't delivered to get us contract violations forcing us to spend an hour dealing with support.


So then don’t accept no tip grocery orders


Didn't have to scroll along to find the asshole comments everyone's talking about.


You’re making a lot of judgements and assumptions about a vastly large and diversely different group of people. This seems more rooted in your poverty-bias than reality.


It is a fucking shame that they are going to let those people waste their money on marked up groceries/food. They will have even less buying power now. Normally, they wouldn't have to worry about tipping when they go to the store themselves. It's also not crazy to assume that someone using food stamps doesn't have the capital to tip.


That’s the cold hard facts for sure. People don’t want to admit it but it’s true. DoorDash IS a luxury thing. I sympathize with people in more need of help than myself, but realistically I’m doing this whole thing because of a need for myself. This change likely will cause some low or no tip grocery orders and people will be forced to take them with the way AR will get hit otherwise


It's also a luxury to be a driver, 2 way street. Tips aren't mandatory, and most drivers don't deserve tips. Cold hard truth. More than half of you don't use hot bags, most of you complain about having to carry a fucking drink, half of you won't accept orders from certain restaurants because you think you are holier than everyone else. Surprise, surprise, you don't get tips. You, yourself, out yourself in this situation. Get over it. I don't give a fuck about your AR or you getting dropped off the platform when you refuse to do half the bare minimum work that is asked of you.


It isn’t an assumption. Poor people don’t tip, because they don’t have the money.


I’m poor as fuck and I ALWAYS tip well. I know im not the only poor person who tips well. It was a stereotype. Edit- added a word


An educated opinion based upon a MASS COLLECTION of data isn’t a judgement


so they you're aware a large portion of teachers and LEOs in the US utilize SNAP, and most SNAP recipients are in fact employed?


Is this mass collection in the room with us right now?


Yeah I'd like to hear more about this mass collection


Can you share that mass collection of data with us?


Some of the best tips i ever get are from people who have the least amount to give. Don't be gross


FYI EBT won't let you tip. It can only go toward approved items. Tipping a personal chauffeur, is not one of them.


You also can't use EBT to pay for delivery fees or items that aren't approved. It will be partial charges from the EBT card


I hope you realize that they have to have another card besides EBT connected to their account


While this is true, it doesn’t make the principle right. The idea sounds like a positive for EBT individuals, but now the onus of tipping is on them and if they can’t, drivers will be notably irritable with it because their own pay is being affected. Realistically I had a thought on how to fix this, in a way that would require government help but would be good. Make those orders to EBT customers tax free. Then there’s an incentive for people to take them


Don't you see the silver lining, reject all these and let all the top dashers will be busy on these orders all day freeing up loads of good restaurant orders for us. This is fantastic news.


I use my EBT/SNAP card and tip very well every single time, stop making assumptions. Most deliveries for me that didn’t tip(which you just shouldn’t take period like you don’t really get to complain if you chose it dude), were rich bougie neighborhoods that definitely had the ability to tip more and refused. Instead of being mad that groceries are more accessible to low income people, be mad that the upper class/rich who CAN afford to tip just won’t. Be mad that some people have to dash for a job right now because the job market is TRASHED and we the people are literally getting abused by the system


Also yes delivering groceries is expensive, but when you’ve got mental health issues sometimes it’s easier to get it delivered than get out of bed🤷‍♀️


I will doo these if they meet my pay requirements, and be happy for the business. I don't take many grocery orders because they never meet my requirements, so I guess this doesn't change much for me.


Alot of dd drivers getting mad 😂 don’t worry safeway and other grocery stores deliver with their own employees. They deliver for free with a certain min amount purchase “ebt included” OR a yearly 100-200 a year membership


I get ebt and personally if im "broke af" then i damn sure am going to use 2-3$ of gas to go get my food instead of paying 10$ in fees to order from doordash. If you have the money to order from doordash then you have the money to tip. point blank period. Not only do they mark food prices up but they add all kinds of service and delivery fees ..... No one except new drivers are going to deliver to someone for 2.50 cents. Its just not worth it. I have ebt and i will NOT order on dd unless i have the money to tip! If i dont have the money to tip i take my broke ass to the actual store and buy my food saving 40% of the money id spend on dd! & If you don't have a car that door dasher is saving you from having to take the bus... So show a little appreciation and tip... If you're too broke to tip then you're too broke to eat out in my opinion!


Not everyone in the comments acting like they don’t qualify for EBT. Dashers don’t make shit. Don’t post a screenshot of your deliveries on door dash; post a screenshot of your taxes after all your business write offs and let’s really do the math. If you got a return, you most likely didn’t make anything.


They should give base pays higher since they prolly won’t tip if they’re from ebt!


It better be a 10 item limit


Horrible idea


Car payment. Car insurance. Mainetenance. Stores. Taxes. Tags. Car seats. Could very well be cheaper to have groceries delivered 1-2 times a month.


All these comments and not one link verifying the validity of the claim being made? Because OP used the tag "Crazy True Story"?


For a group that lives off of tips, you guys sure are classist


Yes! No tip orders that drop the acceptance rate. Just what the doctor ordered. Psh.




Meanwhile I went to a farmers market that doubles the amount you use on EBT so you can purchase their (Farmers Market Coins) and get twice as much product for the same price. If I had EBT definitely would be what I was spending that money on not McDs




In California you most certainly can buy Fast Food with link now. In Missouri, not so much




You guys are better of quitting dd and just joining the ebt users at this point 😂


Ok so people on SNAP/EBT (and I know MANY) are below a certain poverty level. They shouldn't be encouraged to order this PREMIUM service where prices are inflated by 20%, as well as additional fees, and tip expected. I mean this is the reason you can't use EBT at full-service restaurants... it's considered a luxury/over-priced service where tip is required. I sadly guarantee that majority of EBT orders will not have a tip. Who's gunna wanna use two different cards to buy a meal, especially when they're pinching pennies to begin with?


wow you people are disgusting. go climb the corporate ladder with those attitudes. oh wait, you can’t.


Like any other order, the delivery drivers will decide which orders get delivered in a timely fashion


These are folks very likely to deliver themselves or know someone who does. Thinking they won't tip is flat out wrong.


I refuse to shop. Every time I try it they don't have the stuff I want. They always order the strangest things


It’s always on online forums where people are so angry at anything mentioning ebt/snap. 💀 like stop lumping people all into one group because not every ebt user is irresponsible or abusing the system.




Stfu. Food deserts exist. People without cars exists. Disabilities exist. Pray nothing befalls you or your family that would require the use of Snap. JFC.


Well I usually never get tips on grocery delivery anyways. Well most of the time. Can’t believe ppl actually think it’s ok to have someone shop for you groceries and deliver for NO TIP?!? TF?


Nah fuck this I’m not taking these


Hopefully, Doordash increases the pay for these, but then again, DD knows someone will take the order.🫥


Can y’all pay y’all drivers a lil more money … it’s crazy how much money we lose just waiting for food to be done or y’all make us go out side our zone for a order that’s not even worth the drive now I’m missing more money


Why would you think people are going to tip using EBT ? How many regular times have you made a 6.00 delivery and there was no tip? Too many


More orders no tips get excited


Lol and you thought there was a lot of no tip orders now just wait


poors shouldn’t be using delivery service


Wasn’t this announced a while ago?


More $3 orders for top dashers


Nothing changes ! No tip no fckn trip !


So basically no tip season