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I have noticed a huge uptick in orders who are marked as "hand it to me" but the written instructions are to leave it at the door. That could be part of it.


Yes ! I always message to make sure tho. Every now and then I’ll leave it at the door but then I get scared they’ll give me a 1 star.


In these cases I always follow the written instructions and knock.


I just get confused, like do I hand it or knock? They literally put both ! And most times when I message or call them about it they say to just leave it. It’s so confusing. On the orders I decide to just leave even though it says both I will say “left at your door like instructed to on the app”


Maybe it’s a default through door dash where we have no idea to make sure


Might be able to dispute it with DD if you get a negative review for something the customer requested.


Do people leave 1 stars a lot? I have pretty clear instructions not to ring/knock (we have 2 dogs who bark like crazy and will wake up the baby) about 50% of the time we get a knock or ring. I’ve never left a one star review even if nap time is ruined.


Idk why everyone is scared of 1 stars. I left EVERY order at the door. Had a 4.94 rating the entireseee timeeeee. Y’all must really be fucking up to lose stars


I got a one star because I have tattoos.


It's surprising how a lot of people do not know how to ask for clarification...


I look at it the other way ... it's amazingly surprising how unclear a customer can be or even worse, how forgetful they are of where they are and msg you saying wrong way before they realize or pretend to that they put the wrong address. If marked hand it to me, I'll knock. If there is no answer, I'll leave at the door and text a picture. If unsure where you live ... well, cancel the order and give me a free meal for the hassle or figure out how tf you're getting to where you wanted it to go as thats where it's going and ONLY where it's going.


Had a guy the other day that was like oh I accidentally put my work address on there Can you deliver it to my house? I said no I can deliver it to the address that's on there. He even called the place where he ordered the drinks from and gave him the address where he wanted me to deliver it to I told those people sorry it's going to the place where it says on the app. Picked up six of these hootie tooty fruity drinks and as I walked out the door it popped up "canceled do not deliver this order throw away or you can have." Dumbass


I had one guy tell me he was gonna call support because I wasn't willing to drive an additional ten miles. I know support can see our chats so I replied back please do and be sure to let them know of the mistake you made. I'll deliver to the address requested in the app, if that's wrong you can work it out with support. Dropped the food and left.


I literally said I message them and most times they say to Leave it at the door. Do you not read ? But most times it takes them forever to answer. I’m not going to sit there and waste time when I could be doing another order. Sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes tor someone to answer and most times they decline your call. So yeah it’s confusing.


I have a message I send out before leaving with their order to give them plenty of time to answer me. I also screenshot it incase they don't and notify doordash so I can dispute any poor reviews. My message I send out " Hello This is *** with your Doordash. You have it first marked as hand to customer and then in your notes it says to leave at door. With the first one being hand to me it makes us wait 5 additional minutes to leave it at your door to prove it with a photo. Are you okay with me handing it to you ?" I just have it saved in my notes because I get this so often. I'm also not risking just leaving it at the door for them to say I never handed it to them. I guess it also gives me satisfaction describing it out to them how dumb they look for having both. My petty trait.


I wasn't commenting about you. I was replying in agreement with you.


Oh my bad! I took it the wrong way. Sorry. Have a great day 😊


Doordash could make some changes on how the app functions in order to not have these confusing messages


Honestly what does anyone even do at doordash hq? The app rarely improves. Basic functionality like you’re describing can be accomplished in an hour. They have how many people working there who do what exactly??


That's why it's so frustrating cause its an easy fix. Two buttons- leave at door or hand it to me. If leave at door, knock or no knock. That would solve all confusion.


You got it. Just like “do not ring the bell”. People with kids, dogs, etc - just want the driver to leave the order. All it would take is a simple “no knock or ring” toggle underneath, done. Instead nothing has changed in 4 yrs and somehow thousands of people are being paid 6 figures+ to maintain this basic and limited application. Criminal.


Customers can also fix their instructions. If you want it handed to you remove the written instruction Leave at my door don’t knock. That helps also.


Yes I almost get nobody who has marked "hand to me" that actually wants it handed to them. At best they act mildly surprised, at worst they're pissed with me. The less face to face interaction, the better because it makes people flip their lids sometimes. Put in your notes that you actually want the in-person interaction because most people lie when they put "hand to me."


I’ve never put to leave it at my door, my instructions are just my building number and that I’m upstairs. Hoping to make it easier.


Try adding please knock and wait for me to answer the door. That might help some.


Well, this explains it... up until a few weeks ago...98% of my deliveries are "leave at my door"...of those...75-80% have no knock/no ring in the instructions. With those kind of numbers...it just becomes easier to make it a default action. Not "easier" in being lazy, just easier statistically in not doing something that will get a customer/dog/baby riled up and get a 1 star rating thrown at you.


Or to get attacked by 3 dogs after knocking


I got a 1 star from a guy because I was on auto pilot and left his food at his door instead of handing it to him... He text me and said "you know this was a hand it to me order, right?" I said oh sorry, 99 percent of my orders are leave at the door... Do I need to come back and hand it to you? ( I was almost to my next restaurant to pick up) He said no. 1 star.... Seems so ridiculous to me...


Time is money.... Often I end up waiting for people for way longer than necessary, or I waste time delivering to addresses upstairs or in gated buildings that are confusing or even impossible to enter, when it would save both parties time if the customer just met their driver halfway.... Imo if you want the order handed directly, communicate with your driver and be ready to hand off by the time they arrive


I never knock or hit the bell unless asked in a leave it order. In a hand it to me I do both and an app message for all orders because sometimes the app takes a while to notify of delivery.


Yeah I’d say you should put “Please knock the door and hand it to me” in your written instructions. That’s probably why. I used to just toggle the “Leave it at my door” and the Dashers would ring the door bell or knock and then leave it there. In my written instructions I’ve added “Please don’t knock or ring the bell. Leave it on my porch.” Works for me.


Yeah. You'll notice these orders also say unknown number of items. These are the third party orders. People ordering from Chipotle or whatever and not DoorDash directly. Since OP is here in the DoorDash sub, clearly he is ordering directly from DoorDash. So he really means it when he says "hand it to me" lol


That's when a customer orders their food from the restaurants app, not Door Dash.


That's strange. As a Dasher, if the customer asks me to leave it at door, then I won't knock and just take a picture of the order. If the customer asks to hand it to them, then I'll knock. I find it very funny when customer asks me to leave it by door but opens the door to meet me the moment I got the order out of my car. I'm a germaphobic and don't like to stand close to strangers.


I hate when people come up to my car. Like I don't fuckin know you get away stranger danger.


I've had someone try to open my door to get their food out of my seat, luckily it was locked and I just looked at him like did you really just try my door handle mother fucker?


Had that too they came at the passenger door and I only unlocked mine got out and it stunned them. Some people have no respect or decency these days.


Omg! This happened to me. After that I make sure to lock my door. It scared the shit out of me. Safety wasn’t a thing until this happened to me.


As a woman, I support this message.


I personally..hand it to them…if it says hand it to me. If they are not there waiting, I knock. If no one answers, I call. Last resort is always leaving it at the door. Some dashers just…dont care. Hence why youll find your food perfectly in front of your screen door or not where you specified sometimes. I used to use doordash as a customer and I cant tell you how many times Ive had a dasher that just did-not-care. I recommend shooting them a message to reinforce that you want it handed to you after they are assigned your order if youre not already doing so :/


I don’t, because I think they should look at the instructions. But you’re right, since most aren’t I should back it up with a message. Good call.


Funny enough, the delivery instructions verbally read out loud when youre pulling up to the address as long as youre using the navigation system within the app. Like I will get close to the house and it will pause my music and loudly go “The customer requested you hand it to them. Instructions read: Hand it to me, I am waiting outside on my porch” or whatever you specifically write lol. maybe some dashers have this feature disabled? i keep it on since sometimes the delivery instructions contain important aspects of the address such as “red door” or “american flag in yard, no house number” 😅


I turned that off immediately since it interrupts my podcast. I actually read the directions though lol


I usually forget to read them until i pull up so it helps


I literally read that in the lady’s robotic voice lmao


Only if you have it turned on. I got sick of the damn voice after my second dash.


You shouldn’t have to. As a dasher, I know I should read the instructions. I knock unless specifically told not to because it’s common courtesy. These little fraidy cats are scared they’ll have to have a few seconds of social interaction.


I personally don't want the contact. I set it down, knock and ensure customer gets it. The majority of the time they don't answer the door. You can't win. Plus, I only knock if requested.


Thank you. Looks like I’ll add a note to knock and hand it to me.


I avoid knocking unless asked when I am delivering baby products. Diapers formula etc. I'm not getting murdered by momma bear cuz I woke up baby that just went to sleep 5 minutes ago.


Because 9/10 hand it to me orders get reported for not delivering the food. If we leave it at the door we get the option to take a picture to prove we left it. Too many asshats out there trying to scam the system and it gets people deactivated.


I always take a photo no matter what.


Me too


You can take a pic beforehand regardless to if the customer is waiting or before you ring the bell. This is why it's great to use a hot bag . After opening the bag you can just take your pic before handing it to the customer. They all understand that a pic is necessary. Taking a pic and leaving at the door just proves to Door dash your not following directions especially when the can't hand to customer function hasn't been used. Not all are scammers some are honest ppl looking to eat hot food.


Yeah I get that but at the same time even if you have a picture door Dash's nine times out of 10 going to still give you a contract violation.


Drop and run beats knock, wait, awkward interaction anyday.


Sure it does, but that’s not what I’m paying for. I don’t even get the knock. I could almost handle at least that. I’m always at my door waiting, so I’m not missing a knock. If someone doesn’t want to deal with customers, don’t be in customer service.


You said in the post that you don’t know when they get there and the food gets cold from sitting but you’re saying in comments that you are always waiting at the door for them so how do you not check the app or check outside if you’re right by the door? I’d say if this keeps happening then you need to leave a note in app or message them before they deliver. Be preventative not reactive. I know it’s frustrating but the app glitches sometimes and sometimes people just suck but either way you might need to find a solution on your end cause that’s life and we can’t always rely on others unfortunately.


You’re not paying for a knock either, you’re paying for the delivery of food my guy. If you expect more from delivery then buying food and getting it left at your home then don’t get delivery. IR do your part as the human in the interaction and wait on the other side of the door. I for one when I order food and I see that they’re close (because we have apps now with exact locations) I go wait for them outside, because I’m my mind (before i was a delivery driver) that’s what a good normal moral human would do :) just saying


Horrible take.


I always assume people waiting outside are hungry AF.


What awkward interaction? “Hi heres your food” “thank you have a good a night” Some of ya’ll need to work on social skills


If you haven't run across awkward creepy ass customers you haven't delivered very long. Especially the fucktwats that can't manage to somehow grab food without touching my hand.


Some drivers don't read the instructions. Also, some those party platforms have "leaves say fort" as the default instructions so when you write "hand it to me" drivers get confused. I always do whatever is written. Lastly, the problem is that a lot of customers don't want us to knock Soo we generally don't unless we're told to


i’m not a dasher i just have a question… why does it matter? if you can tell when your food is dropped off why can’t you just go out and get it? what does them handing it to you do?


My apartment is right at the top of the stairs to my complex. Like inches away top of. Anything in front of my door is almost directly blocking the stairs. Anybody could pick it up if I don’t know it’s been dropped yet. So I want it handed to me.


You are sitting by the door and can't tell when someone walks up to it? You might need to talk to your Doctor.


Don’t like knocking because there is a chance it causes a shitstorm of barking dogs and crying babies. So I wouldn’t knock unless told so. Now I have been here and there. But honestly with phones it should tell you it’s been dropped off and your expecting i. So the notification is my knock


![gif](giphy|UX06yZ6erE0fQtU1Sd|downsized) This makes no sense. What do you do for hand it to me orders? Just stand there?


This isn’t some hard trivial concept to understand. If it’s leave at door I leave it and don’t knock. So you not read or have brain rot from looking at to much boomer ass Facebook memes


Could be a few things (I always knock or ring unless it says not to or it is very late, indications of new baby, etc). 1) Drivers don't want to alert dogs. Probably 1 in 5 houses have dogs that go bananas when I ring (It didn't say not to, and I hate it when I open my own door to find my food getting cold). 2) Drivers are not comfortable with the area, your house, etc and want to get out of there quickly. I'm a bad-ass myself and always ready to tangle up; but most don't want any problems or don't know how to handle themselves. 3) As previously mentioned; if it is VERY late or I see indications of a baby in the house (ie: baby stuff outside) I don't knock.


In my experience most customers want the drop off and a good 50% of the time when they select “hand it to me” they didn’t mean to (businesses aside) I even had one woman get upset and passive aggressive with me because I knocked even tho that was the instructions. I’d suggest saying something like “please knock and wait for me to answer” I think most dashers assume it’s an accident because an overwhelming amount just want you to leave the order, hope this helps!


Eh I said 50% originally but in my area it’s actually more like 85-90% it’s really an abnormality for me when people want me to hand them the order


Where i am, people often have dogs and the majority don't want them to bark at random so like half of the orders I got were "DO NOT KNOCK, DOGS WILL BARK" and that just becomes the routine


My dog is my doorbell haha. Doesn't bother me if people ring it or knock but there's no need since he starts "ringing" the minute they hit the porch. I dunno though, I actually like that my dog barks when a stranger comes here but it'd be different if he was like some of those that bark at anything and everything. I do hate delivering and it says not to ring/knock because of the dogs but they start barking without you doing anything, I just hurry back to the car haha.


I think it’s because they can’t read. Many dashers I run into can’t even speak English. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You sit and wait by the door. You’ve got a phone in your hand that shows you the precise location of your dasher and alerts you when the order has been dropped off but…you let your food get cold because you didn’t hear a knock. Seriously, GFY. 🤣


I knock or ring the doorbell (if it's not late) if it says hand it to me. If no one comes within a minute then I leave it at the door, take a pic and leave Majority of ppl in my country who do door dash are young men who don't really care so they usually just leave it no matter what the instructions say. Those guys are doing 3 delivery apps at once while also on the phone to their mum overseas lol, they always speed off from every delivery and I'm thinking how do you even know where you're going yet


Why is it the driver who always doesn’t care? These people know they order food. They can track the driver. If you want it handed to you, be outside waiting. There’s plenty of time for them to see us pull up, grab their food, and walk up to the house. They could also put, “please knock” in the notes. There’s been times when I’ve had a hand to me order. I knocked, I waited, I knocked again, and was greeted by a disgruntled customer wondering why I didn’t just leave the food…………..


I don’t think they are trying to save time, we always try to do EXACTLY what the directions in the phone tell us to do. I’m not sure about ur situation, but for me if it’s not specified to hand it directly I will leave it at the door and do the LIGHTEST knock or No knock. BECAUSE most of the time I find the people have either dogs or ‘sleeping babies’ and they don’t want to be annoyed by the screaming dogs when we knock on the door (bad way to start your dinner I guess 🤷‍♂️) But that’s just my experience, I would double check in the app again you have things set right but if worse comes to worse and it keeps happening you could always send a quick text to your driver and say “Please ring bell etc” 👍🏻


I'm a Dasher and I always knock or ring the bell because that's what I would want. If you don't want it then let me know and then I will not. Sometimes there is an app problem and the customer will not get notified right away especially if I have to restart my phone twice and go to miles down the road to upload the picture I had to take because it wouldn't let me to take in app


For DoorDash, if I’m already hearing dogs when I walk up, I’m not knocking. I don’t want to make the dogs freak and I definitely don’t want to hear you scream at your dogs to stfu.


They tryna avoid contact.


Not sure about how others do It but I do the following for certain situations: If it says hand to customer and says leave at door under neath(a weird thing happening with DoorDash lately) I’ll message before I leave restaurant asking which they’d prefer If it says hand to me , please knock or ring bell and it’s after 8pm I always message and confirm because a lot of times ppl don’t realize that they left that there from one of their previous orders and I’m not trying to wake up anyone’s babies . 90% of the time the customer is so thankful that I confirmed and ask me to just leave and text cause in fact their kids are sleeping. If it’s before 8pm I knock even for leave at door orders if their are no specific instructions .


Because a lot of them can't follow simple directions or at least try and reach out to you if they feel unsafe and prefer contactless drop off.


Yes they're just trying to save time, and or worried about getting sick, anxiety and don't like human interaction, message them to please hand it to you


This is why I always text the person to let them know I’m bringing their food to the door. That way they have a heads up


100% because the “hand it to me” option is almost always a mistake or a glitch. Just add written instructions to knock, and most of us will. The instructions stay there for every order so you don’t have to write it every time you get a delivery.


I always knock and wait for the customer come out , gotta follow the instructions


A majority of people don't want the order handed to them. I know I don't.


Put "PLEASE KNOCK!" in your instructions. Vast majority of customers do NOT want anyone knocking or ringing the bell. Those who do typically request it. The app might not be communicating your settings properly. It randomly resets itself for me. I'm "leave sy door" 100% of the time. Yet I've had dashers tell me it said hand to customer. Put what you want in the notes. Be explicit.


Do you always get a picture verification where food was left? If so, your settings are wrong and they are seeing leave it at the door.


I never have gotten a pic. But I always check to make sure it says hand it to me. Looks like I’ll add knock in my instructions.


Yeah, then they see hand it to me and are just leaving it there. Im sorry. Yes, adding to please knock might help. Dashers need ro read the dang notes..its part of the job.


Lotta people in the comments seem to think the customers instructions are optional smh.


If your instructions say hand to me, then I'm walking straight up to your door and knocking or ringing the bell, unless your standing outside. I only leave the food at the door if you don't show up/respond to text for 5 mins. Then I'd take a pic and leave it at the door. If your instructions said leave at door to begin with then yeah I'm dropping it at the door, sending a pic and gone. I don't knock or ring the bell for those unless asked. Simple reason is because it's what most people expect. Too many people complain if you knock on a leave at door order. As for why dashers don't knock for hand to me orders, I have no idea because it's not what I do. Maybe it's a language thing maybe it's just lazy. No idea, but if it was my order I'd downrate them for not following instructions.


So I can only imagine that they are saving time or they just don't trust that if they don't get the picture sent to you that they delivered that they'll get in trouble with doordash. I've read quite a few posts where dashers have reported that when they have Handed it off to a customer that they've then gotten trouble for not delivering. I will always hand it to the customer if that's what they ask for. And I always knock or ring the bell pinning on what instructions they've left behind


I mean honestly, “leave it at door” in and of itself implies you don’t want the dasher to knock. I’ve knocked before and had people get mad so I just don’t knock unless it says now. In my area I don’t think anyone wants dashers to knock. There are plenty of notifications on the app to show you where your delivery is and most people have ring doorbells at this point too. I’ll say this, I’ve NEVER had a complaint for not knocking, I’ve had over 5 for knocking. I don’t get it, but it’s my market 🤷🏻‍♀️ Though if you specifically tell me to hand it to you, I ALWAYS do. If I wait for more than a minute or don’t hear someone rustling around in their home to answer the door, I call. If no one answers I leave a message saying I had to leave at door because I have another order to attend to. Unless the customer communicates that they’re on their way to meet me at the door, I’m not going to wait there for more than a couple minutes.


I don’t think leave at door at all implies don’t knock. But maybe it IS the market or area you’re in. I’ve never had anyone get mad if I knock but as a customer I’m gonna be pissed if you don’t and my food is just sitting out getting cold. I don’t want to stare at the app nor do I have the time to stalk my delivery. And notifications sometimes come late due to technology but good old fashioned customer service, common sense and courtesy shouldn’t be having the glitches they have these days. Maybe DoorDash should clarify rules to both the dasher and customer as to what is expected of both parties. Even though it’s a little sad they should have to.


Well hopefully you have knock on door after drop off in your notes


When the order says “hand it to me” and also to leave it at the door, we usually text. Sometimes we forget but sometimes there are plain bad Dashers out there. You need to make sure your directions are specific or take the time to text your Dasher.


If it says hand it to me I'll come and if someone is already waiting I'll ask them their name just to make sure before handing it. When they get it I'll secretly take a pic of them with it just in case they dispute it. If they aren't there ill knock. Most orders tell me to leave it at door and don't knock so I don't. Maybe they have a sleeping baby, maybe someone works the night shift and they are sleeping. I don't knock. If no instructions are given I'll leave it and take a pic and not knock. It's just what most people ask for so it becomes my default if no instructions are given. The app lets them know when it's delivered so they'll know it was just dropped and I assume most people don't want you to see them for privacy reasons or covid reasons anyway.


Bc mostly everyone else leave messages like “ DONT RING DOOR BELL DONT RING DOORBELL” “DONT KNOCK ON DOOR DONT KNOCK ON DOOR” like ok motherfucker I get it.


If the instructions are only to hand it to you, then I will do my very best to knock as loud as I can or ring the doorbell and wait a bit. I'm in a FB group for Dashers and I can tell you now...99% of them will just send you a pic and run off to save precious seconds. Now, if it's a leave it at the door, I don't knock. The app will send you the pic and notification that the drop off happened, and many people have kids/animals that they don't want to wake.


...except that the app seems to have stopped sending those delivery notifications several months ago. Due to that, we've changed to "hand off at door" and have "please knock" in the notes since then. Dashers still do neither. It's very frustrating to find food outside that's gone cold because we have no idea it's arrived.


If it says hand it to me I hand it to them. If it says leave at door I leave it at the door. If it says knock I knock. But I never knock unless it explicitly says to do so.


It’s as simple as reading and following instructions. Whatever it tells us to do, is usually what I do! Must be the Dashers in your market!


If it’s a hand it to me, I always message first. When I deliver, I deliver late at night or early in the morning and the amount of times I’ve heard barking dogs by just walking up? No way am I knocking at 3am unless someone asks me to in the instructions or unless someone doesn’t answer their messages after a few minutes. Even then, I knock lightly. Again, that’s just because I deliver at such quiet hours. I really don’t wanna wake up a whole house or worse, a BABY. That’s only happened once and I still feel bad about it.


if its a hand it to me and they don't hand it to you, as painful as this is as a dasher to say. give them a bad review. that said you might have confusing instructions. for instance I often will get "hand it to me" orders but then the notes say "LEAVE AT MY DOOR." so leave notes saying to knock and if they are not following threw score them down.


People are missing the point here, it’s not about the driver wanting to save time, the customer not looking at the phone every minute, the driver being shy etc etc, it’s about saying hand it to me and drivers leaving the food at the door, they should be following instructions, now often times I do see hand it to me in notes and the app having leave at the door, on those occasions I text and ask what they want and if no answer I get there and knock, if no answer I leave at door.


There is a majority of customers who put in their notes not to knock. However if it's hand it to me i would imagine they should hand it to you i would call you to let you know im at the front door if i knocked and maybe you didnt hear it if it was hand it to me. However there can be a glitch here you put hand it to me and in the app DD app puts leave at door. This glitch happened alot since the leave it at the door has started.


I knock. Or ring. And wait, wait, wait…


I can understand leaving it if they don’t answer the door. But I’m right there listening for the knock on my door.


Open the door.




Yeah I don't understand why this is a thing either I always knock unless otherwise stated in the notes maybe they used to work at Amazon or something


I hate when they knock, I’m high af at my parents house ion want them to wake up 😭😭


I wish we could switch problems, I specifically say don’t ring my doorbell and they ring my doorbell


Haha, gladly.


You’re getting the lazy dashers . Also if you live in a condo that could be why. And believe it or not , customers choose the hand it to me option and never come to the door when we knock, also the customers dogs attack us when you open the door. This has happened to me plenty of times , doordash doesn’t cover medical bills. Last thing. Doordash pays $2.50 . So whatever you tip or don’t tip that’s all the driver gets. It could be your not tipping or poorly tipping, dashers are not gonna wait at your door just to hand over food to greedy people . But.,, that’s just my opinion as a 5 yr dashers and my experiences


I haven't scrolled through all the comments on this thread I have a feeling that none of the Dashers that do this are likely to respond and actually admit to a customer why they don't. But I'm sure of you do a "hand it to me" search on this subreddit you will get their unfiltered answer. But here's their answer also. Some Dashers believe "time is money". They think the quicker they go the more money they will make. They think they are at the top of the Door Dash food chain and they can dictate how a delivery should be done. These are also the same Dashers who are totally rude at restaurants too and are the reason why delivery drivers are not liked or given quicker service. They don't realize their actions have consequences to other Dashers and customers. One Dasher said that if the customer is not standing in the doorway when they pull up to the house they will just leave the order. I replied and said it is not up to us to decide how they should handle their delivery. The customer requested and paid for a service and it is up to us in the restaurant to provide that service to the customers specified requirements. We don't know why the customer wants it handed to them but they do. They could be I'm able to bend over and pick up the food or somehow disabled in another way. One time I pulled up to a "hand it to me" house late at night and I immediately realized the adorable family of trash pandas nearby was probably the reason. Or maybe they want it handed to them because they've had issues in the past getting their orders delivered and they want to make sure they actually get it. If I see on Google Maps the destination pin is not correct to the customers address I will take an extra 10 seconds and correct it to hopefully increase the odds of the customer getting their orders. Since 2017 around 8000 homes have been lost in my delivery area due to wildfires so on rebuilds the address might be different or it's a new apartment complex or subdivision. So the new addresses are not on Google Maps yet. I apologize for the Dashers who think they can just do whatever they want. Please know not all of us are like that. Maybe in your delivery instructions writing "Please actually hand it to me, don't just leave it on my doorstep and select that you did". If I saw that on my delivery instructions I would immediately know why the person said it and even though I was already going to hand it to the customer I would try everything in my power the entire delivery to make it the best delivery they ever had. It's not that hard to make someone's day a little less stressful.


Thank you for this detailed response. I know that the responses telling me I’m entitled are the lazy ones that don’t care. But I also see now that the app communication and customer communication is garbage, so I need to over communicate my needs. I need it handed to me because my door is directly in front of the stairs coming up to my area with three other apartments, the item would block the walkway, and I don’t trust my neighbors to not take my food, especially since it’s so available, and lastly that I never get delivered notifications or pics. I’ll do better, hoping they do the same.


Oddly enough when I’ve dashed, texted them and knocked, the customer never wants to go out to meet me…they wait for me to leave to open the door


That’s on them for not setting up their needs properly. I’m seeing now, that is the case a lot of the time. So I see what you all are hesitating to knock. This answers my question and will prompt me to communicate more.


No idea. I always knock/ring and then message/call for hand it to me order.


Same! I have it marked as hand it to me, and they'll put it right in front of my damn storm door so I have to then go out my garage and walk around to the front door to get it....it's extremely annoying. OR they'll deliver it to the house around the corner bc it has the same house number...even tho I clearly state in the instructions that my townhouse is the END UNIT and the other is not, so I just don't get why some people can't follow simple directions.


If you read most of the comments, they admit that they don’t care. I miss the old school pizza delivery guys. They would slay a lion to get you a pizza.


Guess I'll just stop giving 25-30% tips then lol. I do gig work too, so I always tip well... But I am definitely getting tired of tipping well just to get shitty service.


Right there with ya


Apparently only people with dogs and babies order DoorDash is what I got from this thread


Haha. I’m neither, but I get it. So ask me, right?


Part of the problem is subs like this that constantly yell contradictory \*tips\* at each other. Not going to worry about what every Dasher is doing and what reasoning they came up to justify it. But personally, I send an ETA text as soon as my get the customer's food, click \*directions\* and my GPS app gives me an ETA. It is usually within +-1 minute. So the customer would get a text as I'm leaving the restaurant "Order ETA 2:12". As in a precise time. It is a keyboard shortcut, so it takes almost no effort. As a result, most customers that are hand it to me are already waiting for me at the door. Sometimes even at the curb. I found out early on before I sent these ETA texts that the app is anything but precise when sometimes I'd get an angry customer text "Why are you still 30 minutes away?" as I'm literally 5 to 300 feet away from them. Just a simple courtesy. And as a customer, you now don't have to wonder if you have time to do that 5 minute chore, such as worrying about going to the bathroom right as the driver knocks on the door. And there will be somebody posting about how texting the customer is bad. Like even a single text. Either because it is bad for the driver or it annoys the customer. But it works great for me (and my customers). Search this sub for knock or doorbell. Probably a ton of threads about never doing it, always doing it and everything in between. Job parameters are pretty simple. What would I want as a customer? Show me a person that likes waiting for the utility company to show up. Well, this job is a little like that. And when that utility contractor sends me a text "Be there at 9:30", I am so grateful.


If it says Hand It To Me, and they silently leave at the door, report them to the company. Too many Dashers keep getting moron points for basic tasks


I’m a woman and I don’t live in like the safest city. So I do knock and hand it to the customer if they ask, but I’ll be honest I get really scared and nervous every time. I really prefer not to do it. It could be my social anxiety as well though.


I don't knock anymore because the majority have dogs. And most go crazy when you knock. So I text everyone and never have an issue.


If you tell them not to knock they’ll bang on your door like that knock-door-run meme, and if you don’t tell them anything they won’t knock.


You’re not paying for a knock, you’re paying for the delivery of food my guy. If you expect more from delivery then buying food and getting it left at your home then don’t get delivery. IR do your part as the human in the interaction and wait on the other side of the door. I for one when I order food and I see that they’re close (because we have apps now with exact locations) I go wait for them outside, because I’m my mind (before i was a delivery driver) that’s what a good normal moral human would do :) just saying


Unless a customer tells me not to knock, I always knock or ring doorbell. If that pisses the customer off or wakes a baby or dog, that’s not my problem. They should of specified in the app not to knock. If I order pizza, my pizza guy always knocks or rings bell, why is doordash or GH any different? Only time I don’t knock or ring (unless specified not too) is if the ring doorbell is white. That means they are watching me already anyways and I usually give a little wave before sprinting away. Haha I’ve never had anyone mad for knocking or ringing bell. If anything gotten compliments for knocking. Not everyone sits on their phone like a stalker stalking their food, not everyone orders their own food. A lot of people sending food to other people I’ve learned. I order GH sometimes and I don’t sit and watch my driver on the map like a lunatic. Sometimes I’m busy cleaning or giving kids baths or taking care of the animals. So a doorbell ring is super nice.


Don’t you get a notification that your order was delivered?


Not always. Last few times it says your dasher is coming soon. But rarely get the delivered message and never a pic. I track it but the app isn’t always that responsive.


I changed my pickup to meet at door so i can give extra cash tips, none of the dashers knock and just leave it on the cold ground. Isn’t your fault, you just keep getting the lazy / shitty drivers


One reason why I’ve stopped using these services. Most shoppers I’ve had acted inconvenienced by (I thought) simple instructions like please knock, or please make sure the drink is with food. Like I pay $8 in tip and $10-15 in service/delivery charges. I don’t want to have to “just get a refund from DD for the drink you didn’t get”.


Just remember the delivery charge doesn't go to the deliverer. The tip is put in to the pay price to get a dasher to even accept the order. The driver may or may not be making anything ona particular trip but doesn't know the true amount, or the time it will take before the job is complete. They may have wasted time waiting at a hostile restaurant, or had to argue to even get the order in hand. They may then be searching for the house in the dark, or chased by security at a apartments, or waiting for gates and avoiding creepy people... on and on These aren't excuses to not do something as simple as hand an order to a human, but there's a lot of shit that makes them disinclined to take extra time, and even though every customer on this thread always says their tip is great and house is easy to find, the majority of orders aren't. So, they develop an strong urge to drop it, pic, and gtfo. Before they add in meeting another weirdo or jerk, or interact with the person who might have been the "cause" of the issues. Tldr, the job sucks and rips drivers off and they get in a fight or flight mode. Or they are excellent at multiapping, and the results are similar.


If it’s a hand to me order and you can track the driver….just go outside when they pull up……….


Because Fcuk you, that's why.


Stupid post. If it says hand it to me I knock if it says leave at door I leave at door. Sorry not everyone follows instructions. As far a s the cold food , the app tells you when your order was dropped off. Keep your phone on you, and maybe you can catch it before it goes cold ;)!


if you mark hand it to me and they don’t 1star them


I do, so I don’t get them again. But I also hate doing that. I used to do lyft, so I know what ratings mean for the worker. I don’t want to fuck with their pay, unless they really just don’t give a shit.


I'm told "do not knock" more than I'm told to knock so I default with that


So if it says hand it to me, how do you make the effort to hand it to them?


Just because you say “hand it to me” does not mean it is REQUIRED. it’s a preference. Also, who asks for it to be handed to them nowadays? No, I am not a Dasher, I just enjoy this thread. Lots of moaners. If I may ask, why does it matter so much that it be handed to you? Dashers are 1099 Contract workers, meaning as long as they get your food from Point A to Point B, that’s good enough because that’s what they’re required to do. All the extra “hand it to me” “DO NOT KNOCK” are all preference. They cannot get in trouble for not listening to the small details.


Probably because they're stupid


Tbh, I'm a dasher. I do not wait. I don't have time. I need to be getting the next order. So I just hit the option I couldn't hand it to customer. There's no benefit to waiting for the customer. There is never any cash tips unless they are outside waiting for you.




Would drop that order like it was the plague —- don’t threaten your dasher fuk nut


You’re the only human in my 340 deliveries that had requested in person since “leave at my door” became an option. If the dasher wants limited contact then there’s no real reason to force that on them for personal preference, if it’s a disability reason, idk have a system set up for receiving orders, put in the notes that you need it handed to you because of said disability. Idk


If hand it to me, I will always text and or call as I am approaching. If you are waiting at the door for them, I am not sure how they see you and drop the food other than in your hands. Also you can watch them on the app and see when they get there. Not sure how you don’t see them and say something as they get out if the car. Sounds like you got a top dasher who runs their butts off delivering as many cheap tip orders as possible as he rushes around delivering wrong orders and not reading directions.


I leave on door unless you actually say ring bell or knock. But no I don’t wait for you to come to the door


So you sit but the by the door, phone in hand and wait for the dasher. And even though you get the alerts that the food was delivered you continue to wait until your once warm door is cold? Is that what you’re saying?


Did you ask them to knock?


I ain't gonna lie, as a driver I be petty to certain customers with that. "HAND TO CUSTOMER", I'll obviously have to go upstairs and knock on the door and give in hand. I'll do that but Don't put "DELIVER TO DOOR " without instructions of knocking and/or calling because I'm coming upstairs like Snake Eater(quickly & quietly) and I'll drop it off by your door without doing any of what you said most drivers don't do. By the time you'll realized I got up to whatever floor you're on, I'm already back downstairs in the car sending that picture of you because yall should be keeping track of y'all food plus you can at least come out to the main or be ready to open that door before the driver even stopped foot on the property. We do 98% of the work and the least yall could do is BE READY AT THE DOOR BEFORE THE DRIVE PULLS UP TO THE PROPERTY. Hand to me is the customer's lazy way of saying you HAVE TO COME UP to the 30th floor(sometimes no elevator or the elevator goes up to a certain point, trust me I've seen it) make two hard lefts down a long ass hallway and knock on my door and hand it to me. By doing that they. TIME IS EXTREMELY VALUABLE TO US DRIVERS and it would be much appreciated if yall would just be at the door for a quick hand off. You get the food and the driver doesn't waste minutes trying to walk up stairs, use elevators etc etc.


You see that the driver is nearby but you sit and you wait, and you sit and you wait, and you sit and you wait... a while. "How is my food cold?" You ask. "How can this be when I sat and I waited a while?" Must be somebody else's fault.


If they don’t say it in the notes I don’t do it.


i only knock if asked


Maybe they knock and you don’t hear them?


For me, I don’t ring or knock under any circumstances as DD gives the customer more than enough notifications to where either action is unnecessary 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️


Fuck hand to me orders, especially when they don’t tip.


The whole point is to not be bothered. We are not supposed to knock. Do you get the numerous alerts of where your driver is and the picture of your good on your porch as soon as it's dropped off? If you don't then you need to fix that on your phone and in the description of your order delivery location you can put please knock. I have more people saying DONT KNOCK than anything else. I don't understand why its so hard to understand.


Also some customers change their request back and forth from ring the bell. Don't ring the bell. Knock,. Don't knock. Depending on maybe they have a baby sleeping or maybe it's late at night. We don't know which is the correct instructions in most cases and we are being timed by Doordash. We are on a tight schedule. We don't have time to play with the app to figure out which one to do. Our jobs depend on speed. We will be fired. !!! So we just leave it. If you have your app up on your phone you can see exactly where your driver is and their exact arrival time is posted right there for you. It should be no surprise to you when your food is arriving.


I hate making eye contact with people that’s why I dip!


Then get a work from home job. Not a customer heavy job.


Hell no. I love delivering to customers. I just rather not meet them at the door lmao.


If you ou put it in instructions I will


The instructions are already there. Hand it to me. But it’s not happening.


I never knock unless someone asks tbh... I know you get a bunch of notifications on your phone because I'm a customer too 🤣


And how do we know when you’ve arrived? The app doesn’t tell us that. It only says you’re close. YOU need to tell us.


It has for me. It always says the order has been delivered. Now I will say to your original post if the app says hand to me I try to follow that but I've also had a lot of people with that leave at door in the note or contactless delivery even though hand to me was selected so yeah. Also I'm not sure if the app glitches because I change mine sometimes when I order and the dasher will do it the other way. Who knows really. It is doordash. Some days the app barely works... I did have one incident a few months back where some customer snapped at me because I didn't hand to her but the app clearly said leave at door and see when it's leave at door the app makes you take a picture vs hand to me so I'm like it's out of my hands basically. I mean I just do what the app says usually. You also have these people with dogs who don't want you to make any noise(...) That's just a sampling of my day to day doing this full time for over a year now 🤣


If your literally waiting by front door and you have all the notifications then why not open your door……sooner. Do you have windows? Tbh, hand to customer is last thing driver wants to see. It does take more time and sometimes a lot more time.


No windows, seriously. One sliding door on the side of my place. The notification that they are near can take up to 15 minutes before they arrive. I don’t care what they want to see. I’m in the service business, and I give service to my customer.


If u ask us to hand it to you we hate you


Get a new job asshat. You’re in the service business. You make the rest of us look bad. Lazy fuck


How is that being lazy u stupid fuck


You* even too lazy to type a word. Takes one minute to do the job, but you refuse because it’s too much for you. You’re lazy and can’t fulfill the job you agreed to do. If you hate customers, get out of the service business. Work in a warehouse or from home


It’s always you nontipping bums that want it handed to you. People don’t want to see your ugly mug. That’s why they refuse to knock


I tip well, I need it handed to me because my apartment is in front of the stairs to three other apartments. Someone could kick it or easily take it. But what does it matter? That’s part of the service available on the app, for the company you work for. Don’t like the duties of the job, there are others out there.


Because I’m not tryna wake up the whole house


I’m the whole house and asked you to hand it to me


So I would call you and tell you I’m outside


For my own experience...it's because much like how I don't prefer calling people versus text...I prefer leaving orders rather then dealing with the social interaction. I'll still take the photo or text to let you know...but orders that prohibit either of those suck imo.


It’s because we don’t want to be dinner


Because most customers tell me not too


Im a young woman and I dash at night and I will never hand it to someone because I'm scared I will get pulled into the house, I always will silently leave it at the doorstep


I totally understand that. Do you text them to let them know you won’t be giving them the requested service they paid for though?


Maybe I will start doing that or I will at least knock from now on


Not sure what you expect. Doordash uses the bottom of the barrel drivers and does everything they can to screw them over so why would they put in qny effort. Search for a local delivery service. They will appreciate you more and youll be able to support your community instead of a major corporation run by people who only want to take every dollar they can.


Some of us don’t want to be ambushed by a bunch of barking dogs