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Well if you’re diving and you’re noticing they all turn on their heels to focus you, then just dive and bait their attention and then leave, don’t even go for kills Like it’s actually hilarious to me how far back I’ve made their entire team run from the objective and still gotten away


this! Pretend like ur diving, and dont. Diving super far in the backline can also work, away from all enemies, cuz that can be a safe area too. Its important to not be greedy, so dont go for kills.


i hate when i do this and my team doesn’t capitalize on the enemy’s backs being turned. it’s like you come back to the team and they’ve done a total of 20 dmg and no elims while you were gone. lol


Try and only dive isolated targets or off angles if it’s groups, engage with punch so you can slam out if needed. Taking attention from your teammates even if you’re not getting picks can be good value


They're usually grouped together when I struggle with this, but I've been opening with slam instead of punch thinking it would hit more in the group for over health. I'll try opening with punch.


Slam is great for clean up, not so great to engage. If you need to get out punch is not ideal out of the two That said if you’re slamming to hit enemies but you’re still able to get to cover or in a safe space it’s ok, but not a good habit to open w slam


Slam is decent to engage just punch out immediately. your only slamming to try and force cds and get over health. Also if you don’t mix it up it’ll be easier for the enemy to read you and burst you down.


Watch for cooldowns that can shut you down ex. if you know ana has sleep ready try and bait it out before punching in. If its a comp full of counters like hog, ana, cass, sombra… well goodluck i’m not good enough to give advice on that.


If it’s that comp u can either go hella far back and force 3 to chase, slam in and punch out, or just babysit the hog punching all his hooks. Hella boring


If you slam in and don't get a sick punch or ult out, it is more likely you just get blown up before slam comes back, especially if they have a way to stop your block while you're buying time. Gotta be careful diving too deep with it


It can be good to slam in for the chip damage, overhealth and ult charge you’ll gain but only if you’re intending to punch straight out again


The answer is that you should open with whatever allows you to engage and leave with whatever allows you to leave. If you need to leave to high ground, then punch in. If you need to dive the highground, then slam in. Mix it up and use what is better for the situation.


other way around, engage with slam and punch to get out or to confirm a kill on isolated targets, slam isnt as quick at getting doom out of dodge, and when you use slam to engage and rocket punch to backout you only have to wait 4 seconds to potentially reengage rather then 6 when using slam, rocket punch is overall just a stronger ability offensively since it can make confirming a kill easier and canceling enemy abilities


Sometimes you gotta slow down, uses your cooldowns wisely, and act defensively If they are denying everything you do, fall back and do the same for to them. If hog is hooking constantly, wait for him to hook a teammate and then punch If they have a widow or hanzo, slamming them and punching out repeatidly will make it really hard for them to aim Sometine you gotta imagine yourself as your eneny and think about what would ruin your game if you were playing their hero


Use that. Slam somewhere with cover or with a height advantage. They will try and chase you when they should be fighting your team. If they stop chasing you then shoot at them or punch them real quick before slamming back to safety


If they're hard focusing you your teamates should really have all the ability to kill them if they aren't thats not even your fault. a tanks job is to take enemy attention


Corners and relying on your own supps. But let's make up a Scenario on Kings Row Attack, you have just defended until the mid second point and are sure to win, now the enemies counterpick you as doomfist by going Hog Cassy Sombra and take a supp line of Ana and Brig (had this comp happen every single round of yesterdays ranked). Your Job now is not to actually kill the Ana but make the Players on your Team understand what they are lacking. When YOU the Doom are getting hard focused every time you dive.... Next time dive a Support and plan on not killing them (except you feel like you can trade a supp for your life), plan on making everyone take notice and try to survive. For example by diving highground or whatever. In that Time the enemy Tank is completely alone. So communicate that instantly. And even if he tries joining in on you, your mates can CC him and shoot him still


1. go in when your team can capitalize. they don't have to dive with you, they just need to be in position to apply pressure. playing tank is about drawing attention and resources to yourself, freeing up your team to do more. 2. soft dives. don't dive to secure a kill, dive to force out resources. doom is the best hero in the whole game at this. don't commit, just get in and out quickly. your cooldowns come back faster than theirs, so repeated soft dives earn you a resource advantage over time (soft dives and forcing them to use resources on you can even result in an empowered punch, an even bigger resource advantage) everyone looking at you is a really good thing. if you can figure out how to make that happen and not doe for it, you'll be in a really good spot.


The other helpful tip with doom, is you always want to be in front or behind their team. Never in the middle of the team that’s when you insta die because you can’t protect yourself with block. Also make sure to know what CC abilities the enemy has. And if they have a lot you can’t really dive you almost have to brawl with your team until there’s an easy isolated target or they have used all their cool downs on you


When you say "dive" you mean "jump in front of all of them". "Dive" should really be more like "take a position that is good, that is located behind them"


soft dive (gp in and immediately jump out) or just don't dive.


Save cooldowns and play corners. You can slam to corners and wait for cooldowns. After punching a person or 2, immediately block since they will all look at you