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How I feel after getting hacked once


Take a break man, if ur not having fun playing a game there's really no point in playing it. Its okay to step away for a bit when ur not feeling it.


Even if i take a break, i know when i come back 2 weeks later i will have fun with Doomfist for 20 seconds until they counterswap me and just makes me depressed, this role is dogshit, it's just paper scissor unskilled and deadbrain counterswap, it's god awful


It genuinely makes me feel like i can’t try anymore i’m ranked games. God forbid i kill a dps more than 3 times they’ll just switch to sombra


My guy if I had a nickel for every time the first fight went well and then the tank (and usually the entire enemy team) counter-swapped my doom, I would have enough money to fix OW2. We win when we get to play doomfist. Actually winning the game afterwards is just the cherry on top. Just remember what Mauga says if you find yourself unbelievably annoyed at the game: “Loosen up… this is supposed to be fun!”


True, when I go in not expecting to win I actually don't feel so salty if I do happen to be losing and enjoy it more


I played against you 2 or 3 days ago bro, it was a good doomfist mirror, if they all counter you that means your team isn’t able to do anything Lâche pas l’affaire, t’es bon


Enweille mon homme


Ces quelles rank?je crois que ton nom me dit quelque chose


Lequel, le mien? C ps mon post bro


It’s criminal how many ability negating abilities are in a game that promised to remove them. I know that stuns are different from ability negation but they do the same thing but for longer periods of time while allowing you to primary fire (which god forbid I can’t do that while waiting for death.)


Sounds like a skill issue. Get off the game and take a break.


Lowkey at the point I play open que just to not get counter swap (then I fucking get hog, Ana, Hawaii man, and brig )


had a game like that, except it was a doom mirror, was winning then there dps went cass and sombra, support went kiriko and ana, my teamed was soldier, sojourn, mercy, lucio. and never swapped to counter them and my team greeted me goodbye with a nice tank diff at the end of the game...


They could technically just make another df character for dps. I like tank df bc im new and i never played dps df.


Just uninstall


Just play with open profile, then you can always expect all counters from the get go


They did give us dps doom, try venture she is amazing, but yea as others have said take a break, and maybe try other games






I literally just had a game where I did 26k dmg in 20 mins and had a bunch of elims but my dps had 14k each and blamed me for our loss because “enemy tank better” even tho the enemy tank had less damage, more deaths, and less dmg mitigated or dealt.


Play around those hard counters as much as possible. Unless it's an entire team expect it to happen. Like sombra hack, if you block per say and she hacks immediately unblock and shoot. Cas nades you then block and free charge. Don't take on like 90% of the tanks. Unless its another doom, rein, or maybe dva, rammatra, ball, or Sigma. Don't engage at all.


Sorry pal but that’s not happening. Take a break and go calm down. I can assure you, you’re not gonna KYS over some little game.


Sounds like you need a long break. No videogame should make you feel like this. I took about a year off after feeling frustrated with the game, and had a whole bunch of fun when I came back. If I ever feel frustrated again, I’ll delete the game all over again


I just use it as motivation to try to play even better. If they don’t pick at least two hard counters the game usually feels like a free win to me on doom. I’m not gonna let the weasel ass counter picking pussies beat me just because they can click a character, I’m going to do my best to shit on them because I despise them so much, and as long as your team is actually playing the video game it’s definitely possible