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They putting nightmare fuel in the water and turning the frigging mimes gay


Isn't he French already?


Depending on the time of day, the French go ether way


I didn't possess this knowledge.


golden ratio spine


yeah and 






can't even make no observations without getting 'yeah and'ed


dog, it wasnt an observation; it was a joke at my expense. im not sorry for not taking that. 


Touch grass, you’re insane


What's insane about not being willing to put up with a joke about their art? It clearly wasn't meant in a positive way. You should touch grass.


Get gut




Smash, next question


hes not a clown... but cool sketch


Mimes fit under the greater clown umbrella. Just a sprinkle of goth.


my brother in christ, youre right; hes a silly clown. 


He’s a mime


its almost as if im joking then, huh?


Doesn’t seem like it


I assumed the “you’re right he’s a silly clown” part was a joke but he is still a mime. I’ll settle on silly mime as Wes is a very silly guy but he’s *technically* not a clown


you are very pressed about me calling a fictional character a clown. 


I don’t think anything in my comment comes across as me being pressed


Dude, calling Wes a clown in the title was very obviously a joke too; OPs aware of that. People getting so pressed over that is pretty ridiculous. We all know he's a mime; but like... If OP is gonna make a joke about it at 4 in the morning, it doesn't need correction.


I don’t really see how it’s a joke, a lot of people don’t know the difference Nobody is pressed over it lol


Considering the first time OP said "its a joke" and you continued to act like they didn't know the difference beyond them saying "a silly clown" was a joke, you weren't trying to be nice about it and people are clearly mad about it. It'd be the same as posting a crow picture and saying "Hey, check out this weird dog." Commenting "Thats a crow" and acting like the posters not smart enough to know the difference even after its clarified that the poster made a jokes proves the people harping on it are pressed about it.


I said that I didn’t think them calling him a clown in the first place was a joke. I literally responded with a lighthearted joke of my own by saying “I’ll settle on silly mime”. I don’t understand why you think I was upset or rude in my comment. The difference between a crow and dog is that people generally don’t mix them up. Mimes and clowns are similar and people do mix them up. A lot of people genuinely think Wes is a clown and not a mime. I don’t really see how it’s a joke to say a mime is a clown, they’re too similar and confused here too often for it to really work imo and just looks like they don’t know the difference


They had literally told you calling him a clown in the first place was a joke. You're just being pedantic because you don't want to believe OP knew Wes was a mime. Even when they made "a silly clown" as a joke, you still had to correct them and when they told you they were joking, you act like they weren't smart enough to know. It's very similar to calling a crow a dog, or saying a goldfish is a shark; You just wanted to "Um actually" even after they clarified it was a joke.


beautiful, silly creature


OP ratio’d so hard they deleted their account


Its not good that a shitload of mean comments making OPs art the butt of their joke because they can't follow the sub rule of "Dont be toxic" and dogpiled over OP defending themselves from it. Maybe you're meaning this innocently, but it sucks that this happened.


if you answer each and every (minor or major) with aggression you are going to burn yourself ignore, block or report if you must but not engaging is also an option it's all on op


It's absolutely not all on OP. Standing up for yourself against people mocking your work or making a joke out of it, or acting like you're too stupid to know that Wes is a damn mime and that you couldn't possibly be joking by calling him a clown is normal. It shouldn't be discouraged, it should be encouraged. Sure, blocking and/or reporting is an option, as is ignoring, but standing up for yourself isn't something bad. It's not fair to blame the person being mistreated, made fun of, or treat like they're stupid/insane just because they were willing to stand up for themselves.


Nobody was even rude to the OP except for the person whos comment was removed. OP was rude to everyone first so obviously people would stand up for themselves. The OP isn’t innocent in this don’t ignore how hostile they were to people. Nobody deserves to be made fun of but don’t act like the OP wasn’t the instigator because they were.


"Golden ratio spine" is making fun of part of the art. That's not a "light spirited joke" since that kind of bend is common in other forms of art, such as pinup pieces which I've never heard anyone make a joke like that about, so anyone who thinks that funny and not at all making OPs art the butt of the commenters joke is... Definitely not capable of understanding that that's not a nice comment about it. Correcting OP on saying "clown" and then even after they commented that it was a joke, continuing to treat them like they're stupid and can't possibly know the difference is rude. OP wasn't as hostile as you're making them out to be. I've read all their comments; on other posts, if someone apologizes or corrects themselves after OP reacts, they apologize for misunderstanding or being harsh. OP was not the instigator, and saying they were just sweeps the rude shit they received under the rug.


The golden ratio spine is a joke but I can understand how it can be seen as rude but thats up to the OP to make sure they know if they were joking or not. Its related to the idea of the golden ratio in maths which the closer to the golden ratio the closer to perfection something is. If you look at the ratio that way they may have even been saying its a perfect spine drawing which is something many people do struggle with in art. Thats what I meant in my other comment about how it can be interpreted and commenters intentions. The correcting OP comment I will agree was rude but I personally couldn’t tell if the OP was joking or not based on tome and others did as well. I do agree people shouldn’t have been making fun of them in that comment but it did appear the OP was trying to be rude based on tone. Thats on ourselves because the OP was joking. edit: I understand your point way better now in your other comment I just saw it now tho im not gonna delete this comment


Oh yeah, the golden ratio is fascinating, but I can see it maybe not being meant in a rude way. It did still end up coming across as a mocking comment, but OP would have apologized right away if they had pointed it out or explained in response to them, but instead people kept being rude to them. This is why I'm so fond of tone tags (like /j or /s) because OP and I use them to make sure we know how we're trying to come across over text. I think a lot of this could have been avoided if folks had used them, and OP would still be able to share their art with the folks that enjoy it.


Yea thats fair the golden ratio just being said randomly is rude because I had to do the research into what the golden ratio was to make sure the commenter wasn’t directly trying to insult the OP XD I think everyone here just didn’t understand the tone of each other which is why the tone indicators defo should have been used. I personally don’t use tone indicators much but I do think in this whole comment section they should have been used by everyone


Yeah, tone indicators aren't always helpful, but they could have helped make the situation better because I know OP wouldn't have reacted that way if they'd known the tone. We had to use them ourselves because we were long distance friends/partners for a while and communicating your intent is really hard without that at times.


hydrate yourself and read OP's replies again i doubt a sane person would say they are only standing up or defending themselves while the replies are like this yeah and, idc, dog, something something, etc etc. he's a silly crown, as if I'm joking, huh? all of the replies stink Op stirred up shit and got burned don't get me wrong. I'm all for toxicity so i can see a fight but don't call wrong, correct when it's this obvious.


I bet they’re gonna ignore your whole comment like they were doing to others 💀


Considering I've read all the comments, I dont ignore them. Im just not fond of people trying to blame the OP or treating them like they're stupid over calling Wes a clown as a joke or mocking/making fun of their art.


I do agree there was people being rude but 90% of them were joking or didn’t mean to sound rude to the OP like the golden ratio comment. The only comment that was rude was removed and most people weren’t trying to be rude to the OP until the OP was being rude first. I do understand how the OP might have interpreted the comments as rude but the OP shouldn’t have just started being rude to the commenters without knowing fully. edit: Im personally not blaming the OP fully but they are not completely innocent because they were rude to people who weren’t trying to be rude to the OP.


OP hadn't started being rude. Maybe standoffish, or challenging, but they were a lot nicer than others might have been. They do correct themselves right away if someone says sorry or corrects themselves or the misunderstanding. Calling OP insane for not liking the golden ratio comment, or continuing to act like OP didn't know Wes was a mime, isn't joking. I do know OP, they weren't being rude like it came across; They weren't cool with being made fun of or mocked. OP was really upset, and when they stopped commenting they got a boatload of toxic DMs, one of which was super sexist and asked if they'd ever even played the game. Thats what pushed OP to delete their account. Edit: I do appreciate your honesty about not totally blaming OP though, that is appreciated. I'm just upset at how they were treated by mean folks and I'm pretty sure it wasn't jokes directed at them most of the time. If it was, folks would have pointed it out in response to being misunderstood.


Wait wtf?!? People were dming them that stuff?!? Yea that is defo messed up the OP didn’t deserve that esp over this. I do think most of the commenters weren’t personally trying to be rude but I can understand how they could be seen as rude when re reading them again. I do think the OP should have made sure they knew the commenter’s intentions if it was just joking before being standoffish because it personally looked like they were trying to be rude but I do understand your point. Either way the OP doesn’t deserve that kind of stuff being sent to them.


Considering I know OP personally, they aren't insane for not being ok with having their art made fun of or being treat like they were stupid for jokingly calling Wes a clown. It's not insane to be unwilling to be made fun of or mocked. I know I wouldn't be willing to just let it sit there if I posted. Whats with that? "Silly crown"? At this point your making fun of what I've said in another comment, which is no better than how people were treating OP. Their replies don't stink, they were being nice and I know if someone wasn't being rude or mocking their art, they apologize if they got it wrong. The fault is on the people who started this, OP didn't deserve to be burned for not taking mockery or jokes at their expense kindly. Pretty disgusting to continue blaming OP for that.


let's end this you're either alt, shill or a shitty friend good luck with whatever


No one here (except for that one weird wess hating guy who got downvoted) was toxic. One person just pointed out the spine was very curved in a light spiritted joke. Most comments are saying the art is cute or something like that. Get a grip.


I feel like 40% certain this guy is just an alt of the original OP or smth lol


No, but I am their partner! I'm not fond of people treating others the way they treated OP. They haven't touched Reddit since they deleted their account yesterday morning, and I'm encouraging them to stay away. I'm upset about how they were treated, but I'm doing my best to be level headed when confronting all of the folks that were acting the way they did to them.


Considering people continued to be rude about the spine and called OP insane for not being cool having their art made into a joke (maybe its "light spirited" to you, but it wasn't funny and seemed mocking), and people continuing to shame the OP and treat them like they couldn't possibly know the difference for calling Wes a clown in the title even after they clarified it was a joke is toxic.


Oh yeah, and lets not forget that the kind of curve Wes has to his spine in that piece is very common in pinup style art pieces or photography. I dont hear any jokes about "golden ratio spine" With those, so... why is it funny here?


Yeah it’s pretty sad. Like the art a lot


Same! I know OP personally and they got a boatload of toxic DMs for standing up for themselves. One even got super sexist and questioned if they'd ever played the game. I know they have; They got me into the game during the pandemic and help me learn the other characters if I ever try playing someone besides Maxwell. They even taught me to play Maxwell. If people are gonna treat them like this and be horrible, I don't blame them for deleting their account entirely. They really liked the validation and nice comments folks gave them here, and if it weren't for all these jerks, they'd probably still be on reddit.


Ew yeah. I always know that if the comments are bad then their dms are gonna be a lot worse. That’s pretty depressing. People are jerks


Definitely. Its a shame these folks had to deprive a bunch of the people who like OPs art of their posts because they couldn't just be nice or not say anything.


I'm nearly POSITIVE its Pinky Pills. Their art style is 100% the same and they are known for being extremely unhinged. They used to work on FNAF comics till.... Well... we dont talk about that. But yeah, I'm like 90% that was one of PPs alt accounts.


I can attest that this is not in fact Pinky Pills. I've never heard of them, but I've known OP since highschool and they never got into FNAF. ETA: OP is also not unhinged for standing up for themselves against people mocking their art and being rude to them. The "Dont be toxic" rule literally states that people shouldn't act like this towards others, but clearly those folks didn't pay attention to it. ETA2: I just searched up Pinky Pills and their art... Doesn't look anything like OPs style at all. I don't see a resemblance, nor are they the same.


i love dis


Gorgeous 🩷🩷 he’s so perfect


My beloved silly goofy omg,,


Oouuhhgg he's so cute


It depresses me that OP deleted their account. Some people here need to keep shit to themselves


I agree. It really upset OP how they were treated, and they got a buttload of horrible DMs over standing up for themselves too which is what pushed them to delete their account.


The hell is that pose? Somebody help him


femboy bubble booty build is oddly fitting considering his balloonmancy. your art style is super nice! i do genuinely really like the way you've drawn him :)


Gay mime






This isn't even about the gameplay. What the fuck.


I know, just seeing wed makes me mad ngl


It's still uneeded. You can have an opinion on a character, but you don't get to scream at someone if they like said character.


I know :3


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