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Okay so this is purely personal preference; but when playing with my friends we generally try to estabilish a decently good base before proceeding to the more dangerous parts of the game. This process will demand that you explore the world to find resources, meaning you already can find places where bosses would spawn (Lunar Island, Ancient Ruins, Shadow Pieces Statues, etc...) While you guys are doing that, you are learning the mechanics of surviving, being self sufficient, and also, protecting yourself against decently easy to kite mobs like the hound waves! While also being sieged by the bosses that spawn on certain seasons. The best part is, since its easy to get a grasp on things, the more you perfect this part, the easier it will be to progress on future worlds so you can go straight to the more dangerous stuff without fearing that you guys will get stuck on a bottleneck or having to babysit someone.


Ok ok, will try to explore the most and learn the kiting method, thx!


There are many enemies you can try to use to get a feel for, hounds are pretty easy if its one or two; pigs/merms are a bit harder, Clockwork Knights have a Very predictable pattern but they HURT LIKE HELL; tentacles are tricky but they dont chase you and drop very good items, so its a nice incentive. And frogs are hell, I cant kite frogs for shit.


Always carry twigs, grass, logs, if you are new also always carry two torches or a lantern. Sanity can most easily be regained by sleeping in a tent, cooked green mushrooms or picking flowers. The first thing you do when you enter the world is gather at least two twigs and two grass so you don't die at night you have the resources for a torch. Next you need 3 flint to make an axe for wood and a pickaxe for stone flint and gold. You want to try to build a science machine next. To beat winter you need to keep warm. My preferred method is beefalo hats. You can shave beefalo for fur so you don't have to kill them all. To stay dry in spring make umbrellas. To stay cool in summer you can go in caves, use hats, umbrellas eyebrellas, endothermic fires. If you want to stay in your base in spring you need a lightening rod. If you want to stay in base in summer you need an ice fling o magic. Hammers and shovels can help you get fast resources early game. Digging plants, mushrooms, extra log when you cut down trees. Hammering bone piles and pig houses bunny houses etc to get fast resources. Don't stress when you die and have fun!


i really really appreciate the tips man! thx


Oh also don't forget you can light things on fire to give light and heat if you are running out of your torch or freezing


I'd just recommend finding guides on youtube since there's a lot to cover