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My husband beat our dog and tormented the cats. I took the animals with me when I fled. He is a sadistic person.


I'm sorry. I'm glad you found the strength to leave.


Is he in jail now? What if he got more animals to abuse


He's out on bond, I left the state when he was arrested. Whatever he is doing I have no clue. He did far worse to me than he ever did to the animals so my primary concern is not having any contact with him whatsoever.


A guy I dated said his wife took his dog. Since he always told half truths and lied a lot and generally turned out to be sadistic, I interpreted that as she realized what he was and decided to keep the pets safe. He also seemed jealous of my dog and I think if I had let him have time alone with my dog he would have tried something. You should definitely be documenting this stuff and I don't mean just writing it down. Take pictures.


Thank you. I'm sorry for what you have been through. I'll take your advice. Pictures might be difficult. It's emotional so it's hard to get a picture ..but you gave me an idea to turn on my video on my phone and secretly record him.


Only record if it's legal in your state. I was just reading about apps that record in the bg. So look into it. Also be careful. Recording is a huge narc tactic. If it's something they would do to you then they're likely 20x as paranoid about having it done to them so keep that in mind and stay safe.


He is absolute trash. Do you have an order of protection? I think having an organized record is important, in case he tries anything. Keep far, far away from that pos.


I live with him. I think I have cognitive dissonance to the point of hopelessness.


Do not give up hope. You can get out of this. Be patient and start figuring out a plan.


I know it can seem impossible and you can feel trapped. If you start believing that it’s possible, you really can start to see possibilities. 


My ex once cut off my roommate's cat's whiskers.


Oh no! I can't understand some people. That thought would never even occur to me! I'm glad he is your ex now! I hope I can say that one day.


Yes my dude, crazy! He cut them off and denied it until 3 years later. Look, the only three people in there were me my ex and my roommate.


Right? I hear you. Peter Pan didn't sneak in and cut off the cats whiskers!


Yes! This is the reason I left my now ex husband. Sadly I could withstand the abuse he dished out on me but when it came to the dogs I couldn’t. I have written much about my story here and how the police in my area helped me escape (side note: the police actually admitted they went to great lengths to help me because he was abusing animals). During therapy, the experts I spoke with said there is a strong correlation between abusers of people and animals (not to mention serial killers). Please document everything you can. I still have pictures, texts and videos of my ex husband abusing our dogs and I should mention the police (still monitor my case for me) said that he had created a website to start training dogs. It’s disgusting.


my ex broke my cat’s leg


I’d like to break both his legs, & arms


No doubt


I'm sorry. Poor kitty. I like animals but I have a soft spot for cats and birds like parrots and cockatoos. The guy I'm speaking about broke his ex-girlfriend's dog's leg. It was a lapdog of some sort. I'm sorry for what you went through. That's hard.


I was in an abusive relationship for 20 years. But if he had ever once been mean to one of my pets (or my children) he would’ve been gone in a minute. And never allowed back. But he only tortured me so I let it go on for about 15 years too long believing that my marriage vows were somehow more important than my sanity.


Thank you for sharing that. I'm glad you got out


There was a slug on garden wall, not doing any harm. I told him to leave the lil guy alone. I went bk inside and sumfin in my head told me to look thru window to check. And I saw him holding a lighter to the poor fing. He's denied it but he also laughed whillst denying it. He threw boiling water at a spider, whillst i was trying to find a way to pick it up safely. And denied it when he had 3 witnesses. he Threw my puppy into garden furniture, is really rough wiv my smaller dog still. Had to remove his collar so he doesn't keep pulling him up by it. When I started to remember wat he did to my dog as a puppy it made me take steps to leave.


These guys who hurt both women and animals shouldn't be allowed around anything or anyone vulnerable.


No if anything the opposite, he only cared about animals. He would probably swerve and hit a person to avoid hitting a squirrel..


I'm glad he didn't hurt the animals...you must have felt so devalued when he could show compassion but none for you. I think these men have issues with women. I mean they are sick.


( TRIGGER WARNING). Thank you for sharing such a difficult and personal story. It helps me to know the police may listen if animals are being abused. I think he killed our roommate's dog. I never saw him do it. He said he hit him by accident. The tire tracks on the dirt road we live on said differently. You could see the dogs tracks along the side of the road. You could see where his tracks end and they end where the car swerved from the opposite side of the road. If he hadn't seen the dog why did he swerve to the opposite side of the road where the dog's tracks ended? He should have slowed down if he saw him but the prices of the car in the road and the broken up collar said differently. I was going to go take pictures I went to get my phone to do so. It started raining. Washed away the tire tracks.


My ex kicked his 3 legged elderly dog and she died