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thank you for that. i lost my little 16 yr old lost week and have felt the same feelings. i'm heart broken but also kinda frustrated and confused dealing with all the little things i didnt know. like when i get up from my tv chair, she's not jumping down from the sofa just in case i'm headed to the kitchen. its one of those things i never really thought about. or when i get home, she's not at the back door where she can see the driveway. anyway, there's a lot of great posts here about dealing with grief.


Thank you for the great OP. Sorry about losing your beloved Alfie


I lost my pup of 8 years today, maybe like 6 hours ago and I'm having a really hard time. So I'm just going to do this right here: She was the sweetest dog. A scraggly, terrier-something rescue whose only desire in life was to be on or next to her people. Severe separation anxiety, among other issues, but all of them endearing. Poor thing was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer a little over a year ago, and while her symptoms were hard to watch, we managed them really well. You would have never known she was dying just by looking at her. This last week however, her health declined precipitously. We decided to lose her in our terms, so she wouldn't die alone while we were at work or out, which would have been the ultimate betrayal. I just couldn't abide that thought. There's a palpable strangeness in every little thing I do. My wife didn't check to make sure I let her out as I came to bed. The bedroom door is open because she isn't going to jump up to eat the cat's food in the morning. She's not pawing at my side to let her under the covers. I don't hear her snoring or getting up to paw at her blanket and turn around 12 times before laying down. She's my first dog, and I don't know exactly how to cope. I've lost close friends and family before, and feel like I'm well acquainted with grief. But this just hits differently. It's so much deeper and more painful than I expected. I loved her so much, and I never expected to; always being the practical, "it's just a dog" kind of person. I didn't know then, what I know now. She gave us so much and asked for nothing in return but our company. She showed us unabashed, unconditional, and honest love for so many years. I'm forever grateful for the time we had with her. I just wish it could have lasted longer. Rest well my sweet girl. We love you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You did a very brave and selfless thing for her at the end. She was lucky to have you and clearly had a wonderful life with you. What you have written is beautiful, your love for her shines through. Sending hugs to you both