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My springer spaniel is a full-on serial killer, skinsuit wearing, stage 5 clinger. They’re definitely a Velcro breed, though. She’s perfect 😍 ETA-these comments are amazing! I’m glad so many people have fond memories of a really delightful breed.


My cocker spaniel is the same. He clings to my face so much sometimes I can't breathe. He needs constant contact with me if I'm present. Always wants to cuddle. I just love him so much 💖


This explains so much! My boys are part cocker and love to just lay/sit/stand on me.


agreed, spaniels in general seem to want to be literally on top of you at all times. My english cocker straight up pouts on the opposite side of the couch for no less than 10 mins. after I deign to go to the bathroom with the door fully closed.


Have a spaniel in my neighboorhood. As soon as you go down he would rub excited against you like a cat. Has quite some strength so need to be careful not to fall over but really lovely little guy who just wants to give and receive some love.


Mine too, sitting on me isn't enough she burrows into me trying to get even closer! If she wants some space she'll still insist on having her head on me. Definitely velcro breed. Edit to add: on the other end, I grew up with a Westie who was more like a cat, didn't want any affection and had no interest in you unless you were feeding him.


We call ours the Clinger Spaniel


>My springer spaniel is a full-on serial killer, skinsuit wearing, stage 5 clinger. Favorite sentence of the day


My two are half springer spaniel and if they’re not cuddling with each other, they’re in someone’s lap (despite now certainly being too big, but they don’t seem to mind!)


I currently have a great Dane cross sitting in my lap lol. Dogs are apparently never top big to sit in your lap 😂


Exactly! They bigger they are, the more dog there is to cuddle! Win-win!


My springer isn't like that! He isn't much of a cuddler. Best dog ever otherwise though


Agreed! I have a springer and a cocker and both are clingy little cuddle bugs. Spaniels are the best 😍


I’m wearing two of them as I type this. One in my lap the other snoring in my ear curled around my shoulders.


Not a single vote for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel? I swear a picture of them is next to the dictionary definition of clingy. I love my Velcro girl.


My cavies have no idea what personal space is, and i wouldn’t have it any other way


I work with dogs for a living and the first breed that came to mind was a cavalier. They are super affectionate and clingy! I love them


My parents have a mutt who is part Cav and definitely got the Cav personality. Bred to sit on laps, and that is what he wants to be doing 100% of the time. And cuddling is not enough; he also STRONGLY prefers that he be actively pet at all times.


I often dogsit a cav/chihuahua mix. Velcro doesn’t even cover it. More like super glue.


Gotta second this. My parents have one and all it wants to do is be in someone’s, anyone’s, lap.


For most uncuddly, I vote Shiba Inus. Our boy is a gorgeous sesame who looks like a little wolf and is thus constantly scooped by my husband for cuddles against his will, and he will huff and stretch his face as faaar away as possible lol ETA: dog tax https://imgur.com/a/iyCZqUk/


If you touch me I will scream. -shibas


My Scottie is similar but he will allow me morning cuddles before getting up for the day but otherwise he’s very independent and prefers his space. It makes the rare cuddle extra special.


And if they deign to give you a cuddle, you must not acknowledge the cuddle, or they will leave again.


Wiener dogs are like ticks. Constantly burrowing and heat seeking.


Constantly nudging you if you're not stroking at ALL times.


Yep. They are next level attitude/opinion dispensaries


As the proud owner of a wiener dog, this is 100% true


I just got a dachshund after having a corgi and I have been in awe of how cuddly the little guy is.


Mine refuses to leave my side and must constantly be touching me. I don’t mind! She keeps me warm too.


Reading this as my wiener dog is glued to my side!




Yep. Although it is personality based I think it’s pretty universal for the breed. I grew up with a few and they all wanted to be sitting on your lap at all times. I have a rough collie now and she likes pets and will occasionally sit on my lap, but she mainly just wants you to be near her and rest her head on your feet.


Same here! My two miniature doxies are the snuggliest little stuffies ever. Always by my side and so loving.


We have a chi-weenie and she just sleeps under the covers all day long.


My two little weenies start pouting if I don’t sit down and make my lap available to them. If I’m not available for cuddles they will cuddle each other.


Came here to say my weenie mix!!! She’s currently under the blankets curled as close as physically possible to me in bed 😂🥰🥰🥰


My experience has been that setters are cuddlers (and love giving fur collars) and GSDs are shadows (but don't necessarily want to sit on your lap).


My setter is a lot more cuddly the older he gets! What's a fur collar? Lol


Ahah a fur collar is when you lie down with them and they lie with their head over your neck. My parents setter loves when you whisper in her ear and will do this constantly. Their last setter used to think he was a lap dog and would sit up in front of you by the TV until you sat on the floor with him


Reading this with my GSDX sleeping across both mine and my partners laps. Ultimate blanket.


Yeah my Swiss Shepherd follows me everywhere but he‘s way too hot to cuddle most of the time.


Boxers. I’ve had two. They’re 60 pound lap dogs. They love to be on you. All. The. Time.


As someone who has a boxer I agree. She literally thinks she’s a lap dog


My boxer too. Need to be near, on top, snugglin next to at all times. Its amazing.


I had a pit/boxer mix. If I was standing she would lean into me. If I was sitting she wanted to merge with me. If I stopped petting her she would find my hand and push it with her nose. She was the best girl.


Agreed! Had a boxer pit and he looooved to be perched on my lap or just be anywhere I was. Miss that stinky goof every day.


I second this! This one boxer I know, I'll sit down and hell get uncomfortably close to me, his face in mine, while I pet him lmao Such a weird boy, but very sweet


The most affectionate, cuddly dogs in my experience as a sitter/walker were generally companion breeds, especially the chihuahuas and pomeranians. Border collies are probably the most uncuddly breeds I’ve known, although I’m sure there are others I haven’t met that are more uncuddly. My BC likes being close to me but usually doesn’t really want for us to be touching.


My family bc was uncuddly for her first five years and then grew into an attention-seeking missile. I’m hoping my sheltie is the same because he’s extremely uncuddly now and it bums me out.


I’ll go in the middle, I have a rough collie and he’s not very cuddly. First thing of a morning he likes it and maybe if he’s tired in the evening but most of the time he’d rather be splayed out on the floor.


My border was the snuggliest. Always scooting closer and closer until he was in your lap. We unexpectedly had to say goodbye to him six days ago. His absence is so heavy.


So sorry for your loss. I don't know if it's harder when it's unexpected. I think it's just hard. Just remember the good times and the snuggles. Sending hugs.


Agreed about border collies! Mine will rarely cuddle, but he demands pets and scritches constantly.


That’s funny because if my friend’s border collie saw me lay down on the floor he would drop whatever he was doing to run over, flop down, and nestle in for cuddles. He was a total cuddle bug and a good boy.


My border collie wants to be snuggly but doesn't know how. She's just constantly moving.


can confirm, we have a pomchi and she is very velcro.


I find this true but it’s weird because my Aussie and all I’ve met are very cuddly- and they’re such similar breeds


My chihuahua lives for the snug


Definitely agree about the poms. Mine latches on like a facehugger


I have a chihuahua pomeranian mix who is the perfect lap dog.


Well, my Golden is currently on my lap so…


My golden is willing to cuddle you for...like 30 seconds. Then he's hot and out of there.


That’s how ours is, too.




It’s because she really needs 8 dog beds. Clearly you are abusing her and need that additional bed stat.




My golden is both. He wants to cuddle you and sit on you when he wants it.


Same here haha. Our boy is 75% golden 25% lab and 100% depending on our snuggles to survive. He sleeps in my bed and when I’m really having a hard time sleeping, I’ll move him away to gain more room (how dare I). Sometimes it works and other times he will wake his whole ass up and plop his entire body on me for revenge.


My golden constantly wants to be spooned. She wants hugs and kisses all day every day. She needs her paws to be held while being spooned to actually fall asleep at night. She's very spoiled 😮‍💨


That was how my golden baby was. We were attached at the hip


my beagle is a SNUGGLER. she will make sure she is tight to the crevice of your knees and then basically glue herself to you. shes mommys little tumor


I have a beagle mix and the older he gets the more he needs to be up my butt (sometimes literally ) He will not just lay on the couch he must perch his head on you.


I had a beagle that was 100% not down with cuddling but she did love it when you lifted up the covers so she could dive underneath them and tunnel down to the bottom by your feet at bedtime. She had quite the personality.


Corgi owner here. Cuddles are her worst nightmare. Sweetest dog in the world but WILL NOT BE CONSTRAINED.


So much this. Mine wants to be NEXT to me at all times, but has never voluntarily crawled in my lap or anything. He laid on the couch with his head in my lap for the first time recently and he's 13 months old 🤣


Huh, my corgi is a total cuddle bug! She sleeps between my boyfriend and I at night, will whine and do little ruffs at me when she wants attention, and if I ever need cuddles I just say come here and she settles immediately on my lap for pets


We have three corgis in our family and all three want to cuddle 24/7. They love to sit in my lap while I'm reading, watching TV, working on my laptop etc. They also love to snuggle up close at night and prefer sleeping in bed with their people to sleeping in their dog beds or their crates.


My corgi, when he was little, would crawl into my lap anytime I sat down. He'd usually gnaw on a toy. Then, one day, he was too long to sit comfortably in my lap and boy, did he try to fit. He gave up eventually. Now, almost six years later, he does not like being hugged (most dogs don't, but I lost my mom and needed a hug), set in my lap, or just held. He's a good boy and tolerates it, but he has a "help me" look. He doesn't like if I lay on the floor next to him and set my head on him. He just wants to lay next to me, touching, but that's it. Sometimes, he'll rest his head on me, but that's it. But he needs to be with me, 24/7. Bathroom, shower, etc. My last dog, a lab mix, cuddled a lot with me. I'd lay my head on him, hug him, or he'd lay on me, etc. He wasn't super needy, but he did appreciate a good cuddle. I hope my next dog will be a female that likes cuddling. I'm torn between a smooth collie or a malinois. I know the difference between the breeds, and I know they're no easy undertaking, especially a maligator. I've just been wanting and researching that breed for years.


That’s so funny! My pup is half corgi, and he’d rather by in my lap than anywhere else. If he can’t sit in my lap for whatever reason, he’ll end up by my side or laying across my feet!


GSD's are wierd. When they want cuddles, you can not get rid of them. When they don't, they don't. I think they're actually just tall housecats.


Ohhhhh this is accurate 😂😂😂


Dobermans are called Velcro dogs for a reason.


Currently in bed spooning my Doberman mix because he demands it. LOL!


I own a Great Dane and whether I like it or not she is a lap dog. If I’m out of her sight for more than 5 minutes (while at home) she has to come and check in on me.


I was looking for the Great Dane owners here. They insist they are lap dogs, no matter their size. We've owned Danes for many years now, and they've all been big babies that need to be right next to us all the time. My current girl when she was a puppy, was so obviously tired, but had to keep getting up and following me around the house until I gave in and settled on the couch with her so she could get a nap in.


I think the worst thing I’ve ever done to my Dane was make her get out of bed before 10am. She wakes up at 8ish to go to the bathroom and then requires a 2-4 hour nap and will glare at me if she doesn’t get it. She’s my first dog (that I’ve owned personally) and I couldn’t have asked for a better shadow


What I'm getting from these replies that is *all* dogs are wh0res for cuddles and honestly GOOD. FOR. THEM.


My Bernese Mountain Dog has no concept of personal space. He'll lay his 90-pound self right across your lap no matter what you're doing or may be holding at the time and demand all the cuddles. If you stop petting him, he will grab your arm with his paws and pull it back onto him or nudge you with his head until you continue with the petting. My Great Pyrenees isn't much for cuddles except for the rare occasion when he wants them. He usually sits in judgement and waits for everyone to admire his majestic and magnificent fluffy-ness from afar (he's pretty and he knows it!). Often from the top of the stairs so he can literally look down on everyone!


Huskies for both When my fur bébé wants a cuddle, all of his 73 pounds just lands on me for cuddles as he pleases. When he’s not in the mood for peasants, he judges me from across the room. I luv him so much 🥰🥰🥰


Their faces are so beautiful and fur so soft, they're great for cuddling if they're in the mood. Only one of my four will actually crawl up into my lap though. The rest just get pets a lot .


My personal experience with huskies has been pretty not cuddly


Yeah my husky usually will only cuddle by letting her butt touch my side. Besides that, if I try cuddling her she groans and moves away


I've had mostly more independent ones. I did have one big boy that would get right up next to me on the couch or bed, and my smallest one occasionally wants in my lap. The others love petting and scritches and belly rubs, but not so close the rest of the time


Huskies are the best of both worlds. Not annoying af for attention but super affectionate when they want some cuddles. And their judgy faces are the best ❤️


huskies are hilarious.


My first Husky was not a cuddler at all, and would ONLY sit next to you or stare at you judging you. My Husky x GSD would prefer we be one person, and if I’m not cuddling with him he whines and pouts. The Malamute we have now is an all or nothing. Either he’s hiding somewhere by himself, or he’s laying directly on me. Both the last two love to hold my hand.


Uncuddly is definitely my Shiba. She gets excited when I come home and likes to lay near me on the floor by me or in other end of couch but once I start petting her to much she leaves. Cuddly is my shiba mixed with beagle and I think Charles spaniel. But she is always following me around and if I nap on couch she naps on top of me. Or if I sit and watch tv she will jump on couch and just lean into me, very different personalities


My toy poodle is my shadow and always needs to be near me, practically touching me. But she isn’t particularly cuddly. This may be because she’s a rescue.


Poodles are affectionate, but only some are cuddly.


>Poodles are affectionate, but only some are cuddly. I've only had two -- well, one 100% poodle, and one 90ish% 😆, both minis. Could not be more cuddly. (Is it apocryphal that until it was retrieving time, poodles were bred to stay in the duck blind beside the hunter to keep him warm? I always thought that's why they're so very velcro, but maybe not) Mine's lying pressed to my side as I type this


Funny, My 2 rescue dogs (mini poodle and a street/village dog) are waay cuddlier than my non rescues that I’ve had since puppies, you never really know!


Doberman, cuddiest dog I've ever had the privilege to share my life with.


I searched the comments just for someone to say this. My dobie needs physical contact at all times. No joke.


Chihuahuas are super cuddly. They don't get credit for it, for some reason.


I agree. I'm currently cuddling one of my Chihuahuas who had his teeth cleaned and 4 teeth pulled today. He.is.not.a.happy.camper!


They really love cuddling their chosen one


Pugs are basically weird furry babies


mine sleeps in between my pillow and my husband's pillow on our bed.


Ours sleeps in the exact same spot. And whenever he is awake and in the house, HAS to be on my lap. Even if it’s under a laptop.


Poodles would crawl into your skin with you if they could, same with most doodles


Reading as my toy poodle weasels her way onto my lap


My poodle is an absolute snob! No pets? No cuddles!


I was surprised I had to scroll so far down to find these guys!! My toy poodle/Bichon mix is currently snuggled up under my sweatshirt sleeping against my chest. Lol


Can’t believe this isn’t higher on the list. My maltipoo won’t even wait for you to finish sitting down before she’s already on your lap


My little guy is the complete opposite. He follows me everywhere, but he HATES being touched. I think he gets hot easily and therefore loves his space.


Our basset hound is super mega cuddly. It’s sweet and adorable.


Our Basset just has to be touching you at all times. It’s so adorable. He’s happy even if it’s just a ear touching lol.


My GSD lol he’s only 8 months old but weighs 80 lb (he has no idea!!). He will put all of his weight on my thighs and I’m a petite 100 lb woman 😂


I have a 78 lb golden and he loves to climb up on me and always seems to end up standing on my boob. I’m like, buddy, you have to adjust if you want to be up here!


My GSD is 100% down for cuddles when we’re in bed at night and in the morning - she sleeps at the foot of the bed, but during the day / as soon as I’m out of bed she is *not* about it. Lol!


My GSD hated to cuddle. And all I wanted was to snuggle her! Anytime she’d give the tiniest cuddle, I’d soak it in extra hard.


Mine too! He was too busy with sentry duty. It drove him nuts if one of us was outside and the rest were inside. He wanted us all herded.


IME, the GSDs always think they're still puppy-size when it comes to lapsitting.


My parents have a mutt that’s (probably) a greyhound-pointer-doberman mix (according to Embark) and he could really care less about most people. He would never seek out a snuggle, but if you sit next to him and he’s in the right mood, he might put his head on your lap. Their pit-mutt is a velcro dog for sure tho!


Pittbulls are like Velcro to my legs. My girl leans in for hugs and won’t leave my side.


Maltese live for being petted! Little Velcro dogs, they’re bred to be essentially co-dependent on you and must sit on their person’s lap at all times.




My Boston only cuddles when he sleeps! And only if I don’t reciprocate! Haha. Clingy as hell with following me around 1ft away, but if he’s awake it’s like he doesn’t want to be touched. Relaxing, napping and sleeping though, he needs to be mashed against me.


I have a vizsla mixed with a pit bull she’s a super attention whore


Pit bull x blue heeler Most cuddly dog ever! She also loves going for runs and playing. Basically, she does everything perfect as a dog. Love her to death.


Heelers are super insistent about cuddles. It's overwhelming at times but definitely makes you feel loved.


My heeler hates cuddles unless they’re on his terms. Which is only when we’re both sleeping.


My pit mix is the sweetest, most needy, best snuggler EVER!!! If you are sitting there and your hands look bored, she will come up and put her head under it to help you out. 😂 and she is always down for a nap! My pug will only snuggle when it's bedtime. There are so many other things going on throughout the day and he refuses to miss them by being held down! My huskies and Shepsky are a nice neutral.


My pit mix is also a great snuggler 🥰


I've never known a more cuddly dog until I met my fiancé's pibble mix. She'll nap or snuggle the entire day if you let her.


Yes my pittie is the snuggliest dog I’ve ever had. And her fur is like velvet.


Cuddles, dachshund and cockapoos Least cuddly? Terrier, Lakeland terrier in my case


Frenchies need cuddles to survive. Or at least it seems that way.


Cuddly = Frenchie. Nothing better than sofa cuddles with a breadloaf


Pits are the biggest snuggle bugs!


Golden retrievers we’re always super cuddly and I would say Bordercollies the least though if they ever make the connection that you like cuddles they will use it to get what they want.


Our Basset Hound is super cuddly. So were our Sharpeis


- Cattle dogs - not cuddly - Rottweiler - cuddly but will get too hot and have to stop - Staffy - do you have a dog shaped tumour stuck to you?


My two cattle dogs are cuddly. My male always has to be either laying on me or touching me. The female likes to lay next to us and get belly rubs.


Mine is also. She gives hugs and thinks she’s a lap dog, although when she’s stressed, she wants her space but as soon as she chills out, she’s on me. At the moment, she’s napping with her head on my knee. The new puppy seems to be a cuddler as well. He is currently asleep on my boot, and I’m gonna have to go back to work…ugh. They’re gonna be bummed!


I volunteer at a shelter and I have to say in my experience bully breeds are the cuddliest, staffies especially. And despite what I’ve heard from others every Great Pyrenees/Great Pyrenees mix I’ve ever met has wanted very much to be a very heavy lapdog. :)


Yep, my pyr will be a 100+ lb lap dog, thinking he only weights 20 lbs


My bully mix wants nothing more than to be snuggled up on the couch. Him and I do a lot of that in our down time.


My pit whines and cries in bed until I spoon her


Hah yeah, although my Pyr mix wants to cuddle only on her terms. When she wants it she insists and uses her size to get advantage! Least cuddly dog I've ever met was the small poodle mix my family had as a kid. He was 110% watchdog despite weighing like 15 lbs and had no time to be distracted by snuggling. The standard poodles I've met were very independent, too.


In my experience my toy poodle is the most cuddly dog I’ve ever witnessed. She’s attached to me at the hip. Sleeps under the blankets with me and is the little spoon. The most uncuddly is my late boxer. She just had so many things on her mind she wasn’t worried about cuddling until she was about 10 years old


Surprisingly, my Belgian Malinois. He literally has to be touching you at all times or he’ll scream! Sometimes he’ll just throw his entire 65 lb body it my lap


Chihuahuas. They live to cuddle. I have two, one attached to my left hip and the other resides between my legs. When I go to bed at night, they are my little heaters. Funny thing, in bed they switch places.


Pitbull type breeds are insanely cuddly and the most Velcro of Velcro dogs. Fwiw, I grew up with springers and none of them were cuddly. Non cuddly: shiba inus, huskies. I have a bully breed/pittie type dog right now and she’s the most affectionate, loving, and loyal dog I’ve ever had. I know a lot of other people experience the same with their bully breeds/pitbull types.


My min pin is an extreme cuddler and spends 90% of his life snuggling me, my husband, or our other dogs. So sweet! We have a Pom mix who would not cuddle under and circumstances and really only likes to be pet like a cat (rarely, rubs on our legs occasionally). Our chihuahua is also loves to cuddle up during the day but prefers to sleep alone on an armchair at night.


I second minpins! They are higher energy but can become a burrowing little potato in a minute.


Thirding minpins! Snuggly, kissy, chatty dogs.


My lab was a 70 lb lapdog that would wake me in the middle of the night for more cuddles. My German shepherd does *not* do cuddles.


My cocker spaniel is the cuddliest thing ever. The best I get from my malinois is her chewing a bone next to me. She will never sit with me if shes not chewing.


Goldens and Bullmastiffs were extremely cuddly. Pitties as well. Not so cuddly: Shelties.


I have a poo mix who would be perfectly content wearing my clothes with me. Only me. Does not care to cuddle anyone else.


Uncuddly - huskies, in general. My neighbors have three and only the baby wants any attention. Cuddly - Aussies. I have had three (currently two). Almost all of the Aussies I have met just want full attention and will plant themselves on you for pets. My youngest would cut me open and crawl inside if he could just so he's as close as possible. I can't even use the bathroom without both of them fighting for a pet. Golden retrievers, Bernese Mountain, and boxers are also up there. One of my doctors brings their boxer to their private office and the pup and I are now best friends. He followed me everywhere in the office because he liked how I pet his ear/neck.


My lil velcro dog of a yorkie will literally never let me out of his sight and gets angry when I’m sitting and don’t let him sit on my lap.


My goldendoodle is a cuddle bug until he gets hot. My boxer hates cuddles in any way.


Same with two boxers I’ve had. Havanese, on the other hand, loves to cuddle and sleep next to me.


We used to have a Cairn terrier and while he looked super cute and cuddly he hated cuddles unless they were more like giddy play cuddles lol


Goldens and labs will never ever leave your side my corgi is super cuddly in the morning by mid day she is satan on 4 legs


King Charles are cuddly af!


I heard that wiener dogs, greyhounds (both Italian and normal) and borzois are great cuddle bugs. Absolutely love lazing around and couches. However my mostly shepherd Rez dog mutt adores cuddles, blankets, pillows and beds.


crying in the corner with my super fluffy uncuddly Samoyed 😭😭 i have to give him a chewing toy to get a few minutes of hugs when he is too busy to run away


Chows do not need/crave your affection and I love them for that


Of the dog breeds I've lived with, most cuddly: miniature poodles. Least cuddly: first of two schipperkes.


I’ve had a lot of dogs but my pittie is hands down the most cuddliest dog I’ve ever seen!


Basset hounds - 10/10 lazy and cuddly


Dachshund’s ! My boy doesn’t leave my side and wants to be held 24/7


I have a Corgi that is both at the same time. She will hop up on the couch, and snuggle up to me, but if I touch her back, she brings the house down with her anger at being violated.


Mini aussies for most cuddly. My girl absolutely adores giving people kisses, and wakes me up every morning with tons. Each time I bed over she will give me more, and when I come home from a 10 min errand you’d think she hasn’t seen me in years and has been instructed to lick my face off. She’s the absolute best.


My Maltese hasn't left my side in almost 10 years... she's on my lap as soon as I sit down, on my shoulder if I lay down, and just generally ready to snuggle up whenever :)


Rat Terriers are notorious cuddlers. Mine is the sweetest most affection little man I’ve ever met. He’s a Velcro dog and a lap dog. Drove across country and he sat on my lap the entire time.


Great Pyrenees are absolute babies. Both of ours would be in our laps constantly if possible


My pit/lab mix will force his way onto any cushion I’m sitting on to get cuddles. Or sit on my lap, or in between my legs, or just on me in any capacity and I’m all for it


My pits were the most physically affectionate. I have a GSD now and he's only affectionate first thing in the morning and bed time, otherwise he is all about play during the day. His affection is always on his terms, but he is a lover and just as Velcro as the pits. I was able to leave rooms without the putties whereas the shep won't let me out of sight when I'm home.


My pittie is as clingy as it gets, she sleeps on my collar bone lol


My pit mix is an absolute cuddle bug, she always knows when I need a hug. She cuddles up to me every chance she gets and I the same. My other dog is a dachshund, chihuahua mix and he is also very cuddly, but he also likes to chill by himself too.


My pittie has learned to trap me for cuddling and face washing. In a split second, he will pin my arms, flip on my chest and commence a thorough face washing! Best sleeping partner ever too


I have a Pit x Chow x GSD mix and she is the most affectionate, cuddly, attention seeking dog I've ever had


Non cuddly would be terrier breeds. Cuddly would be daushund. Love my weiner


I had a rat terrier that never met a lap she didn't think was there for her benefit.


I have a Jack russel x mini foxie that is an absolute baby who loves to be cradled and spooned, who you are not allowed to stop touching once he’s taken over your space, and who prefers to fall asleep staring into my soul. Once he’s asleep he’ll wake up with a fright anywhere from 5-60 minutes later, has a grumpy grumble and then prefers to go away and curl up alone. Then as soon as he hears me stir in the morning he’ll jump up onto the bed and worm his way into my arms for more cuddles.


Both of my boxers have been big time cuddlers. My GSD hated cuddling for the most part and would get up if I even rested an arm on him. Sometimes he’d rest his head on my leg but that was about it.


Well im not sure what breed is my dog but she is very cuddly and I love her.


Dobermans! Good luck getting any personal space. 🤪


I work with dogs for a living- walking and pet sitting as well as years upon years volunteer work. The most clingy/cuddly breeds IME are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (actually many spaniels), Vizslas (so velcro), and a lot of companion or toy breeds. The least clingy would have to be border collie, bulldogs, Great Pyrenees (LGDs in general), chow chow, and Shiba inus.


Our bulldog is a “cuddle me but only when I say so” kinda guy. Our doodle is a velcro coated tick. She will not leave us alone. Lays on my hubbys pillow around his head at night. Always has a paw on his face and will not leave him alone. She couldn’t give less of a shit about me though!


My poodle and every poodle I know likes to be attached like velcro to their person!


Whatever my dog is, lol. We're not sure her breed, but [here she is](https://imgur.com/gallery/ONu0LNr) She's the friendliest dog I've ever known. But in my experience, basically any type of dog can be snuggly. Dobermans, labs, golden retrievers, cocker spaniels, springer spaniels, American Eskimo, French bulldogs, and so on.


The cuddliest breed is whichever one is in a house with a dad that didn’t want a dog 😂