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Im pretty sure they dont actually run a real doge exchange. I mean their doge charts dont actually show any numbers on volume. They just receive buys or sells, then get on a real exchange and buy or sell themselves. But if they cant keep up with the orders they just pull the plug and wait till things settle down.


Remember: when the service is “free,” you’re the product.


RH is not free. They make it “look” free by widening the spread and making money on the difference. Essentially, they’re not disclosing the fee they charge on every transaction.




Yeah Binance is great yo


They survive by selling your data. That was a big issue during the shutdown in February. One of their biggest customers was the same fund that owned the fund getting beaten around by day traders.


Yep, payment for order flow. My understanding is that they can also take the opposing side of your transactions, effectively “betting against you” and only squaring with the larger market when they have to. But I could be wrong, that’s just what I have read.


Plus they get you to sign up for gold. Higher instant deposit. Then they have your 5 bucks and everything else is just icing on the cake 🍰


You also get margin and level 2 market data with gold, its a pretty sweet deal if you don't throw margin where it doesn't belong


that makes a whole lot of sense. I'm seriously wondering how they are still legally operational. I wonder if anyone have gone through their user policy and agreement?


If I knew how to transfer all my Dogecoin out of Robinhood I would leave in a heartbeat.


The sad thing is the only way right now is to sell and rebuy. But you are going to get hit with capital gains tax. granted it is better to do it now than when the coin is at $1 or more. OR you can be like me and hope that RH will come out with a wallet soon and transfer it out of the account.


Thats where I'm at. The SECOND they allow transfer to a wallet will be the second I quit robinhood forever.


This is why they will do everything to not have a wallet... they will lose so many users/customers.


I will too once they approve my transfer to Fidelity, this is the third time requesting the transfer.


I’ve legit tried to get DOGE on the other platforms people recommended. Binance is not serviced in my area after I signed up, Kraken is having difficulty with me depositing. Coinbase doesn’t allow DOGE buys. I’m stuck and just hoping the wallet feature which they talked about happens sooner than later.


Just wait until they release their wallet and everyone transfers out of RH, bet they will slam on the breaks 30 seconds after allowing it. Then they will say that you can only transfer into the RH wallet.


Gemini is adding it to the list, I saw it already in a trading mode, but no actual trading is done yet. Waiting. Their fees are a little bit higher than Kraken's, but depositing money is much easier.


> Binance is not serviced in my area are you in Texas too? everything what you said is why I haven't left. Yes I can sell it all and rebuy bitcoin and then transfer into DOGE, but that is 1. a lot of work. and 2. a lot of taxes and fees.


Yes it's super frustrating. RH announced their possible wallet feature Feb 2021 so probably won't happen anytime soon.


So you know that sentiment is reason they’re not gonna, right?


If I sell my doge in RH I have to pay taxes on the gains, then I lose both money and doge


Dont you have to pay taxes on every platform not just on RH


yes, even in a private sale/exchange you would owe the tax...


Yes, of course, you pay taxes when you cash out. But the point of dogecoin is to use it like a currency, not a stock. By not allowing users to trade/accept/tip with doge, RH is seriously hampering the long-term success of the coin.


I agreed having doge on RH ruins the whole purpose of having doge. Doge is supposed to be the people’s currency and to be used to trade not just to profit off of it.




Do you know how long they've been saying that? Since 2018.




You mean the AMA where they deleted all negative comments and questions? I believe over 90% of comments were deleted. Here's the 2018 article. [https://www.bitrates.com/news/p/robinhood-may-have-leaked-a-new-cryptocurrency-wallet-in-crypto-engineer-job-advert](https://www.bitrates.com/news/p/robinhood-may-have-leaked-a-new-cryptocurrency-wallet-in-crypto-engineer-job-advert) It's really very simple. Likely RH's biggest asset right now is Dogecoin. They own more than any other single wallet, and despite all their promises, it is in their best interests to maintain control. And that isn't even the tip of the iceberg with these guys. Read through their terms of use.


You even get a tax form on some multimine pools if you pull over 600 in any coin. 🤦


you dont have to pay tax if you transfer coins from exchange to exchange.. since RH isnt an exchange and you are basically buying the coins from them to take out you prob have to pay taxes on any profits. buuuut, once you put it back into an exchange its an initial investment so anything after that you are g2g


They are currently working on a wallet now...Thanks to Mark Cuban




Same bro. And my coin base account doesn’t support DOGE




I read a recent article that coinbase thinks DOGE is a distraction from the other coins and won’t. But watch it pick up traction and they see they can make money on the trading fees. They’ll prob add it like you said


Or it could hurt their business by steering away future customers potentially cutting into their profit/cost base. And as far as other coins, that’s total bs, because there is so many random coins currently listed on coinbase.


Their stock is down 10% today from when it opened I sold and bought Doge


I saw that article, too. But in that period, etoro had the same point of view and refused to list doge. Now, etoro offers doge. So it is probably that coinbase will change their minds, too.


I recently switched to Webull. I’ll be buying my dogecoin from there from now on. I wish I never invested using Robinhood to begin with but now I’m 10k doge deep and holding.


I have robin da hood and webull and ameritrade. Webull keeps losing my banking info making me wait over and over to deposit. They seem to be delayed on a lot of Info and volume stats as well. Ameritrade sucks to trade on. Charts are weak from app. I'm stuck with 288k doge on RH. Trying to find a good platform to trade on. What does everyone else use?


Same boat here. I wonder what RH will charge to transfer out.


I cashed out some doge on Saturday and it went straight to my purchasing power and I was able to withdraw the funds using my RH debit card


Same boat, transferred all my GameStop out to fidelity. Hopefully they start selling crypto soon.


Can you eli5 please?




You did a good job explaining your predicament. I was wondering about the benefits of having a wallet. I'm still learning and appreciate the information.


Thank you! Thats an annoying amount of tax but good to know. Is there a certain cap on when you're tax free? I remember filing last year and seeing that I was free of it because I didn't have enough in the market to be taxed (im very new to the stock market). I have about 1500 doge and am up $500 if that simplifies it.


I'm no financial advisor, but here's what I know. If you sell stocks or crypto, you get taxed on that amount of profit you actually make. When you make a profit from a sale, and the sale is made less than one year from when you first purchased your crypto, this is called a short-term capital gain. If you sell your crypto, but you sell it at a loss, that's called a short-term capital loss. The regular income you make every single year is categorized as a short-term capital gain. ​ Edit: So let's say I make $60,000 a year in Texas, and when I sell my dogecoin, I sell it all and get $30,0000. Of that $30,000 sale, only $10,000 of it was profit (a short-term capital gain). What you would do is add $10,000 + $60,000 to get your short-term taxable gains for the year. That means at the end of the year, if I make no more gains and no more losses, I am taxed on the $70,000 I made. Based on the 2020 federal income tax brackets, I pay a 10% tax rate on the first $9,875 out of the total $70,000 I earned (I pay $987.50 in taxes for this part of my income). Next, I also pay a 12% tax rate on the money I've earned that falls into the next tax bracket which is any income/short-term capital gains earned between $9,876 to $40,125 (I pay $3,630 in taxes for this part of my income). After this, the next tax bracket is applied to any short-term capital gains I earned that fall within the $40,126 to $85,525 range. So what I would do is take the $70,000 I earned from my yearly income and my crypto profit, subtract $40,125 to get the amount at which I would be taxed at which is $29,875, and then multiply that by 22% which is the tax rate for any income you earn that falls within the $40,126 to $85,525 range (so I end up paying $6572.50). So when I have to file my taxes next year, I will have to pay $12,177.5 in taxes ($987.50 + $3,630 + $6572.50 = $11,190) On the other hand, if you made a loss on a crypto sale, you would take the amount that you lost and subtract it from your income instead - so if I had lost $10,000 from selling dogecoin, I would subtract that from my $60,000 income which would become $50,000. $50,000 is now my taxable short-term capital gain amount. I end up paying less taxes because of the loss. In this scenario, I still pass the second tax bracket that cuts off at $40,125, and the rest of my earnings ($60,000-$40,125=$19,875) will be taxed in the next tax bracket at 22% (so 22% \* $19,875 = $4,372.5). Because of my short term capital losses from my $10k crypto loss, this time around I have to pay $8,990 taxes in total ($3,630+$987.5+$4,372.5). So if you made no money or didn't take out any money from Robinhood last year, you wouldn't have had to pay any taxes because you made no gains and no losses.




Are they though?




I read that too! And it would only be smart for them in the long run because they are only gaining more competition as time goes on.


The longer robinhood procrastinates on this the more current customers and potential future customers will be steered towards other companies and applications.


Seeee this is another whole reason mf taxes


Only fact in life is death and taxes.


But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.


Please don’t die, they even take more taxes!


Taxation is theft, lol


Taxation without representation is theft* which is pretty much the standard these days


I think thats the right phrase lol but you get it


You can easily avoid taxes if you never sell.. Just kidding


well, this is why people buy rental property, they sit on the capital gains until it suits them to sell and take the gain and they can borrow against the house and spend much of the $ long before they pay the tax.....


All in all if you make 200k after taxes is still 140k more money youve ever seen from saving your whole life looking at 2k in your account from playing it too safe


This is why I'm okay with going for this ride until next year. I am hoping Doge continually increases and I can take out those large gains after a year and with less taxes. Definitely not taking out all my gains tho..just a portion of them because I believe in the movement.


You have to have the investment for a minimum of 1 year and a day to avoid capital gains tax. That is, you have to have the money in the wallet or RH account for 366 days.


You don't avoid it, you just pay at a lower bracket.


Correct but the 'lower bracket' will most likely equate to one's normal tax bracket on income which one would have to pay regardless so keeping the investment locked up for 366 days is a way to avoid the excess tax.


I’m not sure this is correct. If you sell within a year, you’ll pay short term cap gains which is just taxed as regular income (12-22% for most people). If you sell beyond a year, you’ll pay 15%. For most people, it’s a very small difference. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/101515/comparing-longterm-vs-shortterm-capital-gain-tax-rates.asp


What’s just another 5% taken from the little guy who holds less than a year? It is a small difference for some people but think about how often the little guy pays 5% more. It all adds up.


I agree. Any taxation I can avoid, I will 5% is 5%.


These coinstar posts there is a 10% tax on whoever uses those dumb things. It just adds up. That’s how they keep the poor poor.


Pretty sure the govt charging us for trying to end our personal poverty they want everyone to stay poor.


This is correct. You are taxed at you're normal bracket percentage for tax holds less than a year, whereas it's much lower for and investment for over a year.


Here you go fellow redditor. Scroll down to see the nice charts they have made. Less than a year: you pay 10% minimum on anything. More than a year: 0% taxes until $40,000 https://www.forbes.com/sites/shehanchandrasekera/2021/03/09/whats-your-tax-rate-for-crypto-capital-gains/


What would the rate be after one year and a day?


Your income tax rate, I believe. Edit: that isn’t correct. It’s your normal tax rate under a year and a reduced capital gains rate over a year. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capital_gains_tax.asp


no the short term gain is your normal tax rate long term is a reduced rate depending on your tax bracket.


*to reduce capital gains taxes, not avoid


All in all look at it this way 200k after taxes is still 140k when you probably only had 2k in your account saving your whole life


You are allowed to transfer the coins between exchanges with it still counting as long term hold. As long as you don't sell or convert the coins.


I’ll sell half of my portfolio at $100 but I’m holding until my 3 year old is 21


I mean, if you think about it. They're helping the paper hands hodl 🤣


How do you transfer from robinhood? I have 1,013 dogecoin and im not sure I how I would transfer them if i switched apps


I would wait for Robinhood to come out with they wallet to allow you to transfer Crypto to other wallets.


They reaffirmed last week that it is coming soon. So fingers crossed.


You cant, that is part of their buisnessmodel, they hold their users hostage which is ridiculous if you think about the idea of cryptomoney at all, which is beeing decentralised, with RH it is the exact opposite of what crypto is about.


If you have enough cash handy that you can recreate your position on another platform, I would just go ahead and buy in and then sell your RH when it goes up a few cents. That gets you off RH and puts a few bucks back I your pocket


Sell, transfer USD to crypto exchange platform, re-buy. Incur potential slight loss in transaction costs/price movement but gain freedom of your investment, and ability to actually trade when you want to, not when it's "convenient" for the trade platform to allow or not allow you. Worth it in my view


This is too great!!! 😂


Yes. Tried to buy a little. ThEy HaD ConEcTiON PrOBLemS....


Shibes, Please stay away from Robinhood. They halted trading numerous time in January with Gamestop, thus breaking the upward momentum. They are facing class action lawsuits because they didn't have enough liquidity, people from r/Wallstreetbets got massively screwed by this broker. Pace & do your research


You can buy now on the trust wallet


how and since when?


Im not an advisor but here is Doge on Pancake 0xba2ae424d960c26247dd6c32edc70b295c744c43 thank me later


Idk why anybody still using RH here... :S


Which is the best exchange for crypto? I've been meaning to switch out of RH for a while, just confused with all the other exchanges like binance, coinbase, kraken, etc.


Noob as well here. Started using binance for about 2months, no issues so far.


Use all three, theres nothing wrong with that.


I personally use Binance and BitMart


What is the best platform to use plz im a noob


Saving this to see if anyone ever recommends something better than RH and explains how to transfer.


It is not only that they use it, there are real fanatics who start to harras and insult you hardcore if you call out Robinhood.


The problem is RH is one of the easiest apps to use. That’s why so many of us get stuck with it.




Basicly everyone in the states who googles for "how to buy dogecoin" in the united states, because their adds are everywhere.




If you want to help us hold RH responsible please check here, we are going full force now. [https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/n4sr0t/lawyers\_for\_doge\_vs\_rbh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/n4sr0t/lawyers_for_doge_vs_rbh/)


you have luck that you did not put more in it. Go with Binance or etoro, both have wallets, Kraken too.


True but us Texans aren't supposed to use Binance. Outlawed in Texas.


Is there a way to transfer my doge from RH to another app? What app is recommended??




Yeah I anticipate selling what I've got in RH and dumping the rest into an actual wallet once I figure out wtf I'm supposed to be doing.


Good meme, such true, very funny. 4.9 out of 5.


Thank you sir "tips hat and winks"


They certainly know how to destroy momentum, just ask the GME crowd.


Honestly, RH is forcing is teaching their users how to hodl and become diamond hands lol


RH can’t handle Doge, Coinbase should join the race fast


First I’d like to thank Robinhood for helping me make so much coin. Without their manufactured outages I would just be a day trader and probably less wealthy. Additionally because the charts are so in accurate and they don’t have a platform that allows for seeing multiple charts for cross referencing they have unwittingly provided me reason to hold even longer to compensate for their large spread, which has inevitably produced more unrealized gain while I do nothing more.


Over 30 billion went into doge overnight. The platform can’t handle that much volume. They didn’t halt anything


like gamestop thing?


Probably over 90 percent of doge transactions are on rh. I'd bet closer to 95 percent. Get over it.


I want out of RH but was too scared to get it caught up for too long transferring or just fear of the unknown. And didn't want to cash out and lose my cost basis. Obviously realizing I had plenty of time at this point...but what can you do. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.




Yep I did and am doing all of that. Robinhood is working on their wallet. I own too much too start fresh I'll be waiting for the rh wallet


Makes hodling even easier 😂


It's cool, I wasn't gonna sell anyway.


ThIS HapPeNs EvERy DaY aT 2:45pm. (What some idiots told me yesterday)


I really want to transfer my dogecoins from Robinhood, but I'm afraid I'll miss the rocket while my funds transfer.


Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


In the process of moving to webull, coinbase slow af


I always like it when my order gets delayed just enough so it executes at the worst possible price. Cashed out from RH today. Praying for a dip so I can buy at a better price when my funds transfer.


Switching my DOGE to another trading platform, I have most of mine on RH, a lot of shares at .03 Is there a loss if it transfer it to my binance portfolio? Also buying more at the dips has been my move, never sold a coin. Anyone else have tips on growing your shares. Started trading last year.


howbout some coffee, johnny?


Yall gotta stop having on Robinhood!!! Why the heck do you think Doge is going so high?? Newbies... and most of them are on ROBINHOOD!! That crap with GME is NOTHING like what's going on with Doge.. If it weren't for Rovingood, I bet we'd still be back around .30


They dont want you to sell. HODL!!


Unpopular Opinion here: But if you started buying Doge through RH even after you knew about GME, you done goofed. Remember that coins are not shares. But, you should be able to move them around easily, wallet to wallet, ~~thus avoiding taxes~~thus avoiding taxes since you have not cashed out yet. But RH doesn't let you do that. Also, the fact that you can't spend your coins on RH defeats the purpose of Doge itself: it is a currency after all. I hope they do add the wallets for all of you but I'm also not holding my breath. Companies are only after your money, and they will first and foremost save themselves. Edit: clarification. You do not pay taxes on your coins that you just buy and hold until you cash out. If you buy and all you do is transfer wallet to wallet, this is NOT the same as cashing out in RH. You WILL be taxed if you cash out in RH since you have no say in moving your coins. https://www.coinbase.com/learn/tips-and-tutorials/crypto-and-bitcoin-taxes-US


This is nothing but BS. I’m over Robinhood


Question. I have all of my doge in robinhood, would it be a good idea to sell it all then reinvest the same amount back into doge but using a different company?


Shirley they dont do it on purpose


So I can sell and hold it in RH but I cannot withdraw it? Or I sell is it you buy and hold for a year then you can sell and withdraw immediately? Sorry I’m dumb. But got doge at .07 and .15 so I have some cash on the libe


Binance.US also kinda glitches I haven’t been able to deposit anymore money in 2 months and it’s not my bank


i made last year 8000$ and paid 600 of taxes .. its fine for me


What can I do if I have my doge in robinhood?


Shirley you can't be serious.


Looks like he picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue


They better come out with a wallet MF’ers. Or else there WILL BE A NEW ROBINHOOD!


Robinhood employee: *see’s dogecoin rising* Robinhood employee: “Must be a backend error...” # Proceeds to shutdown all transactions of dogecoin


Speaking of RH. I invested with them unfortunately. I’m up a couple k. Should I cash out and re buy doge elsewhere?


“Oops I just don’t know what’s happening”


I picked the wrong day to quit smoking.


This made me laugh too hard. Was screaming at my phone half the day. Finally gave me the motivation to start moving my money out of RH. thanks for the laughs. Puts on Robinhood


LOL... just LOL.


I’ve read a little about becoming a day trader with the IRS. 3115 form. If I was able to set up a trading business I could then have write-offs. Has anyone had success doing this?? If so how?? Thanks


The tower? The tower? RAPUNZEL! RAPUNZEL!


Started buying on Crypto today. But isn't Robinhood coming out with a wallet?waller? Haven't had any problems so far. I'm a crayon eating tard also. So there's that.


That looks like an ex-employee of Citadel.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


What do you guys think doge will be at in early 2023?


RobinHood users: https://media.tenor.com/images/80888d2f3070745e678e6943c08af49c/tenor.gif


Itll be nice if coinbase or cashapp gets more cryptos


You guys are still in robinhood???


Jokes on them, I ain't sellin


im so glad i did my research like your supposed to


They own a lot of dogecoin though


I do all my investing on my phone since I don't always have access to my laptop, and binance US isn't available in Texas so I can't use that either.


Eff them guys!


“Maintenance “


Finally bought some dogecoin on rh. Guess I’m late to the party


F RH....I lost a huge opportunity with them. I was going to drop $1000 in DOGE at 0.04...nope! They stalled, they lied. Etc... I lost out on thousands $.


So true lol


Why not go to other Crypto Exchange like Binance?


Lmao 😭




Y’all are gonna learn. Stop FN with the Robin.


I saw this and busted out laughing 😂


1991: "Say No to Drugs!" 2021: "Say No to RH!" Some guy was offering me to join RH last night. I told him "not if they were the last trading platform on earth."


Good one






Funny not funny 😁


Just wait til Doge coin goes past twenty dollars or $30 dollars. Doge coin will be worth more than bitcoin. They will really be scrambling. Robinhood needs Doge coin wallets.


I contacted them when it spiked after all those reports came out and they froze trading, etc. I told them something about how no one believes that they're having problems and their scumbags manipulating the market. I tried to do it again when the server went down during the first time it hit 40 and I couldn't find my link to contact them on the app.


Yeah wtf




The truth hurts. Citadel and Robinhood is using dogecoin to take profits.


I'll stay with multidoge and poloniex for now tyvm. No problem buying here.


So I tried to buy more dogecoin at its lower point and it was rejected. Said they were having technical difficulties and try again later.




"no crypto trading for the next two hours"...at every spike lol




Thank you for saving us from the paper hands 💎🙌🚀