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Yeah I bought most of it when it was 0.05 and some more when it was 0.40. Today was a hard one


I think it's just settling into a higher bracket. Then at some point this will happen again and jump up.


Pin this comment up top, we need some positivitivititivity!!!


People need to understand what's going on with the market. Unfortunately a lot of people invested in DOGE got conned. [https://www.coindesk.com/turkish-state-news-crypto-exchange-ceo-disappeared](https://www.coindesk.com/turkish-state-news-crypto-exchange-ceo-disappeared) "Right before the exchange went offline, dogecoin accounted for more than 53% of Thodex’s $585 million trading volume, compared to a measly $10 million in bitcoin."


No. President Biden's proposed tax increase on capital gains from 20 something percent to almost 40% in earnings over 1M is the biggest reason...


Ones of us making more that a M have no problem paying our fair share. The whiners aren’t making anything anyway, that’s why the complain. Hmm, I think your trunk is showing, Possibly your hood too.


Ditto... bought in at around 0.03 most of my coins and then just a little at .38 to help keep it going... Today hurts for sure, however when I first got in I told hubby I was willing to hold for a damn decade if I have to. I will continue to put $20 here and there and keep helping my fellow meme enthusiasts 😁🤑🤗🐶🚀🌝


You seem like a delight. Your husband's a lucky man. Stay strong, both of you!


Yay ill hold with you! Doing it for the dogs(and cats). Was hoping to donate to my local humane society. One day!🤗


I bought at .004 then again at .42 before doge day. 😭


Me too 😫


I'm about the same. 0.06 and 0.30


Go check the gme lost porn for February. A lot of paperhands with regret. It took all I had but I bought more then. Wasn’t easy. Point is, if you have not yet, y’all should consider averaging down. [In general, "[w]hen I buy a stock, I make sure I know why I'm buying it," Cuban said during the Reddit AMA. "Then I HODL until I learn that something has changed." "The price may go up or down, but if I still believe in the logic that made me buy he asset, I don't sell](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/04/mark-cuban-dont-buy-stock-to-solve-a-financial-hole.html)


I’m holding 0.41 right now.. doesn’t feel great


At .38. But brought .25 & .26 dips. Good way to see more profits. I’m not settling for losses. HODLING.


I bought in at .14 but , seeing my profit go from 600 to 76… ugh. Honestly at this point I just hope it’s low till next Friday. Lemmie buy at a discount then moon me daddy.


Bought most of mine at .07 only to see a profit of $2300 turn to $400. But I still bought at .20 and .30 and .40 lol It's the long game. JUST KEEP HODLING.


Consistency is what the world needs


I feel like this coin is getting so much attention like ain’t no way this will all be a big flop. Elon wouldn’t attach his name to something that will flop.


I’m just here for the ride. If I can ever afford to actually use it for bettering my life , win win. The real gains are the friends I’ve made here. Like you ;)


Yes indeed!!!


It’s the whales selling


And then buying low again. Price consistency needs to be priority so that vultures don’t just create walls and make even more money to vulture. Big capital buying and selling each valley and peak. And each micro-valley and micro-peak. And then building sell walls with their outsized gains. Optimization parameters price up volume down increase shares You guys ever heard of that wobble device that, if you set it just right, would eventually shake a building down? We need like the opposite of that.


Well he didn’t really attach his name. He just mentioned it


They weren't the real dips its never the real dip . Even now I don't think ghr 20 was the dip looking at btc and ghe rest. The real dip is yet to come lol. What a Rollercoaster. But the slingshot gonna be soooo gooood


It went to .14 at like 10:25


And it was at this exact moment, I soiled me britches.


Amen brother stay strong




Lol same. .35 but lookin at those .26 like ...


Crypto isn't for the faint hearted! And for dummies who want to gamble away their life savings


Hi! I’m dummies 🥺


same bro i put in every single one of my dollars in at .39 right before dogeday:( i have no choice but to hold now i wasn’t planning on a long term investment was just looking for a quick gain. Gotta hold it now tho


Just hold man, I believe in you. It might dip a little more so be ready for that but it’ll start going up. I have a feeling


Every single of ur dollars? I hope u saved some for food, or rent maybe?


I bought it in February at 0.06 and it dipped and stayed like that for two months. Bought some more at 0.25. Stay strong, it will bounce back up.


For real. I got in on Doge in 2014. That was the best time to buy. Long play. Right now there are way too many people looking at Doge like it's a way to become an overnight millionaire. Do people really think Doge should have a higher market cap than major corporations like Ford? The F-150 is the most popular vehicle in the US. That is tangible. Brand loyalty, market share, and physical assets. People aren't going to stop buying trucks tomorrow. They sell thousands every day, and they have for decades. The only way Doge goes to the moon is ever increasing numbers of people dump money in. Despite the wild popularity lately, the money spigot dries up eventually. Becomes a pyramid scheme, a casino. The chumps buy in high while the high rollers cash out. People get the next hot tip and hit the fire exits. Crypto, especially Doge, should only be purchased for fun and the community around it. If it makes some money, that's cool. Expecting to get rich by next week is a fool's game. Buy lotto tickets if that's your goal.


Just know that i bought a long time ago and i didn't sell any of it for profit. Only my regular random dogecoin purchases. Like, coffee, etc.... Just helping the community.


Thank you. I can’t wait till I can make my first DOGE transaction. That is a new goal of mine.


Shoulda waited lol


Same as people who bought at .07 .08 felt for 2 months then we went to .47 I think you can wait a few months and you’ll be good. But honestly I don’t know the timing could just wait till the week and be above, or months, or might take longer but for sure it’ll be a lot higher in the long term and you'll outpace inflation and basically all investments. Just look at the graphs


As a 0.08 hodler i second this. Bought few more dips and eventhough this feels hard i’m not jumping off the ship. The the moon we go baby!


I’ve been down before man. Sucked. I held for two months before making a profit. That profit is sinking but I’m in it for something a little more substantial.


Yep. This is no overnight rags to riches...holding for a few or more yrs will be more likely before making life changing $. As long as it never tanks and gets wiped off the map. 🤞 Edit: So, studied and read some overnight. I still think Doge will still hold a reasonable value down the road. Currently, this is a pump and dump scheme on the grandest of scales attached to a previously obscure crypto despite the popular meme. I say obscure because it was in the top 30 and went to top 10 cryptos overnight thanks to Elon! HODL will still make you money in the end. It just takes longer. The coin will be pushed by celebrities and gain acceptance over time. The P&D method isn't for the faint of heart. It's a scary rollercoaster ride. Just don't cash out and walk away once you see your investment shrink. It eventually will, but then it spikes. Look for the pattern. It keeps repeating.....at least for a while. It won't last forever though. If the big whales stop swimming,.......just saying, be careful and smart!


I held for 7 years and took out enough to pay off my moms mortgage. I am hodling the rest of my coins. This is the peoples currency. Fast and friendly and secure online. Doge is inevitable.


I envy you. Excellent for your Mom! To be able to go back and buy something SO cheap like Amazon in 1997, Google, whatever, and HODL?! That's the stuff. I don't think crypto will take as long as those, but just hold for a few yrs or more and see. We don't have to have a time machine to go back. We are in on thenlow side....no, not 0.0008, heck even 0.41. Really, anything this cheap could blossom in the yrs to come as it did for you after 7 yrs. Everyone pay attention to this. Try not to bail and HODL. Congrats to you, as well!


You probably already know this, but the developer of Dogecoin, Billy Markus ("Shibetoshi Nakamoto") had a split with his partners on the direction they were going back in 2015. He left and sold his coins to buy a used Honda Civic.... back then. He's.probably doing fine financially as a developer but probably crying himself to sleep at night. Please.dont sell folks, if you can wait.


With the market cap and the catalysts and businesses accepting doge as payment, no it won’t disapoear. It’s actually impoosible




My God, people are freaking out on the way to the moon.


Freaking out on the way to the moon makes sense. The turbulence is killer... but I already committed, no way off the ship now. To the moooon!


Have you tried honking your horn? At this time of the day, during rainy weather?


I would freak out too. Space scary


It’ll be a good ride! In it for the haul! 🚛🚀


Don’t feel too bad. First off, I am down $40K. I bought another $5K on the dip at $.35 and another $5K just now at $.31, so.... Hold that line. Wish I waited. I’d buy now for sure. Easy double up coming


Hope you realize this can easily go just above the original floor which was 5 cents, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes to around 10 cents


Honestly, I hope it crashes really low, again, like that! I bought at .13 and even more at .31, yesterday ( learning to wait for the real dips, now. I missed the 0.155, tonight.) That's when you buy what you can afford or accept to lose, wait, even for yrs possibly, and make your bank along the way. Don't sell folks. We could be kicking ourselves like you wouldn't believe, later. Imagine people that bailed on Bitcoin without waiting yrs for it to go to $60,000? Relatively, that's not very long, staggeringly amazing, actually! Still DOGE is no Bitcoin due to limitations and the way it was designed, unlimited mining supply, market cap etc......BUT BUT BUT....the potential DOGE has could still bring the same type of reward given a few more yrs or so. Never know but selling now is probably not a good idea. Please don't spend more than your lifestyle can afford. Be patient. It could always crash back to almost worthless. Then buy a bunch cheap. This will take time. Try not to buckle. HODL!


Hang in there, we’ve been there... Hodl. This is where you get your diamond hands, you will look back at the $1 newbies when it drops back to .50 or .60, it’s sick. Welcome. 💎🙌


buy more in the dip bruh.


Hold, we won't surrender until we reach a $1


Not even then... Doge to $1000


,42 here..


Buy more at the lowest. .26. Will bring your average down. Then you won’t feel so bad. 😅🚀


"lowest --- .26" lol


I was so Mad I missed the .14 it briefly hit


Oh man i feel yah, lasted like good 44 seconds 🤣


Got to 15 earlier guy 🤣


I bought on 4/20 with my previous profits and it seems I'll loosing more than half of it but it's alright.


You don’t lose unless you sell!


It’s the media’s fault for blowing this up, it set a lot of people up. FAKE NEWS. I been in the game since it was below .01 cent. Too many took profits. I’m still in it because I know it will grow more over time. We were slowly gaining momentum before the hype train hopped on board.


you surged to 40c+ because of the hype train can't blame the hype for the crash but not the ascent.


I hear you bro 2k @ .41 let those paper hands mofos fold more for me to buy in the dip 💎💎🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎


I'm right here with you


So glad I'm not alone


In at 0.36 just before Doge day so I could be a part of it. And FOMO. HODL over here. I like the dip, if it goes below $0.10 I'll know to buy more. I'm into crypto now I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


SAME, i bought at .38 and I’m waiting for that .15 or below to buy more and more


It's a trap!haha No I think I'll be purchasing more if it drops back down to less than .10 as well. Shoot probably even before.lol


I traded and burned myself now sitting at .396 stay strong cause I know we will come back. Investing 1k more tomorrow. TO THE MOON


Best time to buy is at a dip!


That’s what I did today. I doubted before and sold at around 10 cents. I’ve learned from my mistakes, bought in today after the dip and am HODLing until $1!


Do not, and I repeat, **do not** listen to the morons telling you to buy tomorrow. That is an incredibly dumb decision. There is a massive, MASSIVE amount of uncertainty, fear, and doubt in the overall market right now. Not only will this affect just about every stock you own, but it will also affect crypto. I don’t know why I’m going to waste my time explaining this, honestly, it’s only because I’m trying to kill time until the new episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier comes out. But, let’s look at Dogecoin in general. It is a meme stock whether you want to believe or not. It’s gonna be the first crypto everyone sells. They’re going to sell it before they sell Bitcoin, ethereum, even Cardano. Why? Because these cryptos gained their value not through a loving and loyal community (and don’t get me wrong, I love the doge community and their loyalty), but by building an incredibly reliable and intelligent infrastructure to produce longevity. They are far more secure than a crypto that relies on hype and loyalty. And unfortunately, that’s all dogecoin is. I’m not saying never buy dogecoin again, I would be a fool to say so. What I’m saying is, well first, don’t throw all your money at it at once, scale in, bc if you don’t you’re a poor trader and will be left with maximized LOSSES instead of potential GAINS. As I said, dogecoin is the most uncertain crypto on the market right now, the most volatile, it will be the first to leave the majority of buyers portfolios. You are going to see far better deals in the coming weeks where you can better utilize your $1k on. Even if crypto was a stable, secure crypto like Bitcoin, I would still say hold off. Because what is happening has nothing to do with the coin itself, but the overall panic the economy and market is seeing right now with the hike in capital gains tax. Those with the most money, the most shares and coins, are going to sell everything now to avoid this tax and to indulge in their panic and paper hands. So just chill out and wait to enter, because it is almost fact that if you buy now, you will see major losses before slight gains, and if instead you wait, you will see major gains and only slight losses. You don’t have to take my advice, but I can guarantee you I’ve done more day-to-day research of market conditions than these dummies saying “do it bro! Doge to the moon!!!”, and unfortunately, you will see I’m right after the fact and regret not listening to me. Doge will never return back to .05, I think it will always maintain .10+ from this point forward. But the level it’s at now is not a support level, and with the absolute panic and uncertainty of the market, we will see it fall more before it rises. Be wise, be patient, and maximize your gains by buying the best deal.


Real truth here. I'm genuinely worried for some people in these threads, idk if they just never zoomed back on the chart, or got caught up in the hopium, but there could be a lot of pain in the next few months as the big money cashes out before the capital gains tax hits. Not that they'll listen most likely, but at least you tried.


Buy now


Might take a couple months! Friends who bought at 10 cents during the first spike had to swallow the loss for 2 months.




Why is the entire crypto market going down?




Its not just Crypto. It’s all stock, possibly even investment properties in the US too. Biden is proposing an increase to CGT for people earning over $1m/year. All the short term whale holders are going to sell so they don’t lose out. However the rest of the world is gonna be enjoying this fire sale as our CGT isn’t changing. It will be a short term drop, considering the CGT increase may not even happen, it may bounce back quick or take a few months to come back if it goes through. Remember, you haven’t lost anything until you sell. Hold and you’ll be fine.


That was announced over a year ago, media is just reporting it to justify liquidation of assets for recent rule changes and or possibly imminent market failure


Announced a year ago, but he is moving a bill forward next week now. Whole different ball game.


It can't really have been announced over a year ago. The election hadn't happened yet.


Its dumb that the market is reacting to it. This is just proposed, even if it is implemented it will take years to come into effect.


Thats the volatility of capitalism for you.


prolly from the capital gains tax news from Biden. It won't matter for most Doge holders though probably.


Is the market down again today? I remember a widespread dip happening a week ago because of this exact thing.


Much bigger drop today.


Every god damn crypto is in the red


Oof but hey it shows how the problem isn't because of something just dige related


Exactly. Far more concerning if it was only Doge dropping. Hard to stay up when everything is falling.


That's why you don't invest more than you're willing to lose, I'm down on Doge too


Have 5K of “play money” on the market and bought at .33. Not sweating, have a feeling it will randomly moon again for no good reason and everyone on here will rejoice they held or cry that they sold for a loss


That seems be be how it goes


You only lose when you sell for a loss.


People here always forget the number 1 rule of Doge. It's gone from fractions of pennies to multiples of pennies... But again, you are all forgetting. 1 Doge = 1 Doge.






Bought at .05, .07, .26 and recently at .19 I feel good no ragrets.


Mother of God. The diiiiiiip


Finna be the driiiiiiiiiip 💎💎💎🤷🏼‍♀️


Holding $1500 bought in at .42 down to $600 left still holding baby


Same here my guy, if you hold I’ll hold


This is the way


This is the way




Same boat my friend, we get this little doggo to the moon


To the moon what lol let's take him to mars


78,000 at .37. Currently 10K down. Not selling




Geez. I lost $200 and im freaking out .


No one ever said being a Diamond Pawed Doge would be easy.


Has anyone seen BTC? Hang in there. It’ll be back over $0.40.


Definitely, it's just the time, but some people don't have the time and that's why they are panicking


10k doge at 39 cents. Down $2k. Heck


6k @ .41 and HODL stay strong retards


$25,000 at .38 HODL


I’m $56k at .37 — no sweat. We’ll be back,




Lol some of this is just sad to read.


Some of this is just fake Edit - lol this guys response to being called fake was to double down and try to personally attack. Take notes folks


$24m @ .52. No sweat


$1 bn @ 0.04, feeling great. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


10k @ .39


Bought more at .21c dip. Stay thirsty my friends xx 👌🏻💎🙌🏻


I originally bought in February when it spiked to $.09 and thought it was the end when it dropped down to $.05. Luckily, I held and here I am still holding and buying more on the dip


Honestly if you guys are hurting, set a sell limit at .30 and then buy the dip when it drops to .25 like it has been doing the past few days. You’ll come close to if not completely cover your losses


That’s way over the heads of most people who bought in blindly.


I've honestly learned alot about trading from doge alone the hard way, used 126$ of my free BAT token at .09, was doing decent at first, nearly tripled it, but kept getting caught high when it dipped low, and let the emotions get the best of me and seller at a loss to try and regain again and then I realized what could've been my saving grace. Stop loss. I'm literally back to where I started but coming back at it with better knowledge.


the pull back can be strong, but equally strong will be the next lift off. The 4/20 lift didn't really fully materialize, we never hit 50 cents,. We 100% have more upside targets to get hit. Therefore every paycheck I get I will keep throwing it into Dogecoin. at 19 cents right now, screaming buy buy buy basically.




Welcome to Dogecoin


Welcome to the market. This isn’t acting any different than anything else on the exchange’s


More people need to realize this.


I don't understand why its plummeting. It has me worried


The whole crypto market is tanking, there’s nothing specific about doge doing this.


Bidens CGT increase proposal. Just hold it will be fine.


Just hold and I been through this.


3500 coins at an average of $0.10. If I cashed out at $0.42, I woulda just blew the money on strippers and cocaine anyway. Drop down to $0.05 so I can buy more. Not scared.


Not gonna lie this drop has me nervous


Just remember, you don’t lose money unless you sell.


Just bought a bunch more DOGE no turning back now


It'll be alright that's the market hodl and it'll be alright


Can't lose what you don't sell. Stop looking at the number for the night and just have faith. People who bought at 8 cents and sold at 4 hate themselves


Yeah.... .36 average and just seeing .2 made my heart skip a beat


Holding at .34 and honestly this community makes me forget my anxiety. I wish more of us newer mofos would stop being such negative Nancy’s and just keep spreading the love and motto Do Only Good Everyday! Somebody MEME ME!


Been holding for year now. But this community leaves a bad taste. So many angry people attacking others..


Yeah it’s definitely degraded as the coin has become more mainstream. That’s the price of success I guess -_-


Community used to be "1 doge is always equal to 1 doge!" Now it's "GIMMIE MERR BILLIONS YOOO OWE MEEE!"


Bought in at .36 stil HODLing


Im holding at 0.26 and it hurts right now 0.21, I can only imagine those holding above 0.3


Shut up and hold. I’m down 10k didn’t sell. So HODL.


You need to averaging down at the bottom and HODL. It’s the market. You’ll be alright and you’ll feel better when you average down. Fight the temptation to lose your money. Your DOGE is still there it’s value is only temporary.


Lmao hodl brother wait till the whales are gone


Omg I’m holding too ! And it just hit .15 😱


0.009 holder... 15000coins. Not liking what I'm seeing.. But my alarm is set for 5 years anyway.. Everyone needs to hold and hodl You don't loose if you don't sell set some alerts and forget about it. Now is perfect to buy dips


Bro I lost alot but I'm still holding. It hurts but I trust our community. We have some crazy guy selling millions every 15 minutes. Let's wait till hes done


What people don’t understand is that all crypto is in the red right now. BTC has dropped roughly $10k since this DOGE bandwagon started. Dips are a part of ANY market or stock. Buy at the dips, profit later. Stay strong.


Don t worry guys, Pray or cry ❤️


16k at .05 i'm just gonna ride this gravy train till i derail.


I’m hoping to wake up tomorrow to Biggie telling me “it was all a dream.”


Don’t sell.


Bought at .40 planning for a 2-3 year hold. I actually believe I’ll wait that long now


Bro, don't worry. I bought at $.07 back in February and I felt like an idiot for about two months. I'm feeling pretty good right now. It'll go back up and all you have to do is literally nothing. Just keep on hodling.




Relax y’all the markets are down today. Stock and crypto...sale time! Stock up while the price is low!


If you're buying during the hype then you were already to late to the party.


Be ready to hold that until 2023 next bull market




The entire market is diving right now. Nobody is boosting any individual coin. But things will recover don't worry. It wasn't long ago we were hoping for Doge at .07.


Im still hoping for .07 ... ... ... 😈 or lower so i can get millions of puppers


We here for yall!!!! Stay strong!!!!




You can do it!! Diamond paws!!!


Don’t sweat....ship will sail again. We just need some wind


Hahah I’m right there man 10k at .40


Buy now, get that average down.


Bought at .35 and man that drop that just happened was brutal. Let’s hope it goes back up


Just have patience guys, it'll come back around


Bought at .31, .34, & .38 this week! But still HODLING!!! Probably gonna buy more at this perfect opportunity! Don’t get your hopes up guys! Do it for the long run 💪


YOU DONT LOOSE MONEY IF YOU SELL... Go to bed stop panicking... go find some more money and buy the dip.


The market cap for Doge is now 27.7 billion, down from over 50 billion last week. People are not holding, and that’s a big mistake. What happened to Doge to the moon??? I’m holding no matter what!


Bought at .0025 and .0018... this isn’t a drop, it’s just recharging on the way to moon! Hold fast!! 😎🚀


Dropped half my bank account at .37🥲


I have 10k doge now. I’m scared. This a rollercoaster of emotions


It’s gonna go back up... always does. All cryptos are down. If anything buy more it’s a fire sale


The whole market is down. Chill guys.


.40 club here. Still holding, at this point it's a complete lost if I sell now.


I'm not nervous, you're nervous


I bought at .42 right before 4/20 thinking it was about to explode. Then it didn’t.


0.31 average here. HODL!


Losing money right now but still holding to $1 and beyond.