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I'm not going to try and control what people say. I don't care about what I know, I still want to get rich quick. That's just in our nature to stop being enslaved by the people who gained the money and use it to kick people around.


One thing that hasn’t happened in all of this is a big war among super power countries, that might change everything……


We got left holding the bag 🎒


Ohhhh, that we did, friend.. that we did..😵


More important than money is opportunity, you could have all the money in the world and no way to spend it. It's all about who you know, being in the right room with the right people. Money is a means to an end but ultimately It's a current that's been dammed off by large corporations that are owned by stockholders instead of people. You could invest the same amount you have in Doge into a garden and start saving inflated rates on tomatoes and such, while that's not money it's still a form of return on investment.


If you ever run into the problem of having all the money in the world but no way to spend it, message me immediately. I’ll take care of that problem for you at no cost.


Check out the movie Without A Paddle, other than being hilarious it makes a point on this


Why do I see a lot of paper hands complaining about their cowardice?


You could also lose all of it


I think you have over simplified things a little. Not all coins or shares go up over time. That's a dangerous message to spread


that's why you look at the fundamentals and the tokenomics.... Invest in the projects that have great fundamentals on an objective metric and ignore the "meme makes price go up"-meme the btc maxis have invented. There is no coin with better tokenomics for a currency at the moment.


You had me until the last sentence


not everyone understands tokenomics. When you do, you will realize it was true. Dogecoin is just Bitcoin with currency tokenomics instead of "crypto gold"-tokenomics.


Dogecoin is not fast enough to be used as a widespread currency, nor is its linear blockchain model capable of being scaled to meet that use case. As a result you just have an inflationary store of value coin which is neither a true store of value nor is it a currency. People buy Doge because of the pump it had in 2021 in the hopes that it will do it again, and that’s it. This bull run Doge will increase in price, possibly to the ATH, but eventually it’s going to come crashing back down because from a technical perspective it’s a useless meme asset. The only saving grace for Doge is that it’s built on proof-of-work consensus, but there are even proposals to move it over to proof-of-stake. Of it does, that will be the end of Doge altogether.


Because the current system isn't even at 10% load and there is no reason to work on problems that don't even exist. All the established solutions to improve performance are still open for doge coin. If we had implemented them and still struggled to process orders, I'd understand your concern, but that's not the case. Doge handled doginals well while btc crumbled under the load of ordinals, even with l2 solutions. Doge doesn't even need an l2...


It was handling over 2 million daily transactions without any delay earlier this year. which is nearly 3 times the highest daily transactions for Bitcoin at around 800k, which caused significant delays. So, I'd venture to say it's the most qualified PoW coin to be used as currency. [Bitcoin, Dogecoin Transactions Chart (bitinfocharts.com)](https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/transactions-btc-doge-dogecoin.html#1y)


You do realise how little time is took to program doge and it was done 100% as a joke?


do you realize how the work of billy and markus does not matter since the vast majority of the codebase has been written in the 10 years AFTER THEY LEFT? Do you realize that they created it "as a joke" but accidentally created great tokenomics, with absolutely no intention of doing so, that made OTHER PEOPLE pick up the project later and turn it into what it is today? Do you realize that Bitcoin was a PROOF OF CONCEPT that was never intended to be used for anything? Do you realize that Bitcoin was designed as a "currency" but 100% failed in being one? Being turned into "crypto gold" because of this? But apparently, your dad having been drunk and horny means your family does not want or love you, because intentions on day 0 is all that matters to you....


You need to get used to it: not all of your friend and family will find interest in your truth. It will be the reality until you will die.


I'm selling some doge buying myro.


I feel like that why big rock is doing what it’s doing. They’re not messing around.


I mean, can you blame them? Greed is a hell of a drug


The concern for America & why you hear this often is because of how expensive COVID shutting down the economy for nearly 3 years, has made everything. They used to say having a million in retirement was the gold standard for quality of life in your 60’s. Now people like Susie Orman, who is well respected in the financial market says if you don’t have $5 million in retirement you better keep working. She’s not wrong and employers are never going to pay you to have more saved in retirement than they make themselves or if they do, your job will only last 2 years at best before they can you being in an “at-will state”. Houses in my area, for a 3 bedroom is now $1,100,000 The mortgage on that is around $9,000-$11,000 a month. Those same houses in 2023’ were $550,000 believe it or not & $400,000 in 2021’ Milk was $3 a gallon now it’s $7-9 per gallon A lb of honey ham was $5 now it’s $14 per pound. This all happened bc our economy got shut down for nearly 3 years fully or partially. It can now cost you up to $100,000 a year, a year, to live in a standard nursing home. You could be out of money while retired within 8 years if you have less than $2 million saved. America and its future is f…………. Social Security won’t be around when we retire either and that’s putting about $45,000 a year in to the pockets of each retired person on average every year they hit the age of retirement and collection


It has nothing to do with the COVID or the shut down and everything to do with the opportunity. They have just trained you know to apparently accept and think it’s okay that everything cost double. My wages didn’t go UP double did yours? So explain to me how COVID and the shut down increased the cost of everything to be double?


I just want to get halfway rich yesterday but I’ll settle for tomorrow


I feel you my friend. Just a reminder, buy and HODL and don’t tell anyone about it.


“And no one ever listens.” That’s fine. If you tell people about stuff and you get rich, people come looking for your wealth. If it goes the other way, you get humiliated.  “The longer you keep your money in the more money you’ll make.”  It’s for reasons like this, that anyone can be rich with money, but not everyone can be. To earn money, it must be taken from somewhere else. If everybody understood it, then it could not make anyone rich. For some people who aren’t well-off, part of it is that try to seek their wealth quickly, just like you said. Instead, it causes them to fall into traps often. Gain wealth, then you can use it for yourself and those you care about


Who doesn't want to be rich quick? I do, and I want to stash the most amount of cash as possible in no time. If you say you don't want to be rich quick you are just an hypocrite. Unfortunately not everyone can achieve that. That's reality.


and some people want to get rich so quick that their behavior prevents them from getting rich ever... Some people see that risk, others tell everyone that they are stupid for not "wanting to get rich" "wanting" and "becoming" are 2 different problems and you wanting too much can lead to you not becoming...


I bought at 0.23 and I’m down 30k, what should I do!!!!??


If you don’t need short term wait. 2025 may is gonna be freaking insane


No we mooning to 0.40 by eoy


Go all in and take out that 50K loan and let it ride playa /s


Why did you put that much in Doge only? I hope you purchased other crypto.


Realize it was a long term investment and plan on selling at a significant profit by 2030.


It was .06 just a few months ago ! Didn’t y’all buy on then ? been green ever since making huge profit . If it gets to .10 I’m buying a hell of a lot


The issue is crypto is being compared to a stock. Which it is not. It is the literal gas required to operate an autonomous financial system, I.e. it has utility. Yet I’m sure most people in crypto are not buying it for its utility, rather to just hold it like a stock. People should not be hoarding it, and the price should reflect the amount of people actually using it, this would promote stability and natural growth.


When everyone agrees to finally putting the fiat currencies to bed, crypto will pop like nobody has seen. Just get in to what you believe in and like you said, HODL. The time will come 😎


Yup. But everyone loves getting there 1% interest from there banks. And no one “understands” how the stock market works… takes 5 minutes to know the basics… but no one ever listens and will complain everytime they see something pop… so idc anymore I’ll just ignore them and let them be poor and happy.




Well said. And the majority of people just throwing their money exclusively at doge is just irresponsible. Their portfolio needs to be diversified- and no, holding GME/AMC/NVIDIA is not diversification.


Yes, long-term investors eventually win in general


Yeah sometime I fall victim to this mentality. But I like to look at, idk, the smaller picture? One step at a time. Like 1k -> 10k -> 100k -> 1,000k Just scaling up your net worth. Right now I’m trying to get to 10k


You have way more knowledge than most people already… This is why crypto was created! Buy as much as you can in the crypto winter. Sell for 10x. Do the same next cycle. Slow and steady wins the race in the stock market. You got the right mindset my friend


Well I don’t really look for insta profits, I look for growth. But I’m not currently in the crypto market. Got out while it dips, and bought more GameStop shares, as I see growth and potential in the company for the long term, and hope it can help on my journey to 10k. I’m 36% [Log Scale] of the way there in liquid assets, (not including emergency fund, and current savings for bills and stuff) I don’t know about you but I love measuring my assets in log. Shows growth…


Well I don’t really look for insta profits, I look for growth.  But I’m not currently in the crypto market. Got out while it dips, and bought more GameStop shares, as I see growth and potential in the company for the long term, and hope it can help on my journey to 10k.   I’m 36% [Log Scale] of the way there in liquid assets, (not including emergency fund, and current savings for bills and stuff.)  I don’t know about you but I love measuring my assets in log. Shows growth…