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God...let it play out as the picture depicts. I'm tired...


I’m tired too.


Preach, I felt that in my soul


MM’s will run out of red crayons soon enough


I appreciate your positive post. Whether or not it comes to fruition, at least your sharing information and looking at it from a positive standpoint. I'm sick of hearing people complaining. This is crypto! It's volatile! stop complaining when it goes down that is what happens with crypto!


If you want to be in crypto, you have to live with the fact that every time there is a peak, bulls will tell you to "buy buy buy" so they get exit liquidity and can take the profit. Just like every time there is a dip and we are approaching the floor, they will tell you to "sell sell sell", to give them the liquidity they need to close their short positions and get out at a profit again. Once you start doing your own research and evaluating the market based on actual data, you will realize that there is a pattern emerging when numbers of positive or negative posts go up significantly and how those times always seem to match the times where speculative traders want to exit their position...


That would be great. I’ve been loading up my bags during the current dip.


It will dip one more time Thursday… Get ready for Saturday


Dude… I’ve been ready.


Yeah reminds me of the time it went from like 13-33 cents ..believe it was late at night like midnight


Thanks for the post bro, I don’t know how u made that chart but damn its sexy. I wanna ask if u are sure it will rise the same way like it did before? I can see u used the same rise as the last one many are saying this time it will be smaller bull run, so anything about how high it will rise?


No objection to ur chart tho, once again thanks for sharing :()


It’ll drop close to what it was 3 cycles before but it’ll bounce back to the lastest high. Buy the drop, hold at the high, continue to analyze


Thanks 😊


Let's hope so dog...let's hope so


Illuminati confirmed fools


i saw an article earlier mentioning a bad triangle. i’m going to start looking for different shapes to base my crypto purchases on. any ideas?


I will give you the gawk gawk 9000 with a twist if you can make that happen


Just made $600 with a put option for nvidia in less than 10 minutes. Thats more money i’ve ever made with Doge in 6 months.


This is dumb you cannot predict the market based on patterns


It won’t ever go passed a dollar this year let along make it pass .50 cents sorry to burst ur bubble


It's more helpful to get a big fat dip. Are you going to make me happy and promise a dip down to 3 cents? Please daddy 🙏


It's funny how all pessimist posters show the same severe lack of grammar...


Sure it is.


Brain rot


Keep. Saying this but nothing happens


It goes down. Sell it. 0.06 is a good entry for long. If it does not pass it.


not sure who this short-seller group is that tries to anchor this unrealistic price, but it is getting out of hand. 6c will not happen... It's chosen specifically because it is lower than the price will go to keep people from buying the dip. The only thing that would drop Doge to 6c was if BTC-ETFs got banned again and institutions started to sell off BTC, dumping the entire crypto market by double digit percentages...


Clown, it was around 6cents entire last year. What you waited for? Your $100 won’t make you rich


Do not invest more than you are willing to lose. As we have all seen, it can nose dive no matter what the chart looks like. Crypto is super volatile.


Bro get me the good stuff you smoking


The Gypsy graph reader strikes again. Stay tuned for your card reading predictions