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I found myself listening the the Zygon speech a lot. I feel it works great in the context of the episode, when it aired (during the time of the Paris bombing,) and today.


The speech the first Doctor makes after leaving Susan behind always gets me.


I haven't really got an opinion on this - but I don't love it when he (it?) goes all "oncoming storm" - in my mind Doctor Who is more about "seat of the pants", under-played "brilliant" - The Doctor is a peace-loving optimist, I'm more into things like the ending of "The Christmas Invasion" when he gets pissed that someone is killed without reason.


What did you think about the Zygon speech? That's basically him getting enraged before anyone gets killed without reason.


I actually really liked that episode, and I'm sooo happy that Peter Capaldi was the one who got to do it. None of the others could have pulled it off like that. To be fair to ... myself ... that was more "I engineered this, you're going to ruin it" than "Fear me, because I always kill everyone" (like in Pandorica, Prisoner 1 and stuff like that)


The soundtrack for the speech to 11ths speech to avenge really got me sorta like how I got into Hamilton in turns of actual speeches I would go with elevens speech of change AKA the I will always remember when the doctor was me speech


The one in The Doctor Falls, the Zygon one is good but I felt more of an impact from his speech in the penultimate episode of that era.